Obituary for Mrs. Florence (Jamison) Keller (1887-1915)
Uncited clipping from the Troy Free Press (Troy, Lincoln Co., MO) Dec. 1915.
This good woman crossed over the border line into the unseen world Thursday, December 9th, at her home in St. Louis. She was the only daughter of W. M. JAMISON and wife, near Moscow Mills, and was one of our purest and best girls. She had all the advantages of a good, Christian home and her life was adorned with the sweetest graces. When eighteen years of age, in October, 1905, she heard the call of her Savior and surrendered her life to Him. The touch of her new life is recognized in the work of the New Galilee church, of which she was a member. She was true and faithful in the discharge of every task assigned to her.
To make her life more complete and to fulfill her mission more perfectly, she was wooed and won by Demongo KELLER, a splendid young man of genuine moral worth, to whom she was happily married May, 8th, 1913. This was a union of unalloyed happiness and in her death this young husband is left to know the desolation of the home in the loss of his bride of only yesterday. The little infant son of only six weeks will never know a mother’s love; yet may he be a solace to the grand-parents and in part palliate the involuntary wail for the voice that is hushed and the touch of the vanished hand.
Only 28 years of age and with such bright prospects before this home, her going away leaves so many tasks incomplete. We cannot understand; yet she is destined to blossom and bear fruit in a fairer clime and will be at the river’s crossing to welcome her loved ones as they come home one by one.
Her funeral was conducted by the writer at New Galilee church Friday, December 10, and was attended by the largest assembly of people that we ever saw at this church. The body, with its beautiful white casket was interred the cemetery near the church.
"A half blown rose, a flower rare
Bloomed yesterday when skies were fair,
It left a fragrance on the wind,
And stored its sweets in every mind."
--M. D. Dudley
File submitted to HERITAGE PAGES of LINCOLN COUNTY, MISSOURI by Terri Durning, 14 August 1998. Link change or update: 23 May 2000
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