Obituary for Johnnie McMahan (dates unknown)
Uncited clippings from the "Mattie Davis Martin Collection" of Doris Martin
Jablonski, 1998.
Little Johnnie, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. S L. McMAHAN, was taken from our midst to a better world on Jan. 15. at four o’clock. He had brightened the home of his parents for only five years, four months and three days, when God, in his almighty wisdom, saw fit to take him to himself to be an added jewel in his crown, and leave his family and friends sorrowing. Little Johnnie was sick only one short day and everything was done by parents and neighbors, but God saw fit to take his lovable soul to be one of the cherubs of his kingdom. Funeral services were conducted at the home the following day by the Rev. KENAHAUS, of Steinhagen, after which the remains were followed by a large cortege of friends and neighbors to its last resting place in the Martin grave yard.
-- A Friend and Neighbor. Montgomery
Note regarding clippings from the "Mattie Davis Martin Collection": Mattie Davis Martin (1875-1943) lived all of her life in Lincoln County, MO. She collected a large file of clippings of Lincoln County residents. The majority of the clippings were without citation, and kept stored in an old purse. Doris Martin Jablonski, beneficiary of the collection, has transcribed them for inclusion on our Lincoln County Heritage/Records Page.
File submitted to HERITAGE PAGES of LINCOLN COUNTY, MISSOURI by Doris Martin Jablonski, 5 October 1998.
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