RYBOLT CEMETERY - Winfield. Lincoln Co., MO



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Compiled and submitted by Lori Oney-Tilley.

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Hwy. 47 east from Troy, MO appx. 7 miles to Hammett Rd. (across from Hwy

W). Turn right onto Hammett Rd., appx 1 1/2 miles. The rd will end up at

a flat rock crossing in a creek. Just as you get to this, the cemetery is

on the right, up in a cleared field. When I last visited about 5 yrs. ago,

the cemetery was in very bad shape.

Peter Rybolt

January 12, 17e7(looked like a backwards "9") - Aprile 29, 1866

Lara S. Rybolt

December 1877 - March 28, 1887

Age 10

Nancy I. Rybolt

March 28, 1859 - October 9, 1868

Age 1

Lin(d?)ley H. Rybolt

March 13 a.d. 1819 - May 13, 1831

Rebbecka E. Wilson

September 25, 1823 - August 5, 1896

Age at her death 72 yrs. 10 mo 11 days

"In God I Trust"

Loyed  G. Pope

was born July 26, 1875 dide August 13, 1878

*Stones hand cut in rectangles piled atop the grave in the "cairn"


There was another stone from my childhood, the name was POSSIBLY Mary

Elizabeth Rybolt and it had a very ornate geometric pattern carved into

it. I believe I remember her age to be somewhere in her 30's . The stone

has since been stolen.

All of these stones are hand carved into flat rocks. There are several

more large round rocks, probably markers, but are weathered if they had

any carving at all.

Compiled and submitted by Lori Oney-Tilley.