Obituary forAchsah J. (Groshong) Wright (1872-1899)
Uncited clippings from the "Mattie Davis Martin Collection" of Doris
Martin Jablonski, 1998.
Mrs. James R. WRIGHT - After many months of sickness and suffering, Mrs. James R. WRIGHT, formerly Miss Achsah J. GROSHONG, died Sunday night, March 5, 1899, at 12 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. WRIGHT of this place. Brief funeral services were conducted at the Wright residence Tuesday morning at 8 o’clock by Rev. E. L. RUTLEDGE, and the remains were then taken to Highland Church burying ground and laid to rest. Deceased was a daughter of Samuel GROSHONG, and at the time of her death of 26 years, 6 months and 23 days old. She was married to James R. WRIGHT April 8, 1891. Her husband, two small children, her father and a sister, Miss Ella GROSHONG, survive her. Deceased was a woman of lovely character and many tributes to this fact have been paid by sorrowing friends. The exercise of kindness, an unfailing readiness to forgive, sincerity - these and other qualities, which are the essence of Christian living, she held precious and practiced. To the sorrowing family we join friends in extending sympathy.
Note regarding clippings from the "Mattie Davis Martin Collection": Mattie Davis Martin (1875-1943) lived all of her life in Lincoln County, MO. She collected a large file of clippings of Lincoln County residents. The majority of the clippings were without citation, and kept stored in an old purse. Doris Martin Jablonski, beneficiary of the collection, has transcribed them for inclusion on our Lincoln County Heritage/Records Page.
File submitted to HERITAGE PAGES of LINCOLN COUNTY, MISSOURI by Doris Martin Jablonski, 22 August 1998. Link change or update: 23 May 2000
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