Obituary for Charles W. Creech (1868-1926)
Uncited clippings from the "Mattie Davis Martin Collection" of Doris Martin
Jablonski, 1998.
Charles W. CREECH, son of Thos. Jefferson CREECH And Elizabeth A. CREECH, was born near Linn’s Mill, Lincoln County, Missouri, January 16, 1868. March 1, 1888, he was united in marriage to Miss Laura Price GARRETT. To them were born three sons, E. Forrest, William H. And Clem W., all of whom reside in this vicinity and are present with us. His wife passed to the Better World August 29, 1913.
On January 16, 1916, he was again married. This second marriage to Miss Viola CROUCH. Two little boys ‘LAFY' and ‘DEE’ are left to mourn with their mother, the loss of parent and husband. Other relatives are four brothers, one sister, two daughters-in-law, three grandchildren, and also a large circle of friends who sincerely regret what seems to be the premature close of a useful life.
He united with the Hawk Point Christian church in the year 1894, his membership continuing there to the present. There never was a more devoted husband and father, a more loyal friend or a more kindly neighbor than Mr. CREECH. Ever thoughtful of his loved ones, ever considerate of his friends and neighbors, he lived a good, conscientious, honorable life and leaves to his family the priceless heritage of a good name.
Something like a year ago, Mr. CREECH suffered a severe attack of the flu. From this he did not seen to ever recover fully . Other troubles arose assuming an acute condition some eight weeks since, hastening him on to the end of this earthly journey which occurred at his home just outside the city limits of Troy at 7:15 a.m. January 2, 1926.
He had lived 57 years, 11 months and 16 days. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Christian church in Troy by the writer, assisted by Rev. L. B. COGGINS, pastor of the church. Interment was in the City cemetery. May God comfort the sorrowing. - O. A. GORDON
Note regarding clippings from the "Mattie Davis Martin Collection": Mattie Davis Martin (1875-1943) lived all of her life in Lincoln County, MO. She collected a large file of clippings of Lincoln County residents. The majority of the clippings were without citation, and kept stored in an old purse. Doris Martin Jablonski, beneficiary of the collection, has transcribed them for inclusion on our Lincoln County Heritage/Records Page.
Submitted to HERITAGE PAGES of LINCOLN COUNTY, MISSOURI by Doris Martin Jablonski, 12 August 1998.
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