File submitted for USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County page by Mark Etheridge, P.O. Box 164, Myersville, MD 21773-0164, 23 August 1998. Link change or update: 4 Dec 1999
Deed of Albert Tison to Oliver Cottle (17 October 1816)
Transcribed by Mark Etheridge, P.O. Box 164, Myersville, MD
21773-0164, 1998.
Albert Tison and wife to Oliver Cottle, October 17, 1816. Recorder November 6, 1816. In
Book “D” Page 100, St. Charles, MO. Warrantee Deed, Consideration $560.50
Know all men by these presents, that we Albert Tison & Mary Lucille Lebeaume Tison
wife of sd. Albert Tison, of the county of Washington, Missouri Territory, for and in
consideration of the sum of five hundred and sixty and half dollars, lawful money of the
United States to us well and truly paid by Oliver Cottle of the District of St. Charles,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have given, granted Bargained and sold, and by
these presents do give, grant bargain and sell unto sd. Oliver Cottle, his heirs and
assigns a certain tract or parcel of land, containing five hundred arpens, French
Superficial Measure, situated and lying on the waters of the Cuivre River, County of St.
Charles, being a part of a league Esqr. granted to sd. Tison by the Spanish Government,
sd. tract or parcel of land bounded thus to wit: - Beginning at an Elm tree, and running
thence South, seventy degrees east twenty eight arpens to a stake near two Elms; thence
South twenty degrees west, sixteen arpens seven poles to David Porter’s line, and
with the same North thirty west one arpen and six poles to an ash, sd. D. Porter’s
corner, thence south sixty degrees west, one arpen and five poles, thence North seventy
degrees West nine arpens and two poles to a stake, thence North twenty degrees East
Eighteen arpens to the beginning, Containing in the whole five hundred arpens for the sd.
Oliver Cottle his heirs and assigns, to have and to hold sd. granted and Bargained
premises together with all and singular the right Privileges and appertenances as thereto
belonging or in anywise appertaining for the proper use, benefit and behoof of sd. Oliver
Cottle his heirs and assigns forever, And we Albert Tison and Mary Lucille Lebaume Tison
his wife do further covenant to and agree with sd. Cottle his heirs or assigns that they
are lawfully possessed with said premises, that they are free and clear of all kind of
incumbrances whatever, and that we Albert Tison and M.L. Lebaume Tison, our heirs
executors or administrators, shall warrant and forever defend sd. tract or parcel of land
unto sd. Oliver Cottle his heirs and assigns forever, and the lawful claims or claims of
all and every person or persons whatever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. In
testimony whereof we hereto set our hands and seals, in the Richwood County of Washington
the seventeenth day of the month of October 1816.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of L. Lebaume, John Ferry, August Lenoire
Albert Tison (seal)
M.L. Tison (seal) nee Lebeaume
Richwood Township
County of Washington Missouri Territory. Before me one of the Justices of the peace for
and in the township and county aforesaid personally appeared Albert Tison, and M.L. Tison
his wife who have acknowledged to have signed delivered and sealed the within instrument
of writing as their act and deed for the purpose therein contained and having taken apart
and out of the presence of her husband Sd. M.L. Tison she has declared and confessed she
had signed the above or within instrument of writing of her own free will and consent,
without any fear or compulsion whatever;
In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the 17th day of the month of October
in the year 1816. L. Lebaume
I hereby certify that I saw Albert I of P.W.C. Tison and M.L. Tison nee Lebaume his wife
acknowledge the signing and sealing of the within and foregoing instrument to be their own
and voluntary act. John Ferry
This certificate of John Ferry sworn to and subscribed to before me a Justice of the peace
for and in the St. Charles this thirteenth day of October A.D. 1816. Briel Fanisworth J.P.
Recorded this 6th day of November 1816.
Wm. Christy Jr. Ex Officio Recorder
23 Ellis Library, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201
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File submitted for USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County page by Mark Etheridge, P.O. Box 164, Myersville, MD 21773-0164, 23 August 1998. Link change or update: 4 Dec 1999
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