Obituary for Ruby Allen (d1917)
Uncited clippings from the "Mattie Davis Martin Collection" of Doris Martin
Jablonski, 1998.
Ruby Allen is Dead - Died at her home in our city at noon today, Thursday, June 14th, 1917, Miss Ruby ALLEN, daughter of Mrs. Leona ALLEN, aged 17 years, 9 months and 7 days.
In the death of Miss ALLEN the community keenly feels its loss. She was a true friend, and the devotion to those she loved would make a bright chapter in any life. Nothing but the thought of the loving hand that has removed her can reconcile her relatives and friends to her absence. While she has gone from the scenes, the conflicts, the sorrows and pleasures of life, she will still live in the hearts of those who knew her best. Her retiring nature led her to hide her best qualities from public gaze, but they were revealed to those who enjoyed her acquaintance, yet it was in her home that her true worth was most conspicuous.
Ruby had been ill but a short time. Her affliction was an unusual one, the diagnosis of which we have no knowledge. No one can explain why a young girl in her teens, such as was Ruby ALLEN, should be called from life at such an early age.
She had not a thought that was not a gentle one, not one that did not hold all the world in the arms of its kindliness. She was sorely needed here. She was the light of the eyes of a great company of relatives and friends, and the light has now gone out. To them she was what the sunshine is to the world, and this eclipse to them brings both darkness and chill.
Her funeral will be held in the Christian church at 1:30 Monday, June 18th, and it will be pathetic beyond expression, for not one, as the last good-byes shall be said, but will feel that a loss has been sustained for which there is no compensation.
May time bring its resignation and may the shores of eternity that receives her soul, surround it with sunshine and flowers. Vainly groping after the infinite meaning we cry: "Why should so young a life be taken?" The old, old question which will never be assured ‘til the veil of our mortal vision be rent by Immortality, and we see, not as now, darkly, but face to face. Then also may we behold the heavenly mansion which perhaps she was called thither, this early, to help prepare for her loved ones.
Note regarding clippings from the "Mattie Davis Martin Collection": Mattie Davis Martin (1875-1943) lived all of her life in Lincoln County, MO. She collected a large file of clippings of Lincoln County residents. The majority of the clippings were without citation, and kept stored in an old purse. Doris Martin Jablonski, beneficiary of the collection, has transcribed them for inclusion on our Lincoln County Heritage/Records Page.
File submitted to HERITAGE PAGES of LINCOLN COUNTY, MISSOURI by Doris Martin Jablonski, 5 October 1998.
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