Obituary for Eliza Gertrude (Dyke) Burgess
Uncited clippings from the "Mattie Davis Martin Collection" of Doris Martin
Jablonski, 1998.
Mrs. George W. Burgess
Once more death’s icy fingers have visited our community and claimed
for it’s own Eliza Gertrude, wife of George W. BURGESS, of Linn’s Mill, age 28
years, 7 months and 17 days. She was married to George W. BURGESS Dec 2, 1891. To this
union were born four children - three daughters and one son. The little boy and one little
girl preceded her to the tomb in infancy. The deceased was stricken down with typhoid
fever Aug. 30, 1902. Not withstanding all that medical skill and loving care of husband,
neighbors and friends could do, she rapidly grew worse until Sept. 11 at 6 p.m., she
peacefully passed away to the great world beyond, where there is no death, no pain or
parting but all is peace, sweet peace and everlasting life, which is a gift from God and
God alone. Funeral services were conducted at the home Friday eve, Sept 12 at 4
o’clock by Rev. MAJOR, of Troy, after which the remains were followed by a large
concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends to the city of the dead and tenderly laid to
rest by the side of the two little ones who had gone before, only waiting to join her in
that resurrection morn, where we all shall be gathered. She leave besides her husband, two
little girls, Mary and Lillian, a father John DYKE, one sister, three brothers and many
other dear relatives and friends to mourn her loss. It is true a mother of Israel hath
fallen, for she was even ready to make any sacrifice for her husband and children and was
every ready to lend the helping hand to those in need. She was a kind neighbor, a loving
helpful wife, a devoted mother and a friend to all, and we can say, Peace to her ashes. D.
Note regarding clippings from the "Mattie Davis Martin Collection": Mattie Davis Martin (1875-1943) lived all of her life in Lincoln County, MO. She collected a large file of obituary clippings of Lincoln County residents' deaths. The majority of the clippings were without citation, and kept stored in an old purse. Doris Martin Jablonski, beneficiary of the collection, has transcribed them for inclusion on our Lincoln County Heritage/Records Page.
Submitted to HERITAGE PAGES of LINCOLN COUNTY, MISSOURI by Doris Martin Jablonski, 5 August 1998.
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