File submitted for USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County page by Mark Etheridge, P.O. Box 164, Myersville, MD 21773-0164, 23 August 1998. Link change or update: 4 Dec 1999
Deed of Oliver Cottle to Samuel Smiley (7 March 1820)
Transcribed by Mark Etheridge, P.O. Box 164, Myersville, MD
21773-0164, 1998.
This indenture made this seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
hundred and twenty between Oliver Cottle and Charity his wife of the County of Saint
Charles and the Territory of Missouri of the one part and Samuel Smiley of the County and
Territory aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Oliver Cottle and Charity
wife for and in Consideration of the sum of one (?) dollars to him in hand paid by the
Samuel Smiley, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge have bargained and sold
and by these presents do bargain, sell align confirm (?) and Convey unto the said Samuel
Smiley one Certain Parcel or tract of land situate (?) (?) and being in the County of
Territory aforesaid containing by estimation two hundred and fifty arpens, (illegible),
bounded as followeth to wit - beginning at a smell dead elm, thence south seventy degrees
east, one hundred and fifty six and a half poles to a stake in prairie, thence south
degrees west to a red Oak two hundren and nineteen poles, thence north twenty degrees
west to David Porter’s line, North thirty degrees west to the said Porters Corner
South twenty degrees west parallel to a line running north seventy west - thence on said
parallel line to a stake - thence North twenty degrees East to the Beginning two hundred
nineteen poles - And the above bound Oliver Cottle & Charity his wife for themselves,
heirs executors & administrators do covenant with the said Samuel Smiley his heirs and
assigns that they are lawfully seized in fee of the aforsaid granted premises; that they
free from all incumbrances; that they have a good right to sell & convey the same to
the said
Samuel Smiley by as aforesaid - and that they will , and their heirs executors &
administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the said Samuel Smiley his heirs and
assigns forever against the lawful demands of all persons - In testimony whereby we the
said Oliver Cottle & Charity his wife have hereunto set our hands & seals thereof
in the
year of our Lord eighteen hundred & twenty.
Oliver Cottle (seal)
Charity x Cottle (seal)
In the seventh line from the top the word one thousand (?) before signing and also the
North in the 23rd line ---
J.B. Reade
Territory of Missouri
County of St. Charles
Be it remembered that on this seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and twenty, Personally came and appeared before the unassigned Clerk of
the Circuit Court within and for the County aforesaid the within named Oliver Cottle and
Charity his wife acknowledged the foregoing deed of conveyance from them to Samuel
Smiley to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned and that they
did sign their name thereto and execute and deliver the same accordingly. She the sd
Charity wife of the said Oliver Cottle bring by me made acquainted with the contents of
said deed and examined seperately and apart from her said husband touching her execution
of the same acknowledged that she she signed and sealed the same freely and voluntarily
without any (illegible) or undue influence of her said husband (illegible) the purposes in
that deed men (illegible) Testimony whereof their hereunto (illegible) my name and affixed
my official seal the day and year first above written - (signed) Wm. Christy Jr.
Territory of Missouri
U.S. of America
County of Lincoln
I John Lindsey Deputy Ex. Officio Recorder in & for the County aforesaid do hereby
Certify that the within deed or instrument of writing from Oliver Cottle & wife to
Smiley was filed in this office on the seventh day of August in the year one thousand
hundred and twenty, and was by me truly recorded on this second day of September in the
year aforesaid in Book C page 99, and forwards. Given under my hand at the Clerks
Office the day and date last above written.
(signed) John Lindsey Dep. Ex.
Officio Recorder
23 Ellis Library, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201
This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code)
File submitted for USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County page by Mark Etheridge, P.O. Box 164, Myersville, MD 21773-0164, 23 August 1998. Link change or update: 4 Dec 1999
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