Obituary for Janie Keller Rybolt (d1925)
Uncited clipping from the Troy Free Press (Troy, Lincoln Co., MO).
Death has entered a home and taken a dear mother, Mrs. Janie KELLER RYBOLT, wife of the late James RYBOLT. She passed away December 30, 1925, after being bedfast for about 20 years with rheumatism, unable to help herself except a slight movement of her hand. Sitting on the side of her bed all these years unable to move, she always had a smile on her face What a lesson to the ablebodied [sic] ones who complain of a little pain. What a legacy of endurance and submission to teach to her family of seven children. A dear, good woman has gone to her reward, having lonliness [sic] in the old home and hearts of her devoted children and friends and neighbors who are many.
File submitted to HERITAGE PAGES of LINCOLN COUNTY, MISSOURI by Terri Durning, 14 August 1998. Link change or update: 23 May 2000
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