Obituary for Sarah Wells (1858-1913)
No. 147 - Uncited clippings from the "Neva Murphy Hubbard Collection" of Beth Rengers Talken, 1998.

Mrs. Sarah WELLS, wife of John Curt WELLS of Elsbery, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wolsey BRADLEY, of near Elsberry on Friday night, Feb. 21, 1913, at the age of 55 years. Mrs. WELLS was the daughter of Perry and Elizabeth MELOAN, one of the best families of Paynesville vicinity in Pike county.

She was a select character. Early in her girlhood she gave her life to the Savior and was baptized by Eld. J.J. ERRETT and became a member of the Paynesville Christian church.

She married John Curt WELLS Nov. 2, 1876. Two children were born to this union, Nellie, now the wife of Woolsey BRADLEY, and Bennie, who is now married and one of Lincoln county's best farmers.

Mrs. WELLS was exemplary in her home life, her social life and as a Christian. Never satisfied with the ordinary, but only with the best, she gave her best to her family, to her neighbors and to her church.

"Her words had such a melting flow
And spoke of truth so sweetly,
They dropped like the serenest snow
And all was brightness where they fell."

The early part of her married life was spent in Pike county and the latter part in Lincoln. They have been citizens of Elsberry some twelve or fifteen years.

The funeral of Mrs. WELLS was held in Elsberry Sunday morning attended by a large audience of sympathizing relatives and friends. The remains were then taken to Clarksville and buried in the beautiful cemetery there along the side of relatives gone before.

"Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call to me;
May there be no moaning of the bar
When I put out to sea."

The funeral was conducted by the undersigned.


Note regarding clippings from the "Neva Murphy Hubbard Collection":  Neva Murphy Hubbard (1886-1971) lived all of her life in Lincoln County, MO.  She collected a large file of clippings of Lincoln County residents. The majority of the clippings were without citation. Beth Rengers Talken, beneficiary of the collection, has transcribed them for inclusion in our Lincoln County Heritage Records. 

Submitted to HERITAGE PAGES of  LINCOLN COUNTY, MISSOURI by Beth Rengers Talken, 18 September 1998. 

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