File submitted for USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County page by Patty Jamerson Archer, 6 August 1998.
Church Records from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
Baptismal, Marriage and Death Records -- Koster, Cluny, Runkles
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood,
Lincoln County, MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
Transcriber/Contributor Notes: All records are typed verbatim, exactly as in the church records. Any notes I have added are indicated with an "*" before it. I only recorded the names pertaining to my family, no others. Anything in parentheses ( ) was added by the priest into the record book. Below, find exactly how the entry was in the book.
Mary Catherine baptized September 3,1850
I the undersigned baptized M.C. daughter of
Joseph Custer and Lerah Jane Rafferty
born June 28,1850
Sponsor: Clara Mudd
Priest: Robert Wheeler
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
Joseph A. son of Joseph Custer and Serah
Lefferty baptized June 21,1851 born January 20,1851
Sponsor: Mary Mudd
Priest: P. Fleming
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
Bernard Anthony
On this day 28th of March 1863 I have baptized
Bernard Anthony, son of Joseph Custer and Serah
Jane Laferty was born November 19,1862
Priest: E. O. Regan
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
April 3rd, 1863
On this day I have baptized Louisa daughter of
Thomas Custer and Mary Kinion his wife, born
February 28, 1862
Sponsors: Louis Custar & Ida Custar
Priest: Edward O. Regan
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
Also on same day (April 3,1863) John Louis of
Francis Rustard (Custar) and Emma Schneider
his wife born December 8,1862.
Sponsor: Ida Rustard
Priest: E. O. Regan
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
On April 16,1865 I baptized Ferdinand Rodolpe
Koster son of Francis Koster and Emma Sneider
his wife born September 16,1864 about 4 o'clock a.m.
Sponsors: Joseph Koster
Ann Maria Byrne (10 yrs. old)
Priest: Thomas Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
May 14,1865 I have baptized Elizabeth Ann Koster
daughter of Wilhelm Koster and Mary Ann Koster his wife
born April 12,1865 about 3:06 p.m.
Sponsors: Thomas Byrne
Sarah Jane Byrne
Priest: Thomas Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
July 9,1865 I this day baptized Melinda Jane Koster
daughter of Joseph Koster and of Sarah Jane Lafferty
his wife born 22 of March 1865 about 2 o'clock p.m.
Sponsors: John Menth & Margaret Menth
Priest: Thomas Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
November 5,1865 I baptized Henry Lewis Koster
son of Joseph Koster and Ida Koster his wife, born August 16th, 1865.
Sponsors: John Mith & Margaret Mith
Priest: Thomas Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
I baptized Bridget Amelia Koster daughter of Wilhelm
Koster and Mary Ann Kinion, his wife, born May 16th
1867 about 9 o'clock a.m.
Sponsors: Thomas Ryan
Mrs. Thomas Ryan
Priest: Thomas Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
August 25,1867 I have baptized Catherine E. Koster
daughter of Joseph Koster and Ida Koster his wife
born 11th February 1867 about 7 o'clock p.m.
Sponsors: John Menth & Mary E. Elder
Priest: Thomas Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
March 29,1869 I baptized Augustus Fuster son
of William Fuster and Antonia Fuster his wife, born
November 12,1868
Sponsors: Wm. Martinek & Mary Martinek
Priest: Thomas Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
June 16,1869 I baptized Josephine Igan Koster
daughter of Joseph Koster and Ida Koster his wife
born August 22,1868
Sponsors: Peter Doyle & Elizabeth Doyle
Priest: Thom. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
September 16,1870 I baptized William son of
Francis Joseph Kostars and Emma his wife born
27th of March, 1869
Sponsors: Francis Elder & Cyrene elder
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
September 26,1872 I baptized Mary Ida
daughter of Joseph Custar and Mary Ida Custar
his wife, born July 20,1872 about 9 o'clock a.m.
Sponsors: Edwin Mudd
Judith Alexander
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
July 19,1873 I baptized Mary Magdalene daughter
of Frank Koster and Emma his wife, born July 2,1871
Sponsor: Joseph A. Koster
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
July 21,1875 I baptized
Francis Joseph son of Francis Joseph Koster and of Emma
Sneider his wife, born June 14,1874 about 12 o'clock p.m.
Sponsors: Park St. John & Ellen Duggan
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
April 8,1876 I baptized John W. Koster son of
Joseph Koster and of Ida Koster his wife, born January 26,1876
Sponsors: George T. Coy & Mary A. Bowles
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
March 8,1878 I baptized William Francis son of
Joseph A. Koster and Ida (Pacht) Koster his wife
born October 24,1877 about 1 o'clock a.m.
Sponsors: Wm. F. Elder & Bridget Fagan
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
July 25,1880 I baptized Johannah Koster daughter
of Joseph Koster and Ida Koster his wife, born
February 25,1880 about 2 o'clock a.m.
Sponsors: James Mansfield & Mary E. Menter
Priest: T. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
August 5,1883 I baptized Anne Margaret Coloney
daughter of Daniel Coloney and of Sarah Frances Koster
Coloney his wife born June 8,1883 about 7 o'clock a.m.
Sponsors: John Menter & Mary Margaret Menter
Priest: Thos. Cleary
[Contributor Note: *correction Anne should be Nancy and Coloney should be Cluny.]
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
June 1st, 1884 I baptized Robert son of
Lee Britton and Melinda Koster Britton, born
March 3,1884 at 12 o'clock a.m.
Sponsors: John Menths & W.J. Menths
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
April 18,1885 I baptized Mary Ellen Coloney
daughter of Daniel Coloney and of Sarah Coloney
his wife, born February 28,1885 about 2 o'clock p.m.
Sponsors: Patrick Mudd
Ellen Holcomb
Priest: Thos. Cleary
[Contributor Note: *Correction birthdate was Feb. 20 not 28, Ellen Holcomb was Sarah's sister.]
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
January 16,1887 I baptized Louisa daughter of
Daniel Coloney and of Sarah Frances Koster Coloney
born December 6,1886 at 1 o'clock p.m.
Sponsors: Daniel Sullivan
Ellen Holcomb
Priest: Thos. Cleary
[Contributor Note: *Ellen was Sarah's sister.]
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
February 1,1888 I baptized Lucy Catharine daughter of
Daniel Cloney and of Sarah Koster Cloney
Sponsors: William Cloney
Lucy Koster
Priest: Thos. Cleary
[Contributor Note: *William Cluny was Daniel's father, Lucy Koster was Sarah's sister.]
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
September 22,1889 I baptized John W.D. Cluney
son of Daniel Cluney and Sarah his wife, born
August 11,1889 about 4 o'clock p.m.
Sponsors: John Menthes
Catharine Menthes
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
October 20,1889 I baptized (conditionally)
James Runkles son of Lewis Runkles and Barbara Ann
Runkles, born September 18,1859.
Sponsors: Bernard Miller and wife
Priest: T. Cleary
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
October 12,1890 I baptized Margaret daughter of
Wesley Britton and of Elizabeth Koster Britton, born
August 29,1890 about 8 o'clock a.m.
Sponsors: Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Miller
Priest: Thos. Cleary
[Contributor Note: *Correction- Lucy Koster Britton, not Elizabeth.]
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
June 5,1892 I baptized Lewis Wilhelm son of
James Runkles and of Mary Koster Runkles born
May 6,1892 about 5 o'clock a.m.
Sponsors: John Menthes Priest: T. Cleary
Wm. John W. Menthes
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
May 2,1882 I united in marriage (a dispensation being obtained)
Leonard Holcomb (not baptized) son of Hardin Holcomb and of
Pricilla Holcomb his wife and Ellen Elizabeth Kuster, daughter
of William Kuster and Mary Ann Kuster his wife.
Contracting parties:
Leonard Holcomb
Ellen E. Holcomb
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Witnesses present:
J.W. Mentes
Mary Mentes
Kate Mentes
Mary A. Kuster [Contributor Note: *mother]
Mary Kuster [Contributor Note: *sister]
Sarah Kuster [Contributor Note: *sister]
John Schaefer
Dan Cluny [Contributor Note: *Sarah Kuster's future husband]
Jno. L. Schaefer
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
October 1,1882 I united in matrimony Lee Braddon son of Maurise
Braddon and Nancy J. Braddon and Lilly (Melinda) Kostar
daughter of Joseph Kostar and Sarah J. Kostar his wife.
Contracting parties:
Lee Braddon
Lilly (x, her mark) Kostar
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Henry McCler
Mary (x, her mark) Kostar [Contributor Note: *sister]
Kate Lynch
Laura Renamen
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
October 31,1882 I united in matrimony Levi McClellan son of William
McClellan and Sarah Ann McClellan his wife and Sophronia Kostar
daughter of William Kostar and Mary Ann Kostar.
Contracting parties:
Levi McClellan
Sophronia Kostar
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Mary Frances (x,her mark) Kostar [Contributor Note: *sister]
W.L. Hammond
John W. (x,his mark) Kostar [Contributor Note: *brother]
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
November 7,1882 I united in marriage Daniel Cloney son of William
Cloney and of ________ Cloney and Sarah Kostar daughter
of William Kostar and of Mary Ann Kostar his wife.
Contracting parties:
Daniel Cluny
Sarah (x, her mark) Kostar
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Mary Slater [Contributor Note: *John Koster's future wife]
John W. (x,his mark) Kostar [Contributor Note: *Brother]
Jno. Menth
[Contributor Note: *Daniel's mother was Margaret.]
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
August 17,1886 I united in matrimony John Martin Sauer son of Francis
Sauer and Frances Sauer his wife and Josephine Custar daughter of Joseph
Custar and of Sarah J. Custar his wife.
Contracting parties:
John Martin Sauer
Josephine (x, her mark) Custer
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Cary Menth
Godfrey (x, his mark) Kostar [Contributor Notes: *Brother]
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
October 22,1889 I united in matrimony James Runkles son of Lewis Runkles
and Barbara Ann Runkles and Mary Kostar daughter of William Kostar
and Mary A. Kostar.
Contracting parties:
James (x, his mark) Runkles
Mary (x, her mark) Kostar
Priest: Thos. Cleary
Henry Menth
Sopha Miles
Robert Elder, Jr.
Michael Flynn
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
On April 20,1873 Margaret Kostar was interred according
to the rites of the Catholic Church.
Priest: Thos. Cleary
(Contributor Note: *This was the daughter of Wilhelm Koster and Mary Ann Kinion Koster.)
Transcribed from St. Alphonsus Catholic Church records, Millwood, Lincoln Co., MO, by Patty Jamerson Archer.
File submitted for USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County page by Patty Jamerson Archer, 6 August 1998.
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