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Gomparatively few are able to trace their ancestry hack to the
Revolution. And still fewer of these know the country from which they
migrated, the date of migration, the name of the ship in which they
came or the port at which they arrived.
lt seems incredible that less than a
epochal event every family would not have
preserved these elemental facts in family
So, unpalatable as it may be, we are
dozen generations from this
handed down and carefully
forced to the conclusion that
they did not want to remember, that they deliberately withheld from
their children the knowledge of the conditions and circumstances under
which they left the mother country and came to the New World
It must he remembered that only the
the most desperate, would leave home and
knew they would never see again and risk
wilderness inhabited by savages and wild
the jails were opened to those who would
destitute and the unfortunat
relatives and friends they
hardship and starvation in a
beasts The almshouses and
volunteer to go as colonists
Gonsequently, while there were those who came for conscience sake
and in order to worship according to the dictates of their own spiritual
convictions, the great mayority of early colonists had no memories or
traditions which they cared to pass along to their children and what
little was known was soon forgotten So, most of us and most American
families are descended from yoemen and undistinguished forebears their
descendants were glad to forget
  ° Of course, all of us have royal blood in our veins. All of us have
ancestors who participated in great historical events. All are descended
from the proudest mediaeval families. We
parents and eight great~grandparents, a t
had two parents, four grand-
otal of fourteen forebears in
a mere hundred years. at that rate we should each have had something
like 1,020 since the Mayflower docked. Since William the Conqueror
each has had about 60,000,000 (sixty million) ancestors »~ not
allowing for the lines which meet.
Every man and woman living today has
inherited not only the blood
but the genes and characteristics of both noble and plebian, the great
and the obscure of ancient and mediaeval
blood of many notables of modern history.
Practically anyone who has lived in
from Revolutionary stock and entitled to
history and many of them the
America 100 years is descended
membership in the D.a.B., the
S.a.R. and the most exclusive colonial organisations, if the lines
could be traced.
and all have in them the good and the bad of a-thousand pious and
exemplary men and-women and a thousand rogues, rascals and profligates.
"There is so much good in the worst of us, _
and so much had in the best
That it hardly hehooves any
of us, _ _
of us
To talk about the rest of us."

The farmers of Iowa have doubtless spent one hundred times
as much energy on keeping the pedigrees of their livestock straight
as the pedigrees of their own families. There has been a tendency
for many of us to think that under our democratic system of
government there is a feeling of false pride involved in any effort
to keep up the family history. And of course there has been a lot
of foolish energy expended by some people in an effort to become
linked up with such organizations as the Daughters of the American
Revolution and the Golonial Dames.
Family histories, properly kept, mean a lot even to those
members of the family who pretend to despise such things. We are
talking now about a family record such as almost anyone can start.
The first thing to do is to put down the names of the father and
mother, together with the dates and places of the birth and
marriage, and the names of the children. Then go back and see if
you can do the same thing for each of the four grandparents. In
addition, secure a brief history of the life of each, the different
places where they lived, the occupation of the men, etc. In many
cases, it will also be possible to list at least a few of the
eight great-grandparents, There is not much reason in going back
of this. ln every case, so far as possible, find out a little
something about the physical and mental characteristics. Inciden-
tally, this may tell you a little something about the diseases and
weaknesses to which the family is peculiarly susceptible.
Usually there is no financial gain whatsoever in this kind of
thing, altho occasionally there are families of people who keep
records of this sort who find themselves in line for bequests
which they would not otherwosie have secured. The really important
results are not financial at all. The children become better
acquainted with the people from whom they sprang, and thus become
possessed of a feeling of responsibility and a more accurate idea
as to their place in the world, than would otherwise be.possible.
In doing this kind of work, it is important to get at it as
soon as possible, for the reason that the members of the family
who can furnish the best information are usually well along in
years, and when they die, the information they can furnish is often
totally lost. From a purely cultural point of view, we do not
know of any way in which time can be more profitably spent during
winter evenings than working up a family book of this sort. It may
involve considerable letter writing to distant members of the
family, but that should be worthwhile even tho there is no such
thing as a family book involved. While we believe that by far
the greatestlemphasis should be laid on getting complete informa-
tion concerning the parents, grandparents, and possibly great-
grandparents, it is occasionally interesting to those who are
historically minded to follow the thing back further, and in that
case, those of our readers who are interested in this sort of
thing will be glad to know that in the Historical Library, at
Des Moines, there is one of the best collections of genealogical
reference works to be found anywhere in the United States.
Wallaces' Farmer, February 9, l923,

T H E D E S G E N D A N T 5
J A M E S G A N N 0 N
"The roots of the present lie deep in the past,
and nothing in the past is dead to the»man who would
learn how the present came to be what it is."
"""St'   l

F o R s w's R o
"No man is fit to be entrusted with control of the present who
is ignorant of the past; and no people who are indifferent to their
past need hope to make their future great. A people who have not
the pride to record their history, will not long have the virtue to
make history that is worth recording."
--North Carolina Historical Commission.
The early Cannons who came as pioneers to Missouri were a part
of that va t a hi h d th h All h t i
at sae clogs 3?re§3n1§te9oe§§§§§, tr§3g§sing ideeggthfggsawilggihggs
of the Mississippi Basin, the domain of Indian and wild beast, to
clear the forests and establish there the first permanent homes of
the Central West.
These pioneers have become already dim figures of the past and
unless perpetuated in some permanent record must soon be as completely
forgotten as are their immigrant fathers who crossed the seas to es-
tablish homes in the new world a generation or two before them.
The names and deeds of forefathers when handed down from father
to son by word of mouth are soon forgotten, and even the most vital
facts in family history, such as the European sources of the family
or service in epoch-making wars, become merest tradition. Only by
being enrolled in a permanent record can they be preserved and trans-
mitted with certainty or accuracy. For such a purpose; as a tribute
to fathers whose virtues we revere; as a fulfillment of duty to pos-
terity; and as an indifferent contribution to a notable chapter in
American history; this fragmentary record has been hastily compiled.
June 21, 1911

Wilkinson and Dawson; some from env
In ancient times there were no
names only. It was not until about
were introduced, and it was as late
they attained common usage. (Boards
page l?2; Barber*s British Family N
the earliest record of a general in
in the history of the petty Irish m
year A.D. 1001 promulgated an ordin
should adopt a surname. (O'Hart's P
irish Nation, page xviii) william
the latter part of his reign, in or
over the subjected Saxons, and perf
couraged the introduction and use o
French dominions. (Freeman's Norman
Taswell-Langmead's Constitutional H
surnames. Men were known by given
the Eleventh Century that surnames
as the Thirteenth Century before
ley‘s English Surnames, Chapter III
ames, Chapter I, page 3) Perhaps
troduction of the surname is found
onarch, Brian Boru, who about the
ance, providing that every family
edigree or Origin and Stem of the
the Conqueror (l066»lO97) during
der to better maintain surveillance
ect his system of taxation, en-
f surnames in both his English and
Conquest, Volume V, pages 560-571;
istory of England, Section 2)
Practically all modern surnames date from these or nearly contemporary
Pew, if any, of these names have come down to the present day in
the form originally conferred. Practically all surnames have suffered
numerous modifications in form and
continues as evidenced by the avera
jurisdiction. In the first census
lT9O the following modifications ap
Cannine, Canon, and Kannon. This i
noted in practically all surnames,
illiteracy of earlier times and the
Aside from these modifications
from many sources. Some came from
spelling, a process which still
ge docket of the courts in any
of the United States taken in
pearr Cannon, Cannan, Cannon,
s typical of variations to be
and is to be accounted for by the
tendency to adaptation of later
, modern names have been derived
the calendar of the Saints, as
March, Sunday and Valentine; some from the occupations, as Carpenter,
Smith, Weaver and Farmer; some were
derived from the Christian name
of the father by adding the suffix "son", as Davidson, Peterson,
ironments of habitation, as Stone,
Forest, Waters and Redpath; some from incidental happenings; others
from personal peculiarities or characteristics, as Long, Black, Savage,
Christian and Armstrong. (Beardsley, Chapter Ill, page l72; Barber,
Chapter I, Page l3)
The primitive Scotch and Irish clans usually adopted the name of
some distinguished chief of the family with the prefix "Mac" (Celtic
for son) or "O" (an abbreviation of the Latin Phrase "a quo" -- from
which, a descendent of). Every name bearing the prefix "Mac", "Mc"
or "O" is of Scotch or Irish origin.
Among these was the Kinel Connel (Clan Connel) a possible mythical
clan which in the tenth century is said to have taken the name of one
of its chieftains, O‘Canannain or Canadhnain, anglicized, Cananan, and
moderniz d Canni C O‘H tf P d' 0 ‘ ' d St
of the Igish Nati§§,OPaggn§g§} The gameSisefr%me%hgrea¥l§1Eel%ic wg¥d
"Ganadh" (to utter, to sing, one who sings, the singer) (Ibid, Page lhd)
Of iourse no evidence exists in any waY oonnect§ngta;;d0;e;§;pS£
Cb n hes of the Cannon Family with this anc e 1 th Cannons
american ra C . h B irish Islands. But al S _
f t e r d
o r Phal Gannon family D' t A rica from Englan ,
if whgse emigration there is any record cameveotomindicate the natufg
ditions ser
I l nd or Scotland and such tra - hi toric sources
Ogetae many version; which purport to reveal the pre s 1
of any family.
. is ivan b
    of     °f '§“;i1'§§,§?°ft§2f£2n-e§n.e, Y
Barber in his British Family Namgs ash a canon." That iS: he
Cannons. A place name. Norman- rgnc i in an& as being immediately
Gcnsiders the name of Norman-FPSQC gf § cénon prelate or saint,
derived from location and referring 0 N 3 eople of Northern
and implies descent of the family from a orse 310)
France’ (Barbertg B]?i`|$iSh FB.IT1i1§T Namasr pagg

T- 1
None of the many American branches of the Cannon family are able
with any certainty, to trace their line of descent back beyond the
later periods of Colonial america to_their spores in Eorope,;jlhat"
the emigrationftook place at a very early date,-and probably in--
_clpded a number_of families of the name, possibly from different
'sources and no doubt at different periods,_iggindicated_by_the_¢, A
freturns of the First Census of the United States which`report 1h8,
Cannon families with'a total enumeration of‘B29 PSrsons_1iving in'
'the thi teen orivinal states in 179 . (A Century of Population
Growth (1909) U.§.'Census, Page 233) They were even at that time
widely distributed, being found in all of the states except Vermont,
Rhode Island and New Hampshire. The largest number was found in _,
South Carolina which reported 3h_families; North Caroldn followed _
‘with_2Qefamilies5,andfPennsylyania,was.third with 26 families; f£he
families. The latest census reports families of theuname in every
state and territory of the Union. .t~~ »q= ~ =‘-"~ -= ~
, 1
The earliest mention of the arrival in America of a person of
the Cannon name is found in the passenger list of the ship Fortune.
on the llth day of November, 1621, the Fortune anchored at New
Plymouth, her passengers "Being parts of families, with others left
in England by the Mayflower the year before“. (Original List of Emi-
grants Who Went To America, Int., Page xxvii) By this arrival the
Plymouth colonists received a charter procured for them by the ad-
venturers in London, who had been originally connected with the enter-
prise. Among the Thirty-five persons booked on this passage was one,
"John Cannon". (New England Historical and Genealogical Register,
Vol. I, page l2h) No further mention of this "First Cannon in
America" has been found, and as his name does not occur at the divi-
sion of the cattle in l62T, it is probable that
he either died
returned to England, or emigrated to some other colony. (Savage‘s
Genealogical Dictionary of New England, Vol. I,
Page 332)
` Records of the early colonial period mention several other emi-
grants of the Cannon name. Among those arriving in the New England
colonies from England, June 10, 1635, was Richard Cannon and Usor
(his wife) Elizabeth Cannon. (New England Historical and Genealogical
Register, Vol. XIV, page 35d) Nothing is known
"One Cannon was of Sandwich, England, 1650, who
Robert, of New London, America in l6?8, who was
in l680." (Savage's Genealogical Dictionary of
of their later history
may have been that
chosen a town officer
New England, Vol I
° 3 1
page 332) "April 8, 1652 -- Robert Cannon, of London, sells to Charles E
Yoe and Benjamin Gillum, of Boston, Massachusetts, a ship of which he '
is master and commander." (Historical and Genealogical Register,
Vol. XlX, page 52) "Robert Cannon and his wife, Sarah, settled in
Essex and Old Norfolk about the year l68O." (Ibid, Vol. VI, page 2h6)
The names of many Cannons are found in the
lutionary Period. Luke Cannon was mustered out
archives of the Revo~
in the State of Vir-
ginia; (New England Genealogical Quarterly, Vol. VII9l9Oh, page 109)
B. _
James Cannon served as private in the 2nd Infantry commanded by
Brigadier Count Pulaski, Continental Troops, March, 1779, and deserted,
April l??9; (Archives of United States War Department -- Adgutant
General) John Cannon was mustered in from the State of Massachusetts
Bay under Captain Burnam, commanded by Colonel Jackson, December 21,
17773 (New England Genealogical and Historical Register, Vol. I,
page h79) James Cannon served as private in the Tth Virginia Regiment
commanded by Colonel Alexander McClenachan until his death on the l2th
of September, lT77; (archives of United States war Department -- Adjutant
General) James Cannon enlisted from Norfolk, New York, and Served as
Captain in Willett's Corps; (South Carolina Historical Magazine, Vol. I,
page 298) Roger Cannon of South Carolina, was Corporal in Captain
ramona Hypne*s_Company of the lst Regiment, Provincial Troops under
Col. Christopher Gadsen; (Ihid, Vol. I, pages 54, 59) and John Q33
Robert Cannon enlisted in Captain Andrew Comminls company in South
Carolina, October 9, 1T75. (Ibid, VOl- III, Page 127_ The mvat
prominent of the name of that period was probably Daniel Cannon, of
Charleston, South Carolina, who is referred to by McGrady as one of
the leaders of the Revolution. (NcGrady‘s South Carolina UUd9T the
Royal Government, pages #57, 591, 651) BOTH in England, Jull 10,
lT26, he emigrated to America about 17h0; (Charleston Gazette,
October 7, l802) was one of the signers of the protest against the
Stamp Act; a charter member of the Liberty Tree Party; (G1bb‘s Docu»
mentary History 176h-1?76, page 10) a member of the General Committee
of the Non-Importation Association; Captain of "Cannon‘s Volunteers 3
(Ancestral Records and Portraits by Grafton Press (1910) Vol. I, Page
372) and elected to the first Provincial Congress of South Carolina,
l??5; (South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine Vol. 7,
1906, page 103)
Little else is known of the history of any of these men beyond
what is given here, and nothing has been published giving any informa-
tion either as to their antecedents or their descendants. No relation-
ship is known to exist between any of them and their contemporary,
James Cannon (1144) of Newberry County, South Carolina, the records
of whose descendants comprise this genealogy.
 il! I

H -0
U M, _\»_ ;L yu 1| v up u V 0
\ 1-r 0 11 n .r or 'as' W -.»r if
Gannon ---- ---------- --~-- -~-~ If = y sie  s
(Unknown) Unknown M'“J"“
Seq, 1790
-John Gann0n--- ---Unknown --------~-__ .__..___ ___1323
“IS&&G Cannon ----~-- Unknown ------~---- ___».. S9q_ 1790
~James Cannon -~----- Dec. ll 1762 ------- Apr, 30, 18u2
-William Cannon--~--
Mary Cannon -----
Lydia Cannon »---
Elizabeth Cannon
~ ~-~-   --------~-~-im;
Unknown~ ------ - -»~-»~UnkngWn
“““~ -~--- ---“Unknown
““ --~--e ---Unknown
Cannon is the first of his line of whom we have any
H information, He was born sometime between l?OO and
1735, either in County Antrim, Ireland, emigrating to america by
Wal af ?h11&@Slphia about 1750, cr in one of the northern colonic
emidratlng southward in the van of that colonial tide deflected
from the West by the Indian hostilities attending the Colonial
and Indian Wars. The personnel of his family is listed in his
will and enumerated in the census of ITQC but no records bearing
upon either his own nativity or ancestry are to be found, The
carefully preserved tradition in the South Carolina branch of the
family (Henry Cannon, New, Newberry County, South Carolina) that
their people came direct from Ireland to Newberry County, coupled
with the statement of O'Neal (O?Neal‘s Annals of Newberry
Page 6Th) that "the elements of Cannon's Creek Church came from
County Antrim, Ireland" seems to lend credence to the former theor
In further corroboration of this version is the statement often
made by one of his relatives (David Cannon, Ibid.)that the Cannons
were of mingled Irish and French descent. This claim to French
descent was decidedly puzzling until a search of local history
brought to light the fact (O'Neal‘s Annals of Newberry, Page 199)
that some of the earliest immigrants to this locality were of
Huguenot extraction, their ancestors having fled from France in
16 5, upon the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, part of them
settling in Scotland, and part of them just across the North
Channel in County Antrim, Ireland.
Ulster (North Ireland) is one of
Ireland. County Antrim is one of the
is a maritime county ~- on the sea »~
Belfast -~ noted for shipbuilding and __
industrial section of Ireland -~ the Protestant section of Ireland
and loyal to English Government and represented in the English
gaiiiaments The rest of Ireland is largely agricultural and
a o c and constitutes the Irish R__ubl' nd i d b t
Irish Parliament at Dublin. ep lc a S governs Y he
the four provinces of
nine counties of Ulster and
and its county seat is
lace manufacture the
The Cannons apparently came from Antrim at an earl
, e _ y date and
landed at Philadelphia ~~ moving from there to Virginia and on
down to North Carolina and settling finally in Newberry County,
South Carolina, where they fought in the Revolution and later
emigrated to Tennessee, thence to Kentucky and finally to Missourii
E The Cannons were Scotch-Irish. That is they were Scotch
living in Ireland. In the Sixteenth Century (l550~l6CG) Elisabeth
drove out the Irish and colonized it with Scotch and English.
They were redehaired. Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry were
redenaired, Scotchelrish and of this breed.
Certain it is, however, that Samuel Cannon was among the
earliest, if not the first to settle in Newberry County. The royal
grant of the first hundred acres peempted by him and surveyed upon
his application on November 25, l75h, antedates any in that section
of the State, and as some time must have elapsed prior to his
application and its platting by the surveyor-general, O*Neal's
statement that "the county first be an to be settled.about 1752"
(0'Neal*s Annals of Newberry, page 9% must refer very closely to
the time of his arrival. This grant, which seems to have been con-
firmed prior tc the establishment of the three counties originally
comprising the State, and which was located in what was subsequent~
ly included in Craven County, still later to become a part of Ninety
Six District, and ultimately Newberry County, is as follows:
George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great~Britain,
France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth,
To all to whom THESE PRESENTS shall come Greeting; KNOW YE, THAT
we of our special Grace, certain Knowledge and mere Motion, have
given and granted, and by these Presents, for us, our heirs and
successors, DO GIVE AND GRANT unto _
sawcst ceases _
his heirs and assigns, a Plantation or tract of Land containing
One hundred acres on a branch of Broad River called Cannon‘s Creek,
bounded to the East part on John Cannon's land and part vacant,
the other three sides vacant,
And hath such shape, form and marks, as appears by a plat thereof,
hereunto annexed: Together with all woods, under-wood, timber and
timber trees, lakes, ponds, fishings, waters, water-courses, profits,
commodities, appurtenances and hereditaments whatsoever, saving and
reserving, nevertheless, to us, our heirs and successors, all
white pine-trees, if any there should be found growing thereon:
and also saving and reserving, to us our heirs and successors, one
tenth-part of mines of silver and gold only:
TO HAVE AND TC HOLD, the said tract of One hundred acres of
land and all and singular other premises hereby granted, with the
appurtenances, unto the said Samuel Cannon, his heirs and assigns
for ever in free and common socage, he the said Samuel Cannon, his
heirs, or assigns yielding and paying therefore, unto us, our heirs
and successors, or to our Receiveredeneral for the time being, or

to his Deputy or Deputies for the time being, yearly, that is to
say, on every twenty-fifth day of March, at the rate of three
shillings sterling, or four shillings proclamation money, for
every hundred acres, and for in proportion according to the quantity
of acres, contained herein; the same to grow due and to be accounted
for from the date hereof. Provided always, and this present Grant
is upon condition, nevertheless, that the said Samuel Cannon, his
heirs and assigns, shall and do within three years next gfter the
date of these presents, clear and cultivate at the rate of one
acre for every five hundred acres of land, and so in proportion
according to the quantity of acres herein contained, or build a
dwelling house thereon, and keep a flock of five head cattle for
every five hundred acres, upon the same, and in proportion for a
greater or lesser quantity; And upon condition, that if the said
rent, hereby reserved, shall happen to be in arrear and unpaid
for space of three years from the time it became due, and no distress
can be found on the said lands, tenements and hereditaments hereby
granted, that then and in such case, the said lands, tenements
and hereditaments hereby granted, and every part and parcel thereof,
shall revert to us, our heirs and successors, as fully and absolutely,
as if the same had never been granted, Provided also, if the said
lands hereby mentioned to be granted, shall happen to be within the '
bounds or limits of any of the townships, or of the lands reserved
for the use of the townships now laid out in our said Province, in ’
pursuance of our Royal Instructions, but then this Grant shall be
void, any thing herein to the contrary contained notwithstanding.
Gives under; as areas, ,Saad pi se; asia hermet-
W I T N E S S His Excellency William Henry Lyttleton,
Esqr., Capt. Cen'1.,
Governor and Commander in chief in and over our said
Province of South Carolina, this
Thirteenth Day of August, Anno. Dom. 1756 & in the
Thirtieth Year of our Reign.
(Signed) william Henry Lyttleton (L.M.S.)
Signed by his Excellency, the Governor in Council
(Signed) William Simpson, CC.
And hath hereunto a plat there-
of annexed, representing the
fame, certified by
George Hunter, Esqr.,_Surveyor-General
the 25th of November l75h.
,‘\' \/
The John Cannon mentioned in the mates and bounds description
was his eldest son, who seems to have applied for land contempora-
neously but who did not perfect his title until December 1, 1772.
(Land Books of South Carolina)
Samuel Cannon’s will was probated in 1792, but the Census of
1790 does not include him in the list of heads of families. His
youngest son, James spoke of his mother, Lydia Cannon, as a widow
at the time of his migration from North Carolina. (James Knox by
Dr. J. A. Knox, Auburn, Lincoln County, Mel) ine census schedules
enumerate her as a widow and indicate a number of daughters, but
apart from their father's will no further record of them has
survived. (First Census of U,S,, Heads of Families, South Carolina
Pasv 76)
His name is perpetuated in the name of Cannonis Creek (Map of
Newberry County, South Carolina), a small stream which rises near
the center of the county and flows eastward until it empties into
Broad River. It is so designated on the first map of the state
ever published (French Map of U.S. by LaVille, Date l800, published
1802, Congressional Library) and is mentioned in various histories
as the most important stream in the county, and as having received
its name from the Cannon Family which settled there at a very early
date. (O‘Neal‘s Annals of Newberry, page 107)
While Cannon‘s Creek Church, a congregation of the Associate
Reformed Presbyterians (Seceders) and the mother church of Presby-
terianism in Newberry County, was established near his home and
during his life time, we have no evidence as to whether he was a
No traditions as to his personal traits have come down to us,
but the respect and affection in which he was held by his own
family are reflected in the fact that each cf the three children
whose family records have been preserved, bestowed upon his eldest
son the name of Samuel.
He is buried in the ancient cemetery adjoining Cannon‘s Creek
Church in Newberry County, South Carolina, lf the stone which
marked his resting place ever bore any inscription, it has long
since been obliterated by the hand of time. The meager records of
that crude age and the long lapse of years make it improbable that
any further sources of information will be discovered. The race
from which he sprang, the country from which he came, the hundred
years of family history which is the heritage of each generation,
are buried with him in his unmarked place of sepulture, and beyond
him his fathers sleep shrouded in the same impenetrable obscurity.
His will is recorded:

In the name of Cod Amen I samuel Cannon of South Carolina and
Newberry County, Planter, Calling to mind the Mortality of my
body and Knowing that it is appointed Once for all men to sie ao
therefore make & Constitute this my last Will in Manner & form
following that is to say first & foremost & before all things I
give my soul to the Almighty God that gave it to me & my body I
Recommend to the Earth from whine it Came to be Desently Intard at
the Discretion of my Executors hereafter Metined & appointed first
gf alédmy Desire is that all my Lawful Debts & funeral Charges shall
e pa .
Item. I give & bequeath to my three Eldest Sons John Isaac
James & my Eldest Daughter Mary a Negro a Piece which they have now
in their Possession said Negroes & there Issues to fall to said
Children and there Issues forever
Item. I give & bequeath to my son William a Negro Girl Named
Sell & One hundred Acres of land the Original Grant in Lawrence
Renard Name
_ Item. I give & bequeath to my two Daughters Kisiah & Lyda
thirty pounds & a feather Bed a piece to be paid to them in property.
at their marriage
Item. I give & bequeath to my oun est Dau ht Eli b th C
Negro Named Emela & also One featheryBedg g GP " Za e me
Item. I give & bequeath to my Wife Lyda One hundred Acres of-
Land the Original Grant in Clement Daviess Name & also the Whole
of ml Mooveable Estate & I do make Constitute & appoint my two.
Sons John & Isaac to be my sole Executors of this my last will &
Testament & I do hereby utterly Revoke Disannul & make Void all
other former Wills by me heretofore Ratifying & Confirming this
& no other to be my last Will & Testament & in Testimony hereof
have hereunto set my hand & Seal
Saml Cannon (SEAL)
Pronounced to be Samuel Cannons
Last will & Testament in the Presence
of u   _ ,-111: -;;;;g-;,_~__- _aaa i;,,__ __, _,_,_ ,_ _ _
(Will Book "A", page 109, Records of Newberry County, South Carolina)
Lydia apparently was born early in the eighteenth century and »
nothing is known of her early life or lineage. She may have been a
the daughter of Clement Davis, as a tract bequeathed her in her i
husband's will is designated as "the original grant in Clement
Davis' name." A grandson told his daughter (Correspondence of --
Mary Ann Criffeth, IV-108) at the beginning of the Civil War that
his grandmother was a great-aunt of Jefferson Davis, President of
the Southern Confederacy. This may be corroborated by the fact
that Jefferson Davis was born in Christian County, Kentucky, to I
which her family emigrated. Samuel Davis, father of Jefferson
Davis, settled in eastern part of Christian County. (Now just across
the line in ross County) about isoo and Jefferson Davie was been in 7
eastern part of the Village of Fairview, June 3, 1808. (History Q
of Christian County Kentucky, by Perrin, Page llo) `
She is enumerated in the First Census of the United States
(First Census of the United States, Heads of Families, South
Carolina, Page 76) as "Lidea Cannon", living in Newberry County in
Ninety-Six District in 1790, the head of a family consisting of four
white females and four slaves, but no white males. This data would ,
indicate a widow of some means, as evidenced by her freehold and 1
the number of slaves, living alone with three daughters or grand- 1
daughters. Immediately preceding her name is that of John Cannon,
the head of a family of seven persons; and following is the name 7
of Isaac Cannon, the head of a family of six persons. As the list
is given in the order in which the enumerator took the schedules
it is evident that the two sons were living on adjoining homesteads.
(Dr. J. A. Knox says (letter of June 8, 1910) that James (lleh) was
the youngest of five sons and that his mother was a widow at the time
of the Revolutionary War and that James was 18 years old at the time
of his escape from the British)
John Cannon ---- --~-------»---- ~--- ~--- ~-~~- ~~~-- ~~Unknown
(Unknown) Unknown
Seq. 1790
Reported by the First Census of the United States as living
in Newberry County, Ninety-Six District, South Carolina, in 1790,
the head of a family consisting of himself, his wife, four children y
under sixteen years of age, and one slave. I
He was granted one hundred acres of land in Craven County, South.
Carolina, on Broad River, December 1, 1772, which was probably about _
the time of his marriage.
His eldest son, Colonel Samuel Cannon, was born 1773; breveted
Major in Colonel Tucker's regiment in the War of 1812; elected Rep-
resentative in 1816 and 1818; died, July 22, l8h9.
(Can this be the "Colonel John Cannon" mentioned with "John `
Furman" in Chain's History of Christian County, Kentucky, as Revoe
lutionary soldiers?) He left no will but the record of the adminis~
tration of his estate is filed in Package 159, in Box oh, Estate 1660
in the Office of the Probate Court of Newberry County, South Carolina.

Isaac Cannon- ---- ------ ~- ------- » ---Unknown
(Unknown) Unknown
Seq. 1790
Reported in the First Census of the United States as living
in Newberry County, Ninety-Six District, South Carolina, in 1790,
the head of a family consisting of himself, his wife, three
children, all under the age of sixteen, and one slave.
obeyed and was firmly tied to the horse, but on the march to camp
suddenly wheeled his mount into the dense underbrush and, in the
late dusk, outrode his ursuers and escaped. (James Knox, through
his sch, Dr. J. A. Knox? The boy must have enlisted soon after
this, (History of Missouri, by Louis Houck, Vol. III, Page 85)
and served until the close of the war.
It was at the beginning of the darkest chapter in the history
of the Revolution. General Clinton had taken charge in person of
the British campaign in the South, and in a short time had reduced
the whole of South Carolina to subjection to the British. Only
1I'u' Marion with about 25 men remained in the field in the entire
J province. It was in this hour of despair that American valor shore
ames Gannon "'° “ “"'*'”""'- ‘"“"~'-“* --Raohel Stark brightest. "Left mainly to her own resources," says Bancroft, "It
' (UiP» 1735) Cir. 1768 was through the depths of wretchedness that her sons were to bring
Cir- 1831 ter back to ter place in the Republic, after suffering more and
daring more and achieving more than the men of an other state"
(Bancroft's History of the United States, 1852-l8§3). A purely
1O`Samue1 Cssooo "'”““ Oo# Z# 1756 °”“` "“D@C Bs 1357 volunteer system sprang up after the loss of Charleston and the
§;”§°§§ Ggoooo “'““~ *-*Ms* 16, 1790 ~~~- --~Joo 13, 1371 eeetouetioo of the Continental army. The patriots who would not
1 :ly a Cannon ----~~- §ov H, 1791-" ““'-~-* SSP 12, 1869 take the oath of allegiance retreated to the swamps and mountains
1i_W§?§§ agnon’ "*""“ UV U, 1793- --~“»--~ May 3, 1362 and, maintained under Pickens, Marion and Sumpter that partisan
15_E1i gmthagnon----*EGP 123 1795 --~“ ---Mar 7, 1861 warfare which became so famous, (American Campaigns by M. F. Steele,
l6_N Za 3 &nn°n“'“ if 17f3'é “'“'“'” ““-' Cir 1339 Page hh) and the redemption of the State was accomplished by
1?_Ea§°Yi 3200" ““"' '“APP 22, 1 00 “”"“' “-*SSP 15; 1375 - volunteers, serving without pay, supplying their own horse and other
18_M§ Pacm anno” '““'” gag 18: 1301 “'“'“” ““-APP 11, 1857 ' equipment, and finding their own subsistence (McCrady's South
19 Ra;'gelag§§;1;;:::::;D;c 2 » 1833- ~---- ---glitr l82618?6   Carolina in the Revolution, Pages l3» 138).
.9 __“"””"“ g "
ggrgeiiah Cgoooo '“'” “'giP l8OS““ “”'““ °"'”' Gif 1 25 Among these was the young James Gannon, not yet sixteen years
22_M;re;;attang°n ""` cg” 187 “"“ “ ”“"“'”” Nov 9, 1837 of age at the time of his enlistment. General Pickens commissioned
23_Ja 3 Ge 9 a“n°n"'A P 1 12 “““"” "““ °"” D90 1: 1379 Colonel Casey to organize the Militia in "Ninety-Six" and James was
me anU°n ”“""“” PT 17, 1315- **““*"' JQU 21, 1360 among those who volunteered. The story(of his service is best told
James Cannon was born, December ll 1762 (Headstone i fam' by himself in his penglon declaration' Buyeau of Pensions’
cgggggryé 3.5. Pensiog Li§EOofbl§hO gays he was 82 at thentimeltge waS7ington' D’C" Vol' I’ Fage 62, File Nos 16' éau)
c s a en une , , u bo his declaration for a e si n' "
and his grave stone fix the date of his birth as 1762) in the gtgtec appe§;e§h;;f%;§ ig; §£SE§E;§&§¥'tiéDcoa;2;3&o§;tSggaiigcoln
of South Carolina in that Section of the District of Ninety~Six County Missouri new Sitting James Cannon 3 resident gf
late? to bo Known 35 Nowboorv GOUDty. It was at the time the fur- the county and state aforesaid, aged 70 years, who being
thest outpost of civilization, the extreme frontier, the line duly sworn according to the law doth on his oath make
msfkine tho inhabited portions of the United States in 1790 booolv the following aeeieretioe in order to obtain the benefit of
ioolodioe tho Diotriot of Nioots-Six (Century of P0Pulation Growth the Act of Congress passed June 7 1832 in root he entered
in tho Unitod Sbotoo, Paso 183- Immigration was rapid. however, service of the Unites States it tie yea? 1773 or 1779 in
;2gu§;;§§; g?m;§P2aih;gtiiggdtgézsgigorigyltho GOUHUY P0SSBSS@d & She State of South Carolina, in the company commanded’by
DS P S~ aptain Matthew Gillespie as a volunteer, and went to guard
a small station called Edgile Station, and afterwards removed
Uni? one inoidsnt Of his borhood hoo oomo down to us, an loe1~ to Doggeo'e Station--After the death of captain Gillespie,
dent of the early d&Y5 °f the AmQ?i°%n,Revolution. His older he served under a Capt. William Gray and was engaged in
§;§Eh;£sh§;;Ba;eZgiggagiih tg;ea§?€;2d ho 3; tge §0UUESS§iS0H W&S scouting parties against the tories-ithat he went with
- '=B,_oon a an o marau ng several hundred men under Col. Levi Case after a lar e
farigs descended on the place and finding a fine stallion owned by number of gories called Gunninghamfs Men? and followeg these
9 on 1? HSked James to whom the animal belonged. "It is mine,' q men several days and until they were dispersed in a swamp in
rooroodod Jomoo- "Theo so# oo ood_Pido him." they commanded. James dl, the lower pert of s. Carolina eos took from them horses, coats
and, gcc, He thinks he served nearly two years, principally

against the pories--gud was then drafted in a company commanded by
Capt. John Virgin, and crossed the Tennessee River after Indians
and ponies and killed some of each. There were several hundred of
our men in this expedition, all mounted and commanded by Gen'l
Pickens, and was out this time about three months, which was in
the winter season--god he volunteered under Capt. Thomas Starke,
and was engaged two years and more under Said Starke in scouting
parties against the Qories--phat he was born in Newberry County
in the State of South Carolina, the year l7o2~-phat he did not
bring any record of his birth from his father‘s house which he
left soon after the war--phat he moved soon after the pevolutionary
war to Robinson County in the State of TGDD6SSG6*ҤQd in the year
1797 or 1798 he moved to Christian County, and in the year 1817 he
cams to Lincoln County, gg, where he now lives--ge does not recollect
that he ever received any discharge from the service."
- n .|\ n n rn "n .- A n If 4-F n
"Be it remembered that on the twenty~seventh day of June
A»D., Eighteen Hundred and Thirty~three, personally appeared before
me undersigned, a Justice of the Peace within and for said County
of Lincoln, James Cannon, whose name is signed to the within and
foregoing Declaration for a pension, who being duly sworn, deposeth
and he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his
service; but according to the best of his recollection, he served
not less than the periods mentioned below, and in the following
grades: For two years I served as a private, and volunteer, and
mounted, under Captains Calaspie and Gray; for three months I
served as a drafted soldier, and mounted, under Captain John
Virgin, and for two years I served as a private, a volunteer, and
mounted, under Capt. Thomas Starke, making in all four years and
three months, All of this time I was under the command of Colonel
Levi Casey, as a Colonel, and according to the best of my reool~
lection I entered the service of the United States sometime in
the year A.D. l778, and continued in the service until peace was
James X Cannon."
"Personally appeared in open court William Coats of Calloway
County, Missouri, aged sixty-two years last December, who being
duly sworn according to law, says that immediately after the
close of the gevolutionary par he became acquainted with James
Cannon, whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Declaration,
and that he has lived many years as a neighbor to said Cannon,
and that he has often heard said Cannon, and he thinks others
tell of his serving in the pevolutionary war, that he heard this
immediately at the close of the war, and that he has no doubt that
said Cannon served in the war as he has stated, and he never heard
this doubted by any person
Sworn and subscribed to
this hth day of February, William Coats."
1833, in open court,
"We, William Coats, residing in Calloway County, Missouri, a
clergyman, and David Hubbard, a clergyman, residing in Lincoln
County, Missouri, and James Knox, of the county last aforesaid,
here certify that we are well acquainted with James Cannon, who
has subscribed and sworn to the foregoing declaration; that he
is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to
have been a soldier in the Revolution, and that we concur in
that opinion.
William Coats,
David Hubbard,
James Knox."
Next to the will of Samuel Cannon, his father, this is the
earliest authenticated fragment of family history available. Here
is the ancestor speaking for himself. A single sentence might '
have given his ancestry and the European source of the family.
But his was a utilitarian age, that dealt with the practical only,
and with that lack of garruloueness and brevity of speech charac~
teristic of his clan, he passes by the history of his people in
the bare statement/by law, with no mention of their past.
Although this account is written almost half a century after
the close of the Revolution, and in the absence of any data which
might have served to refresh his memory, there are apparently few
discrepancies and the persons, places and events to which he refers
may usually be identified without difficulty.
"Edgils," the post at which he was stationed immediately upon
his enlistment, was Edge Hill, so named in honor of the field where
the Cavaliers and Roundheads first met in battle. It was the scene
of one of the memorable tragedies of the war. McGrady speaks of
the fort as "A small American post across the Saluda River, in
what is now Laurens County, about three miles from the Newberry
line." (McCrady*s South Carolina in the Revolution, Page h73)
The name was later changed to Hayes' Station in honor of Colonel
Joseph Ha es who was placed in command. Here he was attacked in
August 1782 by Major William Cunningham. "After a vigorous
resistance lasting for hours, the British succeeded in setting
fire to the fort by means of ramrods wrapped around with tow
dipped in pitch and thrown burning upon the roof, Hayes surrendered
and was promptly hanged, but the rope breaking, Cunningham drew his
sword and slew the American with his can sans." (It1c., Page hvul
The company of Captain Gillespie seems to have remained at
Edge Hill for a short time after being recruited and was then
transferred to Duggan's Station, another of the chain of forts
guarding the rivers of Western South Carolina.
The precise location of this fort has not been definitely
determined, but as Colonel Thomas Duggan, who commanded the Elnore
Regiment, and for whom it was named, lived at the confluence of

Indians and Cilder's Creek CO'Neal’s Annals of Newberry, Page 53),
and his residence appears on McMiller‘s Map of l820 in the northern
edge of Newberry County, this post was undoubtedly located in that
vicinity guarding the Elnore River as Edge Hill commanded the
Saluda. `
The officers under whom the young private served are less
easily identified. His regimental officer, Colonel Levi Casey,
represented Little Broad River, the district between the Broad
and Saluda River, in the state legislature of 1782 (McCrady's
South Carolina in the Revolution, Page 7h2) and was a member of
the 8th and 9th United States Congresses from South Carolina,
serving from October 17, 1803, until his death in Washington,
D.C., February l, l807 (The Charleston Courier, Monday,
February 16, 1807). While his services in the Revolution were
distinguished and notable, winning for him a commission as
brigadier-general (Biographical Congressional Directory ((l903))
Page HMB), the records of the period are so meager and incomplete
that his place in history is due to the records of his official
service rather than his military exploits.
With the exception of General Andrew Pickens, whose fame is
national, and who as Johnson says "literally fought with a halter
around his neck, having violated his parole for good cause,"
(Johnson's Life of Green, Vol. I, Page 375) no historical reference
to the other officers mentioned by James Cannon in his Declaration
has been found. The entire military organization of South Carolina
having been swept away by the British occupation of the State, the
officers served on the election of their companies without commis-
sions; operated frequently without orders; and few departmental
files of any kind were practicable. Captain Thomas Stark, his
last captain and his kinsman by marriage, was still a resident of
Newberry County in 1790, and his name, preceded by his military
title, heads the list of the inhabitants of that county.(Heads of
Families, South Carolina, Page 76) Captain William Gray moved to
Christian County, Kentucky, about the same time and perhaps in the
same party with James Cannon. He was one of the pioneer settlers
in Christian County and Perrin speaks of him as an officer in the
Revolutionary War and says of him, "Little is known but that little
is creditable alike to his courage and patriotism". (Perrin's
History of Christian County, Kentucky, Page ll6) No reference to
the other captains he mentions has been found.
Little is said of the first two years service though it must
have at times been strenuous, as the partisan warfare in the
District of Ninety-Six during those years was incessant and merci-
less. A grandson (Isaac Cannon, III-36) remembers hearing him
relate an incident which occurred during this time. A British de»
tachment had been ambushed and routed with considerable loss.
James with others was detailed to take them in the flank and out
off the fugitives. As they neared the line of retreat a soldier
broke through the underbrush wearing the red coat and gold braid
of a British officer. "Who comes there?" challenged James' com»
panion (Joseph Sitton, October 15, l7h§aEebruary 8, 1832, North
Carolina Regimental Line. Bryant's Cheek Cemetery) The Englishman
confused by their position and mistaking them for Tory camp#
followers, shouted "Captain Hussey (The spelling is phonetic.
There was no other means of identification), and a friend to
King George," and an instant later fell dying with an American
bullet through his body.
The most active service came in 1782 toward the close of the
war. as their hope of success waned, the English resorted to des-
perate measures, adding the terrors of Indian warfare to the
already savage conflict (Ramsey's History of South Carolina,
Vol. II, Page 27h). The operations of the Loyalists and Indians
along the frontier in the fall of 1781 were so successful that
plans were laid for a general invasion the following spring. In
anticipation of this, General Pickens mobilized a regiment of
American militia numbering 39h horsemen (Ibid.), one of whom was
James Cannon (Bureau of Pensions, File No. l668h). Each man
supplied his own mount and was armed with a rifle, and a hatchet
hung at his belt. About the first of January l782 , the column
made a rapid but cautious march into the Cherokee Nation. Although
it was in the depth of winter, a fact mentioned both by the his~
torian and by James, the command carried neither tent nor any other
description of camp equipage, and but few supplies. After the
small portion of bread which they could carry in their saddle-bags
was exhausted, the men lived upon perched corn, potatoes, peas and
venison which they collected in the Indian towns; salt they had
none. The campaign lasted for three months and was most successful
According to McGrady, the Indians and their white allies were re~
peatedly defeated with heavy loss and every town, village and
settlement east of the mountains was laid in ashes {McCrady*s
South Carolina in the Revolution, Pages 62h, 625 and 626). James
Cannon says they crossed the Tennessee River, which necessarily
includes a march of several hundred miles across the Great Smoky
Mountains, an intervening branch of the Appalachian system, since
the nearest point of the Tennessee River is two hundred miles
distant on a direct line from the initial point of expedition. It
was on this campaign that James, having lost or disposed of the reg
ulation hatchet, substituted a tomahawk taken from the body of a
fallen Indian. This tomahawk he carried with him the rest of his
life, in the earlier years because precaution had made it a custom
among frontiersmen, and in later years through force of habit.
This peculiarity of the old frontiersman is remembered by all who
knew him. The weapon was carried by a short thong of buckskin and
was used in lieu of a pocket knife. After his death it was sold
at the sale of the estate to his son»in-law, Isaac L. Thurman, for
37g¢ and appears on the sale bill filed by the administrator in
probate court.
His last important service was against the notoripus command
of Major William Cunningham, of the British Loyal Militia, known
on account of his atrocities as "Blood Bill" Cunningham. (Johnson's
Traditions of the Revolution, Page ME6) Cunningham's forces had
terrorized the country for years and rendered invaluable service
to the King, (McCrady's South Carolina in the Revolution) as in the
capture of Hayes' Station. The following order from General Pickens,
then at Long Cane in Abbeville County, to Captain william Butler,
opened the campai n: (Gibb's Documentary History of South Carolina,
Vol. II, Page 220%
: - ._     _e I
` ' '31 -": -.

"Long Cane, September 6, 1782.
Your favor with the cattle by Mr. DeLoach came safely,
for which I am much obliged to you. I am glad to hear you
have got your company. t t * r I would recommend to you to
send spies down Edisto, and if possible find out where
Cunningham keeps, and what his intention is, and if possible
drive him from these parts, though I would much rather you
could destroy him and his party. I send you six swords which
you will have taken care of, and when you have done with them
you will have them returned. I have likewise sent yous; few
sheets of paper to make your returns. You have my best
wishes, and am gir,
Your most humble servant,
Andrew Pickens.
The choice of Captain Butler to lead the expedition was well
made as he was animated by strong motives of personal revenge,
Cunningham having murdered his father in cold blood after surren-
dering at the battle of 0loud’s Creek a short time before. The
number of men in the command is not given and McGrady thinks it
could not have exceeded fifty men, but the number of swords sent
by General Pickens indicates the presence of several officers,
among whom was doubtless included Captain Stark in whose company
James at the time was serving as a private.
Cunningham had resolved on a second incursion into the
District of Ninety~Six, and was concentrating his forces at
Corradine's Ford on the Saluda River near its juncture with the
Little Saluda between Newberry and Edgefield counties (Memoirs of
General William Butler, Page 20). The Americans by a night march
through the rain fell upon Cunningham before he was aware of their
presence. "The Tories had unsaddled and were drying their blankets
by their camp fires when attacked," says McGrady (South Carolina
in the Revolution, Edward McGrady, Page 630). 'We took from
them horses, coats and blankets,' says James in his brief account.
The enemy was taken completely by surprise and before they could
recover were being driven into the swamps and dispersed in all
directions. Captain Butler singled out Cunningham and pursued him
for miles but his pistol flashed in the pan and Cunningham escaped
gy the fleetness of his horse (Memoirs of General William Butler,
age 20 .
This engagement permanently dispersed the last of the Tory
Militia, and practically ended partisan warfare in South Carolina.
The company of Captain Stark was probably finally discharged about
October of l782, although James says that no papers of discharge
were issued.
The service of these volunteer militia units in the Revolu~
tion should not be undervalued. "lt was this incessant warfare,"
says McGrady, "breaking up the enemy’s communication, destroying
his posts, and carrying war into his rear, which compelled the
abandonment of the country by the British." (McCrady's South
Carolina in the Revolution, Page 5h5) And again, "The value of
their uprising was not confined to South Carolina or even to the
South. It is not presumptuous to say that they had done much to
save hashingtonfs army from destruction in the time of its weakness
and to render Yorktown possible." (Ibid, Page 138)
The one or two discrepancies in the declaration of the soldier
may be accounted for both by the lapse of time and by transcription
of the statement by the attorney. James emerged from the war a
veteran at the age of nineteen, and this account was given after
having passed his allotted three score and ten.
The only authentic relic of the soldier, aside from the
declaration, his will and a pension receipt, is the rifle which
he carried in the Revolution, and which is said to have been the
property of his father. Dr. J. A. Knox (Affidavit of Dr. J. A.
Knox, 1911) vouches for the history of this ancient firearm.. The
rifle of the type known among the early frontiersmen as the "long
rife" with a barrel originally ho inches long and .h5 caliber. It
is evidently of native manufacture and was probably hand made. The
colonists early became expert in this industry and the output of
their forges was vastly superior to the clumsy weapons from the
British factories, and were so pronounced by Napoleon who con*
sidered them the most accurate in the world. The Gannon rifle
was in the possession of the family in l??8 and was carried by
James at the time of his enlistment. He carried it with him on
his emigration westward and it supplied the emigrant train with
fresh meat in his successive trips from South Carolina to
Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri. In the hazardous experiences
of frontier days, menaced alternately by hostile Indians, savage
beasts and winter famine, the rifle was preeminently the most im-
portant factor in the domestic economy of the pioneer, and this
weapon undoubtedly brought down many a deer and wild turkey, and
no doubt claimed its nobler prey in the numerous forays of Revo~
lutionary and Indian warfare. Sometime after_coming to Missouri
James gave the rifle to his favorite son, Isaac, who held it until
about 1850 when he traded it to Henry Knox. About l852 the gun was
restocked from a walnut rail by James Beard, a gunsmith who had a
shop at New Hope near where the present tollgate stands. At the
time the barrel was cut off some three inches at the breech where
badly burned, and a percussion cap ignition substituted for the
old flint lock. During the Civil War Dr. Knox hid it in a hollow
hickory tree, which was "hollow from the ground`up, facing the
East". He than filled the opening with_chunks to indicate a rabbit
close, and used the gun when needed. among those who came-to
search for the gun was a squad under the command of Qaptain Thomas
R. Reid, but all failed to find it. At the administrator‘s sale
of the Knox estate in 1886, the rifle was bought by Martin Thompson
and came into the possession of his Charles in 1906. Charles held
it until 1907 when by purchase it again came into the possession
of the Cannon family.

Mr. Albert H. Holmes tells of "Uncle" Isaac Cannon‘s having
this rifle at the home of his father, Oliver Holmes, when a deer
passing by the house was seen by the family through the cracks
between the logs. Albert E. Holmes relates that the house had
just been constructed of new logs and the spaces between the logs
had not yet been "chinhed" with the usual chips and clay. Uncle
Isaac said he couldn't "let so good a chance get away," and pushing
the barrel through the interstice fired and brought down the stag.
Soon after the close of the war, subsequent to l?86 and
prior to 1790, (United states Census of 1790, seeth Carolina)
James joined the tide of emigration flowing towards the valley
of the Tennessee, the upper stretches of which he had viewed on
his expedition-with Pickens. About the same time he was married
to Rachel Stark, who is supposed to have been born about l?68 and
who died about 1831, a sister of his old commander, Captain
Thomas Stark and a relative of Colonel John Stark, of Bennington
fame. (Biographical Record of St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren
Counties, Page 565) Her headstone in the family cemetery has
crumbled and the inscription which was the sole remaining record
long since ceased to be legible. He was married in South Carolina
and his first child was born there. The date of the marriage has
not been established. No record of the marriage has been found.
lt may have been as early as lT83 and could not have been later
than 1785.
tl! f
The five hundred mile trek into the wilderness, through mountain (JM.
forests and across river gorges, ended on the borderland of Northern
Tennessee in what was later to become Robertson County. "Beyond
an occasional migratory and venturesome hunter, trapper or scout
who passed through the vast forests and canehrakes in quest of the
abundant game, or in pursuit of marauding bands of Indians, the
presence of white men was at this time almost unknown," says the
historian. The land was covered with vast forests and cane brakes,
and game of every species from the bear, panther and deer down to
squirrel and wild turkey existed in abundance. (History of
Tennessee ((l886)}, Coodspeed Publishing Company, Pages 8hO~8h2)
A history of Wilson County places the name of James Cannon at the
head of its list of the twenty-nine families first settlin in
that region. (History of Wilson County, Tennessee ((l880)§
Page Bhl) The place of settlement is given as Spring Creek, one
of the important streams emptying into the Cumberland River.
Whether this is our James Cannon is uncertain, but as Robertson
County, which was not established until 1796, and Wilson County,
established in l?99, were both formerly a part of Tennessee County,
established in l788, and as Spring Creek threads both, it is
possible that the reference is another link in the biography of
the South Carolinian. If so,_he was the leader of a party of
more than a hundred colonists.
James remained in Tennessee until 1799 or 1800 and four of
his children, John, Lydia, Isaac and William were born here.
Then, the country settling rapidly, he again changed states
11 t the northwest into Christian Ccun »
Qggigihgbowheiixhg Zstgilighed himself near the present sitedof
Hopkinsville Here several of his childrenawgre ggrried, gg
' 1 , s name
here the last of his children was born in _ h 1790
th nsus books in 1810 t G
iiiiisftiftiiniiiiietiig it   §n“;=;*;:,;;is;1;ri‘;r“
' b d e ap 0 .
iggiroyggewhgge;h8fB;h;i§Eil§;2; have been added from the family
James Gannon, Christian County Kentucky
Free White Male!
Free White Femaleo
Others including Indians not taxed-
Under 10 yS&PS
10 to 16-
16 to 26”
26 to h5-
M5 rears*
Under 10 years
10 to 16 #»»--~- 2
l6 to 26 --»---- l
26 to h5°“
h5 years---
John and Isaac
1- ---- James
,--_»~h--~--Mary, Rachel,
Keziah and
~----Elizabeth and
2--Sarah and George
t Sa uel is enumerated sepafatell with h
wife Tggidegtly hgging geen married a short time §P@Vi0US1Y~
u' \r _xg gg 3-:_ JL J&
3F lf I1 fs n 11 "
u \r y; ;L J'
T# W' as v\ if
f as a
t     Kentucky   I*Sg§_StB]f*Sd. lf1'l1'|'1S€1
chartigoaeagegrofewhatfgas-then known as the Republican Partya
later to become the present Digggratig P&P;Y%h;JP;;;%g§e;°§f higaa
_ ~ 111 in . roug
liggehgogegg ihgkfgith, Soting the last time for Martin Vi? Burgh
M 1 ' 18 0. His sons with the excep OU 0
§Eh§?Ww§gp;as ;s§§i;,,inheri%ed the political connections Df their
father were life-long Democrats.
ll f th west came for the last time. Isaac,
one ognhgglgagggiig eggs, hgd left Kentucky soon after the close
of the War of 1812, and found his way eventually to the Taffitofl
of Missouri. In response to his Susgtstionv James’ already a
4 q ' _

patriarch with ohildren's children about his knee, gathered his
clan and pushed once more towards the western forests. The trip
was made overland on horseback. It is possible that SONG kind of
vehicles carried women and children and the few articles of
clothing and furniture, but no one remembers having heard them
an incident (M. a. Cannon v-166 fren his father) of the trip
illustrates the promptness of decision and firmness of purpose
which were characteristic of the old man. James and his oldest
son, Samuel, took with them a small flock of sheep, a valuable
addition to the resources of the pioneer and particularly useful
in clearing new land. At the first stream of consequence the
Sheen, dreading the water, caused much trouble, whereupon James
announced that he would sell the flock to the first purchaser they
might encounter. Samuel realized that it was useless to remonstrate
with his father, and yielding to the inevitable, began to look for
a buyer and bartered the flock to a native for a shotgun and a
small amount of money.
They arrived on the soil of Missouri in the spring of 1817
and camped near the home of Isaac on "Turkey Creek near Muddy
Fork" in that part of Saint Charles County which was later to
become the southwestern corner of what is now Lincoln County.
The entire colony, which included not only James and his children,
but the Uollards, Stuarts, Hunters and other related families who
had accompanied them from Kentucky, took claims in Township Forty-
Nine, Range Iwo west. The following year they formally entered
their land at the government land office, making the journey of
more than 150 miles to Palmyra, Missouri, for that purpose, on
horseback. Theirs were the first entries made under the jurisdic~
tion of the United States in Lincoln County. The receipts of
Isaac and Samuel are dated August 27 and October 13 respectively
in the year 1818, (Land Office, Washington, D.C., Palmyra and
St. Louis, Vol. 6, Page 1h57) and Ephraim‘s, January 15, 1819,
(lbid, Page 1h37) while the receipt of zaeeer weeds who entered
the present site of Troy was not issued until September lh, 1819.
Later, however, they became dissatisfied with the location and
following the lead of Ephraim, moved to the northeastern part of
the county near Stout‘s Settlement later to be known as New Hope
and soon to become the busy metropolis of eastern Lincoln County,
through which passed the bulk of the commerce arriving by boat
at Falmouth. James, with his sons, Ephraim, William and John, and
his sons-in-law, Rollins Trail, Thomas McCoy, Jacob Stinebaugh
and probably John J, Collard, took land in Township Fifty-One,
Range One East, and Samuel in Township Fifty-One Range Two East,
while Isaac and Jehu Pyle chose to remain on their original
claims. James entered eighty acres, the east half of the southwest
uarter of Section Twenty-Two, December 13, 1830, at the rate of
81,25 per acre. His certificate, No. 2755, acknowledges his
deposit of $100.00 at that time, and his patent bears the date
of April Eh, 1833. (Land Office, Washington, D.C., Special
Palmyra, Vol. 6, Page 139) He later bought from his son, Ephraim,
dll -#I
the eighty acres comprising the west half of the same quarter and
made the 160 acres his permanent homestead. On this quarter
section he lived for more than twenty years, a veteran of prestige
and influence in the community,
Another soldier of the Revolution, William Butler, by name, also
resided in the New Hope precinct. On election morning the two would
be early at the polls, and were invariably accorded the privilege
of voting first, a precedence at that time highly esteemed as a
mark of honor. Sometimes one voted first and sometimes the other,
but always remained at the selocns for a "lection day" carouse,
but James after he had voted and exchanged the compliments of the
day with the older neighbors present would walk at once to his
horse and ride home.
The schedules of the Census of 1820 are not available, though
the tax lists show he was a resident of Hurricane Township that year,
(Lincoln County Atlas ((1s7a)) page ia) but the census of 1830
gives the following data, the names being added as before:
James Cannon, Lincoln County, Missouri'
Free White Male:
Free White Female:
60 to 70 years-*--
Under 5 years
Rebecca McCoy
From 5 to 10 ------ Julia McCoy
From 15 to 20 Jane
From eo to T0 Rachel
Slaves ~» Male: From 10 to 2h George
Female: From 36 to 55 Sarah
Julia and Rebecca McCoy were his granddaughters whom he had
taken on the death of their mother, and Jane was his youngest
daughter. Rachel must have died soon after this census as she
was not living at the time James made his declaration, February h,
Notwithstanding his early military service, James Gannon may
have enjoyed the advantage of some primitive bducationa1'faci1ities
although this is not.c1ear. The only specimen of his penmsnship
even when_he hae'aeeeaea an gdvanced age was regular and legible,
and the diction df the two fragments which have come down to us
is good. But the two receipts in the Probate Records at Troy were
probably signed by his attorney, and he subscribed to his declara-
tion in l833 with his mark, so`it is possible he could not write.
However, his reesipt~tearing date of January lh, 1829 and attested
by the county clerk, and his will executed June 30, 1836, bear his
sign~manual in full.

James Cannon is described by those who saw him as being a man
of large frame, about six feet two inches tall, spare, erect and
smooth shaven. So far as is known, he belonged to no fraternal
orders and was a member of no church, but was temperate and of
scrupulous integrity. A stranger making inquiry at West Port on
one occasion was told, "His word is as good as his oath, and his
promise will go as far as his bond".
A grandson (Ephraim Cannon, IV~hl) described him as the most
graceful man he ever saw sit a horse, and characterized him as "a
handsome man of strong build and goodly proportions". As the same
grandson quite as frankly spoke of his grandmother, Rachel Cannon,
as"the homeliest woman he ever saw in his life, though a woman of
unusual intelligence," he can hardly be charged with bias due to
family pride. '
The love of a Cannon for his horse is proverbial. It seems
to have been a family trait inherent in James himself, whose
concern for his horses amounted to a passion. The only threat he
ever made of whipping a slave (George) was for galloping his
horses, a practice to which George was addicted when out of sight
and hearing of his master.
L James owned two Negro slaves at the time of his death, Sarah
Brown and her son, George, later called Free George. He traded
land left him in his father’s will for "Aunt Sallie" who was given
to his brother in his fatherfs will. "Aunt Sallie" had been in
his possession since his marriage, and nursed the children from
Samuel to Jane. She and her son were singularly faithful, and
were loved as members of the family. Many stories of their
honesty, thrift and quaint humility are handed down through the
various branches of the family. There were no banks and currency
had to be concealed about the house. A grand~daughter (Susan
Dameron Black ~lV-lt?) relates that when a man came to borrow
money, lent only in the smallest amounts in that time of meager
exchange, James would ask the amount wanted and direct him to
return at a certain time, when the money would be ready having
been procured from aunt Sallie who kept it hidden in a wide mouthed
earthen jug. She and George were freed by their master in his
will, and after his death lived on a small farm which he had
enabled them to buy, now a part of the Lilly Place, and through
their thrift accumulated a competence. Free George was born in
1805 and died May 31, 1863. His mother was then taken by Rachel
Trail who cared for her until her death, August 7, 1870, at the
age of ninety~eight. Both were buried in the Cannon Cemetery on
the old Stinebaugh Place where their graves are marked by the
most pretentious monuments to be obtained at that time.
James Cannon's will probated May lh, l8h2, is recorded at page
113 of Book I in the probate office of Lincoln Gounty.
ll, I
mit? O
I, James Cannon, considering the uncertainty of this
mortal life and being of sound mind and memory, do make
and publish this my last will and testament in manner and
form following, towit:
First, my will and desire is that my two servants, Sarah
and George, who are slaves, shall after my decease have their
freedom, and that my executor shall cause the necessary papers
of emancipation to be made out, properly certified and
delivered to each of said slaves as soon as can conveniently
be done.
Second, I wish all my personal estate (except the slaves
above mentioned) that I may die possessed of, to be appraised
and sold according to law, and also I will and ordain that
the executor of this my last will and testament shall as
soon as convenient sell and convey in fee simple, at public
or private sale, all of my lands that I may die seized and
possessed of. And for the doing executing and perfect
finishing whereof I do by these presents give to my said
executor full power and authority to grant, bargain, sell
and convey all of said lands to any person or persons and
their heirs and assigns forever in fee simple, and a con~
veyanoe or conveyances to make execute and deliver for the
same agreeably to this my last will and testament. Andafter
all my debts and the expenses of administering my estate are
paid, I wish all the proceeds arising from the sale of my
personal and real estate to be equally divided among my
children who are now living, as I consider that I gave them
in their life time of those deceased, their full share of my
and lastly, I hereby appoint my son, Isaac Gannon, sole
executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking
all former wills by me made.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed
my seal the thirtieth day of June in the year of our Lord
one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Six.
James Cannon (deal)
Signed, sealed, published
and declared by the above named
James Cannon to be his last will
and testament in the presence of:
Brice W. Hammack (From Tennessee about 1820, lived nea
New Hope, moved to Texas about l850,
died Tatesville, Texas; 60; Brother
in Missouri, Richard Hammack)
Thomas Buchanan
David Wilson

l 29.
Isaac Gannon, named as administrator in the will, filed a
written waiver in which, "in eeeeeqaeeee of indisposttipn" he
relinquished his right in favor of~his“e1der brother; Samuel.
Notice of administration was given in "The Daily Missouri Republi~
can", later the "Saint Louis Republic”, May 20§`lB&3. ln the same
column with the notice appears an advertisement of the Missouri
State Lottery for the benefit of the St. Louis Hospital,_announcing
prizes ranging from $15,000.00 to t5.oo on tickets selling at Five
dollars each, and an editorial advocating Henry Clay for the Presi-
dency. p
ln the inventory and sale bill of the estate dh filegon the
probate office, the following items are indicative of the times:
Amount due from the Government of the United States on pension
certificate from the hth of March, lSh2, up to April the 20th,
One shot gun with apparatus ~---------~- - 6.50
Two noggins ---------------- ,3?% `
One Piggin ~----~----~-- .18 3/h
One jar of brown sugar ---- .62%'
One cotton wheel --~““-* 2,l2é`
Five pewter plates -~~-~-~--
Candlestick and salt Gellar
One pair of andirons -------
---------»\~ _
I2% '
Check reel and part of flax wheel l.00
One weaver's loom and gear -----~- 0.18 3/h
One pair of pot hooks ----- -- -- - ~-~~ -~ - .26
Pail and two piggins--4 ~v---~ s -~-- .6?é
One gourd of lard --~------ e ---- .37§
Sheepskin and deer skins ----- 1.68 3/h
Tomahawk -~»~»--~----»--~ ,3T%
One pair of cotton cards--- .2?§
One pair of saddle bags--- 1.50
wl Q
milf 9
Among the expenses of the sale was one dollar to J. Winston
Sitton, Justice of the Peace, who acted as crier, and four gallons
of whiskey at 37% per gallon. This last item was a proper and
necessary accompaniment of all public gatherings of the time, in-
cluding houseraisings, log-rollings and harvests. lt is interesting
to note the prices of the various commodities at this sale held in
12¢ per bu.
May, l8h2.
One lot of corn containing about 70 bushels ~--- ~
One lot of corn containing about 105 bushels~-- ~-- lB " "
One bureau ~~-----~-~-~-~~----»-~-~-----~~»»~ --- $1 00
One fancy bedstead ---~ -- 37%
Two books -~--~---»- » .h3 3/L
Two books ~--~-----»- ~- ~-----~e------~-- - 25
Five meal bags -~----»~»~~~--- - » - ~ 1 50
One large eight gallon kettle--~ - ~~--~ -- 2 12%
One white and spotted cow -~~- "' '~ 9 12%
One pied heifer ---~---~-~- ~ - M O0
One large blue sow °---- ~ - ~-~~ 2 37%
Eight shoats --~»-~-~~--------~»-~»~~~---- - 5.25
One two horse Dearborn and harness -~-- -- 50 00
One small wagon ~»---~-~ --~--------- -» 55 OO
One bay horse ---»-~---- - ~ ~ --» -- 66 25
One lot of chickens (about one dozen) -»-- 50
One tract of land containing 160 acres-~» -- 391 00
In accordance with the proyisions of the will, the estate was
to be divided among the chlldreh'living at the time of the testator‘s
death. The'following children are named as'beneficiariee
in the
accounts of the administratorqé Samuel Cannon, John Gannon, Lydia
Thurman, Isaac Cannon, William Cannon; Elizabeth Pyle, Nancy Stine-
baugh, Ephraim Cannon, Rachel Trail, Rebecca Barnett, Margarette
Hubbard and Jane Dameron. At the time of the final settlement,
Elizabeth was living in Randolph County, Missouri; Lydia,

Ephraim, Margarette and the heirs of Rebecca were in the State of
Illinois; and the remainder were presumably in Lincoln County.
Rebecca Barnett and her husband, Joseph, were dead, but Ephraim
Gannon received their share as the "lawful guardian of the heirs
of Joseph Barnett", probably by general consent.
The accounts of his administrator show that James was buried
in a "Raised led coffin maid of Cherry Tree" fashioned by his son-
in-law, Jacob Stinebaugh, the cabinet maker. He was buried beside
his wife whose death receded his b several years The two were laid
P Y -
between their daughter, Rachel Trail, and their grandson, Robert
Cannon, in the old family burying ground on the Stinebaugh Place
and were reinterred in the Elsberry Cemetery in December l9hl.
The original headstone of heavy slate, symetrically carved and
evidently the work of an experienced engraver, was three inches
thick, twenty inches in width and extended about thirty inches
above the ground. In the course of time it became shattered into
numerous fragments and, either through neglect or intentionally
with the hope of preserving it, had been buried several inches
below the surface, where long decay_had reduced it to the con~
sistency of chalk. lt was with difficulty deciphered, but the
full inscription, with the exception of the days of the month,
which had become illegible, was:
J A M E S C A N-
N G N W A S B O-
T H E ll, l 7 6 2
D l E D A P R I L
T H s 30, 1 8 n 2
A G E D 7 9
This stone gave place in 1910 to the plain marble slab erected
in accordance with the provisions of a general Act of Congress,
by the United States, in commemoration of his services in the War
of the American Revolution,
2h-Samue1- ~-»-- »»---- -Unknown »---------- ~ ~-~*~~-~ Unknown
William Cannon ---- -- »--- --~--~---“
25-Daugntsr-~- ---~---- Unknown-e -------- ~-- »--~ ----Unknown
William emigrated with his family from South Carolina to Ten-
nessee and possibly from Tennessee to Kentucky where he and his
son were killed by the Indians, although he may have remained in
Tennessee and the tragedy have taken place there. The massacre
occured during a period of merciless border warfare. From April 1,
l78O, to the English Treaty of 1783, the Indians were incited by
British agents. From the Treaty of 1783 to the cession of the
Northwest Territory in 1790, they were instigated by Spain who,
having determined to seize the Mississippi Basin, engaged Alexander
Mcdillivray in l78h to form an alliance of the Indian tribes for
the destruction of the western settlements, especially those of
Tennessee and Kentucky. Following 1790 the Washington government,
anxious to complete the navigation treaty with Spain, unwittingly
played into their hands. There followed fourteen years of carnage.
Raids upon settlers were of daily occurrence. workmen went armed
to the fields and blockhouses of refuge were guarded day and night.
From March 9 to September 6 of the year 1?9M» 67 whites WSTS
killed, 10 were wounded and 25 were captured and carried into
captivity. Among the victims were william and Samuel Cannon.
They were engaged in clearing land, and while felling a tree were
suddenly attacked by a small war party. The father stood his
ground and fought with his ax until killed. The boy ran and was
outdistancing his pursuers when he came to a small stream which
He leaped upon the ice which broke and tripped
was frozen over.
him and before he could rise they were upon him and dispatched
him with their tomahawke. The Indians then surrounded the log
cabin, took prisoners the wife and daughter and son~in»law named
Stark, and began the retreat to their village with the captives.
It was a long and strenuous march in the dead of winter, and Stark
frequently carried his mother-in-law on his back fearing she would
become exhausted and be killed by the savages. After being held
for a time as prisoners, they were finally exchanged and allowed
to return to their home. (Account had by Isaac Cannon ((lII»36)} f
Nothing further is known of them. Records of the administration(fa
of his estate are on file in Package 83, Box 38, Estate 918, in
the Probate Court of Newberry County, South Carolina.
Mary Cannon----~ -~~---- -- ~» »--»Unknown
No further information.
Keaiah Gannon-~ -------~- ----UnkneWn
No further information.
rom h

Lydia Cannon- ~--- -----
No further information.
Elizabeth Cannon ~~~-~“
No further information.
Samuel Gannon--- _1a-__s .__-- -» »»-- ---- --Temperance Stewart
(Joi. 28, 1810) s Mar
26-Mary Cannon-~ ------ Aug. 23. 1811 “'°' Ma?
27-slarora Cannon#-~--Dec. 19, 1813----Ser
28-James Stuart Cannon~Apri1 25, l8l6~-Sep
29»Jane Cannon-- --~--- Dec. 31: 1317““”“JUn
30-John Cannon ~------ »Nov. 29, 1319 “"“' Ma?
31~Rotert cannon ------ Jan. 5. l322~“~“JU1
32-Elizabeth Gannon---Nov. h, l82h-=-“AUS
33-Samuel Perry Cannon-Jan. 13, 1327“““JUU
3h-Lydia Cannon ----- --Feb. 13, 1829 ---- Jan
354William ceases cannon-Jan. 9, 183l~-Arr
36-Isaac Newton Cannon-Aug. 26, 1333*'“8PP
3?-Rachel Cannon ---- ~-May 23, 1336 ~“““ “SSP
sau ~-------- ~-»~----
(Jun. 17. 1856)
6. 1855
15, 1829
8, 1871
7. 1898
Eh. 1375_
6, 1888;
28. 1388
23, 1870
5, 1900
15, 1911
19, 1888
9, 1910
5. 1355
--~Hannah Allen
Aug. 18, 1816
Uct. 22, 1868
Samuel Cannon was born in South Carolina, reared in_Tennessee.
married in Christian County, Kentucky, and passed the mayor portion
of his life in Missouri. The Census of 1850 gives North Carolina
as the state of his birth, but this is undoubtedly an error on the
part of the enumerator, although it is possible that his father
sojourned in North Carolina while migrating South.
His schedule appears for the first time in the Third Census
which was completed in his county in November Of 1310i
Samuel Gannon, Christian County, Kentucky!
Free White Male: From 16 to 26 Years -- l~-Samue1~
Free White Female: From 16 to 26 Years rr 1"-TSMPQTQUC9
In 1817 he came with his father to Missouri and settled west*
of the present town of Hawk Point on land adjoining that of his
%Kentucky State Historical Society Register, Vol. 2h (1926) Page. 2h3.
brother, Isaac. The two farms bordered on the stream known as
"Turkey Creek," and were in Section Twenty~nine of Township Forty-
nine Two West. Samuel entered the south-west quarter at the land
office in Falmyra, October 13, 1819, and the northwest quarter,
December 9 of the same year, and the patent was issued September 20
1891. The earliest tax list available catalogues him as a resident
of Bedford Township in 1820. (Atlas of Lincoln County, (1879),
Page 11)
Later, again following his father, he abandoned this land at
a date not definitely determined and August 12, 1827 entered Lot
No. 2 of the southwest quarter of Section Thirty, Township Fifty~
One, Range Two East. To this he added Lot No. l, of the same
?uarter on February 15, 1831, making a total of 221.36 acres.
Land Office, Washington, D.C., Special Record, Palmyra, Missouri,
Vol.1) Here he was living at the time of the Census of 1830. The
names are added from the family registerf
Samuel Gannon Lincoln County, Missouri:
Free White Male: Under 5 years »--~- -1-e---Samuel
From 5 to 10 --~»-~- 2 ~~--- John and Robert
From 10 to 15-» ---- 1 -~--- James
From 15 to 20 ------ 1 ----- Bluford
From h0 to 50 ------ 1 -»~-- Samuel
Free White Fema1e:Under 5 years »-~-- ~3 ~--- ~E1izabeth, Lydia
_and Margaret
From 10 to 15~»-~-e ~--- -Jane
From 30 to h0 ---»- -l ----- Temperance
Margaret Hubbard Stubblefield was his grand-daughter whom he
had taken after the death of her mother, Maryp
Two decades later the Census of 1850 reported him as a farmer,
born in Na th Carolina, with 8l8h0 worth of taxable property, and
a family consisting of himself and wife and five children, amuel,
Lydia, William, Isaac and Rachel.
In 1851 he traded this farm to Thompson Cox for another in the
Pierre Chouteau Grant just north of the present town of Elsberry,
where he spent the remainder of his life.
In 1837 he was elected a member of the first bpard of eduoa~
tion of what is now the Elsberry Public School. (History of
Lincoln County (1888) Page h62) At that time the district com-
prised all of;Townships Fifty-one, of Ranges Two and_Three East,
and the building erected at the time was a log structure and lo- -
cated on the southern bank of Lost Greek on the land of Raleigh
Mayes, who was also a member of the Board.
Samuel Cannon is described as a man of heavy build, below
medium height and of erect carriage. In physique he much resembled
his father though of shorter stature, and like him wore no beard.

» 1
Cn one occasion when he and his sons were being weighed, John,
the heaviest of the boys tipped the beam at 180 pounds. His
father than stepped on the scales and weighed 185 pounds,
whereupon John jocularly asked, "What have you got in your
hunting shirt, Pa?", and his father replied, "A big fat man."_
Samuel inherited his fatherfs political preferendes and
his mother‘s religious convictions, He was a lifelong Democrat,
and was a member of the old Union Baptist Church before the division
between the Primitive and Missionary branches of the denomination.
He was buried in the old family cemetery between his wife,
Temperance, and his son, Robert, and reinterred in the Elsberry
Cemetery, December 30, l9hl.
Temperance Stewart, daughter of Grosvenor Stewart and Jane
Fields was born in the State of Georgia, Her father later moved
to Christian County, Kentucky, where his family consisted of one
son and nine daughters in 1810 (Third Census, Christian County,
Kentucky), of whom Temperance was probably the eldest. Her only
brother, Robert Stewart, was a member of the party of Kentuckians
which accompanied James Gannon to Missouri in 1817. He settled
with them in the southwestern border of the county but later moved
across the eastern side and at one time owned the present site of
the Town of Winfield. He reared a large family there and was
killed by a rolling log while engaged in erecting a mill. Two
of Temperance‘s sisters married brothers by the name of Brewer.
The son of one of these was an officer in the Confederate Army.
While on a visit home he was surprised and captured by the Federal
troops, and was courtmarshalled and sentenced to be snot. He pro-
tested and showed his papers commissioning him as an officer, but
without avail. A squad was detailed and he was marched out and
shot the next morning at sunrise. His father, Joseph Brewer, on
learning of the young man”s death procured a revolver and secured
admittance to the tent of the commander who had ordered the execu-
tion and shot him down. In the excitement which followed, he
succeeded in escaping and was never apprehended. The Union comman-
der, though severely wounded, recovered.
Temperance Stuart, DAUGHTER OE GROSVENOR STUART (born in 1756 in
Berks County Pennsylvania or in Virginia enroute to North Carolina;
married Jane Fields at Wrightsboro, Columbia County, Georgia, May 3,
1788; died in Christian County, Kentucky, December 2, 1831) -- GRAND-
DAUGHTER of ROBERT STUART (born in Kennett Square, Chester County,
Pennsylvania, November 25, l7lO; married in Chester County, Pennsyl-
vania, in lT32 to Martha Richardson, born March 23, 1717, in Cheshire
County, England; died in Wilkes County, Georgia, in 1793 -» daughter
of Isaac Richardson and Katherine Gandy, born on Gandy Estate, called
"Seven Oaks" in Cheshire, England, Chester County, Pennsylvania,
Monthly Meeting Records of Quaker Church, page 128 -- died in Wilkes
County, Georgia, in 1783) ~~ GREAT GRAND DAUGHTER of ALEXANDER
STEWART (born in Glasgow, Scotland, about l680~l885; emigrated to
America in 1697; settled at Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, Gilbert
Cope‘s Genealogy of Bailey Family of
GN; f Q
J ii..
=. ,-
Bromham, Wilkshire, England, -- married in Chester County, Pennsyl
vania, to Mary Baily, born September 10, 1688, in Chester County,
Pennsylvania, died in Chester County, Pennsylvania, in lzhl --
aaugneer“cr Joel Baily and Ann Short -- about 1707-1708; (died in
Chester County, Pennsylvania, November 5, lTll)
The family name is spelled "Stuart" in the Quaker Church
records of Chester County, Pennsylvania (Stuart and Allied Familie
Page 23), in the 1810 Census returns from Christian County, Ken"
tucky (Vol. 2, Page h72) and in the Probate Court land records of
Lincoln County, Missouri, The name is spelled "Stewart" in the
probate Records of Chester County, Pennsylvania (Vol. I, Pages
5,ll5,l98); in the 1820 Census returns from Christian County,
Kentucky (Kentucky State Historical Society Register, Vol. Eh,
Page 2h3) and in the Roster of the Revolutionary Soldiers in
Georgia (Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia, Page 205).
The name is spelled "Steward" in the apprentice court proceedings
o§)Chester County, Pennsylvania (Stuart and Allied Families, Page
The name "Grosvenor" is spelled "Grovenor" in~the Stuart
Genealogy; is spelled "Gravener" in the 1810 Kentucky census;
and is spelled "Graviner" in the 1820 Kentucky census.
Grosvenor Stewart served in the Revolutionary War, (Roster
of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia, by Mrs. Howard H. McCall,
Page 205; Georgia and Georgiais People by G. G. Smith, Page 638;
History of Rockingham County, Va. by John W. Wayland, Page ago;
History of Christian County, Kentucky, by William Werrin, Page
3h8; Stuarts of Cane Creek, North Carolina, by Hinshaw, Page 105;
D.A.R. Records No, 3363h7) received a bounty grant of 2875 acres
of land in Washington County (now Greene County) Georgia, and a
grant of hoo acres in Wilkes County, Georgia, from the State of
Georgia, December 9, 178h, for his services as a Revolutionary
(Stuart Clan Magazine, Vol, 12, Page 71; Vol. 15,
Page ?5; Tax Digest of Wilkes County, Georgia, Vol. 1, Pages 312,
327; Vol. 2, Page 62; Meachem‘s History of Christian County,
Kentucky, Page 90; Will Records of Christian County, Kentucky,
Book G, Page 13. He may have been a relative of General Daniel
Stewart, the maternal great grandfather of President Theodore
Roosevelt and the great great grandfather of Mrs. Franklin Delano
Roosevelt (Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia, Page 159)
as General Stewart is recorded as moving to Georgia from South
Carolina, and the Grosvenor Stewart family moved to Georgia from
Bush River near Newberry, South Carolina.
"Much effort has been expended in vain to trace Alexander*s
family in Scotland, He was a boy when he came to Pennsylvania
about 1692, and aside from the fact that his ship passage had not
been paid in advance, there seems to be no means of ascertaining
where he came from, In his will he gave some of his clothing to
John Stewart, who was probably a brother." (George Edson, Stewart
Society of America, April 19, l9h8)

Second, I will that my wife, Hannah Cannon, retain and
Temperance is buried in the old cemetery in the same grave withc
her daughter, Rachel, who died on the same day and of the same
contagion. Reinterred in Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri,
December 30, 19hl.
Hannah Allen was the daughter of Benjamin Allen and Sarah
Woods, and was a spinster at the time of her marriage to Samuel
Cannon. She was the second time married to James C. Mussan,
September 21, 1858, (Marriage Records of Lincoln County, Missouri,
vei. 3, Page 35) with whom see lived but e short time. sae ales
in Lincoln County and was buried in the old Allen Cemetery on the
bluff immediately southwest of the Village of apex. ~
The will of Samuel Gannon was probated at Troy, Missouri,`
"Know all men by these presents, that I, Samuel Cannon,
of the County of Lincoln and State of Missouri, of sound
mind and memory knowing the certainty and uncertainty of
life, and being desirous of disposing of the effects of
which I am in possession according to my will and desire,
do make, publish and declare this my last will and testa-
First, I will that all of my just debts be paid out of
any of my personal property that my executor may deem most
fit and proper.
be in possession of all my real estate during her natural
life, and in lieu of dower in my personal property or
perishable estate, she have and retain an amount equal to
two hundred and twenty dollars worth,
Third, I will to my daughter, Lydia Cannon, such articles and
property as I gave Jane and Elizabeth, my two daughters that are
married, to be paid ner whenever circumstances require it.
Fourth, I will that my three daughters, Jane Sitton,
Elizabeth Wells, and Lydia Cannon, receive forty dollars
each more than I have given them heretofore. This I think
will make all my children equal in the amount I have given
them up to this time. After my three daughters are paid the
above amount out of my personal property, the remainder, if
any, I desire shall be equally divided between my children.
Fifth, After my death, and after the death of my wife,
Hannah Cannon, I will to my daughter, Lydia Cannon, and to
the heirs of her body (if she ever have any) the tract of
land on which I now reside. In the event she should die
childless, then my said executor shall sell said land and divide
the sale money equally between all my children.
Sixth, I hereby appoint John Cannon my executor to carry
into effect the provisions of this will, waiving all forms of
law, and empowering my said executor to sell any of my personal
property either at public or private sale as he may think best,
collect debts, make deeds, sue and defend, and make and give
aoquitance, and in fact, to do any and everything relative to
my said estate that I might or could do were I present and living,
hereby confirming and satisfying whatsoever my said executor may
do by virtue of this will, and should anything prevent John Cannon
from acting, then Samuel Cannon, Isaac Cannon, William, James or
Bluford Cannon is appointed in his stead, so that any one of my
sons above named is appointed my executor should anything prevent
John Cannon from acting I give and grant all power to which ever
of my sons may act that I have given to the first named executor.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my
seal this 25th day of October, A,D. 1857. _
Signed, Sealed and delivered in the presence of
SAMUEL cannon (seal)
J. Winston Sitton,
William A, Zumwalt
This will is of particular interest in that it became the sub
ject of litigation which was carried to the Supreme Court of'the
State of Missouri in the case of Cannon Vs. Unknown Heirs of
Henry B. Curtis, et al, and adjudicated in a decision by the
Missouri Appeal Reports handed down June 3, 1913. (Eissouri
Appeal Reports, Vol. 175, Page 8h)
%(Kentucky State Historical
Vgg. 2h ((l926)) Page 2h}
John Gannon»-~- -------*- » --~-- -~----- ---- ---- Jang Knox
(Jan, 27, 18l3)n Mar. 16, 179h
Soc. Register, SSP- 10, 1533
~Nancy Cannon --»--~---~ Mar, 20, l8lh--- -~~~Nov h, 1900
39-Mary Cannon ----------- Nov. 12, 1816 ._.__.._ Oct 17, 1591
h0-Rachel Cannon- ---- ---Jan. 22, l8l9 -=----- -Dec 13, 1886
hl-Ephraim Cannon =-~----- Mar. 27, 1821 »--- ---- Aug 19, 1900
h2-Jane Cannon -~~-------- Sep, 2h, 1823_- --~- -_ 7
H3-Henry Clay Cannon -~--- Aprs 17, 1826 ---~---- Mar 20, l8h9
hh-James Knox Cannon »~--» Deo. 28, 1828-~~ ~--- Aug 26, 1303
h5»Elizabeth Cannons-~---Mars 11, 1832 --~~- --- 1 1
ho-John William Cannon-~»Sep. 16, l83h--- ---- Dec 16, 1836
M7-Rebecca Gannon ----- ---Jul. h, 1837--- -~-~

John Cannon was born in Robertson County, Tennessee. Before he
reached the age of ten his father moved to Christian County, Ken-
tucky and there John married in 1813. Four years later he came
with his father to Missouri and with the others took up land on
Turkey Creek. He was enrolled as a resident of Bedford Township
in 1820 on the first Lincoln County Tax list. Like his father
and his brother, William, he failed to enter his land, and seems
to have followed the same plan of delay when the family later ~
moved to Hurricane Township. His first entry was recorded nearly
twenty-five years after he reached Missouri when he entered the
north fractional half of Section Thirty-Two in Township Fifty-
One, Range One East, November 21, l8hl.
John early departed from the political faith of his father,
and was the only Whig in the family. It is said that when he _
visited or was visited by his brother, Isaac, they would indulge
in heated but good natured political arguments lasting far into
the night. Like all the old stock of Cannons, he was very fond
of his horses and took much pride in their welfare and comfort.
Nicholas Dameron, his brother-in~law told of meeting him on the
road on a sultry day, walking up a hill leading his riding horse
while he fanned her with his hat. John was a Baptist and was one
of the constituent members of Mill Creek Baptist Church. (History
of Salt River Baptist Association by Patrick: History of Lincoln
County ((l888)) Page h76) He was a favorite in the family and
was especially venerated by the younger generations. He is
buried beside his wife, Jane, in the family cemetery on his home
Jane Knox, daughter of James Knox, was born in South Carolina.
(Census of 1850, Lincoln County, Missouri) Her father was born
in one of the Atlantic coast states three weeks after his parents
landed in America from Ireland. He lived for a time inrthe states
of Tennessee and Kentucky, in the latter of which Jane was married,
and came to Missouri in 1827, living with his daughter until his f
death in l8h6. He was a Baptist and a Mason. Jane was reared in _
the State of Tennessee where her father lived in her early youth,
and moved with him to Christian County, Kentucky, where she was
married to John, whom she survived, livin to the advanced age=
of 89. (History of Lincoln County ((l888§) Page 515) (Married
in Christian County, Kentucky. Recorded in county records as
"Jenny". vei. 2h, (1926) Page 2h3.
Lydia Gannon ---- - --~~----~-- --~----- --~~--- John Collard
(May 21, 1806) Apr. 22, 178h
Jun. 18, 1818
h8-Rachel Collard ~---~--- Unknown -~~-~-» ~---Unknown
h9“ISaphena Collard ~----- Cir. 1815 --~~~~-~~-- Unknown
50-John James Collard --~- Sep. 7, l81? ----- --Mar. 22, l87h=
51-Felix Oliver Ccllard~-Jul. 20, 1810 ~------ Aug. 7, l86h'
all -Q
F i
lsaac L. Thurman
Cir. lT9h
Subsequent to l8h2
52~Elijah Thurman-»~- --~Cir. 1823 UNKNOWN
53-Mary L. Thurman ~---~-- Cir. 1825 --_» ~--Unknown
5h~Kesia Thurman ---- Cir. 1827 ~~----~ Unknown
55-Granville Thurman Unknown- ~»------ Unknown
56-Ephraim Thurmane- Cir. 1831 ~»-~--- UHRDDWH
57~Edward Thurman~~- Unkncwn» ~~----~- Unknown
58-George Thurman-=~ Cir. l835» -~-~~- Unknown
3rd, __.._.._ _ ..-.------- - »»---- »J. Sinclair
(Unknown) Unknown
1 Unknown
Lydia Cannon, the eldest daughter, was born in the State Of
Tennessee. The family moved to Christian County, Kentucky, while
she was yet a child and there she grew to womanhood and was married
to John Collard. (Kentucky State Historical Society, Vol. Eh,
((l926)) Page EM5) Beyond this very little is known of her his-
tory and even the number and names of her children are-dubious.
She and her husband were no doubt included in the migrant train
which followed James Gannon to Missouri in l8lT, and;settled on
Turkey Creek, The James Collard who entered a part of Section 20,
in Township h9, One west, February 3, 1819, was the brother of
her husband.
The first definite information we have is that her second _
husband, Isaac L. Thurman, was living in l8h2 at the time of the
distribution of her father's estate. The Census of ISEO reports
her as living in Pike County, Illinois, with this husband and the
two children, Ephraim and George.` "Aunt Lyd" is well remembered
by her neice, Jane Parker, who characterizes her as a charming
and comely woman even in her old age. She is buried in Pike
County, Illinois, near the town of Nebo.
John Collard, son of Joseph Collard and _ KGDHSCY Was
born in Kentucky. His sister was the mother of John M. Hunter
who came to Missouri with the Kentucky colony in 1817; another
sister was married to Isaac Cannon, his brother-in-law. Victor
N. Jones, his great grandson says his brother married Mary Null.
He also had a brother, James. He was killed by a runaway horse,
about l820, and his burial place, though somewhere in Lincoln
County, has long since been forgotten. t
Isaac L._Thurman was born in the State of Kentucky and was
56 years of age at the Census of l85O. His death occurred within
the next few years during a cholera epidemic. He is buried
beside Lydia in Pike County, Illinois.
J. Sinclair was a widower at the time of his marriage to
Lydia. He had several grown children, one of whom married the
oldest of the Thurman sons. He had been a resident of Missouri

and moved to Illinois late in life where he was married to Lydia
sometime in the fifties. as died prior to 1869 and is probably
buried in Pike County, Illinois.
(For information relative to subsequent generations of the family
of Lydia Cannon, consult manuscript genealogy of the Cannon family
donated to the Library of Congress at Washington, D.C.)
He was a staunch Democrat, but deplored the secession of the
Isaac Cannon ------~-- -~*----------- ------ * Marr 0011&Pd
(Feb. 6, 1817) Dec lh, 1799
(Marriage listed in “Register of the H Nov 27, 1872
tucky State Historical Society, Vol. 2h
((l926}) Page 2h3, as February h, 1817)
James Lee Cannon ------ Dec 19, 1817 Jan 5, 1337
John Collard Cannon---Mar 6, 1820 -~----- Jul 17, 1338
Mgpggpgt Gannon ------ -Apr Zh, 1822 Jun 23, 18h1
Seymour Davis Cannon-~Jul Zh, l82h Apr 12, 1895
Lewis Williams Cannon~Nov 2, 1826 Aug 8, 1906
Kezia Cannon Jan 19, 1829~ ------ Feb 16, l8h3
Rachel Cannon --~------ Jun 28, 1831 ~------ Sep 20, 1859_
Mary Cannon ----------- Oct 20, l833~ “----- Apr 7, 1908
David Hubbard Cannon--Jan 16, 1836- ~~~~~- Oct 6, 1897
setter Ann cannon -~--- Jun 27, 1B38~- ~~--» use io, 1895
Isaac Watts Cannon ---- Aug 9, l8h0» ------ Jun 10, 1890
Isaac Cannon was born in Robertson County, Tennessee, and
moved to Christian County, Kentucky, with his father in 1797 or
1798. In 1816 he enlisted in the Indian war and his company
started for the Northwest, but the war closed and the company
disbanded before reaching the scene of action. Isaac than crossed
the Mississippi River near Saint Louis and traveled north on a
prospecting tour through the eastern part of Missouri, at that time
an unbroken wilderness. He decided to locate on a branch of
Cuivre which, because of the abundance of wild turkey found there,
ha namgd Turkey Cpggk near Muddy Fork in thB DOPthW6StSPn part of
Saint Charles County, and returned to Kentucky for his bride. They
were married February 6, 1817, and made their wedding trip to f
Missouri with the Kentucky colony, (Biographical Record of St.
Charles, warren and Lincoln Counties, Page 566) Pushing up an 3
inviting branch of Cuivre River, he came to a great spring. Above
it the land spread out into an inviting little valley of two or
three acres. Here on a small knoll on the margin of the "bottom",
sheltered to the east and north by sloping limestone hills, he
built his pioneer home. Isaac entered his land under Certificate
No. 81 at the land office at Palmyra, as the South half of Section
29, Township h9, Range 2 West, August 27, 1818, and his patent
was issued under date of August 10, l82h. (Land Office, Palmyra
and St. Louis, Vol. 6, Page lhS7) When the remainder of the
family emigrated to the eastern side of the county, he chose to
nl Q
remain on Turkey Creek and spent the remainder of his life in the
home he had
first chosen from the primeval forests. He was a
member of the first grand jury impaneled in Lincoln County. The
jury was convened at Wood's Fort, Monday, April 5, 1819, "at the
house of Zadock Woods". He was also a member of the first petit
jury summoned for the December Term in 1819. (Records of Lincoln
County, Book A, Page 6) On August 6, 1838, he was commissioned
Justice of the Peace, an office at that time held in great esteem,
and was one
election to
_(History of
of the three judges appointed to preside in the
establish Prairie Township, held August 17, l8h8.
Lincoln County ((1888))Page 282) The Census of 1850
reports him as a farmer aged 57 and possessed of taxable property
assessed at $2,000. By this time he seems to have become a promi~
nent man in the county and a leader in his community. Mr. Albert
Holmes, whose father, Olin Holmes, settled near Isaac speaks of
him as a good man whose advice was sought and valued. when Albert
considered making the trip to California in 'h9, he went to talk
it over with "Uncle" Isaac and recalls that among other things the
"Judge""told him was, "You are a young man; always keep your own
counsel .
lsaac was a man of strong character, independent and agressive
While he was essentially a man of action, he was well tutored for
the crude age in which he lived. He was the best scribe of his
family, and his signatures have the clearness and grace of a copy.
He was the last man in Lincoln County who wore a hunting shirt, re
taining his favorite garment until his death, long after it had
been generally discarded by the community in general. Phe hunting
shirt came down over the outside of the pioneer "Breeches" and was
fringed at the bottom. It was originally made of buckskin but in
later days sometimes of "homespun".
states in 1861. While he refused to vote the Republican ticket,
he broke with his family on the question, all of whom, including
John the Whig, were southern sympathizers, and threw the weight of
his influence for Thomas Hart Benton in the 1atter‘s disastrous
campaign of 1889. He owned a slave, a son of Sarah, who belonged
to his father, James, but freed him before the opening of the
Civil War. Several of his sons entered the Union Army and at the
close of the war affiliated with the Republican party, and most
of his descendants have supported that party. Isaac was a Baptist
and a member of old Cuivre Creek Church, now extinct. He is
buried in a family cemetery which he had established on the hill
above his home on his farm now northwest of the town of Hawk
Point and with him sleep a company of his descendents.
Mary Collard, daughter of Joseph Collard and Kennedy,
was born and reared in Kentucky. She was known in the family as
Polly, a nickname which she transmitted to several generations of
Marys who were named for her. Her brother, John James Collard,
married Lydia Cannon, her sister-in-law, and a sister married a
Hunter whose son, John M. Hunter, accompanied them from Kentucky

and was identified with the Cannon Family in many ways. She is
buried beside her husband whom she survived by several years.
William Cannon -~--------------------- -~-- Nancy Byars
(mar. 15, isis) 1796
Jan 27, 1869
7O~Corne1ius Cannon- ~---~ Dec. lh, 181h ~--»~ Aug 25, 1898
71-Elizabeth Cannon- ----- Unknown- -------- ~ 1839
72~David Cannon-- ------ --Mar. 23, 1819 ----~ Apr 2h, 1900
73-Alvin Byars Cannon ---~ 1822 ----~ Dec 13, 1850
Th-Sarah Cannon ----- ~---- Feb. 15, 1828 -»--- 1865
754William Duncan Cannon-Oct. 20, 1825 »-~-- Nov 11, 1900
76»Nanoy Polly Cannon ---- Aug. 2h, 1827- ---- Mar 6,.l9O0
77-Gideon Cannon »~~-----» Feb. 6, 1830 ----- Mar 1, 1893
78~Bachel Stark Cannon~“~Dec. 9, 1831-~~--Unknown
79~James Stripline Cannon-Nov. 2, 183h- ~-»-
80-Ephraim Lee Cannon-~--Nov. 3, 1836 ---»- Feb. 9, 1875
8l~Louisa Marion Cannon--Mar.` 8, l839---_-Aug. 23, 1908
William Cannon was born in Robertson County, Tennessee. when
he was about two years old his father moved to Christian Count
Kentucky, where he was reared and where he was married. (Kentucky_
State Historical Society Reg., Vol. 2h ((1926)) Page 2h3) He emi-
grated to Missouri with his father in 1817, and settled on Turkey
Creek, originally a part of Bedford Township in 1820. (History '
of Lincoln county ((l888)), Page sho) when his father and brothers
moved to the eastern side of the county, he accompanied them and ,
entered the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 28, '
Township 51, Range One East, May 26, 1829, receiving his patent
October 1 of the_same gear, He entered the other half of the
quarter, December 9, 1 30, increasing his holdings to 160 acres.
In 1833 he emigrated to the State of Alabama and remained there
until 1839 when he returned and settled in the State of Illinois
near Nebo where he passed the remainder of his life. No explana-
tion oan be made of his solitary emigration.South, but he was
probably induced to settle in Illinois rather than Missouri on his
return by the fact that his brother, Ephraim, had located in that
State near Pittsfield during his absence and was well pleased with
the country.
William is said to have been a Democrat, although this is dis,
puted by some who think he at times voted the Whig ticket. He was
a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. William Cannon is buried
in a location chosen by himself on his farm about two miles south 5
of Nebo, Pike County, Illinois, now known as the Guthrie Cemetery.»
Nancy Byars was born in the State of North Carolina. (Census
of 1850, Pike County, Illinois) She was a member of-the Baptist
Church with her husband, and after his death, resided in Logan
County, Illinois, with her son, Gideon, near whose home she is
buried. Her marriage was witnessed by Stripling Byars according
to the Christian County records -~ (evidently her father or her
brother) -- who also witnessed the marriage of Sarah Byars, evi-
dently a sister, to Cader Cooper, December 2h, 1816. (Kentucky
State Historical Soo. Reg., Vol. Eh, Fage 2h7)
(For information relative to subsequent generations of the family
of William Cannon consult manuscript genealogy of the Cannon Family
donated to the Library of Congress at washington, D.C.)
Elizabeth Cannon --------- ~---- ----------~-------~ Jehugh Pyle
(Nov. 8, l8l2)
(Kentucky State Historical Soc.
Reg., Vol. 25 ((1927)} Page 8h)
-Cynthia Pyle-~~ --~~--Unknown ---»- ~-------- l8h5~l85O
-Mary Py1e»»»- ---- Unknown- ----- ---Unknown
~susan Pyle ---~~ ~»~ ~-~1822-~- »~~-a~-- ---1878
-Rachel Pyle --------- ~~Dec. 29, 1828-»~ ~-~0ct. 30, l9O“
-Laws on Pyle ----------- Unknown -------------- Unknown
»Margaret Elizabeth Pyle-Jul. 15, 1832 ------
-Jehu Pyle --~-------------~------ 2-1838 ------
Mar. 8,
Aug. 29,
36~Lucinda Jane Pyle »~-~» Aug. 26, 1827 -------- Jan. 10, 189m
-Surrilda Pyle- »--»---»--- ~----~-- 1835 ------
Oct. 6,
Elizabeth Cannon was born in Christian County, Kentucky,
shortly after her father had moved there from the State of Tennessee
and was married there. She emigrated to Missouri in 1817, and her
husband made the second entry of the county at the land office at
Palmyra, Missouri. His certificate registers land in Section 38
of Township h9, Range 2 West, and is dated September 21, 1818.
When the Cannon family moved to the eastern side of the county
he decided with Isaac to remain on his original entry. Sometime _sig
later, however, Jehugh moved his family to Randolph County,
Missouri, where some of his descendants still reside. as Samuel
Cannon, the administrator of his father's estate, reported one ofi
the heirs to be living in that county at the time of his final
settlement, it is to be.presumed that he moved prior to l8h2.
Little information is to be had relating to Elizabeth as her
family dispersed and all the children died without leaving family
records. She is buried in the Sugar Creek Cemetery in Randolph
County, Missouri.
Jehugh Pyle was probably born in the State of Virginia.
least it is recorded that he came West with his father's family
from that State at an early date to Kentucky. Nothing is known
of his political or religious affiliations. He survived his
wife and is buried in Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois.
(For subsequent generations of the family of Elizabeth Cannon,
consult the manuscript genealogy of the Cannon family donated to
the Library of Congress at Washington, D.C.)

Nancy Cannon ----- ---~----- ------ “-
(Ncv. 12, l816)a
%(Kentuoky State Historical Soc. Register,
vgy. 25 ((1e27>) Page ich)
Jacob Stinebaugh
Nov. 28, 1796
Feb. h, 1882
-Polly Stinebaugh ---- ~-May ll, 1820 ---» Unknown
aadam Stinebaugh ------ -Nov. 1, 1821 ---- May 15, 1895
-Elizabeth Stinebaugh--Oct.l8, 1823 --~~ Unknown
-Granville Stinebaugh-~Jun. 8, 1825 Oct. 23, 1907
, 1827 ---- Unknown
~Jane Stinebaugh ------- Jul
0 1 ""
-James Cannon Stinebaugh-Aug.’l2, 1831-
Awilliam Stinebau h ---- Jun. 6, 1833
QE-Margaret Stinebaugh~»-Apr.l9
~Samuel Stinebaugh-----Oct.
100-Rachel Stinebaugh ----- Jan
, 1835
1o1-Jchn Sylvester seinebeugh-oeé. 7, ieho
102-Susannah Stinebaugh»--Oct. 1, l8h2
Nancy Cannon was born in Christian
married there. They came west with the
settled on Turkey Creek. Later she and
the eastern side of the county with the
family sometime in the twenties.
Jan. 16, 1908
County, Kentucky, and
family in 1817, and
her husband moved to
other members of the
Jacob Stinebaugh was born in the State of Pennsylvania and
came to Kentucky before he attained his majority and was one of
the earliest settlers in Christian County. (Charles Mayfield
Meacham's History of Christian County, Kentucky, Page 25) He
is said to have been of Metherland descent, and retained the
dialect of his fathers. It is related that when he came to ash
Nancy's father for his consent to the marriage, James Cannon
said, "Well, Jacob, I have never liked a Dutchman, but you are
a pretty good sort of a Dutchman, Jacob, so I reckon it will be
all right." Notwithstanding this jocular criticism, Jacob was
popular with all members of the family, and had their affection
and confidence. His name appears on the bond of Samuel Cannon
as administrator of his father‘s estate; on the bond of Samuel
Cannon as administrator of the estate of his brother-in-law,
Thomas McCoy, and as witness of the will of several members
of the family. He evidently possessed the education of his times
and his signature and receipts are well written. He was a man of
means and a financial factor in his community. He owned and
operated a grist mill, driven alternately by water and horse
power, a smithy, and a turner's shop, besides a large and proe~
porous farm and his place was one of the busy commercial centers
of the neighborhood. In his shops he manufactured all the
spinning wheels and looms, and much of the furniture used in the
section, and in some families his chairs, tables and quaint old
fashioned dressers are still treasured as family relics. He
owned the farm on which the Cannon Cemetery was established and
in which James and Rachel Cannon buried. The land lies in
Survey l7h3, Township 51, Range l East, and was purchased by
-will Q
Cl) Q
him from Henry Chouteau to whom it had been granted by United
States Patent and French Grant. when he left Lincoln County,
Missouri, he sold the farm to Cyrus Thompson by whom the cemetery
was deeded to Rachel Trail and relatives in 1860. (Book P, Page 525
Deed Records of Lincoln County, Missouri) _
Jacob was a Democrat but took little active interest in
political affairs. He and Nancy were both devout Baptists and the
Stinebaugh home was a favorite lodging place for the itinerant
preachers of the day who, in the absence of a church, were accus-
tomed to hold their religious services at the Stinebaugh house.
About 1850 Jacob with his family emigrated to Dallas County,
Missouri, but were scattered by the Civil War, their homes being
burned and the country devastated by historic Order No. ll. They
and two of their children, Susan and John, returned to Lincoln
County about 1862 and in 1866 or 1867 followed Granville who had
moved to the State of Texas in 1861. Two of the sons settled in
Arkansas and the remainder emigrated to Nevada, Collins County,
Texas, where Jacob and his wife lived to a ripe old age and near
which they are buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
(For information relative to subsequent generations of the family
of Nancy Cannon, consult the manuscript genealogy of the Cannon
family donated to the Library of Congress at Washington, D.C.)
Ephraim Cannon ------- ~-~------- ~~--
(Nov. 20, 1825)
»Dorothg Hunter
Oct , 1806
Nov 3, 1876
103-Margaret Cannon -~»---~ Au 2 1826 ----- Ma 2 l 08
10h-Susan Cannon -------- ~~Ju§ lg; l828--~-- Y 5, 9
105-James Austin Cannon~-~Aug 12, 1830 ----- Jan 20, 1897
106 Rachel Mary Cannon-~~-Jul 1, l832~----Aug 31, 1Bu2
107 John Lee Cannon-~~~»-~Mar 31, l83h---»-Nov 3, 1877
108 Mary Ann Cannon---»~--Dec 30, l836~~--~
109 Eliza Jane Cannon~~~-“Mar 17, l839~--»-
110-Henry Stark Cannon--~-Sep. 7, l8h3»----
lll Orville Montgomery Cannon-Jan. 23, l8h7-Aug 10, 1888
112 Lewis Linn Cannon -~--- Apr 1, 1852 ~--~~ Dec L, 1908
Ephraim Cannon was born in Christian County, Kentucky, and was
still a member of his father‘s household at the time of the latter's
emigration to Missouri in 1817. Although single, he entered the
Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township h9, Range 2.West, at the
land office in Palmyra, January l5,.lBl9, at two dollars per acre,
and secured a patent September 20, 1821. His marriage is recorded
on page one of the first volume of marriage records of Lincoln
County and was the third to be recorded in the county. (History
of Lincoln County ((l888)) Page Ehc)
(For information relative to subsequent generations of the family
of Ephraim Cannon, consult the manuscript genealogy of the Cannon
family donated to the Library of Congress at Washington, BJC.)

Dorothy Hunter, known to the family as Dolly, was born in the
Ephraim ranks with Isaac as one of the progressive and entere
prising members of the family. It was he who took the initiative
in the move to the eastern side of the county where his entry in
Section 36 of Township 51 Range 1 East, December 1, 1225, antedates
all others in that locality. He might well be termed the original
real estate agent for his name appears on the Palmyra land books I
five times in a few years, entering a total of more than eight
hundred acres, all of which he sold at a profit. In 1832, he
emigrated to Pike County, Illinois, and settled near Pittsfield,
where he passed the remainder of his life, becoming one of the
leading businessmen of that section. He was elected sheriff of
Fike County, Illinois. In the Census of 1650 he is credited with
te,ooo worth of taxable property, the largest amount assessed to
any of the family and indicating a handsome competence as measured
by the local tax lists of the time.
Ephraim was a Democrat but is not known to have been a
member of any religious or fraternal organizations. He is buried
in the Gcodin Cemetery in Pike County, Illinois.
State of Maryland. (Census of 1850, Pike County, Illinois) Her
people were closely identified with the Cannon family and her
brother settled with them on Turkey Creek in 1817, and later came
east with them to Hurricane Township. This brother was one of
the grantees in the deed to the Cannon Cemetery, and a number
of the Hunters are buried there. Dorothy lies beside her husband
in tht Gvodia C@m@t@FY- Her family moved from Maryland to Kentucky,
thence to Missouri.
(For information relative to subsequent generations of the family
of Ephraim Cannon, consult the manuscript genealogy of the Cannon
family donated to the Library of Congress at Washington, D.C.)
Mary Cannon ---- - ---------------- ---Thomas McCoy
(Cir. 1822) Unknown
Jun. 1828
113-Julia McCoy ------ ---l823- ------- - »~~Unknown
llh-Rebecca McCoy --------- 1825 ------------ ~-~-Unknown
Mary Cannon was known in the family as Polly. She was born
in Christian County, Kentucky, and was fourteen years old at the
time of the exodus to Missouri. She was married in Lincoln County,
Missouri, about 1821 or 1822, but as it was prior to the enactment
of the license law, no record of her marriage appears in the county
archives. She died before the establishment of the family cemetery
on the Stinebaugh Place, and is buried somewhere in the western part
of the county. The two little daughters were taken by their grande
mother Cannon and after her death their care devolved on Aunt Sallie,
dl 0
the old Negro slave. The schedule of James Cannon for the Census
of 1830 enumerates them as members of his household. Jane Parker
recalls having often seen them clambering up on the old man's
chair to rumple his hair when he had returned from the fields.
Both married beforekiis death.
Nothing is known of the early history or the antecedents of
Thomas McCoy. In accordance with the provisions of his will,
written May 11, 1828, and prcbated July 12 of the same year, his
estate was converted into money and invested by Rev. David
Hubbard, the executor, in government land at 81.25 per acre. The
west half of the northeast quarter of Section 3h, Township 51,
Range 1 East, and containing eighty acres, was entered at Palmyra,
Missouri, in the names of Julia and Rebecca McCoy, January 6,
1832. Thomas is no doubt buried beside his wife, whom he survived
but one year.
(For information relative to subsequent generations of the family
of Mary Cannon, consult manuscript genealogy of the Cannon family
donated to the Library of Congress at Washington, D.C.)
Rachel Cannon ----~-----=--~---~---- ---- John Rollins Trail
(circa. 1821) circa. 1797
Oct 31, l8h9
115-John Collard Trail ~--- May 20, 1822~Sep 16, 1859
116-James Washington Trail-May 16, 182 -Oct 27, 1893
11T~Kezia Jane Trail ------ Mar. 6, 182 ~Jan 27, 1903
118-Isaac Cannon Trail ---- Feb. 21, 1828-Apr 10, 1853
ll94Wil1iam Perry Traile-eaprs 3, 1830-Jun 3, 1887
l20~Francis Marion Trail--May 18, 1832»Jun 5, 1855
121-Ephraim J. Trail---~--Aprs 18, l83h-Jul 22, 1907
122-Samuel Louis Traile-~-Seps 19, l836~Apr 23, 1862
l23»Thomas Benton Trail--mFeb. 15, 1839-Aug 3, 1910
12h~David Riley Trail ----- Feb. 10, l8h1-Mar 17, 1871
125-Mary Eiieabete Tr-ali-~»Ju1. 21, 18113-Jun 19, 1875
126~Jacob Stinebaugh Trail-Sep 16, l8h6-Jul 6, 1883
Rachel Cannon was porn in Christian County, Kentucky, and
came with the family to Missouri in the spring of l8l7._ She was
married about four years after reaching Missouri, but as marriage
licenses were_not then required, the exact date has been lost
with the family register. John Rollins Trail entered the west half
of the northeast quarter of Section 28 in Township 51, Range l “
East, at the Palmyra land office, March 2, 1830, and his patent Q
was issued by President Andrew Jackson, October l, 1831.
Rachel Cannon was a woman of strong personality. Despite
the cares of a large family she took an interest in the affairs
of the times and, after the death of her husband, managed her
farm with success. She was an expert hcrsewoman and rode much.

She bought and sold many horses ordering them driven to her
door where she judged them with unfailing accuracy. She secured ‘
from Cyrus Thompson, who had bought the Stinebaugh Farm, a deed to
the family cemetery. Mary Harrison, who was at the time a slave
belonging to Mr. Thompson and who was in the room at the time tells
of the transfer: "Miss Rachel come riding up on horseback, with C
a little Negro boy, who always went to open the gates for her, ‘
riding another horse. It was a little before dinner time. Miss
Rachel come in and sat for awhile and told Mr. Thompson she
wanted to buy the graveyard -- that there would be a good many .
more who would be laid there, and maybe it would not be very long
before she would take a place there herself. Mr. Thompson told
her to come out to dinner and he would give her a deed to it
when dinner was over. After dinner, Mr. Thompson wrote a deed
and give it to her, and Miss Rachel asked him how much she should
pay for it. Re told her he didn't think it was right to take money
fora burying ground -- that someday he might be asking somebody t
the same favor for himself. And Miss Rachel thanked him and she
and the Negro boy rode away." The old Negro places this episode
at the beginning of the Civil War, and the accuracy of her memory
is corroborated by the deed recorded in Book P at page 525, dated
September 20, 1860, by which Cyrus Thompson and Rhoda, his wife,
convey 17/100 of an acre to Rachel Trail, John M. Hunter and
John Cannon. She immediately built a low stone wall about the
Trail portion of the ground enclosing also the graves of her
father and mother, but excluding those of her brothers' and
sisters' families. Doubtless the other branches of the family
were asked to assist in enclosing the entire ground but failed
to cooperate. Rachel is buried here between her father and her
John Rollins Trail was a Democrat. He is not known to have °
belonged to any fraternal order but was a member of the old Union
Baptist Church at Stout's Settlement. He is buried beside his
wife in the Cannon Cemetery. Robert Rrail says he was born in
Kentucky -- and in Missouri he first settled on the Leonard White-
side place north of Last Chance. There John, James and Kezia were
born. Later he moved to the Claud Hall Place described above.
"Jim" Cannon came from East to visit James Cannon(II»h) James
said, "Tomorrow we will go over to see Rachel and Rollins. They
live in the barrens.“ The next day "Jim" said he would not give
160 of it for your whole 600 acres.
Kezia Cannon-»- - ~~-~------- ------ ---~ ---- Eli Hubbard
(Jai. 28, 1826) Circa iso?
12?-Rebecca Hubbard »----- Apr. 18, 1827 ----~---
Kezia Cannon was born in Christian County, Kentucky, and came
with the family to Missouri in 1817. Her marriage, which is the
ninth recorded in Lincoln County, was solemnized by Rev. David
Hubbard, a Baptist Minister, who was later married to her niece.
Keaia is said to have been a woman of unusual beauty. She was
killed by her horse which ran with her through the forest while
she was riding from the sugar camp near her father's home. Like
all the Cannon women, whe was an expert rider and was proud of
her horsemanship. She was riding her favorite mare, which she
had christened Polly. The animal was restless from standing in
the cold and she was cautioned as she left the camp, but laughed
and remarked that Poll could not throw her off. Galloping through
the woods on her way back, the horse broke from her control and
she was hurled against an overhanging oak and never spoke again,
dying that night.
Eli Hubbard was born in Kentucky and came to Missouri shortly
before his marriage. After the death of his wife he moved with
their child to Montgomery County, Missouri. Re was married the
second time October 30, 1828, to Mary Myers of Lincoln County.
She died September 23, 1830. He was the last time married to
Elizabeth Buchanan May h, 1836, and resided in the State of
Illinois, where the Census of 1850 reports him as having a
large family. In 1853, he emigrated to the State of Oregon where
his brother, Charles, had preceded him. Both he and his brother
are said to have prospered and both probably are buried in
Marion County, Cregon.
(For information relative to subsequent generations of_the family
of Kezia Cannon, consult manuscript genealogy of the Cannon family
donated to the Library of Congress at Washington,
Rebecca Cannon ------- - ------ ----~~--~~ ---
(Jun. 28, 1827)
128-Cordelia Barnett --~--- May 28, 1828 --~--
129-Mary Elizabeth Barnett-Apr.3, l830»~-~-
130-Orville Walker Barnett-Aug. lh,1831 ----
131-Rachel Rebecca Barnett~Jan. 26, l833~»-
132-James Elmore Barnett-»-Apr. 30, 1837---
Rebecca Cannon was born in Christian County,
-Joseph Barnett
F3b» I-I-3  
Oct. 15, 1838
stug. 22, 1868
Kentucky, about
1808 and came with her father to Missouri in 1817. The first
volume of marriage records of Lincoln County, Missouri, recites
that "Rebecca Cannon, of Hurricane Township, was married to Joseph
Barnett, of Union Township, by her father*s approbation»“ William
Hammack officiated. Some time later, probably about 1832, they ’
moved to Pike County, Illinois, where their descendants still
reside. Rebecca is buried there near the town of Pleasant Hill.

Practically nothing is known of Joseph Barnett, beyond the
dates given. His death occurred soon after that of his wife and
the two are doubtless buried in the same cemetery. Samuel Cannon,
administrator of the estate of his father, James, mentions in his
final settlement that Ephraim Cannon, of Illinois, received one
share of the estate as "the lawful guardian of the heirs of Joseph
Barnett." He was probably a son of Joseph Barnett who died in '
Christian County, Kentucky, March 1?99. Will dated December 13,
1798, mentions wife Mary and unborn child. (Kentuck State His-
torical Society Register, Vol. 25, {(l927)) Page l?h§
(For information relative to subsequent generations of the family
of Rebecca Cannon, consult the manuscript genealogy of the Cannon
family donated to the Library of Congress at Washington, D.C.)
Margaret Cannon-~ ~----- ~-~»~-~~-~-------
»--Charles Hubbard e
(Dec. 20, 1829) Unknown
133-James Hubbard »---- --~» Unknown ---- ---- Unknown
13h-Kezia Jane Hubbard --~~ Unknown ~--------» Unknown
135-Rachel Hubbard ---~---- Unknown --~------- Unknown
l36~William Cannon Hubbard-Nov. 8, l836---
137-Julia Ann Hubbard ---~-- Jan. lO, l839-__Mar. 27, 1897
138-Celia B. Hubbard ----- ~~Unknown -----~-~- Unknown
l39-Nancy Rebecca Hubbard-~May 23, l8h3---
lhO~Lewellyn Hubbard ------~ Unknown ---~--- --Unknown
lh1~Charles Oscar Hubbard--Dec. 20, l8h8~--Dec. 9, l899
lh2-Ephraim J. Hubbard- -~-- Unknown ----»~ -»~Unknown
lh3~George W. Hubbard-- »~-- Unknown- »~-~ - Unknown
Margaret Gannon, denominated as "Margarette" in the marriage
records of Lincoln County, was born in Christian County, Kentucky,
and came with the family to Missouri in l8l7. The family dubbed
her Peggy, and she bequeathed that title to the generations of
Margarets which came after her. She was married at the age of
fifteen against the strenuous objections of her family. This
opposition was due not only to her youth but to the fact that
Charles Hubbard had been legally divorced from a former wife who
was still living. Such marriages were as fully in accord with
the civil law then as now, but a peculiar church code of the times
conferred upon Margaret an historic role of epoch-making importanc
in the ecclesiastic history of her denomination. The Baptists had
been for some time gradually approaching a crisis on the subject t
of missions. The situation was especially strained in the Old
Union Church, and Margaret's marriage precipitated the division. '
The leaders of the anti-missionary faction introduced a resolution
of dismissal, but the missionary wing of the church defeated it.
The proponents promptly withdrew and formed the Siloam Baptist
Church, which remained for many years as one of the last of the
Primitive Baptist Churches of that section of the State, and the
members of the Union Church were henceforth known as Missionary
Baptists, now constituting the New Hope Baptist Church of Cuivre
Association. (History of the Baptists in Missouri, R. S. Duncan,
Page 213; History of Salt River Association W. J. Patrick;
History of Lincoln County ((l888)} Page HTMJ Soon after their
marriage they moved to Pike County, Illinois, and about l8hh or
l8h7 they emigrated to the State of Oregon and located near Salem
in Marion County, where their descendants still reside.
Charles Hubbard was a brother of Eli Hubbard who married
Kezia Cannon. He was born in the State of Kentucky and was
perhaps two or three years the senior of Eli who was born about
1807. He is buried with his wife in Marion County, Oregon.
(For information relative to subsequent generations of the family
of Margaret Cannon, consult the manuscript genealogy of the
Cannon family donated to the Library of Congress at Washington,
Jane Cannon -------~------~---- --~~-~~ Nicholas Thomas Dameron
(Feb. 25, l83h) Aug. 5, 1805
sep.13, l859
lhh~Elizabeth Dameron ----- Jun. ll, l835--»spr. ll, l869
lh5 James Littlepage Dameron-Nov. l6,l83T~Unknown
lho-Margaret Julina Dameron--Jan. l5,l8hO~Nov. 29, l86h
ln? Martha Ann Dameron ------- Jul. 26,l8h2 Apr. 6, 1928
1h8 John Nicholas Dameron ---- Jul. 3,l8h9~Jul. 31, 1890
lh9 Susan Jane Dameron-- ----- Apr. l?,l852-Sep. 21, l9lS
Jane Cannon was born near Hopkinsville in Christian County, Ken-
tucky. She was the youngest child and a favorite daughter, and
was just two years old when the family reached Missouri in the
Spring of 1817. She was for several years the only daughter left
at home and after her mother‘s death presided over her fatherfs
household until her marriage, although "Aunt Sallie" still drove
the domestic machinery and exercised a maternal supervision over
"Miss Jane" herself.
Nicholas Thomas Dameron, the son of Littlepage Dameron and
Susana Turner, was born in the State of Virginia. He came early
to Missouri with his people and on December 9, 1830, entered the
east half of the northeast quarter of Section 28 in Township Sl,
Range 1 East. This place is about four miles southwest of the
Town of Paynesville. Here they reared their children and passed
the remainder of their days. Nicholas was elected Justice of
Hurricane Township in l8m*, an office of importance and responsi-

bility under the laws and usages of the times and, though he died
in the early prime of life, he had already become a man of promi-
nence and influence in the community. He and his wife are buried
side by side in the family cemetery on his farm.
Samuel Cannon
Killed with his father, William, by the Indians.
lII_25, `
Daughter Cannon Stark
Was taken captive with her mother and husband by the Indians
and after being held captive for a time was exchanged and
returned home. Nothing further is known of this branch of
the family.
1v-ee. _
Mar Gannon- ~-~---~»--------------- ---Robert Stubblefield
(apr. 3, 1828)
15C~Margaret Hubbard Stubblefield-~Feb. 28, 1829--Sep. l2, 1885
Mary Cannon, always known in the family as "Polly", (The name
by which her Aunt Mary Cannon, for whom she was named had been
called died a little more than a year after her marriage leaving
an infant daughter whom she named Margaret Hubbard Stubblefield for `
her aunt, Margaret Cannon, who was married to Charles Hubbard. The
child was reared in the home of its grandfather, Samuel Cannon,
and was always known as "Peggy", a name which she also inherited
from her aunt, Margaret Cannon Hubbard.
The marriage of Mary Cannon to Robert Stubblefield is recorded
in Vol. I, Page ll of the Marriage Records of Lincoln County,
Missouri, and was performed by Rev. David Hubbard. Robert Stubble-
field was living in Township h9, 2 West, Lincoln County at the time
of Mary's death.
Bl8ffOPd C&DCDD ~---------- ~~-~»~ ------- ---Margaret Kerr
(Dec. 13, 1839) Apr. 7, 1819
Feb. 12, 1858
“Mary Elizabeth Cannon---
-Samuel Richards Cannon"-
~Patienoe Cannon -~--~ »~~»
~James Richards Cannon-~-
»John Wesley Cannon -=-- “-
»Charles Henry Cannon --~~
-Temperance Ruth Cannon--
~Benjamin Franklin Cannon
ess- ~-~»~- »»»------ - ~
(Apr. S 1860)
William Isaac Cannon ----
Katherine Jane Cannon~--
Cora Douglass Cannon --~- --
»Effa Cannon ~----- -------
edophia Cannon -----------
~Ida Cannon --------------
-Smith Jennings Cannon~--
1 ,
l8h2 Mar.
18I_x.6'°"'S@p 9
1850 aug.
1852 Nov.
l855 Mar.
h Elizabeth
8, 1332
15, 1898
1861 ---~ Feb
1862 ---- Dec
186 --
136 ~-~-Oct
1869 ~~Aug
1870 -~--
. 1
. 2
. 30,
9, 1861
, 1905
Blufford Cannon was the son of Samuel Cannon and Temperance
Stuart, born in Kentucky; Democrat; farmer and stockman, married
at Pleasant Hill, Illinois; buried in Tecumseh, Nebraska.
Margaret Kerr, daughter of Richard and Ruth Kerr. According
to the Census of 1850, Margaret was born in Missouri. She later
moved with her people to Illinois. Methodist; buried in Pleasant
Hill, Illinois. `
Sarah Elizabeth Triplett, daughter of Richard Worsham; born
in Clarksville, Missouri; Baptist, buried in Reamsville, Kansas.
Blufford Cannon, of Pike County, Illinois, married Sarah
Triplett in Clarksville, Missouri, by Rev. J. J. Errett, as
recorded in Recorder's office of Pike County, Missouri, page
309 of Book Three.
The schedule of Blufford Cannon in the Census of 1850 records
him as a farmer living in Lincoln County, Missouri, with property
assessed at 8ll2C.OO, an estate above the average at that time.
He was living in Pike County, Illinois, at the Census of l8h0 and
was living in Pike County, Illinois, at the Census of 1860.

Stuart Cannon ----»~- ----~----
(Feb. 22, 1811)
-Marcus Alonzo Cannon
-Evaline Elizabeth Cannon
-Edgar Metalbert Cannon--
-Martha Jane Cannon----~-
-Curtis Franklin Cannon
-Charles Tully Cannon ----
-James Theodore Cannon---
-James Mi1liam_Cannon ~---
- -»»»~ Dec
-Mary Ann admire
Oct. 15, 1825
Apr. 18, 1900
"'Ju]. o
James Stuart Cannon was born in Christian County, Kentucky.
Baptist; Democrat; Farmer. Married by A. S. Knapp, 'Minister
of thiggospel." See History of Salt River Association by Patrick,
page .
Mary Ann Admire, daughter of James Admire and Littichia
Ransdall, born in Henry County, Kentucky. Baptist.
New Salem Cemetery.
I1-r“29» V
5886 C88H°H~~-- --~~ --»~ --------- -~~ ---John Allen 811161
(Feb. 11, 1838) Aug. 19, 1817
Dec. 3, 1872
171-Sarah Elizabeth Sittcn -~~- Nov 27 18 8--A , 18
175-Louisa Ann Sitton- ---- ----Jun 2: 1830--JE§, I; 1938
176-Rachel Temperance Sitton--Jan l, 1811--Dec. 30, 1911
177~Robert Perry Sitton~---~--Feb 12, 1889--Deg, 12, 1851
178-Charles Wells Sitton----~-Aug 27, 18§2~-Jun, 13, 1573
179~John Allen Sitton~ -~---- »~May ll, 1863--Dec. 6, 1911
Jane Cannon was born in Missouri. Ba tist. Fa il t
on the John Sitton farm. P m Y came ery
Married to John Allen Sitton by E. H. Power, J.P., at the
home of her father in Lincoln County, Missouri. John Allen was
the son of Lawrence B. Sitton who settled near Auburn 1815~16
(HiSt0ry of Lincoln County, Page 236); he was the nephew of Philip
Sitton, 1772-1861, who was the brother of Lawrence B. Sitton
<1t18. Page 310-311) 818168 with wife and safes and Robert 18
Cemetefl OU COME Place. John Allen Sitton was a son of Lawrence
B. Sitton who was married four times. Lawrence was a son of
Joseph Sitton who came from North Carolina, lived for awhile in
Tennessee and then moved with his family of about a dozen
children to Missouri where he died about 1820-25.
» T'f
M 0
on“ i
John Allen Sitton was the pioneer merchant of Falmouth,
at that time the most important Mississippi River port in the
County. He supplied the needs of the eastern half of Lincoln
County from his general store and shipped the grain and live-
stock and tobacco of a wide territory on the steambcats
which maintained a daily schedule between Saint Louis and
Minneapolis. He was the son of Lawrence B. Sittcn.
Lawrence B. Sittcn came with his father's family from the
State of Tennessee and settled near Auburn in 1818. He was
married four times. He was the son of Joseph Sitton.
Joseph Sitton "came from" North Carolina. He was
probably born in that state but there is no definite informa-
tion on the subject. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and
after the close of the war, emigrated to Tennessee where he
remained for awhile before moving to Lincoln County, Missouri,
where he died about 1820-1825. He was an elderly man when
he reached Missouri in 1818 and settled near Auburn, and seems
to have died a few years after. He had "about a dozen" children
‘ ln addition to his son, Lawrence B. Sitton, three other
sons are remembered, Philip, Jehu and William.
Philip Sitton was born in 1772 and died in 1861. He
performed one of the first marriage ceremonies recorded in
the records of Lincoln County -- whether as a minister or as
a Justice of the Peace is not stated, but probably the latter.
Jehu L. Sitton, brother of Lawrence and Philip, moved '
to Pike County, Illinois, and died there in 1868.
William Sitton, brother of Jehu, Lawrence and Philip, was
the most noted of his family. He was born April 26, 1778,
and died in 1865. He served in the Mar of 1812 and was elected
captain of his company of Tennessee riflemen, and fought at
the Battle of New Orleans under General Andrew Jackson. when
the British advanced, the captain of the company next to
that of Captain Sitton became panic stricken and ordered a
retreat. Captain Sittcn rallied the company and commanded
both companies in the battle.
Joseph Winston Sitton, the son of Captain William Sitton,
was residing in Lincoln County at the time of the Civil War
and was one of the three Commissioners who had charge of the
war administration of the County, and was bitterly regarded
by the Confederate sympathizers of the County during the un-
fortunate reconstructicn period. He left Lincoln County when
a stranger came on a steamboat to Falmouth asking for him.
He was born in 1806 in Tennessee.

The daughter of Joseph Winston Sitton married A. D.
Brother and was the mother of Mrs. Jennie Goodman, Mrs.
Martha Elsberry, John and Albert.
Most of this data supplied by Dr. Joseph Aloysius Mudd,
who was reared at Millwood and knew the older generation of
the Sitton family intimately.
Martin T. Watts says (1931) there were five brothers:
Winston Bitton, Lawrence Sitton, Cliff Sitton, Jim Sitton
and Major Sitton. Lawrence lived down towards St. Charles
County and was a very able man. Major Sitton was a kind of
lawyer and prominent daring the Civil War. His son, Virgil?
Sitton (brother of Mrs. Dr. Tom Farmer) was elected Captain
of the Militia of Mew Hope during the War, but the company
was never called into service.
mn ia lv-30 .
John Gannon -----~-~-~ ~ ~-----------~- --~~ Judea Stallard
(Oct. at, ieua) may 2, 1827
Jan 15, 1906
180-Samuel James Gannon- -~-- Dec 9, 18h3 ~Aug 15, 1Bh5
181-Ephraim Gannon ---------- Jul 12, 15h5 ~Aug h, l8h5
l82~Isaao Newton Gannon ----- Mar T, l8h7 -Apr 5, 1930
183-William Jasper Gannon~~~ Jun 10, 13h9~~Jan 22, 1917
18h-Letitia Jane Cannon- ---- May 15, lB51»-Sep 20, 1915
185-Bluford Stallard Gannon~ Nov 15, 1853--Jul 31, 1907
186-Elizabeth Frances Gannon Feb 9, 1856--Dec 31, l93h
187-Perry Jackson Gannon~-~- Jan.26, 1859--Mar. 31, 1932
188-Stephen Arnold Douglass Cannon-Feb.6,l86l-Dec. , 1950
l89»John Calhoun Trail Cannon-Mar.22, 1863--Mar. 19, 1885
190-Mary Emma Cannon ---------- Sep. 28, 186h»Jun. 3, 1916
191 Thomas Ben amin Cannon Mar 1 186 Nov 16 1939
- J ---- .3 7-_
l92~Albert Jesse Cannon--~--~-Mar. 22; 1870-Mar. 26; 19h8
John Cannon moved to Illinois sometime after his marriage
and prior to 18h7, and was living in Pike County at the time
of the census of 1850, but returned to Missouri soon after.
Baptist; Democrat; farmer. Stallard burying ground.
Judea Stallard was born in Kentucky and buried in Stallard
burying ground. She was a sister of Mrs. Boone,of Clarksville,
and Mrs. Gibson, mother of John Montgomery Gibson.
James Stallard, the father of Judea, was Captain of the
Slickers in the Slicker Mar of l8h3~18hh. The Slicker War
originated in Benton County, Missouri, and spread from that
section of the State. It was organized as a pioneer movement
to supress cattle and horse stealing which was organized on
a gigantic scale -- 12,000 (twelve thousand) horses being
stolen in Lincoln County alone and sold on the St. Louis market.
Judea Stallard was the daughter of James Stallard and
Polly Montgomery.
IV»3l. Robert Cannon
Robert Cannon
Died atithe age of twenty-two and is buried in the Stine-
baugh Cemetery between his father and his grandmother. He was
a teacher and had charge of the public school in his district
at the time of his death. “

Lydia Cannon ---» ~»---~ ~--»~----- Frederick Woodruff Page
Elizabeth (Betsy) Cannon -------- ~-CurtiS
(S@p| 29,
Franklin Wells
S3130 6,  
Mar, 22, 1862
193-Robert Theodore Wells----*Oct 13, 1883--Jan 15,
19h-John Allen Wells -~--- ~ ---- Jul 28, 18h5--Mes 26,
195-Zachary Taylor Wells -----~ Aug, 31, 13MT“'FSb 18,
198-Mary Jane Wells ~---- -- ---Jai 9, 1850~~Arr lt,
197-William Henry Wells ------- Nev 6, 1852-~8rr 9,
198-Annie Elizabeth Wells --~-- Jes 18, 1855--Nov 13,
199»Rachel Alice Wells ---- ---- Jul 8, 1857--Feb 9,
200~Martha s. Wells --------- --Jul 28, 1859--Jan la,
201~Richard curses Wells ------ nee ao, 1862--Feb 28,
20g_5a11ie whitledge Wells ---- Oct 16, l86h--Mar Zh,
Married in Lincoln Countw Missouri,
b A D Sandrame
'57 | |
Recorded in Vol. B, Page 16 of’Marriage Records of Lincoln
County. Curtis Wells was a son of Thomas Wells who owned and
probably entered from the government what is still known as
the wells Farm lying about one and a helf miles north of the
Village of Sledd. It is at this time owned by Colonel Patton
Curtis was probably born on this farm or his parents came
there while he was yet a child. After his father’s death, he
himself took the farm and all his children were born here,
His address was at the time Paynesville, MisS0uPi» and the
birthplace of the children is given in the family register as
Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Sgmugl Pgfpy Ga|_‘1{}01'1--- »---- "------ °°- -E1iZB.'bGt1'J. AHRE. Sitton
(ape. 10, 1851)
Deo. 3, 1832
May 19, 1916
203-Joseph Winston Cannon -~--- Feb. 25, 1352-~
20h-William Franklin Cannon-~~May 19, l85h--
205-Thomas Jackson Cannon ----- May 15, 1555““
206-Mary Temperance Cannon---~Jun 9, 1353-*Mal 18, 1335
207-Robert Lewis Cannon ----- --May 6, 1360--May 26, 1390
208-Jennie Cannon ---~-"~------ Apr 9, 1362-'
2094Virgil Allen Cannon -~-- ~--Mar 25, l365““AP?» 25, 1912
210-Nina Cannon -----~-~- ~~- --May 15, 1367“*
211-Marcellus Sobeski Cannon--Sep 9, 1869~~
212-Martha Cannon --~--------- -Aug 25, 1371““
213-Maud Cannon- ~----~ -------- Jul M, 1377*-
Elillil <6
81? 0
_ 59.
Married by Abram B, King, J,P. Some of the family are
buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
The widow resided for many years with her children at Colfax,
Whitman County, Washington, RFD 2, and later at Antioch,
Nebraska, where she is buried.
Samuel Perry Cannon was born in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Christian; Democrat; farmer. Buried in Entiat, Washington.
Elizabeth Ann Sitton, daughter of Joseph Winston Sitton
and Mary Buchanan, born in Tennessee, Republican. Oak Ridge
Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri,
(Jun, 8, 1889) Jus, 22, 1831
Jule 16, 1905
when Lydia was about three months old, her mother rode
horseback all night carrying the infant with her across the
county to reach the deathbed of the oldest daughter, Mary,
The pioneer roads of the times were little more than trails
through the forest and it was in the early spring. The ex-
posure threw the child into an illness which marred her‘life,
Married by “Rev, M, 8, Whiteside, Elder,"
For biography of Frederick Woodruff Page, see History
of Lincoln County, Page 595, also Biographical Record of
St, Charles, Lincoln and Warren Counties, Page 156.
Lydia Cannon was born in Lincoln County, Missoiri. Baptist
Frederick We Page, son of Ephriam Page and Maranda
Tillotson, born in Vermont; Methodist; farmer; Private, Company
"A" 3rd Regiment, Missouri State Militia, Volunteer Cavalry,
Elsberry Cemetery, First married to Susan Kaufman, October 16,
l8S6, died October 16, 1858, buried at Lightsville, Ogle County,
William Cotes Cannon
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Democrat. Went tot
California in wagon train across the plains in l8h9 with the
gold seekers, Returned in March 1868 and bought a farm, ine
tending to remain in Missouri, Ee possessed considerable pro-
perty at the time and had with him large sums in gold coins

Born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
The climate displeased him, however, in contrast with that of
California so he sold the farm and the mules in which he was
dealing and returned to the coast in August 1868. He was a
noted gambler and is said to have won and lost several for-
tunes. He died in Redding, California, April 19, 1888. The
letter advising the family of his death was postmarked
"Cal1ahan’s Ranch, California".
Isaac Newton Cannon-~ »---- ---------- ----- Lucy Wilkinson
_ (Oct. 28, 1855) occ. 22, 1833
Dec. 20, 1918
218-John Randolph Cannon---Sep. 26, 1856 Aug 30, 1923
21 -William andrew Cannon»»May 12, 1858 May 27, 1988
21 ~James Samuel Cannon---»Nov. 21, 1859 Jun 20, 1937
2lTeTaylor Steele Cannon-»~Jan. 9, 1862 Mar 23, 1926
218-Rachel Temperance Cannon-Jan.7, 1868 Oct 31, 1988
219-Otto Bohmer Cannon- -~-- »Jan 2, 186? Aug 18, 1985
220-Elizabeth Cannon-- ~~-»~- Jun 8, 1868 Aug 2T, l95O
221-Ada Cannon --»---~~- ---Apr 8, 1870 Jun 20, 18?l
222~Anna Cannon ------------- Oct 20, 1871 ------- Jan 3, 1876
223-Owen Russell Cannon- ---- Nov 22, 1873 ------~ Nov 13, 1987
228-Mary Letitia Cannon -~--- Oct 18, l8?5 ------- May 30, 1980
225-Lurana Cannon ----------- Apr 15, 1878 Sep 13, 1955
farmer, with exception
of a few years prior to the Civil War during which he was a
member of the firm of Sitton & Cannon, (179-John Allen Sitton)
merchants at Falmouth; resident of Lincoln County, with the
exception of 1863 to 1865 spent in Pike County, and 1883 to
1887 in Newton County, Missouri.
Was a Democrat; a devoted adherent of the Confederacy
during the Civil War and, although the youth of his children
prevented enlistment, was so active in support of the cause
that he was under surveillance of Union troops and was arrested
and held at Troy as a "Southern sympathizer"; united with old
Union Church, now New Hope Baptist Church, March 13, 1867,
under the ministry of Rev. Mm. F. Luck. With the cooperation
of Louis Wingfield and the latter‘s sister, Mrs. Rush, who
had brought the idea from Virginia, he organized the first
Sunday School in Hurricane Township, and was its first super-
intendent; was President of the Baptist Sunday School Associa-
tion of Lincoln County 1897-1898; was an'annua1 delegate to
Salt River Association, and a member of its executive board
from 1878 until 1883 when he emigrated to Newton County. In
the community to which he moved,the church of his faith, though
organized some time before was almost extinct and had never
possessed a house of worship. at his own expense he secured
will Q
851 @
an evangelist, held a meeting, donated the lumber for a church
and otherwise contributed largely to the cost of its erection.
On his return to Lincoln County, he resumed his membership in
Salt River Association; was a leader of the movement to or-
ganize Cuivre Association and visited the churches in its ad~
vocaoy and was elected a constituent member of its executive
board. Resided in Elsberry, Missouri, from 1890.
Married by Abram B. King near New Hope, Missouri to Lucy
Wilkinson, daughter of James Wilkinson and Temperance Knight,
who was born in Lincoln County, Missouri. She united with
old Union Baptist Church, March 16, l86?. Elsberry Cemetery.
(History of Lincoln County, by Mudd ((l888)}, Pape 516'
Historg of Salt River Association, by Patrick, { 1908}$ Page 276,
278, 2 0, 283, 288, 328, 366; Marriage Records of Lincoln County,
Vol. B., Page 297; Troy Free Press, June 28, 1907, april 15, 1910
Elsbarry Democrat, April 15, 1910)
IV"'37 D
Rachel Cannon
Rachel Cannon is said to have been a woman of unusual
beauty. Sha was a spirited girl and enjoyed horseback riding.
It is related that on one occasion when she was visiting her
Uncle John, who was very solicitous of his horses, she was
admonished not to ride Old Billy too hard as he was fat, and
she remarked aside, "Just wait until we are out of sight.
l‘d as soon ride the ash-hopper, anyway."
("ash~hopper“~a great hopper built of poles or slabs,
maintained by every pioneer family, in which the rain per~
oolated producing lye which was caught in a wooden trough
and used in making 'soft" soap, the soap of the pioneer family)
Sha died on the same day, of the same malady, and was buried
in the same grave with her mother. Many in the neighborhood,
including James Wilkinson, the father of a sister»in~law, died
of the same contagion. (See IV-150) The
double funeral was
preached by Rev. Modisette, who chose as his text the Parable
of the The Virgins. It was solemnized at
Church, which stood northwest of New Hope
Frazier or the old Knox place until about
moved to New Hope. After a few years the
to New Hcpe;against the protest of Martin
the old Union Baptist
on the old Zeke
1860 when it was
name was changed
Mayes who stated
that the Church was older than New Hope and should not be 1

Cannon ----------------- -»~~Wi1liam Strong Gladney
(Feb, 17, 1837) Mar. 1, 1812
Nov. 29, 1900
226~George Washington Cladney-Dec. 20, 1837--Nov. 18, 1922
227 Jean William eieaeey ------ see. 1, 1880--Sep. 10, 1921
228-David Strong Gladney ------ May 16, 1883--May 28, 1885
229 Samuel Cladney ------- ~--- -Mar. 18, 1887--Jul. 19, 1919
230~Alexander Gladney--- ---- Nov. 28, 1850--Mar. 16, 1858
231»Joseph Sladney--~¢ -~»----- Mar. 25, 1858--Mar. M, 1858
232 Charles Gladney ---» -~----- Jan. 8, 1857--Jan. 21, 1915
Married by Ephraim Davis. Family Bible was in possession of
John William Gladney, William Stron Gladney, the son of Samuel
Gladney who settled near Auburn in 1820 and-was born July 7,
1789. (History of Lincoln County, Page 23T) The farm where
the family
cemetery is located is still called tne "Samuel
Gladney Place", and is the site of the "Gladney Ponds“.
Samuel and Nancy are buried in the old family cemetery, the
"Gladney Cemetery" on the old nomestead.
Cannon was born in Christian County, Kentucky. Pres-
William Strong Gladney was born in Fairfield County, South
Carolina; Presbyterian;_Farmer; Democrat; son of Samuel Gladney
and Margaret Wilson. Gladney Cemetery.
Mary Cannon- ~»---»---~-----------~ -~-~ David Howdeshell
(Nov. 18, 1838) Oct. 5, 1809
Jan. 25, 1882
233-Mary Jane Howdesnell~~~Aug° 16, 1835-~Aug. 6, 1861
238-John Riley Howdesnell--Jul. 20, I83?-¢Apr. M, 1870
235»Nancy Elizabeth Howdeshell-May 13, 1839~-May 21, 1929
236-Sarah Ann Howdesnel1~-~Jun. 20, l8u1~*0ct. 26, 1925
237-Rachel Evaline Howdéshell--May 19, 1883--Dec. 20, 1900
238-William Pascal Howdeshell~-Jan. 9, l8u6~-Jan. 19, 1913
239~Nartna Washington Howdesnel1~Mar. lu, 1888-Feb.16,1926
280-Rebecca Ellen Howdeshell--»Aug.26, l850~-Nov. 3, 1899
2u1-Susan Alice Howdesnell -»~»~ Feb.28, 1853--
282-Cordelia Agnes Howdesne1l~-Apr. 19, 1856-Nay 6, 1908
283-Ida May Howdeshell --------- Jun. 27,`1858-Aug. 10, 1952
Mary Cannon was the daughter of Jenn and Jane Gannon; born
in Kentucky; Methodist; Democrat; Howdesnell burying ground near
Soul‘s Chapel.
tml <9
wt( 0
David Hcwdesnell, son of Joseph Howdesnell and Mary Adams,
born in Kentucky; Democrat; Farmer; Howdesnell Cemetery.
Mary was known in the family as "Polly", She was
married by Brice W. Hammock in Lincoln County, Missouri.
David Howdesnell's father settled in the vicinity of
Auburn about 1815 or 1816. (History of Lincoln County,
Page 235) Both Polly and ner nusband were born in the State
of Kentucky. (Census of 1850, Lincoln County, Missouri)
Rachel Cannon-»~-~~--»-»-~»-~----
, (Mar. 6, 1851)
Andrew Jackson Hammack
288-George Ephraim Hammack-----~Dec
245-Mary (Mollie) Jane Hemmack~-Nov
286-Ella Elisabeth Hammock-»»~--Dec
. 12,
- 15,
. 12,
. 27,
'zoct 0 13|  
-Aug, 11, 1918
Rachel Cannon was the daughter of Jenn and
born January 22, 1819; Methodist; married by William T. Wilson,
recorded in Vol. B, Page 186 of Marriage Records of Lincoln
County U
Andrew (Andy) Hammack was a brotner of James (Jim) Hammack
and of Jane Hammack who married Henry C. Cannon (IV~h3). In-
formation may be obtained from George E. Hammaek, Eolia, Missouri
andrew Hammack was the son of Mary Hammack and was born in
Missouri; Farmer.
Iv   Q
Ephraim Cannon ~----~ ~--» ---~--~--~ --~Nancy Ann Elsberry
Elizabeth Cannon--»»-»~Sep.
-Lydia Elsberry Cannon~~Aug.
Susan Ann Cannon~------Dec.
John Cannon---------~--Nov.
-Mary Magdeline Cannon--May
-Ada Rebecca Cannon-----Aug,
-william Franklin Cannon-Jun
(Sep. 30, l8u5) Dec. 9, 1825
Jan, 9, 1877
Saran Jane Cannon ~»»~- ~Dec. M, 1886--Mer 29,
George Washington Gannon~Sep.l8,l8h8~-Jan 5,
ln, 1850--Mar 29,
20, 1853»~Apr 25,
11-|»s l855""°Sep '45
6| 185? “APP 30,
28, 1860-~Ju1 16,
12; 1862"“"Ju1 2,
.27, ieeu -sep 18,
Benjamin Elsberry Cannon-May 1T,l871-»Nov 1T,

2 d--- -----~ ~~---- ----~ c-“M s. Nancy Farmer
H (nee, 17, 1891) ?Nee Heweesneii)
For biography, see History of Lincoln County, Page 515.
Married by Ephraim David, "Ordained minister of the Baptist
order", recorded in Vol. B, Page 72. His wife, Nancy A.
Elsberry, was born in Kentucky (Census 1850) was a sister of
Robert Elsberry, the founder of the Town of Elsberry. Her
father, William Blsberry was born in Maryland in 1792 and died
in Missouri in 1871, and was a veteran of the War of 1812.
Her mother, Lydia P. Owen, was born in Kentucky in 1800 and
died in Missouri in 1882. They probably married in Kentucky
as they came to Missouri from there in 1837. Ephraim Cannon's
second wife was the widow of William Farmer and was before her
first marriage, Nancy Howdeshell, probably sister of IV-39)
(History of Lincoln County ((l888)) Page 515) Married by B.
H. Grier,
Jane Cannon -~~----~-- » ---~-------~- ---= Benedict Parker
(sep. 22, 1882) Jun. 9, 1813
Apr. 10, 1885
257 John Henry Parker~»~»~»Jan. 10, l8h3~Circa 18h5--Apr. 10, 1885
258~Sarah Jane Parker---~~~Jun. 8, 18h7--Jul. 13, 19h3
259=James Aaron Parker”-~~~May 6, l850~»
260=Mary Elizabeth (Betty) Parker~~Feb. 12, 185h=-Jun. 6, 1922
Margaret Eudora Parker-Aug. 12, 1860--Feb. 2, 1900
Jane Parker resided with her daughter, Sarah McDonald,
northwest of New Hope. Jane Cannon gives date of marriage as
Wednesday, September 25, 1882, but as Wednesday is the 22nd
of September, it is probable that the 22nd is correct. Daughter
of John and Jane Cannon; born near Auburn, Missouri.
According to the Census of 1860, Benedict Parker was born
in Kentucky. His wife was born in Missouri. Married by Jesse
Sutton, Vol. B, Page 11.
John Parker was born near Louisville, Kentucky; Republican;
Farmer; Buried near Auburn, Missouri. Son of John and Sarah Par
Mil @
Mi) 8
Married by William T. Wilson, J.P., to Jane Hammack,
sister of Andrew J. Hammock (IV~h0) and James Hammack. The
Census of 1850 reports her as a widow, residing at the age
of 2? with her widowed mother, Mrs. Mary Hammack. Her son
was at that time one year old. She was the second time
married to Rev. Wesley B. Hatton by Bev. A. E. Sears, July 26, 1855
James Knox Cannon~ -----~----- ~-Catherine Rebecca Martin
(Ju1.l9, 1860) Jan. 27, l8h2
Apr. 15, 1903
263‘Henry Jefferson Cannon-Jul. 20, 1861»»Aug. lu, 1923
26h-Mollie Helen Cannon-~--Feb. ln, 1863-=Aug. 9, 1868
265-Edward Brody Cannon----Jun. Eh, l865~-
266eElnora Cannon ~------ --~0ct. 12, 186?-~Nov. 5, 1918
26?-Emma Cannon ~--------~~» Nov. 8, l869¢-May lh, 1989
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Treasurer of Lincoln
County, 1870-1872; Assessor of Lincoln County, 1866-1868;
Judge of County Court of Lincoln County, l86?~1869. (History
of Lincoln County, Page 338-336) Presbyterian; Democrat;
a.F.&A.M.; Commission Salesman. Married at St. Joseph,
Missouri. Bellefcuntaine Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri.
Catherine Rebecca Martin was born in Moscow Mills,
Missouri. Presbyterian. Beliefountaine Cemetery, St. Louis,
Missouri. Daughter of Henry Martin and Mary Boone.
Elisabeth Cannon ~---»~ ~-------- ~ ---~ Wesley Clark Farmer
(Jan. lT, 1850) Dec. 29, 1823
Jun. 8, 189
268-Thomas Victor Farmer---Jan, 16, 1852~-Feb
269~Elery Everett Farmer---Apr. ln, 1862-~Jun
270-Amos Wilmer Farmer~ ~~-- Nov. 16, 1863--Jan
Married by "Jesse Sutton, Gov."
Elizabeth Cannon was born in Lincoln County, Mis
Methodist. Elsberry Cemetery.
. 18, 1939
- l?. 1936
. 5, 1905
A Wesley Clark Farmer was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky,
HGUPY Cla? C3UD0U ““““"'-'“"~~*”" T- -“'"JHU@ Hammsck _ Methodist; Democrat; Farmer; Farmer‘s Burying dround, Lincoln
(JHU= 5, 1383i $353 y§Q  County, Missouri. Son of Thomas Farmer and Hester Owen.
n nown ~
25gsHenry Cannon-~ ~--~-~ 18h9--- -~-»Unkn@en

John William Cannon
Died at the age of about two years.
Rebecca Cannon ------- ~ ~---~ »~-
---~Robert Calvin A11en=
c (Mar. 12, 1856) Apr. 22, 1833
27l=Laura Belle Allen---_May 28, 1858--
272-Johh Allen ----------- Jan. 15, 1862*-Aug. 1, 1865
273-Harry Mumford Allen--Nov. 27, l86h--Jun. 9, 1899
Married by Jesse Sutton in Lincoln County, Missouri. Born
in Lincoln County, Missouri, and subsequently resided in Harwood,
Vernon County, Missouri. Methodist.
Robert Calvin Allen was born in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mgthodistg Democrat; Farmer. Son of Harrison D. Allen and Ester
r\ 'h A n n n n n
(h8 -_ 58)
James Lee Cannon
Went to California with the gold seekers in 18h9. In
California 1889-1872. Returned and died in Missouri. Cannon
Cemetery near Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Iv'6O| I
John Collard Cannon »-~~-~~--»--- -----~- Mary Ann Nighglg
- (Apr. 16, 1881) 1323
27h-Isaac Shelby Cannon-- -1882
275-Ira Smith Cannon~»-~»Jan 8, l8h6-eJun.5,l938
276-Richard Lee Cannon---Feb. 17, 18h8
277~Mah1on Cannon -------- Oct. 8, 1851 Sep.26,l913
278-Mary Susan Cannon----
Married in Lincoln County, Missouri; went to California
in 1853. Lookout Cemetery, Modoc, California. Farmer and
stock raiser.
Mary Ann Nichols is buried on the plains at the foot of
the Blue Mountains.
The Census of 1850 reports "Polly" as twenty-seven years
of age and
born ln Virginia.
John Collard Cannon, son of Isaac and Mary Cannon.
Margaret Cannon-» ~-~------- - ---»- »-~- -Aaron Terrel Beck
(Feb. ln, 1839) Mar. 28, 1818
279-Llshia L. Beck--Mar. M, l8hl-»--
oct. 31, 1900
Jul. 7, 1881 (Daughter)
K Married by Robert Gilmore; Recorded Vol. I, Page 116,
Marriage Records of Lincoln County, Missouri.
Aaron Terrell Beck was born in Tennessee and came to
Missouri with his father in 1815. After the death of Margaret
Cannon he was twice married; the second time to Mary Ann Hose,
(Born March-8, 1828-died June M, 1876) September 23, 1887, by
W. S. Wilmot, Vol. B, Page 108, Records of Lincoln County,
Missouri; the third marriage to Rebecca Owings, (born August 17,
l825»died November 21, 1880). Cannon Cemetery near Hawk Point,
Lincoln County, Missouri.
Baptist, (Biographical Record of Lincoln and St. Charles
Counties, Page 567 Aaron T. Beck, son of Jerry Beck and Sarah
Gibson; Republican; Farmer.
All three wives are buried in Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point,
Seymour Davis Cannon»---»¢~ -»--- ~----- -Louisa Jane Hose
(Dec. 19, 18hh) nec. 12, 1828
Deo. 30, 1913
280-Julia Ann Cannon -----~- Jan. 28, 1886--Dec. h, 1925
28l#Mi1liem Davis Cannon---Jul. 15, 1887-~ '
282-James Buchanan Cannon--Jan. 10, 18h9--Feb. 25, 1899
283-Lewis Philip Cannon ~~-- Dec. 20, 1850--Apr. 12, 1877
28h-Mary Margaret Cannon--~0ct. 23, 1852
285-Thomas Benton Cannon---Dec. 21, 1858
286-Sarah Emily Cannon ----- Nov. 26, 1857-~
287-Louisa Jane Cannon ~-~-- Feb. 8, 1860 Feb 8, 1860
288-Flora Ellen Cannon --~~- Jun. 30, l861~- ,
289»John Seymour Cannon--_-Oct. 23, l863~~
290-Isaac Washington Cannon-Oct 15, 1866~-
251-David Hubbard Cannon-~-Aug. 26, 1870--Aug 26, 1870

Seymour Davis Cannon, son of Isaac and Mary Cannon.
Married by David J. Jamison; Vol. B, Page 52, Marriage
Records of Lincoln County, Missouri; Cannon Cemetery near Hawk
Point, Lincoln County, Missouri. Represented Lincoln County
in the General Assembly, l86?-8. Primitive Baptist. Justice
of the Peace 1889 (Official Manual State of Missouri, 1389-90,
Page 120) Captain of Militia in Civil war. (Biographical
Record, St. Charles County, Page 566)
Louisa Jane Hoes was born in Kentucky (Census of 1850);
Primitive Baptist, daughter of George Hose and Martha Ellen
IV»63, -
Lewis Williams (Jock) Cannon-- ---~- ~-~- --Mary Ann Smith
(Feb. h, 18n5)l825
, Aug. 1, l3?6
292-Rachel ann Cannon ------ Jun. 16, l8h6-»Jan. 9, 1918
293¢John Payton Cannon---»-Dec. 3, l8h?-~
29MrThomas Benton Cannon---Jan. h, 1Bh9--
295+Samuel Thurston Cannon Apr. 5, 1851--Feb. 5, 1909
296~James Knox Polk Cannon Feb. 9, 1853--
29?-Lewis Linn Cannon ----- Dec. 3, l85h--
298-Jerome Bonapart Cannon Oct 8, 1856--
299-Mary Virgilina Cannon- Oct. 8, 1859--
Left Missouri for the State of Oregon
marriage and the children were born there
followed him to Oregon three years later.
Spyres, J. P., Recorded February 27, lBh5,
but the above date (February M) is undoubtedly correct as it
is given in the record in the family Bible.
happened that the recording of a marriage in those days awaited
the pleasure and convenience of the official performing it,
and it was sometimes weeks before the record was made after
the ceremony was performed. Died and buried in Santa Rosa,
California. See Mrs. R. A. Perry, 576 Mendocino Avenue, Santa
Rosa, California.
in 18h8 soon after
His brother, John,
Married by Melon
Vol. B, Page 58,
It frequently
Mary Ann Smith Cannon, "Fulkerson Cemetery", Bays Tuda.
V. B. Coffee, writing from California. Daughter of William Smit
Lewis William Cannon was the son of Isaac and Mary Cannon;
born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Farmer; Married in Lincoln
County, Missouri, by Malen Spyres, J.P. Buried in Santa Rosa,
Kezia Cannon
Cannon Cemetery near Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Rachel ganngn ..__---- ----»---- ~~-~»Jehn Jackson Nichols
(ret. 21, 1850) May 8, 1825
Jan. 11, 1880
300-John Quimby Nichols-~-
301-Mary Jane Nichols ---~ -
302~Susan Ann Nichols-----
Oct. 15, 1853
»Deo. 13, 1856-
Oct n 35  
Oct. 23, 1357
:Mar. 15, 1859
Sn hfilmot, Je P
ssouri, by W.
Both are buried in the State of Oregon, either at Oak Creek
Cemetery in Douglass County or at Sams Valley in Jackson CountY
Married in Lincoln County, M
Jenn Jggksgn Nichols was born in Kentucky; Democrat;
Rachel Cannon was daughter of Isaac and Mary Cannon; born
in Lincoln County, Missouri; married in Lincoln County, Missour
Mary Canfygn-»~~ ------- - ---- --- ---- -~-- W 1111331 F1126
(Feb. 6, 1351) Dec- 5. 1331
May M, 1336
303-James Knox Polk Fine-»-
30h-Charles Levi rise -.~_-- Sep. 28, 1853 ------- aug. 30, 1891
305-David Hunters rise- ---- Jan. 13. 185? -~--- ~-Mar 26» 1371
306-Elmer Fine--~~ ------ ~--
307~Isaac Watts Fine ------- Jan. 15, 1359 “-'-~' °FGb- ll, 1370
308~Mary Cannon Fine ------- Sep. 20, 1376 -~-'“" Mar- 5, 1377
The marriage records of Lincoln County, Missouri, recite
that William Fine, of Warren County, was married to Mary Cannon
of Lincoln County, by S. D. Cannon, J.P.
2nd~~- ~------ ------ »~-Fountain Henry Womble
(Unknown) Unknown
There were no children by the second marriage. Mary and
both husbands buried in Cannon Cemetery,Hawk Point, Lincoln
County, Missouri. (Fountain Henry Womble, father of Cora
Agnes Womble F»3lh)

IV-68. 2
Esther Ann Cannon---» -~~~--~ ~~ ~--~ ~~-John Taylor Mosley
(May 27, 1856) Nov. 3, 1828
David Hubbard Cannon --~-- ~-»------»-- Cynthia Ann Momble mwx i
(Feb. se, 1855) Jae. 3, 1836 1
Feb. 6, 1871
309-John Randolph Cannon~~-Oct. 18, 1856--Dec. 15, 1893
310-Flora Bell Cannon--~»-~Dec. 15, 1858-~May 23, 1930
311-Mary Cannon--~ ----~ --=-Nov. 22, 1860--Jun. 12, 1953
312-Rosa Wilson Cannon--»--Aug. 19, 1862--Jan. 10, 1871
313-James Henry Lane Cannon-Dec.25, 1865--
3lh~lsaac Watts Cannon ~--- -Jan. 27, 1868-~Sep. 5, 1937
315-David Hubbard Cannon---Dec. 7, 1870--Oct. 6, 1871
_ 2nd---»- ~--»»~- -~- ------ Lucinda Jane Nichols
(Jul. 19, l87h) Mar. 11, 18 7
Apr, 22, 18 9
316-Cynthia Margaret Cannon»Apr 22, 1875--Aug 23, 1876
317-Thomas Jefferson Cannon~Dec 28, 1876--
3l8~Lucinda Nichols Cannon--Apr 26, 1881-~apr 27, 1881
319-Esther Ann Cannon ------- Jan 31, l88h--Jan 20, 1918
32O~Hattie Jane Cannon ------ Sep 22, 1885--Aug 22, 1886
321-Ella Lee Caunon--- -~---- Jan 7, 1887--
3rd ~-~- ------- ~-»---- ~-Nancy Clemmy Williams
(Jul. ia, 1891] Nov. 15, l8h7
David Hubbard Cannon was born in Lincoln County, Missouri.
He was a veteran of the Civil Mar, enlisting in the 1Cth Missouri
Cavalry, commanded by Col, Fred Mersey, in January 1862, which
was later merged into the 3rd Missouri State Militia. He was
an orderly sergeant of Company G, commanded by Captains
Richard Mommack and James Wilson, and his regiment was suc-
cessively commanded by Colcnels Edwin Smart and Richard G.
Woodson. He was mustered out in February of 1865, and was
later First Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 6hth Regiment of
Missouri Volunteers, and was a member of the Major Bartlett
Post No. 289 of the Grand Army of the Republic and served as
its Commander. He was elected Justice of the Peace of Bod-
ford Township August 2, 1858, and was commissioned a notary
public in 1875. Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County,
Married in Lincoln County, ”issouri, by William H. Verser,
J.P., to Cynthia Ann Womble, dfqghter of Henry Womble and
Elizabeth Evans. Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Missouri.
Married in Lincoln County, Missouri, to Lucinda Jane
Nichols, daughter of David Capps and Sallie Goodwin, widow
of Jesse Nichols. Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Missouri,
Married in Lincoln County, Missouri, to Nancy Clemmy
Williams, daughter of Philip Hisey, widow of Joseph M. Williams.
Member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
(See Biographical Record of St. Chanles, Warren and Lincoln
Counties, Page 665) 1
ull 6
_ 1
Jul. 19, 1905
322-James W1111.-sm Mosley---Jul. L1, 1857-»-apr. 7, 3.833
323-Rachel Alice Mosley ~--~ May lu, 1859--
32h~Charles Prentiss Mosley-Oct. 3, 1861-~tus- 32. 1371
Married in Lincoln County, Missouri, by William H. Verser,
J,P, Buried in alba, Joplin County, Missouri. Daughter of
Isaac and Mary Cannon, born near Hawk Point, Missouri.
John Taylor Mosley, son of John Mosley-and Martha Arnal;
born in Kentucky, Primitive Baptist; Republican; Farmer; buried
near Alba, Missouri.
Isaac Watts Cannon~( ------------- - ----Melinda Womble
Apr. 1, 1858) Sep. 18, l8hh
Apfo 173  
325-Seymour Davis Cannon---Aug. lh, l86O~»
326-Isaac Heed Cannon ------ Aug. 8, l862--Sep- 10, 1862
327-Mary Elizabeth Cannon--Feb. 12, 1867--
328~Luke Lee Cannon ---~--~- Sep. 9, 1875~-Dec. 7, 1900
329-David Hubbard Cannon--~Feb. 9, 1881--
Isaac Watts Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Veteran of the Civil Mar, enlisted February h, 1865, in
Company D, lhth Regiment and discharged October 26, 1865;
lst Sergeant of Company C, commanded by Captains Richard
Wommack and James Wilson of the Third Regiment Cavalry,
Missouri State Militia, commanded by Colonel Edwin S. Smart
and Richard C. Woodson. Promoted to Second Lieutenant in the
same Company and later served in that capadity in the lhth
Missouri Veterans Cavalry. Served with his regiment in the
States of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Indian Territory.
The official roster reads: "2nd Lieut. Isaac M. Cannon,
Enl. Feb. 17, 1862, Com. Feb. 15, 1862, res. May 6, l862."
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Missouri. Son of Isaac and Mary
C&I'1’l.'101'l .
Married in Lincoln County by "Elder George Rice, M.G.",1
to Melinda Momble. Lived for many years with her daughter,
Mrs, Mary (Mollie) Sparks at Bellflower, Montgomery County,
Missouri. Cannon Cemetery.
Melinda Mombls, daughter of James Momble and Elizabeth
Evans, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; United with the
Little Bethel Christian Church in 1882. Cannon Cemetery.

\ r\ u 4-\ rx n n
Collard Trail
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Cannon Cemetery on the
Stinebaugh Place.
James Washington Trail »-»-- --------------- Isabella Redd
(Nov. 31, 1855) Mar. 8, 1829
330-Rachel Frances Trail-»»Oct. 16, l856ee
331-Mary Jane Trail -~------ Jan. 20, 1859--
332»James Rollins Tralle-e»Aug. 8, 1861--Apr. 1932
333-George McLellan Trail~-Jan. 22, l86h--May ll, 1871
James Washington Trail was born in Missouri; Catholic;
Democrat; Farmer and Stock Raiser; Married by A. B. King in
M) ff?
Missouri where she resided about one year with ner mother and
than went to_Ashley, Illinois, where she died. I-0-0-F-
Cemetery, Ashley, Illinois. Ephraim and Samuel married there.
The remainder of the family, with the exception of two of the
girls, moved to Texas.
Absolom Brown, son of Thomas Brown and Rebecca Stewart;
born in Fairview, Christian County, Kentucky; Methodist;
Democrat; A.F. & A.M.; buried at Brown Homestead, Fairview,
Isaac Cannon Trail
Gannon Cemetery on the Stinebaugh Tlace.
William Perry Trail ------ ~ -»-»--- Frances Emaline Sitton
Lincoln County, Missouri. Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Denver, (Nov. 18, 1852) Jul. 17, 183h
Colorado. Owned ranch near Boulder City, Colorado, went with 1 Dec. 5. 19lT
son to fiesta; ate sardines; ptomaine poisoning; son rode horse MW g 85 6
to death for doctor; too late. _tM` 3h2-Isaac Cannon Trail ¢---- Aug 2?, l 3--May 1, 192
  @ 3h3-James Marion Trail ----- Dec 16, 1851;--Dec 13, 1937
Isabella Brunard, daughter of Francis Brunard and Margaret 3hh~Kesia Adeline Trail ~--~ Mar 5, 185 --Apr 6, 1923
Elizabeth Stone; born in St. Louis, Missouri; Catholic; Democrat; 3h5~Sarah Catherine Trai1~-Sep 30, l858~~Sep. 19, 19Oh
giogeer Ledges of Cglorado. Formerly married to Stephen Redd. 3&6-gary Elizabeth Traile--Jul. 22, 1820--EZ; 21, 1§83 86
es ded in enver, olorado. 3 - ohn Brooks Henderson Trail-Oct. 1 , 1 Ju . 1 , 1 3
c 3h8-Martha Wells T ail ----~ Jan 26, 1868--Jan 26, 1952
;_ 3h9-William Thomas Trai1~--May 21, 1865--May 29, 1913
1Vé11T¢ 350-Joseph Rollins Trai1~~-Feb 29, 1867--
, 351-Richard Curtis Trail-~-Jun 9, 1869--Feb 26, 1953
K@Zi& JQHB Tfdil--~ ~”'~'---“~-“-*~*°°“‘ ~-~Abso1om Brown 352-Harry Trail »---------~- Sep 19, l87O~-Sep lh, 1918
(0ct. 23, 18n5) May 9,'l8l8 353-Bessie Lynn Trail~ ----- Mar lh, 1873--Jun 27, 19Ch
Jul. 3.8,  
33h-Rachel Rebecca Brown-=-Aug. Eh, l8h6--
335-Nancy Emaline Brown -~-- Oct. 1, 18h8--Apr l862
336~Thomas Rollins Brown»=-Dec. 27, l850~-
33?eMary Lausenth Brown ---- Dec. 27, 1853-~
338=Samue1 Gravener Brown~-Mar. 26, 1856--Feb 1886
339-Ephraim Asberry Brown--May 9, 1858--Feb 1886
3hO-Amelia Bell Brown ------ Jan. 1, 1860--Mar 1892
3hl-Mattie Augusta Brown~-~Fet. 19, 1863--
Kesia Jane Trail, born ir Lincoln County Missouri;
Christian; Eastern Star. Married in Lincoln éounty by J.
Winston Sitton, J.P. Moved to the State dT Kentucky where
all their children were born in Christian County. After the
death of her husband, Kezia returned with the children to
William Perry Trail was a Democrat; Farmer; Married by
Absolom Brown, J. P., at Joseph M. Sitton’s residence, Lincoln
County, Missouri. Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missdiri.
Frances Emaline Sitton, daughter of Major Joseph Winston
Sitton and Polly Buchanan; Christian; born in Lincoln County,
Missouri. Her father represented Lincoln County in the Missouri
Legislature. ;(Biographical Record of Saint Charles, Lincoln
and Warren Counties, Page h76)
Francis Marion Trail
Cannon Cemetery on Stinebeugh Place. (Cutting hay » hot-
laid down under tree - developed tuberculosis)

Ephraim Jackson Trail- ~~-- - ~--»---~ Virginia
(Dec. 25, 1862)
35h»Ephraim Trail-~ ~-~~ ~--- Mar. 5, 1868-
5, 1831
31, 1866
6, l86h
2nd -----~ ----- - ----~ -~»- ----~- Katherine Wilson
(Dee. 20, 1887) Aug. 3, 1853
Jul. 3, 1901
355-Robert Trail ~--~~------ Oct. 9, 1888--May 12, 1951
Ephraim J, Trail, born new New Hope, Missouri; Preebyteri
Democrat; A.F. & 8. M.; Farmer; Married by Rev. Berry at Fairy
Kentucky, to Virginia Ann Carroll. Married second time to
Katherine Wilson by Charles A. Mitchell at New Hope, Missouri.
Elsberry Cemetery.
Virginia Ann Carroll, daughter of James and Jane Layne
Carroll; born at Fairview, Christian County, Kentucky; Pres~
byterian; Eastern Star; Buried near Fairview, Kentucky.
Katherine Wilson, daughter of Robert Wilson and Dianna
Gibson; born at New Hope, Missouri; Baptist; Elsberry Cemetery
Ephraim went from Missouri to Kentucky, thence to Colo-
rado and then to Vernon County, Missouri, returning to Lincoln
where he resided at New Hope until his death. (For biography,
see History of Lincoln County 1888, Page 622)
Samuel Louis Trail
Cannon Cemetery on Stinebaugh Place.
-John Cordon Trail---
-Mollie Lee Trail ----
-Jennie Ann Trail --~-
-James Broady Trail--
-Dorah Bernieoe Trail
Viola Bell Trail----
Watt William Trail--
-Thomas Walter Trail-
-Robert Roy Trail----
- ~Dec
Thomas BGHCDD TP&i1-~~~- ----------- Rhoda Ellen Thcmggon
(cet. 21, 1887) aug. 28, 1 M8
Oct o 273  
13, 1868--
19, 1870--
18, 1872-~sep.
17, 1876--Feb.
303 1-878""Aug°
20, 1880--Jan.
26, 1331--
15, l88L|_""'J\.2n|
Thomas Benton Trail, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Democrat; A,F. & A. M.; Farmer; Married by Isaac Thompson at
Lincoln County, Missouri. Harwood Cemetery, Vernon County,
Missouri. He was known as T. B., or more familiarly, as 'Bunk".
Died in Rockville, Bates County, Missouri.
Rhoda Ellen Thompson, daughter of Gabriel Thompson and
Mary Francis Powers, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Green~
lawn Cemetery, Harwood, Missouri. -
David Riley Trail
Cannon Cemetery on Stinebaugh Place, Lincoln County, Missouri
Mary Elizabeth Trail ---»- »~---» -~------ Lawrence S. Sinn
(Mar. 2, 1875) Aug. 13, 1887
Cannon Cemetery on Stinebaugh Place, Lincoln County,
Lawrence Sinn again married. One child born of the second
union -- Alice, who married Ernest Kemper, Troy, Missouri.
Lawrence Sinn was the first to be initiated into Deadwood
Lodge, I.0.0.F., at New Hope. The Lodge was established
February 21, 1877, and he was initiated shortly after.
Bryant's Creek Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Jacob Stinebaugn Trail -------------- Maria Jane McMillan
(sires. 1877) Jun. u, 1859
Mar. lh, l9Oh
1878""-Apps 173  
365-John William Trail ----- Dec. 20,
366-George Rollins Trail---Feb. 21,
387-Hattie Bell Trail- --~-- Oct. 29,
Stinebaugh Trail, born near New Hope, Lincoln
County, Missouri; Democrat; Farmer; Married by A. B. King
at New Hope, Missouri; Cannon Cemetery on Stinebaugh Place,
LincolnCounty, Missouri.

Maria Jane McMillan, daughter of William A. McMillan and
Mary Doty; born near Sledd, Pike County, Missouri; Christian.
Maria Jane McMillan was the second time_married to Mr. Nelson
to which union there was born one child, Mary, who was married
the third time
and Mary Ann
to allen Lee, Los angeles, California. She was
married to E. a. Cobb (V-EMT) William McMillan
Doty, parents of Maria Jane, were married April
Mr, McMillan died March 8, 1886, Mrs. McMillan,
JL JL J' JL JL .!* EL .EL J". ‘L
n n fi' n an N r\ .n ri 'h
(127 ~ 1u3)
15, 1850.
July h, 1919.
Elizabeth Dameron- -»-»~-~»~--------- »James Thomas Scott
(Dec. 21, 185h) Jan. 25, 183s
D65 0 28,  
368-Mary Jane Scott-- ---» ~~Mar. l8, l857--Sep. 2h, 1930
369-Joseph Nicholas Scott--Unknown---»-aa-Unknown
370-Margaret Eugenia Scott-Jul. 28, l86h--Dec. 20, 19h8
3?1-John Freston Scott ----- Unknown -----» ~Unknown
372-Maud Scott ------»------ Unknown ---~-~~- Unknown
373-Martha Forest Scott -~~- Jun. 20, 1867 -May 2, 1932
Elizabeth Dameron, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist
Married by Rev. Albert C. Mitchell in Pike County, Missouri.
Buried in Dameron Homestead.
James Thomas Scott, son of Mary Doak and Colon Joseph
Scott; Born in Kentucky; Baptist; Democrat; Physician; Dr. James
Thomas Scott direct descendant of the Breckenridges of Kentucky
and a first cousin of Alexander M. Dockery, ex-Governor of
Missouri, and first cousin to Senator Thomas Dunn°of Lincoln
County. Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
IV   0
James Page Dameron
Died at an early age. Family cemetery on his father's farm
Margaret Juliana Dameron ---- Marceglus Sobeski Whiteside
Dec. , 1836-Dec. 22, 1918
Died soon after her marriage. Rev. Marcellus S. Whiteside,
son of Jacob Whiteside and Lydia Vardeman Moss, Minister,
the second time married to Mary »ohns. See Whiteside Book.
,1,,_ Martha Ann Dameron ----~ ---------------- »~~Jchn Black
UMD (Jun. 13, 1867> Jas. 12, leg;
_ Apr. h, 18?5
37h-Viola Elliott Black -----~ ost. 2, 1868--May 15, 195s
3?5~Alma Russell Black ------ -Aug. 2h, 1871--Jan. 2, 1875
Martha Ann Dameron, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Attended Monticello College; Christian; International Sunshine
Lodge; Married by Rev. Albert Mitchell at Paynesville, Pike
County, Missouri. Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
John Black, son of William Black and Margaret Elliott,
the latter the daughter of Tobert Elliott who was born in
Manchester, England. William Black, son of John Black and
Bruce, the latter descended fromllobert Bruce, the
Scottish King. United with Paynesville Christian Church at
age of 17; Democrat; A.F. & A.M.; Resided at Boston, Massachusetts,
and Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches County, Texas; died at Russellville,
Arkansas. Congractor, build large part of New Hope. Greenwood
Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
y 1v-r,e.
_ John Nicholas Dameron -~----- ---~ -Lillian Taswell Malden
(Unknown) Unknown
mmf *im Unkn own
BT6-Robert Edward Dameron--Nov. 7, 1878--
37T~Ceorge Dameron-- --~-~-- Dec. 5, 1881-~
378-Minice Codsey Dameron~-Dec. 5, 188l~~
379~Lillie Eugenia Dameron~Jun. 29, 1886--Aug. 7, 1886
John Nicholas Damercn, born in Pike County, Missouri;
Democrat; Married at Sherman, Grayson County, Texas; Passmore
Cemetery, Velma, Oklahoma.
Lillian lhswell Malden, daughter of Callie Hill Walden
and Henrietta V. Purcell; born in Virginia; Democrat; School
teachen ~’ ` f
Passmore Cemetery, Velma, Oklahoma, 8
IV *lug-1 '
Susan Jane Dameron ---------~------- Robert Elliott Black
_ (Dec. 21, 1869) Jul. 25, l8h6
' May 2, 1927
380-Mabel Martha Black-----Oct. 26, 1870--Jun , l9h5
381-George Abel Black- ~-~-- Sep 16, 1872-~Mov. 3, 1926
, 382-Alpha christina B1a¢a~-Aug. 15, 18?h--
M99 383--Mary Jessie Black -~.--~ Jul 13, 18're~-apr , 1951;
38h-Robert Alphonso Black--Mar 30, l8?8~»Jan. 16, l9h8
385-Margaret Jane Black--- Dec 26, l8?9~-Aug. 6, 1951
386-Roscoe Bruce Black -~--- Apr lh, 1883--Jun. h, l9h5
38?-Reginald Dameron Black-Dec 10, 1885--Apr. 1, 1925

Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Married to Robert Elliott
sleek, brother of Jenn Black (iv-in?) see Biography in History
of Lincoln County (1888) Page 5O?. Valhalla Cemetery, St. Louis,
Robert Elliott Black, son of William Lacke Black (b. April 12,
1812) in Scotland and grandson of John Black who lived in
Jedburg, Scotland & emigrated to America 1833-l83h. William
Lacks Black married Margaret Elliott, daughter of Robert Elliott,
all descended from the Bruce family of Scotland. Born at
Allegheny City, Pennsylvania and came to Missouri at the age
of twenty~two reaching Clarksville by boat June h, 1868. Residsd
in New Hope until 1881 when he moved to Elsberry. In 1889 moved
to St. Louis to educate children and returned to Elsberry l89?.
33rd Degree Mason and member of all subordinate bodies. Valhalla
Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri.
Margaret Hubbard Stubblefie1d~* -..__-- Woodson Wilkinson
(Aug. 13, isps) ret. 1827
388-Mary Wilkinson »--~-- ---»- -~---l8h9 ------~»- Unknown
389-John Allen Wilkinson---circa. 1851 --~-~»--- Sep. l3, 1855
39O~Milton Wilkinson ------- circa. 1853 ----- -~--Sep. h, 1855
Margaret Hubbard Stubblefield, names for her Aunt Margaret
Hubbard, born in what is now Hawk Point ibwnship of Lincoln County,
Missouri. Left motherless almost from birth, she was reared
in the home of her grandfather, Samuel Cannon. She was married
in his home in Lincoln County, Missouri, by Joseph Winston
Sitton, to Woodson Wilkinson, son of James Wilkinson and
lemperance Knight, who was born in Lincoln County, Missouri.
She died September 12, 1855. Cannon Cemetery on Stinebaugh Place.
Woodson Wilkinson was the second time married (February Eh,
1857) by Samuel Lippincott, to Selina Thomas, daughter of
Samuel Thomas and Elizabeth , born in Pike County, Illinois,
March 3, 1831. They resided in Pleasant Hill, Illinois, until
1860 when he went with others to Carson City, Ormsby County,
Nevada, in order to escape draft in the Union Army, and from
there circa. 1389 to the State of`California where his wife
and their son; John, joined him. In 1887 he returned with his
Wife tO Settle the]estats of her father and arrived in Elsberry,
Missouri, November 20, 1887. Here he experienced a severe
attack of pneumonia hut returned to California in February of
1888. Selina Thomas Wilkinson died in Downey, Downey County,
California, December h, 1888. Woodson Wilkinson was the third
time married to Alpha V. Woods in Los Angeles County, California,
July 21, 1889. He had four children, Mary, John Allen and
Milton by his first wife, and Charles by his second wife.
All 19
He was living in Downel. DOWNS?
when a letter was received from
there in 1907 he had moved away
the meantime.
` The gravestone of Margaret
slate, carved by Clifford Cliff
County, California, in 1890
him, but when relatives visited
and was said to have died in
Stubblefield Wilkinson was of
) Sitton, who engraved all
neadstones in that locality for many years. They long ago
disintegrated and little remains
long since been obliterated. Ma
dysentery which was an epidemic
entire county. She died at midn
of them. All engraving has
rgaret died of malignant
in 18S5 and devastated the
ight; her father-in-law, James
Wilkinson, died the next morning and her son, John Allen Wilkin
died that evening. Her younsaat
before -- all of the same dread
Aunt Temperance Cannon and her C
,V”151 0
Mary Elizabeth Cannon ~-----
child, Milton, died nine days
malady, which also took her
ousin Rachel Cannon the same
_s ~--- Harrison Julius Curtis
in, loco) Aug. ie, 1839
Jun. 11, 1898
1-Henr Bluford Curtis---Jan. 1, 1861--Jan. 12, 1899
f §;2~MaryYJane Curtis ~~-- ~~-Jul- 21: 1B53"S9P° lg# 1905
393-Frank Allen Curtis ~---- Jun. 26. l355”'
Mit! 39a-william w. carrie »--~ --Mar. 27. lS68-*Jan- 12. 1359
395~Lucius Webster Curtis~-Jan. T, 1870--FGb- 21, 1935
396~Wes1ey Lyman Curtis ---- Jan. To 1370'“
397-Lillian B. Curtis ------ Sep. 23, l8?3°-0Gt~ 12. 137A
398-Lutie w. Curtis ---- --~- Sep. 23. 1873--Oct. lt. 1878
399~Bessie Louise Curtis---Mar. 31. 1975"-
hOC~Samuel Cannon Curtis--~Dec. 28, 18T9“~5&U- 9, 1331
Mary Elizabeth Cannon, born at Elsberry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Baptist; Married at Pleasant Hill, Illinois; Buried
at Cook, Nebraska.
Hgppigon Julius Curtis, son of Henry Curtis and Eliza
rapper; Born in St. Lawrence County, New York; Baptist;
Democpat; A,F_&A,M,; Farmer; Emigrated with father's family
to Schuylgp County, Illinois, in l8hj. Enlisted August 12.
1862, in Company C. 99th Volunteer Infantry and served through-
out the war. Died at DannebrOg»
Nebraska; Buried at Cook,

Samuel Richard Cannon -------~-- ~-Mary Franggg Apmgtygng
(rec. 13, 1862) Aug. 27, 18u3
Jun. 9, 1872
hO1-William Bluford Cannon-Feb. 13, 1863--Sep. 25, 1865
h02»Purrintha Alma Cannon--Nov. 27, l86h--Sep. 3, 1895
h03~A1ice Nettie Cannon---~Nov. 2h, 1866--Apr. 5, 1899
hOh-John Seymour Cannon ---- Oct 10, l868~-May 10, 1892
hC5~Samuel Richard Cannon--Sep 5, 1870--Oct. 30, 1897
2Ud“"* ~----- ~-~ ~--- ---- Mary Catherine Huber
Oct. 8, 18h3
hO6-Charles Henry Cannon---Feb. 26, l87h--Aug. 11, 18§8
HO7-Jane Webster Cannon---eaug. 20, 1876»-
Samuel Richard Cannon, born at Pleasant Hill, Illinois;
D@m00P3t3 A.F. & A. M.; Deputy Sheriff; Married by Squire
Lovell at Pleasant Hill, Pike County, Illinois, to Mary
Frances trmstrong; Buried at Pleasant Hill, Pike County,
Mary Frances Armstrong, daughter of William Armstrong;
buried at Pleasant Hill, Illinois.
Mary Catherine Huber, widow of David Huber at the time
of her marriage to Samuel.
Patience Cannon-
Fannie Margaret Curtis-
Laura Ett Curtis -»--
Charles Wesley Curtis
Dolly Curtis-- »-~- ---
~R0y Lee Curtis- --~- ---~
. 21,
. 25,
. 23,
. 27,
Henry Amos Curtis
Jan. 1, 1837
May Eh, 1900
1 7
Michael Quinn
RD118. A. G|_J1"'[]iS ----- -=---Sgp
Pearl Cannon Curtis »--- Sep
Mallln May Curtis ------ Nov
Ethel Rose Curtis-- ~--- Feb
John Henry Curtis ------ Jul
2nd -~-----~ ~---- ~--a_--
(apr 16, 1906)
Jul. 3, l8hO
‘Jana 25,
""|]-ana 27,
""'Fe,b| 25,
“Julo 9,
1 1- 1|
021  _D
Patience Gannon was born near Pleasant Hill, Illinois;
Baptist; Democrat; Married by Rev. Thomas Harden at Tecumseh,
Nebraska. Patience Cannon was known to her family as "Pink".
Buried in Tecumseh, Nebraska.
_ Henry Amos Curtis, son of Henry Curtis and Eliza Parker,
born in St. Lawrence County, New York; Baptist; Farmer;
Democrat; Buried in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. He
emigrated with his father's family to Schuyler County in l8h3
and in 1886 moved with his brother, Harrison, to Nebraska.
On April 13, 1862, enlisted in Co. C. of the 99th Illinois
Volunteer Infantry and served until the close of the war.
Michael Quinn, born in County Galway, Ireland; Roman
Catholic; Deuocrat; Farmer; Died at Havelock, Nebraska; Buried
at Tecumseh, Nebraska. ,
James Richard Gannon
Buried at Pleasant Hill, Pike County, Illinois.
John Wesley Cannon ----------------- Sarah Adeline Hughes
1875) Mar. 5, 1853 `
Jun. 10, 1877
(Dec. 30,
hl8-Maud Cannon--- -_-Feb. 22, 1877-~Feb. h, 1878
2nd~~-~- ----- -- ---~------------~ Rebecca Jane Dyer
Sep. 28, 1857
hl9-Scott Dyer Cannon ---- --Feb. 1, 1882--
h2O~Harry Grover Cannon ~--- May 21, l88h»-
John Wesley Cannon, born in Cook County, Nebraska~ Democrat
Merchant; Justice of Peace in State of Illinois; A.F. 8 A. M.;
M. W. C.; K of P and A.C.U.W.; Married first time to Sarah
Adeline Hughes at Barry, Pike County, Illinois. Second marriage
to Rebecca Jane Dyer at Quincy, Illinois. Carterville Cemetery,
Jasper County, Missouri.
Sarah Adeline Hughes, daughter of Eliab Hughes and Celia
Young; born at Quincy, Adams County, Illinois; Methodist; Buried
at Adams County, Illinois.
Rebecca Jane Dyer, daughter of Eranius Bean Dyer and
Ssmathy Stone; Born in Adams County, Illinois; Methodist;
School Teacher; Eastern Star. Knights of Pythias.

V“156o '
Charles Henry Cannon #-~--- -- ------ Katherine Overhaulster
(Unknown) Unknown
_ Unknown
Katherine Overhaulster was a widow at the time of her
marriage to Charles.
Temperance Ruth Cannon
Was burned to death. Buried at Pleasant Hill, Pike County
Benjamin Franklin Cannon -~-- ~--» -----~*-- Rosena Goemann
(Jul. 13, l88O)Jan. 9, 1859
' Jun. 26, 1898
h2l»Bluford Frederick Cannon--Mar. 29, 1881--
h22-Crover Cleveland Cannon---Oct. 21, 1888--
2nd ~--- ~------- ------------~- --~-Mary Margaret Nelson
(Mara 19|   7|  
1? l9Oh--
h2&-Edna May Cannon -------- Feb. ,
h2 -Nellie Delilah Cannon--Nov. 20, 1907
Benjamin Franklin Cannon, born at Pleasant Hill, Pike
County, Illinois; Republican; A.F. & A.M.; Farmer and Stock
Raiser; four years a mail carrier, six years Deputy Sheriff
of Logan County, Kansas. First married by Rev. Hempler to
Rosena Goeman at Cook, Johnson County, Nebraska; second
marriage by Rev. Bennett at Reamsville, Smith County, Kansas.
Rosena Goeman, daughter of Frederick Goeman and Dora L,
Goeing; born at St. Louis, Missouri; Lutneran; Republican;
buried at Tecumseh, Nebraska.
1 Mary Margaret Nelson, daughter of Charles Nelson; born at
all  ll
William Isaac Cannon
Buried at Pleasant Hill, Pike County,
Katherine Jane Cannon -----------
(Jan. 30, l8?9)
M25-Goldie Alm ra Jones Feb
-Myron Dewey Jones- ----- Nov
. Eh,
. 22,
3' -annu-
-Susan Beatrice Jones---Apr
Benjamin Cannon Jones--Jan. 26,
. 20,
--LaFayette Jones
Dec. 10, l8M9
1887-»~ _
Katnerine Jane Jones, born in Pike County, Missouri; Court
of Honor Lodge; Married by Rev. James Tompson»at Helena, Johnson
County, Nebraska.
LaFayette Jones, son of Wesley Jones and_Holly Moody; born
in Mason County, Illinois; Court of Honor Lodge.
Cora Douglas Cannon -----~--~------~-~- Beroy Henry Jones
(sep. la, 1880) ret. lh,~l 53'
h29-Dottie Udilla Jones ---- Sep. 16, l882=~
h3O-Scott Harvey Jones ----- Sep. 21, l88?--
M31-Nellie Estelle Jones---Jun. Zo, 1890--
h32-Robert Wayne Jones ----- Aug. 1, l893--
M33-Leroy Smith J~#fs ------ Sep. 2, 1396-e
n3u-aiufera serie use ---Aug. 23, 190k--Jan. 19, 1905
Cora Douglas Cannon, born at Pleasant Hill, Pike County;
Illinois. Married by Rev. James Tompson at Tecumseh, Johnson
County, Nebraska.
LeRoy Henry Jones, son of William Harvey Jones and
Margarett Gaines; born in Atchison County, Missouri; Republican;
Farmer; l.C.O.F. Resided at RFD 1, Atnol, Smith County, Kansas.
Reamsville, Kansas. Later resided with-her daughters at Franklin, V”162°
Franklin County, Nebraska. _ Effa Cannon
Benjamin Franklin Cannon died at Douglas Ccnvese County
Wyoming, buried at Tecumseh, Johnson County, Febraska. 3 B“Pi9d at Pleasant Hill’ Pike C°“nt7= I11i“°iS°

Sophia Cannon
Buried at Pleasant Hill, Pike County,
lda Cannon
Buried at Pleasant Hill, Pike County,
  V»l65. `
Smith Jennings Cannon ----»-
and ---- -~- -~-- --
_ (Deco
M35-Ocie Olla Gannon- ~~--
M36-Arden Wilford Cannon-
H37~Bluford James Cannon~
M38-Eula Arliene Cannon--
Smitn Jennings Cannon, born
13, l89O)O
"Apps 8,
--Jan. 19,
--May El,
""'Sep| 15;
ora Belle Walters
et. 1, 1872
ay 28, 1891
~-- --~- ~lva Jones
Nov. lT, l8?6
sen, Johnson County,
Nebraska; Republican; l.O.C.F.; Stookman and farmer; Married
first to Cora Belle Walter by Rev.Winslow, at Smith Center,
Cora Belle Walters, daughter of Samuel Walters and Susan
Jane Robertson; born in Smith County, Kansas, and buried at
Reamsville Cemetery, Reamsville,
Iva Jones, daughter of James R. Jones and Matilda F. Jones,
born in Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri. Resided at Lucy,
Blaine County, Nebraska.
Marcus Alonzo Cannon~»~ ~--- »--- ----~------ Delia Fcxwell
(Dec. 20, 1876) Nov. 5, 1853
M39-Lula Cannon ~--~------
hhO-Andrew Jackson Cannon
nhl-James Floyd Cannon---
una-Etnel Laurens Cannon~
Marcus Alonzo Cannon, born
Baptist; Democrat; A.F. & A.M.;
Birkhead at Lincoln County, Mies
--Oct. 5,
"""*DeCo 23,
“"'®'@?13,! 6:
in Lincoln
ouri. - ‘
Jun. 20, l923
1879--Jan. 3, 1956
County, Missouri;
ried by Rev. T, M,
li EQ
Delia Foxwell, daughter of John P. Foxwell and Celia
Gottle; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist. New Salem-
Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Evaline Elizabeth Cannon
Buried in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Edgar Metalbert Cannon ---~---------- Mary Wiley Campbell
(Mar. 13, 1885) Jun: 17, 1870
Jun. 15, 1896
hh3~Wi1ey Cannon ----- -~--- ~Jan. l?, 1896-4Jul. 17, 1896
Edgar Metalbert Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; Farmer; Known in the family as "Hontz".
Mary Wiley Campbell, daughter of Wiley Campbell and Martha
Ann‘Fox, Born in Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri; Baptist;
New Salem Cemetery.
Married by Rev. W. W. Carhart at Clarksville, Pike County,
Martha Jane Cannon ---- ~---~--~~- ~~~- John Charles Dodge
(Unknown) Unknown
huh-Charles Homer Dodge ---- Oct. 13, 1879-~
MM5-Estelle Dodge --------~- Unknown- ----- --Unknown
After the death of John Charles Dodge (who died in Arkansas)
Martha Jane Cannon is said to have married successively Edward
Payne, William Scott and William Carr. John Charles Dodge is
said to be buried at Mew Salem Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Martha Jane Cannon, New Salem Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri
‘v“‘1?O\ I
Curtis Franklin Cannon
Known in the family as "Jake". Resided at Settlement, Arkansas,
later at Edgemont, Cleburne County, Arkansas. New Salem Cemetery,
Lincoln County, Missouri. _

Charles Tully Cannon ---------------- Adeline
Aho-Florence Grace Cannon-
-Nallie May Cannon -----
hh8-Mary Lillian Cannon---
-Arthur Tully Cannon---
ASO-Ruby Ellen Cannon ----»
h51-Walter Edmund Cannon--
h52»Golda Arline Cannon---
MS3-Howard Lovell Cannon~~
h5h-Sterling Curtis Cannon
h55=Lottie Ruth Cannon ---~
A56-Margaret Jane Cannon--
(Mer, 13, 1891)
'Jule 17,
“Novi 2,
-Oct. 29,
-Dec. 8,
'octl 27,
-May lh,
'Jule 9,
“Mara 33
=Dec. 23,
“Deco 23,
“"A»ugo Ll.,
n Lincoln
Charles Tully Cannon, born 1
“A   0
A. 1875
30. 1955
9. 1912
at. 1915
y, Missouri;
Christian; Democrat; l,0.0,F.; Farmer; Marr
Grimes at Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri; Corinth Cemetery.
led by Rev. James
Adeline May Broyles, daughter of Jonah Broyles and Arminta
Howe; born at Payson, Illinois; C
Address: Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri.
James Theodore Cannon
Buried in Lincoln County, Missouri.
James william Cannon -=-------- Margaret Darling Trescott
(Nev, 15, 1885) Mar. 11, 1867
ret. 2, l9hl
h57-Cecil Owen Cannon ~---- ~0ot. 7, 1886--Sep. 6, 1955
h58-Printha Irene Cannon--~0ct. ll, 1889--
h59-Bodger Quarles Cannon-~Sep, 20, 1891--
h6O-Roxie Norene Cannon----Dec. 28, l89h-~
hgl-Forman Stuart Cannon---Nov. 7, 1896
h 2-James William Cannon, Jr,-Jan, 23, 1899-~
h63-Rachel Amy Cannon-----»Apr. 12, 1902
James william Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; l.0.0.F.; Farmer; Married by Reverend Charles
McClure at Bethany Church, Lincoln County, Missouri; Bethany
Margaret Darling Trescott, daughter of Enos Trescott and
Margurette Miller; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; Bethany Cemetery.
Sarah Elizabeth Sitton
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Family Cemetery on her
father’s farm near Apex, Missouri.
Louisa Ann Sitton--------=-- --------- Thomas Iles Seaton
(Apr. 21, 1858) Jule 1, 1829
May 17, l89h
1861--Feb.. 1, 1861
18611--~ .-
hon-Mary Jane Seaton ---~--- Jun.
ho?-William Allen Seaton---Jan, 21,
M66-Sophia Iles Seaton--»--Jan. 6,
ho?-Anna Temperance Seaton-Sep. Zh,
Louisa Ann Sitton, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; Married by A. B. King at the heme of her
father in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Thomas Iles Seaton, son of William Seaton and Mary Iles;
borr in Fauquier County, Virginia; Democrat; A.F. &-A.M4;.Farmer;
1 Nep'sta Cemetery, Pueblo, Pueblo County, Coloradoa
' V-176. -
1 Rachel Temperance Sitton---william Aziel Knapg Elsberry
1 (Dec, 19, 1860) Mar. 27, 1 no
1 , Nev. 27, 1895-
h68»Robert Allen Elsberry- ------ -Oct. 22, 1861--Aug 10, 1862
' h69-Benjamin Doran Elsberry- ----- Feb. 21, l86h--Sena 28,
h?0-George Franklin Elsberry~~~--Aug. 21, 1866-eugt 30, 1926
h7l-Montrose Prentiss Elsberry-~-Oct. 20, 1868»aApr 29, 1931
5172sw1111em Claudius E1eherry----Mar. 16, 18?l---
h73-Charles Goran Elsoorry- ----- -Apr. 9, 18? --Sep 28, l9hl
'h7h-Thomas Marshall Elsberry ----- May 2, 18? -Jun 15, 1952
Rachel Temperance Sitton, born near Star Hope, Missouri;
Baptist; Married by Rev. Albert Mitchell at Falmouth, Missouri.
William A. K. Elsberry, son of Robert T. Elsberry and
Julia Buchanan; born at New Hope, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat;
Farmer and stock raiser; A.F. & A.M.; served in the Union Army
in the Civil Mar; filed on a homestead in Northern Towner County,
North Dakota, in 1886 and moved there in 1887. Son of founder
of Elsberry, Missouri, and occupied a large place in the history
of that community until he moved to North Dakota. Buried at
Rolla, North Dakota.

F?*_ 44444444444 44444444
88; 89.
v417?. V"1B2o °
Rabat* Perry Sitton Qmrya Isaac Newton Cannon--E -»-------~--~ Kittie Blanton Shipp
_ ` I 1 C F I '
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; family cemetery on his Dec 5' 1882) eb 5, 186”
father's farm near Apex, Missouri.
Charles Wells Sitton ~~------- ---» “»-- Sarah Agnes Priest
(Oct. N, 1871) Nov. 28, 18h8
N75~Charles William Allen Sitton---Dec, 26, 1872--Jen, 10, 191
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Democrat; Merchant and
farmer; Married by Rev. Franklin Turner at Halls County, Missouri;
buried at Lincoln County, Missouri.
Sarah Agnes Priest, daughter of William Priest and Sarah
Holtzclaw Payne. William Priest, State Senator of Missouri
for two terms and member of State Constitutional Assembly of
Missouri of 1B?5. Sarah Agnes Priest, sister of William Henry
Priest, Representative from Lincoln County to State Legislature,
The Priest family came from Males, England, resided in Fauquier
County, Virginia. William Priest came from Virginia to Halls
County, Missouri, in 1832. Sarah Agnes was the second time
married to George Edward Leonard, April 6, 1882, and had the
following children! Murray Paul Leonard, born June 6, l88h;
Edward Priest Leonard, born August 27, 1887; and Edith Payne
Leonard, born February 18, 1891.
Charles Wells Sitton drowned in Prairie Slough. Family
cemetery on his father's farm near Apex, Missouri.
v"l?9o _
John Allen Sitton
Resided at h21 West 20th Street, Pueblo, Pueblo County,
Samuel James Cannon
Stallard Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Ephriam Cannon
Stallard Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
h76-Gussie Stallard Cannon-Feb. E, 1888--
h77-Nell Shipp Cannon-~---~Ju1. l3, 1892--Sep. 8, 1916
Isaac Newton Cannon, born in Pike County, Illinois;
Methodist; Democrat; Treasurer of Lincoln County for two
terms -- 1896-1898, 1898-1960; Merchant; active in religious
work and superintendent of Methodist Sunday School for many
years at Elsberry and Troy. Returned to Elsberry in 1901
and moved to Mexico in 1911. Elmwood Cemetery, Mexico, Missouri
Kittie Blanton Shipp, daughter of Thomas Shipp and Lucinda
Buckham; born in Pike County, Missouri; Methodist.
9912 Driver Street, Overland, St. Louis County, Missouri.
William Jasper Cannon ------------~----- ---Mary Nelson
(sep. 12, 1883) Jun. 18, 1856
- Mapu 5|  
William Jasper Cannon, born near Apex, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Married in Lincoln County to Mary Nelson, daughter
of llexander B. Nelson. Mary Nelson, Nelson Cemetery just west
of New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri. William Jasper Cannon
moved to North Dakota in 1886 and acquired large tracts of
land; Christian Church; died in St. Louis; Elsberry Cemetery.
Letitia Jane Cannon --------»-----~- James William Centryc
(Jun. 11, 1871) oct. ?, 18t9
Feb. T, 193k
Letitia Jane Cannon, born il Lincoln County, Missouri;
Married in Lincoln County by `»uer A. C. Mitchell to James
William Gentry, son of John Gentry and Joanna Birkhead; Elsuerry
Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
James William Gentry was the second time married and the
third time married Mrs. Jennie Fulton, sister of his second wife
sheriff of Lincoln county, Missouri, for two terms,
tl* ‘Q

Bluford Stallard Cannon ---~-- -----»---Viola Bell Fisher
(Nov. 1, 1888) Feb. 22, 1868
H78-Dora Cla Cannons--Sep. 18, 1889~
Bluford Stallard Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Merchant in Hlsherry, Missouri almost from the establishment
of the town; Married in Halls County, Missouri to Viola Bell
Eisner, daughter of John Porter Fisher and Loucillah Stanley
Thompson. Elsherry Cemetery.
Viola Fisher Cannon, later married Charles Albert Rees
in St. Louis, Missouri, and subsequently resided at New
Orleans, Louisiana, and Carbondale, Illinois.
Elizabeth Frances Cannon ----------- Thomas Edward Graves
(Oct. 2, 1883) Feb. 6, 1856
Dec. 3, 1918
H?9-Alice Cannon Graves-~Dec. lh, 1899--
Elizabeth Frances Cannon, horn in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Married in Lincoln County; Methodist; Elsberry Cemetery.
1="ft itttttttti
mm"@| Stephen Arnold Douglass Cannon
9 <Naf. 25, §é§€§""
Emma Jane Downing
Dec. 16, 1862
Deo. 2, 1937
h8C-Gladys Downing Cannon--May 23,
h81~Richard Norton Cannon--Deo. 8,
188e~~Jse. 2, 1926
1898-~ , 1918
Stephen A. D. Cannon, horn in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Democrat; United R. R. Company; Married by Rev. Charles
Mitchell at New Hope Church, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Moved to St. Louis in 1899; Elsberry Cemetery.
Emma Jane Downing, daughter of Ezekiel Seamore Downing
and Sarah Ann King; Born at New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri;
GhPiStiBH. Elsherry Cemetery.
v-1ee. 6
John Calhoun Trail Cannon
, Stallard Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
@H’1| vaiac.
Thomas Edward
Virginia Nalley; B
Democrat; Elsberry
Perry Jackson
Graves, son of Thomas Graves and Nancy
.A., Central College, Fayette, Missouri;
Cemetery. Lincoln County, Missouri.
Cannon-~~ ~+-e Sidonia Hatfield
Nov. 18, 1873
May 11, 1930
Dr. Perry Jackson Cannon, horn near New Hope, Missouri;
Methodist; Democrat; Chiropractic and Osteopathic Physician;
I.C.O.F.7 Married by Rev. O. L. Martin at St. Louis, Missouri;
Mary Emma Gannon»- ~--~------~- ~-~- Joseph Kincaid Palmer
(Nev. 7, 1889) ree. 9, 1862
sep. 17, 1936
E heaawiiiiam Jesse Palmer-~sog. 23, 1891--
1893--Nov. 17, 1893
h83-Vesta Letitia Pa1mer~-Aug. 10,
h8h-Perry Wesley Palmer~--Oct. lh, 1896~~Apr. 28, 1956
h85~Mary Emma Palmer------Jul. 12, 1903--
h86-Wanda Cannon Palmer-»-Oct. ll, 1906-»
J. K. Palmer, the second time married to Mrs. Minnie
Callaway Trescott on August 28, 1917. Mrs. Minnie C. Palmer
died November 11, 1935. J. K. Palmer, Elsberry Cemetery.
Elsberry Cemetery. v“l91°
Sidonia Hatfield (spelled §§donia on the gravestone), Thomas Benjamin Gannon "“'““" “ "“'“ ""” -~-* Nellé Knox
daughter of Henry Clay Hatfield and Martha S. Bane (See Bio- , fgug- 9. 1399) Sep. 9, 1877
graphical Record of St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren Counties, p 1957
Missouri) Democrat; Methodist; Oak Ridge Cemetery.
h87»Knox Cannon- --»~- Jul. 11, 19O®.~ ------- Jun, 27, 1955
M88-Paul Cannon~»~~-~Feb. 22, 19Ch»a. ---~-- Aug, 23,'1932
  Thomas Benjamin Cannon, born in Brussells, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Democrat; Teacher; C.B. & Q. Station Master; Married
by Dr. Anderson at St. Louis, Missouri; Elsherry Cemetery.

Nelle Knox, daughter of William M. Knox and Eliza Ann
Dodson, born in Brussells, Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist;
Dressmaker; Elsberry Cemetery.
Albert Jesse Cannon---~ ---~--------~ Katherine Lee Davis
(Oct. Eh, 1916) Nov. 29, 1880
Albert Jesse Cannon, son of John and Julia Stallard
Cannon; born in New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri; Merchant
and landowner; Baptist; Democrat, I.C.O.F.; Cemetery at Benton~
ville, Arkansas.
Married Katherine Lee Davis by Justice of the Peace at
St. Charles, Missouri.
Katherine Lee Davis, daughter of Goldsmith Chandlee Davis
and Sallie Jane West; Born Bentonville, Benton County, Arkansas
Christian; Democrat; Graduate of Missouri Baptist Hospital
School of Nursing, St. Louis, Missouri.
Robert Theodore Wells »~---------------~- Mary Ann Meloan
(Apr. 19, 1866) Jan. 29, l8h7
Jan. 23, 1917
M89-Harry Taylor Wells-~--~Jan. 31, l86?-~May 20, 1938
h9O~Patrick Perry Wells---~Dec. ll, 1871--Apr. lh, 1872
Robert Theodore Wells, born at Paynesville, Missouri;
Christian; Republican; Stock dealer; Married by Rev. Virgil
Rice at Paynesville, Missouri; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville,
Mary Ann Meloan, daughter of Perry Meloan and Elizabeth
Patton, born in Wisconsin; Christian; later married to James
Thomas Duvall on June 2h, 1875. Three children by second
marriage -- J. H. (Colonel) Duvall, Elizabeth Duvall (Mrs.
F. V. Keeling) and Charles S. Duvall. James Thomas Duvall
died July 28, 1903.
John Allen Wells
Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Using; -
Zachary Taylor Wells~i4>~¢ ~------ 5 ---- ~Fanny Lucy Stone
(Juni 22, 1870) oss. as, 1850
Jan. 12, 1879
ne;.wa1ter wells-~---.~--sence. 2l,'l87l-#dune 7, 1872
h92-William Andrew Mells»~eMar. 28, 1873-~Dec. 13, l9lh
u Married in Pike'County, Misseuri, by J. Jr Errett.- Lived
for a time in Colorado. Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike'
County, Missouri.
  Q _
Mary Jane Wells~ee#-~~e~--~¢ff-Mordecai Watts Wilkinson
(Apr. l,fl8?l) Deo. 5, lets
Mary Jane Wells, GFB§hWODd Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike
County, Missouri.
Mordecai Watts Wilkinson, sen of Joseph Cen Wilkinson and
Gabriela Matte Gibson; Watts Cemetery en E1-Mo Farm near Elsesrry,
Lincoln County, Missouri.
William Henry Wells
Died in Colorado.
=Annie Elizabeth Wells
' ` Taught school for many_years; Lived with her SiSt6T“iH”l&W,
Mrs..Duvall, until the marriage of her sister, Sallie, with whom
she resided until her death in New Hope. Greenwood Cemetery,
Clarksville, Missouri.
.Rachel Alice Welle---- ~----- 4-»» ..._.. -»-aaFrank Currie
(sep. ia, 1877) Aug. 9, Lens
’ 1 - Febe 2T; 1933
, - .h93~lnfant Daughterj---Unknown~~-#4-e-eeeUnknown
Frank Currie, son of John Currie and Christine McDonald; born
in Wells County, Indiana; served in Co. I of the 28th Illinois Volun
tear Infantry in Civil Mar and cited for distinguished bravery at
Fort Blakeley and Fort Pillow; ln grain and mllllEg business at

Paynesville, Winfield and Clarksville; the second time married
to Miss Hsyme Warren in l902, who died in l930; Republican;
Christian Church; Greenwood Cemetery; Clarksville, Missouri-
Martha S, Wells
Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri
V»2Ol, _
Richard Curtis Wells
Died in Montana; held County office there; buried in
Billings, Montana,
Salle Hhiilgdge Wellsj--~~--~-- ~-~-~-~ Ashby Mead Taylor
aces, 25, 1893) Deco 7, 1566
Aug, 31, 1931
henauiiiaaa carrie rey1or~mnay l8+ 1896--
h9§e8nna Elisabeth Taylor~eNov, <*_ lFOhm-
Salle Whitledge wells, a most charming and lovable woman;
taught school M- principally at Elsherry; married at Paynesville,
Missouri, at residence of J, Tc Duvall by James Au Grimes to
Doctor Taylor sho was horn in Amherst County, Virginia. Resided
in New Hope until l9Ch and then moved to Elsberry where she
resided with the exception of two trips to Colorado for health.
Died in ?uohlo, Coloradoe “None knew her but to love her. None
named her but to praisen" Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Misso
Bra Ashby Head Taylor, graduate of University of Virginia
Medical School; Methodist; l,0,0,F,; Director of Elsberry Banking
Company; married the second time to Mrs, H, M. Cornick, nee
Miss Nettie White, of Eatohtown, Illinois, in September 1908;
Elsberry Cemetery,
Joseph Winston Cannon
Eorn in Lincoln County, Missouri; Christian; Democrat;
Farmer; Reslded at Colfax, Whitman County, Washingtona
n f
V-ECM. _
William Franklin Cannon--~--
ig la (Jun.
h96-Norham Montrose Cannon
h97-Nettie May Cannon ---~ -
M98-Orville Cannon --~-~~ --
899-Mary Alice Cannon -~~- ~
500»Thomas Arthur Cannon--
5C1-Bessie Blanch Cannon--
S02-Bernice Cannon ---~~~--
503-James Franklin Cannon-
5Oh-Alethea Maud Cannon---
2, 18v2)
'Apfs 6,
“FIB-be 26,
“Novo 17,
“Juli 17,
-Dec. 20,
  0 5,
-Apr. 9,
~May 25,
Clara Boone Harris
Jan. lh, 1851
1875--Aug. 12,
1889--leo. 1,
william Franklin Cannon, born near Elsberry, Lincoln
County, Missouri; Christian; Democrat; Farmer; married by Rev.
Tarwater at Star Hope, Missouri.
_ Clara Harris, daughter of Alvin Harris and Kitty Christian
niininsea (see Wilkinson Book) series cemetary, cneian county,
v""'205c V
Thomas Jackson Cannon --~------- »~-Sarah Frances Sandgpg
Q (Jan, 6, l88h) Aug. 31, 186h
@m'Q| E05-Edward Everett Cannon»~Jan.-Eh, 1885-~Nov. 29, 1535
506-Elta Jane Cannon-~--»-~Sep. 30, l886-»Sep. 7, 1887
507-Lodema Cannon---- ~--- --Sep. 29, 1888-» _
508~Grover Cannon --------- -May 17, 1891--
509-Nola Cannon ~----- e ---- --Apr. 18, 1893--
510-Carrie Cannon- ----- ~--~0cta~l2, 1895-~
511-Bertha May Cannon-----~Sep. h, 1899-»
5l2~Lee Jackson Cannon#-~-»Nov. lh, l9Ol»~
Thomas Jackson Cannon, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Church of Christ; Prohibition; Minister of the Gospel; married
by C. J. Wright at Sprangle, Washington.
Sarah Frances Sanders, daughter of'Erial Sanders and
Amanda Goff, born in ?olk County, Oregon; Church of Christ;
?rohibition; resided in Trinity County, California.
Mary Temperance Cannon»--¢»~-#- ---- James Duncan Shroder
(Feb. 28, 1878)
E13-Ida Grace Shroder~ ~---
Slh-Lether Shroder~--»-----
QQWQ 515-Jennie Bell Shroder---
ill 5l6~Lola Britt Shroder~---
Nov. 12,
May 31,
00136 26,
Dec. 19,
Jan. 17, 1850

Mary Temperance Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; married by James Rinehart at Bainbridge, Harlin County,
Nebraska; buried at Arnold, Nebraska.
James Duncan Shroder, son of Carson Shroder and Margaret
Shroder; born at Industry, Illinois; Baptist; Farmer; A,0.U-W.;
I.0.0.F.;_reeided at Arnold, Custer County, Nebraska,
Robert Lewis Cannon- =-~-- - ----------~ Mary Evelyn Palmer
(Mar. 12, 1882) Feb. 15, l86h
51?-Leon Ernest Cannon- -._. Feb. 2 , 1883--
518~Mabe1 Ruby Cannon -~~--- Jan. 2 , 1885--
519-Ida Leona Cannon ---- ---Jan. 20, 1887--
520-Elva Carol Cannon ------ Feb. 16, 1889--
Hobert Lewis Cannon, born in New Hope, Lincoln County,
Nissouri;_Baptist; Democrat; Farmer; married by W. F. Cannon
at Bainbridge, Harlan County, Nebraska; buried at Entiat,
Mary Evelyn Palmer, daughter of William Palmer and Mary
Jane Tate; Baptist;Democrat; later married James Grandison
Allen (Apr. 25, 1898) and resided at Sutter, Sutter County,
Jennie Cannon *"-'*- ““'“ -----~~--- Charles Albert Harris
(Deco 6,     23,  
52l"Gladys Undine Harris---Nov. 30, l88h--
522~Audrey Harris---- »----- Aug, 17, 1886--
523rArdenvoir Harris- ---~-- Sep. 16, 1888--
52h-Anna Christian Harris--Aug. 2, 1890--
525-Naomi Harris ----~- ~»~- -Dee. 29, 1892--
S26~Alvin Oden Harris-- ~--- May C, 1896--Cot. 21, 1900
52?-Thelma Harris--- ~-~-~~~ Deo. 28, 1898-~
Jennie Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Christian;
Democrat; Pomologistg married by William Cannon in the State ofi
Nebraska. `
Charles A. Harris, son of Alvin Harris and Katherine Christian
Harris; born in Clarksville, Missouri; Christian; Democrat; I.0i0.F
resided at Seattle, King‘s County, Washington, and Wenatchee, Wash-
ng on.
V~209. _
~ Virgil Allen Cannon ~~-~~ - ---------~- -Annie Ortentia Woodward
115110 (Nov, nt, less) see. 5, 1862 J
_ , Feb. 5, 1902
S28-Timothy Nulizen Cannon-Sep. 28,”l887--Jan. 1, 1951
S29eVida Owinza Cannon- --~- Jul, 25, 1892--
530-Polly Ann Cannon-- ----- Feb. 21, 1896--
531-Carter Allen Cannon----Aug, #2, 1898--
532-Martha Tennessee Cannon-Aug¢29, 1900--
2nd- ------- - --------- -----~-- ----------- Margaret Kamm
(Feb. 25, 1903) ~
N-DV 0 293  
S33-Moses Marcellus Cannon-Dece 19, 1906"-
Virgil Allen Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Democrat,
Druggist; A.F, & A,M.; Royal Arch Mason; A.C.U,W.; married by William
F. Cannon in Custer County, Nebraska; died in Wenatchee, Chelan
County, Washington; buried in Entiatn beside his_father.,
Annie Crtentia Woodward, daughter of Jason J, Woodward and
Dorotha Drew; Evangelical; Degree of Honor; A.0.U,W,; born in
Algonac, Michigan; buried in Glenville, Clay county, Nebraska.
,im ,Q V-210.
1 _
8 Nina Cannon»-»- ------ ---»-- ~------- ---Ephraim David Finch
(N-Uvo 185   DSCO:.6§  
53h#Wa1ter Verne Finch ----- Apr, 12, 1898--
535-Ephraim David Finch----Mar, 17, 1897'fMar, 30, 1897
536~Robert Melvin Finch ---- Juno 16, 1898--Feb. 10, 1913
Nina Cannon, born in Hen Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Christian; Democrat; married by W. F, Cannon at_Arnold, Custer
County, Nebraska.
Ephraim David Finch, son of Thomas Finch and Mary ann Robins,
born at Tipton, Cedar County, Iowa; Christian; Democrat; Farmer;
resided at Colfax, Whitman County, Washington. _ '
Marcellus Sobeski Cannon -------------- ----Susan Miller
' (Apro 9, 1890) Dec. 25, 18?0
Marcellus Sobeski Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Democrat; Farmer; married by Rev, T. J, Cannon in Douglas County,
Susan Filler, daughter of Joseph Miller and Margret Bayer,
born in Pennsylvania; resided in Albion, Whitman County, Washingto

Martha G9-m'30f1"‘““" *“'”“"**“'--- ----' --~~ H 9 UTY Sandgpg
(Nov. 30s 1391) Sep. 9, 1860
Ango 25,  
Martha Cannon, horn in New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Christian; married at Waterville, Douglas County, Washington.
Henry Sanders, son of Erial Sanders and Amanda Goff; born in
Oregon; Christian; Republican; Farmer, resided at Colfax, Whitman
County, Washington; cemetery at Entiat, Washington.
Mead Canoes -*--- --~~ ~------»---~~---~ ---- --~Cher1es T. Smith
_ (Gee. 11, 1896) oct. 18, 1869
537-Lovett Smith -~---~ ----- Dee, 16, 1897e-
28d““ ‘““' " "" “"'“'“ “”“"“* -"-~ ~~ ~°~--- Harry Sumpter Hogan
(Mer 15. 1907) apr. 28, 1880
Maud Cannon, born in Bainbridge, Harland County, Nebraska;
Christian; married by Rev. W. P. Cannon at Entiat, Washington.
Charles T. Smith, born in Washington, Indiana; Christian;
Democrat; Laborer.
Harry Sumpter Hogan, son of Colonel Ridgeway Boliver Hogan
and Eugene Vermile Cochran; born in Colfax, Washington; Christian;
Democrat; resided at Colfax, Whitman County, Washington.
John Randolph 580805 **" r -*--~ ~--- +-“~ -Ida Glovina Whiteside
(Apr. 8, 1878) Nev. 30, 1857
Sep. 11, 1981
538»C1arence Cannon --~- ~-~eApr. 11, 1B7Q--
539-Rubs Cannon- ----- ~---- -Jun. 20, 18e1~-Dee. 26, 1955
580-Cecil Whiteside Cannon-Jan. 18, 1891--Sep. 7, 1937
John Randolph Cannon, born on present site of Cannon Heights,
El5b9PPY» LiHG0lH County, Missouri; went to Nebraska in the spring
of 1876 and again in September 1877; in partnership with T. R.
Goodman and Dr. W. A. Hemphill bought the first general store in
Elsberry from James C. Wilkinson and R. T. Elsberry, April 12,
1880, and moved to Elsberry from his farm September 8, 1880.
Member of the firm of Goodman, Cannon and Hemphill from 1880
to 1881; Cannon and Sons, 1881-1888; Cannon Brothers, 1888-1886;
Cannon and Alloway, 1886-1893; Cannon & Mitchell, 1893-1896;
feP~'h say Goode Company 1396-1923; Was one of the incorpora»
tors of the Village of Blsberry, November 17, 1883;
1 1
of the Elsberry School District, 1888; of the Elsberry Banking
Company, 1891; and of the Elsberry Chamber of Commerce 1908. Was
a charter member and secretary of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Elsherry 1883; of the Blsberry Baptist Church,
October 27, 1883; of the Board of Deacons of the Blsberry Baptist
Church 1883; of the Board of Trustees of the Elsberry School 1888
of the Trustees of Deadwood Lodge l.C.C.F. 1907; clear of Cuivre
Baptist Association 1918; Mayor of Elsberry 1885 to 1889; Demo-
cratic Congressional Committeeman from the Seventh Congressional
District of Missouri, 1895-1896, l897”l898; United with Star Hope
Baptist Church under ministry of Rev. W. H. Burnham, January 10,
1875; married at El-Mo Farm, Elsberry, Lincoln Countle Missouri,
by Rev. Marcellus Sobeshi Whiteside, Elsberry Cemetery.
(History of Lincoln County by Mudd, pp. 809, 812, 877, 516;
History of Salt River Association by Patrick p. 365; Official
Manual of State of Missouri. 1895-1896, p. 232, 1897-1898, p. 259
Minutes of Cuivre Baptist Association, 1918)
Ida Glovina Whiteside, daughter of Edwin Ellis Whiteside and
Sarepta Ann Mayes, born at El-Mo Farm, Elsherry, Missouri; United
with Star Hope Baptist Church, January 17 1875; attended Pres-
byterian Academy at Troy, Missouri 1876-1877; Member of Pike
County Chapter D.A.R.; Blsberry Chapter O.E.S.; Federated History
Club; and A.I. Chapter P.B.O.; Elsberry Cemetery.
William Andrew Cannon -~~--»------------ Elenorah Belle Jamison
(Oct. 15, 1888) May 3, 1865 _
Jul 9, 1981
581-Ethyl Anna Cannon-- ---~ aug 10, 1835--Ape 21, 1989
5824William Roscoe Cannon-~Apr 19, 1887--Dec 181.1955
583~Lester Thompson Cannoneapr 6, 1889--Aug l9e,T89O
588-Adley Omar Cannon ---~-- May 31, 1891--
585-Lucy Opal Cannon ------- May 31, 1891--May l8,_I928
586-Velma Elenorah Cannon--Feb 10, 189 --Dec 8, l9§6
587-Jamison Bryan Cannon-»-Oct 6, 189 ~-
588-David Russell Cannon---Sep 29, 1899"-
William Andrew Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; Merchant; Director Blsberry Banking Company,
Elsberry School Board; 1.0.0.F.; married by Rev. Groves at the
home of W. D; Jamison, Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri
Elenorah Belle Jamison, daughter of William David Jamison and
Cynthia Jamison Thompson; Methodist; McCune College, Louisiana,
Missouri; Teacher; Teacher of Wcmen's Bible Class at Elsberry
Methodist Church for 25 years; President, W.C.T.U.; Elsberry
.:°‘ '

James Samuel Cannon- ~------- -- --»- ~---Hattie Berkley Elgbeppy
(ape. 1o, 188h) aug, 13, 1888 r
Deo. 2, 1926
Sh?-Everett Berkley Cannon-May 6 1885--Dec. 7 195
550-Garth Benjamin Cannons-Oct lhg 188?-- 9 u
551-Randolph Thomas Cannon-Jun 20, 1892--
552-Leon william Cannon ---~ Jun 18, 1895--Nov. 17, 1938
553-Ruth Genevieve Cannon--Jan 12, 189T--
55h John Samuel Cannon--~--Jun 16, 1902--
James Samuel Cannon, born near Elsberry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; LaGrange College; Baptist; Democrat; Merchant; 1.C.O.F.
M.W.A.; married by Charles A. Mitchell near Elsberry, Missouri;
Minot Cemetery, Minot, North Dakota. -
Hottie Berkley Elsberry, born near Elsberry, daughter of
Thomas Elsberry and Frances B. Berkely; moved to North Dakota in
1888; Presbyterian; Democrat; Eastern Star; Royal Neighbors;
Pythian Si5tGTS3 died at Minot, ward County, North Dakota;
resided at Devil's Lake, Ramsey County, North Dakota and Minot,
¥a§dtCounty, North Dakota; Minot Cemetery, Ward County, North
a c a.
Taylor Steele Cannon--~- -»-~------ ~---~- Nancy Lucinda Morton
(Mare 25, 1890) Oct. 11, 18th
555-James Isaac Cannon -»--~ Jan. 19, 189l-- Aug. 10, 1891
556-Wanda Emeline Cannon---Aug. 23, 1892--
557-Waldo Perry Cannon-----Aug. 9, l89h~-
558-Ralph Morton Cannon---_Jun. 21, 1897--
Taylor Steele Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; Farmer; I.0.0.F.; married by W. G, Lett,
Diamond, Newton County, Missouri; United with New Hope Baptist
Church in 1907 under ministry of Rev. J. S. Eames and Rev. R. T.
Campbell and was ordained as Deacon 1908. Elsberry Cemetery.
Nancy Lucinda Morton, daughter of James Morton and Emmeline
Venn, born in Clinton County, Illinois; Baptist; Teacher.
Rachel Temperance Cannon ---~--- » ---~ ~»-James william shannon
(Mar. ao, 1887) Mar. ao, 1858
Dec. 19, 1887
gud "“'“ ”““”"“ ““”*“~ °*-' “ ---*---------- -John Seneca Mayes
6, 1856
(Mar. 10, 1890] may
Nov. 29, 1928
5S9eAugustine William Isaac Mayes--------Jen, 12, lgog--
N) -“O
8) Q
y 101.
Rachel Temperance Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; married first time by Rev. Barton to James M, Shannon
at Newton County, Missouri; Elsberry Cemetery.
James William Shannon, born in Newton County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; 8.F. & A.M.; Deputy Sheriff; Merchant; Neosho
John Seneca Mayes, united with the New Hope Baptist Church
in 1876 under ministry of Reverend Modisett and Rev. Luck; Els-
berry Cemetery. (See Mayes Book)
Otto Bohmer Cannon- ---- ----~--- ~»~-» ---Mary Elsie Mayes
(Jan. 2, 1900) Jul. 5, 1380
Oct; 27|  
56O~Mary Lucy Cannon--- -~~~ Jul. 8, 1901--
581-Isabelle Mayes Cannon--Nov. 27, 1913--
Otto Bohmer Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; I.0,0.F.; M.M.A.; Merchant; Vice President,
Bank of Lincoln County; Deacon in Baptist Church; Superintendent
of Sunday School twenty seven consecutive years; married by
Rev. J. T. Nevins at residence of C. A. Mayes, Elsberry, Missouri;
Elsberry Cemetery.
Mary Elsie Mayes, born in Hem Hope, Missouri; daughter of
Charles Addison Mayes and Mary Jane Downing Sanders; Baptist;
Bardin College; Rebekah; Elsberry Cemetery.
Elizabeth Betty Cannon- »~------------~-~ Richard Martin Mayes
rat. 8,»18eo
Jan1~ 9. 1935
(Jun. 10, 1888)
562-Lottie Temperance Mayes-May Zh, 1889--Jul. 15, 1955
563-Roy Wilkinson Mayes ---- Jun. 28, 1892--
56h-Russell Taylor Mayes---Sep. 25, l89h--
565-Lucy Katherine Mayes---Jul. 20, 1903-~
Elizabeth Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist;
married by Charles Albert Mitchell at residence of Isaac Cannon,
Lincoln County, Missouri. Known in family as Betty.
'shichard Martin Mayes, son of William Henry Mayes and Matilda
Catherine Watts, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat
M.W.A.; Farmer; Elsberry Cemetery.

Ada Cannon
Ancient Cannon cemetery on Stinebaugh Place later owned by
Hobart wilson.
Annie Cannon
Ancient Cannon Cemetery on Stinehaugh Place, later owned
by Robert wilson. Died of membranous croup. Sat every night
in the small chair and sang for father, but night before death
said, “Can't sing tonight, Pa, my throat is sore. Will sing
tomorrow night".
Owen Russell Cannon --------~-~ ----- ~----Rowena Frances McCoy
(Jan. 8, 1901] Aug. 10, lB8h
Feb. 13, 1922
2nd--- ----------» »-- --»~-- Maids Nannie Bell Mlchau
(Jae. 7, 1913) aug. 5, 1891
May 30, 1951
566-Edward Miohau Cannon---Nov. 9, 1913--
567-Eugenia Marie Cannon--- 1918--
Cwen Russell Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Merchant; married in St. Louis, Missouri; buried in Coral Gables,F1a,
Rowena McCoy, daughter of William McCoy and Edith Cox; born
in Foristell, St. Charles County, Missouri; later married Major
Thomas D. Barton (November 6, 1905) at Amarillo, Texas; Major
Barton Adjutant General of Texas; resided in St. Joe, Montague
County, Texas.
Maids Nannie Belle Michau, daughter of Eugene Francis Michau.
Mary Letitia Cannon ------- -------- --~---William Crosby Boone
(Feb. 26, 1396) Dec. 29, 1873
Mas 13. 1937
568»Arno1d Cannon Boone ---- Oct. 18, 1398--
569-Mary Frances Boone-----Dec. 15, 1903--
570-Helen Louise Boone ~-~-- Oct. lh, 19O?--
571-Mildred virginia scene-apr. 29, 1913--
MF <0
dl 9
dl Q
Mary Letitia Cannon, horn in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist;
married by Dr. W. J. Pattrick at residence of Isaac Cannon, Elsherry,
Lincoln County, Missouri; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
William Crosby Boone, horn in Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri;
son of William Penn Boone and Meccy Catherine Stallard; Democrat;
Merchant; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Lurana Cannone ------------ -~ ~------ - ---Jesse Buckner Ellis
(Feb. 28, 1906) Feb. 9, 1876
Lurana Cannon, horn in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; Hardin College; Good Time Club; married by Rev. J. W.
King at residence of Isaac Cannon, Elsberry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; President, A.I. Chapter P.E.O. 1930~l9333 Elsherry
Cemetery. “C”
Jesse Buckner Ellis, son of Walter Ellis and Fannie Fisher
Yeager; horn at Madisonville, Balls County, Missouri; Christian;
Democrat; Merchant; I10.0;F. and M.W.A.; Mayor of City of
Elsberry, 1918 to 1930; Bth Generation in Carr Family. (Carr
Genealog , page 277; Paul Princely Crest Book, part 3, page 32,
F.B. l73§ '
George Washington Gladney ---~------- -- ---Clemanda Sitton
(Feb. 16, 1359) Apr, M, 1536
. Apr. h, 1913
572-William Alexander.G1adney¢-Nou, ,l9, 1859--
573~Joseph W. Cladneyeee----Q--Ney. ,2,,16§1;»Oct 11, 1872
57h-Mary Catherine'Cladney-e9L¢Mar, ;6,'186Mf5Jan 13, 1926
5?5-Gaorse Weshinstsa_G1sdna1':eas 2§1;tC6T~f§%r M. 19MB
576-seugenlu Franklin eraunsyi-lug 28, 1367--Oct 21, 1922
§7?-Joseph Thomas Gladney ----- -Aug 10, 18T3--Oct 25, 1922
578-Frederick Gaston Gladney---Jul 16, 1376--Mar 19, l9hl
George Washington Cladney, born in Lincoln
Republican; Farmer; married by Samuel S. Ralsto
Missouri; Constable, Hurricane Township.
County, Missouri;
n at Lincoln County,
Clemanda Sitton, daughter of Joseph Wayne Sitton and Catherine
In 1 H -horn in Lincoln_County, Missouri; Presbyterian; (A.R.P.
Churchf; Cladney Cemetery on "Samuel Gladney Place."

V»227. `
John William g1a&n@y__ »._--- _ --------- --Sallie Ann Howdeshell
(Dec. M. l862) Jun. so, l8hl
579-Edwin Theodore Cladney-Oct. lO, 1863e~Ju1 26. 1669
580-wiiiiea David sieeeey--Jai. 11, 1865=~06t 21. 1867
581-Cora Nancy Gladney-----Jul. 17: l868~-Dec 18, 1987
Sesswiiiiaa seein Cladney--Nova 21, 1869--sue 5. 1950
583~Mary Alice Giadney --~-- ree. 17, l875'“
58h-Laura Presley Gladney--Jan. 195 1576-“
585-Edna eayte eieaeey ~--- -Sep. 1, 1881-~ 195s
John William Gladney, born near Auburn, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Democrat; Farmer; Presbyterian; married by Bev. John
Miller at residence of David Howdeshell, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Ruling Elder of Mt. Zion A.R.P. Church; family cemetery on
"Samuel Gladney Place", the homestead of his grandfather.
Sallie Ann Howdeshell, daughter of David Howdeshell and
Mary Cannon; born near Auburn, L']_i'.\C01i'1 County, MlSSO\.ilI‘l§ PPGS"
byterian; (V-236) in direct line of descent.
David Strong Gladney
Family cemetery, Lincoln County,
Samuel Gladney-~ ----~- -~~ ~“~- ~--
(Oct. 9, l
586-Henry Clary Gladney ~-~- Jul
587-Sarah Jane Gladney- -~~~ Jul
588-William andrew Gladney-Jun
589=Mary Ellen Gladney ----- Mar
590-Clark Jackson Gladney-~Sep
S91-Walter David Cladney---Sep
592-Minnie Lee Gladney- ~--- May
593-Jessie May Gladney ----- Jun
. 9
. 26:
| 9,
_ e,
. lu,
- 15,
-----~---Mary Shannon Finley
872) Feb. 10, l8hh
Feb a 16,  
--Mar. 23, 1932
Samuel Gladney, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Democrat;
Farmer; married by John J. Miller at residence of Aunt Jane Finley.
Lincoln County, Missouri; Gladney Cemetery near Auburn, Missouri.
Mary Shannon Finley, daughter of James Andrew Finley and Sarah
Plummer, born near Okete, Lincoln County, Missouri; M@th0&iSt3
Gladney Cemetery.
dll? Q
all Q
V-230. '
Alexander Gladney
Gladney Cemetery,Lincoln County, Missouri.
Joseph Gladney
Gladney Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Charles Gladney- -~--~------------------- Mary Villetta Admire
(Deco in, 1887) Nev. u, 1872
Mer 20, 1933
59h-Forest Colby Gladney--»Feb. 2, l889~-May 17, 1938
595-Delphia Ernestine Cladney-Sep. 19, 1890--
596-Clarence Sidney Gladney-»-Oct. 15, l892~»
Charles Gladney, born at Okete, Missouri; ?resbyterian;
Democrat; Farmer; married by David Pressly at Auburn, Missouri;
Mt. Zion A.R.P. Church; Cladney Cemetery near Auburn.
Mary Villetta Admire, daughter of Charles B. Admire and Mary
Elisabeth Ferguson; born at Salt Lake City, Utah (Her mother,
Mary Elizabeth Ferguson, born in London, England, and emigrated
to Utah in her girlhood. After death of her mother, Mary Villetta
moved with her father to Lincoln County in 1880); Presbyterian;
Democrat; Gladney Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mary Jane Howdeshell --------------- ---William Howdeshell
(Feb. 8, 1857) Unknown
Mary Jane Howdeshell, born near Soul‘s Chapel, Auburn,
Lincoln County, Missouri; Methodist; married by Rev. Jessie Sutton
at Auburn, Missouri.
William Howdeshell, son of Henry Howdeshell and Bettie Baxter
John Riley Howdeshell
Buried in Lincoln County, Missouri.

Nancy Elizabeth Howdeshell-~ -~----~------- -Henry Garter Reed
(Aug. 21, 1865) Aug. 6, 1825
Nov. 17, 190
Nancy Elizabeth Howdeshell, born near Auburn, Missouri;
§§pt%st; married by Jessie Sutton at home near Auburn; known as
Henry Carter Reed, born at Amherst County, Virginia; Baptist;
Democrat; Farmer; Mill Creek Cemetery, Auburn, Missouri.
V-236. '
S3?&h ADD HOWdBShGll~ ~------------- ~--~~John William Glgdngy
y (nec. 8, 1862) ret. 1, l8h0
sep. 10, 1921
579~sea1n Theodore ciaeney-oct. 10, 1883--Ju1. 26, 1889
E80-William David Gladney--Jul. 11, 186§-~Oct. 21, 1867
581-Cora Nancy eiaceey ----- Jun. 17, l868~~Dec. 18, 1917
582~William Edwin Cladney--Nov. 21, 1869--Aug. 5, 1950
533-Mary Alice Gladney~ ..__ Feb. 18, 1873--
58h-Laura Presley Cladney-~Jan. 19, 1880--
585-Edna Edyth Gladney ----- Sep. 1, 1881-» l95_
Sarah Ann Howdeshell, born near Soul‘s Chapel, Auburn, Lincoln
County, MiSS0HPi§ A.R.P. Church, married at home by Rev. John Miller
known as "Sallie"; Samuel Gladney Cemetery.
John William Cladney is (V-22?) in direct line of descent; son
of William Gladney and Nancy Cannon, born near Auburn, Missouri;
A.B.P. Church; Democrat; Farmer.
V“237- A
Rachel Evaline Howdeshell-~ -------~--~- Elias Fepdinand Hin@g
(May 29, 1869) may 25, l8h3
Mer 22. 1917
Rachel Evaline Howdeshell, born near Auburn, Missourif Mgthgdis
married by Rev. A. G. Mitchell at Howdeshell Farm near Auburn, Mis-
souri; cemetery near Auburn, Missouri.
Elias Ferdinand Hinds, son of William Lewis Hinds and Catherine
Ann Brumfield; born in Mayne County, West Virginia; Methodist; Demo-
crat; Farmer' second time married to Mrs. Elijah Evaline Calloway
(Nec Eoremani on November 2, 1902, to which union no children were
born. One adopted son, Henry Crenshaw Tillotson, born January 26,
1866. Elias Ferdinand Hinds, brother of Israel Ricketts Kirkpatrick
Hinds (V~2h9).
1 _
811] Q
William Pascal Howdeshe11~~-~ ------- Sarah Victorine Mitchell
(ree. 2, 1876) oct. 11, 1858
E97-Myrtle May Howdeshe1l~~Sep. Y, l8T8--
598-Birdie Gertrude Howdeshell--Aug. 31, 1880--Dec. 1, 1906
S99-Lillian Day Howdeshell-Mar. 13, l882~~
600-Mildred Floy Howdeshell-Apr. 2, l888~-
601-Alta Irene Howdeshell---Aug.2h, 1892--
Milliam Pascal Howdeshell, born in Lincoln county, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; Contractor and builder; married by Bev. M.
Whiteside in Lincoln County, Missouri; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarks-
ville, Missouri.
Sarah Victorine Mitchell, born in Pleasant Hill, Illinois;
daughter of Rev. William Woodson Mitchell (Baptist Minister) and
Elizabeth Pierce Mclntosh; Baptist Democrat.
Martha Washington Howdeshell-~~~ ~--~---- Robert Mortimer Reed
(Nov. 28, 1867) Nev. 8, l8h8
Martha Washington Howdeshell, born in Lincoln County,
Missouri; Baptist; known as "Mat"; married by Rev. A. G. Mitchell
on Howdeshell Farm near Auburn, Missouri; Mill Creek Cemetery,
Lincoln County, Missouri. Reared Robert Tillotson, father of Miss
Vecie Tilloteon.
Robert Mortimer Reed, son of James Mortimer Bead and Mary
Catherine Miller, born in Clark County, Virginia; Baptist; Demo-
crat; Farmer; united with Mill Creek Baptist Church in 1866.
Rebecca Ellen Howdeshell ------~-------- ~~~John Cotter
(Nov. 15, 1871) ree. 15, 1887
602-Amos Burton Cotter ----- Oct. l, 1872-~
603-Thomas Walter Cotter#--May 18, 18?8»-
’ 60h-Nettie Cotter ---- ~ ----- Apr. 1886--May 2, 1886
M (C
605-Mary Lee Cotter--- ----- Jun. 26; 1888--
606-Lena Maud Cotter-- ---~- Nov. 26, 1891--
Behecca~Ellen Hcwdeshell, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; married by Bev. A. G. Mitchell at the home of H. C. Reed,
Lincoln County, Missouri; Mill Creek Cemetery, Lincoln County,
Missouri. 5
John Cotter, son of James Cotter and Margaret Driscoll, born
in County Cork, Ireland; Baptist; Democrat; A.E. & A.M.; Farmer.

Susan Alice Howdeshell ----- » --~- -
---- ----Richard Morris
(ree. 12, 1882)
Nov. 23, 1853
FB‘b¢ 29;  
607»Mary Margaret Morris~»-Mor. 20, --
608-Ruby Knox Morris ---~~-- Jul. 27, 1885--
609-Pearl Cannon Morris ---- Jul. 27, l§85~»
610-Clara Ethel Morris »~-~- Mar. 31, 1889--
611-Ida Ellen Morris »~----- Jas. 17, 1892~~Oot. 30, 1892
612-William Thomas Reed Morris~-
613-Cordelia Alice Morris-~Aug.
2: lgql-I-""
Susan Alice Howdeshsll, born near Soul‘s Chapel, Auburn,
Missouri; Baptist; married by Rev. D. W. Morgan near Auburn,
Richard Morris, son of James Morris and Clara Mommack, born
near Troy, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; Farmer; Mill Creek Cemetery
Cordelia Agnes Howdeshell --------
seein Bright Mitchell
(Nev. 12, l87h)--Jan. 16, 1650
Ma? 13, 1933
61h-Stella Delorma Mitchell-Jan h, 1876-» .
6lE~Forest Eugene Mitehell»-Dec 29, l878~-
616-William Maupin Mitchell~Nov 16, 1882--
617-Mary Ellen Mitchell »---- Sep 3,
1889--Apr. lh, 1919
Cordelia Agnes Howdeshell, born near Auburn, Missouri;
married by Rev. William Mitchell at residence of David Howdeshell
near Auburn, Missouri; Mill Creek Cemetery.
Edwin Bright Mitchell, son of Tapley R. Mitchell and
Ellenor Johnson;born in Amherst County, Virginia;
Democrat; Farmer; came with his father‘s family to
in 1851; Mill Creek Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Ida May Howdeshell»---~ ~~------- --»-~ ~- ---Thomas Morris
(Aug. Zh, 1885) Jan. 3, 1866
Aug. 17, 1950
Ida May Howdeshell, born near Soul's Chapel, Auburn, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; married by Rev. W. J. Patrick near Auburn,
Missouri; Mill Creek Cemetery.
Lewis Brown reared in home of Thomas Morris and Ida Howdeshell
Thomas Morris, son of Robert Morris and Cary Mommack, born
naar Brie
cos, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; Farmer; Mill Creek
um QD
_ wi le
V~2hh. `
George Ephraim Hammack--~~»»-~ ----Elizabeth Rogers
618-Bland Hammack
619-Vera Hammack
620-Rachel Hammack
Went to Indian Territory in Fall of 1900 after the death of
her father which occured in the Spring of 1900. After about three
years they parted and he came back to Missouri bringing Bland
with him. She died about one year later and he went down and
brought back with him Vera and Rachel, leaving the baby daughter
with her people. Vera resided with Mr. Halley west of Eolia,
Rachel with Prentiss Brown at Whiteside and Bland with his uncle,
B. F. Blackwell, Eolia, Missouri.
Mary (Mollie) Jane Hammack»-»----Benjamin Franklin Blackwell
fuse. s, lava) Jes. 25, 181.11
Mollie Jane Hammack died about eight months after her
marriage leaving no children. Her husband then married her
sister, Ella.
Ella Elizabeth Hammack ------» ~---Benjamin Franklin Blackwell
(Get. 19, 1873) Jan. 25, lens
Align 2,  
622~Andrcw Mumford Blackwell- -~----- Jun 3, 1873-~Dec. 20,l9hO
623-(Mollie) Mary Jane Blackwell ---- Mer 7, 1878--Aug. 22,1912
62h-Lou Eva Blackwell --»----~------- Jul 19, l88l~-Jan. 29,19h5
625-Pearl Lee Blackwell -------~----- Feb 16, 1886-»Dec. 28,193h
626~Benjamin Franklin Blackwell--e~-Apr l0, 1889s-
627»slele Elizabeth Blackwell»-- »~~- sep 16, 1893--ape. 5,1911
628~Bulah Rachel Blackwell ~---~~-- --Aug 8, l895~-Dec. 29,1912
Ella Elizabeth Hammack, born in Lincoln County, Missouri
united with Cornerstone Baptist Church in 1877; married by Re
William Mitchell at Mill Creek Church, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Benjamin Franklin Blackwell, son of Mumford Blackwell and
Mary Ann Waters, born in Virginia; united with Cornerstone Baptist
Church in 1877; Deacon in Cornerstone Baptist Church. (Salt River
Association, Page 297)

Israel Ricketts Kirkpatrick Hinds, son of William Lewis
V-EM7. tw qi §;nds and Catherine Ann Brumfield; born in Wayne County, West
yy rgin a. His father was a first cousin of Captain Israel
Sdfah Jane G&n“°n"E§;;“”é“';éég3'" "“%iiki;; Aegigw Cobb Putnam of Revolutionary fame. Israel Hinds was named for this
- s Jul* 28, 1916 goted F§liElV§¢ Hislgogher was a first cousin of Commodore
* 1 erry o e ar of 1 . Brother of Elias Hinds (V-237).
629-George Henry Cobb ----- -Nov. lu, 1367-- M111 Speak Gemetary'
630-Nide Ephraim Cobb ------ May 15, 1371-~Mar. 13, 19 1
631-William Benjamin Cobb--Aug. 25, 1876--oct. in 13 2 v._25O_
232-asses sees ---- - »------ -Deo. 11, 12g?~-J 26 lglu
33-Ealfl COb'$fJ *~------ -°'~' '--- MBQY 1 1 O""' Un: ; L di El b C __________ ____ __ ____
63L[,_-JOUII DOWl'1i1"`.lg CObb" -“**“ Feb-   }.88l.|.""' EI a S err? annOn(J'un. 6,      
Sarah Jane Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Mlssourl; Baptist; N°V° 12 1936
Democrat; married by Ephraim Pharr near Auburn, Missourl; New Hope 6u5_LeOn Leslie LaRue______Jun_ EM, 18?l__Dec_ 29, lghg
Cemetgfy' gnoewilliam Cannon LaRue---Dec. 15, l87h Oct. 30, 1919
_G _
Ezekiel Andrew Cobb, son of Henry Cobb and Rachel Browning 5E;_E;;§;n§;a§c§;§§;i_%?¥??D§gV°§;’ §2;g §O;° éé’ 192°
Downing; born near Middletown, Montgomery County, Missouri; Baptist 6u9_G1 dé Meredith LaRu ___D ' ES# 1882"DC ~ §» l9HU
Democrat; A.F. & A.M,; Deputy Constable; later married to Mrs. égonclgud Haden L&Rue’_e___J;c. 2 , lagu--Mes. 2 , 1957
Maria Jane Nelson (inf-126) and the tuna time to Mrs. Elizabeth 65l_HOmer_ Glevelam LaRue___Ma*“° 1? 1886 aéf l1= 1952
Diggs;'New Hope Cemetery, (See History of Lincoln County 1888, P' =
Pass S201 MisSOLy§iaBEl;Ee£ryDCannon% married by Rev. Tucker at Clarksville
V UP 3 ap S ; emoora .
|V"‘2,.|.8| I
_ John Haden LaRue son of John MQDOU 1 L R 5 B
_____________, E E1 t - _ _ J S S & DB 8D Punebt
George Washington Cagngn 13, 1881) gzianlolliggétn S on QM @, Egxgiyéybognaiisienygckyisggiiyed in livery business; Greenwood
_. - _ _; , ' - ’ °
635~Georgia Elizabeth Cannon~-Jan. 10, 1883--May 6, l9n7
_ Susan Ann Gannon »----- ------ »---- a _--_ ~-Howard Mal 0 M 1
George Washington Cannon born lh Lincoln County' married in G m OX @Y
Lincoln County by Rev. W. J. Latrick; resided at Troy; Lincoln (O°t’ 12' 1876) Jun” lg’ 1356
County Missouri' moved to California with his daughter in 1920; 6 2_F d 1 R A M __
eemeteiy near Los Angeles, California. 6§3_H;it?; 533 §;;§2gi?--?¥%?¥-_gZ§; 1%; ig;;::
V_2u9 65h-Claude Mosley ----- ---~------ May 15, 1882--
Susan Ann Cannon born near Auburn Missouri' married b
Elizabeth Cannon ”"° “”'ISra°1 Hisketta §;§?p;;€i§§u$indS Jesse Sutton; Presbyterian; Democrat; Mill Creek Cemetery. Y
Ma? 10, 192C L i Hogarg M. Mgxley, son of Solomon Robinson Mosley and Maria
_ . . ___“_ __ _ ou sa er ier° orn near Auburn Missouri; Presbyterian; R pub~
g§$4§l%l1a§ E§§;dHE?§i_____%e§° EE’ §3;gm_May lla 1905 1iG&D§ Redman and M.W.A.; Nurseryman; resided at Clarksvillz and
638 wgligr é Hingg J§n° E’ 1876 Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri.
°° I ""' """"' c 3 '_'
639-Edgar F. Hines ---- -- _
230-Grace Hinds ----- ~ ~~---- 88 A 8 V 252' '
l~Alva Hinds ----- ~-~- ---~Jan. 2 l 3-- ug. 2._ 1933
6h2~Grover Cleveland Hinds- , "" _ John Cannon“*'_* __-Zé____g__iééé;”"“ _-_-Minnie Howgett
6n3-Hurley Cannon Hinds----Jun. 29, l889 5 GP' I §@¢~ 13| 1 67
éhn-Elizabeth sinus -------- Sep. 6, 1391--May 13-, 11392 ig °‘f° l5» 3-95M
_ C 655-Anna Lee Cannon ---- -Sep. 8 l889~-- ~
For biography of Elizabeth Cannon, see History of Lincoln 6S6_Mary Bell Gann0n_“__May 31; l89;___
County, Page 553; Methodist Church, married by Rev. G` M. 0‘Br1en
of the Methodist Episcopal Cnurcn; Mill Creek Cemetery.

John Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; married by
Rev. C. Van Ostenburg at Troy Fair, Troy, Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; Farmer.
Minnie Howlett, daughter of William Howlett and Caroline
Summers; born in Pike County, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; New
Hope Cemetery.
Mary Magdalene Cannon --»--- - ----- ----- ----Henry Nichols
(nec. 27, 1881) Sep. 15; 1883
657-Jessie Gertrude Nichols--Jan. 5, 1883--
658-Anna Elizabeth Nichols---Apr. 19, 1885--
659-Hester Eda Nichols ------- Nov. 30, 1889--
New Hope, Lincoln County,
Mary Magdalene Cannon, born near
Missouri; married by Rev. Maupin at residence of E. A. Cobb;
Democrat; cemetery near New Hope, Missouri.
Henry Nichols, son of Henry Nichols and Mary Elizabeth
Shonizy; born in New York City; Methodist; Republican; Farmer.
Ada Rebecca Cannon ~-------~---------~*-~-- Samuel Lee Elston
(Oct. 13, 1881) May ao, 1862
Jun. 2, 1898
660 Nora Dell Elston ~--- ----- Aug 2, 1882--
661 Thomas Curtis Elston ----- Feb 29, 1888--
662-Cuy Cannon Elston ---~---- Feb 25, 1886--
663-Rex Lee Elston-----------May 31, 1888--Jun. 1, 1955
668-Ray G. Elston ---- - ------- Mar ln, 1890--
665-Minnie Vivian Elston-----Jun 21, 1893--Dec. 18, 1927
Ada Rebecca Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; married
by Rev. Wiley J. Patrick at home of her father in Lincoln County,
Missouri; Cannon Cemetery; Baptist,
Samuel Lee Elston, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; son of
John Elston and Nancy Jane Shields; Baptist; Democrat; Farmer;
Crumes Cemetery.
` _
T .. .,
dw di
.4 1.
81 ‘U
V”2g5¢ I
William Franklin Cannon ---- - ------ ------ ----~ Birdie Triplett
(Oct. 6, 1887) Sep. 9, 1867
Mar. 23, 1913
666-Ross Eugene Cannon-----Jan. 28, 1889--
667-Ephraim Russell Cannon-Mar. 25, 1892--Oct. 5, 1950
William Franklin Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
married by Rev. Charles A. Mitchell in Lincoln County; New Hope
Cemetery. _
Birdie Triplett, daughter of Andrew Jackson Triplett and
Nancy Frances Davis, Noe Nancy Frances Ferry (daughter of Charles
Ferry and arzilla Watts) who was born February 17, 1837 and died
January 16, 1930; born at New Hope; united with Baptist Church
in 1906; New Hope Cemetery.
Benjamin Elsberry Cannon ----- ----- ---- Katheryn Roach Collard
(Jun. 28, l899)Dec. 17, 1867
668-Harold Cannon ---------- Dec. 19, 1900--
17, 1903--
669-Marguerite Cannon-- ---- May
670-Katheryn Collard Cannon- F'-. =° --
671-Pauline Frances Cannon-Apr. 25, 1909--
Benjamin Elsberry Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Democrat; Liveryman; married by Rev. E. L. Rutledge in Lincoln
Mrs. Kate Collard, daughter of Charleston Roach and Susan
Florence; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Methodist; the widow
of James W. Collard; Troy Cemetery.
John Henry Parker
Cemetery in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Sarah Jane Parker-~ ---------------- Henry Washington McDonald
(Jan. 30, 1868) Jul. Zh, 1886
rev. 22, 1917
672-Albert Washington McDonald Mar 18, 1869--Jan. 31, 1956
673-Elmore Lee McDonald---- ----- Oct 22, 1870--Aug. 15, 1921
678-Anna Elizabeth McDona1d--- Sep 20, 1878--
675-Mell McDonald ----- ----- --- aug 6, 1879--
676-Walter Andrew McDona1d---- Jul 13, 1888--

_ llu;
Sarah Jane Parker, born near AUbUPH» LiHC°1U C0HUUY» MiSS0UPi3
married by Ephraim Pharr near New Hope, Missouri; Methodist;
Eleberry Cemetery.
Henry Washington McDonald, son of Hiram and Nancy McDonald;
born near New Hope, Missouri; Methodist; Republican; Farmer;
Eleberry Cemetery.
James Aaron Parker--~--- - ---- Sdfah McDonald
677-Howard S. Parker--~----Jul. lh, 1882--Apr. Eh, 1923
678-Aura Parker-- -~»- »--» -~ '
679-Benjamin H. Parker-----
Sarah McDonald, sister of Henry Washington McDonald who
married Sarah Parker (V-258) Bryant's Creek Cemetery, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
Mary Elizabeth Parker-- ----~---------- ----- J0hH Newton E11iS
(Oat. 15, 1873) Ang. 10, 1851
Jan. 9, 1926
680-Isaac Lowell Ellis- ~~~-~
681-Ernest Parker Ellis -~~-- Apr. 10, 1377
682-Ishmael G. Ellis --------
683-James T. Ellie ~---- --
68h~Guy A. Ellie ~--------~--
John Newton Ellie; Presbyterian; Farmer; Mill Creek Cemetery.
Margaret Eudora Parker ---- ~- ~--~Tipt0n Pvaznfe
Resided in State of Oklahoma.
Henry Cannon
Resided in Randolph County, Missouri, where he is said to
have been killed in a mine disaster. Name of wife whom he married
snare is unknown. It is said the mother of Henry Cannon married
Rev. Hatten of Renick, Missouri, after the death of his father.
M #C
mil @
by Rev. Wi
Jefferson Cannon--~ ~~-------- -~-- ---~ Gertrude Malin
\Apr. an, 1889)
-Ruth Malin Cannon ~--*-~ Feb. lO,
-Charlotte Isabelle Cannon-Sep. 15, 1891--
-Certrude Ethel Cannon-sang. 7,
~Lucile None Cannon ~---- Mar. 1,
-Mildred Emma Cannon --~- Feb. 26,
-Florence Claudine Cannon--Deo. ll, 1899--
-Clifford Henry Cannon--Apr. ll
-Roscoe Gilmer Cannon---Oct. 17,
066. 22, 1869
oct. 8, 192k
l893“'°""N0`\f| ?9  
1902-~Jan. 31, 1956
1908--Jul. 21, 1931
Jefferson Cannon, born in Paynesville, Missouri; married
lliam Sheilds at St. Louie, Missouri; Presbyterian;
Democrat; Merchant.
Gertrude Malin, daughter of James Delmazo Malin and Isabelle
L. Malin, born in Quincy, Illinois; Presbyterian; Democrat.
e Helen Cannon
Troy Cemetery, Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Edward Brody C&DHOH- '~~“------- ~- -~--~ Caroline Eambonrne Hank
(Oct. 30, l89h) Apr. M, 1876 "
693-Charles Edward Cannon--Jul. 13, 1896--Jana.l3, 1910
69h-James Hank Cannon ------ Aug. 20, l89T--
695-Alpha Cannon ----------- Apr. 25, 1899--
696-William Dudley Cannon--Feb. 15, l9C1--
697-Annie Louise Cannon ---- Jun. 29, 1903-»
698-Dorothy Cannon- ---- ----Aug. 20, 1905-“May 29, l9h6
699-Rebecca Martin Cannon--Nov. 9, 1906--Nov. l?, 1906
700-Henry Martin Cannon ---- Sep. l7, 1909-~
701-Benjamin Hank Cannon---Apr. 1911
Edward Brody Cannon, born in Auburn, Lincoln County, Missouri;
married by Rev. Eugene M. Smith at 1801 Goode Avenue, St. Louis,
Democrat; U.S. Letter Carrier.
Caroline Lambcnrne Hank, daughter of William Columbus Hank
and Annie Lambourne; born in St. Louis, Missouri.

Mary Melissa Sitton, daughter of Joseph Winston Bitton and
E1 C ,.,,,,,., ¢u.¢-~ nn-|ll»l»¢Iw\"°l\l' ¢**““      
nora annon (Jan. 5, 1898) Jan' 30, 186A
Jan. 17, 1919
702-Winona Dudley ---- ------Feb 15, 1899"
703;William Henry Dudley--~Feb 15, 1899'-
7ou»Jamee Kenny Dudley--~~-Oct 12, 1901--
705-Berneice Hclen.Dudley~-Jul 26, 1905--
Elnora Cannon, born in Troy, Missouri; married by Rev. S. I.
Lindsay at St. Louis, Missouri; Christian; MiSSi0U&TY Club-
William A. Dudley, son of William Dudley and Sarah ADH
Thomas Victor Farmer, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
married by Rev. James Patton at Lincoln County, Missouri; Bepuhe
lican; Veterinarian.
Mary Buchanan; Methodist; Lincoln County, Missouri. _
Ellery Everett Farmer ---~- -~ ~--------- ---- Effie Mary Diggs
(Dec. T, 1898) Nov. 22, 1872
Ellery Everett Farmer, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
married by Rev. Robert Norton at Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Democrat; Mechanic.
Effie May Diggs, daughter of Thomas Jefferson Diggs and
Julia Ellen Sitton; born in Lincoln County, (Biographical Record
of St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren Counties, Page h60) Elsberry
Amos Wilmer Farmer --~---- » ------- -~~-5-Emma Downin Elsberry
(Nov. 18, 1896) Jan. 16, l8§7
_ Jun. 29, 1898 C
yy|i| vaoevera vacnti Farmer--Dec. 18, 1887-~Dec. 29, 1888
Amos Wilmer Farmer, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; married
by Rev, Charles A. Mitchell at Lincoln County, Missouri; Democrat;
Oct; lu.,   ' °
Mulherin born in Pike County, Missouri; ChPiSti&H§ USMUCPCDS
Lawyer; l.0.0.F.; Prosecuting Attorney of Lincoln County, 1903”l9053
President of Cooperation of Christian Church of Lincoln County
Editor of "Finance and Life Insurance"; first married to Lillian
Jordan by whom he had two children ~» Lucille and David; Troy
Gannon ____ ___._ ,_,._.. u ..~_ ~ --~-Reuben Bsardslee
Emma (Nov, 5, lego) Jan. 27, 1865
Mar. 1956
706-William Malcolm Beardslee-~Aug» 13, 1391-
707-Jamcs Frank Beardslee~- --~- Nov. 29| 1393*
708-Reuben Eugene Beardslee --»- Mar, lu: 1395'”
709-Floyd Harvey Boardslee --~-- Nov- 23, 1395*
T10-Henry Cannon Beardslee ---- ~Aug. 31, 1900*
711-Ruth Emma Beardslee---~----Ma? 8: 1905*
7l2~Haro1d Ball Beardslee- --~- »Aua- 25, 1905"
N Emma Cannon, born in Troy, Missouri; married by Rev. J, W.
Ford at Slug Spalding Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri.
Ruben Beardslee, son of William Beardslee and Katherine
Blackwell; born in New Jersey; resided in St. Louis, MiSSOUTi3
Baptist; Royal Arcamen; Salesman; cemetery in St. Louis, MiSSOHPi»
Tho Vi tor Fapmep-~- ¢-¢- ww# ~--- ~»~-~ *°M&fy M61iS3& Sitton
mas G (Oct. ie, 1873) Jul. 23| 1855
may 21, 1938
713-Claud Vaughn Farmer»---Aug. 17, 1374--Jan. Hs 193k
?lh-Leon Montrose Farmer--~Mar Us
71 ~Grace Farmer --~-~- “~~--Jul 26, 1830*'M&P 20: 1926
71%-Gertrude Farmer- ~--~ »~~N0V 20, 1332'“00t 31: 158C
7l7~Haae1 Dell Farmer -~---- Nov 3, 1535”“AUg 25» 1910
718-Hunter Kerr Farmer- -~-- Oct 1, 1588”“
719~Mona Blanch Farmer -»--~ Mar 13, 1391-~
Farmer, A.F. & A.M., Royal Circle; M,W.A,; Elsberry Cemetery,
Lincoln County, Missouri.
Emma Downing Elsberry, daughter of George Washington-Elsberry
and Mary Jane Downing; Downing Cemetery near Auburn, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
V°27l. ~
Laura Belle Allenf ~---~~~ ---~ --»-- »»~~-~Jasper Newton Staten
(ret. 1, 1883) Mar. 2, 1851
Laura Belle Allen, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
married by Rev. I. L. McE1hansy at Vernon County, Missouri;
Rebekah; Christian,
Jasper.Newton Staten, son of James M, Staten and Mary
Shannon; born in Trimble County, Kentucky; Christian; Democrat;
I.O.C.F. Encampment of Rebekah; Cashier of Bank and Presiding
Justice in Vernon County, Missouri; resided at Harwood, Missouris
W3 _ wave,
John Allen

Harry Mumford Allen
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Democrat; Harwood and
Fair Haven Cemetery, Vernon County, Missouri.
Isaac Shelby Cannon
Josephine County, Oregon, buried "on the plains".
Ira Smith CannQn---- »--- -------- -»---- ---S&P&h Nancg H&Z6D
(Jul. 13, 1881) Jun. 2, 1 S9
721-Esther Cannon---Jun. 3, 1882- --~- ---
722-Maude Cannon ~-»- Dec. 5, l883-- ---- --
723-Blanche Cannon--Aug. 18, 1885-- ---- --
Ira Smith Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; married
b W W Wri ht; Democrat; Farmer and stockman° resided at Klamath
3' o n Q .1
Falls, Oregon; married by W. W. Wright at Klamath Falla, Cregone -
Sarah Nancy Hazen, daughter of Sears Nathaniel Hazen; born @MVli
in Iowa; Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ. 4
Richard Lee Cannon-------- ---~~ - -------- Mary Adeline Chapman
(apr. 8, 1873) Feb. 12, 185h
72h-Laura Cannon--- -------- Jan. 22, l87h-- `
725-Mary Etta Cannon-- ----- Jul. h, 1875--
726-Elsie Cannon-- ----- ----Oct. 26, 1876--
727-Elzy Lee Cannon ---- ----Jul. 30, l879-- 1920
?28-Mahlon Thurman Cannon--Feb. 6, 1883--
729-Edna Belle Cannon------Jul. 23, 1886--
Richard Lee Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; married
by Rev. Richard A. Raper at home of George J. Chapman, Douglas
County, Oregon; Democrat; a.F. & A.M.; Farmer and stookman.
Mary Adeline Chapman, daughter of George Jefferson Chapman
and Eliza Jane Chapman; born in Johnson County, Iowa; attended
Wilbur Academy; Democrat.
H§»“ Mahl n Cannon-- ---»-------- -----
MI 0 0 (Nev. 1, 18711)
-Richard Manlon Cannon
-Arthur Lewis Cannon--
-Bertha Susan Cannon--
-John Cleveland Cannon-
-Elsie Ethel Cann0n---
-Daily Ray Cannon-----
- -May
Alice Berthena Johnson
Jun. 25, 1856
May 31, l9Oh
Mahlon Cannon, born in Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri,
married by William A. McClure at Adin, Modoc County, California;
Minister of the Gospel, Church of Jesus Christ; Democrat; Cemetery
at Ghica, Butte County, California.
Alice Berthena Johnson, daughter of Eli Burget Johnson and
Elizabeth Jones; born in Indiana; Methodist; Eemocrat.
Susan Cannon
Lived but few months after death of her mother. Buried on
plains on
trail to California,
a L. Beck
Daughter of Margaret Cannon and A. J. Beck; Cannon Cemetery,
Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Julia Ann Gannoh--- ~------ ------ ---- ---Joseph Henry Palmer
(Mar. 20, 1882) Dee. 20, 183h
-Semor Henry Pa1mer---
-Agnes Louise Palmer--
-Susan Mary Palmer ----
-Charles Fleety Palmer
-Amos Lorenzo Palmer--
-Benjamln Franklin Pal
-Joseph Palmer --------
-Blanche Palmer -------
-Denis Cannon Palmer--
-Ruth Palmer ----------
-Julia Ann Palmer -----
-Katharyn Grace Palmer
may 8, 1908
1863--Sep. 10, 186h
1865 Apr. 30, 1927
1870--Jul. 1, 1871
1872--Jan. 1, 1912
,l875 Jul. 17, 1876
1877--Jul. ao, 1878
1882--Jul. 30, 1332
:I-883'°"'OCt a 28|  
1886--Nov. 17, 1891
Ann Cannon, born in Lincol Mi -
h U; W.C.T.U.; married by Esquire Colbert at Hawk Point,
Missouri; New Florence Cemetery, Montgomery County, Missouri

| `F”-8 g T~s' “”ny§?*Q€DTD*" **D`__'_“ftttrtii8 _ggijyyyyy
€ .
Joseph Henry Palmer, son of Fleety Palmer and Agnes Flood, -
born at Spencerburg, Pike County, Missouri; Christian; Democrat; _ _
Farmer; New Florence Cemetery-    
lv""281a _
William Davis Cannon--- ---- ~--~ --~-- ~- --~--° ~--Anna BP0WHiUE
(A . 1889) D , 18 1850
pf M’ sig. 11; 1878
7h8~Zeph Orson Cannon~ »---- Nov. 11, 1870--~ `
7h9~Char1es Prentiss Cannon-Sep.l9, l8?h~--
?5O~Alpha Betta Cannon-----=Jun. 26, l87?*-
2nd-~ -~~- ~--- -»------- »~ »--- -»--------- ~»-Della May Phipps
(Jul. S, 1886)
T51-Dolly Coreso Bell Cannon»Jul, 3, 1887-~Deo. 15, 1893
752-Maude Louisa Cannon-~-~--Deo. 12, 1888--
William David Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Republican; Farmer; married by David H. Cannon, J.P., at Lincoln
County, Missouri; resided at Red River, New Mexico.
Anna Browning, daughter of Daniel Browning; born in Warren
County, Missouri; Cannon Cemetery; Lincoln County, Missouri f
__ ,.R___ ,_ _
identified with the Republican Party. After his d th F b
1899, Mrs. Cannon moved to Portland, Oregon. ea on 6 Puary 25,
VI “gags
Lewis Phillip Cannon~-~-=~»~-~-
?62=Myrt1e Estelle Cannon~~»
_- L.. ‘ _
---Virginia Hutton
Cannon Cemetery near Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mary Margaret Gannon ~-»- ---
(sep. 2§f"§é¥§E"
-~-Joseph M, Diggs
Jan. 31, l8hC
Jun. 28, 1931
?63~Foreet Vivian Di s -~-- Feb 16 18 Ja .
76h~Florenoe Sylvia §§ggs~»Sep Ti 188; H 20, 1983
76E~Murray Joseph Diggs---~May 12, 1885
T66-Paul Semor Diggs ~--»~- ~Nar 6, 1888 Nov, 12 1956
787-Pearl wiieree Diggs----ees 30, 1390 ’
768-Stanford Earl Diggs ---- Jan 21, 1895
Mary Cannon, born near Hawk Point, Missouri; married by
Rev. William Grant at residence of S. D. Cannon, Hawk Point,
DP» Joseph Diese, born at High Hill, Missouri; een of seaea
ford L. Diggs, born in Virginia, and Sarah Diggs; Baptist; Demgu
V-282. W Q
James Buchanan Cannon- ------- ---~ ~--- -----~ ---- Sarah Fino
(Mar. au, 18?1) Sep. 11, 1858
(see. 22, 1871)
753-Claud B. Cannon -~---~ ~-Mar 12, 18?2~-
75%»Ira Clyde Cannon- -~-~ ~aApr 15, 1875~-Apr , 1878
T5 ~Ama Lee Cannon ------~ --Jun 10, 1877--Apr , 1878
1 757-Hollis Marshall Cannon-Mar 16, 1879-~Feb, 6, 1881
T58-Alta Ethel Cannon- ----- Mar 15, 1882--`
759~James Blaine Cannon ---- Feb 25, 1888--Feb , 1905
760-Maude Joyce Cannon- ---- Jan 25, 1887-~
761-Florence Ellene Cannon-Mar 10, 1890-~
James Buchanan Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
crat; served in Confederate Army; was graduated from Missouri
Medical College in 1878 and entered practice of medicine that
year at Hawk Point, Missouri, where he resided until 1878 when
he moved to Saline County, Missouri, remaining there until 1890
when he resumed practice at Hawk Point,
Thomas Benton Cannon ------ ---a. _ .....-.,...........,__.,_, ___,___,39_d_ie Lewis
(Apr. 17, 1887) Apr, 28, 1868
Thomas Benton Cannon, born at Hawk Point, Missouri; Repu»
Republican; Merchant; married by John Mosley at Truxton. Lincoln
County, Missouri; married by William Colbert and marriage recorded
in Vol. 3, Page 236, Records of Lincoln County; cemetery at Rose#
burg, Oregon.
Sarah Fine, daughter of Abraham Fine and Amanda Nichols, born
in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Came to the State of Oregon from Missouri in the year 1873,
settled in Marion County, near Silverton, engaged in farming and  
cattle business until 1882, then moved to Roseburg, Oregon, and
engaged in mercantile pursuits of various kinds up to the time of
his death. James B, Cannon was a prominent politician and Chief
of Police of the City of Roseburg for a number of years, always
b1i¢&H5 M@P0h&Ut5 Degree of Honor; married by Rev, John Howard
at Roseburg, Oregon; resided at Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon,
Sadie Lewis daughter of N. L, Louis and Mar F. R' h d -
L.o.r.M.t. of H.; Rebekah Ledge, i,t,,,n,_ Y 1° ar S’
V-286. '
Sarah Emily Cann°U“”“ " -- --~- Charles Stockwell
2“d“” ““'“' '“'”"" ”'”"“ '°“"""- ---*- ~~Honry Alexander Hiler
(Jan. 3: 1533) Apr. 16, 1862
is 1

Sarah Emily Cannon, born near Hawk Point, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Republican; Lady_Maocabees,and.Women of Woodcraft;
married by Rev. Wesley Slavens near Hawk Point, Missouri.
_ Henry Alexander Hiler, son of Henry Hiler and Sarah Jane
Keithley; born near Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri; Engineer;
Repub11oan;`N.W;A;;`resided at 919 West luth Street, Pueblo,
Colorado. '
Louisa Jane Cannon
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
-~-James Wells
Hay 10, 1853
Flora Ellen Cannon ~----- --~ »-~»~ ~----
(Sep, 18, 1881)
T69-Beulah Wells ---- 3 -~---- Nov. 18, 1882--Jul. 28, 188
770-Stanley Earle Wells--~-Aug. 28, 1885--May 18, 188
771-Marcellus Dean Wells---Jun S, 1887
772-Sheba Wells ----~----- --Dec: 17, 1889--
773~Bery1 May Wells ------~~ Sep. 15, 1892
77h~Thomas Russell Wells---Dec. 12,
Flora Ellen Cannon, born near Hawk Point, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Methodist; married by Rev. D. M. Cranfield near Hawk
?oint, Missouri. ` `
James Wells, son of James Wells, Sr., and Nancy Baxter;
born in Brooke County, West Virginia; Democrat; Methodist;
Teacher; resided at YO5 West 15th Street, Pueblo, Pueblo County,
John Semor Cannon ---------~ ~---~-~»~ ----Seralda Jane Simpson
(Mar. 15, 1888) Nov. lu, l86h
775-Walter Gresham Cannon--Jul. 2, 1889--
??8-Mary Dosia Cannon------Jul. 2, 1900--
John Semor Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist;
Pastor of First Baptist Church at Hound Valley, Kansas; Bookkeeper;
K. of P.; W.O.W. and W.C.; married by Esquire Kerschner at Corrisso
Les Animas County, Colorado; resided at Mound Valley, Kansas
Seralda Jane Simpson, daughter of John Gabriel Simpson and
Mary Dosia Risley; born in Henry County, Missouri; Baptist;
Republican. C
:.; -1, ,'
eu on
Isaac Washington Cannon--»- »---»---~- »----- -Emma Delila Mock
(Febs 13, 1889) Oct. 11, 1867
, Jun. 17, 1922
TTT-Clarence Eugene CannoneNov. 12, 1889--
778-Emmett Clyde Cannon----Sep, 3, 1891--
779-William Semor Cannon---Feb. 18, 1893--
?8C-Ruby Cannon- ----------- Aug. 15, l89h -
781-Ralph Cleburne Cannon--May 8, 1897--
Y82-Daughter Cann0n--- ~»~~- Feb. 16, 1899--Feb. 16, 1899
783-Mary Cannon -~---»--~~ -~Jul. ?, 1900--
?8h-Anna Cannon- ~-~------- -Aug. 16, 1902--
785-Isaac George Cannon----Oct, 8, 1908--
786-Laura Price Cannon ---- -Jun. 10, 1906--
Isaac washington Cannon, born at Warrenton, Warren County,
Missouri; Republican; Farmer; married by Wm. S. Pennington at
Truxton, Lincoln County, Missouri; Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point,
Missouri; resided at Hawk Point, Lincolnflounty, Missouri.
Emma Delila Mock, daughter of William Buckley Mock and Delila
Smith Mock (Maiden name was Mock) born in Warrenton, warren County,
David Hubbard Cannon
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Rachel Ann Cannon ------- - ------ - -------- ---- John Fulkerson
(sep. 19, 1861) oct. 17, 1835
Feb; 27, l981' _
787-Dice Ann Fulkerson ---------- Jul 22, 1863--Oct* 18, 1919
788-Robert Edward Lee Fulkerson-Aug 17, 186h--Oct. 22, 1907
789-John William Fulkerson ---- --May 20, 1866--Aug. Y, 1895
T90-Ida May Fulkerson ----------- Sep 7, 1870--Sep, Zh, 1912
T91 Luda Virgelena Fulkerson ---- Jul 8, 187h~-
792 Byrd Fulkerson-- ----- W ----- -Dec 22, 1875--Jan. 28, 1876
793-Charles Augustus Fulkerson--Feb ll, 1877-- '_
798-Baca Cannon Fulkerson- ~---- eMar 1, 1882--
T95eSy1rester Scott Fulkerson--aSep 3, 188 --
End --------------- -------------------- William George Perry
Rachel Ann Cannon, born in Lincoln County,_Hissouri; Episcopal;
married by Joel Miller at Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California;
married second time to William George Perry.
John Fulkerson, son of Ricnard Rulkereon and Saran Gleeson, born
in Indiana, Christian; Democrat; Farmer; cemetery at Santa Rosa,
California; resided at 376 Mendocino avenue, Santa Rosa, California.

Jvhn Payegn gann0n-_ _-~.-.-- _ ~----- Elizabeth Catherine Winer
(Jul. 9, l8T3) Apr- 13. 1856
796-Mary Luella Cannon- ---- Jun. 2, 1875-=
797-Grace Viola Cannon- ~--~ Apr- 23, l377*“
John Payton Cannon, born near Troy, Niesouri; B@PUbli0aU5
A.F. & A.M.; Under sheriff five years at Modoc County, California;
married by Judge Brownier at Lake City, Modoo County, California;
resided at Petalmua, Sanoma County, California.
Elizabeth Catherine Wimer, daughter of George Wimer and Hannah
Merkley wimer; born at Sigourney, Iowa; Republican; Eastern Star.
Thomas Benton Cannon--- ------ -#- ---Hottie Powloy
Eureka, Humboldt County, California.
Samuel Thurston Cannon
Cemetery at Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California.
James Knox Polk Cannon ------- ~----- -~-Ida Josephine Cookrill
(sep. 8, 1881) Apr. h, 1850
Feb. 2, 1903
James Knox Polk Cannon, born in Oregon; Presbyterian;
Democrat; l.C.O.F.; Building and housemoving business; Police
official; married by R. L. Allen at San Rafael, Marin County,
California; resided at Bloomfield, Sonoma County, California.
-Ida Josephine Cockrill,dau. of Larken Davenport Cookrill;
born in Missouri; cemetery at Bloomfield, California.
Lewis Linn Cannon ~----- ~»----~------- ----Nettie Urith Clark
(Aug. 18, 1886) Jul. 8, 1869
. 1,
tl 9
Nettie Urith Clark, daughter of Elmer Clark and Rachel Davis
Murray; Democrat; member of School Board; born at Penn Grove,
Sonoma County, California.
Jerome Bonapart Cannon ---- -~~-~-»-~-~-
(Sep. 2, 1883)
80h-Lena Rachel Cannone ---~ Jun. 12,
805»Mabel ann Cannon ------ -Apr. 25,
806~Calvin W. Cannon- »----~ Apr. 5,
80?-Elmer Lee Cannon~ ~»~~~~ May 21,
-~-~Almeada Ciet
May 26, 1867
OCte 39  
S@P~ 9; 1899
Jerome Bonapart Cannon, born at Salem, Oregon; Christian;
Democrat; Dairyman; married by Christian Minister at San Francisc
California; resided at Petaluma, Sonoma County, California.
Almeada Gist, born in Yolo County, California; daughter of
William Gist and Ann Tadlock; Christian.
Mary Virgilina Cannon ------~---~- ~ ~-»-- ~William Albert Wimer
(Nov. lh, l8T6) Feb. 10, 1851
808-Rachel Maud Wimer ----- »Sep. h, l877~~Deo. 29, l8??
809-Roy Alton Wimer»~--~~--Nov. ll,
810-Gary Olanerez Wimer ~-»~ May 9, 1881--
Mary Virgilina Cannon, born near Santa Rosa, Sonoma County,
California; Ladies Aid; Music Teacher, married by William Smith
at Lake City, Modoc County, California.
William Albert Wimer, daughter of George Washington Wimer
and Hannah Markley; Democrat; I.0.0.F.; Croceryman; resided at
Lake City, Modoc County, California.
John Quimby Nichols
Oak Creek Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon.
Mary Jane Nichols ~---- ~~- ------~----~
---~Julius Fisher
T98-Lewis Linn Cannon ---- ~-Oct. 8, 188T-- ' (Oct. 6, l8?8) Jul. 1, l85l
799iWilliam Arthur Cannon»~Mar. 17, l89O~f ,
800~Ethlyn Clark Cannon--~~Jun. lh, l89h-~ Bllealbert Emil Fisher-- ~--- Cot. 6, 1879--
801-Earl Frederick Cannon~-May 2, l897-- 8l2~Winifred Ethel Fisher--~Jul. 9, 1881 <Apr. 16, 1882
802-Chester George Cannon~-Dec. 9, 1900" Q 813-»Henry Fisher---- --~- -L---Apr. LL, l88h~-
803»Em;1 Clark Cannon ---» ~-Jun. 21, l9C3~- m` 81h-Thelma Blondelli Fisher-Dec. 3, 1888--
815-Florenoe Mae Fisher ~--~- Feb. 1, l891--
Lewis Linn Cannon, born in Oregon; Democrat; Rancher; I.0.0.F. l
School Board; married by Judge Jackson Temple at Santa Rosa, Sonoma Nay Jane Nichols, born at Oak Creek, Douglas County, Oregon;
County, California. W.0.W.; married by William Allen Children at San Valley, Jackson
County, Oregon.

Julius Fisher, son of Jacob Henry Fisher and Mary Louise
Schilling; born in Uster Canton, Zurich, Switzerland; Republican;
Farmer; W.0.W.; resided at Fullerton, Orange County, California.
Susan Ann Nichols
Cemetery at Sans Valley, Jackson County, Oregon.
James Knox Polk Fine ---- ------~ -- --~ -~--- Rebecca Slater
816-Roscoe Fine-- ~---- - ~~-- Feb. 20, 1871--Dec. n, 1878
8l7~Oather Fine-
8l8~Pearlie Muriel Fine -~-~
End --~-~ ---~»~ ~~----- »--~»»----- ----- Sarah Margaret Womble
  APP. 39 1855
Mar. 2, 1910 ~
James Knox Polk Fine, lost from river steamer "Belle of
Calhoun" and<lrowned en route from Alton to Hamburg, Illinois.
Resided at Hawk Point, Missouri.
Sarah Margaret Womble, daughter of William C. Womble;
B&PtiSt5 Fairview Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Charles Levi Fine ---- ~~-~-~------------ Lucynthia Jane Spyres
(Sep. l2, 1872) Sep. 25, l85h
819-Booker Jefferson Fine--Feb h, 1875--
820-Clyde Ira Fine-~~-~ ---- ree 13, 1878 May 17, 1920
82l»Hattie Muriel Fine ---~- Aug ll, 1880
822~Richard Morton Fine-~-~Feb 15, 1883
823-Roy Dangerfield Fine---Mar 23, l886
82h-Robert Lincoln Fine ---» Apr 22, 1888
Charles Levi Fine,
Farmer; married by Rev.
to death in brawl after
Cropper on Turkey Creek
defense, but it was the
born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Republican
Tuttle at Lincoln County, Missouri; shot
a night of gambling at the house of Joe
Cropper was acquited on plea of self
theory of the prosecution that he was
really killed by Chat Nichols, nephew of Cropper, who later was
killed by John Murphy in Troy. Cannon Cemetery, Lincoln County,
Lucynthia Jane Spyres, daughter of William Spyres and Polly
Grant, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; resided with
her son, Roy, at Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
ti li
David Hubbard Fine W
Cannon Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
simer r1ne-~- ----~ »-- -------------- ~»~
825~Sadie May Fine- ------~» Oct. 17, l9lO--Dec. 12, 1910
Wright City, Warren County, Missouri.
Isaac Watts Fine
Cannon Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mary Cannon Fine
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Missouri.
John Randolph Cannon
'Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; twice married in the State
of Texas; no children; buried in lexas.
V-310. '
Flora Bell Cannon ---- ~ ------------- --
(Mey 17 1883)
-Robert Lee Barley
Feb. 10, 1865
826~lnfant ------~- ~-~----- #Feb , l88h~-Feb 17, l88h
82T»Sylvia Robert Barley-~-Apr. 5, 1885-~
828-David Evans Barley ---~» Dec. h, l889-~Mar 30, 1928
829~Mary Elizabeth Barley--Oct. 3, 1893--Dec 12, 1919
830-Flora Ellen Barley ----- Apr. 5, l895~~
Flora Bell Gannon, born near Hawk Point, Lincoln
Missouri; Baptist; Republican; married by Patrick Sheehan in
Justice Office; St. Louis County, Missouri; Highland Cemetery,
Great Falls, Montana. `
Robert Lee Barley, son of David Evans Barley and Katherine
Ellen Pollard; born near Moscow Mills, Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; l.0.0.F.; Farmer; Mail carrier; resided at 718 Sixteenth
Street, Great Falls, Montana.

Mary Cannon---~~ ----- »----- ~~-- --- ~»---~ Benjamin Druery Ross
(Dec. ln, 1380) Oct. n, 1859
sep. 13, 1929
831-Mary Ellen Ross -----»~- Sep. 16, l881~»
832~Tandy Chatman Ross -~~-- Nov 12, l883~~Mar. 30, 1951
833-Benjamin Harrison Ross-Feb: 16, 1887--Oct. 3, 19hT
83h-David M. Hubbard Ross-eapr. 18, 1893-»Jan. ll, 1929
Mary Cannon, born near Hawk Point, Missouri; Baptist; married
by S. D. Cannon, J.P., at residence of S. D. Cannon, Lincoln County,
Missouri; known-in the family as "Mcllie"; Oak Ridge Cemetery.
Benjamin Druery Ross, son of Richard Shapley Ross and Jan
Hutchison; born near Troy, Missouri; Republican; Farmer; M.W.A. and
M.B.A.; moved from Hawk oint to Elsberry, Missouri, in 1895; Oak
Ridge Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Rosa Wilson Cannon
Gannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
James Henry Lane Cannon--~---- ~--~ -» ---~Anna Magdalene Janes
(Jan. 1, 1891) Apr. 22, 1873
Mar. 15, 1907
835-Mary Edna Cannon--- »~-- Mar. 3, 1895--Feb. 16, 19hO
James Henry Lane Cannon, born near Hawk Point, Lincoln
County, Missouri; Republican; married by Judge Robert Howell
at residence of Thomas D. Owen near Davis, Lincoln County, Missouri.
anna Magdalene Janes, daughter of Robert Janes and Anna
Teresa Girten; born near Millwood, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Catholic; Millwood Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Isaac Watts Cannon ---- ~ ----*~-- ~ ---- --~~ Cora Agnes Womble
(Oct. 13, 1891) Apr. 25, 1871
836-Nelly Bly Cannone-~ --~- Oct. 10, 1892--Jul. 7, 189h
837-Richard Ira Cannon---~~Oct. 9, l89h~~Cct. 31, 1931
Isaac watts Cannon, born near Hawk Point, Missouri; Republican;
B1&0kSmith3 Modern Brothers of A.; married by J. L. Bethshores at
Paducah, Kentucky.
Cora Agnes Womble, daughter of Fountain Henry Womble_and
Ardelia Catnryne Trail, born at Davis, Missouri.
Address= South Sixth Street, Elsberry, Missouri,
,,i,?, _l
David Hubbard Cannon
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
V-316. _
Cynthia Margaret Cannon
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Themes Jefferson Cannon- ~-»--- -~ -»--~-- Roxio Gertrude Kerley
(Dec. 5, 1901) Nev. ik, 1883
83B~James Lowell Cannone ~~-- Oct. 5, 1902-~
839-Otto Cannon ~--~-- ~-e-~--Dec. 31, 19Oh~~
8hO-Thomas Lee Cannons---»~-Aug. El, 1907--
Thomas Jefferson Cannon, married by Douglass, Esq., at
Pocahontas, Randolph County, Arkansas; resided at Maynard,
Randolph County, Arkansas. e
Roxio Gertrude Kerley, daughter of Thomas Benton Kerley and
Arend Jane Bentley, born in Randolph County, Arkansas.
Lucinda Nichols Cannon
Gannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Missouri.
V-319. y
Esther Ann Cannon-~- ---~ 5 ---~ Jacob Zumwalt Haney
Deo. 16, 1827 _
Oct P 19:  
8hl~Earle Raney-»~~- - ---Feb. 22, l906»-Mar. 28, 19MB
8h2-Glen Raney-~~~-- »--Aug. 19, l90T-~ T
8h3~Paul Haney----»~~» ------ Feb. 3, l910e»
Esther Ann Gannon, born near Hawk Point, Missouri; affectionte
ly known in the family as "Essie"; Baptist; Republican; teacher;
married by Robert J. Connelly at Davis, Lincoln County, Mnssouri.
Jacob Zumwalt Raney, son of James Lloyd Raney and Kitty
Francis Zumwalt; born at Davis, Lincoln County, Missouri; Metho-
&13t; Democrat; Merchant; the second time married to Anna Elizabeth
of Columbia, Missouri, in November, 1930. Anna Elizabeth
Haney died January 15, l9hO, leaving one son,-Jay Zee Raney. Jacob
Zumwalt Raney, Old Alexandria Cemetery. -

Hattie Jane Cannon Qm§@,
Cannon Cemetepy, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Ella Lee Cannon..- _.»- -» »~»----~-- ---'~'~‘W3,]_'bGI" S3.nf0I‘d. D5JaI'na-tt
(Deo. 25, 1906)
May 23, 1881
8hh~Muriel DeJarnatt- ---~ -»»Jan. 27: 19l0“'
8]_|_5..SQn »--- ~~»- ------- - --#- °' F Bb. 3.1,  
Ella Lee Cannon, born at Hawk Point, Lincoln County, MiSS°Ufi3
Republican; married by C. L. Hess at Old Alexandria, Lincoln
Gegnty, Missouri.
Walter sanfere oeJeeeatt, een of seujamin Franklin oeJernatt
and Nancy Cora Gilmore, born at Mackville, Lincoln County: MiSS°UTi3
Democrat; Blacksmith-
James william Mosley
Cemetery at Ennis, Ellis County, Texas. '
R h 1 Alice Mggley ..... “_ ..-* ~~--- --Joseph Crofford Barkley
ac 6 (Mar. 23, 1881) Feb. 19, 1858
8h6-Clive Orson Barkley -“-~ ~M&y ll, 1333"-
8uT»Neva Olga Bark1ey~~~----May 11, 1535*“
SQB-Taylor Alma Barkley ---~ -Sep. 13, 1337“'
Rachel Alice Mosley, born at Hawk Point, Lincoln County,
Missouri; married by Rev. S. A. Stuckey at Joplin. M1SS°UPi~
Joseph Crofford Barkley. son of Ebenezer Barkley and Jane
Shields; Democrat; Farmer.
Charles Prentiss Mosley
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Missouri.
v"'325e I
Semor Davis Cannon--- ----------- -»
(FSbo 28,  
889-Jennie Northcutt Cannon-Mar
85O»Nelle Mable Cannone--»~-Sep
‘85l~Etta LaRue Cannon -»---~- Sep
852-Paul Watts Cannon~ -~---- Oct
853-Mary Prewitt Cannon ----- Jun
85h»Booker Powell Cannon---~Oct
855-Martha Ellen Cannon ~-~-- Oct
Martha Ellen Dickenson
oct. 18, 1867
. 9,
. 19,
. 26,
. ln,
. 2,
. 1,
a 99
Mar. 6, 1898
Semor Davis Cannon, born near Hawk Point, Missouri; Republi-
can; Teaming; M.w.A.. married by Wesley Slavens near Slavens
Chapel, Lincoln County, Missouri; spent boyhood on farm in Lincol
County, Missouri; in fall of l8?6 he and father moved to Joplin
lead and zinc mines; lived there until summer of l88T, then moved
back to Lincoln County and engaged in farming until 1890; after
1890 took teaming; 1901 took up blacksmithing and continued until
l90h when started traveling and in August of l9Oh located at
Windsor, Colorado.
Martha Ellen Dickenson, daughter of'William Powell Dickenson
and Mary Frances Kilo, born in Elliott County, Kentucky; Cannon
Isaac Reed Gannon
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mary Elizabeth Cannon ------ ------ --~- ---Richard Levi Fine
(Sep, ln, 1885) Oct. 7, 1858
856~Walter Algol Fine»- ---~ -Oct. 28, l886~-
End- --~------ »~- -------------------- ~~---S. Edward Sparks
Mary Elizabeth Cannon, born in Bourbois, Casconade County,
Missouri; M.W.A.; married by W. D. Grant at Fairview, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
Richard Levi Fine, son of Melchezidek Fine and Eliza Owings;
born at Truxton, Missouri; Republican; Farmer; M.W.A.; Postmaster
at Bellflower, Missouri, from 1920 to 1930.
Luke Lee Cannon '
Gannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.

David Hubbard Cannon- -»-- ~---~ »*~~ --~- - -~~--Effie Lou Swan
(May 25, l9O?) May 7, 1890
857~Ruby Lorene Cannon ---- --apr. 8, 1908-
David Hubbard Cannon, born in Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri;
came to Lincoln County when one year old; Representative of Mutual
Protective League and Merchants' Life Insurance, Liveryman, married _
by Rev. J. S. Eames at residence of Rev. Eames; known in family as
!!4I|inkll '
Effie Lou Swan, daughter of Samuel Anderson Swan and Hattie
Miser; born in Whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Frances Trail -----------~-~--- Lawrence
(Occ. 5, 1870) Jan. 10,
-Edward James Mulligan---Jan.
-George William Mulligan-Apr.
-Lawrence Thomas Mulligan-Dec
-Leo Mulligan -------»~---
-Genevieve Mulligan ------ Jan.
-Mary Ramona Mulligan -~-- Aug.
-Eunice Mulligan --------- Apr.
-Gladys Mulligan-- ------- Anr.
»Anthony Virgil Mulligan-Jun.
Frances Trail, born in Lincoln County,
Democrat; married by William J. Howlett at Central
Thomas Mulligan
::Dec. 9, 1890
"'Sepl 9,  
Missouri; Catholic;
City, Colorado. ;_
Lawrence Thomas Mulligan, son of Edward Mulligan and Mary Ann
Gribbon; born in Mishawaka, Indiana; Catholic; Democrat; Farmer;
K.‘of C.; Elks; Resided in Longmont, Colorado.
Mary Jane Trail -~~---~- ~------------ ---Thomas Howlett
(sep. 5, 1875) ree. 11, l8hh
Mary Jane Trail, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Catholic; 5
Democrat; Pioneers; married by Bishop Maohebeuf at Denver, Colorado.
Thomas Howlett, son of John Howlett and Ellen Doyle; born
in Monroe County, New York; Catholid; Democrat; Farmer and stockman;
K, of C.; resided at Longmont, Colorado.
James Rollins Trail- ------~---» ~ ----- -~--Martha E. Sales
(Jun. 22, 1895)
86?-Olive Trail ---»-~»--~--~ Jul. ll, 1896--
wi <9
M “fl
James Rollins Trail, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Catholic,
Democrat; Farmer; married in Denver, Colorado; estranged from his
wife; resided for a time at Hanceville, B.C.; died at El Taco,
George.McLellan Trail
Cannon Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Rachel Rebecca Brown
Nancy Emaline Brown
Rollins Brown-~ ----~--~---~
(Sep. 9, l869)
868-St. Elmo Brown -----»---- Sep
869¢Willie Clifton Brown-~~»Mar
870-Eugene Brown ~--~- ~--- -- May
87l~Lsman Brown ~---~--~----- Mar
872-Charlton Brown» -~-~~ ~--- May
873-Mollie Lorena Brown ---- -Sep
878-Effie Brown--~ ~~--- --~-- Jan
875-Thomas Irvin Brown ~»~~-- Apr
876-Fenton Brown ---~ ~------ ~0ct
Rollins Brown, born in Christian
Democrat; Farmer; married by Rev. A. B. West
Illinois; resided at Coleman City, Coleman C
Frances Edmonia Cayce
oct. 28, 1862
County, Kentucky;
at washington County,
ounty, Texas.
Frances Edmonia Cayce, daughter of Isaac Newton Cayce and
Martha Ellen Graves, born in Christian County, Kentucky; Christian;
Home Benefit Association.
Mary Lausenth Brown-~~»~»-- ~-~~ »~-~--- ---Joel Wade Jones
(Feb. 16, l87O) Feb. 21, l8h5
Mar. 18, 1878
svvaaesry wade Jones ---- »~~-nov. sv, 1870~~
Mary Lausentn Brown, born in Fairview, Christian County,
Kentucky; Christian; married by Rev. A, B. west at Ashley, Illinois
Joel Wade Jones, son of William Jones and Annie Carter, born
at Butler, Chocktaw County, Alabama; Democrat; Farmer; 1.0.0.F.
Cemetery, Ashley, Illinois; resided at Minonk, Illinois.

Samuel Cravener Brown ~--------~--~~---* ---Alta Sarah Brown
(Mar. 28, 1878) _oet,ti3, 1859
~-~ 8?8#Frederiok Samuel Brown-#Sep. ln, l8?8--
Samuel Cravener Brown, born in Fairview, Christian County,
Kentucky; Methodist; Democrat; married by Ret. Ai W. Smith at
Nashville, Illinois; Stock dealer; I30.0aF Cemetery, Ashley,
Illinois; Methodist. M _ - -_
Alta Sarah Brown, daughter of John Brown and Mary Sides;
born in Ashley, Washington County, Illinois; Methodist; the second time
married to M. El Murray on July 3, 1887, and no children were born
to this marriage; resided at Ashley, Illinois.
Ephraim AsherryBBrown--=--------4----»----Fannie Bell Martin
(Oct. Y, 1883) 1860
879-Karl E. Brown --~--~----- Sep; 12; l88h--
Ephraim Aeberry Brown, born in Fairview, Christian County,
Kentucky; Democrat; Horse dealer; married at Nashville, Illinois;
I.0.0.F. Cemetery, Ashley, Illinois.
Fannie Belle Martin, daughter of Samuel A. Martin and Mary Jane
Thomas, horn in McGanboro, Illinois; Baptist; Rebekah.
Amelia Bell Brown- ----»- -- ~---~ ~-~-------- Louis Edwin MeNa11
Nov. 7, 1859
Oct. 27, 1905
(ret. 8, 1882)
880-Wallace Edwin McNeil----Mar. 19, 1883--
881-Mahel Clair McNeil ~--- ~-Sep. 20, l88h--
882»-aisle Bell renal; ----- --sep. 30, 1888--
883-Myrta May McNeil -~------ Aug. 17, 1889--
88h-Amelia Bell McNeil --»--- Mar. 15, 1892--
Amelia Bell Brown, born in Fairview, Christian County, Kentucky;:
married by Rev. Josiah Tuttle at Ashley, Illinois; cemetery at Ashlby.
llinois. 7
Louis Edwin McNeil, son of William Jasper McNeil and Theresa _S
Christina Beck; horn in Ashley, washington County, Illinois; Metho-
dist; Democrat; M.M.A.; I.0.0.F.; Farmer and stock dealer; cemetery
at g§g&g§, Illinois.
v-381. '
@%`@| Hattie Augusta Brown --------~- - --~----- Francis Marion Morgan
` (Jul. 23, l88h) Jul. ll, 186k
88S»Ephraim S. Morgan- ---- --Aug. 27, 1887--Sep. T, 1888
886-Alice Marie Morgan ---- --Jun. 5, 1891
887~Ethyl Augusta Morgan---»Feb. 17, 1893
nn 9
Hattie Augusta Brown, born in Christ
County, Kentucky;
Christian; married by Rev. J. Tuttle at Ashle
y, Illinois.
Rev. Francis Marion Morgan, son of Eli Carrol Morgan and
Elizabeth Emilyne Standard; born in Johnson County, Illinois;
Christian; Prohibition; M.M.A.; Minister.
Isaac Cannon Trail--~- ~--- - ------- --Mollie Catherine Shelton
(Dec. 12, 1878) Nov. T. l85h
Nov. 7, 1931
888-Gertrude Lou Trail ------ Got. 21, 1879a»
889~Isa Bettie Trail ~---~ ---Jun. 12, 1882-~Feb. 17, l95?
89C4William Wilson Trail ~--- Nov. h, l88h--Dec. 19, 1956
Isaac Cannon Trail, born in Pike Cou
g , Illinois; Christian
Democrat; married by Reverend Pryor in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mollie C. Shelton, daughter of Wilson Shelton and Catherine
Daniels; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Christian; resided at
New Hope, Missouri.
I James Marion Trail-- ----- ----- ------ »-Sarah Virginia Daniels
(Jan. 18, 1877) Jul. 6, 1856
Deo. 16, 1923
891-James Linden Trail------Dec. 16, l8?7
892-William Samuel Trail-e-whug. 23, 1879 Jul. ll, 195m
893-Edward Garfield Trail--~Aug. Zh, 1881 Jun. 1, 1939
89h-Thomas Homer Trail-- -~-- Sep. ll, 1885
895-Charles Lee Trail ------ ~Feh. 7, 1890
James Marion Trail, horn in Lincoln
Christian; Democrat; M.B.S.; married by B
County, Missouri;
ey. Errette at residence
of Samuel Daniels, Lincoln County, Missouri; Farmer; Mill Creek
Sarah Virginia Daniels, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
daughter of Samuel Daniels and Mary Virginia Annison (Samuel
Daniele, son of Samuel Daniels, Sr., and Susan Richards. Mary
Virginia Annison, daughter of Elijah Annison and Frances ((Fanny))
Browning. Samuel Daniels, Jr., brother of John ((Jacn)) Daniels
who married Catherine Mayes. See Mayes Book) Christian; Mill Creek

Kezia Adeline Trail ----~--~- ~»-~ ~--~-- "James Samuel Jeffries
(Jul. 1?, 1879) Jen, 22, l8h2
Deo. 10, 1912
896-Frances Louisa Jeffriee~Mar. 22, 1881-~ 1951
Kezia Adeline Trail, horn in Lincoln County, Missouri; united
with New Hope Christian Church under ministry of Reverend Abbott.
James Samuel Jeffries, born at Warrenton, Virginia; the only
son of Bryant Jeffries and Sarah ; joined Christian Church
in April of l87h, Deacon and Elder;-first married to Eunice Brown
who died August 2, 1373. and to which union were born Samuel Brown
Jeffries (died March 30, 1873, at age of six years eight months and
Elsberry Cemetery. 1
V-3h5~ I
days) and Sarah Ann Jeffries who married Joseph R. Wilkinson
Sarah Catherine Trail--»~~ -~---- ~ ~---- Robert Daniel Mitchell
(Dec. 11, 1879) Mar. au, 1856
897»Myrtle Linn Mitchell---~Oct. 2,
898-Harry Caly Mitchell ---~- Apr. 17, 1881--
899 1888--
-Robert Trail Mitchell---Jan.
900-Howard Raymond Mitchell-Oct.
901-Joseph Ray Mitchell~----May
Sarah Catherine Trail, horn in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Democrat; married by Reverend Albert Mitchell in Lincoln County,
Missouri; Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Robert Daniel Mitchell, born in Lewis County, Missouri; son
of John W. Mitchell and Sarah Reading; Baptist; Democrat; Farmer;
married Mary Susan Thall on October 22, 1907, and resided at
Frankford, Pike County, Missouri.
M&?y Elizabeth Trai1--~~- ~--------- ~ ---- Thomas Andrew Patton
May 19, 1856
Jen. ao, 1931
1881--Jul. au, 1883
(ree. 3, 1881)
902-Emma Trail Patton -~-~- ~-Dec. 27,
Mary Elizabeth Trail,_known in the family as "Bettie"; born
in Lincoln County, Missouri; Oak Ridge Cemetery.
Thomas Andrew Patton later married Martha Wells Trail (V~3h8)
(See Bio§raphical History of St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren Counties,
Pass M75
v-311% '
    John Brooks Henderson Trail
` Ceuncu Cemetery on Stinebaugh Place.
Martha Wells Trail -~a°~---~-"' ""*'
(Nov. 12, 1885)
903-Jens w1111em Patten-----Oct. 30.
90h-Ira Thomas Patton»--~-~~Feb.
Martha Wells Trail, known in the fam
Lincoln County, Missouri; Christian; MQPP
at New Hope, Missouri; Oak Ridge Cemetery
Thomas Andrew Patton, son of John A.
----Thomas Andrew Patton
may 19,'l856
Jun. 20, 1931
6, 1891--
ily as "Mattie"; born in
iéd by Rev. To-Al Abbott:
Patton and Amaranda Jamisoué
horn in Paynesville, Pike C0UDtJ» Misaaurii R@P“b1i°an5 A'O'V°W‘5 i
FQPMBP; P6Sided at El3b9PPY, Mi5S0UTi§ 08k Ridge cemetary*
_ William Thomas Trail
QWfg| Born near Linn Knoll Church, Lincoln C0HHtF» MiSS°“PiS Elgbaffl
Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri-
Joseph R. Trail
New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri-
Richard Curtis TP&i1“~-~~*~*”~"“"*'“
(Nov. 2h, 1395)
905~Mary Luoile Trail--~--~"AU8~
906~Samuel Hose Trail~~~»“~°3@P-
907-Frances Olevia Trail--~~MaY
908-Richard Curtis Trail -~-- Apr.
909~Doran Frisbie`Trail~ --~- Aug.
Beulah Elsherry Singleton
Nov. gu, 1878
Apra 10, 1955
8, 1900~»Nov¢ 28, 1908
1902-~Jul. 28, 1953
Riehard Curtis Trail, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; merchant
in Elsberry for 33 years, Baptist, Deacon in Elsberry Baptist Church;
Son gf william P, Trail and Frances Sitton; Elsherry Cemeterye
Beulah Elsberry Singl@t0H, daughter
of Samuel Tioen Singleton .
Ml ' _
ML ' and Olevia Ann Elsberry; Baptist; Elsberry Cemetery.

Harry Trail-~ ----- ~~ ------ ~ --~- ~---- ---- *--- Lillian Meyer fl'
(nee. 19, 1900) Jul. 10, 1881 M [9
Jul. 5, l9M2 ‘
910-Russell Thomas Traile---Sep. 15, 1901--
911-William Cannon Trai1~-e-Sep. T, 1903~-Deo. 23, l90_
912-Joseph Trail- -~-~- »--- --
913 Milford Trail- ~--~ ~---- -
91M Emma Alice Trail -----»--
915 Harry H. Trail~- -------- Mar. 6, 1910--Mar. 9, 19MS
Lillian Meyer, daughter of Christian and anna Meyer; born in
Elsberry, Missouri; New Hope Cemetery; Baptist.
“ Harry Trail, Merchant; resided at seee1ee1, Mieeeuri.
Bessie Lynn Trail --------~---~------ Robert Edward Lee Martin
(Apr. H, 1395) Apr. 2, 1865
Apr, 21, 1930
916-Verba Trail Martin~ ----- Aug. 12, l896~-
917-Mary Pauline Martin ----- Jul. ln, l899~-
9l8~Mellie Lee Martin--- -~-- Jul. 22, l9C2-- _
Bessie Lynn Trail, born in New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri; UL Q,
Christian; Democrat; married by Hey. Martin at New Hope, Missouri;
Oak Ridge Cemetery.
Robert Edward Lee Martin, born in New Hope, Missouri; son
of Thomas G. Martin and Phoebe Case; Christian; Democrat; M.M.A.;
Farmer and carpenter; married to Hose V. Simmets on August 21,
1907 (Rose V. Simmets born October 13, 1878); resided at Cabool,
Texas County, Missouri.
Ephraim Trail
Cemetery in Christian County, Kentucky.
Robert Traile »---- ¢~-»-~--~~ -------- ~-~- Effie Mae Stone
(Aug. 15, 1908) Sep. 23, 1888
919-Floyd Ephraim Trail --~-- Jul. 31, 1909--
Robert Trail, born near New Hope, Missouri; Democrat; Farmer;
Mason; married by James R.. Sager at Hardin, Illinois; Elsberry Cemetery.    
Effie use Stone, daughter of John I. Stone and s11eeeete Jones,
born near Louisville, Missouri; Methodist.
John Cordon Trail-~~» ~~-~ ~~- ~--~ ~--- -~-~Bsssie M. Penn
(sue. 28, 1902)
John Gordon Trail, born at New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Democrat; Elk; K. of P.; Druggist; married in Oswego, Kansas;
estranged from wife in March of 1908; resided in Eldorado Springs,
Cedar County, Missouri.
Bessie M. Penn, daughter of Charles Miller and Johannah
Miller; address given as "Hotel business, Meth City, Missouri".
Mollie Lee Trail-» »--------------~- ~~-*Samuel Meek Snodgrass
(Apr. 30, 1590) rev. 12, 1883
920-Clyde Trail Snodgrass~~-Apr. M, 1892--
Mollie Lee Trail, born at New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Methodist; Rebekah; married by Reverend Thomas Alton at Harwood,
Vernon County, Missouri.
Samuel Meek Snodgrass, son of Benjamin Snodgrass and Sallie
ann Snodgrass; Methodist; Democrat; a.F. a~a;M.; 1.0.0.F.; W.O.W.;
K.ofP.; Pharmacist; represented Cedar County in State Legislature
l9l3~l9lE, Mayor of Eldorado l9l6=19l8; elected to State Senate
in 1922.
Jennie Ann Trail
Born at New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri; Creenlawn
Cemetery, Harwood, Missouri.
James Broady Trail
James Broady Trail, born in New Hope, Missouri; Farmer;
Democrat; Greenlawn Cemetery, Harwood, Vernon County, Missouri.
Doran Berniece Trail
Ancient,Cannon Cemetery near New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri
Viola Belle Trail --»---- -»--- »----- » »~»Finis Lee Ewing
(Feb. Ll.;   Juni 9,  
Viola Belle Trail, born at New Hope, Missouri; married by Rev.
Shook at Eldorado Springs, Missouri; died at Eldorado Springs, Cedar
County, Missouri; cemetery at Harwood, Vernon County, Missouri.

Finis Lee Ewing, son of Finis Young Ewing and Mattie Olivia
Davis; born in Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri; President of Harwood
Bank and Assistant Cashier; Demorat; resided at Harwood, Vernon
County, Missouri; Democrat.
watt William Trail “*" “"“““ “"°-“ "~~~---Bessie Evelyn Williams
<Mer» 5, 1906) Jun. u, lsso
watt William Trail, born in Schell City, Vernon County,
Missouri; Democrat; Farmer; married by Reverend T. E. Prall at
Schell City, Missouri; Doorkeener of Missouri State Senate 1927-
Bessie Evelyn Williams, daughter of John Williams and Anna
Laura McCoy, born in Chicago, Illinois; Rockville, Bates County
Missouri. ’
V"363. _
Thomas Walter Trail
Lumbormen; Harwood, Vernon County, Missouri.
V~36h. i
Robert Boy Trail
Greenlawn Cemetery, Harwood, Vernon County, Missouri,
John William Trail
John William Trail, born at New Hope, Missouri; Democrat;
glefk for Wellg FQPBO and GONPCUY; Eastern Star; Mason, Methodist;
nglewood Park Cemetery, Los Angeles, California.
George Rollins Trail --~---- aa..._ m
(Nov. 6, 1901)
l 921~Carly1e o. Trail ----- ~~-Jun
922~Mary Elizabeth Trail-~--Feb
923-Lillian Eline Trail-»--~Jan
92h-John Derwood Trail --~»-- Apr
92S~George Allen Traile---~-Nov
9264Wil1& M&Pie TP&i1~- -»--- Deg
927~Genevieve Isabel Trail--Jul
92B~Franoee Jane Trail-~---~Mar
929eKenneth R. Trail-~-----~Aug
George Rollins Trail, born near New
Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; M.w,A.; 1.0.
Georgia Elizabeth Cannon
Jann 10, 1883
Mer 6. l9M7
25, 1902--Jun. 25, 1902
1910--Feb. 21, 1919
, Lincoln County,
; Farmer and stock trader
tt W!
married by J. S. Eames at residence of H. W. Cannon near Brussells,
Lincoln County, Missouri; Olive Lawn Cemetery, Buena Park, California
Georgie Elizabeth Cannon, daughter of George Washington Cannon
and Sarah Elizabeth Elston; born at Auburn, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; No. 635 in direct line; Olive Lawn Cemetery, Buena Park,
Hattie Belle Trail-~-»~-~-»~ »~---- --»-» William Cass Callaway
(sep. 2, 1911) Aug. 21, 18?5
Mortician; appointed Postmaster at Old Monroe, Missouri, l9lh;
Address: Ferris, California.
Mary Jane (Mollie) Scott
Besides with sister, Mrs. Mattie Forest Shipp, in St. Louis,
Joseph Nicholas Scott
Died at an early age.
---- ---ewalter Mayes
May 3, 156
Feb. 10, 193
Margaret Eugenia Scott~ ~--~------ -
(Sep. 25, l88?}
iseiflret. 5, 1892
1592-»Nov» 7: 1953
930»Mary Eta Mayes ---- ~- ---~ Jun. 27,
931-Hallie Mayes-~ -»-- -~~---Sep.
932-Margaret Elsie Mayes----Dec. 1,
933~Charles Thomas Mayes~»-eaug. ll, l895-»
93h-Melba Eugenia Mayes ----» Aug. 9, l899~-
Walter Mayes, Christian; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville,
Missouri. (No. 100 in Mayes Book)
Margaret Eugenia Scott, daughter of Dr. James Thomas Scott and
Elizabeth Dameron, born in Paynesville, Missouri; graduate Pritchett
Institute; Music teacher in Texas and Missouri; Christian; Sister
of Mrs. B. E. (Sadie) Black; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville,
John Preston Scott
Died in infancy.

Maud Scott
_ Died in infancy.
M&Ptha Forest Scott~---- ---. ae- ______ _Benjamin
(Sap. ao, 1886) Jun
935~E1izabeth Blanton se.s° sh~ as
936=Louise Adeline Sh1ppj-fim"_i€?-M;§
937-Th0mas Scott Shipp-_-»__ ._._ _m_peC
938-Dorothy Ossina Shippe- ---- -~_~.Aug
. 8,
= 12,
. 7,
, 9,
. 27,
, 27,
Martha Forest Scott born n P 1 .
married by Rev, E, K. Miller at §;;1¢i§n§§;s88;l.Missouris Christian;
Blanton Shipp
et, ,195T
Benjamin Blanton Shipp, son of Ben' ° _
_ gamln Blanton Shlpp and L 1
gdgléhg 81§tbn, born at Paynesville, Missouri; Christian; Repubigcji;
= ~ - as ,M.A., Merchant in wholesale grocery business
Viola Elliott Black
GPS@Uw00d Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri
Alma Russell Black
Gfeonwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike County, Misgoufi
Robert Edward Dameron
Midland, Texas,
George Dameron
Midland, Texas,
Minice Godsey Dameron
Lillie Eugenia Dameron
Died in infancy.
is -5
Mabel Martha Blach~~~~~ --~-» ~-~~~~~~»~»»~Robert Davis Waters
(Jun. ll, 1892) Jan, 6, 1862
M9-Y 5: 19)-I-7
939-Robert Gordon Waters----Jule ll, 1893*-
QMG-Mabel Blanch Meters--~~~Aug. 9, 1895--
Mabel Martha Black, daughter of Robert E. Black and Sudie Je
Dameron; charter member of Elsberry Christian Church; attended
Gulver~Stookton College, Canton, Missouri, and Northeast Missouri
State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri; Elsberry Cemeterye
Robert Davis Waters, son of John M, Meters and Mary Whiteside.
George Abel Blacke ~--»-~--~- »-~-e ~--~-~ ~-Minnie Agnes Powell
(Nov, 23, 1893) Sep. 17, 1373
Cots 23, 1932
9hl~Harry Edward Black- ~~-~ ~May 23, 1898~-Aug. ln, 1957
George Abel Black, born at New Hope, Missouri; Demoorat;
Christian; I.0,0.F.; M,M,A¢, married by Ret. R. D. Robertson at
Elsberry, Missouri.
Minnie Agnes Fowell, daughter of William Harrison-Powell ana
Elizabeth Agnes Holmes; born near Elsberry, Missouri,Methodist;
Elsberry Cemetery.
V~382» y
Alpha Christina Black~~~~-» ---~--------~ ~~James Moorg Marrow
{OCta 27,   D@¢o   1 7
Apr. 25, l9h9
9h2~Mary Christina Marrow~~Mare 20, 1909-W
al h Christina Black daughter of Robert Elliott Black and
p a
Sudie Jane Dameron; born at New Hope, Missouri; Elsberry Public
' i' Christian’
Schools and Selden High School, St. Louis, Missour , ,
D.A.R.; married in Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri, by Mr.
James Moore Marrow, born in Caledonia, Washington County, V
Missouri; son of Frank1in_Patrick Marrow and Helen Elizabeth
Moore; B,S. Bellevue Collegiate Institute; Christian; Republican;
' - f F' h r
Mason; Washington athletic Club, Secretary Treasurer o 18 e
Flooring Mills Company, Seattle, Washington; Evergreen Memorial
Park, Seattle, Washington.
Mary Jessie Black
President of Missouri State Federated Clubs, for many years
volunteer librarian of Elsberry Library; namesake of Jessie Black Club

Robert Alphonso Black~--- -~~-~-* ~~ -~---~- --Anna Vsrtna Wiggs
(sep. 23, 1903) Jun, 23, 1878
9h »Virginia Louise Black~--Nov. 15, l9Oh--
Qu -Robert Alphonso B1ack,Jr.Feb. 3, 1907s-
9h5-David Kenyon Black ------ Aug. 22, 1909--
9H6~Kirtley Elliott Black---Aug. 1912--
Rohert Alphonso Black, born at New Hope, Missouri; Christian;
Prohibition; for many years teacher in Sunday School at Union
Avenue Christian Church, St. Louis, Missouri, and teacher of Sunday
School class at Elsberry Christian Church; Auditor and office manager
of J. J. Newman Lumber Company; Executive of Ralston-Purina Company,
St, Louis, Missouri.
Anna Vertna Nigga, daughter of Benn Pressly Wiggs and Elizabeth
Frances Ford; born in Fulton, Missouri; Christian.
Margaret Jane Black ~»~-------- ---Joe Henry Smeltaer Caldwell
(Apr, 18, 1906) ost, it, 1880
Sep; lh, 1983
987-Joe Elliott oe1owe11~~--Apr. 12, 1910-»
Margaret Jane Black, born at New Hope, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Christian; History Club; Priscilla Club; married by
Rev. B. G. Beavis at Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; High River
Cemetery, High River, Alberta, Canada, '
Joe Henry Smeltzer Caldwell, son of John Matt Caldwell and
Addie Smeltzer; born in Pike County, Missouri; Christian; Farmer;
Democrat; High River Cemetery, High River, Alberta, Canada.
Roscoe Bruce Black- ---- -~--- - ---- » -~-- ~~ ---- Ethel Ashbrook
(Oct, 28, 1909) ost, 22, 1881
ret, 28, 1930
QMS-Mary Elizabeth Black---~Jan, 10, 1911--
Roscoe Bruce Black, Elsherry High School; managed Black Farms,
Elsberry, Missouri; Mason; Scottish Rite; Honorary 33rd Degree Mason;
Republican; Elsherry Cemetery.
Ethel Ashbrook, horn in Cincinnati, Ohio; daughter of william
Henry Ashbrook and Mary Eliza Morris; Hughes High School, Cincinnati,,
Ohio; Beeville Business College; O.E.S.; Chapter A,I. of P.E.O.;
Democrat; member of faculty of Southwestern Louisiana Institute,
Lafayette, Louisiana; cemetery at Beeville, Texas.
dw 1.
t»38a. .
Reginald Dameron Black- --~~» ~ -~------~- Gertrude Ethel H8fm0H
(apr. 23, leo?) sep. 1, 1888
Que-Robert HarmentB$aek- ~»#- Deo. 18, l907““
Reginald Dameron Black, born in Elsberry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Democrat; A;F. & A. Ma; Pharmacist; Barnes 0011686 ef
Pharmacy, Ph. C.; married in St. Charles, Missouri.
Gertrude Ethel Harmon, daughter of Henry Clay HHFMOU and Mafy
Reddish; born in Jerseyville, Illinois.
Address: Elsherry, Missouri.
Mary wi1tinson--~--- - -- ~~~~--- -- _,l 898890
and _______ --_,-_-_--- ..___ ~ ~»»~ ------ *‘ Unknown
Mary Wilkinson, married in State of California where her
father had emigrated; first married a Mrs Norton by whom She had
several children and was the second time married after Mr. Morton‘s
de&th; wa, Tesideng in San Diego, California, in February 1888 and
is thought to have beanie widow at that time with two children.
Jets allen WilkiDS0U
Buried in State of California.
V1-3e0._ '
Milton Wilkinson
Buried in State of California.
H B1 ford Curtisv--~»- ---~ ~““f ~--* "-7--'fLYdi8 Fl@iS0h@P
ear? u’ 0 ; " jest, 29,f18B8) _ ,Jan-_5, 1866
95O»George Harrison Curtis»~Jun. 28, l5@§“'
Benjamin Franklin Curtis-Cct.j2, l§31:=©et, 7, 1918
ah. Meryl Gurtisref ~-~~ ~~-Deo,*3i»"1893~- '
953-Nellie Bly Curtis~~~~~f1fN0V~ 22, 1395-~
95h»Mabel`Dean Curtis -~-----~ Sep. 9, 1397*-
Henyy Blufofd t,yt;;, bore in rieasant Hill, Pike County,
Illinois;_attended,Chmpbell_Normal University, Holton, Kansas;
Bapfigt; Demogrmtg s.0.U.n, Lodge; married at Valley Falls, Kansddi
Spring Grove Cemetery, valley Falls, Jefferson Countla Kan5a5°

Lydia Fleischer, daughter of George N. Fleischer and Anna
Booth; born in Lincoln, Nebraska; Methodist; Dosfoe of Honor
Lodge; Valley Falls, Jefferson County, Kansas.
Mary Jane Curtis ----- -~ ~~-~ -~~~~-f- ---Nathan BPQORC Douglas
(Jul. 18, 1882) Circa, l8h5
Jul. 1,1895
955~Howard Tillman Douglas-~May 12, 1883--
956-Harry Burt Douglas --~- --Jan. 28, 1885--Feb. 5, l892
957~Allce Eugenia Douglas--~Dec..l6, 1887»-
958»Carollne Elizabeth Douglas-Apr.lh,l889-
959»Harry Max Douglas --~- ~»-Feb. 2, 1892--
960-Robert Hugh Douglas ~--- ~Jan, 29, l89h~-
96l»Nel1ie Brooks Douglas-»-Deo. 1, 1895"-
2nd-~ --~--------------»----»~--- ~-~~ ----~ -James C. Etting
(Jan. 15, 1902) Unknown
Mary Jane Curtis, born in Pleasant Hill, Pike county, I11iD0iS5
Baptist; married by Reverend George Scott at Tecumseh, Nebraska;
cemetery ln Tecumseh, Nebraska.
Nathan Brooks Douglas, son of William Warner Douglas, Democrat;
Laborer; previously married and father of twins -- Ida and Stephen
Douglas; cemetery in Tecumseh, Nebraska.
Frank Allen Curtis
Born in Huntsville, Schuyler County, Illinois; Farmer;
Democrat; resided at Victoria, Texas, and Salerno, Florida.
William W. Curtis
Lucius Webster Gurtis~-»-» -~----- ~--~Bertha Maude Edith Cram
- (Apr. lh, 1896) Jun. 18, 1878
962~Lucy Maude Curtis» ------ Feb. 18, 1898-~
Znde --~--- ---------- -Mrs. Mamie Isabel Barnes (Neo Deane)
Jul. 22, 1902) aug. 25, 1869
Lucius Webster Curtis, born in Tecumseh, Johnson County,
Nebraska; Democrat; Veterinarian; married by Rev. George Scott
at Tecumseh, Nebraska; divorced and second time married by Mamie
Isabel Barnes (Nec Deane) by Judge Vanselver at Norwalk, Ohio;
cemetery at Alliance, Nebraska.
Cl "U
f?J "Bertha Maude Edith Cram, daughter of Charles Henry Cram and
Sarah Ellen Manley; born near Terre Haute, Tutnam County, Missouri;
Christian; Rebekah; married second time to Phillip A. Johnson on
December 28, 1905; resided at RED 3, Tumwater, Thurston County,
Washington. _
Mamie Isabel Barnes, daughter of Joseph Deane and Mary Jane
Massey; born in Fairview, Kansas; Baptist; previously married.
Wesley Lyman Curtis »--~-- ~ -~-~»-- ~---~-Rachel Manta Campbell
(Dec. 28, 1898) res. 23, 1871
g Mar N, 1928
963»Jchn Campbell Curtis--»~Aug. 3, 19oo~»Aug. 11, 1900
96h~Martha Elizabeth Curtis-Aug. 29, 1901~-
965~Dcnald Wesley Curtis ~--- Jane 20, l90h--
966-Mary Campbell Curtis----Jul. 15, 1908~»
2nd““ "'“"'“" ‘“"°“ “"~-~ -~--"“ '--r ------- eAlice Evans Long
('Sep° 153   Nov. 93  
Wesley Lyman Curtis, born in Cook, Nebraska; Republican;
President Of School Board; A.F. a a.s.; attendee Holton Normal,
Holton, Kansas, Grand Island College, Grand Island, Nebraska, and
Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, M.D.; married by Rev.
Pierce at Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska.
Rachel Mints Campbell, daughter of Michael Campbell and Martha
A. Harris; Christian; Teacher; born in Thornton, Indiana.
.Alice Evans Long, daughter of Arthur J, Evans and Bessie
Hanchett. _
Resided at 1503 South 22nd Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1925.
Lillian B. Curtis
Buried in Cook County, Nebraska.
Lutie W. Curtis
Cook, Johnson County, Nebraska.
Bessie Lewis 0urtis-~- -~--~--- »--~ »~~wi11iam James Nelson
(Oct. 31, 1900) Oct. 30, 1872
96?~Evelyn Elizabeth Nelson»Oct. Zh, 1902--
968~Crace Frances Nelson~-~-Nov. 28, l9Oh--Jan. 16, l9C5
969eJohn Edison Nelson-~~-»~Nov. 25, 1905-~
970~Lawrence Julius Nelson~-Jan. 19, l909»~

Bessie Lewis Curtis, born in Johnson County, Nebraska; Baptist;
attended Omaha Commercial College and Grand Island Baptist College;
married by Rev. J, Charles Pedersen at Dannebrog, Howard County,
William James Nelson, son of Lawrence Nelson and Marie Nelson;
born at Dannebrog, Howard County, Nebraska; Democrat; Plumber;
Colorado Master Plumber's Association; in l925 resided at 2lh9 K
Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Samuel Cannon Curtis
Cook, Johnson County, Nebraska.
William Blufford Cannon
Pleasant Hill, Pike County, Illinois.
P Purrintha Alma Cannon ----~----------~- ---- Harry Swift Berry
(Feb. au, 1886) Nev. 19, 1860
Mar. 13, 1919
971-Jireh Swift Berry »~-- ~»~Jan. 9, l88T~~
9?2-Martha Elizabeth Berry--Nov. 19, l888~»Oct. 28, 1889
973-John Darwin Richard Berry~Sep.l2,l89l--
Purrintha Alma Cannon, born in Illinois; Teacher; attended
Kansas Normal; married by Rev. Scott at Tecumseh, Johnson County,
Nebraska; cemetery at Tecumseh, Nebraska.
Harry Swift Berry, son of Darwin Hyde Berry and Martha A.
Wightman; Farmer; Republican; M.w.A.; Knights of Pythias; born in
Illinois; cemetery at Tecumseh, Nebraska.
Alice Nettie Cannon -----------~--------- Charles Francis Long
(Nev. 3, 1887) Jul. 31, 1862
97h-Bessie Alice Long ----~-- Aug. 6, 1888--Apr. 5, 1889
Alice Nettie Cannon, born at Pleasant Hill, Pike County,
Illinois; Methodist; Teacher; married by Rev. Priestly at Pleasant
Hill, Pike County, Illinois; cemetery at Bellview, Calhoun County,
Charles Francis Long, born at Bellview, Calhoun County,
Illinois; son of Samuel Long and Christena Fisher; attended
Chaddock College at Quincy, Illinois; Farmer; Presbyterian;
Republican; Elks; Home Guardians; second time married to Mary Anne
Barker (b. June 7, 1877) at Hanna, South Dakota, on June 13, l90h;
resided at Newcastle, Weston County, Wyoming. P
"f"”“ P8 8PPP"`__'PPN€P`N
Nt sp
18 T
uvisaok. `
John Seymour Cannon
Buried at Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska.
Samuel Richard Cannon
Buried at Nebo, Pike County, Illinois.
Charles Henry Cannon
Charles Henry Cannon, born at Marshall, Missouri; Democrat;
Merchant; I.0.0.F.; attended Brown‘s Business College; cemetery
at Nebo, Pike County, Illinois.
Jane Webster Cannon ------ ~ -------~--~ ~=Edward Blgthe Patrick
(Oes. 8, 1893) ret. 9, 1 65
9?5»Mary Amanda Patrick~ ---- Oct. l, 1902--
976-Edward Cannon Patrick--wang. 22, 1909*-
Jane Webster Cannon, born in Pleasant Hill, Pike County,'
Illinois; attended Heath Musical College, Kenosha, Wisconsin;i
exceptionally successful music teacher; Christian; Rebekah;
Eastern Star; Ladies Aid Society of Christian Church; married by
Rev. Frank Lewis at Nebo, Illinois.
Edward Blythe Patrick, son of Eli
McCorker; born in Washington, Tazewell
Bryant and Stratton College, Abingdon,
Editor of El Campo (Texas) Citizen and
Patrick and Mary A.
County, lllinois; attended
Illinois; Christian; Democrat;
News; I.0.0.F.; K, of P.;
M.B.A.; N.O.W.; El Campo, Wharton County, Texas. -
Fannie Margaret Curtis- ----- ---~-~--- --Charles Henry Micklam
(Mar. 13, l88h) Jan. 12, 1853
e77~cnester R. Miekiam ~--- --Jae. h, 1885-»
978~Tressa Elizabeth Micklam-Jun. N, l886~»
979-Hazel May Micklam ------- Hay lC, 1890--Aug. 3, 1891
980-Rhuea Patience Nicklam--Cot. 6, l89S-- '
Fannie Mar%aret Curtis, born at Pleasant Hill, Illinois;
Baptist; Royal eighbors; married by Rev. J. A. Thompson at
Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska.

L _
Charles Henry Micklam, born in Nason County, Illinois; son of
John William Nicklam and Jane Margaret Jones, Farmer; Republican;
NtW.A.; The Dalles, Nasco County, Oregon.
Laura Ett Curtis ----- ~-~~~- ~ ~---- ~~--- William Alexander Seay
(nee. 28, 1879) 1856
98l~Dolly Seay--- _--Sep. 17, 1882-»
982-Eva Seay ----- ~- ---Oct. 5, l888-=
2nd--~~- --~--- » ¢----- --~-»----~»- --»--- -»»Robert Lindsley
- (Aug. 28, 1897)
b. lBh3
983~Cuy Lindsley-~ -~-~~----- Jul. h, 1899--
3Pd ---- ~ ~~-»~~ -- ~---- -------~-»»---- James Lewis Ballinger
(Feb. 25, 1902) Nev. h, 1860
98h-George R. Ballinger~»--~ l900~-
985~Pansy Blossom Ballinger~Nov. 21, l903»-
Laura Ett Curtis, born in Pleasant Hill, Pike County, Illinois;
United Brethren Church; Republican; married by James Lewis Ballinger
by Samuel H. Becker at Cheyenne, Wyoming.
James Lewis Ballinger, son of Harmon Ballinger and Mary Jane
5 born in Blakesburg, Iowa; Democrat; I.0.0.F.; Elks;
Elevator manager; first married to Bessie Elizabeth James; resided
at Mead, Weld County, Nebraska. 5
Charles Wesley Curtis
An invalid who spent summers in Colorado and winters in New
Mexico; married but had no children; resided for a time in San
Diego, California.
Dolly GurtiS--- -----~-- ~-~ ~~-- ---~-- James Madison Godfrey
(Dec. Eh, 1885)
Feb. 22, 1862
~Craoe Godfrey- ---------- Oct. ll, l886~-
~sertue ceafrey--~~-~-~~»uev. 23: 1891--
~John Henry Gcdfrey~-~~-»0ct. 1, 1897-~
990~Helen Godfrey» ---- --1--~Aug 25 l902~-
° 2
987~Mabel Godfrey ----» ---- Aug.
Dolly Curtis, born in Johnson County, Nebraska; Baptist;
Democrat; married by James A. Tompson at Johnson County, Nebraska.
James Madison Godfrey, son of John Wesley Godfrey and Sarah
Woods; born in Knox County, Illinois; Baptist; Farmer; I.0.0.F.;
resided at Smith Center, Smith_County, Kansas.
Wm Q, VI-h12.
, soy Lee curt1e»--» ----- ~~» »--~ ~~~~ ~ --- »»~“Emma Crest
Childless; buried at Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska.
Rolla A_ gupt15_-___a- ee_----- -~-- ~»--Alice Linda Foraker
(SeP- 7. 1591) J&U» 5. 1377
qqlamallie Izean Curtis --~~~ May 30, 1398--
992-Roy Carlton Curtis-- ~--- Nov. l3, 1903~e
993»Hubert Frederick Curtis-Sep. 20, 1905"-
99h-Alice Frances Curtis ---- Sep. 12, 1907-~
995~Pauline Mae Curtis ~----- Apr. 2, 1911--
996-Dorothy Ethel Curtis -~-~ Nov. 29, 1912--
997-Gwendolyn Curtis----»~--Jun. 30, l9l8»-
998-Robert W. Curtis -----~-- Aug. 21, l9l5»»
999aNallace Reid Curtis -»~-- Nov. 20, 1921-~
Rolla A. Curtis, born in Helena Johnson County, Nebraska?
Baptist; Democrat; Naccabees; Drayman; married by Judge Wehyman
_ at Lincoln, N
Alice Linda Foraker, born at Salem, Nebraska, Richardson County;
-1 daughter of William James Foraker and Frances Curtis; United Brethren
fu o
Pearl Ca
, Johnson County, Nebraska
nncn Curtis»~~ =---- ~---~- ~
(rev. ah, 1896)
Nellie Margarita Chubbuck-Dec.
Helen Frances Chubbuck ----
Caroline Pearl Chubbuck---
Charles Kay Chubbuck ~-----
»---Joseph Emmons Chubbuck
Nov. Zh, 1870
15, 1897-~
Nov. 7, lB99~~ 5
A-pfa 18, ].902"""J3.n¢ 99  
Sgpo Q, 19GL|."'°"
Ll-9 lg]-7"""' `
Curtis Godfrey Chubbuck--~Feb.
Pearl Cannon Curtis, daughter of Patience Cannon and Henry
Amos Curtis; born in Helena Precinct, Johnson County, Nebraska;
Methodist; Royal Highlander Lodge; married by Reverend S. D. Davis
at Tecumseh,
Johnson County, Nebraska.
Joseph Emmons Chubbuck, son of Carlton Keeney Chubbuck and
Francis Ellen Lawton; born at Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska;
Methodist; Republican; Constable for l9 years; Plumber; Royal Highs
lander Lodge; resided at 1700 Seventeenth and 0 Streets, Harelock,_
    Lancaster Cou
nty, Nebraska.

Meilie May Curtis~» ---- - ----- ~ ---- - --~-Joseph Henry Moore
(Nev. 12, 1901) Nov. 12, 1870
Mallie May Curtis, born in Johnson County, Nebraska; Hotel
business; Royal Highlanders; married by Rev. Davis at Tecumseh,
Joseph Henry Moore, son of Gilmore Moore and Martha Sherman;
born in Tecumseh, Nebraska; Cigar maker; Democrat; Royal High-
landers; resided at Horton, Brown County, Kansas.
v1“LLl6| _
Ethel Bose Gurt1s--»-~-- ~--- --~»-- ~-- ----Charles A. Tolcott
(Dee. 29, 1901) ost. 7, 1867 ,
2nd~- -~-- ~~~ »-~-- - ------~ » ~------- --»»---~ Elisha L. Potter
(Jul. 19, 1907) Aus: 13. 1373
3rd-~~- ---------- »~----- - -»~--- Paul Hits
(Dec. 3, 1919)
Ethel Rose Curtis, born in Tecumseh, Nebraska; resided at
El Reno, Oklahoma, and Mountain Home, Idaho; Christian Scientist.
Paul Hits, son of James Hits and Jennie Cushman; born in
Miller County, Missouri; resided at Horton, Brown County, Kansas.
VI-M1T. `
John Henry Curtis -~-~-- »-»- ---~» ----»~ ~--- ~~» ---- Pearl Brown
John Henry Curtis, born in Logan County, Kansas; resided at
Horton, Brown County, Kansas.
Maud Cannon
Died in infancy.
Scott Dyer Cannon --~----~ ~ ---- ~-~-»~e»-Lena Marcella Sedgwick
(Feb, 2, 1909) Jun. 30, 1883
Webb City, Jasper County, Missouri.
Harry Grover Cannon
Harry Grover Cannon, born in Pleasant Hill, Illinois; Book-
keeper; Democrat; attended Joplin Business College; resided at
Webb City, Jasper County, Missouri.
Mu dl
af Qi
fl *il
Bluford Frederick Cannon~~ »------- ~~ ---- -Roberta Lee Edwards
1005-Freda Lee Cannon~ ~»--- -Mar. 20, l9l2~~
Bluford Frederick Cannon, born in Tecumseh, Nebraska; Democra
Carpenter; married by Rev. H. L. High at Douglas, Converse County,
Roberta Lee Edwards, daughter of Charlie B. Edwards and Sarah
Edwards; born in Highlands, North Carolina.
Grover Cleveland Cannon
Edna May Cannon
Nellie Delilah Gannon
Goldie Almyra Jones-~-~ -~----- ~-~-e+-~-- ---- #George L. Coover
(Mar. sn, 1909)' Beta 29, 187?
y Goldie Almyra Jones, born in Johnson County, Nebraska; Q
Christian; Republican; married by E. S. Burr at Cook, Johns0n‘
County, Nebraska.
George Coover, son of Jacob Coover and Mary Bileland; born
in Missouri; Republican; Farmer; M.w,a,; resided at Cook, Johnson‘
County, Nebraska.
Susan Beatrice Jones ---- -» ----- -~ »--~ -e~- ~--~--Charles Green
(nee. 1, 1a1n) san. 1, 18__
Susan Beatrice Jones, born in Reamsville, Kansas; married at
Wyandotte, Ottawa County, Oklahoma.
Charles Green, son of H. M. Green; Christian Church; resided
at Quapaw, Oklahoma in 1926.
Benjamin Cannon Jones--- ---»Elva
Dayton, Rhea County, Tennessee.

Myron Dewey Jones---f ---~ ~~*-~ -~-~--- -~~D0ra 1. Dale
(Mar. 2, 1920) Aug. 8, l9Oh
1006-Edwin Ashley Jones--~~-Nov. 23, 1921--
1OOT~James Calvin Jones ~--~- Nov. 23, l92h~-
Myron Dewey Jones, born near Hardilse, Smith County, Kansas;
married at Wyandotte, Ottawa County, Oklahoma.
Dora I. Dale, born in Clearmont County, Oklahoma.
Quapaw, Ottawa County, Oklahoma.
Dottie Udilla Jones~ ----------- ~------ ---- Wilbur Adrian Plumb
(Feb. 22, 1599) Sep. 23, 1865
1008-Merl Adraiu Plumb- ----- Feb. 19, 1900--Feb. 2, 1901
1009-Lyle Leroy Plumb-~-----Dec. 25, l9Oh-~ `
1010-Lorn milbur Plumb -~-- --Jan. 6, 1907--
Dottie Udilla Jones, born in Smith County, Kansas; Methodist;
married by Rev. George W. Keppler at-home of Rev. Keppler in Adams
County, Nebraska.
Wilbur Adrian Plumb, son of Wilbur Plumb and Sarah Lucretia
Suse; Republican; resided at Thurman, Washington County, Colorado.
Scott Harvey Jones ~---~ ----- ~»~~ ---~-- ~~~Eva Sheets
(Dec. 22, 1909) Dee. 11, 1593
1611-Lula Marie Jones-~- -~~- May 12, 191l~-
Scott Harvey Jones, torn in Smith County, Kansas; Farmer;
Republican; married at Cou t House, Smith County, Kansas.
Eva Sheets, born in Smith County, Kansas; daughter of Ephraim
L, Sheets and May Bell Barrick.
Reamsville, Smith County, Kansas.
Nellie Estella Jones---~» ~~-- ~ ----~-»-- ~»-~0la Billinés
(Feb. an, 1909) Jun. 9, 18 7
Nellie Estelle Jones, born in Nuokolls County, Nebraska;
married by L. Jarvis at Smith Center, Smith County, Kansas.
Ola Billings, born in Sheridan County, Kansas; son of James
Riley Billings and Almeda Kirkbride.
Reamsville,£5mitn County, Kansas.
Robert wayne Jones--*- '“' ”””“' ”"`"R°Se Worlgy
Leroy Smith Jones--~~ *“““' "“”' "°" '"”Mari° C016
VI“H3&» -
Bluford Adrian Jones
Mead Cemetery, Smith County. KQUSQS'
- _-_ A Flower
O O11 G “_ ____ ___ ____ _---___ Claude »
ole a anno (Jung 1, 1920, Aug, 22, 1896
1012-Winslow Leroy Flower-~-Jul. 16, 1922--
Oeie Olla Cannon, born in Reamsvilles KaUSaS~
claude A, Flower, son of William K. Flower and Mar? DYGTF
born in Kansas City, Missouri.
Arden Wilford Cannon
Bluford James Cannon
Eula Arliene Cannon
Lula CannOn_____,_ ____ ___ ____ ,___ aa--~A1bert Sidney Davis
_ ’ 3 F b, 1 1871
(Mar 20 1 97) F;b.27: 1958
1013-Opal Florenog Davis-»~-geo. l§» §3g;*“M&Y 16, 1953
101 »N ttie Lena avis--~--“ SP- » ”“
101%-Sidney Clark Davis---~“AUS- B2 1907`”F°b° ll’ 1918
_ _ ‘ t
b in Lincoln County Missouri, B&PtiSt» D@m0¢P&
marri§§1%yc§23g;end0§? M. Birkhead at Lincoln County, Missouri-
Albert Sidney Davis. born in LiuG0lH C0UUtY» Missouri? Farmer;
Democrat; Troy Cemetery.
Troy, Missouri.

1 T'
Andrew Jackson Cannon --------------
(sap. 9, 1903)
1016-John Dudley Cannon ---» -May
1017-Walter Alonzo Cannon---Jan.
lO18~Jesse Andrew Cannon --»- Jul.
lCl9~Vivian Laurens Cannon--Mar.
lO2O»Dan Cannon ~~------- -»-- Feb.
1021-Ruby Cannon ------»-----
Andrew Jackson Cannon, born at Burr
Missouri; Baptist;_Dem0crat; Farmer; A.F
married by Rev. J. S. Eames at Winfield,
Winfield Baptist Cemetery.
Bessie Malvina Irvin
sep. 3, 1886
Oak, Lincoln County,
& A.M.; Eastern Star;
Lincoln County, Missouri;
Bessie Mulvina Irvin, daughter of John Harvey Irvin and
Missouri L. Trescott; born in Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; Eastern Star.
Winfield, Missouri.
James Floyd Cannon ~---~-»--- ~-»~- ~--~ »Elsie Elizabeth Elston
(Nov. 1, 1905) sap. 2, 1883
1022-Helen Cannon --~-- ~ -»-- -Jul. 17, 1906--Jul. 29, 1906
lC23~Edward Marcus Cannon-~-Sep. M, 1907--
lO2M~CUPtis B. Cannon----»-~Feb. 20, 1910-~
1025-Evelyn 0anncn----~-»-»-
James Floyd Cannon, born in Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; Farmer; married by Rev. J. S. Eames at Winfield,
Lincoln County, Missouri.
Elsie Elizabeth Elston, daughter of John T. Elston and Lucy _
Edmonia Admire; born in Winfield, Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist
Winfield, Missouri.
VI   0
Ethel Laurens Cannon -------- ~~ -»~----- ~Moody Miller Crenshaw
(oct. 2, 1907) Mar. 31, 1882
l026~Bernadine Crenshaw- ---- Jul. 19, 1908--
1027~Lsys Crenshaw---------~
  fi els.
Wiley Cannon
Charles Homer Dodge~»»-~~»(JUD 3O»1905)“““'“”D°fa gi; §§?§§§9
10a8»setty Jane Dodgee-» ~--- »~APT 1.1909-~'~---"“
lC29@Dora Beth tesgs-»-=e~~-e- 1910*--°----~
1o30sAsa Lou Dodge--~~-~-fe-~»Feb 12.l912=- ~--- -stmaf 22»1933
Charles Homer Dodge, born in Colorado; attended Washington
University, St. Louis, Missouri; D.D.S.; Xi PS1 Phi; maffied b?
Rev. E. D. Pearson at Saverton, Ralls County, Missouri.
Dora Ola Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; M87 in direct
line; attended Lewiston State Normal, University of Idaho and
Chicago Musical College; Presbyterian; Alpha Delta Pi.
25 East washington, chicago, Iiiineis.
f v1l11115 .
MJ; fC
Estelle Dodge
Family Cemetery, Foley, Missouri.
Florence Grace Cannon---~ -------- “~- “-*" ""““' ““'“W&lt9f 9° Mccla?
(Apr 2n, 1912)
Married at Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri, by Rev. W. L.
Winfield, Missouri.
Nellie May Ganngn ____ -- -_-_.------- »~-- ----~ Ernest LaGrand White
(Nev. 28, 1915) Jan 17, 189s
Married at Winfield, Missouri, by Reverend Fenton Bartine.
RFB 1, Mexico, Missouri.
Ethel Laurene Cannon, born near Foley, Lincoln County, VI'Mu8‘
Missouri' Baptist' married by Rev. J. S. Eames at home of Alonzof fn( ` _ “
Cannon, Lincoln County, Missouri. gm if Mar? Lilllan Gann°n"”' "“”””"“ "““"°”'”““”“§fb§;§_§§§§§3°i“
Moody Miller Crenshaw son of John M. Crenshaw and Alice _ _ ‘
Trescott; born near Foley,’Lincoln County, Missouri; Farmer; l.0.0.F. _ Besides in St' L°“1S’ Missouri’
winfieia, Lincoln County, Missouri.

d r
Arthur Tully Cannon
VI-h50. -
Ruby Ellen Cannon ----- --~---- --»- Johnny Amos Ford
~ St. Louis, Missouri. I
Walter Edmund Cannon ---~-------»~-~------ Hazel Marie Nichols
(Jul. 26,-193h) apr. 21, 1916
1031-Margaret Cannon-- ~---- ~
Walter Edmund Cannon, born near Foley, Missouri; Christian;
Democrat; Winfield and St. Charles High Schools; Clerk in general
store; Baptist; Democrat; Civil Service employee at Dam #25,
gap au iris, Missouri; married by Joseph F. Mahon at St, Charles,
ssour .
Hazel Marie Nichols, daughter of Tully Dee Nichols and Delphia
Lee Irvin; born at Winfield, Missouri; Winfield High School; Baptist;
V145 2' an  
Colds Arline Cannon
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Corinth Cemetery, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
‘ Howard Lovell Cannon
Winfield, Missouri.
Sterling Curtis Cannon
Died at age of one day; Corinth Cemetery, Foley, Missouri.
VI~M55¢ ,
Lottie Ruth Cannon --~--- ----- “ ---- sisters William Hutt
_ End ~------~~--~--~ -~-»-----~- ~-»°» Baddeley
VI-hS6. _,-
t WV '
Margaret Jane Cannon*~-- --~--~--- ~~-~-Shervon Asa Booloodian
Winfield, Missouri. ._
    VI",-|~570 _
Cecil Owen Cannon ----- ~ ~~--- ---~--- ~--- -~-Laura Gibbs Sohmalo
(Jul. l2, 1920) Deo. 10, l89h
lO32~Marguerite Louise Cannon-Jul, 28, 1921-~
lO33-Bettie Marie Gannone --~~- Jan. lh,l923-~-
lO3h-James Owen Cannon ----» ---Nov. 17, l929~~
1035-Clarence Edward Cannon---Feb. 2, 1933-"
Cecil Owen Cannon, born_near Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; Stationary Engineer; National Association of
Power Engineers; American Legion; married by william F. welter at
St. Charles, Missouri.
Ethel Laura Sohmale, daughter of Jonas Crisler Gibbs and Ora
Belle Anoell; born in Kansas City, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat;
previously married to Arthur Ernest Sobmale (August Zh, lS93»Deoem~
ber 8, 1918]
S905 Victoria, St. Louis, Missouri.
I Printha Irene Cannon --~- ~~ ---~---~--~------- ~-Jmtes Lewis Foster
(Feb. 22, l9l?)
Jun. 2?, l85h
1036-Olive Darline Foster----~Nov 3O,l9l3~»~~May 5, l9h2
1037-Paul William Foster ~--» --Jun 26,1920---»
lO38~Ralph Wesley Foster ---~~- Nov 23,1922
lO39»Lewis Cannon Foster-- -~-- Oct
lOhO-Mildree Alice Foster ---- ~Jan lh,l928-~~-
Printha Irene Cannon, Baptist; married at Waterloo, Illinois.
James L. Foster, son of John Williams Foster and Alice Ruth
Stuart; Baptist.
Foley, Missouri.
" Roger Quarles Cannon ---- -»-- ~------ Clara Emily Piokhard
Oct. 29, l901
lOhl~Roger Dale Cannon---~----Mar 12, l93O~~-
1Oh2-Delma June Cannon- ------- Mar 2, l932~-9
lOh3-Glenda Lucille Cannon ---- Apr 27, l9hl»-~
Clara Emily Piokhard, daughter of Henry C. Piokhard and
Elizabeth Dixon.
Winfield, Missouri.

Roxio Norene Cannon-ev~---~~ ----- ~~»--- -~-~Fount Ira Lusee
(Jun. 10, l91h) sep. 12, lean
1Ohh4Verna Lillian Lusss----Oct. 28, 1915--
lOh5~Melvin Reel Lusse---»-~Mar. 7, l9l9»-Apr. 22, 1953
Roxie Norene Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; married by Louis S. Demint, Waterloo, Illinois.
Fount Ira Lusse, son of Frank Antony Lusse and Francis
Minerva Cox; born in Lincoln County; Farmer; Republican.
Winfield, Missouri.
Forman Stuart Cannon ~~---~----- »--e---»-~Beu1ah Pearl Martin
(May 18, 1922) Jun. 25, 1396
l0h6-Stuart Martin Cannon~--Sep. 2, 1923--
Fsrman Stuart Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; married by Reverend M. D. Dudley at Foley,
Lincoln County, Missouri.
Beulah Pearl Martin, daughter of Robert Lee Martin and
Mattie B. Davis; born in St. Louis, Missouri; Christian; Democrat
Rebekah; Central Wesleyan College and Kirksville State Normal;
Winfield, Missouri.
J- W. Cannon----» ~»------------~--~ ~~»Irene Myrtle Meblet
(Dec. 15, 1923) M9-F Ss 3-90£»l~
1Oh7-Janet Marie Cannon--»--Nov. ll, 1930--
lOh8-Richard Jay Cannon----~Dec. M, l92h-»
J. W. Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; employed by
Missouri Pacific Railroad Company.
Irene Myrtle Neblet, daughter of Mess Franklin Neblet and
Mary Jane Davis.
36h6 Cordon, St. Louis, Missouri.
Rachel Amy Cannon- ~--»--------~~ Albert Willie
(Sep. 16, 1920) Dec. 19, 1899
lOh9-Mary Darling Beckemeyer~Nov. 29,
lC5O~Denze1 William Beckemeyer-May 6,
1051-Wendel Albert Beckemeyer-Ju1.22,
1052-Dewayne Ray Beckemeyer-~-Oct.26,
m Beckemeyer
My §}
mfr <9
Rachel Amy Cannon, born near Fol ey, Missouri; B&PtiSt5
Democrat; married by Reverend J. D. Watson at PGS1d@U06 of has
father, Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Albert William Beckemeyer, born near Brevator, Lincoln CountV¢
Missouri; see of William Henry secaemeyer; Lutheran; Rsrubliaes- A
Winfield, Lincoln County, Mrssouri. ~ '
Mary Jane Seaton
William Allen Seaton
Sophia Il S Seaton- ______. ___. -- _._----- Edward Felix Nich01S
9 (Jun. 12, 188T) Feb- 5. 136k
1053-Urline Voorhees Nichols--Jul. h, 1888-~
lO5h-Thomas Green Micho1s~----N0V- 21: 1389””
Sophia Iles Seaton, born in Lincoln County, HSSP APGXQ
Missouri; Methodist; Democrat; married by W. J. Jackson at ?uebl0
County, Colorado.
Edward Felix Nichols, son of Philip Green Nioh0l§ and M&TY
siizeeetn Haislip; born in Treason, Lincoln Gounty» MsSS°HP1§
Methodist; Democrat; Deputy Clerk of District Court in Pueblo
Colorado; I.0.0.F.; A.B., Watson Seminary; resided at M21 W. 20th
Street, Pueblo, Colorado. y
Anna Temperance Seaton*-»-~~ ““"- “'"" “‘“J°hn HSDPY Voorhees
(aug. 12, 188h) Jun. 15, 1859
1G55-Karl season Voorhees-»-Sep. 18, 1889-~Ju1. 9. 1390
lO56-Anna Leone Voorhees---~Jul. 22, l903'“
Anna Temperance Seaton, born in Apex, Lincoln County:
Missouri; Unitarian; Democrat; Central Indiana College, Danvillsn
Indiana; married by Rev. Charles Mitchell at APGXQ Lincoln County:
John Henry Voorhees, son of Israel Voorhees and Lucinda L.
Thompson; horn at Pisgah, Butler County, Ohio; Unitarian; Democrat;
Normal University, Lebanon, Ohio, B.S., Central Indiana College,
Danville, Indiana, B.A.; Judge, District Court lCth Judicial
District, Colorado; I.0.0.F.; W.o.w.; B.P.O-E.; resided at A19
West 18th Street, Pueblo, Colorado.

Robert Allen Elsherry
Buried in Lincoln County, Missouri.
B@Uj&miD Doran Elsberry~~~-- --._ __,l-___ll_Mattie B’ Brother
(Jun, 30, 1389) Apr. 22, 1867
Mar. 7, 1938
1057~A1herta Mae Elsberry~-~May h, 1897--
` Benjamin Doran Elsherr , born in Lincoln ' .
Democrat; Crain and livestogk dealer; 1.0.O.F.?0M?§YE~Tl;;g;§;d
b? R@V= J= M» Ramsar at Elsberry Methodist chores, the second
giffiesefceiebrseea in this Church; Manager of Hannibal Milling
Elggggg or more than thirty years; Grandson of Robert Themes
Y: 0UUd§r Of Elsberry, and associated with his grandfather
in business until the death of Robert T. Elsherry; Elsberry Cemetery
Mattie B. Brother, born in Louisiana Missouri da
' ughter of
Albert As Brother and Sarah Jane Sitton; Methodist;,Rebekah- Royal
Neighbors; A_I, Ch t f P - _ ’
Elsherny Cemetery»ap er O °E°0°’ Pregldent of chapter 1932”l923§
Gevrse Franklin Elsherry--~~~-a _____ _ ____M,, R G
(Nov. 21, 1895) cat? 3; 1§$§STs
Fee. 8, 1932
1953~B@verly Conyers Elsb ~-J 1 2 __
1059-Joyce Elsberry~»~»--i€€?_-J;n: E: §gg§__
~ George Franklin Elsberry born n St H
County, Missouri; Democrat; AZF, & A.§?§ I.3?0.§?? §?§?§?,a§dn§?§nY
§2;;;@ga§§t§ev. Mack at Cando, North Dakota; Rolla Cemetery, Rolls,”
Mary R- Centers. daughter of William Shelton Con
_ _ yers and Ann
M0HtP0Se Prentiss E1ebeppy_--o-_ _____ _ ,,,__Beatrice Sanders
Jun, 26, 1866
lO6O4Milliam Lyman Elsh -A 6 18 an
lO6l~Robert Thomas Elsb;;;§~A§;: 3; 193§__5ep_ 21, 1955
(Mar lu. 1893>
M0ntr0se Prentiss Mlsberry born in Linegl 5
, J t M ~
BaPtist, l.0.0.F»» District Deputy Grand Master? Mgggryof éigggiit
~ r
\ ,
Wu  ,
(The last official act of Mayor M. P, Elsherry before his retire-
ment from office after serving three or four terms, was to order
an election on issuing $10,000 worth of bonds to purchase the
Gladney light plant for Elsterry, The election carried and the
light plant was purchased shortly after); married by Rev. C. A.
Mitchell; Sanders-Cox Cemetery, New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Beatrice Sanders, daughter of L, A. M. Sanders and T. G. Ellis;
Sanders-Cox Cemetery, New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri. :
William Claudius E1sberry---~- -»--- »~-~-~--Eva Lena Porteous
(Oct. 28, 1897) Jule an, i8?8
ret, 18, 1919
1062~Kate Lois Elsterry~»-»~Sep. 10, l899~~
1063-Evelyn Ruth Elsberry-e-Oct. 22, 1900--
lC6h~Ernest Lyle Elsherry-~»Sep. lh, l903»~
1C65~L1oyd Leslie Elsberrye-Jun. 5, l905»»
William Claudius Elsberry, born at Falmouth, Missouri; Farmer;
Democrat; A.F. & A.M.; M.M,A.; B.a,Y; married by Rev. D. Mclntyre
at Rolla, North Dakota; resided at Rock lake, Tonner County, N.D.
Eva Lena Porteous, daughter of Alexander Stuart Porteous and
Margeret_Burns; born in Ingersoll, Ontario; Presbyterian; Democrat;
0.E.S¢; B.A.Y.
Charles Goran Elsherry
Born in Elsberry, Missouri; moved to Cando, North Dakota in
1887; served on Village Board at St. John, North Dakota; Musician;
Barber on State Examining Board; Cemetery at Rolla, North Dakota.
Thomas Marshall Elsherrye ---- ~~--- -~-- » ~--Marie Eller
(Oct. 22, 1900)
Mar. 18, 1883
1066-Thomas Aziel Elsherry~-May 5, 1902--
1067-Berniece Leone Elsherry-Jun,lO, l9Oh--
lO6B~Mildred Lucille Elsberry-SeP.l8,l905-~
l06@Â¥Marian Agnes Elsberry -~-- Oct. 1,1907-e
l06§§Harriet Alelhea Elsherry-Oct. 6,19l9--
Thomas Marshall Elsberry, horn in Lincoln County, Mtssouri;
Democrat; Farmer; Modern Brotherhood; Hotel manager and proprietor;
Baptist; I.0.0.F. Member of School Board; married by Rev. D. D. '
Mclntyre at Rolla, Rolette County, North Dakota; Cemetery at
Pasco, Washington.
Marie Eller, daughter of John Eller and Harriet Miller; born
in Grant County, Indiana; Methodist; Democrat; Assistant in sovsrne
ment Nursery 19hh-1952; O.E.S,; Rebekah; Hospital Guild.
Rock Lake, Tonner County, North Dakotaa

Charles William Allen Sitton ~-~~~---- ----Rosa Lee Wingfield
(Aug. 29, l89u)
lO69-Charles Priest Wingfield Sitton--Sep. 16, l395~-
1070-Freneie stephen Bittlok Sitton-~-Jan. 22, 1898-~
_ 1071-Sarah Agnes Sitton-~ ------------- Jan. 8, 1901--Apr,2,l9Cl
Charles William Allen Sitton, born in Lincoln County, Missonr °
Democrat; Eagles; Railroadman; married by James Grimes at Lincoln
County, Missouri; buried in Lincoln County, Missouri.;
i, _
Rosa Lee Wingfield, daughter of Lewis Martin Wingfield and
Mary Ellen Grimes; born in Amherst County, Virginia; Christian;
Democrat; resided in Hannibal, Marion County, Missouri.
Gussie Stallard Cannon -------~-- »- ---- #Walter William Briscoe
(Jul. 13, 1908) Feb. 10,'187a-
1072-LaVerne Cannon Briscoe-Apr. 21, l9Q9--
) 1073~B§yng§1nee51ane¢nBriscoe~Apr.2l,l9lO--Jun. 19, 1938
Gussie Stallard Cannon, born in Elsberry, Lincoln county,
Missouri; Methodist; Democrat; Howard Payne College, Fayette,
Missouri; married at Clayton,St. Louis County, Missouri,
Walter William Briscoe born in New London M' i E
, , issour 5 son of
Ralph Daniel Briscoe and Emily Elizabeth Bowles; Democrat; resided
at M300 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri.
Nell Shire Cannon »--- - --~-------- ~-- »--- -John Ellmore Horton
(Feb. 13, 1913) apr. 30a 1889
Nell Shipp Cannon, horn in Elsberry, Lincoln county,
Missouri; Methodist; married by Dr. Dunkel; Elmwood Cemetery,
Mexico, Missouri. 0
John Ellmore Horton, son of John Youngblood Horton and Helen De
George; born at Waynesboro, Tennessee; Farmer; Democrat; A.F, &
A.M.3 resided at Gravity, Taylor County, Iowa.
VI~n78. '
Dora Ola Cannon- -“~~-~--~ ----~--- » ------- Charles Homer Dod e
_ s
(Jun. 30, 1908) Oct. 13, asa? 0
lO23~Betty Jane Dodge ------- Apr, 1, 1909--
1029-Dora Beth Dodge-~- --~ l9lO-- C
lO3O-Ada Lou Dodge ------- »--Feb.l2, 1912--Mar. 20, 1933
Dora Ola Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Alpha Delti
Pi; Lewiston State Normal University of Idaho; Chicago Musical College.
. 1
dj iQ
I ,
wJ Jw
165. C
I - 1 line) born in Colorado;
Onesies H°m@P D°d@e (thu 1” d¥?e°t D o s » X1 Psi rad;
Washington University, St- Louis, N15S°“?i’ ° C’ M- Tie
married by Rev. E. D. Pearson at Savertone Halls _°““t7’ lssou
Betty and Beth, known as "The Dodge Twins"» noted Stagglstaps;
Played on all large time circuits in£Amer;§; %;§n2;dgfS§;§§S and
European tours; Pladed bl request be Ore J ap 23_May 15, 1926
the Duke of York during a London enS&E@m@“t# an” Y
vt-MTG. dd
__ ..__ - Ow E DS
Alice Cannon GP&V6S”"““""‘" ---' “* Edward an e
(Aug_ 15, 1920) Apr. 26, 1900 .
-_---_ue 19 192l»-MC? 27, 1925
§§§tj§§§§§,§§Ei_??????__----oe§. 17: 1922-~F@b- lggg
1076-Robert Eddens ~--- ~- ---Feb. 3, l925'“MaY
“_-~-~-JW. C. H319
College; Meeneddet; married bl HSV- L&iG-0u;§3a”
Parsonage, ElSbSPPY» Li“°°l“ G°““ty’ ' SS °
Edward Owen Eddens, born in Winfield, NiSS°“Pi5 Son of satis S'
Eddene and Francie Elizabeth Gwen; Construction Engineer, Gh1oaEQ,e
Burlington and Quinn? Railroad' E
MTS, w, o. Hale resides at Feirburse Nsbfagka-
Gladys Downing Gannon
Elsberry Cemeterl-
Richard Norton Cannon
oded while enlisted during World Wa” I; Elsbeyry Cemetery'
__ ____ “______ _-,Agn93 B, Ie?StH9P
ill' J Palmer------
W lam ease (nee. av, 1a1?>
2né,u“_________ ____ _ ____ _-__-»Mrs. Doris R10h&PdS Sullengep
- M t
William Jesse ealmer, Elsbepfy High Schooli Misiogzé Bill ary
Academy at Mexico, Missouri; Mason; mnffied to PS' 3 ‘
larstnar in St, Louis, Missouri.
Mrs, eerie Richards Sullenaefe daughter °f William Ri°“a”d5°

Vesta Letitia Palmer
Died in infancy; Elsberry Cemetery.
Perry wegley P&1m9r“ '““” “ ”"““ ””“*““*“--Julia Adeline Temple
(Mar ll. 1921) Apr. 21, 1902
10T6t-Pay Jacqueline Palmer- ---»» --~-~
R _ ieffy Mosley Palmer, born in Elsberry, Missouri; married by
Siv.L illis Crafts at Parsonage of United Presbyterian Church in
A ° 0015: MiSS0U?i§ buried in Los Angeles, California. Julia
saline Temple No._lh89 in aireee iine.
69 NOPPH Gfisss Street, st. Paul n, Minnesota.
Mary Emma
Mary Emma
School; Hardin
2217 East 28th
Pa1meP'“'““*““““ “‘*“ “ *““‘““ “" “"*~ -charles Edwards
Palmer, born in Mlsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High
50119363 Missouri University; Accountant; Baptist,
Street, Oakland, California.
Wanda GPUPOP Pa1meP"°' "”'”“ ”“"” 5--Patrick MiCh&el McMenamy
(Dec. 29, 1928) Jan. 29, 1903
Wanda Cannon Palmer born near Elsberre Misso 1° Ki u 1
Statg Teachefg C011@€G§ irincipal of Old Monroe Publ§c9Schgo§; 116
l923“1923§ Baptist; Eastern Star; P.E,O,; married by Rev william
GGOTQQ Pezold at St, Petgps Rectory, Ste Charles, Missouéi.
~ Patrick Michael McMenamy born in Qrpall n Mi _
gagriia McMenamy and Anna Fetsch; K, of G.; c;t6c1i§§D§§%’c§;§1§£
C O S.
Troy, Missouri.
Knox Cannon-~~ _..__ ____ _____ ______ ____A1ma Adams
(Oct. 21, 1925)
l077~Henry Thomas Cannon-»--Sep. 12, 1925_-
Knox Cannon married b R . E. D H ilt
Hominy, Oklahoma; Elsberry gemgtery. am on at Baptist Papsonagg’
Alma Adams daughter of Henr Ad ° H0 1 H .
Business College, Oklahoma City; %.E,§TS5 In my igh School’ Hi1l'S U1 Q’
Hominy, Oklahoma.
= , nv; 
~ t J _
VI-nod. ~ a». = _
Paul Cannon
attended Hannibal Public Schools; sustained broken back in
automobile accident and was paralyzed sis years before death;
Elsberry Cemetery.
Harry Taylor Wells =------ --------»-- --“Dora Dean Patton
(Feb. 23, 1888) Sep. 16, 1868
Apr. 18, 1938
1078--Robert Patton Wells-»-Dec. 6, l888~»
lO?9»~Milliam Alexander Wells-Dec.l2,l89O»~
lO8O~-Harry Armstrong Wells--#Feb. h,l905~-Dec. 13, 1952
Harry Taylor Wells, born in Paynesville, Missouri; Christian;
Republican; A.F. & A.M.; Farmer; Merchant; married by F. P; Roe at
Bowling Green, Missouri; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike
County, Missouri.
Dora Dean Patton, born in Paynesville, Missouri; Christian;
Republican; Ladies Aid; daughter of John alexander Patton and Emma
giranda Jamison; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike County,
V I   1,
Patrick Perry wells
Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri.
Walter Wells
William Andrew Wells -»-- -----~~- ~»---»»-----» Mabel _"___
Born in Colorado Springs, Colorado; came to Missouri while a
child with his parents; went to Billings, Montana, after death of
his parents in 1891; member of Fraternal Order of Eagles and
Yellowstone County Equity Association; was known as 'Honest Doo",
one of most popular men in Billings, Montana, and best known ranch
man in Eastern Montana; holographic will -~ 'December 13 (unlucky
number) l9lh »~ willed ranch to James Cothron "Here lie the remains
of an ill spent life", $1,000 to his grandmother, Mrss M. Forgey
of Paynesville, Missouri, and remainder of property to his
partners, William H. Harker and James Trinkle; intercepted telegram
from banker to his wife, made settlement on her and went to his
ranch where he died; friends, G. C. Cothron and E. J. Cothron,
went for him; The Yellowstone County Equity Association adopted
the followingi "He was the friend of all men, loving in his

nature, genial in his disposition and generous in his charities, _
which more often than otherwise were known only to himself and those
who benefitted. He was an excellent citizen. The world is better
for his having lived and man has sustained a loss in his death."
Local paper issued extra with account of his death.
Infant daughter.
vi-hah. ,
William Curtis Taylor ------~--~~-------- Alberta Mae Elsberry
(Juno , 19_m) MRY M, 1897
Alberta Mae Elsberry, 1057 in direct line.
Anna Elizabeth Taylor- »--- »--» »------- ~-Perry Arthur Ballmer
(Mar. 1, iaah) May 17, 1899
A aan. 7, 1937
lO81~Dorothy Perrine Ballmer-- ---- May 3, 1926-~ I
Dr. Perry Arthur Ballmer, son of Arthur Walter and Bertha Ballmer;
born in Toledo, Ohio; Toledo University, School of Osteopathy Kirks-“
ville, Missouri, D.O.; Osteopath; Lutheran; Democrat; 33rd Degree Mason;
Moolah Temple; Elsberry Cemetery ,
End--~ -~-----»---- ~ »»------ ~ ---- Gilbert Holland Callaway
Gilbert Holland Callaway, D C.‘ graduate of Kirksville Colle e
of Osteopathy and Surgery. U . B ~ g
3Pd°- ~~“-~-~~ ~--~» ~~----~-~ ~---»~- -1-W. Francis Murrell
(aug. ah, iehel Feb. 27, 1901
W. Francis Murrell; son of Charles E. Murrell and Bertha Elizabeth
Mitchell; born in Schuyler County, Missouri; LL.B., Missouri University;
Attorney; Assistant United States Attorney of St. Louis, Missouri. 1
557 Thurston, St. Louis, Missouri. E
Norham Montrose Cannon -------»-----~~-~-- Nellie Connery Stone
(May 1, 1902) Jun. 5, 1878
Norham Montrose Cannon born at E
, lsberry, Lincoln _
Christian; Fruit Grower; Democrat; married by Rev. Lee Fulton at Win~ “
throp, Chelan County, washington.
County, Missouri;
Nellie Corberry Stone, daughter of Napoleon Stone and Poll Ann
Connely; born in wise County, Texas; buried at Farris, Chelan County.
Qu” &’
to it
17 ~ he
v Q _ini “$W
1 ‘ TJ' .~ sa
Nettie May Cannon
Cemetery at BainbridB@» Marlin County’ Nebraska'
Orville GaDD0n
Mary Alice Cann0H“Z;Gé:”£é;`£é;é;H_-_ *m*nOot. 7: 1366
Samuel El? Mofiéal
___--anne. 5, 1900““
1O82_JOhn N031 MOTlCa1 _ 0 up
lC33~Buth Morioal~=-~--'“”“”D@°° 2* 19 2
_-_ . 1 0 “'
loss-Esther Mofiesl-'“' ---§§§ 33” 130%
lOB5~Charles Morical---- “A T' ll’
lC86»Joseph Morical---~"*“ P ' ’
Ali Cannon born in Missouri; ChPi3tia“5 married by
Mary C6 1
Elder Belieu at Entiat, Washington-
: P 0
l E1 Morioal son of William Morical and Harriet 0WGPS»
u ' M|WhA|.
b0Tn iamgilinogsg Ranchér; ChP1St1%n;hn;m;;;at. Constable, »
resided at FarriS» Ghelan County’ as 1 g '
VI 5560!
_______*_ _l,G e Elizabeth Mille?
Thgmag ATUHUP GahUOH'“'”" or 8
(Oct. 2, 1Q0u)- DSC; My 15 3
--~Jul. 17, 19U5'*
03 -A tnur Warren CQUUGB __
l08;-Fgrest Raym0Ud Gan“°n"§0;° gg' %;gg,-
1O8q,AudTey MQ? Cannon----~' O ' ’
rnenas Arthur Cannon, born is Custer G°““tV’ Nebraska’ ze
married by RG
V A J. Mcartnnr at Entiata Chelan C°“““Y’ Washing on
_ f John Francis Miller and
sera sileanetn Miller, dauahtef ° e Wieoonsinl
Anna Janett Johnson? born in Chippewa Conn y,
Farris. Chelan U°““tY’ Washington'
Bessie Blanch Gann?§;;t-7;-lééh) Sep. T, 1377
,Frederick Thomas Hahah
_-,1,e. 7, 1a0s~-
io o~a bert William Henan __
lOgl~B;ssie Louise Hanan----JMD- 13s 1907
» ~ d
N b ka- Christian, m&Pfi9
Bessie Blanch Ga““°“’ b°rn in ewfgg. Cannon in Chelan
na asv. s. A, Elmore at residence of
Gounty, Washingt0D»
Farris, Chelan County, Washington.

1 ` 170.
Frederick Thomas Hanan, son of Samuel Robert Hanan and Galina
Louise Shumate, born in Adair County, Greentop, Missouri; GhPiSti&U3
Farmer; Republican; resided at Malaga, Chelan County, WaShiUSt0U-
Bernice Cannon
James Franklin Cannon
Alethea Maud Cannon
Edward Everett Cannon
Elta Jane Cannon
Loaema Cannon--- ........ ---- » ---- -~- ---Benald Pedro Kirkham
(May 3, 1905) Feb. EM, 1879
Lodema Cannon, born in Entiat, Chelan County, Washington;
married by 1. H. Teal at Eureka, California.
Donald Pedro Kiraham, son of William Kirkham and Carrie Pratt:
born at China Flat, California; Superintendent of mines! ESPNU*
` Grover Cannon
Nola Cannon
Carrie Cannon
Bertha May Cannon
Lee Jackson Cannon
Ida Grace Shroder»-~=-~-w ~-~-- ~~-~~»~-
_ ,(0ot. Eh, 1895)
l092~Lola Glee Harris ------- Jul,
l093eMable Harrise--» ------~ May,
lO9h~Vera Zora Harrise »----- Mar.
1095-William Lyman Harris~-~Deo.
1096-Kittie Christian Harris-Dec
1097-Milton Harris --~~- ~--»~ May
1098-Lotta Harris--e-- =--~ ~-Feb.
lO99»Bertha Harris ---»»- ---- Nov.
llOO~Alvin Levi Harris-e----Jul,
ewilliam Levi Harris
Feb. 12, 1868 -
'FJUZLQ 8,  
Ida Grace Shroder, born in Harlan County, Nebraska; Christian;
married at Milldale, Nebraska, Custer County.
William Levi Harris, son of Alvin Harris and Kitty Christian
Wilkinson; born in Pike County, Missouri; Christian; Socialist;
M,N.A.; Inventor; resided at 1820 - l5th Street, Michigan Avenue, `
Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, California.
Lether Shroder- ~----- -~-~»- ------~ -~~-Louis Edmond Simpson
(Feb. 7, 1900)
1101-Carter Lewis S1mpson~-~Mar.
1102-Lois Loretta Simpson-aaapr. 18, 1903
1103¢Marie Temperance Simpson-0ct.27,l907,
llOheCecil James Simpson---~Feb. M, l908#
15, ifuo '
Lether Shroder, born in Huntley, Nebraska; Missionary Baptist;
Royal Neighbors of America; married by Rev. Cosley at his home in-;
Arnold, Custer County, Nebraska.
Lewis Edmond Simpson, son of William Simpson and Sarah Neve;
born in Manston, Wisconsin; Missionary Baptist; Republican; M.W.A,;
Farmer; resided at Arnold, Custer County, Nebraska.e” ~ "
VI-515. n ` `
Jennie Bell Shroder ~--~- rr ---~~----- »-Samuel Wesley Pinkston
_ (Nov. 12, 1900) Aug. 20, 1881
1lOS~Glen Leon P1nastes~L---apr. 1802
llCéeHazel Irlean Pinkston»»Aug. 18, 1906
11O%eVergie Alean Pinkston-~Jun. E, 1909
Jennie Bell Snroder, born in Huntley, Harlan County, Nebraska;
Methodist; married by Rev, Richard Neogland at residence of John Q
Gribling, Candy, Logan County, Nebraska.
Samuel Nesley Pinketon, son of John Miner Pinkston and Florence
Beals; born in Davis County, Kentucky; Methodist; Independent; M.N,A
Farmer; resided at Arnold, Custer Gounty, Nebraska. é

Lola Bfitt 5hTO§eP~~-~»---~~~Char1eS Albert Pinkgtgn
(sep. 11, 1902) oar. 10, 1378
llO8-Neil Albert Pinkston---Get, 30, 1903-s
1109-Frank Lloyd Pinkston~--Jen, 28, 1905_-
l1l0-Laura Blanche Pinkston-Jun, 13, 1909»~
Lola Britt Shroder, born in Huntley, Harlan County,
Nebraska; married by Rev. F. R. Hogeboone at residence of Lewis
Simpson, Logan County, Nebraska.
Charles Albert Pinkston, son of John Miner Pinkston and
Florence Bales; born in Onesburg, Davis County, Kentucky; Peoples
éngepegdent; M.W.A.; Farmer; resided at Arnold, Custer County,
e ras a.
Leon Ernest Cannon-- ~-~-- - ~-~---» ~ »---»-- -Ada Lillian Graber
(Jul-» lu. 1901) Ape. 9, if-me
Leon Ernest Cannon, born in Nebraska; Socialist; Farmer;
married by Rev. J. L. Swift at Hardman, Morrow County, Oregon.
Ada Lillian Graber, daughter of Eugene Craber and Hannah
Mary Tidd; born in Nebraska.
Mabel Hubs Gannon- -------- --------- ---- wiiiiam oev111e Royse
(Dee. an, 1902) Aug. Zh. 1873
1112-Floyd Daryl Boyse ~~-- “~Apr. 16, 1908--
1113~Robert William Royse~»~Sep. 16, l9l2-~
Mabel Ruby Cannon, born in Bancroft, Nebraska; married by J.
B. Stanely at Hardman, Morrow County, Oregon.
William Orville Royse, born in Macleay, Oregon; son of
John Frederick Royse and Eliza Adeline Smith; Republican; K. of P
Ida 59093 Gannon- °--~~ ~- ~--~--~-- ---- ~Franklin Budd Hamilton
(Feb. 27, 1907) Jun. 13, 188h
l1lh~Mabel Evelyn Hem1;ten~--Jan, 28, 1QO8»-
11l5#Gaorge Maynard Hamilton-May 18, 1909-~
lll6»Juanita Hamilton»----~-adpr. 25, 1912-~
Ida May Cannon, born in Missouri; married by Joseph Brice at
Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon.
Franklin Budd Hamilton, son of David Abner Hamilton and Lily
Jane Willingham; born in Heppner, Oregon; Republican; Lawyer.
of 9
ev) r)
12,11 1|
Elva Coral Cannon- ------=--»---~-~- -~-Hugh Roberta
(Jun. 2, 1907) Jun. 15, 1886
lll7-Crystal Roberts -~------ Feb. l0, l908~-
Elva Coral Cannon, born in Wenatchee, washington; married
by Rev. J. L. Swift at Allen Ranch, Morrow County, Oregon.
Hugh Roberts, son of Stacy Roberts and Martha Elisabeth
Becket, born in Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon; Photographer.
Gladys Undine Harris---- ------ » ~--- -William Kinnear McKenzie
(Apr. 15: 1905) Apr. 5, 1880
1118-Jennie McKenzie----~---Feb. Eh, l906--
lll9-Donald McKenzie- ----- »-Aug. 21, 1908-~
Gladys Undine Harris, born in Custer County, Nebraska;
Christian; married at Entiat, Chelan County, Washington.
William Kinnear McKenzie, born in Cupar, Fife, Scotland;
son of William Kinnear McKenzie and Elizabeth Shear; Christian;
Prohibition; M.W.A.; Farmer; resided at Entiat, Chelan County,
Audrey Harris»--~ ----»--~---~ ~--»--~ ---Gtto Monroe Thomason
(Sep. 5, 1908) Sep. 17, l87h
Audrey Harris, born in Milldale, Nebraska; Disciples Church;
Democrat; married by J. A. Graves, Entiat, Chelan County, Washington
Otto Monroe Thomason, born in Mincy, Taney County, Missouri;
son of John Hiram Thomason and Edna Jane Killman; University of
Oklahoma; LL. B., University of Washington Law School; Disciples
Church; Republican; Attorney at Law; K. of P.; previously married
on December 25, 1900, and the father of Otto Kelsey Thomason, born
November T, 1901; resided at Seattle, Washington.
V1-523. 8
Anna Christian Harris ------»------ ~-~Chester Milton Lockwood
(May ae, 1912) aug. 13, 1386
1120-Francis Arden Lockwood-Feb. 20, 1913--
Anna Christian Harris, born in Badger Mountain, Washington;
Christian; married at Seattle, King County, Washington; attended

the University of Washington.
Chester Milton Lockwood, son of Francis A. Lockwood and
Elizabeth Steiner; born in Indiana; Bissell College; Methodist;
Naomi Harris
Alvin Uden Harris
VI~527. _
Thelma Harris
Timothy Nulizen Cannon~--~~-»- ~»--»~ »--~» --Myrtle Anna Giles
(Jun. 17,   Nova 3,  
Timothy Nulisen Gannon, born in Arnold, Custer County,
Nebraska; Baptist; Democrat; Creighton College of Pharmacy,
Omaha, Nebraska, Ph.G.; Druggist; A.F. & A.M»3 Scottish Rite;
A.O.U.W.; M.W.A,; Postmaster of Juniata, Nebraska for twenty
years; married by O. G. Carden at Juniata, Adams County, Nebraska;
Juniata Gemetery.
Myrtle Anne Giles, daughter of Daniel Samuel Giles and Olive
ganoy Lancaster; born in Juniata, Adams County, Nebraska; Methodist
Adopted baby girl -- Lahene Cannon -~ February 1917.
Vida Owinza Gannon ----~-~---» ~-~ -~-~- -~ ---- Andrew Hoffman
(Deo. 2h, 1912) Feb, 16, 1880
Vida Owinea Gannon, born in Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska;
Baptist? married by Christian Minister at Clay Center, Clay County,
andrew Hoffman, son of Andrew Hoffman and Augusta Sander;
born in Hermann, Gasoonade County, Missouri; Farmer; Baptist;
Republican; resided at Glenville, Clay County, Nebraska,
Polly Anna Cannon
we e
‘Hi at
Garter Allen Gann0n~-*-~~---- "~“-“ **““"'“'“
1121-Kelly Allen Cannon----aaug. h, 1923-“
1122-Roma Marlene Gannon----Sep. 29, 192R~-
. \ _ - | ` O
_ _ __ ..____ _ _____ __ _ ____ -. ._ ____ ___,_ _. .1 . .. ,__ _“__ ._ °';.»_f=,.__. ,_ .. _
_ _ _ , _ _ .l_ ,_ .
‘ rn 'E Resided at 908 Boswell Avenue, Long Beach,
- »
Martha Tennessee Gannon
Moses Marcellus Gannon
Walter Verne Finch
Ephraim David Finch
Robert Melvin Finch
Levett Smith
vI*538¢ 1
Clapenge gsnngn ._---- ---- ~» ----------- --Ida Dawson Wigginton
(Aug. 30, 1906) Jun. 1, 1335
1123-Ida Elizabeth Cannon--~Nov. l, 19ll~-
ll2h-Ruby Melinda Cannon-~~»Mar, 30, l919~~
s1sussae»'M1ssoar1e»f; ' ` "

Ruby Gannon --~- -~---~ -»»--»~---~~» ---- -William safes; reeiee
(Aug, go, 19ohJ sep. 25, 1869
- oct, au, 1953
ll25#Mi1liam Randolph Peeler--Aug. h, 1910--
Ruby Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High
3050015 Eldberry Academy; Stephens College; B.O.&.B.M.; Tuesday
Club; Alumnae Association; D.s.R.; President of P.E.O. Chapter
1932=19333 Kings Daughters; married by Dr. G. W. Hatcher at
Baptist Church, Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry Cemetery.
William Barney Peeler, son of William Henry Peeler and Eliza
M. Atherton; born in Fayette, Howard County, Missouri; Missouri
University, B.S.; President of Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri
Baptist; Democrat; Elsherry Cemetery.
C@Cil Whit6SidS Cannon ----~ ~~“-----Margaret Rebecca Trescott
(Sep. 23, 1913) Sep. Zh, 1892
1126-John Lewis Cannon------Nov. M, 1923--
1127-William Joseph Cannons-Jan. T, 1926--
Cecil Whiteside Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; William
Jewell College; Baptist; Democrat; l.0.0.F.; a.F.&A_M,; mappigd
by Rev. W; L. Hatcher at Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Elsberry Cemetery,
'Margaret Rebecca Trescott, daughter of Isaac Lewis Trescott
and Minnie Rebecca Callaway; born in Foley, Lincoln county,
Missouri; Howard Payne College, A.B.; Baptist; Delta Pi Delta;
P.E.O.; 0.E.S.; second time married to Harry Curtis Cladney,
1212 in direct line, on June 16, l9h3.
Elsbsrry, Missouri.
Ethyl Home Cannon- »*~»---- ----- ~~~»-~W1111am_s11cwey clayton
(mar. 3, l§20) _ Nev. 23, 1868
Jun. 15, 1956
1128-Imogene Clayton~- --»- --Aug. 3O,il921-~
Ethyl Anna Cannon, born in Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Weltmer Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati Conservatory, Walter Spry
School of Music, Chicago; Methodist, officer in W.S.C.S.; Democrat;
married by Rev. R. M. Holland at Hotel Nation, Little Rock, Pulaski
County, Arkansas; Elsberry Cemetery.
William Alloway Clayton, son of Arthur Willis Clayton and Sarah
Elizabeth Alloway; born in Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; previously married to Lena Alloway;Elsberry Cemetery,
r *"
ti O
(V Qi
William Roscoe Cannon ---~~ --- -~--------- Halle Oneida Cochran
(Sep. 28, 1907) Jun. 22, 1887
1129-Kathryn Preston Cannon--Jan. 6, 1909--
1130-Rosooe Woodroe Cannon---Jul. 10, 1912--
1131-Lilla Mae Cannon--------Mar. 23, 1918--
William Roscoe Cannon, born in Elsberry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; St. Charles Military College, Gem City Business College;
Mason; Scottish Rite; Methodist; Democrat; Banker; Cashier of
Elsherry Banking Company; Secretary of Elsberry Drainage District,
1930; married by Rev. Miller at 3680 Laclede Avenue, St. LouiS.
Missouri; Elsberry Cemetery.
Nelle Oneida Cochran, daughter of Shelton Preston Cochran and
Kathryn Hemphill; born in Clarksville, Missouri; Episcopal; Democrat.
325 East Park Street, Edwardsville, Illinois.
Lester Thompson Cannon
Buried in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Adley Omar Cannon- »--- --------- -------- -~--- -Verdellah Dixon
(oct. io, 1915) Jan. 25, l89h
1132-Lucille Verdellah Cannon--Jan. 28, 1917--
1133-Louise Ellnorah Cannon---~Jan. 28, 19l?--
Adley Omar Cannon, born in Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri
Com City Business College; Missouri University; Baptist; Democrat;
served as assistant cashier at First National Bank of Havelock,
Iowa; married by Rev. T. J. Phillips at residence of R, C. Dixon,
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Verdellah Dixon, daughter of Richard Charles Dixon and Cassa
5. Jenkins, Baptist; Teacher.
Cromwell, Iowa.
Lucy Opal Cannon ------- -- ---- ---~-»--- ---Charles Levengood
(apr. 22, 1916) May 29, 1872
Jun. 12, 1956
Lucy Opal Cannon, Elsberry High School; Methodist; Elsberry
Cemetery. _ _ `
.531 *jfs , '
Charles Levengood later married Mrs. Emma Pryor Burke,
Elsberry Cemetery.

Velma Ellenorah Cannon- -------- -_ _»_*.» a~--_-pT@d Page Hanes
(Ser. 17, 1923) ree. 20, 1883
ll3h-William cannon Hanesa»-~aug, 37,_1o;y,-
ll35»Robert Landon Hanes»----Jul T, 1925-_
_ ll36~Lillie Belle Hanes»~»---Jul 7, 1Q26-,
ll37~Sarah Lee Hanes ~--- ~ -»»» Jul 26, 1928s-
1138'Fred Page Hanes, Jr. ---- May 23, 1930-a
`ll39-Velma Nadine Hanss»~--~-Jun 1u,~1932--
iiho-Anna elizabeth Hanes--=~o¢t 3, 1a3te~
Phi Beta
_cipal of
Velma siiencran cannon, Missouri University, B.s. endings.;
Kappa; R.E,D.; Eastern Star; Methodist; Democrat; Prine
Elsherry High School; Chillicothe Cemetery. _
HGV- Fred Pass Hanes. District Superintendent of Chillicothe,
3iahm°td, Mlaeouri. Methodist charenes; son of.C; w. Hanes aaa
all,” F&aS3 Central College, A.B.; Missouri University; Y.M.C;A.'
'Representative in France in World War; Pastor of Methodist Churghgs
in Troy, Chillicothe and Macon, Missouri
Jamison Bryan
Cannon- ---- -»---- -»-;
(Mar 30; isisl”
llhl~Lester Thomas Cannon-»-Aug, 11,
11MB-Patricia Jeans Cannon-~May 26,
isa Pauline Phillips
Dec 1 Ll.,  
Jamison Bryan Gannon, horn in Blsberry,
St. Louis College of Fharmacy; Baptist; Demos
married by Rev. Anderson at St, Lewis, Missouri, 5
Lincoln County, Missouri
rat; Pharmacist; Mason;,
g Ida Pauline Phillips, daughter of Rev. Thomas Jefferson' A
Phi11iDS RUC MHP? Alice Corn; born at Cordor, Missouri; Baptist; '
gegogragi Elsberry High School; Hardin College; Warrensburg Normal;
o n l U g
Elsberry, Miss
David Russell
David Russell
Engineer; Baptist;
Ga““°n'“- ”"' * "“"“ f'““f“°VifEinia Young Henry
(Jun,f3O, 1929) Aug{ 8, 1QO1
Jaan Cannon--~aa;5ep,-13; 1930__
Cannon, University of Missouri, B,S;i5C¢H3teu¢t1¢n'
Democrat; employed overseas with Near East Foune 3
Hfd il
Everett Berkley Cannon---~- ------- -~ ---Margaret Eva Wolfe
(Feb. l9Ch) oat. 9, 1883
llhh-Ruby May Cannon ---~~-- ~Dec. l905~-
Everett Berkley Gannon, born in Blsherry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Democrat; Conductor; Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen;
married by Justice of the Peace at Fargo, North Dakota, marriage
blessed by Father Verhagn, Lady of Lourdes, Spokane, Washington.
Margaret Eva Wolfe, daughter of Frank Wolfe and Katharina
Baker; born in Germany; Catholic; Democrat; resided at East 1508 ~
Sth Avenue, Spokane 32, Washington.
Garth Benjamin Cannon ~~~------ ~ -~----- Agnes Elizabeth Hyland
(Jun. 13, l925) nec. 15, 1902
Garth Benjamin Cannon, horn in Elsberry, Missouri; Minot High
School, North Dakota; Railway Conductor; Order of Railway Conductors;
Democrat; A.F. & A.M.; married at Minot, Ward County, North Dakota,
by Rev. P. W. Erickson.
Agnes Elizabeth Hyland, daughter of Owen Hyland and Mary Anna
Kusha; horn at Sauk Centre, Minnesota; Minot High School; Catholic;
Democrat; Ladies Auxiliary to Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and
Ladies Auxiliary to Order of Railway Conductors.
301 Fair Block, Minot, North Dakota. (19hh)
Randolph Thomas Cannon---~~ -~----~~-----~~- Georgia Anna Honff
(Dec. 23, 1912) Jul; 1, 1392
llh5-Everett Garth Cannon ----
llh6»Basil Cannon» ------~-~ »~
Randolph Thomas Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Methodist; C.B. & Q, Railway; Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen;
married by Rev. W. J. Haggith at Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Georgia Anna Houff, daughter of William Henry Houff and Mary
Hussey; born in Cidertown, Georgia; Methodist; resided in East
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and Los Angeles, California.
Virginia YOURS H9033 -born at Whiteside _Lincoln C0 t t Mi ‘»C MMQ, Leon William Cannon ------ -~-- ~---- ~~ --~-- Della Margaret Bauer
gogtgeast Missouri_State teachers College, BiS.; teacher?nO¥é.S.?SOu?1, (Sep. 3, 1920) May 19, 1393
' V 8 Leon William Cannon, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen; B.P.0.E.3
C°1“mbia MiSS0UPi\ ~ Spokane Catholic Society; died in railroad accident at Wishram,
Oregon; Holy Cross Cemetery; Knights of Columbus; married in Spokane,

John Samuel Cannon~~~ ---- »---- ~--~-~~-~~-June Emil Ann Snow
Della Margaret Bauer, daughter of Herman Bauer and Lenora
McCormick; born at Great Falls, Montana; Livingston High School,
Montana; Catholic; Democrat; Auxiliary of Railroad
Neighbors; married at Spokane, Washington, by Rev.
Trainmen; Royal
Father Buckley.
Ruth Genevieve Cannon--»-»~ ----------- ~Lawrence Maurice Byrne
EDec. 5, 1917) Apr. 3, 1892
1lh7-James Robert Byrne ~-------» --Sep. ln,
llh8~Terence Maurice Byrne~~ ~~.--- Oct. 20,
llh94William Michael Byrne ---~ ~--- Jul. 1,
ll50-Richard Benjamin Byrne” ~--- --May 29,
1151-Henrietta Jcanne~Byrne=~#~»--Dec.
1152-Patricia Anne Byrne ---~ ~~~-~- Mar.
_ Lawrence Maurice Byrne, son of Robert Michael
Nellie G. Goghlan; born at St. John, North Dakota;
i9ao»=Jun. 1, 19M5
Byrne and
attended North
Dakota A.C.; Catholic; Democrat; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen;
K. of C.; District Court Reporter, Bth Judicial District of North
D&k0t&3 Captain, U.S.Army Infantry; Officer's Training at Camp
Snelling, Minnesota, 1917; Commissioned First Lieutenant and assigned
at Camp Dodge, Iowa; Commissioned Captain July 19,
1918, and served
overseas until discharged in l919; Chief of Police, Minot, North
Dakota; Building and Loan Association.
Ruth Genevieve Cannon, born at Rolla, North Dakota; St. Mary‘s
Academy, Devi1’s Lake, North Dakota; Catholic; Daughters of Isabelle;
Royal Neighbors; married at Minot, Ward County, North Dakota.
713 Huron Avenue, Port Huron, Michigan.
Vx   u
(Jun. 15, 1925) Apr. 7, 1902
ll53=Dona Joyce Cannon --»-----~--- Jul. 31, 1931--
John Samuel Cannon, born at Bisbee, North Dakota; Catholic;
Democrat; K. of G.; St. Mary's Academy; married at Minot, North
June Emily Ann Snow, daughter of Fred Oral Snow and Martha Olive
Richardson; born at Marietta, Minnesota; St. Mary's Academy; Minot
Normal School; Democrat; Stenographer.
Vancouver, Washington, h15 East 39th Street (1939)
James Isaac Cannon
Family cemetery of mother's family in Newton County, Missouri.
NL all
Wanda Emeline Gannon--= ~---~ -----~ --4----Roy Ezekiel Hammock
(Sep. 29, 1910) Jan 27, 1887
Apr 13. 19MB
1l5h-Thomas Taylor Hammack--Jan. 22, 1912--
1155-Roy Cannon Hammack ----- Jan. 1, l9lh--Nov. 9, 1950
1156~Mary Lou Hammack--- »-~- Aug. 13, l9l6~-
ll57~James Waldo Hammack+~~-Jul. Eh, l91B~-Jul. 26, 1926
ll58-Bonnie Jean Hammack--»-Jan. h, 1921--
1159-Ralph Eugene Hammack--~Dec. 10, 1932-~
Manda Emeline Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; Teacher; married by Rev. W. A. Bibb at Louisiana,
Pike County, Missouri.
Roy Ezekiel Hammack, son of Thomas Eastin Hammack and Mary
Mildred Elsberry; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; Stochman and buyer; County Asseeor of Lincoln County,
Missouri, 1925-1933; Elsberry Cemetery.
Louisiana, Missouri.
VI-557. _
Waldo Perry Cannon~ ~-~- »~-~~-~-----
_(sep. 20, 1930)
Mary Temperance Fox
Feb. 7, 1910
1160-James Taylor Cannon---~Apr. 3, 193h--
1161-Wanda Ruth Cannon--~---Sep. 21, 1935-=
1162-Norma Jean Cannon- ----- Nov. 13, 1937--
Naldo Perry Gannon, born in Lincoln
Baptist; Democrat; married by Rev. L. H.
County, Missouri; Farmer;
Lynn at Elsberry, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
Mary Temperance Fox, daughter of William Otis Fox and Laura
Viola Wilkinson; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; _
, Ralph Morton Cannon-------»~ -~-- ~---- --~-~ --- -~-Anne Barry
(Nay ii, 1929) Nov. 18, 1906
_ Apr. 16, l9H9
1l63~Nancy Anne Cannon ~--- --May , l93C-- ~
ll6h»Ralph Morton Cannon,Jr.-
1165-Dolores Cannon ---------~
1166-William Barry Cannon --»-
llc?-Eleanor Cannon -=---- - e-~~
1168-Joseph Gannon ------ -~~--
ll69-Kathleen Cannon ~-~-~ ----
Ralph Morton Cannon, born near Elsberry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; Motorman; Farmer; married by

Rev. P. P. Crane at 2Oh7 East Grand Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri.
Anne Barry, daughter of William Patrick Barry and Mollie Mary
Roennigke; Holy Name School and Rosati-Kain High School; Catholic;
Democrat; born in St. Louis, Missouri; Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis,
lll9 East Obear avenue, St. Louis, Missouri.
VI‘559» `
Augustus William lsaac Mayeseesese - ~--Belle Stone
(Nov, ae, isis) Jul, 6, 1895
ll?0-John_William Mayese-~~-Mar. 9, 1916--
Belle Stone, daughter of John T. Stone; horn in Lincoln
County, Missouri; Baptist.,
Elsberry, Missouri”
Mary Lucy Cannon --~-~-~---- ~»-- --- -»~Thomas Cannon Howard
(Nov. 18, 1920) ost. 11, 1895
11T1»Ghar1es Cannon Howard -~-~- Dec
llT24William Otto (Bob) Howard-Apr
ll?3-John Randolph Howard~-~---Sep
llTh-Molly Ann Howard -~-~-~---- Jan
`35 1923~'
l?| 1925“*
29, 19)-l-0""'
Mary Lucy Cannon, Baptist; P.E.O.; D.A.R.; 0.E.S.
Thomas Cannon Howard, son of slice Lelia Waters and Charles
Martin Howard; Farmer; Baptist; designated Master Farmer by Missouri
Buralist, l9hC; officer in Farm Bureau; Pike Hereford Association;
'former member of Elsherry School Board.
E sherry, Missouri.
Isabelle Mayes Cannon-~ -~--- --1-e --~- John Bernard Griffitts
(Jan. 18, l9M7) ~ may 23, 1908
ll?5~Ann Cannon Griffitts---Deo. 2, 1950-~
Isabelle Mayes Cannon, attended Elsberry High School, Hardin
College; Personnel analyst in Office of Army Engineers; married
at Third Baptist Church, St. Louis, Missouri, by Rev. C. Oscar
Johnson. 'i i. ` y '
John Bernard Criffitts, son of Homer B. Griffitts and Ann
Galloway; Galesburg, Illinois, High School; Washington University;
Cosmetics manufacturer.
7316 Weingarten, St. Louis, Missouri.
6 I vi-562.
rl? Lottie Temperance Mayes»»-- ---- ~-~-» ---- Guy Cannon Elston
° _ (Aug. 10, l908) Feb. 25, 1386
1176-Curtis Mayes Elston ---- May 26, l909““
llT7~HaPTy Daniel Elstone---May h, lQl2»-
ll?5-Richard Guy Elston --~-- Feb. 10, 1916--
ll79-Mary Elizabeth Blston-~Sep. 25, 1918-~
1180-Kathrine Eileen Elston-Sep. 13, 1920--
Lottie Temperance Mayes; Baptist; Elsberry Cemetery.
Guy Cannon Elston, son of Samuel Lee Elston and Ada Rebecca
Cannon; Mo. 661 in direct line of descent.
Elsberry, Missouri.
»--Lou Altha Ellis
F6191 17,  
Roy Wilkinson Mayes*--~ ---» ---~- ---- ~
(Got. 25, l91h)
ll8l-Infant- ------ »~-~»~~~-»Jan. 6, 19l?»~Jan. 6, 1917
'E llB2»Mary Willena Mayes-~-»-Jul. 6, l923~-
Q}"{i. Roy Wilkinson Mayes; farmer; member of farm organizations and
' ` Elsberry Livestock Show Committees.
Lou Altha Ellis, daughter of Emmett E. Ellis and Mary Willems
Elsberry, Missouri.
V1-=56lL .
Russell Taylor Mayes»~ »------ ~~~---- ----*“ Cave Blanche Weeks
(Jun. 20, 1920) Nov. M, 1895
1183-Samuel Cannon Mayes----Aug. 30, 1927-~
Russell Taylor Mayes, Farmer; Baptist. _
Cave Blanche Weeks, daughter of Statira Ellena Whiteside
and Samuel Taylor Meeks; born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Garden Club; History Club; married by Rev. Charles King
at Louisiana, Missouri.
Elsberry, Missouri.
_ VI-565.
@i§. lacy Catherine Mayes ~-»~----~- - -*»----- Virgil Stuokert Weeks
(May 15, 1926) Dec. 25, 1896
118h»John Richard Weeks -~--~ May 23, l93O-»
1185-Catherine Lou Weeks ---- Jan. 2h, 1932--

Lucy Catherine Mayes; Baptist; a.B.C. Club.
Virgil Stuckert Weeks, son of Samuel Taylor Weeks and Statira
Ellena Whiteside; long time employee of Wells Lamont Corporation;
Baptist; married at home by Rev. J. S. Eames.
Elsberry, Missouri.
DIN Edward MiCh.alJ CBIIYIOIQ °--~---" »-»-- - -=-He1@'[] Gpagg Henderson
(ADEQ QM, l9h6}
1186-Hugh Michau Cannon ---~-
l157~Maida Cannon -------~ ~»_
1188*EUSenia Louise Cannon--Dec. ll, 1951--
Edward Michau Cannon, M.E.; married in Atlanta, Georgia.
l9l9 South Grand Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri.
_,.»-" `
Eugenia M&Ti@ C&HU0D“ “-°- rt --~-- ~~~-»-Jewell Isaac Nienabsr
(Mar. 12, 1938)
1189-Frederick Cannon Nienaber-Mar. l?, l9hl--
1190-Edward Lawrence Nienabere-Jan. 9, 19u8»-
1191-John Owen Nienaber ------ -~Ju1_ 25, 1952--
Eugenia Marie Cannon, born in Lincoln, Nebraska; Lincoln High
5650015 HO11iUS C0ll@g@3 Pi Beta Phi Sorority; Congregational Chu c
#Swell Isaac Nienaber, son of J. H. Nienaber and Rosa Ann
Christan; born at Denhighl North D&kOt&; University of Minnesota;
‘CongPGg&ti0Dal GHUPCBE A-F- & A.M.; Aviation, Pan American Airways,
5335 Svuth West hhth Terrace, Miami h3, Florida.
VI-568. `
Arnold Cannon Boone~-»-- -~----. ._._ __»----A1icS Marie Bowers
(Oct. 27, 1923) Dec. 9, 1901
1192-John Arnold Boone~ ~~»-- May, 22, 1929-~
l193»Nancy Ann Boone----~»--
Arnold Cannon Boone, born in Clarksville, Pike County,
Missouri; Democrat; married in St, Louis, Missouri,
Alice Marie Bowers, daughter of Edward Bowers and Emma
Dempsey, born in Mexico, Missouri; Catholic; Democrat.
T020 Lindell, St. Louis, Missouri. ~
rm QQ
CI; *D
Q' Mary Frances Boone-» ----»--------- ~- --~Car1 Richard Moore
(sos. ao, 1927) Oct. ia, l895
ll9h-Eleanor Marie Moore~--»Jul. 5, 1928--
1l95~Frances Lou Moore ----- faug. 26, 1930-»
Mary Frances Boone, daughter of William Crosby Boone and Mary
Letitia Cannon; born in Clarksville, Missouri; Manual Training
School, Peoria, Illinois, University of Mexico City, Mexico, D.T.:
Baptist; married in Chicago, Illinois, by Bev. Boynton.
Carl Richard Moore, son of William John Moore and Margaret
Drusilla Singley; born in St. Louis, Missouri; Northwestern Uni-
versity; Traveling Auditor; A.F. & A.M.
1173 Northern Parkway, Baltimore l2, Maryland.
Helen Louise Bccne~--»» --------~----- Arthur Nelson Tracewell
(Nov. 26, 1931) Oct. 23, 1900
1196-Mary Lurana Tracewell--Oct. 28, 1935-“
ll9T-George E. Tracewell----Jul. 27, 1939-~
Helen Louise Boone, born in Clarksville, Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; married at home of her parents, Peoria, Illinois, by
Rev. Chessman.
Arthur Nelson lracewell, born in Valentine, Nebraska; son of
George E. Tracewell and Olive May Early; Optical merchant; Pres-
byterian; Republican.
ua; West guto, Oklahoma city, Oklahoma.
Mildred Virginia Boone ~--------- ~»~- ~--- Elmer Ray Bodtke
(Dec. 23, 1939) Jun. 28, 1912
Mildred Virginia Boone, born in Mexico, Missouri; Steno~
grapher; Baptist; Democrat; married at Sapulpa, Oklahoma, by Rev.
P. J. Gonkmright.
Elmer Bay.Bodtke, son of Robert Bodtke and Myrtle Gray; born
in Peoria, Illinois; Salesman; Christian; Democrat.
1211 Grant Avenue, Rockford, Illinois.
.Z - .., ,,
* -':' _

186. l
18 .
VI”5?2¢ ' I 7
r - B ‘ t' D ‘ Nill C R
William Aiexsnesf elasnsy _~---- --~---sarah Katherine orccen duyq, Cemet§;°”ge Washington Gladney’ aptls ’ ea°°“’ 1 Fee
c (Jan. 1, iooh) aug. 31, 1862 _ V'
ll95~Claud Tolbert Cladney--Feb. S, 1332--Jun. 8, 1951 vI'5?6'
1199-Maud Clodene Cladney---May 7 l -» - G ___ _______ l ___N tt~ M Q L K tt
      ai lsr-     e;;‘r1, .es ,2,:a=f1..2“° 6
l2Ol»Georgo Matthew Gladney-Jul. lg, lg90-*
12°2“E1Si@ Lee G1&d“@Y°"""APf' » 1 93°' l2l3»Harry Curtis eiadney---Jan. au 1895--
1203-J-GSEi& IIPSFIS G1&C1't'J6'§'-~“Jl1l'I|¢ 21, 1396- l21L,__A1.,thuI, Lyndon G1E,_dneY____Jan‘ 27; 1B9'?___
l?Oh-Myrtle Cordelia Cladney~Feb.2S, l900~~ l215_Heba Norine Gladn5y___"Ju1_ 2, 1899__
l205~Delphia Lorena Gladnsy~Jun. 26, 1901-~ 1216“Raymond Leighton Glaéney_MaF_1u,l9@3,_Jun, 15, lggu
William Alexander Gladney, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Ben I _ _ - M 1-
_ jamin Franklin Gladney born in Lincoln County issour .
Farmer’ mayried by Rev' F' Y' Pregley at F°1@Y» Missouri? Methodist; Democrat; M.M.A.; Merchant; built and operated first
. electric power plant in Elsberry Missouri' married by Rev.
Sarah Katherine Crouch, daughter of Matthew Crouch and Gharleg Wyndug at Bowling Creen,’Missouri.B
Laura Smith; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Methodist; resided
at Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Joseph N. Gladney
Nettie Maud Luckett, daughter of Seneca M. Luckett and Sarah
Catherine Taylor; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; M@th0diSt§ l
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri. i
Buried in Lincoln County, Missouri. 1 f VI”577_ 5
VI`“57’+' r W   Jose-pn Thomas elasney -~»-----»~-------- ---- L ydia Steele If
Mary Katherine Gladney -»-»~-~~~~~--~--- Richard Wommack Mattel (Sep' 23” 1915) E
(D°°' Q’ lggd’ isp' 18’ 1359 Joseph Thomas Gladney, Christian Church; married by Rev. ,H
un* 9* 190° Stout at Bowling Green, Missouri; Cladney Cemetery, Lincoln County, W
12O6“L0iS may Wattg _________ Sep_ 23, l836M_ » Missouri; resided at Eolia, Pike County, Missouri. $
1207~H0mer Gladney Watts ---» Apr. 19, l89l~~ Lydia Steele, formerly of Annada, Missouri. M
B Mary Katherine Gladney; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; VI_578¢ H
artist, married by Rev. F. Y. Presley at New Hope, Lincoln County, |r
MiSS°“fi~ rseserisu ceases c1aessy ------»---~-- stalls Dolorma Mitchell H
Richard Wommack Watts, son of Mordeoia R. Watts and Manda (Sep' 6' 1893) Jul' M’ 1876 L
Wommack; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Farmer; Baptist;
Democrat; buried in New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri; Brother
of W. W. Watts; resided at 207 Louisiana Street, Palestine,
Anderson county, Texasr ‘ " ~ ‘
Moved to Galveston, Texas, in 1910.
George Washington G1adney--~~~-»- »~-~»-Ora Ella wniceeise
(Jul. 17, 1891) ucv. 1?, 1873
Mar. 13, 19H3
1208-Maloomb Everett Cladney---Jul. 29,
l209»Samuel Paul Cladney~--»---May
1210-Luther Laws Gladney~»- -~-~ Jul. Zh, lB9?--
Jan. 15,
l211~Lorena Kathr n Gladne
N » N “"'
l2l2»Margaret Gertrude Cladney-Sep, 9, 1906-»
1892~~apr. 27, 1919
189h-~Aug. 10, 1930
1901--Jul. 12, 1901 ,
l2lT-Zula may eiaauey ---- ---Jan. 3, 1896-» ,
l2l8~azel Reed Gladney- ----- Aug. 6, l397“*
1219-Gladys Gladney ~~-- ----- May 10, l9Ol-- ,
Frederick Gaston Cladney, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; E
Farmer and stockman; County Assessor; BaPtiSt§ I-O-0.F.; maT?i6@ 1
by Rev. E. J.‘Sanderson at Auburn, Lincoln County, Missouri; Mill
Creek Cemetery. ,
Stella Delorma Mitchell, daughter of Bright Mitchell and Cordelia l
Hcwdeghell; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; No. 61h in direct line; \
@H(. resided in Whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri. ;`" .s

Edwin Theodore Gladney
Samuel Cladney Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
William David Gladney
Samuel Cladney Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Cora Nancy Cladney--»»~-~--ae _....._._ _._______ -3615 Shannon
(Nov, ll, 1892) Jan. 6, 1862
Dec. 23, iegu
1220-Mark G. Shannon-»------Feb. El, l893__
_ Cora Nancy Cladney, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Presbys
terian; married by Rev. Boyce Grier; Mill Creek Cemetery.
ton Dial; born in Lincoln County,
M111 Greek Cemetery.
Reid Sh&UU0U» son of James Sumner Shannon and Orlenes washing
Missouri; Hresbyterian; Farmer;
William Edwin Gladngyw- -~_e- _ ~.._ _
(Mor, 21,
1221-Mary Gladney------_-_
1222-Alpha Finley G1adney~
1223-Anna Gladney---~~---”
122g-Isabelle Gladney -~-- -
l225~Joseph Edwin Gladney~
1225-William Russell Cladn
l227~Char1otte Gladney=---
"""S9p a
““DeC 9
-Martha Dianna Wilson
Nov. 10, 1873
May 6, 19MB
1 9?""°:F]@b| '     6
18aa-- ’ H
M William Edwin Gladney, born near Mew Hope, Lincoln County,
issouri, associate Reformed Presbyterian; Merchant; Elsberry Cemetery,
. ° ° Y
Martha Dianna Wilson, daughter of C C Wilson and Jane Finle 1
Wilson, born north of New Hope, Missouri; Associate Reformed Pres-
byterian; Democrat; Elsberry Cemetery.
Mary Alice G1adn@Y““”“ “““”"---- “-- ---“ “Andrew Gaston Cladney
(Nova 22,   D@c| 20,  
l22E%Albert Emerson Gladney-Aug.
l22€%Anna Wilson Gladney----Sep.
1230-Gladys C1adney--- »~~- --Aug.
1231-Mary Eugenia Cladneyee-Jul,
tu qi
Arr- ll. 1922 dll ‘Q
11, 1895--
21, 1897s-
21, 1900--Jun. 5, 1902
- 189.
Mary Alice Gladney, born near New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri
Matron in Tuskahoma Female Academy; married at residence of J. M.
Gladney, Lincoln County, Missouri, by Rev. C. W. Latham.
Andrew Gaston Cladney, son of John Mathew Cladney and Annie
Isabel Wilson; born near Auburn, Lincoln County, Missouri; Missouri
University, B.S, and A.M.; Superintendent of Tuskahoma Female
Academy; A.F. & A.M.; died in Phoenix, Arizona; resided at Twin Falls,
Twin Falls County, Idaho. ,
vi-ssh. _
Laura Presley Gladney --~-» ~ ------ ¥~~»---Lemuel Thomas Baskott
(Jan. 11, 1905) Nev. le, 187u
APP» 159 1957
1232¥Wa1teT Foley BQSKGUL- -~“----- Ogt, 17, 1905--
1233-Jcnn William {J.w.) Bassett--apr. S, 1908--
123M-Mll&PS§ Gladhey Baskett ------ Aug. 1, 1910--
l235-Anna Laura Baskett -----~--~ ~-Jun. 3, 1913--
1236-Sarah Elizabeth Baskett ------ Feb. 2, 1916--
Laura Presley Gladney, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; A.R.
Presbyterian; married by E. W. Reynolds at home in Lincoln County,
Lemuel Thomas Baskett, son of Milliam H. Baskett and Elizabeth
Foley Sanders; born near New Hope, Missouri; Methodist, member of
Official Board of Elsberry Methodist Church; Democrat; A.F. & A.M.,
50-year member; Grocery and hardware merchant; first married to
Josephine Martin who died in 1899; Elsberry Cemetery.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Edl'l9.   G‘1&d.f16'37""""*"' “'“'“"" *““"'“'*“”” "" “"“" " 'Expo Hi-nag
Mill Creek Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Henry Clay Cladney-- ------ - ------------ -~-- Dora Ellen Brown
(Oct. 18, 189M) sep. 2, 1877
12374v1eg11 o. G1acney-- ---- ------ Oct. 8, 1895--
1238-Roy Lee Gladney ------- - -»---» Jul. 9, 1897--
1239-Samuel Edward Gladney ------- -Feb. 27, 1903-- 1
Henry Clay Gladney, born near Auburn, Missouri; Methodist;
Democrat; Farmer; married by Rev. R. L. Morton at residence of E.M.
Dora Ellen Brown, daughter of S, E. Brown and Dora Ellen ;
born near Okete, Missouri; Methodist.
Hesided in Elsberry, Missouri, and Portland, Oregon (1936)
5311 South East Gladstone, Portland, Oregon.

Jessie May Gladney, born in Lincoln
Sarah Jane Gladney-~~»-~- -»--- ------ _».. John Lewis Croueh
(0Ct» 17, l39H) Apr. l5, 1869
l2M0~Ido Belle Crouch --»-»-~- ~--»-
12h1»ROSa Ellen Gourch-~ ---- ~---- eSep, 5, 15g9om
l2h2~Cnsrles Alfred Crouch ~---» ~-e
l2h3»Bessie Lee Crouch -------- -
12hh~Arthur L. Crouch ~--- ~- »----»»
_, Sarah Jane Gladney born in Lin ol C t Mi i' M th ~
married by Rev. Mcncnalé. c n Gun y, ssour , e odist,
John L. Crouch, son of Jessie Crouch and Mary Frances Cox;
resided at Briscoe, Lincoln County, Missouri.
William Andrew Gladney
Buried in Lincoln County, Missouri
C cu!,,..___._______________.__.___..._.___.___..___q,_...__.. l l
Walter David Gladney -~-~--- ~-»~-“ --
(Feb. 7, 1906)
-~-~Gertrude Forks
y Jun. 21, 1863
Walter David Gladney, born near Auburn, Missouri; Democrat;
Farmer and telephone manager; married by
Rev. G. M. Oaks at
Bowling Green, Missouri; resided at Siler and Elsberry, Missouri.
Gertrude Parks, daughter of J. W. Parks and Sarah E. Abbott;
born at Corso, Missouri.
Minnie Lee Cladney
Troy, Missouri.
Jessie May Gladney -----“~~~~~~-----
(Ney en, 1922)
-- ~~~»Hubert Shafer
oct. 10, loo?
County, Missouri; Methodist;
Mar? Ellen @1adU6Y“* ““““ “'“““ -'--~* --“George Sherman Wells
(13605 .59   OCts 33  
Juno 9;  
l2h§~Georgia Mary Wells»~~--~ --~»Mar. ll 190 e»M 1 1 0
l2h6-Vecie Emaline Wells~---- »~~» ~Oct. B: l9C£-- ay 9, 9 S
igkg-gghn Samuel Wells- ---~ -»~~-Aug, 18, 1906-- _
“_ efmen Wells-~~ -~-- ~-~~~~---Apr. 2 1909 ~A . 1 c
l2h9~Nurrill Kenneth Wells- ~--- »-~Nov 16; l91h~- pr M, 9 Q
mémbegagg Ellen Glggneyi Earn én Lincoln County, Missouri; Methodist,'
U s ape urc ° marr ed b James L, T 1 t T
Missouri; Cladney Cemetery. H Y ay or a Foy'
George Sherman Wells, son of John E. Wells and Harriet Davis;
born in Lincoln County, Missouri; resided at Elsberry, Missouri.
.Cl&Pk J&BkS0n G1&dH9y»= -------_ _“__ ____ ---Beulah Bell Jeans
Rebekah; married by Rev. M. D. Dudley at residence in Troy, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
Hubert Shafer, son of Marion Shafer and Eugene Howell; born in
Lincoln County, Missouri; Democrat; A.F. & A.M.;Hcnni Motor Company.
Troy, Missouri.
Forest Colby Cladney
Died in automobile accident; Reid Cemetery; Lincoln County,
Delphia Ernestine G1adney~-- ~~-~ » ---» ---- James Hades Haney
(Mer. 17, 1909) May 17. 1333
sep. 22, 1951
  (Nov. solace: Mer. ae, less
l25O~Clark Jackson Gladney, Jr,--~Jan, 27, 1912»»
Clark Jackson Gladney born east of Auburn Mi s i' M th di t'
Democrat; Telephone business; married by Rev. J: A.SM§;§ord S ngarg ,
TP°F» MiSS0UT1E Pooidod at Winfield, Missouri, and Columbia, Missouri.
Beulah Bell Jeans dau hter of John H J S
Elisabeth Williams; born hear éroy, Missouri;eM;{ho§;§§.and arab
1251-eeee1 Edna sassy-»~--~~------Oct. 16, 1910--
1252-Darlene Mary Eaney~-~---~--
l2§3»Charles Gledney Reney~-~~»-
Delphia Ernestino Gladney, born in
Democrat; married by Rev. Lewis Hickman
Dr. James Haden Raney, born at the
of John Haney and Judy Agnes Briscoe; I.
Toronho School of Veterinary Science.
Winfield, Lincoln County, Missouri.
*“Jan\ 3, ]-91.3"""
"‘°Sep¢, 19; ]..928""" `
Lincoln County, Missouri;
at home of Charles Gladneyé
old Samuel Briscoe Farm; son
C.O.F.; A.R.?.; Diploma from

Clarence Sidney Gladney---- ------- ---~----Irma Grace Barrett
y (Jan. 31, 1926)
Nov. 2, l8Qh
l25h-Charles Sidney Gladney-- ~»--- Aug. 16, 1927--
1255-Forrest Leroy Gladney-- --»--- Dec. l, 1929-»
1256-William Craig G1adney--- ---Apr
1257-Ruby Grace Gladneye-~~~~ ---Oct --
1238-Reba_Mae Gladney» ----------- -Jul: 8, l93%--
0 lu: 1933'“
16, 193
Clarence Sidney Gladney, born in Snow Hill Township, Lincoln
County, Missouri; Harmony Grove School; Presbyterian; Denncrat; Farmer
Irma Grace Barrett, daughter of Charles David Barrett and Nelliel
Birkhead; Troy Schools; Presbyterian; Democrat.
Briscoe, Missouri.
Myrtle May Howdeshell ------ ~----~-~~~- William Franklin Bender
(Jun. 17, 1901) may 31, 1880
1259-William Coburn Bender-- -~-~- -Mar. 12, l902~-
l26O~Hare1a Bender- -~----~-~ ------ Nov. ieoh--Aug,' , 190§
Myrtle May Howaeshell, born in Pike County, Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; married by Rev. W. Stone at LaGrange, Missouri
William Franklin Bender, son of William L. Bender and Hattie
Harvey; born in Hannibal, Missouri; Baptist; Republican; Private
secretary to Henry Miller, General Manager of Wabash Railroad;
resided at 5871 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri.
Biraio Gertrude Howdeshell --~~ ~~--- ---Raymond Clinton Coburn
(say 8, 1901)
1261-Royal Leonard Coburn-- ~--- ---Jul, 12, 1902--
1262-Raymond Bender Coburn- ----- --Jul. l2, 1902--Jul. 17, 190;
Birdie Gertrude Howdeshell, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptiat; Democrat; Momen'e Home Missionary Society; Literary Society;,
Chautauqua Circle; married by Rev. Medley at Clarksville Missouri'
buried at Upper Sandusky, Ohio. ` I 3
Raymond Clinton Coburn, born in Marietta, Ohio; Methodist;
Eirublican; Physician; resided in State of Ohio and in Clarksville,
ssour .
U-I°°'599o `
Lillian Day Howdeshel1-- -~--- ---- ---~--- ~-e---Guy L@R0y Gage
(apr. ao, 190n>
M 1'lP
. Missouri'
Lillian Day Howdeshell, born in Lincoln County, »
Baptist; Democrat; married by Rev. 3. D. Bl%%S at Glafksville'
L R Cash SOB gf Jeppie Cash and Fannie KeithleY5 born
at Fr§g;fo;o?yMissouri; Christian; Democrat; CaShi@P» Nati°§e§ Eigk
gf Fort Worth, Texas; resided at 2hO9 Market Street, Reese 6 5 ’
Fort Worth, Texas.
Mildped Flcy Howceahe11~ --~-- “ ”““' "“”"F‘ S’ Waddell
Louisiana, Pike County, MiSS°“ri°
Alta Irene Howdeshell-~~- Richards
lgeh-Susan Richards- -~-- ----“ '”"“
The ciarseviiie riser, in haf fath@P‘S °bit“aTY= Speaks °f
"mise Irene aeeeeeaeii of st. Louis", February 3, 1913.
Amos Bupton Cotter-.. __.... -_--»--»---» --~- MB.tti6 Ell9\'1 R5-fihardson
(May 15, 1393)
1255-suean Nona Cotter ------- “*“"'M&P
l266~Rebecca Cathrine COtt@T*““””`J“1
1257,L@wie Reed Cotter- ---~~ -' °-°“ NOV
1268»Martha Cotter" ------- “"“* ““’“ 99°
» 157k
, 1B9e»~Ncv. 6, 1399
, 190o~-Mer. 23, 19Oh
, 1903--
. 18,
- i'DwwmeM
Amos Burton Cotter born in Lincoln County, Missour , _
Contractor and bu11dep;’Mayor and city recorder, Moundg, O§lah§?a;ouri
M,w_A,; married by Rev. J. B. Mayfield at Eolia, ike oun Ya S
Mattie Ellen Richardson, born in Pike County, MiSS0UPi5 daughte?
of Tom Richardson &nd Mafy Gpaffope; Christian; Democrat; Modiste;
resided in Pawaeera, Osage Counts, 0k1ah°me=
Thomas Walter Cotter
vi-6011. ' ;
Nettie Cotter
Q) 'Q V1-eos. \
Mary Lee Cotter
1263-George LeRoy Cash ------- ----Oct. 31, l906~- Lena M&U§ Getter

- 198.
Mary Margaret Morris
Ruby Knox Morris
Pearl Cannon Morris
Clara Ethel Morris
Ida Ellen Morris
William Thomas Reed Morris
VI~6l3. Cordelia Alice Morris
Stella Delorma Mitchell -»»--~-----~-~ Frederick Gaston Gladney
uae. 19, 1981
, (Sep. 6, 1893) Jul. 16, 1876
1216-Zula May Gladney--- ---- Jan. 3, 1896--
1217-Azel Reed Gladney ---- -e--Aug. 6, 1897--
l2l8~Gladys Gladney ---------- »»~--May 10, 1901-~
Frederick Gaston Gladney, No. 578 in direct line; see page 187
Forest Eugene Mitchell ---- ~~~-- -------~---- Justine Ma Finley
- (Apr. 7, 1909) Dec. 17, 1882
1269-Frances Eugenia Mitchell-~---Oct. 16, 1915--
1270-Mary Agnes Mitchell-- --~----~ Sep. 23, 1918--
Justine May Finley, daughter of Walker Finley and Mary Ann
Elsberry, Missouri.
William Maupin Mitchell --~»---~- »~------- --»~Ne11e Mcoenale
(Nov. 2, l9Oh) lug. 6, 1679
William Maupin Mitchell, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; M.W.A.; Stockman and mercpant; Collector of
Eevenue for Lincoln County, l93l-1939; Director of Bank of Lincoln
ounty. f ' `
Halle McDonald, Nc, 675 in direct line; daughter of Henry
Washington McDonald and Sarah Jane Parker; born in Lincoln County,
Missouri; Methodist.
Elsberry, Missouri. _
Mary Ellen Mitche1l--»-~~- -~---~--- ---“FP&Hk Wilson
(oct. 16, 1907)
Nov. 18, 1875
May 13, 1953
l27l~Nancy Vincil Wileon~--- ----- ~Mar. 20, l909~"
1272-Euleta Wilson- »------ --- ---Hpr- 19. 19l1~~
1273-Nell Virginia Milscn~-~- -~--- Jun. lu, 1913--
Mary Ellen Mitchell, born in Pike County, MiSSOUFi3 BaPtiSt5
married by Rev. Samuel E. Ewing in St. Louis, Missouri, at residence
of `
J. H. McIntosh; Mill Creek Cemetery.
Frank Wilson, son of James H. Wilson and Senura Mclntosh; born
in Lincoln County, Missouri; Farmer; Republican; Mill Creek Cemetery
Bland Hammock
Elsberry, Missouri.
Vera Hammack -»-~- ---»-»
Whiteside, Missouri.
Rachel Hammock ---~-
Elsberry, Missouri.
Daughter Hammack
Andrew Mumford Blackwell-»--- ----- -
(Novo 199  
127h~Maomi Blackwell ------ ~----~--
l27S~George Mumford Blackwell --~--
1276-Lucy Ella Blackwell-- ~---- e--
1277»J. B. Blackwell --»- ~~-~»~--~~
--#Will Halley
----Charles Daniels
---Sarah Douglas Turpin
Nov. 28, 1876
Nov. 10, 1896--May , 195
Sep. H, 19U1~-
Oct. 21, l902'“
Andrew Mumford Blackwell, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; Farmer; married by Rev. J. D. Biggs at Bowling
Green, Missouri.

iT "'C
r 19?
H Q“t"
af ip
Sallie Douglas Turpin, daughter of James Monroe Turpin and 3
Lucy McDonald Penn; born in Bedford County, Virginia; Baptist. 3
VI"623c V
Mary Jane B1ackmell--~- ----- ~-- ~~»»» --
(Jae. ll, 1898)
l27B~Ceola Joslyne ~-»~~------ ---~ Nov
l279»Adolpnus Joslyn ~----~ ~~»-Jun
l28O~Gordon Joslyn ~-~---»-- -»-- Jul
1281-Tonner Joslyn-- ~»-~-~~------~ Jul
»--Jerome Joslyn
Mar. 28, 1872
3, 1899-~Apr. 26, 192k
21, l90l~~
18, 1903~»
3, l90M~“
Mary Jane Blackwell.(Mcllie), born near Whiteside, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat; married by Rev. J. A. Wales at home of
her parents; Cornerstone Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Jerome Joslyn, son of Adolpnus Joslyn and Mamie Margaret
Patterson; horn near Whiteside, Missouri; Democrat; Farmer; M.W_A.;
died in California.
vlI“‘62LI~¢ I
Lou Eva Blackwell --~---- - -------~--~ ----~ Willie Hugh Norvell 1
(apr. 18, 1899) Nov. 15, 1877 ,
Apr. 13, l9C0 t
l2324Wil1io Hugh Norve11~-~-e-~-~-Jun. 15, l900~» E
aaa- ~---~ - --~-~-- w ~~-- »~- ~»-- -----~ --
(A-pro 26,  
-----»Abner E. Pearl
Dec. l0, 1871 “
Nov. 22, 1939 "
Lou Eva Blackwell, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; “
Democrat; married first time by Rev. Sanderson at residence of ner P
parents; second time married to Abner E. Pearl by Rev. Biggs at 5
Bowling Green, Missouri; Elsherry Cemetery.
William Hugh Norvell, son of Richard Harvey Norvell and Lizzie
Walker Sturgeon; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat;
Farmer; Clarksville Cemetery, Pike County, Missouri.
Abner E. Pearl, son of William Henry Pearl and Melissa Ann
True; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Christian; Democrat; Farmer;
first married to Emma Stirmlinger.
vI"'625-o I
Pearl Lee Blackwell-~-- ---- ~ -~--» -- ~-
(Sapa gg  
l2B3»Grace Ardella Dempsy ---- ~--~-May
128s-Benjamin Franklin Dempsy ----- Nov.
l2B5»Claud Dempsy -------~- --»- ~~--Mar.
--Claude Wood Dsmpey
Sep. 22, 1880
Aug. 20, 1908
31, 190%'”.
us 190 -~
19, 1909““S6P¢ ZH, 1909
Pearl Lee Blackwell, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; married
"IH   'D*'|ra f";\u|\n~]l-nv T"1'f§\N\~fn|

Cloud Dempe 3 f N
Louisville Cemetgév Dgig lelgon Dempey and Jane Schull? Farmer;
»’ C” U Dunty, Missouri.
Benjamin Franklin B1a¢kwe11_,_ __*___~m” Audrey Golb t
” er
12@6~Mur1e1 Blaekw 11”-»--_ M
12B7”D&UEhtSP Blac;wel1~~~~»~-;;::
l2eB”D&U3hter Bkackwelle
1259~John M. Blackwell--»a---____
1296-Carl B1a¢kW@11,l_____,___i~__
MPS' A“dP@U Blackwell resides
VI»62?. 1
at Louisiana, Missouri. '
Elsie Elizabeth Blackwell
_ Cornerstone Cemetery, Linggln county’ MiS$0u?i
Bnlah Rachel Blackwell
Cornerstone Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouriv
George Henry Ccbb----,-_______M
C (J&n° Eu: 1889) NGV.
erion Gi1me§8(Mamie}LTrip1eee
, 1§7T
Jun. 22, l952`
` 129l»Grace Waddell C bb.,e-
1292~Vaughn Downing Cobb-~»~-m::::§3G° lg’ §§89""
` l293~Dee Parking gobb_______ ____ __Ju§: 15: 19332:
G3°PSB Henry Cobb b
I*0_O‘F., 9 OTH at AUbUPh Missouri; Damg t- F _
» married by Rev. Vanyousburg at Cuivre, Misso§;?.» armor,
Marion Gilmer Tri _
HM u, plett affectlonat l R
U&3?;e ée§a§§hter of Andrew,Jackscn Tripieit §§gnN;gc;h§r§§2;;y as
Arzilla Matts?G%o§§a;;;;u§erPy (d&ught@P of Charles Ferry and
bgyn H 3 A ~ TY 17, 1537 and area January 16 1930;
. 9 P nnadaa Pike County, Miggguri' I
ar 1|
Nide Ephraim Cobb-»~- --e --~- ~+ ~-~~»» 4 -~--~-- Mary Susie Bradley
._ (Dec” n, loen) sep; 23, 1876
Feb; 19, lgug
129h~Ne1le Arminta_GDbb-- #"Jul; H, lB96e~Sep» 3, l9h2
l295~Lurane __-_ Cobb--4534 -»-~- »~Sep. 15, 1898-~
l296-Maud Leone Cobb-#eff -~Jan. 25, 1900-~
l29?#William Henry Cobbe-ee-eaug. 20, l9C2é~
l293»Nide Eugene Cobb, Jrari-Apr. 13, 19Oh¥>
1299-Vernon Cuba Cobb-~-L »»-- Jan. 15, 1908-»
l300#Arnold BQ Cobb#-#4 ---“-~ Oct. M, l91Oé~
1301-Warren Darnelle Cobb-~--Mar, ll, l912+~
l3C2-Eileene Louise Cobb ----- Aug. 26, l9lh-~
l303-Wayne Dumont Cobb~-e ---- Apr; T, 1918-
Nide Ephraim Cobb, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; MLWQA.; l.0.0,F.; LaGrange College; Merchant; married by
Rove Morton at Troy Christian Church, Troy, Missouri; Elsberry Cemetery
Mary Susie Bradley, daughter of Henry Smith Bradley and Sarah
Arenda Lemry; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; graduate Elsberry
High School; Baptist; Elsberry Cemetery.
William Benjamin Cobb
Downing Cemetery, Auburn, Lincoln County, Missouri,
3 Garda Cobb-~- -~--»~-----------~~----- Floyd O. Galloway
(Cot. 27, 1597) Octw 28, 1369
l3Oh-Carlyle Galloway ---- ~-Qeeug. 21, l89B#eFeb. 9, l9h2
l305~EQith G&1l0Waye~-~~»~e4-Dece 21, 1900-~FSbe 27, lguh
l306rJohn Keith Galloway-»4~-Ju1.,l6, l902~-
l307»David Francis Galloway~»Aug. 7, l9Ch--
l30Q#Virginia Galloway# ----~~ Sep. 26, 1903--
l309~Sarah Ellen Galloway-»4~Jan. T, l9l1=-
131O~Ra1pn Downing Galloway--Janf 15, l915~»
l3ll»Anna Kathryn Calloway~--Jan. 31, l9l?--
Garda Cobb, born near New Hope, Missouri; Baptist; C,E.S.; New
Hope School; Eleberry High School; Kirksvllle Normal School; Teacher;
AI Chapter of P.E,O.; married by Rev. R. L. Morton at Riggs Ford,
Cuivre River.
\ Floyd O. Galloway, son of Matthew Mark Galloway, grandson of
Dennis Calloway, and Nancy Ellen Bradshaw; born on_tne Old Boone
Place; Democrat; A.F. & A.M.; Cannon School; Elsberry High School;
Farmer; Director of Eleberry Banking Company; (See Biogra>hical Record
of St. Charles, Lineoln and Warren Counties, Page h?h)
RFB 2, Elsberry, Missourle

200' 201.
' Vl~63?.
Earl Cobb----~~-~--Ei -~-- »--- ~-~3 ~----~ ~-Anna Elizabeth Nichols fm <9 Helen A. Hinds ---- ~E5”;'“g°“;駣;" °"°` géissig Wiéé;am Gilmore
. - =
ay 31, 1902 Apr. 19, 1885 C = Sapa 30, 1932
Earl Cobb born in Lincoln County Missouri' Baptist” married u __ 3
at Des Hoines,’Iowa; New Hope Cemetery; 3 , 1313-John Glendon Gilmore-~~~“"'““39?° 159 1597 NOV’ 5” 193
Anna Elizabeth Nichols, daughter of Henry Nichols and Mary Helen A. Hinds, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; married by
Magdalene Cannon; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; No. 65? in Rev, S, J. Gopher at Elm Grove Church-
direct line, later married Louis H. Beckman. william Gilmofgs son of John Thomas Gilmore and Elizabeth
l3hh North F Street, Aberdeen, Washington. Gilliland; Sulphur Lick Cemetery.
VI»63h. 5 vI»e38.
John Downing Cobbe ------ ~--~ ~--- »~-----~
(Jul. 30, 1919)
1311?-John Carlton Cobb ---- » -~---~- Oct.
13l1§-Jane Dean Cobb~~ ---- -~ --~-~- Ju .
1312-»Charles Andrew Cobb~» -------- Jun.
1 2§f
John Downing Cobb, son of Ezekiel Andrew Cobb
Cannon; Merchant; Farmer; Mason; Baptist; Elsberry
-Ohinetta Brown
Aug. Eh, 1896
1920--Sep. 12, l9hh
'W9.ltGT E o  
Mill Creek Cemetery.
l929“* VI~639.
and Sarah Jane
Obinetta Brown, for several years operated the Lullabye House,
Elsberrr, Missouri; daughter of Charles C. Brown and Dean Whiteside.
RFB 2, Elsberry, Missouri.
Georgia Elizabeth Cannon ------ -----~-- -»George Rollins Trail
(Nov. 6, 1901) Feb. 21, 1880
921-Carlyle C. Trail-~--
922~Mary Elizabeth Trail
923-Lillian Eline Trail-
92h-John Derwood Trail-»
925»George Allen Trail~-
926»Willa Marie Trail~-~
927-Genevieve Isabel Tre
928-Frances Jane Traile-
929-Kenneth R. Trail ~---
-- ---- ~-~-Jun.
--~- -~--Jan
--- --~-Nev
-~ --~--Feb
- ---- --~MarS
~ ---~-- -~~Aug.
25, 1902~-Jun. 25, 1902
29: l9Ou““
10; 1906-~
21, l908"""
Eh; 1910--Feb. 21, 1919
29: 1912--
11 l915“"
22, 1918-~
ly 1920-~
Edgar F, Hinde g
glgbgppy, Missouri.
Grace HindSn___“_______ __m___- ,,-»eHgrvey PattePSOH
Migrated to California.
VI-ohl. _
_--_ _-~~Otis Edna Aohora
A1 Hi ds-~- --~~ **" *"' "“”' “_
va H (sac, 30, 1908) Dec- 3. 1337
131u~M3Ty Kathleene Hinds--~~ -"' 'N°V° 101 1909““
1315»Don Karl Hinds-B -"“' “'“'"””'S9P° 17’
Alva Hinds, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
steer dealer; Buchanan oeiiesa; married by R@v~ H-_
residence of J. T. Ach0f= L1n@°1a County’ Missouri’
Democrat; Farmer;
T. Campbell at
Mill Creek
George Rollins Trail, NO- 366 in qi3&?E line; See page lule Otis Edna'A¢nor, daughter of James Thomas Achor and Mary 
VI-636. '. Francis Rector; born in Lincoln CountY» M1SS°u”i5 Presbyterlan'
5 William Ezra Hinds Elsberry, MiSS0UPi-
Mill Creek Cemetery. @}f*@’ VI-6h2.
Grover Cleveland Hindd

Hurley Gannon Hinds “'””'”“" “"'*" ”'0dSSS& Valerie Williams
(Hus- 15, 191h> ret. 8, 18en
1316-Clarence Cannon Hindse ------- No . 2 1 1 --
1317-Jean Duncan Hinde»---_- ...._. Ma; gf 132;__
HUP1@Y Cannon Hinds born in Lincoln Count Mi i'
Farmer and stockman; married by Rev. M, D, Dudlgy atS;;;;ona§;m0§§;
Lincoln County, Missouri; Mill Creek Cemetery. ’
Odessa Valerie Williams daughter of Duncan Ala a d W'll`
and Maderia Luck; born near iuburn, Lincoln County, Mi;s§3rii lams
Elizabeth Hinds
    I.|aB.ue"""""""'°I\-»-¢~-»¢-¢uw-»u- ¢--~ ,_., E          
(Dec. 19, 1891) Sep, gh, £873 1 We
Jul. 23, 19kl
Leon Leslie LaRue born in Lincoln Count Miss i' M °
Farmer; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Misgouri. our ’ agen’
Eugene Abruth`Sidwell, daughter of Francis and Susan Sidwell.
William Cannon LaRue-~~ --._.. ..__ __ ____ ___K t Sh
(Nov. 1905> a 9 aw
. 1 *sf--e
fu @|
d. Md? 9, 1906
2nd””"'" "" '“"' '”"° ~°-- ---~-~-Mona Fay Allen
Cost. an, 1910)
Jun. 23, 1888
1315-Sue Marie LaRue -----_ ._... ,__J&n. 22, l913*_
1319-William Allen LaRue--~ -~-~ »--Mer, 13,
132O“JOhn Haden L&RUB nnnw -uum¢ --_. Dec. 31, 1917“_
William Cannon LaRue, born at Auburn Missouri- Methodist.
giyaegets marries by Rev. Holly M. sais at tee Christian rareeéage,
9 °UntY» M1SS0uri; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
M°Ha Far Alles. daushter of William sims aiienaans s L
_ , ~ » Q
C1&P@U0@ MGDOusle LaRue --~----- »-»---»Mapguepi@@ pearl gweng
(JHD» 1, l90§) Sep, §, 1883
1321-Pawn LaRue--»» ----._ --o_ “._. -p *n e
1322-Lydia K. LaRue---- - »--~ Agg: 23: lglg-~
Clarence McDougle LaRue, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Democrat; Merchant; married by Judge W. Brunk at Palmyra, Missouri;;
Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Marguerite Pearl Owens, daughter of John A. Owens and Katherine
Nugent; born in St. Louis, Missouri; Christian.
Emery Dean LaRue-- »--- ---~- -»---- ~»--= -»~Mollie B. Harvey
(Nova ah, ieoh) Sep. 8, 1881
oct. 22, iaho
Emery Dean LaRue, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Greenwood
Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Mollie B. Harvey, daughter of Joseph and Luvina Harvey; Christian;
Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Vl»6h9. C
Clyde Meredith LaRue--~ ~»------- ~-- ---~ Malls Frances Parker
(Mar. 1, l9lO) ret. 17, 1888
Clyde Meredith`LaRue, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; resided
in Clarksville, Missouri, and Rockford, Illinois; Greenwood Cemetery,
Clarksville, Missouri. I
Malls Frances Parker, daughter of J. Frank Parker and Irene
Gland Hayden LaBue»»~~ ----- » ----- ~----- Edith Augusta Carroll
- (Jun. 12, 1906) Jun. 23, 188k
l323»Bernice Roberts LaRue- ---~--- Jun. l8, l908~»
l32h-Louise Carroll LaRue= ---- ~~-»Mov. 13, 1912--
Claud Hayden LaRue, born in Pike County, Missouri; Public Schools
of Pike County; Presbyterian; Democrat; Collector of Revenue for Pike
County; 320 Mason; Scottish Rite; Moolah Temple Shrine; Sunday School
Superintendent; Member of Church Board; Salesmanager for auto and
truck company; Livestock dealer; Cperated Kirkwood Stables, Kirkwood;
Missouri; married by Bev. Jn M, Boone at Clarksville, Missouri; Green
wood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
suite Augusta Carroll, aaugnter of calvin Luther carrcii and
Gussie Roberts; born in Clarksville, Missouri; Pike County Schools `
and Business College in Quincy, Illinois; Republican; Presbyterian. '
MOB Fairway Lane, St. Louis, Missouri.'
Homer Cleveland LaRue ---~-------- »»~~ ---Ruby May Bryant
(Deon 20, 1907) Sepi 1, 1865

d aou.
HOMGP Cleveland LaRue Ma f g t C .
é§;§;sEa§§ Glgrk; Cashier;’Preg§§e§t 0; §l§§fo;§r§;;§§;;,Cgiggggris
1 6 ig C C .
county, nisgoupifouf h“1fm9o, Republlcan Central committee 0f,Fike
vI“6E2q '
Frederick alexander Mgxley
Hattie Lee Moxley
Claude M¢X1ey_aa ____
`””“'“'”“‘“"“----~-Basel M d 3
(Jah, 2, 1905) Deg, §5,a§§87idW&11
u_0_wf§&§S§r§§§l§§»R;§f“GftFAU§§;£.SM1se;ur§; Repnblicani A.F. a a.M.;
Cherokee County’ Oklahoma' » P on a hls resldence in Tahlequah,
Bessie M d Sid
Barn tt . b au W9%1» daughter of John Henry Sidwell and Mollie
6 S’ Urn at Fafmlngton, Arkansas; Rebekah, _
Anne Lee Gannona_-_ __ _ __ __ U
amos Kelly Wat ,
Jun. 6, 1834 ers
Mar 6. 1952 9
1325§G1ark Gannon Waters-~--»~ ---- Nev 2 1Q17 Apr 13 1956
l , -Il l ’
watts; E1Sb@1"I`°Y Ge111e‘lj'.9]j‘»'y'_
mee Kelly Waters, son of James Foley Waters and Martha Ann _
' Elsberry, Missouri,
Mary Bell Cannon-~»_-u
» '"-~-~~---~---~---cner1 w lk
(Aug. au, 1915) may 1§f 1§@5e” Finley
1326-Dorothy Bell Fi 1 -~-----___
1327-Charline Finley§_i¥__________§§§: ig: §;§g::
Mary Bell C
Democrat' mar ' §nEOn§ bo?n Heap N?W 3999> M1sS9991§ BaPtiSt3
. rle y ev. T. J. Ph1ll1ps in Llnooln County, Missouri,
Charles Walker Finley, son of Walker Finley and Mar Ann
Finley, born near New Hope, Missouri; Democrat; Farmar Y
» ' _ Q
E RFD, Elsberry, Missouri.
_ Jessie Gertrude Nichols
  l___i, f
.vI°”65Bo I
5:1 Anna Elizabeth Nichols-e--~-no -'-- ~-““ “"“EaTl Cobb
M @ .(1»ey 31, 1902) Mer 1. 1350
Earl Cobb, No. 632 in direct line.
e---Q-Louie H. Rockman
gn@_____- __... ---a---_-~~~ ----- ~»~-
l3hh North F Street, Aberdeen, washington.
Hester Eda Nichols
Nofg D511 E1St0n_-- ..m- -- »------»-- --~Eldridge Gearg Sitton
(Feb, 21§ 1906) Deo. 10, 18h
Jan. 20, 1912
Nora Dell Elston, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist!
married by Rev. W. N. Maupin in Troy, Missourl.
‘ ° Eldridge Geary Sitton, son of Thomas Jefferson Sitton and
` Harriett Ann Downing; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Democrat;
gn, Q, Builder and oontraotor; resided in St. Louis, Missouri; previously
' married to Palmera williams on October 6, 1870.
Th g ti E1 ton, _... e-- __--_ »--- - -~-Emma Barnes
°“aS “P S S (Jan, au, 1912> Nov. 19, 1890
sep. 17, 1950
l§2B-Glayton Curtis~Elston ---~ ~~-Jul. 21, l913-~Jan- 31. 1915
l329~Vivian Kathryn~Elston-“ee-me-Mar. 26, l9l5““
1330-Kenneth Pershing Elston »--~-- Sep. 3, 1913--
1331-Samuel Laverne'Elston- ------- Apr. 21, l929"~
1332-Carl Eleton--ee ----------~ ~~“JUD- 25, 1933"
Thomas Curtis Elston. born in Auburn, Lincoln County,
Missouri; New Hope Schools; Holiness; Democrat; married by Rev.
R, W. Ely at St. Charles, Missouri.
Emma Barnes, daughter of Mathias Barnes and Isabelle Creech;
L1eee1u county erase Schools; Ho11neSe; D@m°°fets born at Davis.
Lincoln County, Missouri; Troy Cemetery.
Troy, Missouri.
¢?D‘@! '

, I
Guy Gannon Elstone ~»~-~- -- ------ ------ Lottie Temperance Mayes Q hai
(aug. io, 1908) may au, 1889 -
_Ju1. 15, 1955
1176-Curtis Mayes E1ston--- »--- May 26, 1909
ll77~Harry Daniel E1ston~~--~ ---~ May h, 1912
1178~Richard Guy Elstong~-~~- -- Feb 10, 1916
1179-Mary Elizabeth E1ston-- ~--- Sep 25, 1918
l180~Kathrine Ailene Elston ----- Sep 13, 1920
Lvttie Temperance Mayes, No. 562 in direct line.
V1-663.1 8
Rex Lee Elston
Magnolia Cemetery, Beaumont, Texas.
Ray G. Elston
Middletown, Idaho, -
VI-665. gl    
Minnie Vivian Eleton -~---~-- ---- -~--- R a ips M, wusfm It
u ‘ (isis) ‘
2nd“”””” ' ' "**" *"'° ---~- F. G. Sohnarr
' (1923)
Ralph M- Wilson; 9f_5t@ L0UiS, Missouri; divorced.
F. G. Sohnarr, of Detroit, Michigan
Minnie Vivian sieeon, horn in Lincoln county, Miss0upi;,
Elsberry Cemetery. ' 9; _‘
r1-ee6. " o'
Ross Eugene’Cannonv~~-»--~-~~e»~-fee--Claudia Tri lest Mayes
w_£_” (Apr. 12. 1911). Jan. 18,¥i888 P ~-
Hose Eugene cannon. farmer;-married or Bev,,§, G, Beavis at
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missourii
5199919 TPiPlStt Mayes, dauahter of-Richard Johtson Mayes and
Mary Frances Barton; Christian. See Mayes Book)
Elsbsrry, iiiissouri, E -4 ' U m}i{(\Q
Ephraim Russell Gannon~-~--~»~- ------ -- ---Mary Eva Mayes
(Apr. 8, 1910) Jun. 27, 1890
Ephraim Russell Cannon, born in New Hope, Missouri; New Hope
and Troy Schools; Carpenter; Democrat; Zion Cemetery, Wellston,
St. Louis County, Missouri; married by Rev. B. G. Reavis at
Elsberry, Missouri.
Mary Eva Mayes, daughter of walter Mayes and Margaret E. Scott;
born at Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry Schools; Assistant manager
of alteration department of Famous-Barr Company, St. Louis,
Missouri; Democrat. (See Mayes Book)
2358 South 39th, St. Louis, Missouri.
VI*668| '
Harold Cannon-»- -f ----- » -»~----- -~--~~Lil1ian Ruby Harmon
(Sep. H, 1929)
1333~Haro1d Harmon Gannon--- ~~~- --Jul. 12, 1930-~
Harold Cannon, born in New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Methodist; Democrat; married by Rev. M. D. Dudley at Troy,,Missouri;
Troy Cemetery.
Lillian Ruby Harmon, daughter of John Riley Harmon and Jessie
Lee Irwin; born at Moscow Mills, Missouri; Christian; Democrat.
Tro Missouri.
Marguerite Cannon-~----- -~--- ~~~-~ »~~-John William Scharf, Jr.
_ (Jas. 5, 1927)
133h~John Cannon Soharf ---~------- Nov. 21, 192?»-
1335-Harold sugene seaarf~~»~» -~-- oct. 18, 1928--
`1336»Richard Barnett Soharf-- --~- »Nov. 3, 1931--
l33T»Mary Margaret Scharfw--~ »--- ~Nov. 28, 19hh--
Marguerite Cannon, born at Troy, Missouri; Buchanan High School
Managed western Union Telegraph Office at hotel in St. Louis?
married at St. Pius Rectory in St. Louis, Missouri.
6h63 Smiley, St. Louis, Missouri.
Katheryn Collard Cannon

F'1 *""”“'1 ) "" "“ --?»
P3U11n3 FP&Uc53 Cannon _.__._._ a ...__ “__ Ralph BP
~ yant Hampt
(Sea, 3, l93LL) on
l33d;Sandra Jane Hampton -~-- -»---aj i, 28" 1 ` Q2
P l§39-David Alan HamptOnm~-m~,»“--“M§& 9: 1;i§“_
Paragoigéingrgggggg? Cannon’ born in TTOY’ Migsoupi; married at
Ralph Bryant Hampton, with St. Louis Bank for Gooperatives.
116 Summit P1&C@» St. Louis, Missouri.
Albeft Washington McDonald-_-~1_ .___ _,___Lena Lucinda Hunter
(N°v- 2?, 18953 Dee. 10, 1867
13M0~Absa1om Hunter McDonald-~-~--sep, 9, 13gg__
Albert Washington McDonald' born in New Ho M '
. _ 2 i °
gitgodist; Mepublican; Merchant; married by Rev?e§. A?SM§;%§n at
S @PPY» LlU0O1U G0UDtH, Missouri; died in Pasadena, California.
LGHH Lucinda Hunter daughter of John Madison H
Emily Hancock; born at New Hope, Missouri; Christian?n er and
E1H0P& Loo McDona1d-- ---~ __~_ 1 .___ 1 ____ __William Lee H&mmaCk
(Aug. 20, 1889) Aug. 20, 1882
~Wes1ey Washington Hammack
~Thomas Layton Hammack--»-_-_
»E1sie Gibson Hammack--- ----- “Sap
Evsenia Lourene Hammock--
Wallace Dee Hammack--»-~-
Jessie Lee Hammack -~-~- ~
Ruth Esther Hammack-~»-__
D E1U?P& Lea McDonald, horn near New Hope,
cemocrat, married by Rev. Holland at the homo
Jun. 22, 1935
, 30, 1890--
12, 189g"_
25, 1g9n__
2 , 1 96-- 1 2
EA, 1898~- 9 M
22, 1903-_
11, l909»-
Missouri; Methodist;
of her pa rents .
William Lee Hammack, son of Wesley Hammack and Mecie Hammack°
b0rn in Lincoln County, Missouri° Methodist D 3
~ , , S em0crat° M h t-
MeW¢Aap I.O¢0.F,, A,F, & A.M°; Néw Hope Cemeterya s SPC an s
A003 Elizabeth MgD0ng1§- ,____ ___~____mmRaleigh Emmett MayeS
fF@b~ 28. 18993 Jae. 31, 1869
A _ F
may i gn? Eiizabeth McDonald, born in Lincoln County, Mr1souri;
r S n incoln County by R , E, L, R 5
of Lincoln Cgunty, Book 8, Pag;vl32)_ u ledge (Marriage Records
AI e
Al A 
A = A as
Nelle McDona1d-~~- ----~- »----- ---~ ---
(Nov. 2 19Oh)
William Maupin Mitchell, No. 616
William Maupin Mitchell
Nov. 16, 1882
direct line; see Page 194.
VI-676. A '
-~--Grace Alma Watts
Mar. 7, 1336
29 1912--
13h9-Donald Walter McDonald ---- --~Cct, 29, 1915--Nov. 12, l91§
1350-Robert Watts McDona1d» -----~~ May 26, 1917~~
1351-Sara Lou McDona1d~- ---~--~-~- Mar. ln, 1927-~
Walter Andrew MCDOD&1d**“-*““"““""*'
(nec. 31, 1911)
l3h3~Mildred Mae McDonald- ---- »-»Nov.
Grace Watts McDonald, Teacher; Methodist; Democrat.
walter Andrew McDonald, resides at RFD 3, Springfield, Missouri.
Howard S, Parker
Howard S. Parker, born near New Hope, Missouri; SGPVSQ 1U
U,S. Army in Spanish American war, Philippine lnsurrection;
Siberian Campaign in World War I; died at Farmington, Missouri;
Bryant*s Creek Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Aura Parker ------------------ »-- ---Alva L. Berger
Resided at Denver, Colorado,
VI-67 9.
‘Benjamin H, Parker °-~- ---» Emma Winfrey
Isaac Lowell Ellis -»»- ~--- - --~ - --»- Georgia Finley
Ernest Parker Ellis- -~»~---- -~---- --~- Mary Virginia Long
‘ (Sep. 26, 1900) Jul. 3, 1879
Apr. 23, 1915
13§2»ErneSt Floyd E11is~--- ~-~-~~ ~AUg. 29, 1902--Feb. 5, 1920
Ernest Parker Ellis, born near Auburn, Missouri; Chillicothe
Normal; Republican; Farmer; married by C, A. Mitchell at Mill Creek
Church Lincoln County, Missouri; married second and third time; died
in state of California.
Mary Virginia Long, daughter of william Henry Long and Virginia
Frances Mitchell; born near Auburn, Missouri; Hardin College, Mexico,

_ \
Missouri; Baptist; Mill Greek Cemetery. VI-687.
VI*582- fi fi Gertrude Ethel Cannon --~»-» »~-~~~ -»-- ~Ferdinand James Delany
_ _ (Apr. 18, l9lh) Sep 15, 1893
Ishmael Elllse--~»~----_---_-,-~ _____ ,_ ___,Neva Finley Dec 1, 1932
Neva Fin1@Y» daughter of Walker Finley. l360~Ferdinand James Delany- »------ Jun. 25, 1916-A
l36l~Gerald Malin Delany---» ----~- Apr 23, 1919-~
James Ellis
GUY Ellis--c-~+ ----- 1- -~-- » -~------ ~ ~--Matt Finley
l353~Guy Parker Ellis
135u~JQan Finley Ellis--» »-»»apr. 12, ieao-“nay gn, 1950
l355=Charles Ellis -~--------- ---~-
Matt Finley, Daughter of Walker Finley.
Ruth Malin CaUU°U" *“'“"" "'”“"“”** --~- “Raymond Hoover Geiser
1356-Raymond Hoover Geieer,-Jr.~-eapr. 2, 1911--
1357-Marjorie Lois Geiser~ »--» »---Jan. 22, l92O~-
Ruth Malin Cannon, born in St. Louis, Missouri; Yeatman High
S°h°°1S Prasbrterlan; Democrat; P.E.O.; married by Rev. c. H. Rauch
in St. Louis, Missouri.
Raymond Hoover Geiser, born in Racine, Wisconsin; son of John
Albert Geiser and Margaret McDonald; Knoxville, Tennessee, public
schools; Retired field representative of American Lava Corporation;'
Presbyterian; Democrat; Mason.
Ulh Adams, St. Louis, Missouri,
Charlotte Isabelle Gannon~- ------ ---Thomas Mighggl Alexander
(Joi. 12, 1921) Mar. 7, 1892
1358-Thomas Henry Alexander~-~~~--Be . 10 192 ~-J , 16 1
1359-Richard Malin Alexander-~»~--Jag. 26; 192%~~ un 9 QMS
Charlotte Isabelle Gannon, born in St. Louis, Missouri; sgldan
High School; Rubicam Business College, Methodist; Democrat; O.E.S,;
P.E.0.; married in St. Louis, Missouri, by Rev, william Crowe,
Thomas Michael Alexander, son of Michael Alexandropoulos and
Helen Baclavus; born in Diacopton Aiglaleas, Greece; Soldan High
School; Confectionery owner; Democrat; Mason; Scottish Rita,
309 Adams Street, Festue, Jefferson'County, Missouri.
01? ai
1362-George William Delanys --~- ---Jun
Gertrude Ethel Gannon, born in St. Louis,
27, 192h--Dec.2O,
Missouri; Chief
operator of telephone company at Fenton, Missouri; Presbyterian;
Democrat; married at St. Louis, Missouri, by Hev. O'Rourke; Calvary
Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri.
Ferdinand James Delany, son of George William Delany and Jennie
Lavador; attended St. Louis schools; Traffic Supervisor for South-
western Bell Telephone Company; Catholic; Democrat; Galvary Cemetery.
Lucile Nona Cannon~ ------ ~ ---» ~~-#William Jefferson Thompson
(Feb. 10, 1921)
d. Apr. 1, 1921
2nd--- ~ --~---------------~-- -Joseph Morris Smith
(Aug. 1, l925) Deo. lh, 1885
1363-Joseph Donald Smith ---- ~--- ----snug. 16, l929»-
Lucile Nona Cannon, born in St. Louis, Missouri; Emmerson
Grade School; Soldan High School; Presbyterian; Democrat; O.E.S.;
married by Dr. William Crowe at Westminster Presbyterian Church,
St. Louis, Missouri.
Joseph Morris Smith, born in Stewardson, Illinois; son of Emanuel
Smith and Rachel Seifert; Stowardson High School; retired from
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; Democrat; married to Mar aret
Gilsinn on Jun. 19, 1922 (Margaret Gilsinn died Feb. 22, l923§.
h931 McPherson avenue, St. Louis 8, Missouri.
Mildred Emma Cannon»~=--~~- ~----- ~~»Wi1liam Hugh Challis, Jr.
(Aug. 12, 1916)
occ. 18, lee?
l36h-William Hugh Ghallis» ------------~-- May 2h, 1917--
Mildred Emma Cannon, born in St. Louis, Missouri; Benton and
Soldan High Schools; Interior Decorator; Methodist; Democrat;
married by Rev. George F. Bell at Westminster Presbrterian Church,
St. Louis, Missouri.
William Hugh Challis, Jr., born in St. Louis, Missouri; son of
william Hugh Challis, Sr., and Adelaide _u ; Benton and Soldan
Highidchools; Presbyterian; Democrat; Mason.

 , _a__,,=?,,__f
212. V1-eau. 1
2 ess-M°1e e s o -~ -~----- ee-~Mi1t w 11 D 1 ._ J H k Cannon-~~ --~-- ~»--- --~~ ~--- '~”Edith Gisgling
n 1 re mmgnoangonlqgé) on e s or e *MH @f amos au (Aug. 20, 1926) _ W Jan’ 20, 1906
1365-Lois Audrey Doylee-~» --»--» ~»Jan. ln, l923~-
3On North Elizabeth Avenue, Ferguson, Missouri.
VI   l V
Florence Claudine Cannon»--- --~- ~ ----~ #Herbert Samuel Fulmer
' (Jun. 26, 1929) Jan. 18, 1885
Jule 55 1952
Florence Claudine Cannon, born in St. Louis, Missouri; St. Louis
Public Schools; PBX Instructor forééoutnwestern Bell Telephone Come
pany; Presbyterian; Democrat; married at Festus, Missouri.
Herbert Samuel Fulmerg born in Nediapolis, Iowa; son of Samuel
Douglas Fulmer and Narcissus Jane Cartwright; Salesman for Blackwell
Wielandy Company; Cnristian Scientist; Republican; Bellefontaine
Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri; Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy at
Annapolis, Maryland; Commander of Ticonderoga in World War II,
VI-69 .
1368-June Cannon ---- ~ “~---- - **-“ "APP- 5: 1929’”
TB Sandeu, Webster Groves, Missouri.
A C ____ -¢~-Demetrious Jannopoulos
lpna annon Oct. 20, 1886
1369-James siend Jannor°U1°S“' ----- Nev ZM. 1926--
Demetrious Jannopoulos, Candidate for CODQTGSS, 1235 C0UEP@SSi°Ua1
District of Missouri. 1935-
nuén Russell Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. 1M06 North Faiffaxs Hollywood. Cslifv
V1-691. 'f ” v1~ese. 1
Clifford Henry Cannon---»~ --------- q -~-- »~Minnie Mutn @H @, William Dudley Cennvn
(Mar. 27, 1920)
l366~Clifford Henry Cannon, Jr.-~-Dec. 18, 1920-~
2nd _”__ ______ _ ___“ m .._... »----- - ---~Wi11ia? L¢8EEilyS
(s _ 1 19 9) Deo- 1 1
GP ’ M Jen. 71 l95U
Annie Louise Cannon----~““* "'” “"'”'SamUe1 Su
2nd-- --»---- ~--» ~~~- -~---------~ 3 ----------- Lucy Mae Broyles (OGt~ 18: 1919) Feb' 131
(M . 1 1 2 O t. 2 1 ll
, ar T’ 9 7 _ _ Q 7, 9 137O~Carolyn Virginia Prosser»-~--Apr. 22,
l3o7»Patricia Lou Cannon-~~--~-~--Jun. 29, l929-- 137l~C1&r& Louise Prosser ---~ ~~~--Sep. 27.
_ . 1372-Dorothy Helen Prosser~----"--0Ct» 5.
Clifford Henry Cannons born in St. Louis, Missouri; St. Louis 1373“SHmu@l Summers ?T0S5@P» JT-"“JUU- 1:
public schools; Proprietor of small business; Presbyterian; Democrat; ' - '
married at St. Louis, Missouri; Bellefontaine Cemetery, St, Louis. ` ‘
Minnie Mute, from Puxico, Missouri. E
Lucy Mae Brcyles, born at Winfield, Missouri; Winfield Schools;
Clerk; Protestant; Republican. '
VI-692, Eddynlee,_Cregon.
Roscoe Gilmer Cannon VI~69& _
v1-69 , Dorothy Gannon ----~ ~---- ~-»- ---- ~~ e--- Herbert
3 ,J (Oct. o, l92u) Aus- 1.
Charles Edward Cannon @1@!,
' 137g-Dorothy Prosser” ~--- -~“-“ -"“F9b» 13,
Bellefontaine Cemetery. 1375-Jemeo Edwefd PP°5S@T'”“ '””“ “"J“n' 11'
l3?6»Herbert Watts Prosser-~-~----JUH- 12:
1377~Henry Martin Prosser
13T8-William Cannon Prosser ------- SGP.
-May 29; l9H5

ft Trl v
Rebecca Martin Gannon
Henry Martin Cannon ~--- ~-» ~-~-~- --»~-Frances Elizabeth Gantt
_ (Jun. 17, 1936) Nov. 16, 1917
Married by Rev. M, D. Dud1ey_at Troy, Missouri.
Benjamin Hank Gannon
l379-Beverly Adele Gannonm-» ~-»Jan. 21, l93B~»
1330-Margaret Gannon --~-~- »--~»»-----
_ 1722 Marson Drive, Webster Groves, Missouri.
vi-702. '
Winona Dudley
1209 Hamilton Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri.
William Henry Dud1ey~~~» -~-- »~~~Loree Broughton
OGC. l9O?
l3Bl~Dorothy Dana Dudley-~-~ ---Jun. 23, l933--
3H§~ ~“-- -~“- -f “~“-~--- »~~f-~»~~--»»--~»-~Marjorie Kinnear
(Jan. io, l9M2) oct. ao, 1918
William Henry Dudley, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Buchanan High
School, Troy, Missouri; Manufacturerfs agent; Methodist; Democrat;
Mason; married in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Marjorie Kinnear, daughter of Ralph Kinnear and Myrtle Duncan;
born in Walla Walla, Washington; Oregon State College; B. S, Mills
College; Home economist; Methodist; Democrat; Delta Delta Delta;`
Music Honorary.
Loree Broughton, born in Walla Walla, Washington; Mount Rose
Cemetery, Los Angeles, California.
9385 Charlieville Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California.
Viavon. _‘;' a
James Kent Dudley-~»~ - .__ ---~ -»~--- Leann (Lea)
2Hd“-- ----- ~--~~- -~» - - "j--Ella were
- -Jul. 2?, 1896
Nov. 9, l9ul
€~w QP
James Kent Dudley, born in Elsberrys MiSS°?fi3 Buchanan High
School’ Troy’ Miggoupi; Hydraulic engineer; Christian; D@m°CP3t§
married by Dr. Gibson at Fresno, Californlo-
E11 W d dau hter of James A. White and Belle Elizabeth
Bryant; ioririn Bolgvar, Missouri; Business College; BHPtiSt»
Democrat; Belmont Memorial Park, Fresno, California-
n535 Madison Avenue, Fresno, California. {
VI"'|-F050 n
Berneice Helen Dudley
1209 Hamilton Avenue, St- Louis. MiS5°UPi'
William Malcolm Beardslee
v1»7o7. i"
James Frank B&&TdSlG€'“““ ”'“' “” “"“` '”"'Virginia Mae Powers
(pec_ 17, 1919) Dec. 23, 1896 H
1332-Nadine Gayle Beardslee ~------ Apr. 22, 192l-- gi
Long Island, New York. M
vi-708. li
Reuben Eugene Beardslee lf
vi-709. .
Floyd Harvey Beardslee |
vi-710. :F
Henry Gannon Beerdslee °
l3834William F. Bearasiee ------ --- 1
5528 Walsh Street, St. Louis, Missouri.
VI -Tll.
Ruth Emma Beardslee
Harold Ball BeaPdSlSS
Ol d V     ,,., .----~ -~ ---»- -*-'“      
M M (Nev. le, 1699> use 29, 1330
138u»Mary Lucile Farmer--- ----- *SSP- 15, 1900’”1931

A Claud Vaughn-Farmer born in Lincoln County. Rissouri° Repub~~ _
1iG&U3 Merchant; Mountaineers Club; married by Rev. R. Mg Ross at Esther Gannon"“"' """Wil1iam Wilson
Kansas City, Missouri; Meuntain_view Cemetery, Billings, Montana.c Jeromp Idaho
. 3 _ 0
Lillian May Riohtman, daughter of Jacob Richtman and Sophia VI_ 22
;§§§?book;Mbo€n at Fountain City, Wisconsin; Mountain View Cemetery, 7 °
Ugg’ on ana' Maude Cannon~-- - --~~----------- ~----~ Paul Douglas Henderson
Loon Montrose Farmer-~-~-»»~»-- ~--- ---Maud C9011 Buryey
(Ser. 1. 1901) Aug. ao, 1878
l335~Loon Burley Farmer--- ---» -»--Oct, 12, ioyg--
1336-Mary Anne Rarmer-- -»»-~-- ~~~-Map, Qu, lQ1Q¢_
Billings, Montana,
Grace Farmer~~-- ~ ------_--_-_ ...__ ---Ewing Henry Watts
(Nov. 8, 1900) Nev. 25, 1877
May 25. 1951
Grace Farmer, born in Lincoln Count Missouri' Christian
57- "° 2 '
m??Pi@d by Rev. W. W. Rumsey at Elsberry,,Lincoln County, Niggéupi;
Elsberry Cemetery.
Ewing Henry Watts; son of Martin T. Watts and Helen um;
born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Christian; Democrat; Barber;
Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Lincoln County, M1Sg0up1_
Gertrude Farmer
Hazel Dell Farmer
,BOTH in E1Sb@PPy» Lincoln County, Missouri; Elsberry High
School, Class of l9C3; Salutatorian and Treasurer; President of
Elsberry Chapter of Epworth League; Secretary of M,E,S,S.; Elsberry
Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri,
Hunter Kerr Farmer -~--»~-.--_.~... a__..,_. _---Lula gwim
Billings, Montana (l9hh)
Mona Blanch Farmer
Vera Vashti_Farmer
(Dec. 30, 1905) Apr. 10, l8TB
l387~Adin Douglas Henderson--~--~-Nov. 5, l906~-
Maude Cannon, born at Lookout, Modoc County,-California;
Teacher in California schools for thirty years; Rebekah; 0.E.S.5
married by Rev. Paul Bandy at alturas, Hodoc County, California.
Paul Douglas Henderson, son of John Harrison Henderson and
Mary Ann Long; born at Red Bluff; Tehama County, California;
Democrat; l.O.C.F.; A.R. & A.M.; Teacher in California schools for
forty one years.
2717 - hth Avenue, Sacramento 17, California.
Blanche Cannon ~-~»~»---- ------ »~--» ---- Guy Reginald Moss
(Dec. l3, 1905) 1886
l388-Guy Chester Moss~~~~ --------- Aug. l3, 1907-~
2nd -----~- ~ -~--------- -»---- ~Alfred Tornquist
l389~Maxine Tornquist- ------~---- ~Oct. 30, l9l6~-
Blanche Cannon, born near Lookout, Modoc County, California;
Democrat; Rebekah; married by Rev. Wilson at Susanville, Lassen
County, California; Rancher.
Guy Reginald Moss, son of Frank Paine Moss and Lillie Estep;
born in Shasta County, California; Republican; l.0.0.F.; Rancher;
resided at San Lorenzo, Almeda County, California.
Laura Cannon--- ~~ »~~-»~- ------»» ~»- -- ---- Wilbur Hu h Brown
(Aug. 21, 1892) ret. 6, 1369
l39O~Quincy A. Brown -------- » ~~--- Feb. 1, l89h--
l39l~Edythe Crystal Brown -~-- ----- apr. 5, 1898--
Laura Cannon, born in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon;
married by Rev. R. P. Satchwell at residence of Richard Lee Cannon,
Roseburg, Oregon.
Wilbur Hugh Brown, son of Andrew Hugh Brown and Merneva Burt;
born at Pine Grove, Douglas County, Oregon; Republican;Farmer; I.O.C.F
M.W.A.; resided at Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon.

Mary Etta Cannon-»- ----- »-~---~- --- ~-»-Francis Bob Lane
(Mar, 26, 1902) Mar. 31, 1879
1392-Frances Marie Lane--- -----»~ -Jun. 6, 1906~»
Mary Etta Cannon, born at Roseburg, Oregon; Wilbur Academy;
Drain Normal; Teacher; married by Rev. Smick at Lurley, Douglas
County, Oregon.
Francis Bob Lane, son of Simon Robert Lane and Cathrine ;
Elsie Cannon--~- ----~----~--- ~---~- ---Ezra Alexander Rhoten
(Jan. 23, 1901)
1393-Zeda Azalea Rhotsn »-~-~»»»-~ -Oct. 6, 1902--
l39h-Ceorge Alexander Rhoten------Apr. 17, 1906--
l395-Lucile Crystal Rhoten »»-~ ----Sep; 27, 1908--
Elsie Cannon, born near Roseburg, Oregon; Baptist; Dilworth
Academy, Roseburg, Oregon; married by Rev. W. F. Leonard at Fern Glade
(residence of Richard L. Cannon) Roseburg, Oregon.
Ezra alexander Rhoten, son of John Henry Rnoten and Rilla
“uckolls; born in Springville, Iowa; Field representative of news-
paper; Baptist; Democrat; M.W.a.5 resided in Salem, Marion County,
Elzy Lee Cannon--------- - - --
V 1396-Leone Cannon----- ---------- ----~~
Resided in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon.
Mahlon Thurman Cannon----~-- -~---- ---Nella Malvina Walker
(Jen. 1, 1907) Jul. ll, 1883
Mahlon Thurman Cannon, born near Roseburg, Douglas County,
Oregon; State Normal, Drain, Oregon; Heald‘s Business College, San
Francisco, California; Republican; Employee of the Forest Service;
I,0.0.F.; National Guard at Louis and Clark Fair, Portland, Oregon,
1905; married by Rev. G. A. Charmook at Alturas, Modoc County,
California; resided at Sisters, Crook County, Oregon.
Nella Malvina Walker, daughter of John M, Walker and Alice
Malvina Stone; Baptist; Republican; 0.E.S.; Rebekah; born near Adin,
Modoc County, California.
Edna Belle Cannon
on, it
dll q@
VI-730. `
Richard Mahlon Cannon
Buried at Lookout, Modoc County, California.
Arthur Lewis Cannon _
Bertha Susan Cannon
John Cleveland Cannon
Elsie Ethel Cannon
Daily Ray Cannon
Semor Henry Palmer
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk POiDt, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Agnes Louise Palmer-- --~-- ~ -"-- ~--- - ~--*‘ “JOUR Gefhafdt Vogt
Mafn 213 1863
Mar. 26, 1911
(Sep. 10, 1885)
1397-Jenn serneeat Vogt, Jr.s --~-- Aus. 20, 1896--
gnd ______ _ _.u. ..._ __.------ ~- - ------- ---Henry Vosholl
Agnes Louise Palmer, born in Missouri; MSth0diSt3 first
married by Rev. D. M. Cranfield at Danville, Missouri.
John Cerhardt Vogt, son of Gerhardt Vogt and Katharine
Schowalter; born in Illinois; Physician; Methodist; Republican;
member of State Medical Society.
Henry Vosholl, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Central _ _
Wesleyan College; Teacher of music at Sunnyside Seminary, Hi€€1HSY1llG,
Missouri; County President, warren County W.C.T,U.; formerly married
to Emma Elsie Eisenberg who died in l910; resided at warrenton, MiSS0UPi

Susan Mary Palmer--e ~»-- ~~--~----~ ~»~Samuel Matthias Cheatham
(Oct. 20, 1886) Aug lh, 18Sh C
D66 17, 1899
1398-Julia Leak Cheatham-~~~»~ ~--~Dec 22, 1887-~
1399~Mabel Vern Cheatham=---~- --~--- =Aug 28, 1890-~
lh0O~Luci11e Cheatham~- -~~- ~~ --~-~--- Jul 18, 1893--
lh0l~Pau1 Palmer Cheatham~»~ ----- ~~--Aug 18, 1885--
lhO2~Martha Josephine Cheatham~-e--~-Dec 7, 1899-~
.2n<1------» ~-~»--»----- --W ------~- ------»--»--e. w. oimmits
Susan Mary Palmer, horn at Danville, Missouri; Methodist;
married by Rev. Sallee at Danville, Missouri.
Samuel Matthias Cheatham, son of Madison Cheatham and Judith
Ayres Cheatham; born in Saline County, Missouri; Farmer; Democrat;
Gilliam Cemetery, Fayette,~Howard County, Missouri,
Charles Fleety Palmer
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Amos Lorenzo Palmer »--- -- ~----- ~»- -~~-Nelle Ma? Wilson
(Jan. 1, 1896) Jan. 8, 869
DSG. 1, 1906
lh03-Ralph Palmer --~-~» ~e~~--~~»~-Dec 12, 1896--Dec. 12, 1896
1hOh»Ar1and Wilson Palmer=» ---~-~- Aug lh, 1899-w `
lhO5eJoseph Melvin Falmer~-~-~-»--Jan. 10, 1901-~Mar. 8, 1901
1h06»Alfred Henry Palmer--~ ----~ --Aug 31, 1902--
t5V“*|   1 VI`rM°
,,, iiiiiiiiiaa ;  aeee
__, P 1 ______“______,___G,o,g@ A, Crawford
_ Blanche a mer---~-""””
M206 Alpine seed, aeswooe city, california.
Denis Cannon Palmer
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Li“G°l“ C°“ntY’ Missouri'
Ruth Palmer
Julia Ann Palmer
Katharln Grace Palm@P(Apr_ 18, 1908)
', _______,____-_-E, O. Raid `
lref” _ ' - h Santa Anna
8, QI Mappigé by T_ G_ Mlllep of the Mgthgiést Ghurc , »
California; resided at San JOSE# Cali Of °
____“______,___-__-Charles BTQGS Marta”
Zeph Orson Cannon
1h07-Bea Cannon---e-°*” ” :
1MOB,Daught@f C&UUOn”""'"-'-“__
Amos Lorenzo Palmer, horn in Hawk Point, Lincoln County, M Ze h Orson Cannon, sister of MTS- Annie Howdeshell'
Missouri; Christian; A.F. & E.M.; Barber; married by Rev._J, F. TS' p
McDonald; resided at 223 West_hth Street, Los Angeles, California. Mound GTOVQ’ Kansas.
Nelle May Wilson, daughter of Benjamin Edward Wilson and Bettie VI ug
McClure; born in St. Charles County, Missouri; Methodist; New ”? '
Florence Cemetery, Missouri, Charles Prentiss Cannon
VI~ .
781 v1»?5o. J 1 B1 fo d Crenshaw
Benjamin Franklin Palmer ' --~-ae-f-----~"“’“T'” °5 “\ P
~ 1 Alpha Betta Cannon ) \ Mar 15 1372 .
~ (Feb 19 1895 ’ ’
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri. Q ’ 1 19O9__
VI 7u2 1hC9»Donald Powell Grenshaw~-~~---“"'S@P= ’
QW 5, A1§ha Betta Gannon, b0f“ at Hawk Foint' §iS8Ou§;me§&§;i§;8k
Joseph Palmer Republican; Royal Neighbors; m&PPi@& by Rev’ ' '
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Lincoln County, Missouri. ?oint, MiaS0uri~ ._ of William
M158 01IlI'l, SDH
Q new horn at Brussellsf _ A _ 6 t
H org;;8eE1§?§;;th;e§? Taller; Baptist; Dem0Gfst» M°W°A°’ P68186 5
mf-- -u-_...__ T4v\.».n’1v\ (‘1n\'m'h1r- 1\fli_SSOLl]?i.u

, 4“?"f'
Dolly Coreso Bell @U;@©
Maude Louisa Cannon
Gland B. Cannon ~---~-~----»-» _ ~-___B“~.. Mary E113 Boyd
lnlO~Dorothy Boyd Cannon-~-~ ---»- ~Jun. 5, 1897~=
lull-Wallace Tustin Cannon~- ~---- »May 5, l899»~
Resided in Roseburg, Douglas County,
Ira Clyde Cannon
Silverton, Marion County, Oregon.
Ama Lee Cannon.~ ,
Silverton, Marion County, Oregon. ®'“ IQ
Hallie Marshall Cannon
Silverton, Marion County, Oregon.
Alta Eth9l C&nH0U““"“~"'~“* -“““ *-~*~ -~-Jacob Leslie Johnston
(Ango 313   Mars 30,  
Alta Ethel Cannon, born in Silverton, Oregon; married by Rev.
Thomas E. Elliott at Vancouver, Washington.
Ja°°b Leslie Jvhnaton. son of Col. David Marshall Johnston -
and Frances Waller; born in Stockton, Kansas; Republican; Engineer;
I.0.0.F.; Naccabees; resided at 1228 Boston Avenue, Portland,
Multnomah County, Oregon,
James Blaine Cannon
Buried at Rosenburg, Douglas County, Oregon, wma’
' e
Maude Joyce Cannon----~»-~ --~» »-~-- ----- ~-Jay Hollister Upton
(Apr. 28, 1909) Apr. 28, 1379
Maude Joyce Cannon, born in Roseburg, Oregon; married by Rev.
H. W. Ralbot at Eno East 32nd Street, Portland, Oregon.
Jay Hollister Upton, son of James B. Upton and Anna Amanda Shaw;
born in Colfax, Washington; University of Oregon, LL. B.; Attorney;
Republican; Past Exalted Ruler, B.P.O.E.§ ?&St Regent Royal Arcanum!
Judge Advocate General; United Spanien War Veteran; N.W.A.; Eagles
godge; resided at 2n6 East 32nd Street, Portland, Multnomah County,
Florence Ellene Cannon
Myrtle Estelle Cannon ~»----------~~-»----~----~ William Hanks
Myrtle Estelle Cannon died in Colorado about 1906.
Forest Vivian Diggs--- --~-»---------- ---- ---Nelle Davis
. (Apr. 16, 1923) May 29, 1891
Forest Vivian Diggs, born in Saline County, tnssouri; Buchanan
College; Hannibal La-Grange College; St. Louis University, D.D,S.;
Lieutenant in Dental Corps, W.W. I; Practiced dentistry in Elsberry,
Missouri, and Moline, Illinois; Mason; Uommandery & Shrine; I.0.0.F.;
Cemetery at Hawk Point, Missouri; American Legion.
Nelle Davis, daughter of Thom Davis and Alma Cnilds; Eortnigbtly
Elsberry, Missouri.
vi-van, if
Florence Sylvia Dig s --------- -~----Frederick William Begeman
?Mar. M, 1907) Mar. Zn, l88n
Florence Sylvia Diggs, born in Gilliam, Missouri; married by
Rev. J. S._Eames at the nome of Dr. and Mrs. Diggs, Hawk Point,
Missouri; Teacher in public schools of Lincoln County for five years
before marriage; County superintendent of schools of Lincoln County,
Missouri, 1927-1935; Estranged.
Frederick William Begeman, son of Conrad Henry Begeman and
Caroline Duewel; born near Truxton, Missouri; Methodist; Republican;
Hardware merchant; l.O.O.F.; M.W.A.
Chicago, Illinois.

 .___    “T
Murray Joe Diggs~~--»~-~~ ---»- ~--~-- Josephine Bailey Thurman
(ree. 18, 1913) May 8, 1895
1hl2-Marjorie Lucile Diggs~e»-----Mar. 29, 1920--
1hl3-Geraldine Marie Diggse-e ---~- Aug. 9, l92l~~
Murray Joe Diggs, born in Gilliam, Saline County, Missouri;
Carpenter and construction foreman; Christian; Democrat; Postal
Service; A.F. & A,M.; O.E.S.
Josephine Bailey Thurman, daughter cf Lemuel P. Thurman and
Martha Abbott; Central College, Fayette, Missouri; Teacher; 1? ears
postal service, appointed Postmaster at Jonesburg, Missouri, l9Hh;
Democrat; 0.E.S.; born in Lincolnilounty, Mhssouri.
Jonesburg, Missouri.
Paul Semor Diggs-e~ -~-- ~-*-~ ~~-- »--- »»-~
(May 21, 1917)
lh1h~Semor Thurman Diggs ~~~- -»-- ~-Sep. 18,
lh15~David Diggs- -~--- ~»~~» ---~- Sep, 18,
lhlé-Miriam Louise Diggs-»--- ~~--- Sep. 18,
Luvina Thurman
rsh. 21, 1891
1913-- 1926
Paul Senor Diggs, Christian; Mason; Rotary; After Dinner Club;
Worthy Patron of Eastern Star; St. Louis University, D.D.S.; Dentist;
married at home of Rev. M, D. Dudley, Troy, Missouri; Greenville
Memorial Gardens, Moline, Illinois.
Luvina Thurman, daughter of L. P. Thurman and Martha Abbott.
9- East Moline, Illinois.
Pearl Mildred Diggs
Chicago, Illinois.
Stanford Earl Diggs--»¢-- -»---~---~ ~---Lulu Josephine Nelson
(sep. 18, 1937)
Stanford Earl Diggs, born in Brussells, Missouri; Press operator'
A.F. & A.N.; married at Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri, by Rev. C.A. 3
J Lulu Josephine Nelson, daughter of Nicholas R. Nelson and w fs
osephine O. Ryerson; born in Chicago, Illinois; Presbyterian;
O,E.S.; Rebekah; Woman‘s Club; Church Club.
` East Moline, Illinois, 2516 spyth 3§T@et_
~a -a
_,_ H/
.I ,
a as
Beulah wells
Stanley Earle Wells
Marcellus Dean Wells
Sheba Wells
Beryl May Wells
Thomas Russell Wells
V-I"T?5-e _
Walter Gresham Cannon
Mary Dosia Cannon
Clarence Eugene Gannon...-.~ »--- ---- - -"-'°"""'F1‘anC9S Howard Thomas
(Aug. 16, 1916) Jan. hs %g§%
....--»-nun: 8""'
lhl7-Eugenia Cannon ---~- ---- 191
1H18~Laura Ruth Cannon --»-~ ~» -'“J&U» 23. 1929"“
3509 seats Jefferson, st. Louis, Missouri-
tt G1 d G _____ __l_ _____ ____ a--E1g1e Gibson Hammaok
Emma y e annon (ApP‘ 3, 1917) 3ep_ 22, 189k
_ L G _.__. _--- ~~~~Apr. 11 1913-“N0V» 27 1923
§§§g_§§§m§,n§§n,i??f? ..__. _-_ ---_oee. ' 1919--Nov. Eu; 1919
1h2l-Clyde Leighton Cannon~- --»--- Jul. 1922--
- luga-wiime Jean Cannon- -~~- -“-- --“J8n» 3l» 1923“”
E 1 Gib H k No. l3hO in direct line' resided at
2620 sagaiae s;§§es?mE§;e5, Iliinois, ana Flint acer, Michigan (1935)
VI‘°"77 9°
William Semor Cannon

vI~?8o. V1“733»
Ruby CannDn__ _____ EB__*_“é______w___“ _ _“_John Sherman Hawell Nw Robert Edward Lee Fulkersonee-ee--» ~-~-~»»~ ---~Laura Beckner
95° 2 » l91H) Jul. 2, 1888 '_ Refused information;.blank returned; resided at Santa Rosa,
§E§i_§§by Lor§n9 H0We§1u_____”____Aug_ 7, lglgnm Sonoma County, California, ~
_- erman _orrest owel1~---~~»J . 11 1 1 _-F Q E
§E2g~§obertMEdgar Howell-~»-, ____ ,J;2. 11; 131;-- eb ls 1933 VI 789°
2 - UYCG aria Howell ~»-- --~-- _-Jul, 1 1 2 ,_ . 4
lu2g_Ra1ph Glenwood HOWell________OCt° ;3:_132iw_ Jena wllliam Fulkerson
182 Je&n Eval me Howell J“1= 2: 1937“' Buried at Santa Rosa,.Sonoma County, California.
-| 'Y _ __”_ ___”
1C29"Herbert Clare Howe1l~~- ---- J 1. 12 1 2 a-
1M30-Anna Lois Howell ----~ -_ --__ J31, 4; 1g3§-»
VI»T81¢ _
Ralph Cleburne Cannon
Daughter Cannon
Mary Gannon
Anne Ga““°8“'““ “*“"°*“~~~ ----- --~ -~--W. F. Meailieeep
(Jan, l, 1922)
HGPOPUSG by W. F. Gaiam -s u P 1 t M1 ,
resided in Kansas City, Missouri? 0 n , Ssouris in Troy F”ee Press’
8 Isaac George Cannon
Laura Price Cannon
D1°e Anna FU1k@VS°U““*"“ ““~-- ---~- --~Frank Ester Moppill
Web- 7, 1390) Jul. 17, 1857
Dice Ann Fulkersond born in Santa Rosa Califo 1 ° Ch t °
giiigiriig a£;P£;t§r%ryé5o;ieEy of Todg District, Sggoia Cegéiyians
' G Y ¢ » 3 t lil 8 '
California; adopted daughter. cey a a nas City, Monterey County,
_ Frank Ester Morrill son of Will' H
M _ » lam enry Morrill and L titi
athers, born at Charlestown, Massachusetts; Republican; Fapger; 8
resided at Sante Rose, Sonoma County, California. p
Ida May Fulkerson-~ ----~-- 4 ~“-~ °~~»-~ -- “we-~-“Frank Wood
'(reb. 2, 1887) d. may 11, 1892
1h§1~1da Winifred Wood- -~-- ~-»»--~Jan. 15, 1890"-
End- »~----~---»--- »»---»~ -~---- ---Thornton Porter Preston
Ida May Fulkerson, born at Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California;
married by Rev. Shurtléff at Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California.
Frank Wood, son of Tholandes Wood and Almira McKenny3 born at
Georgetown, California; Republican; Carpenter; I.C.O,F.; resided at
Santa Rosa, Sonoma county, California,
Luda Virgelena Fulkerson»~~~~ »~--~- --¥»ECward Chester Barham
(Nov, 2, 1895) Jan, 12, 18?2
May 13, 1906
1n§2~John Stuart Barham ----- -»~Aug, 12, 1902-~
1u§3-Edwin Louis Barhame---~~ -~-May Zh, 1905-~Jun, lu, 1912
2nd ~--~--~-- »-» -~-- ~~~~--~---- »»---~ Stephen Ransom Coffee
(Aug. lu, 1911) Nov, M, 1880
Luda Virgelena Fulkerson, born in Santa Rosa, California;
Epiaoopalian; married by Rev. John Shurtleff at Santa Rosa,
Edward Chester Barham, son of John Barham and Mary Cook; born
in Santa Cruz, California; Columbia Law Sohoo1,1Nashington, D.C»;
Lawyer; Episcopalian; Republican; buried at Santa Rosa, California,
Both husband and wife admitted to U.S. Supreme Court, May 1900 ~»
only instance in history of the Court.
No children by second marriage; resided at 1150 Arch Street,
Berkeley, California (1926)

Byrd Fulkerson
Buried in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California.
VI-793. '
Charles Augustus Fulkerson-~ ~--~------ emary Katherine Brewer
(Mar. l2, 1899) Oct. 21, 1877
Charles Augustus Fulkerson, born in Ceyeerville, Sonoma County,
California; Episcopalian; Democrat; San Francisco Driving Club;
married by Justice Finn at Reno, Nevada.
Mary Katherine Brewer, daughter of Harry Brewer and Mary Kate
Tries; born in dlameda City, California; resided in San Francisco,
vi -7dr. M
Daca Cannon Fulkerson--»- ---Gavin Storer
Brooklyn, New York.
SY1VBBt3T Scott Fulkersone -~-~ ~ --»-- Margie Josephine Reardon
(Jun. 15, 1908)
Sdlvester Scott Fulkerson, born at Santa Rosa, California;
Oil Fields; married by Priest at Fallon, Nevada.
Margie Josephine Hoardon, born in San Francisco; Catholic;resided
Bakersfield, Kern County, California.
Mary Luella Cannon »~-»- ----------~ ~-~- ---- -John Jacob Dupgt
(Apr. 26, 1896) Dee. 3, 1860
MBP? LUGll& Cannon, born in Lake City, Modoc County, California;
P°Ca@°HtaS Lodso; Anona Council of Petaluma, California; married by
Justice of the Peace, C. S. Thomas, at Briceland, Humboldt County,
John Jacob Durst, son of David Durst and Barbara Schindler;
born in Monroe, wisconsin; Farmer; Republican; K. of P.; W.C,w,;
resided at Petaluma, Sonoma County, California.
Greoe Vi01& GBUDOU* “*--~- ~ "“*“~----~-- James Alexander Connors
(res. 22. 1B9?) ree. 20, 1865 _
Grace Viola Cannon, born at Lake City, Modoc County, California;
Republican; Pythian Sisters; Pocahontas Lodge; married by Rev.
McCauley and Rev. Spencer at Eureka, Humboldt County, California.
‘- r-'
tru 3?
o~~ Q
James Alexander Connors, son of John Conners and Jane Scoval;
born in New Brunswick; Naturalized citizen of U.S,; Republican;
K. of P.; l.C.C,F.; M.W.A,; Redman; Electrician; resided at Alluras,
Modoc County, California.
Lewis Linn Cannonee---» ---~-~~ »~~~----»- ~-~~--Mary Ducker
(Dec. ia, 1907> aug. 26, 1881
Lewis Linn Cannon, born at Penngrove, California; Rancher;
married by Judge etchison at Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California.
Mary Ducker, daughter of andrew Ducker and Henrietta Eliza Cun-
nin%ham; born at Petaluma, California; Christian; Democrat; resided
at enngrove, Sonoma County, California. _
William Arthur Cannon
Ethyln Clark Cannon --~-»~---~--~-~--~“--~----- Harry E. Smith
Harry E. Smith, Executive Vice»President of Home Building
lCh~23rd Avenue, San Mateo, California.
Earl Frederick Cannon
Chester George Cannon
Emil Clark Cannon
Lena Rachel Cannon- -~--~~----~~ ~ ------~--- Thomas James Byrne
(Jul. io, 19Ch) Aug. 5, 1879
Lena Rachel Cannon, born at Stoney Point, Sonoma County, Cali~
fornia; Catholic; married by Rev. Father Rodgers at San Francisco,
California. .
Thomas James Byrne, son of Thomas James Byrne and Elizabeth
Conniff; born at Bodega, Sonoma County, California; Catholic;
Democrat; Dairyman; resided at Petaluma, Sonoma County, California.
Mabel Ann Cannon "
Buried in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California.

Ca1vin`We Cannon
Elmer Lee Cannon
Buried in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California.
Rachel Maude wimer
Buried in Lake City, Modoc County, California.
Roy Alton Wimer
Gary Olanerezawimer ------ --------- ---- -~~-elona Olive Hanks
(Apr. 5, 1903) Apr. 19, l88h
lh§h-Lyle Doran Wimer -----------~- Dec. 27, l90h~-
lh554William_Abner Wimer ------~--- Oct. 26, 1905»»
Gary Olanerez Wimer, born in Lake City, California; Democrat;
Farmer; married by A. K. Long at Cedarville, Modoc County, California
Tone Olive Hanks, daughter of Abner Hanks and Lavina Utterback;
born at Lake City, California; Democrat; resided at Lake City,
,Modoo County, California.
Albert Emil Fisher
Winifred Ethel Fisher
Henry Fisher
Th€1m& Blondelli FlSher »---»-------- -Charles Webgtgp Jghnggg
(Nov. 20, J Jun. 11, ieva
lh36-Jean Margueritte Johnson ----- Jan. 18, 1909-~
Born in Silverton, Oregon; attended Mt. Angel Academy, Oregon;
Catholic; Women of Woodcraft; married by Rev. Harold Griffin at
Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana.
l_ F_l
e r
Q 3  
im ,Q
a »fQ
Charles Webster Johnson, son of John Caine Johnson; born in
Zanesville, Ohio; Elks Lodge; Traveling salesman; Resided at Baker
City, Baker County, Uregon.
Florence Mae Fisher ----- »~ ----- ~--- --~Gtto Rene Hilbert
(Nev. ao, 1907) Feb. 18, 1882
Florence Mae Fisher, born in Silverton, 0regon; Mt. Angel
Academy, Oregon; married by Rev. H. H. Griffis at Kalispell,
Flathead County, Montana.
Otto Rene Hilbert, son of Nicholas Felix Hilbert and Katherine
Louise Faber; St. Paul High School; German Catholic School; Catholic;
Democrat; Traveling salesman; resided at Los Angeles, California.
Roscoe Fine
Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point, Missouri.
VI-51?. _
Cather Fine
Pearlie Muriel Fine---- ----~- -~------ ~~--Jesse James Dudley
(Deo. 27, 1910)
Jesse James Dudley, son of_M. T. Dudley; married by Rev. J. B.
Allen at Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri.
2nd~ ~----- a -»-~~--~---- ----» »~~-- -----Walter Norton
(ret. ?, 1911)
Married by Rev. P. F._Quigley at Millwood, Missouri; resided
at Silex, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Booker Jefferson Fine ~»-~-»~---»~ -~-H6616 Jordan
Resided in St. Charles, Missouri.
VI-320. '
ciyee Ira Fine ~~-» ~ --»»~----~~» ~~~- Jessie Baxter
lhB7-Son Fine- ----- ~--- -~ ~---- ee-~
Clyde Ira Fine died in Pueblo, Colorado; Brush Creek Cemetery,
Montgomery County, Missouri.

, il,__, ,_
Hattie Muriel F5-U9 ““"“"* '"'- »-~~-- W ;1,]_1j_5_m Colbert ml  
Resiaed in Truxton, Missgupi, `
RiGh&rd Norton Fine --._.._.._._ “_ ,____ Elizabeth Curtis
Resided in Beulah, ceieeaao,
Roy Dangerfieia riee_--_--_,,_____ Fra
~---~»-~--- n K n
_ (Aug. ln’ 1911) CSS 0w&ZB
1H55-Daughter Fine-- -~--- -as _._. __Ju1_
1 l9l2~~
Roy Dangerfield Eine mappied ~ Jeff v- -.
resided at Hawk Point, Liicein §0un;§, nig;§S§§,City’ “1SS°“”1’
vi-oea. 9
R0b9Pt Lincoln Finn-~--_ -_.~ _ H____ “___ *__Maude May Mintner
Nova 17, 1888
Jul. 3, 1912
(Get. gn, 1906)
1a39~oetav1a Muriel rise-___ _.».- ~o¢t. 9, 1907-_ W EQ
1h¥O*O&kla M@1ba Fin@¢_g»*-- __”Jan. 19 191O“_
lnnl-Robert Earl Fine---- - -_-OGt, 19; 1g11__Jun° 28, 1913
2 d ~--~~---_. ..”,___ _________ ,
"` ea ii, sas '"""' "'° if 3;E“;,“3°a‘;;S
Reaided at Hawk Point’ Lincoln County, Missouri.
Sadie May Eing
Infant Barley
S .
Ylvia Robert BaF1ey“Z§""'" ””"” "'"“Wi11lam Simmons Henry
ob. 19, 1901) May 30, 1882
1 s2”IS& Woodland Henry-_ .... ,.__ _Jung 12, l9O2__
1   HenP'y““°*~'h~ »-n~ ......,.,,,,_,,,___
Sylvia Roberts Barley born in Windsor H ®J"’
SUP C Ht M1 » \
gggggi? §2ge§?§t§;§;§{tG§unty; Missouri, Putiie s§no§§s;yiatt;;O§;y’
J ' ¢ '
Rave Sam Amas' ssoc ation, married at Silex, Missouri by
William Simmons_Henry, son of William Skidmore Henry and Mary
Jane Elliott; born in Millwood, Lincoln County, Missouri; Siler,
Hissouri, Schools; Latter Day saints; Democrat; Operator for
Anaconda Copper Milling Company; American Mutual Life Insurance
Company; resided in Great Falls, Montana.
David Evans Barley --------~----- »-»- ---Burdie Collins
(Aug. 16, 1910)
David Evans_Barley, married by J. W, Powell, J,P., at Silex,
Lincoln County, Missouri; buried at Hannibal, Missouri.
Mary Elizabeth Barley ---- ~- ~-----~~---~»---- Walter J, Murphy
(Mar. 28, ia13)
Married by Father Sullivan at Rectory, Hannibal, Missouri;
resided in Great Falls, Montana; buried in Hannibal, Missouri.
Flora Ellen Barley ~--~---~----------- ~»-~ Hugh Thomas Murphy
1h15 - Stn Avenue, North, Great Falls, Montana.
Mary Ellen Ross ---------- ~--- ~-~~~~ ----James Sylvester Heady
(Deo. 19, 1897) May ie, 1876
Jun. ln, 1933
1 -Benjamin Sylvester Heady--- -=-- Oct. En, 1898--
1 ~ -James Theodore Heady ~-~-~-~-~-- Sep. 26, 1903--
lMi6-Donivan Lee Heady =~~~ ~-- ----Apr. 17, 1906--Apr. 26,1926
lmi?-Ross Welch Heady- ~~--- --
lM£B-Anna Beatrice Heady -~-- -~---~-
Mary Ellen Ross, born near Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Republican; married by Esq. Ellis at nomo of ner parents, Lincoln
County, Missouri,
James Sylvester Heady, born near Owensboro, Davis County,
Kentucky; son of James Stillwell Heady and Bettie McEntar; Republi-
can; A.F. & a,M.; I.0.0,F.; Farmer; Oak Ridge Cemetery.
2aa---~- --~ ---~ ~ ~- ~---- ---- »------~---- --Cleve White
Elsberry, Missouri.
Tandy chateau Ross ----------- --------- ---Sadie Bell Davis
(Aug. 20, 1905) Jan. 15, 1888
1Qn9-Winn Davis Ross- -~--- --~---Jun. 8, 1906-e 9
lM¥O-John Drawer Ross---- »»-Jan. 29, 1908--Jun. 21, 19M9

Tandy Chatman Ross, born at Hawk Point, Missouri; Farmer;
married by Rev. 0. A. Gordon at home of his parents in Dameron,
Lincoln County; Missouri; Oak Ridge Cemetery.
Sadie Bell Davis, daughter of Joseph Winn Davis and Ada Nelle
Brown; born at Dameron, Missouri; Baptist.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Benjamin Harrison Boss--~-~ »-------- ---- Nora Laura Farnsworth
(Jun. 2, 1907) Aug. 30, 1886
1u5i-Mary.Catherine Ross ---------- Mar. M, 1910--Jano‘16, 19u9
lu§2-Dorothy Margaret Ross ------»~ Apr. 19, 1920--Nov. ll, 1920
Benjamin Harrison Boss, born at Hawk Point, Missouri; M,B.A;
Lodge; H.F. & A.N.; Worshipful Master of New Hope Lodge; Farmer;
married by Rev. S. W. Sears at Dameron, Missouri; Oak Ridge Cemetery..
Nora Laura Farnsworth, daughter of John Martin Farnsworth and
Louisiana Catherine Vancilg born in Pike County, Missouri.
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
David M. Hubbard Ross »--~-~ -----~~~-- ~Ve1ma Beatrice Stewart
(Sep. 12, 1915) Jun. 10, 1896
Mar. 10, 1930
1u53-Avanell Boss---
2nd~~e»~»--~-----~»» ---------~-~ ~-- ~~-~Caro1ine E. nouoy
(Dec. 12, 1927) Mor. 12, 189h
Joe. u, 1929
David M. Hubbard Ross; born near Hawk Point, Missouri;
H.F. & A.M.; married by J.C.S. Huckstep at Elsberry, Missouri.
Velma Beatrice Stewart, daughter of E.M. Stewart; later married
Peter Munson; Oak Ridge Cemetery.
Caroline E. Eskey, born at Parkersburg, West Virginia; married
at Crown Point, Indiana; Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mary Edna Cannon -»----~~-~--~~--- Forest Greer Taylor
(Apr. 19, 191h} Feb. 1?, 1892
lQ5%-Mildred Taylor ~~--- ~~---- ~---
lu? »Marie Taylor~---- -»- -
Siler, Missouri.
‘vI""‘836| I
y Nelly Bly Cannon
mllia Died in early childhood; Sulphur Lick Cemetery.
Richard Ira Cannone- ------ -~~» ~----- ~ -~=- anna Irena Hoffman
(Mar. 27, 1920)
Served in Battery C, 3h2 Field Artillery, World War IS _
married by Judge Max Frey at St. Charles, Missouri; divorced in
1921; aioe in Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Mlssoufis
Sulphur Lick Cemetery.
James Lowell Cannon
Otto Cannon
Thomas Lee Cannon
Earle Haney--»¢ ---~ »=» -~---- ---~ “-»-¢-- '-° ”-     Taylor
(Doo. 24, 1930)
1h56~J. L. Haney~ ---- ---- ~~~- -rr
UI 8
1u5?-Esther Marie Haney-e- --“- “~--
Earle Haney, born at Davis, Missouri; Holiness CHUPCDE MGMUSP
of Church Board; Cashier and bookkeeper; Troy Cemetery.
Glen Haney
Paul Raney--__ ------ -»------ »--- --Florence Lucille Lovell
(Aug. Bh, 19n3) Apr. 25, 1915
1h58-Carol Ann Haney- ---- ~--~-- --“Deco 25, 19H6=~
1h59~Martha Elizabeth Haney ------- Dec. 6, 19M9-~
Paul Raney, born at Hawk Point, Missouri; La Grange High Soho
Salesmanp Baptist; Democrat; B.P.0.E.3 m&PFi@d by C3090 TY1@P at
Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis, Missouri.
Florence Lucille Lovell, daughter of Christopher Lovell and
Marian Cummings; born in St. Louis, Missouri; H&PPiS T€&Ch@PS
College, B.A.; D€mOCT9t»

Muriel Dedarnatt
Son DeJarnatt
Glive Orson Barkley
Neva Olga Barkley ~------~~--~- -»-- --“James Garfield Berry
Alba, Jasper County, Missouri.
Taylor Alma Barkley
Jennie Northoutt Cannon
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; buried at New Salem,
Gasoonade County, Missouri.
Nellie Mable Gannon-~-»--»» ----- -- ---- -~--Oscar Alkire
(Jan. 8, 1905) May 18, 1383
lH6O-Edith Estelle Alkire -»-- ---~ ~NOV. 20, 1905--
, lh6l»0scar Morton Alkiree-~ ---- -~~Sep. 23, l907~-
Nellie Mable Gannon, born in West Prairie near Fairview,
Missouri; Republican; married by Rev. G. F. Shipman, Justice of
the Peace, in Weld County, Colorado.
Ooear Alkire,born near New Market, Iowa; Republican; Farmer;
M.W. of A.; resided at New Windsor, Weld County, Colorado.
Etta Lerue Cannon#--~ ----~-- ~ ------ Samuel Blucber Leadabrand
(Jun. 8, 1905) Jun. 28, 1882
1u62-Ellen Zee Leadabrand~~» -~~- ~~Apr. M, l906~~
ln63~Etta Luoile Leadabrand »~-- --~May 7, 1908-~ _
Etta Larue Gannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Republican;
married in Greeley, Colorado.
Samuel Bluoher Leadabrand, son of Peter Leadabrand and Treoia
Lebe; born at St. Charles, Missouri; Republican; Farmer; resided
at Greeley, Weld County; Colorado. `
ef ©
s pn
® Q
Paul Watts Cannon
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Cannon Cemetery, Hawk Point.
Mary Prewitt Cannon
vl»85u. -
Booker Powell Cannon
Martha Ellen Gannon
Walter Algol sans-Q-E&;§~;5;~ié5é3 --~~ aggea gafeigagehnaidaf
Walter Algol Fine, born at Mersey, Warren County, Missouri;
aepueliean; M,w. of A.; M.s. of A.; Telosvash vseaeter; married by
J, G. Bigbee at Coldwater, Kansas.
- Irma Nevada Schneider, daughter of ?eter Schneider and Fl©P§
Alexoenia Hdxson; born at Coldwater, Gommanohe County, Kansas;
Presbyterian; Democrat; resided at Sawyer, Pratt County» Kansasf
Ruby Lorena Cannon
Edward James Mulligan
George William Mulligan
Lawrence Thomas Mulligan
Leo Mulligan
Genevieve Mulligan

_ YW
~863. ~ -
Mary Ramona Mulligan Qi éfi
-Sou. '
Eunice Mulligan
Gladys Mulligan
Anthony Virgil Mulligan
Olive Trail
St. Elmo Brown
Willis Clifton Brown ,
_87O_ of QQ
Eugene Brown
-871. 7
Lemon Brown
Charlton Brown
Mollie Lorena Brown
Effie Brown
Thomas Irvin Brown
876. Qwqgg
Fenton Brown
VI¢S?T, _
Henry wade Jones
Born at Ashley, Washington County, Illinois; K. of P. resided
at Jacksonville, Texas. ’
Frederick Samuel Brown-e--Ȣ~-~ -------~-- Nora Adell Mefferet
(May lu, 1902) Sep. 18, 1879
luonauenevieve Freda Delta Brown---»»»Sep. l7, l903~e
Frederick Samuel Brown, born at Ashley, Illinois; Democrat;
A.F. & A.M.; married by S. P. Groves at Nashville, Illinois; Railroad
Nora Adell Mefferet, daughter of Valentine Mefferet and
Katherine Henley; born at Ashley, Illinois; Rey, New Mexico.
Karl E, Brown: W?
Born at Ashley, Illinois; Republican; I,0.0.F.; M.W.A; Salesman;
resided at Altamont, Kansas.
Wallace Edwin McNeil
Ashley, Washington County, Illinois.
Mabel Clare McNail~~-l---»--» ~---- -~-- --- --~- William Stroud
(Deo. S, 1905) Mar. lO, l88h
Mabel Clare McNeil, born st Ashley, Illinois; married by Judge
L, Burnsmitn st Nashville, Illinois.
William Stroud, son of William Stroud end Janie Howie; born
in Illinois; Carpenter; Democrat; resided in Ashley, Washington
County, Illinois.
VI~852¢ '
Elsie Bell'McNail~~~---~ ----~--~------- Jacob Franklin Scherrer
(Apr, 2, 1905) oct. 28, 18?8
ln6S»Hattie Belle Scherrer#--» ~--- May 15, 1906--
lu66»Reymond Franklin`Scnerggg~---Nov. l2, l9O7H»
Elsie Belle McNeil, born at senlée, Illinois; married by Judge
Lewis Burnwinter at Nashville, Illinois.
Jacob Frank Scherrer, son of David Wier Scherrer and Hattie Peters;
born in Illinois; Republican; M.w.A.; Stock dealer; Ashley, Illinois,

myees may MQNQ11- ------ ---- ~ -~-» ~»--»Marshall Freeman Coffel
(Jai. 16, 1907) Nev. 3. 1888
1i67-sane May ceffei ---- -~--» »~--- Nov. E. 1905--
Myrta May McNeil, born in Washington County, Illinois; married
at Nashville, Illinois.
Marshall Freeman Coffel, son of Jessie Freeman Coffel and
Auguste Weeks; born in washington County, Illinois; Republican;
Miner; resided at Ashley, Illinois.
VI»88h. _
Amelia Belle McNeil
Ephraim S. Morgan
Alice Marie Morgan
Ethyl Augusta Morgan
Gertrude Lou Trail-~»---- --~
Wheeler W. Trevey
Feb. 1, 1882
Oct. 26, 1930
lh6B-Malcolm Trail---- ----
1h69-Dorothy Mae ---- ~ »--- ---~-- -Deo. 16, 1921--
Wheeler W. Trevor, son of Trevey and Mary Taylor;
married at Methodist Church, Eleberry, Missouri, by Rev. W. N. Giddens.
Elsberry, Missouri.
lea Bettie Trail »--» ~-»~ -----~--~~ Wade Hampton Vest Lovelace
(Apr. 3, 1901)
lhTO»Leslie Trail Lovelaoeee ~»-~-~-- Mar
lh7l-Mary Lelia Love1ace~~ ~--~- ~---- Sep
lh?2-Henry Trail Lovelaoe~~ --------- Aug
lh73»Emma Catherine Love1ace~ ~---~-~ Aug
lh7h»Louis Clark Love1ace~ ---- ~~~~~- Nov
IMTS-Wade Hampton Lovelace, Jr.*-~»~May
lh76~Sidney Powell Lovelace-=~-
.. ... ._ .....Mg_I»
1 1
Iza Bettie Trail, born near Elsberry, Missouri; Baptist;
married by J. T. Nevins at Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Made Hampton Vest Lovelace, son of Dr. Henry Lovelace and
Lelia Tennessee Mitchell; born near apex, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Wilson Trail ~~~- » -------~- ~-~ --»-- Emma Lillian Mayes
(sep. 23, 1923) Oct. 9, 1886
Wilson Trail, married at Christian parsonage, Pekin,
Tazewell County, Illinois, by Rev. Bagby; Driver for Burlington Bus
Lines; Christian; Modern moodmen; New Hope Cemetery.
Emma Lillian Mayes, daughter of Silas W. Mayes and Bathsheba
Jane Nelson.
Elsberry, Missouri.
James Linden Trail----~~~ -»---------- ~-“Sarah Elizabeth Knox
(cet. 30, 1902) nee. 15, 188i
lh7?~James Mortimer Trail-~ ---»--- Aug. h, l9Oh--
lhT8~Linden Knox Trail»- ~------- ~-Mar. 22, 1909--
James Linden Trail, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Pres-_
byterian; l.B.O.F.; Merchant; long time employee of Elsberry Post
Office; married by Rev. E. D. Pearson at auburn, Lincoln County,
Sarah Elisabeth Knox, daughter of Joseph Azell Knox and Sarah
Ann Cochran;
born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Presbyterian; P.E.O.;
Good Time Club; D.a.R.; Garden Club; Women's Democratic Club.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Samuel Trail ~---»---------- --- ~~~Alice Miller Henry
(Novo 299   Oats 23,  
-Glenn Ewing Trail --~--~-- ~-~-Oct. l2, 1906--
=Mildred Virginia Trail-~ -»-~~ Oct. 5, l9OB»-
-Floyd Trail ----- - ~~~~~»~ - --
~wi111em Trai1~--~~-~~~~-
“Lee Trail
~Garfield Trail
1h85-James Marion Trail
Minnie Trail
Samuel Trail, born in Lincoln CouUtY» MiSS0Uri3 Farmer;
Democrat; Presbyterian; married by Rev. J. E. Kerr, Eolia, MiSS0UPi$
Canyon Hill Cemetery, Eagle Idaho.
Alice Miller Henry, daughter of Leander Thayer Henry and Adeline
Virginia Miller; born in St. Charles County, Missouri; Eresbyterioni
Eagle, Idaho

Edward Garfield Trail~ ~----~~~-------- ~ --»--Effie Lee Henry
(Mar. 27, 1907) May 3, 1888
1h8?»Haro1d Trail” -»~------ ~»-~~--
Edward Garfield Trail, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Presbyterian; Democrat; Farmer; married by Rev. J. E. Kerr near
Eolia, Missouri; known as "Jack"; died in Caldwell, Idaho; Clover-
dale Memorial Park, Boise, Idaho.
Effie Lee Henry, daughter of Leander Thayer Henry and Adeline
Virginia Miller; born at St. Char1eSaCounty, Missouri; Presbyterian;
left Missouri in March of 1909; resided in Whiteside, Lincoln County,
Missouri and subsequently in Caldwell, Ada County, Idaho.
Thomas Homer Trail -------~ ~ ~------ »----- Rosanna Bell Downing
(Mar. 12, 1912) Jun. 27, 1879
Jul. 19, 192?
Rosanna Bell Downing, daughter of Henry Harrison Downing and
Helen Diana Cox; Elsberry Cemetery.
Thomas Homer Trail resided in Caldwell, Idaho.
Charles Lee Trail~ ----- ~ ---~----~ -~-»-- Effie Berniece Rinaman
(Aug. 22, 1915) Jun. 2, l89h
1h8B-Marion William Trail-- -~--- --Mar. 27, 1920-»
Charles Lee Trail, born near Blsberry, Missouri; Mill Creek
School; Farmer; Christian; Democrat; married by Rev. Wm. Dudley at
home of bride’s parents.
Effie Bernieoe Rinaman, daughter of William Rinaman and Martha
Jane Jones; horn near Millwood, Missouri; graduate of McMillan High
School; Baptist; Democrat; Teacher.
Whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Frances Louisa Jeffries ---~- ~ ----- »~Frederick Everett Temple
(Mar. 7, 1901) Aug. 26, 1876
lh89-Julia Adeline Temple---~--_»Apr. 21, 19o2»--
1h90~Mary Jane Temple ~--~ ~- ----~- Ont. 9, 190Q-~
1h9l-Waldemar Kermit Templa~ ----- Nov. 23, 1907-~Ju1. 10, 1919
Los Angeles, California.
vi-897. y
Myrtle Lynn Mitchell-~~--~--» ------- ---~- Arthur Francis Grey
(Jul. 10, 1898) Apr 25, l8?8
1h92-Nellie Louisa Gray»~~-~ ---- -~~--~ Jul 31. l399'”
1h93-Olon Albert Gray---~-~---~ ----- -Deo 31, l900~~
iuquamery Ellen Gray ---- -~-- -- ---"Deo 30. 1903°“
lh95=Kathryn Margaret Gray---~ ~~ ~-'- NOV lu, 190k-*
lh96~lna Bess Gray~ ---~------ -~ --~* MHP 2H» 1906”“~
1h97-Zelma Frances Gray~~-~~- --~* ~~“~AH§ lk; l903'“
lhad-Frank Arthur Gray -=~-- - --~-- ~~~~ “Jan 159 1912““
1h98§4Wi1liam Thomas Gray-=-~» ------- “Aug 2, 1915'“
1h98§-Milton McKinley Gray~-ees ---~- -~Fab 3. 1915--
Myrtle Lynn Mitchell; Christian; married by D. L. Palmer in
Linoolnfiounty, Missouri, to arthur Francis Gray, son of Francis
Cray and Margaret Browning; Baptist; Farmer;Elepuhlioan; M.W.A.
Harry oiay Miteae11»-»----~- --~-- - ~--~~----Stella Lovelace
Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri.
Robert Trail Mitchell
Howard Raymond Mitchell
Joseph Ray Mitchell
Emma Trail Patton
Died in infancy.
Johnldilliam Patton
Elsberry, Missouri.
Ira Thomas Patton
Elsberry, Missouri,

Mary Luoile Trail
Elsberry Cemetery.
Samuel Rose Trail
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; employed by Columbia Quarry
Company; Elsberry, Missouri.
Frances Olsvia Trai1~- ~---- --» -~~~~~ ~~ -~-Sidney S. Lovell
(Aug. 15, 1951> May 13, 189w
Frances Olevia Trail; Beautioian; married in Hannibal,
Missouri, by Rev. John Colden.
Sidney S. Lovell, Farmer; Automobile and implement dealer.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Q To
Russ 1 Thomas Trail-- ~-~--- -""" °°" "'” Ruth N&1lie Lux
G (Feb_ 15, 1925) Nov. 19, 19Oh
Married at Baptist Papeonege, New London, Missouri, by Rev. R-_
A. Jones; employed by International Shoe 50mP9UY» Hannibal: Missoufl
William Cannon Trail
Joseph Trail
719 Lyon Street, Hannibal, Missouri.
Milford Trail
Felice Official for City of Hannibal, Missouri.
3107 Marsh Street, Hannibal, MiSS0UPi°
- - T -1 __,_ _ _,____ _____. --_~- --~~Gaorge Blackburn
Richard Curtis Trail ---- --~ ----- ~»~--- »-“Odessa Whiteside Q Q  Emma Alice Tal (Nov, 30, 1926)
(May 1?, 1930) Jun. 2, 1909
Married at Christian Parsonage by Rev. T. E- Starke? emrlvyes
1h99»Jack Curtis Trail-»~~~~--~---Jul. 30 lQ33-- - 1 Sh Q H - 'bel Missouri.
l50OnJameS Trail_&_““______"_m__““May 2: 193B__ gf Internationa Os ompany, &GD1 »
Richard Curtis Trail, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry vI'91g°
High School; Driver for Burlington Bus Lines; married at Baptist Harry H_ Trail
Parsonage in St. Charles, Missouri. i
D' f d i d in enemy action in the Philipp nes
Odessa Whiteside, daughter of Richard Franklin Whiteside and dw,_ngl§`;,,1§°§§,“,f°§§_S Page Ve
Mary Groovy; Elsberry High School.
Burlington, Iowa. VI'916'
V b T' -1 M tin ..._ _.---- ----- Arnold James Hartwi , JP'
VI-909. SI' a ml ar (Map, 8, 1917) Nov. 2b,, 188%
Doran FPiSb@G Trail--~~-- ""-“' "“*“““““'“"“ ~Betty Ann Sshoan _ 1 6 t St L i M' Soari-
(Je1. as, 19ae) Aug. 6, 1923 Mar” e a éu S’ is
2nd_,_____ ___.. _._... _.... ------ ---- ~wi11iam Crenshaw
l5Ol~Joseph Francis Trails -------- Feb. 10, 19h9~~ (N0e_ 27, 1929)
l502~Susan Trail~---~- ----- ~ ------ Nov. 1, 1951-~
_ M ' d b R . T. E. Stark at Christian Parsonage in
Doran Frisbee Trail, Warrant Officer in U.S. Army, served overseas Hannib;§Tl§iSS§ur§Y G
in Japan and Germany.  ir ,` ’
"J " O J St t H ibm. Missouri.
Betty Ann Schoen, daughter of Dr. J. F. Schoen and Kathryn Johnson _ 32 7 ames ree ’ ann ’
born in Blairstown, Iowa; graduate of Lindenwood College, St. Charles, ’
Missouri; Teacher. ~

Marr Pauline Martin
Nellie Lee Martin
Floyd Ephraim Trail ~.~....___ _____ "__ __mIPene King
(Jun. 12, 1936)
Irene King: dadghter of Ro K° ~
County Missouri' ma ' d t C Y ing) born near New Hope’ Lincoln
Justia; of the Péaceffle a its Hall in se, Leeis, Mieeeuri, by
Clyde Trail Snodgrass-~-- B
'“"“`” ""’”““-“ Ula Laurine Adee k
(Nov. 23, 1919), Jan. ae, isee °
U1Yd@ Trail Snodgrass born in Walker V
. n C t -
§%a§E;&§0SS§TlDgS High School? Central Colieg;§ §§na§gnU§§vE;;i§§ri’
CY G 001, Registered pharmacist; Druggiet; Methodist; Democrat
Veteran of Forei n W - -
Missouri, Cedar §ouni;?’ marrled by Bishop Quaile at E1 D°Tad° Spring
f C
George Allen Trail
Uied in childhood; Forrest Lawn Cemetery, Los angeles, Califo nia
Willa Marie Trail~~ ---» ~ ~---~-- »~~~--~-Edward George Couture
(Feb. 19, 1930)
Maru 31,  
l503~Robert Edward Couture-~ -~~--- »-Mar 1, l93l~»
l5On~Joan Marie Couture-~- -~---~~--- Apr, 28, 1937»-
Milla Marie Trail, born in Troy, Missouri; Bonsall Grammar
School; Parris High School; Methodist; Democrat; married at San
Bernadino County Court House,S an Bernadino, California, by Judge
Donald Van Lunen.
Edward George Couture, son of Clarence E, Couture and Mary
Zimmerman; born at Fort Rice, North Dakota; Fort Rice School No. M;
M@tnDdiSt§ D9m0CPat§ ASSiSt@nt plumbing and heating foreman; Presidio
of S. F.; Master of Mount Vernon Masonic Lodge Nc. 51T.
l97h Thirtieth Avenue, San Francisco, California.
_ * -i G ‘ I b l T il-~ -----~ »--~~-- R nd R 1 h C’C nn ll
punCa§?l§O£;u;;U§1§dcocg, daughter of James Albert Adcock and Frances Q 9 enevleve Sa e Ta; aymo a P O 6
Democrét; P E'O' on, issouri; Warrensburg High School; Methodist; Route l, Box 73, Brawley, California.
, VI~928,
JOM North Main, El Dorado Springs, MiagQuy1_
vI_921_ Frances Jane Trail ~--- ~» --~-- »~- -»~~»--Jerry William Blair
c Carlyle C_ Tgail 12652 ~ 7th Street, Carden Grove, California.
,I_92§§@9 is infancy: Trey Cemetery. v1~e29,
M _ ; Kenneth Richard Trail»#» --~--- -~-»-- -~~~Mary Frances Marable
ary Elizabeth Trail ---~ --~Euless Samuel Huffines (Apr, 6, 19hl) Sep, 2, 1920
w@Stm°”e1a“d= Ca1if°PHia~ 1505-rem Richard Trei1--- ~-~- ~-- ---Feb. 23, 19h2~“
V '”' n
X 923 Kenneth.Riohard Trail, son of George Rollins Trail and Georgia
L - . Elizabeth Cannon' born in El Segundo California' Brawley High
illlan Ellne Trail“““”“*“ "'-“ “ee-~William Vincent Kirkham School; California; Presbyterian; Democrat; V.F,M.; Letter Carrier
Bul Th T 1 in Postal Service; married in Yuma, Arizona, by Justice of the Peace
3 0 ado, 50mg Beach, California. Lutz.
VI- _
92” Mary Frances Marable, daughter of William Tom Marable an?
J q _ Geneva T. Jenkins° born in Post Texas’ Brawley High School' rese
chn Derwood Trail-_»--_- ~--Hessie Murphy gg 1§ byterian; Democrat. ’ 3 9
Paramount, California.
Shéh Imperial avenue, La Mesa, Ban Diego County, California,

Mary EvsrMarsa--~--~- `*" ”“” “'*" ~~-~-Ephraim Russell C,
ape. s, 19150) ras. 25, wa; amm
cot. S; 1950
Ephraim Russell GERD n N , 666 ° 1. .
St_ Louis’ MiSSoupi°A 0 9 O in direct line, Zion Cemetery,
Hallie Mayes
Died in infancy; Greenwood Cemetgpyi glarksvilles Missouri”
vi-932. 6 _
eh Ray r k M 1
(ser. ll, 1909) Jun. TZ? 1831Qan
NOV» 2M, 19S3
l5O6"D0T0thY Mildred Melgan--»---,_- _,___ lgllny
M&PE&P@t E1Sio Moyes, Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri,
Bal Frank Meloan son of Robert Melo n d M T .
in Paynesville, Missouri; Christian cuurog; ggag ilge §§§;;to;?rn
Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Ntssourl. 3
Charles Thomas M@Y@Sf"” '""“ *-“"- “Margaret Barton Omohuoaro
(Doo. 31, 1923) May ah, 1898
Charles Thomas M&F@S» Farmer, carpenter and hospital aide.
‘ Mafgarot Burton Omohundro born in Li 1 G -
daughter of Reub n C O ’ neo D ounty’ Mlssoupi;
Expert seamstress. arver mohundfo and Birdie F?a“°@s Shack;
RFB 2, E1Sb€TPy, Migg0up1_
M91b& Eugenia Maygg- ___. -- .___ D C .
_ """“ "“’“ a D 1 W,
(Oct. 21, 1920) Hag. EK? 1895POwell
l5OT~Etta Jean P0We1l_-_ _,___ __m ____ __May 7, 1922~“
Cecil M. Powell son of D , Ch 1
Dentist; american Leéion. T ar es E" Powell and Lovetta P°W@11
Elsberry, Missouri.
Elizabeth Blanton Bessie Shipp
Q1 to
Louise Adeline Shipp
Thomas Soott Shipp--~ ---------~- Genevieve Elizabeth Omohundro
(tar. 2, 1916) _ may 30, 1897
Thomas Scott Shipp, Mason; Elsberry Cemetery.
Genevieve Elizabeth Omohundro, daughter of William Umonundro
and Lila Palmer.
Dorothy Ogoina Shipp ---------------- -Robert Armstrong Howard
(sep. lo, 1912) Jun. 5, 1890
Dorothy Ossina Shipp, daughter of Benjamin Blanton Shipp and
Mattie Forrest Scott; born in Paynesville, Pike County, Missouri;
attended schools at Elsberry, Hannibal and St. Louis, Missouri;
Baptist; Democrat.
Robert Armstrong Howard, son of Charles Martin Howard and Alice
Lola Waters; born in Elsberry, Missouri; attended schools at Paynes-
ville and Elsberry, Missouri; President of St. Louis National Live-
stock Commission; Baptist; Democrat; married at Elsberry, Missouri,
by Rev. B. G. Beavis.
550 Donne Place, St, Louis Eh, Missouri.
Robert Gordon
Robert Cordon
Instruction during
at North Weymouth,
Waters~ ----- ~ -------- -»Mildred Louise Leighton
(Apr. 3, 1920)
June Waters-~ ---------- Jan. 27, 1921s-
waters, Elsberry High School; Radio School of
World War I at Cambridge, Massachusetts; married
Boston, Massachusetts.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Mabel Blanche
Mabel Blanche
Waters- -~-------------- -- ~---- ~-W. T. Clinton
Waters, Home economist; former county agent in

‘ vI“9u1a
Harry Edward Black--~»-Mrs. Gertrude Elizabeth Marshall Clark
(F@b- is 1936) Aug. 9, 1903
l§09“D3V1d Bruce Black ---~ ~»~- “_._ J _ 2 __
l5lOeEdward Benjamin Black--»» -~»~ DSE. li; l3§;“~Jan° 28, 1937
15ll~Mary Lou B1a¢k~ »--- _-aa ..___ _Feb_ 1, 19uO_”
HaPPY Edward Black Farmer and stockman° born ' E
. 1 b
Missouri; Methodist; Elsberry Cemetery. 9 ln S eP?Y’
Gertrude Elizabeth Marshall daughter of B n' 1 G1
Ma§;ha%l and Lula M&Y Petts; born in St. Louis,@Mi;§o§ri;a§g;sccs
ga dn. formerly married to Edward Taylor Clark on April 23 1922 ~-
a0QUSlyn Edwina Clark born to this marriage November 8, l9§6.
Elsberry, Mi350upi_
Mary Christina Marrow ---_._ --~__ Dr Hu
-“--- ~ ah Hunt N K 1
(Aug. Eh, 1936) May 17, 1QU6 SF uc O 3
1512-Nancy Christina NUCkO1S~--~--Mar. 2, 1938
Mary Christina Marrow born in Winona Shan 0
. t M -
geatgle Public Schools; University of Nashington?0E.A??nCg;1S;i;;?ri’
gggéogarvin Sansbury, University Christian Church; Seattle, wash*
Hush Hunter Nuckols son of H nr G 5 N k
Eunter; born in Anaconda: Montana;eVe¥sa§§lZs,u§o§t3c§§? gggny
Unicondas Montana Public Schools; University of Naghington’ B_3_;
ndversity of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, M,D_; Physician
QQ b?“§§e°“’ @PiS°°Pa1?&“S Republican; Mason; Washington Athletic
megiéal ;2aiX;_FT§t@PU1tY§ American Medical Association; various
c e ies; A.E.&A.M,; 32nd Degree Mason; Scottish Rite; Shriner
69&@WKést1ék Darts, Seattle 5, washington.
V1T3ini3 Louise Black- ~~---- -_-__ ___LeWiS Max Livingstone
Aug; 8, 1902
NOVQ 1.8,  
(Jun. 19, ieae)
2nd"'” "'”” “"' “” “"'”- -"~-~~C0l Dani 1 H 1 H
feet, 3, 1931;) S ar” S°‘“ “mel
Mar. 23, 1901
Virginia Louise Black born at B M t -
gghoolihdt. Louis, Missouri; Nashingtg§e$;?ver;§t;?aA.;?§d;Er§;§?an'
Re$maGe0; Sega ioroiity; St. Louis College Club; first married by 3
MiS;ouPi.E » amp S11 at Union Avenue hristian Church, St. Louis,
_ Lewin max Livingstone, son of James Harry Livingstone and Mgbgl
A ll
.U-'~ _
Claire Beazley; born at Mountain Grove, Missouri; Missouri Uni-
6 ai t U ivereitw B S and C E ; Christian; Demoe
versity and las ng on n y, . . . .
crat; Alpha Kanph Psi; Kappa Sigma; died at Frisco Hospital, St.
Louis, Missouri.
Col. Daniel H. Hundley, born in St. Louis, Missouri; son of
John Henderson Handley and Elizabeth Groom Moore; U. S. Military
Academy at Nest Point, N.Y.; Christian; Democrat; Nest Point
Alumnae Association; Chief of Civil Historical Division of Gen.
MacArthur‘s Staff in Tokyo; Chief of Staff h3rd Division; Chief
of Personnel of General Staff of 9th Army in European Theater.
Douglas Hundley, adopted son.
lC Millbrook Road, St. Louis, Missouri.
Robert Alphonso Black, Jr.
I vi-QAS.
David Nigga Black ~------- -~----~- ~-~- --~Cnerry McDonnell
(Apr. 12, lane) Feb. 27, 1925
1§lh-Leslie Denison Black- »--~ ------ --Sep. h, l9hT
l5lh§~Caroline McDonnell Black- ---_--- Feb. 20, 1950
David Nigga Black, born in Saint Louis, Missouri; Washington
University, St. Louis, A.B.; Harvard Graduate School of Business,
M.B.A.; President, American Loose Leaf Corporation; Episcopalian;
Republican; Trustee of Tuxedo Park School; Director of Tuxedo
Park Association; Tuxedo Club, Tuxedo Park, New York; University
Club, New York and St. Louis; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Chi.; married
at 32 Brentmcor Park, St. Louis, Missouri, by Dr. Sante.
Cherry McDonnell, daughter of William A. McDonnell and Carolyn
Cherry; born in Little Hook, Arkansas; Pine Manor School; Vassar
College, A.B.; Episcopalian; Republican; Trustee of National
Museum of Natural History, New York; Junior Leame of St. Louis.
Tuxedo Park, New York.

__ ‘l
v fo
:ill Q
Kirtley Elliott Blaok~ ~----------- Elizabeth Gardell Stevens
(Jun. 3, 1938)
lSl5~Dameron McDonald Black ---- l939
End --~- ---- ~-------------~--- Betty Louise Becker
(Aug. in, isua) oct. 19, 1920
i5ree»sru¢e Elliott Blaok» ~--~ - ---Nov. 5, 19M7--
l5l5%~Laurie Louise Blaok~~~»~ --~-- Aug. S, 1950--
Kirtley Elliott Black, born in Norfolk, Virginia; Washington
University, A.B., 1933; Harvard, M.B.A., 19353 Episoopalian;
University Club, New York; President, Black, Starr and Gorham;
Captain in Army Intelligence; Sigma Chia
Elizabeth Cardell Stevens, daughter of Edwin McDonald Stevens;
Mary Institute, St. Louis, Missouri; Knox School, Cooperstown,
New York; married at Church of Saint Miehael and Saint George,
St. Louis, Missouri; by Rev. Dr. Karl Morgan Block and Rev. Dr.
George Alexander Campbell.
Betty Louise Becker, daughter of Wesley H. Becker and Emma
Sampson, born in St. Louis, Missouri; Episoopalian; Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Washington University; married st Saint John's Methodist
Church, St. Louis, Missouri, by Rev. Adams.
ll Sherman Avenue, White Plains, New York.

Joseph Elliott Caldwell-~--» ~---------~-- Ethel Dorothy Jones
(June 25, 1935)
June 2T, 1913
l5l7~Shirley Dorothy Caldwell-~ ~---- -saprn ll, l936e=
l5l8=Robert Howard Caldwell"---" ----- ~Jun. 18, 1939-~
Joseph Elliott Caldwell, born in Elsberry; Missouri; United
Church of Canada; Liberal; Farmer; RED Carrier; Sheriff; Local
boards; Mason; O,E.S,; Ranchmen's Club; Scout Committee;
by Rev; Peters at Innisfree, Alberta, Canada,
Ethel Dorothy Jones, daughter of Albert Frederick Jones and
Florence Louise Edwards;born in Elgin, Manitoba, Canada; United
Church; Liberal;`O;E°Sn
Innisfree, Alberta, Canada.
visats, L
Mary Elizabeth Blacks ---~-------~--- -Jonathan Edwards Clarke
(May 7, l9u3) Jun; 28, 1902 _
Mary Elisabeth Black, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Southwestern
(Lafayette, Louisiana) Universal Producing Company; Dramatic School;
Fairfield, Iowa; County Recreational Director; Methodist; None
partisan; Jessie Black, Jru, Club; Bridge Clubs; Pi Kappa Delta
Debating Fraternity; married by Rev; G. Elmo Purviso
Jonathan Edwards Clarke, son of Henry Sayward Clarke, Jre; and
Myrta Louise Eokerson; Hill School; Princeton University; Chicago
Law School, LLQB; and LLGMQ; Lawyer; Prosecuting Attorney of
Lincoln County; City Attorney of Elsberry, Missouri; P.A;D; Law
FF&t@fUitY3 Presbyterian; Democrat.
Elsberry, Missouri,
Robert Harmon Blacks-~-» ----- ~~ ----~ - ~=»Elsie Bilzing
(May 1, 19n8) Jul; 16, 1902
3527 Edmondson Road, St; Louis, Missouri
George Harrison Curtis ------- ~--~ ---- ---~ Ethel Enid Connell
(Deco l92h) Jun; 28, 1891
Valley Falls, Kansas,
Benjamin Frank Curtis
Fell in action near Neuse River, France, in'Worla War 1° buried
- \
6 ill
., gg
an ‘Q
uf' 1 ~.,v-an ._»_v--v--
D, Meryl GuPtiS“'““'“”'“'“'””"° "'
151o_HaZ@1 Marie Curtis-~““ "““ ““'De°° 13’ lqléan
2 Q __“____________ ____ _ ____ ________--_-Legnia Langston
U (Feb. 21, 1922) Mai, 22¢'1339
152OeMilliam Henry curt1S~-~» ---- -§sr» 2;= igggz:
1521-aussi Meryl Gurt1S°- '“"“ “““'“ “U” ’
viI»9S3~ _
. ________"------Louis Joseph SSRN
N 1 Bl G t1s-~-~~~-----
ell e Y ur (May 229 1918) Augi 29, 1902
_ __,,_l- l919~-
l 21lLouisa Marie Senn---- May 192 __
lgglérpances Irene 5@UU”“'““*"”"”J“1' lé’ 1921
Nellie Bly Curtis, born in Carterville, Jasper G°““tY» Missouri;
mapyigd in Topeka, Kansas.
, G ttl '
born in Valley Fs1lS» Kansas? FaTmer°
W. Marsh -
Mabel Dean Gurtis“~---"°“ ""” '“”' ’°’”' “'"”Stan1ey
(Jan= 28, 1917)
l522~Dona1d Curtis Marsh--'““"""§u%° §g’ %;&;;:
1523-George E- M&PSh“'””" ““ "'“F“b' 6’~l925@_
lggu-Ruth Elinor Marsh-sr ---' ““'““ 9 ~ ’
Mabel Dean Curtis, born in Cartorvilles J&S?@T County’ Missomri;
married in Topeka, Kansas.
Stanley' W' Marsh, S011 of Ezekiel Marsh! Farmerw
- _ ___ _____ “___ ---Maud Myrtle Knott
Howard Tillman Dougl (seps 20, 1906) May 10, 1339
__ , 1 1
1525~H@1@-U     ~ ;;a.;;;:. fa as
1526»Robert Donald ocuslas --°- "“"* 88° lu’ 1916__
1527-Mary s11zes@ta ocuslsss-°-*“'M8P° lo* 1918_”
1528»saze1 Irene ocuslsa ““““ ' "‘" “§“g° B’ l921,_ 1
152Q-L§V@PHB Ds DouglHS ““““ ”"' `"' ul* ’ - _
. ~ t'
Howard Tillman Douglas, born in Teoums§h, N§br§sk%;r£6%;;;; in
Salesman; Loyal Order of Moose; marries bY ev' f ‘ Y '-,
Lincoln, Lancaster COUDtY» N9bT&5ka‘
Mana Myrtle Knott,daughter of William James Knott and Safah
at Valley' Falls, Kansas, _K 2 S j Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebrsskae

1 1 é
a D”
i 25s.
Q* v§§“9;¢o
  7 Harry Burt Dongle.   Q
1 Buried at Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska. '
i v!1'95?n
f Alice Eugenia Douglas-»---~» ~-----~ Frederick Gilbert Kessler
(Jul. 26, 1905) Apr. 2, 1873
` l53O»Nelvil Howard Kessler-» ----- -- ~-»-Apr. 23, 19C6»~
lS31~Doug1as Nees1er--»- --»---- - -----»---~ Jun. 17, 191T~=
Alice Eugenia Douglas, born in Tecumseh, Nebraska; married in
Lincoln, Nebraska; Christian Scientist; resided in Twin Falls,
_Twin Falls County, Idaho.
S care11ne s11Zab@eu Douglas ---- ---~ ~-~~ - ~-»Ned M111ee
Y (Jull 8, 1905)
U End ---~ - --~-----------°-~ ~ ----Albert G. Hickman
I (Apr. B, 1912) ret. 9, 1886
| ,
' u 1532~Jeanette Estelle Hickman ---- ~----»-Feb. ag, 1913s-
, 1S33~A1bert George Hickman---~~-~ --»-- -~0ct. , 192h--
ck we
E Caroline Elizabeth Douglas, born in Tecumseh, Nebraska;
1 Christian Scientist.
1 Albert G. Hickman, son of Harlan H. Hickman and Estelle Hadley;
W born in Scott, South Dakota; Salesman; resided in Los Angeles, Cali-
’ fornia, and Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
I YIIé959a
Q ° Harry Max Doug1as-- ~~--~ »-- ~----- ~-~ ---Susan Johanna Juenl
. (Oct. 26, 1917) Feb. 1, 1897
’ Oct. 10, 1921
153k-Juehl Pershing Doug1aS~-- - ~»-Dec. 16, 1918-~
1535-Bert Pierce Douglas»~~-»- ---Mar. 12, 1920»-
lS36wHarriet Maine Douglas-~ -----~--- -Sep. 22, 1921--
Harry Max Douglas, born in Tecumseh, Nebraska; married in
Nason City, Iowa.
s Susan Johanna Juehl, daughter of Cris Peter Juehl and Christina
`§cow; born in Miller, Hancock County, Iowa; buried in Mason City,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. QM- Q!
Y » - _ _ awvwvulei, ,_ f-7,__Y »f- - -v-~<-.- --- _.1,_- ,_
(Feb. 23, 1916)
Robert Hugh Douglas-~ ------- - --~--- ~ ~-"-- E1iZ&b@th Ma?
Jane 29g  
Feb. 11,1918
1§3?-Harold Doug1as--~- ---- °-- ~---- -““FGb- ll, 1918"
1§3B~Robert Eugene Doug1ase~~~~ ------ ~J&D- 30, l92l““
Robert Hugh Douglas, born in Tecumseh, Nebraska; married in
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Elizabeth May Snook, daughter of Solomon L. Snook and A5095
Lincoln, Nebraska.
N 111 Brooks Douglas -~-°---- ---~ “~*-
6 B (sep. 10, 1913) Oct
1539AWi1bur Douglas Ramsey ----~-- - ---- 96°
15kO~L1oyd Larene Ramsay ---- ---- ----“
15k1-Howard Harry Ramsey ---- ~- - ---"NOV
l5h2~Carmen Lucile RamSey ---- r ~-“- '-"'"D90
----Elmer Elgin Ramsey
29, 1893
12, 191N
30, 1916
3. 1918
12, 1921
Nellie Brooks Douglas, born in Dannebrog, Nebraska; married in
Concordia, Kansas.
Elmer Elgin Ramsey, son of Albert Ramsey and Ada Nueller.
1Rice, Cloud County, Kansas; later Crete, Nebraska.
v11-9e2,@@f,sf~.»i be - H `
.ogucy Maude gurt1S-_--1____-1 ____ ;--a--ew-GQOTQS Arthur Glann
'foil   2 'S » (.D9c~° Bl 1915)   ‘ g 2_ ff
lgaéaarthur @ur?fé<G1&UU“i-*t"*“tsNHE-N So 191@'°J“1} lg# 1917
' 15nh-Edward Wes1ey“Clann+==F- ~~-“Fobs112» 19l9f- "_ “Q
15u5-Robert Ray Glenn---~--» ---- ~-Novas22s;1921fr ,_ ,Ty
n ‘ Dub; Maude Curtis,”bbrn“inLCook,'Nebraska;,marriaQ,in;Nst@PVi1l9,
Douglas CountN. Washington. .fvwuisd ~<£ ~ 'r - .ss'
». ',.
G-Qgjflge Arthur* G1S.Y1I'1, S'D`1'];:  'web GZm9.l'lU`   Maitthie _§5' ,
Bosworth; Pomologist.
Wenatchee, Washington.
V~IIn963o _ul   _.,,,x _
John Campbell Curtis
. ‘ '
:_ e I .

asel " if
vir-eezl. ° W 9
Martha Elizabeth Curtis
University of Nebraska, A.B. and A.M8; Botanist; Missionary;
22 years at University of Lucknow; Methodist.
Donald Wesley Curtis
Mary Campbell Curtis
Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri.
Evelyn Elizabeth Nelson
  o `
Grace Frances Nelson '
VII-969.,   Q
Jenn Edison Nelson
Lawrence Julius Molson
Jireh Swift Berryee-=-~ ~-~-- --»»~-~-~~ ---- --Cecile Marg Ball
(Deo. 25, 1912) Jul. 19, 1 86
l5M6-John Swift Berry~ -~-- ~ ---~ »---»~-~--ree. 2, 19lM~~
l5M7~Wi11iam Burnette Berry- -~~--- ~- ---- -Aug, 22, l916~-
l5n8~Betty Louise Berry ---- --~-~~~----- ~»May 18, 192O»-
Jiren Swift Berry, born in Tecumseh, Nebraska; Biltmore Forest
School, Degree of Forest Engineer; Republican; Major, Engineer Corps
of Allied Expeditionary Forces; Society of American Foresters;
Society of American Military Engineers; married by Rev. Rogers at
San Francisco, California.
Cecile Mary Ball, daughter of William James Ball and Mary Tnomme;
born at LaFayette, Indiana. QW Q!
i ` .
' 1
Berkeley, Alameda County, California.
Martha Elizabeth Berry
if 1 ' .» -~ -JQ5 4 ‘-4* t"' """"'? "" ""` 'rr-\ Y'
vii»9?3. F
__ Willis
I R9 bl d B X113-y',,m.,=e-»¢----w'\"=‘*"    
John Darwin io ar (DEC. 269 1919) U Jul” 16, 1893
American Legion; married by F' M° 5113193 at Oakland’ Californiau
Kate §§§§ iiiiiiiii iéiiiia §§3i§;i§e?fe§§§§§§e§§lt?§1¥§§§§§ie _
Business College, Oakland, California; R€PUb11Gan°
Sonora, Tuolumne CountY» California”
Bessie Alice LOHQ
Mary Amanda Patrick
VII~9T6. '
Edward Cannon F&t?iCk
Gnester H. Mioklam
.vII"'978s _
F _ ,_ -e-»»-Paul Witte
T Eli b th Micklam-~““~"“"““
”eSSa Za 6 ' <Je1. au, 1903>
- ied
_ t Mi kl born in Tecumseh Nebraska, m&PT
in Se;;2;SaK§;;;2?er§sid;d i2,Teoumsen= J°hn3°nsG°“atY’ Nebraska'
Hazgl May Mioklam
Buried at Mount HOP@» N@bT&5ka°
VII*980» 1
Rhuea Patience Mioklam
VII“98l@ A
Dolly SSaym_____*_*_w ____ __“_,___ .__. _-~-Robert Henry Y3t6S
(rev. 29, 1905) SSP- U» 157U
----Auga 27, 1906"
1 QaLgura Ann Yates- ---- ' ‘"" “ __
1§%0eMildred Viola Yates-~~- "“’Ja“° M2 1908
'Du-1-nA-TAA .»-UL f"i‘|.._ ._... _._|_ 'l',.

Dolly Seay, born in Johnson County, Nebraska; Democrat;
married by Judge Southard at Greeley, Weld County, Colorado.
Robert Henry Yates, son of Emery Yates and Ann Gavender; born QW
in Indiana; Democrat; Farmer.
Mead, Weld County, Colorado.
vxxeeos. `
Eva Seay --~---~--~--»»»-~~
VII 983.
Guy Llndeley _
VII 98n.
George R. Be11inger-»-7--
v1I ses. V
Pansy Blossom Ba1linger~--
VII 986.
Grace Godfrey--~~-~--»----
1551-Paul §odfrey Perry
1552»Glen Milton Perry-
--» ----- Albert C. Spangler
~-~-- ---- --~-~~--~-Ruth Seltzer
--- ~- ~--- ~~--~-eleonard Bain
-- -~--- 1 --~~- - ----~~~ Milton Perry
11, 1905) Aug. h, 18
Ma 30, 1907
uunenqnssuuwun Y mol
-----~---may 17, 1909~»
-~ to
Grace Godfrey, born in Johnson County, Nebraska; Baptist;
married by Bev. A. B. Roberts at Smith Center, Smith County, Kansas. ’
Milton Perry son of M. H, Perry and Sarah Viola Smith; born
in Center Point, iowa; Baptist; Democrat; Farmer; previously married
to Gta Barnes on November 1, 1899, one child, Lynn Perry, born to
this union on September 25, 1900.
y ess,
Bertha Goafrey~ -»------~~»----~ »»=- Roy Smith.
John Henry Godfrey -~~- »~-~ Bessie Ferguson
-999. .
Helen Godfrey --~~ -~~- P ¢¢wfRoy Tiverton
°99l. 4
Nellie Izean Curtis~- ----- ~~- ~----- »~~ -~-"Eldon L, Henry
(May 17, l92n) Jan. lx, lQ0l*
Mollie Izean Curtis, born in Tecumseh, Jennsoo”Qouoe§f nebraska,
married in Lincoln Nebraska. ‘
Eldon L. Henry, son of Roy E. Henry and Zella Bain; born in
Billings, Noble County, Oklahoma; Clerk; A.F. & AYM.. _ o--
Linooln, Nebraska. ' E
v1I~eo2. _ A
Roy Carlton Curtie---- -~-- ~------ ---- --»~ »---Lola A. Hickey
(Nev. 20, 1922)
l55n~Donnetta Curtis-~»- »»~ --~--- Jan. 28, l923»~
lS55~Gloria Mae Curtis-~~~e~»»--e»Mar. ll, 1925--
Roy Carlton Curtis, born in Tecumseh, Nebraska; married in
Omaha, Nebraska.
Lola A, Hickey, daughter of Gris Hickey and Earn M, Thompson
Lincoln,-Nebraska, ' -I' '
V11 '
smite center, smite county, Kansas. 993’ y
VII 987 Hubert Frederick Curtis
VII" .
Mabel Godfrey=»- ---- -»~-- ---- -~- ---- -»~--Thomas Currg Morgan ggu - t
(JaH- ls 1906) Ja“~ 21: 18 H -Aliso Frances partie
l553eA1ioe Lavoe Worgan- -~-»-------- --Mar. 22, 1907-~ VII_995n
Mabel Godfrey, born in Nebraska; married by Rev. A. B. Roberts _ Paulina Mae gugtis
in Smith County, Kansas. ` 0
V I I* 6 Q
Thomas Curry Morgan, son of Charles Morgan and Anna Morgan Sheets; _,( gg
born in Smith County, Kansas; Farmer; Hoyalanders Lodge. @W`!D DQT¢¢hy`@thB1 Curtis
Smith Center, Smith County, Kansas.
, 1
¢f€32?£=-=*= =’-` l
1 'U

1 T--
Gwendolyn Curtis
Robert W. Curtis
Eallaoe Reid Curtis
Kellie Marguerite Cnubbuek~ ---------------- ~Oren H. Griffith
(Jan. 12, 1917) Feb. 7, 189; '
1556-William Joseph Griffith ----- ~Nov.
1S57~Robert Jean Griffith =--~ - »~-~ Feb.
lSS8~Kennetn Eugene Griffitn~~ --~- Sep.
l5S9~He1en Lucille Griffitn--- ---- Nov.
15eo-sr1ff1tn- ---»-----_ -------- »-Jul.
Nellie Marguerite Cnubbuck, born in Tecums
Nebraska; married in Lincoln, Nebraska.
11. 1917*-
1v, 1920-~
6, 192l~e7
23, 1923
Johnson County
Oren Griffith, son of William Griffith and Henrietta Snoupe;
born in Horton, Kansas; Boilermaker.
Worthington, Minnesota.
Helen Frances Cnubbuek ------------ ~~~~~-Lyle
(May 25, 1920) Ju
1561-Leroy Dean Trumbley ---»~ »~- -~-- Jun,
1562-Ruth.Arline Trumbley -------- ---- Mar.
Perkeg Trnmhley
18, 1,a8“ 1
ao, l92lȤV
2H» 192Hn*J
Helen Frances Cnubbuok, born in Tecumseh, Nebraska; married in
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Lyle Perkey Trumbley, son of Bert H. Trumbley and Ella May
Finegan; born in Lincoln, Nebraska; Mechanic.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Caroline Pearl Cnubbuok
€W “U
,Y -r  W~ _ 7 Y. TY_~_fYe._,,_f1_r¥._._._..7 Y -
Charles Kay Chubbuok ~-*~--“-- 7~f-°“f ~°°~ ' “'““*“ Adeline B@l1
(Get. 19?§1923)
1563-Charles K. Chubbuok, Jr. ev~~~ $ep. 9, 192s-~
Charles K.-Chubbuek, born in Teeumsen, Jonsson County,
Nebraska; married at Council Blaffs, Iowa..
Adeline Bell,~daugnter'of John P.~Be11"
Clearmont, Wyomingf
Curtis Godfrey Cnubbuek
Freda Lee Cannon
Eéwin Ashley Jones
VIl»l©07.- '
James Calvin Jones
Meri Aerian Plumb
Lyle Leroy Plbmbf
Lorn Wilbur Plumb'
Lula Marie Jones
Winslow Leroy Flower
opal Flgrengg Davis-~~~~ -~~-»»-------- -Ovie Nathaniel 0veralI
sag. 30, 1916>
156g-Lou Qnna Overall--f -~-- 1 ---- -'
l565éKatnleen OV6P&11““““ ~-~- -fo*

Cpal Florence Davis, born in New Salem Communit
H. _ __ A y Lincoln Count
N1SS0UPl. New Salem Ba tlst Church; New Salem Cemetery; married by Y’
Rev. 0.~A. Gordon at lgoy, Missouri,
Nettie Lena Davis~--
Sidney Clark Davis
New Salem Cemetery.
John Dudley Cannon-~-~---- ___l_
l566»David Alan Cannone-_---~_»-,~
1567-John Dudley Cannon, Jn.e»--me
Alton, Illinois.
~~Sy1vester Norton
      ”“““ “F ***H wh -~n~-      
(Nev 3. 1927) Ape. 22, 1906
15'63"‘D0I‘iS Marie Gannon--» ~»---- ....-1V{ 22 1 gl,
1569-Betty Lou Cannon- ---~~ ---- M;Â¥ 1; 1330--
1570-Merjorie June canncn»»~~ ~-~- Jan 13, 1932-_
l571~Andrew James Cannon~ -»-- ---= Dec 2, l93h_a
1572-Barbara Jean Cannon- ----- -~--Jun 2, l936--
1573-Vivian Ellen Cannon--- ---~Jul ll, l938--
157H~Daughter Cannon~~--~- --~___ _-Jan gg, 1Qu0__
e Walter Alonzo Cann0U» born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Farmer
BaPtiSt5 D@m0GFat; President of Lincoln County Fox
tion. `
Hunters Associa-
BlGHGh@ Lorena Irvin, daughter of Don Elcano
Ellen Walcott; born in Kirwin, Kansas; Baptist; Democrat; Home
Economics Club.
Winfield, Missouri.
Irvin and Lasoena
Jesse Andrew Canncn-Ȣ--~- ._n. __ ____ ___HaZe1 Roberta Meyer
Hazel Roberta Meyer, born in Chesterfield, Macoupin County,
Illinois; daughter of John Robert Neyer and Lets Mae Fenton; Demo-
crat; Chesterfield High School.
Winfield, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Vivian Lorene Cannon~-~- ------ e ~--- ---- -Thomas Eugene D3Pt6T
(Jun. 21, 1939) Mar. 17, 1911
lS77»Thomas Eugene Darter, Jr.”---Feb. 13, l9M9*-
1578-William Andrew Barter--~» -~-- Feb. 13, 19h9-~Feb. ln. l9h9
Vivian Lorene Cannon, teacher; Henniba1»LaGrange College, A.A.;
University of Missouri, B.S. in Education; Baptist; Democrat; Past
Matron of C.E,S., Winfield Chapter #29h; married at Winfield,
Missouri, by Rev. A. W. Darter and Rev. Otis Dixon.
Thomas Eugene Darter, son of Anthony William Darter and E1iza~
beth Morgan Love; born in Lilbourn, New steric County, Missouri;
Hohenochub~Carpenter Embalming College, St. Louis, Missouri; San
Francisco College of Mortuary Science; Mortician; Baptist; Democrat;
Past Master of New Salem Lodge #370 of A.F. & A.M.; Past Patron
Winfield Chapter 0.E.S.; served overseas with U.S. Navy during World
War II.
Box hhS, Livermore, California.
Dan Cannon
Ruby Cannon ~-»» ---~~~~----~- »--- ----- -~--Cecil Carver
(apr. 25, l9h3)
l5?9»Sherry Ellen Carver ------ ~~-~Apr. 16, 19hh~~
Ruby Cannon, Winfield High School; Sanford-Broan Business
College; married at Winfield Baptist Church by Rev. L. E. Joseph.
Cecil Carver, son of Louis Carver.
Jacksonville, Illinois.
Helen Cannon
A (Mar. 18, 1931) Aug, 16, 1912 _
  Mae Canggn .a.. _ __.__ _,___ 1932 VII"]'O23‘
57 é ackie Gann°n"`”"“'“'“"'""""”' wn Q! Edward Nareus-Canncn-----
Jesse Andrew Cannon, born in Lincoln County Missoupi- wimfield '
§;g§e§°%§°1§ Fggmegg BaPti5t5 De?°°”&t? maffisd és Elsbsfft. Missouri. 1§3O~Earl Edward osnnee-,, _-_-aeg. 13, 1a3s~»
' j ° GS TY, Viceepresident of Lincoln County Fox Hunters 1581-David Gannon--_- - --e

zen. Q
Edward Marcus Cannon, Lincoln County Representative to Missouri
General Assembly; Farmer; Realtor; Vice President of Lincoln County _f
Young Democratic Club; Democrat; Baptist. 6% 4,
Troy, Missouri; C I
Curtis Cannon-~~~»»»~-»~»- -~»~~ -»e»
l582~Kathrvn Cannon-~~-~»~~»~~---~
Troy, Missouri,
VII~lO25a _
Evelyn Cannone ------ ~-- -- ---~-- »-- ---~-Edward Hechier
1533-Jimmie Heohler~-»-~a»~»~ --~-
l58h-Ronnie Hechler~~ -~=-- »-~»---~
Evelyn Cannon, graduate of Missouri University; Teacher;
married by Bev. Ivan Beck at his home in Winfield, Missouri.
Edward Hechler, son of J. J. Hechler.
Troy, Missouri.
Bernadine Crenshaw
lOE?- Loyd Crenshaw
Betty Jane Dodge
Resided with father in Chicago.
Dora Both Dodge- --~-~ ~- --~- ~--»»-~~~~ -»--Clarence~Stroud
(May 8, 1930) 1907
and-~~ ~--- - ~~~~ »- ------- ~--¢~-»~--- --~~Claude stscce
(May 15, 1932)
Dora Beth Dodge, with her older sister Betty, known as the
"Dodge Twins", a noted vaudeville team, appearing on the_$tage and
in pictures in Europe and America; married at the City Hall, New
York City, New York, to Clarence Stroud; the second time married
by Major Fisher, UeS.A., at Los Angeles, California.
Clarence Stroud, son of Lee R. Stroud and Ada Daugherty; in vaude
ville with his twin brother, Claude Stroud; first married to Bettie
Wheeler, from whom divorced April 15, l93Oe
Claude Stroud, of Stroud Twins of radio; later married Gloria
Brewster of Brewster Twins of the movies at Miami, Florida.
®>~ QI
' _J \-.
Adah Lou Dodge " g
Freshmen at the University of Chicago at the time of her death-
Margaret Cannon
Mapgqepite Lcuise Cannon# --»-- ---H ”t“Me1Vi“ JOHU G°””igan
(Apr. ia, 19Ml)
St, Louis, Missouri.
VII"*1.033e V
. ___,_ “__ Lyons
B   M     ,,._. n-¢» u-- ---1-M    
f Y a {5un_ QQ’ long) Nov. 26, 1915
Betty Marie Cannon, horn in 3HDPinEt?n» Missouri; Sappington
Grade School; Affton High School; Evangelical; Dimooiati gngieggggel
t s all Arms ordnance Works st. Louis. iasauf » m ff 6 _ _
if 3%. Mary‘s, Jefferson Barracks, M1SSOUFi, b? Chaplain EdWafd_M°
Horning. 3
William Gerald Lyons, son of Raymond Dyono &U@ eases Olivannei
been in neocon, Nebraska; Saint PetfiGk'S P?P°°hia1 S°h°°13 M°G°°k
sign School; U.Ss air cornea CathDli0S UGW0Gfat=
h96O Magnolia; St. Louis, Missouri. 1
VII»103h. =
J OW G nn0n_“_ ,___ ___l_,,_ _,__ s- -~»Sh1rley Jean FUGHS
ames GH a (oct, lu, 1951)
Shirley Jean Fughg, daughter of Ceorge J. Fuchs; married at
Hgly Cross Church, Sta LOU1S» MiSS°“Tl°
Clarence Edward Gannon
U. S. Navy M
VII-10365 °
Olive Darlino EQSt@P
F 1 N‘, 1° Graduate of Elsberry H133 School and
Misseiggnsigti;t@§eep;;§§u§cncc1 of Nursing! Reeiateted NUPSQF Sgaff
of Missouri Baptist Hospital in St. L0uiS§ B&PtiSt; Bethany Ceme ery
~ N. 3.1-_
gun. - -

Paul William Foster---~ --------~ -~~-~»» Lucille Marian Setter
(May 23, lahs) Jan. 15, isah
l535~James Bruce Foster- ---~ --~-~ ---Jan. 3, l9h6~-
1586-Marshall Allan Foster-»~ ---- ~Jul. 25, l9h8~-
1587-Polly Jean Foster-- ---- - »»-- Jun. 22, l95O~=
l5B5~Larry Edwin Foster ---- - -»~--- -Nov. 13, l953»»
l5B9-Wilma Jane Foster ---~---~~ »--~Mar. 20, 1955--
Paul William Foster, born in Foley, Missouri; Elsherry High
School; Farmer; Baptist; Democrat; American Legion; married in
Lancaster, Garrard County, Kentucky, by Rev. W. H. Setzer.
Lucille Marian-Setter, daughter of Rev. William Harvey Setter
and Effie Poston Greager; born in Garuthersville, Missouri; Bethel
Junior College, Hopkinsville, Kentucky; Baptist; Democrat.
Foley, Missouri.
Ralph Wesley Foster ~---~ ------ » »*~-- -~Glara Virginia Kurfman
(Mar. 1, 19h?) May 26, 1927
1590-Steven Wesley Foster- »~~~~ --~Aug. lh, l9h9~~Aug. lh, l9h9
1591-Etta Elaine Foster-- ---~ »--- ~Feb. 2, 1951--
l592-Clara Lorraine Foster ~~-»- --»Jul. 21, l953~~
lS9h~Dennis Ralph Foster --~-~----~ May 2h, 1957““
Ralph Wesley Foster, born in Foley, Missouri; Elsberry High
School; Farmer; married by Rev. B, E. Lett at 809 Jefferson Street,
St. Charles, Missouri.
Clara Virginia Kurfman, born in New Canton, Illinois; daughter
of Raymond W. Kurfman and Etta Miller; Flsberry High School; Baptist;
Republican. ~
Foley, Missouri
Lewis cannon roster-~~---- --»- Martha Margaret (Goldie) Noreen
(aug. 23, 1952) Nov. 26, 1930
Lewis Gannon Foster, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Meyer
Grade School; McDonnell aircraft Corporation; Baptist; Democrat;
married at Millwood, Missouri; by Rev. Richard Gallagher.
Martha Margaret Norton, daughter of Clarence Antonia Norton and
Theresa Hurtak; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Buchanan High
School; Angelica Uniform Factory; Catholic; Democrat.
Foley, Missouri.
_\ _ wi,
'IA $_ , 267.
viimioho. ~
    F St I|__,,,,,,.,,,,,,,, ,... ~-»- -== ----w ~»'=*Gi1SS't~€]f' L30 ROSS
6  it ree ce o e (M&r' 132 19u7) Feb. 8, 1923
1§Q5»LaVerna Ann Ross-~- ~--- "--*" ”AU%» ah: 19u3““
15q5-Bpenda Renee Ross-~~-- --~» Nov. 12, l95é“'
1597_Sug@tte Gail Ross ---- - ~-~- “““0Ct- 25s 195 '"
a ° u  
M d Ali F st r born in Foley Missouri, E1Sb@Â¥PY H
§¢h0¢1§1N;;;heasteMi§sogri State Teachers College, Kirksvilleé at
Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; W0mQQ'S Miasianerr Un1°s» m r” 9
home of Bev. J. K. East, F0l@Y» Mlsgoufi'
he May
Chester Leo Ross son of Albert Jackson Ross and Blanc _ __
Fox; born in Fldred, illinois; Std? H0P@550h00l§ Farmer, Baptist,
Democrat; Baptist Brotherhood.
Foley, Missouri.
Roger Dale Cannon
Bgpn in Winfield, Missouri? Winfield High 5050013 F&fme”3
_ Baptist.
y Q* vii-ioha.
9? “~ A o ii M Hu n
_ D J G 0n______- .___ _--»__a- -»- rman e C Q
alma une ann (May 7, lgug)
lggsaaias Dale McHugh-*~-- -~~~ ~-~-D@0- 21» 1950'“
2nd_”__________* _____ __ __,, __ ___. _-___-~~Harry Don Dall&S
(Jai. 3, 1955) y
Delma June Gannon, born near Winfield. NiSS0“Ti3 Winfield Hia”
School; Baptist. 2
Apman D511 McHugh, son of Sam NGHUBU and LUG? MaST“deP» married
at Marvin Park Methodist Church.
safe, can Dallas, been at Murrherabvro, 1lliH°iS-
Glenda Lucille Cannon
VII-lOhh. i
I   L _ ___,_ __ ...“ .-»-». --n---      
Verna an “SSG (sep. 17, 1938) Feb- 8. 1913
@m`&§ 1599~Nathan Elmer RogorS-~*~ ”“" “'F@b~ 37: 19H0”'
1500»Joy Ann RogerS-““*”““ ” "'M&T° 20; 19#5”'
1601wLil1i&D Gene Bogers-»-~- --~Aug. 12, l9M3~"AUB~ 13: 19U3

Verna Lillian Lusse, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; St. Louis
QPQQG 5GhOOlS§ Winfield High School; Bantist; Democrat; married by
Rev. Lewis H. Lynn at his home in Lincoln County, Missouri. _
, JOSGPC Elma? R0§GPS. son of Joseph Williamfiogers and Bertha
Ellen Dameron; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; New Hope, Ehsberry
and Burr Oak Schools; Baptist; Democrat; U. S. Navy.
V Winfield, Missouri.
Melvin Reel Lusse ~---- » ~--- = ------ ----_ _-a-Lgis Evglyn Kelly
1602-Linda'Lnsse-e ----------- .--- _D@¢_ 31, 1Qu6-s
Melvin Reel Lusse, born in Winfield, Missouri; Ritenour High
School and Winfield High School; U. S. Navy, Submarine Duty; Electri-
cian; Baptist; V.F.W. -
Leia EV91YU Kelly, daughter of J. W. Kelly; second time married
to Stanley West, County Surveyor of Lincoln County.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Stuart Martin Cannon- ~----»~._. a__o ~.._ ---Doris Mufiel Kelly
(Dec. 30, lens)
Stuart Martin Cannon received Distinguished Cross for activity
in Naval Ai? Service; State University of Albuquerque, New Mexico;
married at bride‘s home in`Minfield, Missouri, by Rev.Ci E. Purvis,
Janet Marie Canncn~-W ~--_~ _-__-..._. __ ._»._ Rgymona L56 Lewis
(Feb. l8,.l9h8) Jun. u, less
l603~Daniel Jay Lewis ----------_ _-O i, 12 1Q o-_
l60h-Rebecca Susan Lswis~~~~ --~- JSI. 20; 19%3--
1605-William Robert Lewis*-~ -~---- Nov, 17, 195§_-
k Janet Marie Cannon, born in Overland, Missouri; Ritenour School;
Methodist; Democrat; married at St. Charles, Missouri, by Judge.
_ Raymond Lee Lewis, son of Marry George Lewis and Evelyn Ellen
Davis; horn 10 St._L0ulSf Missouri; Ritenour High School; Electrician;
Republican; L0Y&l.0rder of Moose.
10325 Maddox
Overland lh, Missouri.
s fi
Q* I ‘W
Tool and Die
J CannOn_-,_,___,_ilQ__,---_ -_-Betty Lee Maisie
ai' one ii, i<awe> Deo. 21; 1921+
Steven Michael Cannon-~~~-»~-Ap?. 22; 1950”*
-Richard Lee Cannon ---- -»»--Mar. 1 l95H°“
Jay Ganggn, born in St. Louis, Missouri; Ritenour Schoolf
Maker; Methodist; Democrat; married at Marvin Park Metho»
dist church hy Rev. 0. H. Bowers- “
Betty Lee Mathis, daughter of DeWitte Mathis and Lillian Francee
seeth; been in Rolla, Missouri; sitenoar Sensei; Methodists DGm°0T3t*
6901 Wcodhurst Drive, BG?kS1@Y 21: MiSS°“Ti~
M D l'n Be kemeyerl-» -~~~--- -----» ~“'* EI"If`|BSt   Fraess
SPY 91' 1 g C (Sep. 16,  
Sep. 10, 1919
1608»Patricia Carolyn Presse----~~--Aus» 2; 19Hl--
Denzel william Becwemayer--- ~-°-- ~“-"“-*Helen Juanita JOSGPH
(Jan. 12, l9h8> Arr- 3. 1929
1609»Redonda Kay Beckemeyer-»-~-~~5SP~ 21. 19U9”'
l6l0~Denzel Albert Beckemeyer~--~-UCL- Us 195l“'
l6ll~Malcolm William Beckemeyer---Nov. 18. 1955~“
Denzel William secsemeyer, born in Winfield. Missouri; Winfield
High School; Short Course at Missouri University; Baptist; Repubw
licang Dye pinighep in Aircraft Factory; married by Rev. L. E. Joseph
at Baptigt Church, Winfield, Missouri.
Helgn Juanita Joseph, daughter of Lott Elwood Joseph and Ora
Mints Dudhope; horn in St. 50013. MiSS0Ufi3 St- L°“iS andllinfield
Schools; Bap
Route 1, winfield, Missouri.
Born in
Northeast Mi
Teacher; B-ap
Albert Beckemeyer
Elgbefpy, Missouri; Hannibal~LaGrange College, ApA~§
ssouri State Teachers College, B-S.; NiSS0UFi Univefsitdi
d, Missouri.
Dswayne Ray Beckemeyer

oy T 1
VII~1053, -
Urline Voorhees Nichols
Pueblo, Colorado.
Thomas Green Nichols
Karl Seaton Voorhees
Anna Leone Voorhees
AlbSPt& Mae Elsberry ~--- ~~~ -- --»_._ -nmwilliam guftis Taylo%
fJaa~ 9 19 ) ~May 18, 1896
William Uuftia Taylor. No. has in direct line.
St. Louis, Migggupio
Beverly Conyers Elsberry
Joyce Elsberry---a __- ____ _ ___n _ ___ __“____,M_ E_ Briggs
Ashton, Idaho.
William Lyman ElSbGPFy ---- ~--~ ----»-_ _-_ *..., Eva Lena Childs
(Feb, 29, 1916) u @ct_ Ealylg
Married by Bev. T, J, Ph111ipS_
eva Lena Chiles, daughter of w. H, Guilds. '
2nd'"°”ff"" `°"”";” '"““”' "“"' '“*°*- ”“-Amy L. Niehans’
'_ _(J-L1]:e    
William Lyman Elsberry publisher of Trane e'~ '-*
.g , ~ - is ,,. _- portati L _ th
Marine Mailing Service; commissioned as e colonel (Aid;nDe0§amp Qi
GDVBPm0T|§ staff of Governor Earl K. the State of Louisian
in redognmtion of efforts and work in advaneement and development
Of navigable waterways of the Middlewest. , = 1
586 Garden Avenue, Webster Groves 19, Missouri.
Robert Thomas Blsberry-~~-~ ~--- ~ ------- -Gladys ?auline Owens
(Dec. 19, 1933) May 9, 1913
Robert Thomas Elsberry, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry,
High School; Salesman; Baptist; Democrat; 32 Mason; Abou Ben Adhem
Shrine Patrol; Crescent Chapter O.E.Se, Springfield, Missouri; married
by Rev. Jno. B. Blythe at Bolivar, Missouri; white Chapel Gardens
Cemetery, Springfield, Missouri.
Gladys Pauline Owens, daughter of Homer Thomas Owens and Etta
Kennedy Jones; born in Lutie, Ozark County, Missouri; Gainesville
Public Schools; Beautician; Baptist; Republican; Crescent Chapter
0.E.S.; Shrine Ladies Club.
1106 South Jefferson, Springfield, Missouri.
Kate Lois Elsberry
Evelyn Ruth Elsberry
VII~lO6h. _
Ernest Lyle Elsberry »--- - ~+-- ---~~-- ~--- --Rose Delores Petty
(Sapa 26, 1931) Juno 119 1906
Ernest Lyle Elsberry, born in Rock Lake, Tonner County, North
Dakota; Bachelor of Laws, George Washington University, Washington,
D.C.; Presbyterian; Democrat; Acacia Fraternity; Masonic Lodge;
Head of Investigative Division, U. S. Government; married at
Rockville, Montgomery County, Maryland, by Revs B. M, Osgood.
Rose Delores Petty, daughter of Charles Petty and May Elizabeth
Pierce; born in Baltimore, Maryland; Public and private schools;
Key West, Florida, High School; Bpiscopalian; Democrat.
Box ll95, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
vrreioes. `
Lloyd Leslie Eleberry
Thomas Azlel Elsberry
Holden, Washington.
Berniece Leone Elsberry -~-- ---- ~ -~-~- 0° E. Meleust
2nd~--~ ---~~-» »--- ~ ~~----~-- ~ »------ Robert Emanuel Koenig
1612 Park Lane, Yakima, Washington.

273° 1
R d 1 h William Altekruse and
vII_lO68 272° Louis Edward Altekruse, son of u o p .
’ Dena Heckmann; Elliott School and Yeatman High School, St. EDU133
Mildred Lu ill E1 b Methodist; Democrat; City Fireman; Mason; Divorced;
G B S eTPy*‘*wH¢um _¢.; .;,,_,;,,_" ___" “D Q N -- if
Dr' N E, F D y P ° E' Foss     Elmwood Cemetery, Mexico, Audrain County, Missouri..
Marylanéi . , oss, san of School of Pharmacy, University of vII“107u
“Ol Dixie DTiV9» Baltimore, Maryland, Ralph June Eddens
VII°`1°5"8`3"f- V11-3,o'r5.
Marian Agnes E1sberry-~~-- --~-Kris Stenslie DaughteT Eddens
Watford City, North Dakota.
V ICI-1068s. n
Harriet A1 in El ___
G Ga sherry “*-0- J. Dundas
Watford City, North Dakota.
' Charles Priest Wingfield Sitter
Francis Stephen Bittick Sitton
Sarah Agnes Sitton
L ,
aveme Gannon B1°iS"’°°"”"‘”“"~-~~Mar‘1=in Richard siege J,-.
` _ (Jah. 8, 1930) 0gt,'17’ 1908, Q
_ ""“"”"““'“*“-°---~Thomas Roussin
L&VoPne Cannon Briscoe born 1
_ D Mexico Mit 1- .
gggggrat, Telephone operator; married by Bee, Qigggraé ggghodist’
u County, M13S0uri_ 0U»
Martin Richard Siess J .
Siess Sr,° b t W ’ r" S90 of $33516 June Seiss and Maptin
Businéss. » orn a ashington, M1SSOUT1§ catholic; Democrat; Poultry
3013 Simga St: L0l1iS, lqigggupi.
Bernadine Blanton Briscoe L
`"‘”““'“"'“-~ Ouis Edwa d alt
(Jan. 16, 1932) Nov. 29, lggg ekruse
B@PHBdine Blanton Briscoe bor
,   5 I _ - ' n   Sta L 1 F’ o
High School,_Meth@@1St; pemocrgt; married at gi sio$i;so§§;;O§;;dan
Qi* C  
QM 143)
Robert Eddens
Henry Thomas Cannon
University of Oklahoma; Musician.
-----~--»-~---»~~Susannah Forgoy Patton
Mar. S, 1910) Sep- 15, 1338
Robert Patton Wells~E
Allgo 19,  
Robert Patton Wells, born in Paynesville, Pike County,
Missouri; Keokuk Business College, Keokuk, Iowa; Republican;
' Pike County
Christian; marrled by Alphea lngle at Louisiana, ,
S annah Forgey Patton, daughter of Joseph Aleiander Patton and
Mary Elizabeth Fielder; born in Paynesville vicinity, Pike County,
‘ '- ° - C t Clarksville Missouri.
MlSSOHPl, Christ1an, Greenwood emo ery, ,
?aynesville, Pike County, Missouri.
William Alexander Wells-~ ---~--- ~-=--
(Apr. 2, 1912) Deo. 20, 1391
Rebecca Elizabeth Lewis
l6Y2rWilliam Lewis Wells --'---- e--Aug. M, 1916--
William Alexander Wells, born in Paynesville, Pike County,
G Cit Business College, Quincy, Illinois; Christian;
Missouri; em y
Republican; Merchant; married by B. G. Beavis at Sledd, Pike County,
Rebecca Wlizabeth Lewis, daughter of James Stilman Le¥is and
Mary Alabama Estes; born at Sledd, Pike County, Missouri; ike
County College, Bowling Green, Missouri; Christian.
Paynesville, Pike County, Missouri.

V11-1080. _
Harry Armstrong Wells -~----------~ ~-Irene Elizabeth Jacobson
(Jan. ao, 1940) Aug. 29, 1916
161%-Harry Taylor weiis -~---»--- --sep. 16, 1eu1--
l6Ms~Robert Alfred Wells -----~ »~-»Deo. 1, 19h2-=
Harry Armstrong Wells (known as "Ted") born in Paynesville,
Pike County, Missouri; Christian; Republican; Paynesville High
School; Culver-Stockton College; Chillicothe Business College;A.F-&A.M.
Farmer; married by Rev. John Colden at Hannibal, Missouri; Greenwood
Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Irene Elizabeth Jacobson, daughter of Alfred L. Jacobson and
Hulda M. Carlson; born in Whiting, Iowa; New London High School;
Culver-Stockton College; Christian; Democrat; Teacher; Paynesville
Literary Club; Junior Coterie.
Clarksville, Missouri.
Dorothy Perrine Ballmer ----~-----»-- -~---~Cecrge Lanvermeier
(Cot. 2?9  
End ~~--~ » - ---~ ~---~------- ~~-James Spencer Adsit III
(Sep. 20, l9h6) aug. lh, 1925
l6M§~Judy Ann Adsit~ --~---~-------»-~-~ Aug. 5, l9h7--
l6M§-Bonnie Dee Adsit -~»~---- - » ~--~ Feb. 7, l9h9--
_f-Kathy Lee Adsit ------ ---- ----- Nov. 2, 1950--
1 j;=Vickie Adsit ---- --= ----~ --~- Nay 16, l952»-
1§$¥~Laurey Adsite ---- _ --~~- ~-~---~~---- Dec. 1, 1955-~
Dorothy Perrine Ballmer, born in Hannibal, Missouri; Methodist;
Democrat; Presbyterian Ladies* College, Melbourne, Australia; Elsberry
High School; Miss Hickey's Business College, St. Louis, Missouri;
first married by Rev. Starr at Methodist Parsonage, Seattle, Washing~
gon; second time married at St. John‘s Methodist Church, St. Louis,
James Spencer Adsit III, son of James Spencer Adsit and Helen
Kleefick; born in Kansas City, Missouri; Short Ridge High School,
Indianapolis, Indiana; Supervisor, Colonial Bakery Company; Democrat.
531 LaMotte Lane, Ferguson, Missouri.
John Noel Morioal
Ruth Morioal
Esther Morical
VII 1065.
Charles Morioal
sri 1085.
Joseph Morioal
VII 108?.
Arthur Warren Cannon
Forest Raymond Cannon
VII 1089s g
Audrey May Cannon
VII 1090.
Robert William Hanan
VII 1091.
Bessie Louise Hanan
V11 1092.
Lola Glee Harris
Mabel Harris
Vera Zora Harris
VII 1095.
William Lyman Harris
VII 1096.
Kittie Christian Harris
VII=l097» _
iMilton Harris
Lotta Harris
Bertha Harris

Alvin Levi Earris
VII 1101.
Garter Lewis Simpson
Lois Loretta Simpson
VII 1103.
Marie Temperance Simpson
Cecil James Simpson
VII 1105.
Glen Leon Pinkston
VII 1106.
Hazel Irlean Pinkston
VII llO7.
Vergie Alean Pinkston
VII 1108.
Neil Albert Pinkston
Frank Lloyd Pinkston
Laura Blanche Pinkston
Floyd Beryl Royse
VII-1113. -
Robert William Royse
Mabel Evelyn Hamilton
George Maynard Hamilton
Gi A 
W ii
ti t’
VII~1ll6.. A
Juanita Hamilton
Crystal Roberts
Jennie McKenzie
Donald McKenzie
Francis Arden Lockwood
Kelly Allen Cannon --»~--~~--~----~-- ~--Peggy Lou Becker
(Nov. 2, l9h6) Jun. 20, 1928
l62Q~Sharon Lee Cannon~ ----~»----- Apr. 29, l9hB»-
1621»Colleen Lynn Cannon-- ~~------ Mar. 23, l95l~-
Kelly Allen Cannon, born in Long Beach, California; Peru
State Normal University of Notre Dame; Southern California School
of Pharmacy, B.S.; Pharmacist; Seventh Day Adventist; Democrat;
Supply Officer for Civil Defense for Westchester District, Los
Angeles County, California; Rotary; married at Wedding Manor, Los
Angeles County, California, by Rev. Albert S. Mason.
Peggy Lou Becker, daughter of Gilbert Roy Becker and Louise
Martha Lange; Riverside High School; Lutheran.
Blh North Nestor, Compton, Los Angeles County, California.
VlI~ll22. »
Roma Marlene
Roma Marlene
Academy, Lynwood,
Democrat; married
Rev. George Flora
Oalf Russell
Cannon- ---~- ~------- ~-Oalf Russell Donovan Berg
(Jul. 1, 1951)
Cannon, born in Long Beach, California; Lynwood
California; P.B,X. Operator; Seventh Day Adventi
in San Jose, Santa Clara County, California, by
Donovan Berg, son of Calf Ferdinand Berg and
Cecile Leotta Riggs; born in Cozad, Nebraska; Woodriver High School;
University of Nebraska; Salesman; Presbyterian; Democrat; Mason.
25h Pass Avenue, Burbank, Los Angeles County, California.

Ida Elizabeth Cannon-~ ------ »--~-~~~~»»-William Irwin Piiley
(Jun. l, 1937)
ann. 7, 1911
l622»Nilliam Gannon Pixley-~ =--- ~»-Aug. 20, l9hO-~
l623eThomas Dawson Pixley~~~-»- »--- »»Apr. 28, 19h3e-
"f Ida Elizabeth Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
High School; Eastern High School, Washington, D.C.; Missouri Uni-
versity, B.J. 1932, A.M. 1936; Baptist; 0.E.S.; Democrat; Alpha Phi;
Theta Sigma Phi; P.E.O.; Jessie Black Club; married at Christ Church,
Alexandria, Virginia, by Rev. H. L. Doll, Rector, and Rev. James
Shera Montgomery, Chaplain of the House of Representatives.
william Irwin Pixley, son of Harry Clinton Pixley and Sarah
Ann Irwin; born at Ferguson, St. Louis County, Missouri; Ferguson
High School; Missouri University, B,S. in Mechanical Engineering 1933;
Methodist; Democrat; Pi Kappa Alpha; Pi Tau Sigma; Tomb and Key;
A,S.M.E.; Power Transmission Club; Sales Engineer.
21 Huntleigh Moods, St. Louis 22, Missouri.
VII-ll2M. `
Ruby Melinda Cannon---~-~ ---------~~~-- Harry Bert Hackethorn
(Apr. 6, l9h3)
any ao, 1918
l62h~John Cannon Hackethorn ~--- »--~ -Dec. 28, l9h3-~
l625~David_Lyon Hackethorn ---~-~-~-- Jun. 1, 19h9*~
l626~Susan Melinda Hachethorn-~----=Jul. 13, 1951-~
Ruby Melinda Cannon, born in St, Louis, Missouri; Elsberry
High School; Randolph Macon Women's College, Lynchburg, Virginia;
Missouri University, A.E., M.A.; P.E.O.; D.A.R.; O.E.S.; Pi Beta Phi;
Alpha Pi Zeta; married at Christ Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Vir-
ginia, by Hector Edward Randolph Wells.
_ Harry Bert Hackethorn, son of Harry Dalton Hackethorn and Pearl
Mount; born in Columbia, Missouri; Missouri University, B.S. in Business
Administration; Captain, U.S, Army; Methodist; Democrat; Kappa Alpha;
Assistant District Director, Aetna Life Insurance Company.
531 Pine Haven Drive, Houston, Texas.
William Randolph Peeler ------- ~~-- »~-Eleanor Sheppard Browne
(Oct. 23, 1937) Aug. 27, 1915
l62?-William Randolph Peeler lI»-~Apr. 13, 1939--
1625-Melinda Peeler-~ ----- ---»~--- Dec, 13, l9h1~»
William Randolph Peeler, born in Elsberry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Mexico High School; Missouri University; Hall War College;
United States Naval Academy, B.S, l¢§Q; Naval Officer; Baptist;
Kappa Sigma; Norfolk German Club; Heal Estate Business.
G ii
Q- li
- 279.
Eleanor Sheppard Browne, daughter of Randolph Maury Browne and
Jean Maxwell; born in Norfolk, Nd=folh County: ViPE1HiaS EPiS00“
palian; Democrat; Junior League; Maury High School, Norfolk, Vir~
ginia; Wells Business School; married at Church of the Good Shepherd,
Norfolk, Virginia, by Rev, Gunn.
712 Poppy Avenue, Corona del Mar, California.
John Lewis GannOn__-l _..__.. ~- ~------ »~»Doris Marie Stratton
(Oct, 29, l9h8)
1629eJames Andrew Cannon ----- »----Aug, 12, l95l““
l63O~John Lewis Cannon, Jr.--» ---- 560° 13, l95M'"
163l~Cecily Cannon-~ -------- ~--- -=M&P~ ll, 1953“'
John Lewis Cannon, Elsberry High School; Central College;
Yale University School of Medicine, l9M7§ Nu Sigma NU? intefnfd at
Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Connecticut; married at St. Mary s
Episcopal Church, Manchester, Connecticut, by Rev. Alfred Wilmes.
Doris Marie Stratton, daughter of Thomas J. Stratton; graduate
of Hartford Hospital School of Nursing; Supervisor of Nurses, Harte
ford Hospital.
Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, GDHUGCtiCut°
VII»ll2T. ° '
w°1llnm Joseph cannon ------ ~- »----- -- ---- Doris Eleanef Sh°°P
1 (Augo 13, lego) Apr. 3, 1921+
le32~wllllan Olin oannnn»--~--~»--Apr- 13, 1952-~
l633-Joseph Edwin Cannon---- '““"M&N 30, 1953“”
163h~Cynthia Rebecca Cannon ---- ~-»Aug. 31, l955“'
william Jggeph Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
sign School; Central College; wnenlngccn University. B°S~, M-§»§_
Baptist; Democrat; American Medical Association; Phi Beta Pi Hedl-
cal Fraternity; Fest graduate work at Colorado General Hospital,
Denver, Colorado; Specialist in hand reconstruction; married at
First Presbyterian_Church, Findlay, Hancock COUUDN: Ohio: by DT°
Guy Cheek.
Doris Eleanor Shoop, daughter of William Ray Shoop and Donna
Bell Brickman; born in McComb, Hancock County, Ohio; M0U0mb Hlgh
School; Lima Memorial Hospital, Ohio, R,N,; University of Colorado,
B.S.; Presbyterian; Democrat; American Nursing ASSOCi&t10U§ Nat10U3l
League Nursing Education.
29 Kohring Circle South, Harrington Park, New Jersey.

Imogene Clayton- -~--- - ----~--------- »-~-Harold Edward Ernst
(Jul. 2h, l95h)
Jul. 29, 1918
l635=Linda Sue Ernst-- ------ --~ ~~»- May 6, l955~-
1636-Michael Edward Ernst-~-»~~ -~~»~»- Jun. l, l956~-
Imogene Clayton, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsherry High
School; Catholic; Democrat.
Harold Edward Ernst, son of Harold Joseph Ernst and Myrtle
Pickett; born in St. Louis, Missouri; Jennings High School; Civil
Service Clerk; Catholic; Democrat.
Apartment 612, 1301-South 12th Street, St. Louis, Missouri.
Kathryn Preston Cannon --~~~- ~ ~-~~~ ~-»»»»»Malcolm Baskett Reid
(ret. ae, 1938) Mar. 30, 190;
l6374William Michael Reid »-»-~»~--~ ~~-Jan. 18, l9hO~-
1638-Stephen Malcolm Reid ----~ ~-~~ ~--- Sep. 27, l9hh~-Aug.lT,l9h5
Kathryn Preston Cannon, born in St. Louis, Missouri; Elsherry
Public Schools; Central College; Northeast Missouri State Teachers
College; Missouri University; washington University; Teacher;
Methodist; Democrat; P.E.O.; O.E.S.; married by Rev. Fred F. Hanes
at Troy, Missouri.
Malcolm Baskett Reid, son of Wallace Salem.Reid and Edna
Effie Baskett; born in St. Louis, Missouri; Elsberry Public Schools
John Brown College, Arkansas; A.R. Presbyterian; Democrat; Aldermans
and Mayor of Elsberry; Rotary; Chamber of Commerce.
_ 762h Stanford, St. Louis, Missouri.
Roscoe Woodrow Cannon ---------------
---~Vera McMillan
(Apr. 15, IQME)
~ End--~ ------~-~»- ~ --------»--~-~ Ruth Antoinette Bishop
(Sep. 30, 1951) Aug. 5, 1923
l639»David Clarence Cannon---»----Nov. ll, l953~-
ienoosewara william canoes-_ ._..._ Jan. 8, l955es
Roscoe Woodrow Cannon, Elsberry High School; Central College,
Fayette, Missouri; Sanford-Brown Business College, St. Louis;
Staff Sergeant, U.S.Army Air Force during World War II; Accounting
clerk with Shell Oil Company.
Vera McMillan, daughter of Roy McMillan; McMurray College,
Jacksonville, Illinois; Shurtleff College, Alton, Illinois; B.A.;
Teacher; married at home of her parents, WOQQ River, Illinois, by
Rev. D. H. Toomey.
9 281.
Ruth antoinette_Bishop, daughter of Clarence A. BishoP and
antonio L. sisnop; born in sewaresviiie, Iliinois; Methodist;
Democrat; W.S.C.S.; Sanford-Brown Business College, St. Louis;
Q- if married at Immanuel Methodist Church, Edwardsville, Illinois. bl
Rev. J. E. Attey.
325 East Park Street, Edwardsville, Illinois.
    Ca'nn0n_-.....».-.u ------ ww- ~-='- “““*wil1iam    
(Jun. ie, l9h0) Aus- 11. 1916
lohl-Stephen David Sullins----- --~0Ot~ 33» l9M7“"
l6h2- ~
Lilla Mae Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Contra; Collese.
Fayette, Missouri; Sanford-Brown Business College; MSth0dlSt3
Democrat; p,E_0,; mafpiee by Rev, W, D. Simmons at Wood River Metho-
dist Church, Wood River, Illinois.
William D. Sullins, son of Richard J. Sullins and E. Backer
selling; been in Mokane, Missouri; Mokane Public Schools; Metho-
digt; Demgoygtg A,F, & A,M,; I,0.0.F.; Chamber of Commerce; K1W&HiS§
Democratic Club; District Commercial Manager for Missouri Power and
Light Company.
. 1_1
1003 Santa Fe Trail, Booneville, Missouri.
Lucille Verdella Cannon ---*~-----“-~- “'”J~ 3° MOOTE
(Jul. 19, 19n2)
Married at First Congregational Church, Cromwell, Iowa.
J, R, Moore, son of A. B. Moore, Weauhleau, Missouri.
Cromwell, Iowa.
Louise Ellnorah Cannon -~--“- *""““ DP- 5° J° MaTti“
l6h3-James Richard Martin --------- ret. 13. 19M3--
or. c, J. Martin, captain, Medical Corps. U~S- Armi-
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
William Cannon Hanes ~------*~~--“~--~ "“' MCT? Lee Barnes
M Q (Sep. l, 19145) Aug. 17, 193|-
leuuowoea Jo aanes~-~~»- -»---- »--~Jun. 6, 19h9--
16h5-Linda Lee Hanes-- -»»- ee- *-~JH1» 27. l951““
lého-Jeffrey Barnes Hanes-~-~ ---Feb. 2, 1957”“

,,-, e ,-' - 1* is S *“f ' ° 2321.
._;Qi.,, .»
'William Cannon Hanes, born in Chillic0Ehdnshissour{§*United
States Military Academy, West Point,-new Ydrk, B.S.; Methodist;~ QT
Rotary; President of“Mid1and Machinery Company; married in Chilli*
cothe, Livingston County, Missouri, by Bev. Fred Hanes._H _=;"
Mary Lee Barnes, daughter-of ?rehtlce_Barnes and Bernice
Davesgihorn in Bonner Springs, Kansas; O.E§S.; Methodist; Ipma State
1107 - Zhth Street, St. Joseph,‘Mf§sonrl.?; w"R? L
VII~113S. N :T 1 h H, _ u ;g_ :,_ -
d_§Qbert Landon Haneseefe --f-- rise;-#Sf-1;~--Q-~Sdna*Lee“Duncan Wi
_F §§neral Hospital No. 1, Kansas Cttrf Missouri.. _ , ~
Lillie Belle Sanesj-4 -~-- »r-~»gh "fees ~i~sByron*L.-Roadhpusah L
li_ lsavaseeegetsyeén sseaseuse ---~-~ - =
16h8-Deborah Page Roadhouse--~-fee,_ "’ x
32h south Jseasee, P1%tsfie1e,`1111eeis.
  H _m,_,~;_'- - ,_ If :-~=
sarah Lee Hanes--4>1-J;-~-§--a>1aT `-Zine; ae. eaer1egtes_ n
(Jun. 19h?)__q;‘:£§; , 1 ~»- _
Sarah Lee Hanes, horn ln Macon, Mtssquri; Northeast Missouri
State Teachers College,!B.S,g_Methodist;‘P.E.O.; Sigma Sigma Sigma;
A.A.U.W.; marrieefeefaev; Fred P, Hanes at Kirksville, Missouri.
Dr. Ed. Thorington, born in Alabama; Osteopath; Methodist;
Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery; Theta tsl.” at
' 1839 Vance sgenue,r§ort Wayne,-lndianafxdmq “I _
VII~ll3B.r 11 4 _i _=, von»»~ef*" _A Wig' ’
Fred Page Hanes, Jr.- --~--- - ------ =- --- 2-~Barbara Whitmore -
--   '(Fe'b_ 1957) M 1,-_ff-=; f l
Fred Page Hanes, Jr., born in Macon, Missouri; Northeast
Missouri State Teachers College; President of Historical Society; "
President of Pi Delta Kappa; President of Intsrdeneminatlonal Group;
Chaplain of Sigma Tau Gamma; Business~Manager of Eeho, Student Year-
boot: Seoretary,of International Club; College Players; actlve_in,,
music activlties;"Ministsr; represented stueents-esrnassesesNet= ~m&
55th Congress of Ameriean Industry~dn“New York;,Meth6dist} m§rniedf%
6, if
  "i" `?
u 283. 5?
VIl~ll39. '
K V 1 N   H&neSm____-_- _--» um-~ssDI'¢       i
Q ii e ma a ne (Auge 15, 1952) Jus. ao, l92T h
16h9~James Alfred Yeoham Illev-AUS° 81 1957 J
Vehna Nadine Hanes, horn in Norhorne, Missouri; University !
gf Mighigans A.B.; Northeast Mlssouri€3tate Teachers College; M~§.3 _
Methodist; Democrat; P.E.0e3 5iSma Siena Sigma? A°A°U'W'; marfie 5
at saver Rouge, MichiseU» C
Dr, James Alfred Yeoham, son of Alfred L. Yeoham and Lorraine
Krei er- born in Jefferson City, Missouri; Methodist; Democrat;
g J . . d 3 rm
. ; K k ll College of Osteopathy an u e
Mason, American Legion lr svl e Mi 1 State Teachers
gary, Doctor of Ogtggpahhy, Northeast ssour
l2uO Bees Giega Isle, St. Petersburg, Florida. l
Anna Elizabeth H&D9S*”““'““”"'”“ ""'DaVid W' Shin”
2101 Chander, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
_ 1
‘ VII-llhl.
L t Th ag Gannon_ ____ , ____ as __.- Marjorie Carroll Fatboy
QS 6” °m (aug. 11, l9h1} Jun. 1?, 1923 l
1650~Carol Rue Cannon-=~-~---~»Nov. 26. l9M5
_ 1e51~v1,a1e Rae oasees»-~-~----Arr- 21. 19H3
_ . i
L t Th C nnon Elsberry High School St. Louis School
of Phgimgiy, §?;;svil1e College of Osteopqthy and Surgery (ranked
thiyd in Glagg of 30) Internship at Sparks Clinic and Hospital, _
Dallas, Texas; Baptist; 0St90PathY° Q
- ll P tt a u hter of w; G. PettBY' Gslofsdo
Sprigggioggiogggg? Schgol;¥’Lo;i§iana, Missouri, High,Soh00l3 ?
married at Crystal City, MiSS0UTi-
3733 Valley Ridge, Dallas, Texas. l
P t 1 ig Janne Gannon-»-»--"rr *“'” "““R°na1d C' Nbpdwald
& 1" ° (am. 5, law Ave- 1930 t W
in San Francisco, C&1i;QfPi&w __HL-~~~~”"L;u=_¢e _ 2 f o " l652~B1ohard Bruce Nordwald~-- -»~-Jul. 25, 1951
___   -_ Q' M   ;____,_,. .--»--   --~ : V -.---H -_H C 1
Barbara Whitmore,@Nsthodist. 5ji&} 2Ud“””“““"”“"”““”'"“" gag? iiingégg D G
1130 Villa Way, Arcata, California.
1653-Kerry Lynn Co1e~~~- ---- ”*“° ' -"'° Ma? 9» 1956
Patricia Jeans Cannon, Elsherry High School, Salutatorian;
Hanniha1»LaGrange College; B&P¢iSt-
. 1 I

a,,.Lo e _
asa. 235-
Ronald C. Nordwald, son of Florence O. Mordwald and Gladys V1I~11h7»
393001585 Eloberry High School; U.S. Army; Farmer; Evangelical.
_e James Robert Byrne -»»-»--»-~- Margaret Louise Monahan
_John Francis Cole, son of F. M. Cole; born in State of Q Mi (Cot, h, lshl) Mar 21, 1919
Louisiana; Stock Broker; married at Baptist Church, Eleberry, Missouri,
.' ` l66O»Kathleen Mary Byrne~~ May 19, l9H3““
2017 Province Lane, Dallas, Texas. 166l~Terence Michael Byrne --~~--- Sep 5, l9M5*-
VII l662»Timothy Patrick Byrne ~------ Feb 28, 1950-~
_ "11M3- l663~Patricia Jeanne Byrne --~-~-~ Bac 2, l952~~
l66h~Colleen Anne Byrneee ~~-----» Nov. 6, l956~»
Betty Jean Gannon--~~» --~-- ~»~ ---- ---Robert Milton Showalter
(May ie, 1951)
%2§%~Virginia Lynne Showalter”--e~Mar. 27, 1952-e
Betty Jean Cannon Hickman High School Columbia Mi 1°
Stephens College; Alpha Epsilon Rho, National Radio Frate;§§t§;’
Phi Lambda Beta Social Sorority; married at Missouri Methodist
ChUTGh» CO1Umb1a, Missouri, by Rev. F. P, Hanes and Dr. A. C
Williamson. '
James Robert Byrne, born in Minot, North Dakota; Port Huron
High School; Chrysler Institute of Engineering; Sales Manager,
Evans Products Company; Catholic; Non-partisan; Knights of Columbus
Detroit Traffic Club; National Defense Transportation Association;
Meadowbrook County Club; married by Rev. Father Clement Ester at
Port Huron, St, Clair County, Michigan.
Margaret Louise Monahan, daughter of william Henry Monahan
and Jane Edna Monk; born in London, Ontario, Canada; Port Huron
High School' Catholic; Mon-partisan; Detroit Traffic Club; Womenis
'Robert Milton Showalter, son of Mr. and Mrs John A Showalter.
Westport High SGHOD1, Kansas City; Missouri University, A 9
g M21 Crawford Road, St. Louis, Missouri.
Ruby May Gann°“`””” ““'” ’” “”""' '" "*---- Joseph Sidley DeL1sle
<Jun- M. 1920) Jai. 21,
1656-Dennis Sidley DeLisle~- ~»-- ----J _ 2 1 2 M
1657-Patricia Jean DeLisle-» ---- ~--~F;§.- i 132; ay l3'l9u6
l6S8~Barbara Ann DeLisle--“___ _--.Oct. E , l93? .
1659“MlGh&e1oDeLis13»--- »~--_ --aa---Dec_ 28, lgul
' Rub? Ma? Cannon, born in Fargo North Dakota' Lourdes G o
School; Holy Name High Sensei, spokane, waeningtet; oatno1ie¥a 6
Athletic Association
33635 Hathaway,
Terence Maurice
Lieutenant, U.S
South Pacific during
Meadowbrook Country Club.
Livonia, Michigan.
. Air Force; Pilot of plane that went down over
world War Il; Killed in
crat; married by Rev. John Caln myn at Newport, Washington. 3
JOSSPH Sisley DeLiS1@. son of Jeeees DeLis1e and siieebeen
MUPDDY3 born at Port Hope, Untario, Canada; Lourdes Grade School;
GOUZQEC Golleee, B~H.; Catholic; Democrat; Pan American Airways
Buyer. -'
7205 South 120th, Seattle 88, Washington.
Everett Garth Cannon
Basil Cannon
action on June 1, l9h5
william Michael Byrne ~--~--~- - ~-~- ---#Lois Marjean Hershey
(Apr, 1, 1952) Jul. 17, 1929
l665~Christopher Michael Byrne-~=~~--Feb. 28, l953~~
1666~Brian Anthony Byrne~~ ~~~»»~ =~»~- Jun. 19, 195h-~
1667~Lisa Anne Byrne ~~--- ----~- ---- Mar. 20, 1956*°
lé68eLynn Mary Byrne# ----------~-~» ~~MaP» 20, l956~~
High School;
Dakota; Port Huron
Mississippi State College; Sales manager of Electric
Michael Byrne, born
in Minot, North
Houseware Division, Westinghouse Electric Corporation; Catholic;
Republican; Knights of Columbus; Elks; B, and B.N. Investment Club;
married at Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio, by Monsignor Gobel.
Lois Marjean Hershey, daughter of Burton Floyd Hershey and Ida
Grace Brown; born in Bellville, Richland County, Ohio; Mansfield
Senior High School; Catholic; Catho1ic_Newcomers; Civic Club;
1 Women's Club.
§jLr!_ 568 Coleman Road, Mansfield, Ohio,

Ri°har& Benjamin BYTES” ““'“'°' “#~-Josephine Caroline RQ
ppos h
(Jan. lh, l9§O) Map, 7, 1926 C
1669-Susanne Marie Byrne~ -»-- -~Mar. 2 1 1--
1670~Mark Richard Byrne ---- »---Aug, 35: 1;§2__
l671~E1lZ&bSth Ahh Bypng- -».“ m-Dec_ 15, l95uw_
Richard Benjamin Byrne, born at Minot North Dakota' Pc t
Huron High School; Production Supervisor; Catholic; Democrat?
M . ,
A?P§;;ge?§ Port Huron, St. Clair County, Michigan, by MSgT_ Thomas
J0Sephine Caroline Ropposch daughter of Frank Ro
_ - pposch Hd
garolina Zotter, St. Stephen High School; Democrat; Catholi¢;aJunicr
oague of Catholic Women; P.T.A.; Christian Mothers,
9399 Montana, Livonia, Michigan.
Henrietta Joanne Byrne -~~- ..__._ __._ Edward Rob t M J
(Jun. it, 1952) Jun. 6, 1933 Dora’ ”°
Henrietta Joanne Byrne born in Detroit Michi
. _ gan- s 1 e sc n
grade and High School; Junior College, A.A.;,Marygrove,Co§l;ge, ;?A??
S;c1a§_CaseworkSr; Roman Catholic; Republican; st, Maryfs Altar ’
c e 3° marrie by Rev. Fath J h R, H ' `“
Catholic Church, Port Huron, glchgggn. Ogan at S&int Steph?"
Edward Robert Moore son of Edward Robert Moor nd M
_ th
§d;§e M9L§UEh%1U§ St. John's Military Academy; PcrteH3p0m §§ni;y
ag P9S;»Haich1g;n State University; Hillsdale College, B,S,; bgpn
Ga _°E1k 9P§“= -iChiS&H; Insurance Agent; Roman Catho1ic;Il@pub11-
0fUéOmme§» _Ogatmasgers Igternationalg Port Huron Junior Chamber
Ri _ 99° 9 3 igma H15 Blue Water Sportsman‘s Club; Black
Ver C0HHtPr Club; Pere Huron coif Club.
1672-Patrick William Moo -~-- ~---J _H
15T3-Ann Mary Moore---_-€?_,----~~Og2: gi, lggia-
3222 Riverside Drive, Port Huron, Michigan.
Patricia Ann ByPne°°" "'” " ”'“'“ ”“" -e--John Edward Senyggkg
fJUH- 20, 1955) Aug. 28, leau
Patricia Ann Byrne born at St Clair Michi an St S
' . e 'IJ
arise and sign School, Port Heros, Mieaigaég Dentil iss1eean§§hen
Ga olio, Republican; St. Mary‘s Altar Society; Junior League gf ”
b;t§§;iCF§;Een;RL§g1On of Ma?Y Mercy H°sPita1 duxiliarrs married
Miohigén’ er o art Allen, St. Stephen Catholic Church, Port Huron,
Q Q3
of Q!
John Edward Senyozko, son of Dmytro Senyozko and Mihalina
Kinach; born in Hamtromck, Michigan; Holbrook Grade School;
Copernicus Junior High School; Immaculate Conception High School;
Hamtromck High School; University of Notre Dame; Sports Director
of Radio Station WTTH; Assistant Sports Editor; Catholic; Repub-
lican; Football Writers Association of America; St. Mary‘s Men‘s
Club; St. Clair County Officials Association; Elks; Black River
Country Club;
Holy Name Society.
2919 ~ llth Avenue, Port Huron, Michigan.
Dona Joyce Cannon -----~--------~--~
mmn5 l%9)
l6?h~Susan Lynn Streeter-- -~-~ - --
16T5~Leigh Ann Streeter ~---~---~
Dona Joyce Cannon, Vancouver High School; married by Cleo
Brown, J.P., at SkamaniaCounty, Washington.
Lee Reuben Streeter
Apr. Eh, 1929
-Sep s 28,  
Apr. 19, l9§l~-
Lee Reuben Streeter, son of Claude Tillman Streeter and Charlotte
Bonnell; Tool and Die Maker; born in Vancouver, Washington. '
3610 McLaughlin Boulevard, Vancouver, Washington.
Thomas Taylor Hammack --------------
(Jun. 25, 1938)
Ruth Olevia Singleton
f; 1676-Barbara Jean Hammack» ---- -----
1677-Carol Jane Hammack -------
l6T8-Sharon Lee Hammach ----»---- »--
Thomas Taylor Hammack, son of Roy Hammack
born in New Hope, Missouri; New Hope, Elsberry
Chillicothe Business College; married by Rev.
Salesman; Democrat;
5, 1913
6, 1931--
12. l9h3~-
ae, late-~
and Wanda Cannon;
& Troy Public Scho
T. J. Smith; Baptis
Ruth Olevia Singleton, daughter of Barbee Candus Singleton
and Grace Waddell Cobb; born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High
School; Gem City Business College, Quincy, Illinois; Baptist;
Democrat; No. 1789 in direct line.
2238 Malcolm Avenue, West Los Angeles, California.
Roy Cannon Hammack-~
--Anna LaFrance Shelton
(APP~ 30, 1937)
Charles Hammack ---------- ~~---D60
Bonnie Hammack -~-- ----- Sep
Nancy Hammack ---- ~- ----
Susan Hammack-~-~---- ---
l 10, 1-938"'
. 23, l9hO--
. iu
. 17; l9hh~-

Boy Cannon Hammack, served with U.S. Cavalry Service in World
War II; Auctioneer; married by Bev. Joseph Pettie Grant at Balls
County Court House, New London, Missouri; Elsberry Cemetery.
Anna LaFrance Shelton, daughter of Charles Shelton and Maude
Stewart; Elsherry High School.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Mary Lou Hammack-- --~»- ~-~- ~ -------- -~~Charles Howard Atwell
(Aug. 29, 1939) Feb. 20, 1912
l683~Sandra Diane Atwe1l~ ----~- ~--- ~Dec. 3, l9hC--
l6Bh»Ronda Atwell --~- ------- » ---~--- »~
l685~Stephen Howard Atwell-~~ ----» ~-Oct. 7, e-
Mary Lou Hammack, horn in New Hope, Missouri; New Hope Grade
School; Elsberry High School; Secretary at Mallinckrodt Chemical
Works, Weldon Spring, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; married in
Denver, Colorado, by Rev. Rich, Baptist Minister.
Charles H. Atwell, son of High Marcellus Atwell and Ida
Thompson; born in Tuscumbia, Missouri; Eldon High School; Baptist;
Democrat; Instrument Engineer for Mallinchrodt Chemical Works,,
Heldonéipring, Missouri.
No. 61 Barton Place, St. Charles, Missouri.
James Waldo Hammack
Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri.
Bonnie Jean Hammack--~»----- -~~---~-- ~»~-Richard L._Crevelt
(Dec. 21, 1939) May 15, 1915
1656-Janice Lee Crevelt --------- ---~ Jul. 26, 19hO-~
1687-Rebecca Ann Creegxt ---~ ~ --~---- -~-Oct. 31, 19hl~~
Bonnie Jean Hammack; Elsherry High School; Stenographer;
Baptist; Democrat; married by Rev. J. A. Rageweid at St. ?eters
Rectory, Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri.
Richard L. Crevelt, son of Henry Joseph Crevelt and Meta
Brinegar; St. Peters Parochial School; Jefferson City High School;
Chief of Tabulating Department, Unemployment Compensation Commission
of Missouri; Catholic; Democrat.
gyi§ meSe 26th‘Stpegt, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
v1i=i159. y
Ralph Eu ana Hammackm- ..-- wemwanwwwwwvwvcarol Ann GhPiBtGDS9U
g (Nov. 10, 1957> oe.. 19, 1931
Ralph Eugene Hammock, Louisiana High School; U. 3° APMYF
Oversees service; married at First Lutheran Church, Gmaha,
Carol Ann Christensen, daughter of Robert Christensen? NHP5@°
722 South 37th Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
J J T V1 Cann0n¢---,-»»» ---~-- -- ~**“N0&ita Burnett
3mPS av OT (May 25, 19§7) Nova 17, 1937
James Taylor Cannon, born in Elsherry, Missouri? ElSb@PTY Hish
Sensei; oaiiiiseene assesses college; IBM e TAB Operator; Baptist;
Democrat; married at New Hope Baptist Church Parsonage, Elsherry.
Missouri, by Rev. Alvin Tyler.
v....§°§§§i.§‘§”Ei.ii2’ .2a§i?“§§.§§ §§3§i§?%.‘;ZZ.Ei§?e§§.i2§.i§§iSH.,.
School; Clerk; Baptist; Democrat.
Apartment 5, 3316 Clara, St. Louie 20, Missouri.
VII-1161. A A
Wanda Ruth Cannon
Elsherry High School.
Norma Jean Cannon ~--- ~~--”"-~ "“"'“ ””'G9n5 Lilley
(Jun. 29, 1956) A
1688»Dona1d Eugene Lilley --~~ °---“Mal 15. l957~”
Norma Jean Cannon, Elsberry High School.
Cane Lilley, son of Charles "Doc" Lilley; married at the home
of Rev. Winchell, Troy, Missouri.
Winfield, Missouri.
v11-11s3. E
Nancy Anne Cannon
Ralph Morton Cannon, Jr.

Dolores Cannon
William Barry Cannon
Eleanor Cannon
Joseph Cannon
VII-1169. C
Kathleen Cannon,
John William Mayes~- -~---~-- - --------~ Martha Belle Whiteside
(Jul. 30, 19hO) Aug. 7, 1919
l6B9~James Lester Mayes-~~~-- ~--- ~-May
1690-William Ronald Mayes--~ - ~--- -Jul
Q i$i
VII=llT2» .
W~11° m Otto (Bob) Howard-~~“°"'"““' °”
1 la (Jun. 5, land)
1693-Robert Thomas Howard~--e- *“
16QuQWilli&m Keith Howardee--“'“""”
william Otto Howard, Missouri University
Sr; Baptigt; Kiwanis;H rm Bureau-
Jana W1lliS HUHtST
June Zh, 1925
may 20, 1951*-
Julflo 99 I-95l|'__
Alpha Gamma Rho;
Jane Willis Hunter, daushfef Of Howafdmg' H““§@§éif;;;;§m.
Jewell College; Hanu1ta1»LaGrsns@ Collage? SSOUP V’
Elgbgppys Missouri.
_ ____ “______ ___Mapy L nne Parka
J h R d lpn Howard-----
0 U an 0 (June 23, 1957) Auga lg, l93H
John Randolph Howard; Us S» HfmY5 Farmer; Baptist; Kiwanis;
Farm Bureau-
Parks' horn in St»
1 M T L une Parks daughtef of I, Linwood 5 _ h _
lg’ 19u1”' `- ” LouiS,aM§ss§uri; Christian College? WaShi“5t°n ggivegsigi’ EZEQSQP’
. ll, 1955~~ N i Phi Mu Sorority; married at Nelson PPGSbYt@Pian “TC ’ ° ’
I Q M1 i. o
John William Hayes, Farm Bureau; Baptist, active layman; Farmer; ® up Ssour
Democrat; Candidate for Judge of County Court, Lincoln County*
Missouri; Farmer; Member of School Board, Elsberry, Missouri.
Martha Belle Whiteside, daughter of Jacob Tapley Whiteside
and Inez Wilkinson; Baptist; Elsberry High School.
Elsberry, Missouri.
VII-1171. ' -
Charles Cannon Howard~ --~-~-~ »--- ~ --~- ~-~Martha Virginia Reid
(Nov. h, l9hh) Apr. 30, 1921
1691-Charla Ann Howard--~~ -----~- -~-- May 17, 19h6~-
1692-Brenda Jean Howard- -~--~ - ~--- »--- Jan. 16, 1951~~
Charles Cannon Howard, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
High School; Westminster College; Naval Aviator; Ensign in U.S.
Naval Resorts; Baptist; Farm Bureau, former President.
Martha Virginia Reid, daughter of Leslie C. Reid and Mary
Cladney; Hlsberry High School; Erskine Dollege; Central College;
P»E.O,; D.A.R.; married at A.H.P. Church, Elsberry, Missouri;Pres~
Elsberry, Missouri
Elsterry, Missouri.
Molly Ann Howard
Molly Ann Howard’   Elgbgppy   SCh.OOl~
Ann Cannon Griffitts
Curtis Mayes ElStDH .
Carbondale, IlliD0iS°
-llT7. '
nappy Daniel Elston-““'”““'“”"”‘“"“'“'”"°An“a Mae
(Apr. 12: 19M3)
Jann 283
15q§-Ipis Jeanette E1St0H*“”’”“”' "'”`%ug° Eg’
15o6.A1i¢@ Faye Elston-~~-- “““:M;°' M’
16Q7.,_Anne A191960 E1StOl'1""“"“""' '°°'" Y 5
Van Matra

Harry Daniel Elston, skilled horsemen, has appeared at shows
throughout the Midwest; Democrat, candidate for Assessor of Lincoln
County; married by Rev. L. D. Gregory at Blsberry, Missouri.
Anna Mae Van Metre, daughter of D. 1. Van Metre and lzetta
Irvine; Democrat.
Rlsberry, Missouri.
Richard Guy Elston- --~»-----»~~---- ---- Wanda Maurine Lyter
(Mar. ao, l9h2) sep. 10, 1921
1698-Connie Lou R1ston--~- ~-~~~»~ ----Feb. 5, l9h3--
Richard Guy Blston, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry Schools;
Farmer; Baptist; Democrat; I.0.0.F.; Legion Post 3h9; married by
Rev. Rolland N. Dutton at St. Louis, Missouri.
Wanda Maurice Lyter, daughter of Luther Alexander Lyter and
Roxio May Edwards; born at Clarksville, Missouri; Clarksville
Schools; Gem City Business College, Quincy, Illinois; Baptist;
Clarksville, Missouri.
Mary Elizabeth Elsten--~ ---~- ------ ---» Nathan Brady Hughes
(Jan. h, l9h7) Jun. Eh, 1909
Mary Elizabeth Elston, born in Elsberry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Elsberry High School; Sanford-Brown Business College,
St. Louis, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat.
Nathan Brady Hughes; son of Nathan Asbury Hughes and Mabel
Clare Brady born in Houston, Texas; married by Dr. C. Oscar Johnson
in St. Louis, Missouri; Boy's High School; University of Georgia,
LL.B.; Lawyer; Baptist; Democrat.
Route 1, Buns, Texas.
Katherine Ei1oen.Elston~-e-~~~- »»-» ~ --~Robert Lee Taylor
(Fee. 8, 1939) sep. 29, 1913
1699-Robert Stephen Taylor~ ~~--- ~~ ---- --
lTOO~Betsy Kay Taylor- --»-----~--»-- ---~~
Katherine Eileen Elston, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Elsberry High School; Sanford»Brown Business College; Stenographer;
Baptist; Democrat;
Robert Lee Taylor, son of O. Cecil Taylor and Annabelle Palmer;
Farmer; Democrat; married at Baptist Parsonage, Elsberry, Missouri,
by Rev. Ed. D. Dansen
Elsberry, Missouri. ~
_ ff,
é #B
of  D
Infant Mayes
Elsberry Cemetery, Blsberry, Missouri.
Mary Willena Mayes
Mary Willems Mayes, Elgbepry High School; LlUdSDWOOd G0lloge
for Women; Teacher at Clarence Cannon School.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Samuel Cgnngn Maygg----~-+~ ~---- --Carol Frances W&1DSPSCh6idt
(ApI‘¢ 15,3   Juni 255  
17Ol»Riohard Cannon Mayes ---~--- ---Aug. 13, l95l“"
1702-Peggy Ann Mayes ~e----- -- -~~JUl= 30. l953""
1703-William Edward Mayes-»-- ~»-- ---- Sep. 1?, 1955--
_Samuel Cannon Mayes, horn in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Elsberry High School; University of Missouri; Farmer; BaptiSt§
Democrat; Alpha Gamma Rho; married at Morrison, Missouri, by Rev.
William Woltering.
Carol F§7Wg1tapggneidt,, daughter of S. R. Walterscheidt and
Emma Augustine; Catholic; Democrat; formerly employed by Division
of Employment, State of Missouri, in Jefferson City, Missouri.
Elsberry, Missouri.
John Richard Weeks ------ ~~~--------- - --
(Jun. 27, 1951)
170heRichard Guy Weeks ------------ ---
l705»Kathy Lou Weeks »»~-»--- --~-- ----- ---
Bonnie Lee Stone
Sep. 15, 1931
D301 5, 1952""""
Jule 9| :I-QSM-"""
John Richard Weeks, born in Elsherry, Missouri; Elsberry High
School; Central College; Rubicam Business College; married by Rev.
Marvin Fortel at spwortn Methodist coerce, st. Louis, Missouri.
Bonnie Lee Stone, daughter of Henry Stone and Jessie Taylor;
Elsberry High School; Methodist.
9531 Midland, St. Louis, Missouri

v *_ v   _,__ 7'*"*"T
aan. 295°
~ Miss Kiosellas
Wilbur Fiske Warne? Son gf John B, Warner and
) q St_ Louig University; Maéine Corps, overseas duty during World
CB,t|f1G1"i\.']S Lou Weeks “*'”““ ““““* *'““ °”“” "" "" " H&11"01d.         -War II,   Delta G.&~mma'_
(Dao. 17, 19h9> Dec , 1925 ’
1706»Joaoph WayncMMoran- ---~- ~- ~-~-- -~gun. 30, 19gl~- VII”119u°
l707~John Edward oran- ---~» »-- ---~~- ct. 3 19 E~- 1 M
lTOB=Kavin James Moran” ~-~-- -»--~-»--»Apr. 6; l9SS-- Eleanor Mar 6 OOPS
1709-Harold Edward Moran II-~~- ---»- ~-Dec , 1956-~ 17l2_
Catherine Lou Weeks, Baptist; Elaberry High School; formerly 1713”
employed by the Bank of Lincoln County.
Harold Edward Moran, son of Hugo Moran and Margaret Weber;
Elsberry High School; Baptist; U.S. Navy, World War II; Electrician.
1lhO Redman, St. Louis, Missouri.
Hugh Michau Gannon
“ll  l
Maida Gannon
Eugenia Louise Cannon
Frederick Gannon Nienabor
Edward Lawrence Nionaber
John Owen Nionaber
John Arnold Boone -~--
1?lO-Christy Boone~-~
1711-Cheri Boonc€~»-»
Washington, Illinois.
Q ' VII~l195.
Q,   Fpanceg Lou Moore
Nancy Ann Eoohc» ---- ~» ~---- ~ »»-- »----- ~-~Wi1bur Fiske Warner 0P`\’
(Sap. 28, 1957)
Nancy Ann Boone, Maryville College; married in Our Lady of
Lourdes Catholic Church by Msgr. Edward A. Rogers

VII~ll96. ,
Mary Lurana Tracewell
Vll~1l9T. _
George Ee Tracewell
VII~1198, _
Claude roieeet s1eaaey»--~~--~- ----~-- » -~-Eva Lane Austin
(May H, 1907) NOV. 8, 1388
lTl6-Vera Edna G1adney~~- ~-»-  »--~ »» °--- ““APT» 3, l903““
Claude Tolbert Gladney, born in Burr Oak Townohipa LiU¢°1U
Gguntys Missouri; married by Judge Moore in St. Louis, Missouri;
Eva Lena Austin, daughter of Henry Clay Austin and Sarah
Elizabeth Davis; born in Snow Hill Township, Lincoln County,
Foley, Missouri.
Maud Clodene G1esn@y~--- »--- » ~----~ +-~»~~Frank Block Cochran
(Jan. lo, 1907) Mar. 59 13TH
l7l7~Delphy Deloris Uochren~»- --~----- Rugl 17, 1909-~
Maude Clodene Gladney, born at Burr Oak, Missouri; PP@SbY' y
terian; married by W, E, Akers at M, A. Gladney residence, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
Frank Block Cochran, born at Auburn, Missouri; Farmer; Pres»
Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri.
Ipa Ebtgn G1a§n9y~=-----e--~ ----» »~-~eSarah E11Z&bSth Taylor
(Feb, 22, 1911) sep. 27, 1887
1718-Cyrus Gladneyeee ---- ~-~--- ~--"
Ira Ebton Gladney, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Methodis
l.0.0.F.; Rebekah; married by J. L, Monroe at Okete, Lincoln Count
Missouri; Merchant.
Sarah Elizabeth Taylor, daughter of Cyrus Taylor and Susie
Raney; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Methodist.
Q r<ui
an to
.|. __
297. i
George Matthew Gladney
Elsie Lee Gladney
Jessie Irene Gladney -~--» ~--»--»------ Thomas Jefferson Jones
(ape. ee, 1920)
MEI’ 0 3 1  
1719-James C. Jones~~--~~ »-~------ --~~~- 192_
Jessie Irene Cladney, married by Rev. A. 0. Gordon at Troy,
Missouri; resides in State of California.
Thomas Jefferson Jones, son of Thomas Jones; Mason; Baker;
U.S. Navy, World War II; Troy Cemetery.
Myrtle Cordelia Gladney
Delphia Lorena Cladney
Lois May Watts~-~» -~~--~-= ~»~~ ~--- ~ ~---~ James Warren Wheeler
(ree. 3, 1903) Nov. 28, 1875
1720-Clarence Jay Wheeler ----- ~--- ~~-Nov. 30, lQOS~-
Lois May watts, born at New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Baptist; married by E. B. Reynolds at Elsberry, Lincoln County,;
James Warren Wheeler, son of Benjamin F. Wheeler and Maria
Harrell; born at Decatur, Illinois; Democrat; Brotherhood of Loco#
motive Engineers; Mystic Workers of the world; Railroad Engineer;
resided at ll May Street, Palestine, Anderson County, Texas.
Homer Gladney Matte ---~ ~-»- -~---- -Jennie Elizabeth Pfolsgroff
(Dec, 15, 1909) Aug. 10, 1890 p
Homer Gladney Watts, born at New Hope, Missouri; Baptist;
Railroad Clerk; M.M,A.; married by Rev. Alpha Engle at Louisiana,
Pike County, Missouri
Jennie Elizabeth Pfolsgroff, daughter of Phillips Lewis
Pfclsgroff and Elizabeth Wheeler; born in Louisiana, Missouri; Baptist
Palestine, Anderson County, Texas.

 ' W “WF”-
VII-1208. e
Mal¢°mb Evefatt Glada@r-~~~~--~--~~s1anene Estelle Mleeaeli t. ~
€»°»as~ 1. 1915) Jun. 19, :Laos G* tw!
l72l~Russe11 Everett G1 an --s__-_____,J
1722-samuel asia e1aane§--f?___,__ _,__J§§f if igigj;
Maloomb Everett Gladney, Mail Garroer; married by Rev, mu A9
Egggtggyblanohe Estelle Mitchell, daughter of L. M. Mitchell; Elsberry_
Blanche Estelle Mitchell remarried.
Samuel Paul Gladney- =»-- E11 M '
' “"" “"'““" “'-- “- M C th
(Sep. 28, 1916) Apr? 3? 1393? Y
.- I, _,
l?;3~H6lBT.'1 M38 G‘13.df1B})""""-=°°-“--~»--Q ---qnhpraa 27,  
2nd""""”“"“`““”'“““”“* '“" "“~ ~*~~--~-Hilma
_ t _
Samuel Paul Gledney General Mana f D
in automobile collision sith train at gggvgr D;§??W?;2gn§§§?9’ dieé
Luther Laws Gladney~--- @= -
“"""”‘““"'“"°'°°‘“"~"'---- ---Will PL; 1; J” l’
(aug. 11, 1926) a °6 “S
172U”W&yD€ Gladney---naa--____,m__”___,__h__S6p 2? lga?
I , “W 'E
Willa Phoebus daughter of J B Ph b
in Lincoln County,’Missouri; Chillicotheoguggnggg ggiig P?&r1’ Earn
at Methodist Parsonage by Rev. W. H. Ellington. ge’ mar? ed
Lorena Kath G1 d
VII»l2l2. ryn a may
Margaret Gertrude Gladney»--- e___Eugene Cunningham
Harry Gurtis Gladney-- Nita E
'”“'“'“'“'*“-- lizabetn W
(Feb. 13, 1916> Mae. et, ldgégoner
Jun. 28, 19hl
1725-Curtis G1adn9yQ“-___ _ ____ _____
]-726"'Cl<'iI'j_C6 G-1ad_1'1@'5;...-.....,,.,,_ ,_~_“__”§§§' E, 33:33-';“_
6 9 “U
2Dd“-------»__a_-_____“___ Mar _
“*~--”- garet Trescott C
(Jun. 16,   Sep. Qu,   annon   O b
Harry Curtis Glednev A t f C 0-
M.S A , - o»_ gen or onoco ll Company in Elsbepr
F1 souri, second time married by Rev. Gene E. Bartlett at Columbiay’ `
iissouri. Nita Elizabeth Waggoner, daughter of Douglas Waggener 3
and Ella Gray; born near Elsberry, Missouri; Baptist; Elsberry Cemetery.
I 299.
Nargaret Rebecca Tresoott, daughter of Isaac Louis Trescott
and Minnie Rebecca Callaway; born in Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Howard Payne College, A.B.; Baptist; Delta Pi Delta; P.E.O.; 0.E.S.;
first married to Cecil Whiteside Gannon Mo. eno in direct line.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Arthur Lyndon Gladney---- ---- ~---- ~-~~ Clarioe Hester Gentry
(Feb. S, 1918) Nov. Qh, 1898
Arthur Lyndon Gladney; automobile dealer; 33rd Degree Mason;
Scottish Rite; Methodist. _
Clarins Hester Gentry, daughter of B. F. Gentry; reared
William Benjamin Gladney, No. 1733.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Reba Norine Gladney- -~--------~-------- --»»John C. Gentry
(Oct. 16, 1915) May 201 1393
1T2g»Dasarene Gentry -~---- -»-~~ ---~ Jul. 3, l917“*
172 -Eileen Gentry- ~--- ~--~~ --»- Jan. 2 . 1919-~
1729-Isabel Clyde Gentry »-~»--- --~»Jul. 20,`1920~-
1730-Ruth Ellen Gentry ----- ----- -~--Jan. 10, 1923~~
1731-Helen Bettye eeotry~ ~-~- --~- Aug. 2, 1926--
1732-Lynda Lee Gentry -----=~---~-----~---° -Jul. 1, 1929“r
John G. Gentry, son of B. F. Gentry; Farmer; Breeder of Hereford
cattle, member of various Hereford organizations.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Raymond Leighton Gladney ------~--~ ~»~Marie Antoinette Gentry
(Dec. 25, 1920) Deo. l5, 1902
Jun. T, 19§S
1733-William Benjamin Gladney--~~-Nov. ll, 1921--
Raymond Leighton Gladney, A.F. & A.M,; Army Air Corps, World
War II; Merchant Marine; first married by Judge Joseph R. Palmer;
Episoopalian; St. James Cemetery, Newport, Delaware.
Antoinette Gentry, daughter of B. F. Gentry; later married
Raymond Behrens and one son, Edward Behrens, born to this union;
Riverview Cemetery, Loutsiana, Missouri.
2nd ---------~---------- ~»-»~ -~-- ~ ---Della Murphy
Della Murphy Gladney, resides in State of Delawaro»

Zola May Gladney
Mill Creek Cemetery.
Azel Reed Cladney
Gladys C-ladney
Mark O. Shannon ------ ----~-- ------ - ---
(Sep. 19, 1917)
173h-Karl William Shannon~-~- ---- ~--
l?35-Harold Mark Shannon----~- ----Mar
1736~Cora Lee Shannon -~-------------
1737-Frances Evelyn Shannon- ----- ---
1T33-Iva Ruth Shannon--------
1739-Dorothy Jean Shannon---~-------Jan
Lorena Eversmeyer
8. M
3. 1951
h, 1918
20, 1920
30. 1921
12, 1923
iv, 1925
26, 1932
Mark O. Shannon; Farmer; Horseman; Angus Breeder.
Iva Lorena Eversmeyer, daughter of John and Mildred Eversmeyer;
Buchanan High School; Presbyterian; Mill Creek Cemetery.
2H@“**’""“ ”*----“ -“ ------ »---~ ---- Mary Howington Williams
(Apr. 17, 1955) Octef5, 1899
Mary Howington Williams; County Clerk of Pike County, Missouri;
first married to Shelton Williams,
Whiteside, Missouri.
Mary Gladney- -------- - --------~ -- _
(Jun. h, 1918)
17hO-Martha Virginia Reid- ---- ---- -----
Mary Cladney, born in Hurricane Township, Lincoln County,
Missouri; P.E.C.; History Club; A.H.P, Church.
Leslie Calvin
Jul. 7, 1890
Feb., 9;  
Apr- 30, 1921
Leslie Calyin Reid, son of David Calvin Reid, born in Lincoln
G°UHtY» MiSS0UP}; married at home of bridefs parents, Lincoln
County, Missouri, by Rev. Hughes; Farmer; A.R.F. Church, Member
of Church Board; Reid Cemetery.
6 H ui
ry ~..e 9
VII-1222. -
Alpha Finley Gladney
Born in Hurricane Township, Lincoln County, Missouri; Hlsberry
Anna Cladney ~------- »----- ---*---- ~-- »-»~J. C. Harlow
(apr. 28, 1918)
l?hl-Bruce Burrel Harlow~-~- -~~---» ---- Apr. l?, 1919
lTh2~Robert Wilson Harlow~-~-~-~~-~ -~----~--- Sep. , 1922
anna Cladney, born in Hurricane Township, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Milliner; married in Elsberry, Missouri.
J. C. Harlow, son of Dr, Harlow; born in Winfield, Missouri;
Teacher; U.S.Army, World War I; Executive of HarlowPub1ishing Company
hsoo N.W. 23rd Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Isabelle Cladney
Isabelle Cladney, born in Hurricane Township, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Elsberry High School; Gem City Business College; Methodist;
Secretary; formerly employed by Hlsberry Banking Company and State
Department of Agriculture, Jefferson City, Missouri.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Joseph Edwin Gladney ---- --~~»--~-~- -~-- ~--- --“Eileen Jamison
(Aug, 23, 1932) Aug. 30, 1905
l7h3~William Edwin Gladney- ~»--- ---------~ ~Nov. 19, lQhO
Joseph Edwin Cladney, born in Hurricane Township, Lincoln
County, Missouri; Elsberry High School; Gem City Business College;
&.R.P. Church; Democrat; Store owner and operator; married at
Elsberry, Missouri, by Rev. R. F. Hdwards.
Eileen Jamison, daughter of will Jamison and Susan Skinner;
born at Winfield, Missouri; A.H.P. Church; Democrat; Mideweek Club;
Centralia, Missouri.
William Russell Cladney~ ----- ~--»-~~ ~---Margie May Ray
(Mar. 17, 1939) may 31, 1921
William Russell Gladney, born in Hurricane Township, Lincoln

County, Missouri; Presbyterian; I.0.0.F.; Farmer; married at Methos
dist Parsonage, Troy, Missouri, by Methodist Minister.
Margie May Ray, daughter of Jerry Ray and Mary Edna Colbert;
born in Pike County, Missouri; Baptist; Rebekah.
Adopted Sons: William Harold Gladney-~-»-Aug. 17, l9M3~~
James Russell Cladney----»~Mar. 15, l9h6ee
Route 2, Elsberry, Missouri.
Charlotte Gladney~-----~» »-~-~ »-~--»---Howard VanMatp3 Stagg
(Apr- 10. 1935> Feb. 26. 1910
Charlotte Cladney, born in Hurricane Township, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Elsberry High School, Class of 1929; Missouri State
Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri; Gem City Business College;
Evangelical and Reformed Church; Democrat; Teacher; Congressional
Secretary; Rebekah; Jessie Black, Jr., Club; married at Hannibal,
Missouri, by Bev. Robert E. Robinson.
Howard VanMatre Stone, born near Paynesville, Pike County,
Missouri; son of Jesse Stone and Daisy Lee VanMatre; Elsberry
High School, Class of l92?; Evangelical and Reformed Church; Demo-
Ofdti Salesman for Butler Brothers in St. Louis; Ensign in URS.
Coast Guard, world War II, duty in Mediterranean; Merchant, owner   .Q
of Stone's Variety Store. _
Wentzville, Missouri.
Albert Emerson Gladney -~-»-- -~--- »~---~ ~--- H5163 Dodd
l?hh-Jack Gladney
l?h2 Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona.
Anna Wilson Cladney -~»- »~-~»-~ Patch
l?hS»Shirley Patch-~- -
2nd °~“~-~°-~“~~-~------~-----------» -~~-William Maher
1831 Crittenden Lane, Phoenix, Arizona.
Gladys Gladney
Eugenia Gladney
Besides with mother in recess, Arizona,
u lrir o
Walter Foley Baskett---~~ ~~--------- ------- Virginia Marshall
(Jul. ia. 1933>
Walter Foley Baskett, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
Virginia Marshall, daughter of _Hugh Marshall & Sa1ly_Robinson;
neice of Mrs. W. B. Ellis.
Elsberry, Missouri.
John William (J.W.) Baskett -~-- ---Betty Thomas Hechler
Nev. 12, 1926
John william Baskett, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
High School; formerly employed in father's grocery store.
Mrs. Betty Thomas Hechler, from Troy, Missouri,
Elsberry, Missouri.
Mildred Cladney Baskett --~~-----~ »»-~~~ -Edward Dewey Biordan
(Oct. au, lane) Dee. a, ieoo
Mildred Gladney Baskett, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
Public Schools; Erskine College,; Northeast Missouri State Teachers
College, B.S.; Graduate work at University of Wyoming; Teacher;-
P.E.O.; 0.E.S.; married by Rev.Ei. C. Kennedy'at Elsberry, Missouri.
Edward Dewey Riordan, born in Atwood, Colorado; son of John
Sullivan Riordan and Ida Amelia Diffendaffer; Public_Schools at
Atwood and Louisville, Colorado; Barber; Catholic;_Democrat; B.P.O.E.;
first married to Ruth Fredinburg who died in October of 1936.
§3l Taylor, Sterling, Colorado.
vii»i235. g
Annie Laurie Baskett»» -~-- »»-~-- -~~-- Malcolm (Kroeger) Trail
(Jun. 29, 1935) C
lTh6=Robert Baskett Trail --------- Dec. 25, 1936-1
Annie Laurie Baskett, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Presbyterian;
Lincoln County'Chapter D.A.R.; married at St. Charles by Rev@,lnglis.
Malcolm (Kroeger) Trail, born in Elsberry, Missouri;'Owner and
operator of Conoco Service Station.
Elsberry, Missouri.

ion _H
_ 305°
VII 1236 Q vII°12h5°
_ -~ Georgie Mary Wells
Sarah Elizabeth Bagkett-»-- ____ ___ _ _ ,__John Oliver Harrison @.M MI . _
(1939) Aug, 15 _ Died in infancy; Gledney Cemetery.
17@7'J0hH Olive? Harrison ----»-_-- ---Map_ 19, 1Qul VII~12h6» '
l7h3-Thomas H&TPiSOH~---~ ~----- -_____ Aug” 23, 1Qu3
Sarah Elizabeth Beskett, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elaberry
High School; formerly resided in Jefferson City, Missouri, ~
Sterling, Colorado.
Virgil C. Gladneg
Besides in California,
Roy Lee Gledney
l7h9~Daughter Gladney
ITSO-Daughter Gledney
Portland, Oregon. _
r- ‘_
-1239. -
Samuel Edward Gladney
Portland, Oregon.
Ida Bolle Crouch -»-_._..__ _ __* _ ____ George Teaaley
1751-Daughter Teasley
Troy, Missouri.
Rose Ellen Crouch
Charles Alfred Crouch
Bessie Lee Crouch MT]  
Arthur L. Crouch
Veeie Emeline Wells ---- ~ ~~----»---- ~~--GWSH Taylor DQMEPOH
(Dec. 5, 1923) Apr. 9, 1902
l752»Robert Wayne Dameron---»- ~~-»Jul. 7, 1925--
l7§3mGecrge Dawson Demeron~~-~- ~---Sep. 23, 1926--
175h~Normen Eugene Dameron-- --------~- Mar. Eh, 19u3~-
Vecie Emeline Welle, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Hickory
Ridge School; Methodist; married by Rev. Marion R. Kimbrell at
Methodist Parsonage, Troy, Missouri.
Owen Taylor Demeron, son of James Dewsonlnemeron and ide Ellen
Demeron; Gannon School; Farmer.
Middletown, Missouri.
Jenn Samuel w@11e~-~~»~~~---»- ---~-- --~vera
(Sep. 30, ieuhl c
l755~Cerolyn Ann Welle-~-~ »----» ~ --=~ ---Jul, 10, 19MB
John Samuel Wells, born in Lincoln Gounty, Missouri; Hickory
Ridge School; Farmer.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Sherman Mello
Died in infancy.
Murri3_Kenneth Wells» ~--- ~ ~--~-» ~--~ ~Anne Bell Taylor Watson
(Nov. 28, )
Murril Kenneth Wells, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Hickory Ridge School; Farmer; married by Revo James Cannon et
Elsherry, Missouri. _
Elsberry, Missouri.
Clerk Jackson Gledney, Jr.

| 306. _
VII-l25l. ' _ _____ ___aB@ttye Sue Galloway
Charles Eidney Gladney----“““”’
_ 1 8) Dec 26 1929
Ethel Edna Haney ---~ »--- ~ ------ ---~» C 1 arence Tilden Ransdell ,id   may al’ qu F a
(Jana 22,     5|   `   Sue G_1ad'ne.y.¢_____,,,, ____ ..._ ----HFIGIJ, lg, 1950-“=
1756 Ca   1761-Terry Lanes Gleaner-‘~" "““Ja“° 20' l952""
= rel Gay Ransdell ---- ~ ---» - l9n5-- 62 C ln Jean G1adneY_,,,__ ”___ __---r@n, 16, 1955~-
l75T»James Tiiuee aeesue11»--- - 19M7-- 17 “ H” ° 1 t
» .t Ok t Missouri° Farm IMP @m?n
Ethel Edna Raney, born at Briscoe, Missouri; Buchanan High Charles Sédngg ;1;§U;;;T?;§“ai Fo1;yi’MiSSOuri,’by Rev” Mafvln
School; Hannibal-LaGrange College, A.E. Degree; Washington Univers M@°h&ni°° A°R° ° u C ’
sity; Teacher; Presbyterian; Democrat; Rebekah; Missouri State F°Ptel° d Vi _mia
Teachers' Association° National Education Association° married at ht f Carlyle Galloway an rgl
Winfield, Missouri, b§ Rev. Frank Edwards. s Bettye sua Galloway’ dang er O
Clarence Tilden Ransdell, son of Clarence Cleveland Ransdell
and Bessie A. Utterback; horn in Florida, Missouri; Monroe City
High School; Gem City Business College; Farmer; Presbyterian;
Democrat; Mason.
Briscoe, Missouri.
Darlene Mary Haney -----~-- »~--- --~» --»John Barry Hussey
(Aug. l9u3) Apr. l91u
l758~James Emerson Hussey ~---- » ~ -~-- Sep. l9, 19h6~~
1759-Patricia Lynn Hussey~- ~---- -----~- Jun. 17, I9h9~~ ~
Darlene Mary Haney, born in Briscoe, Missouri; Buchanan High
School; Culver~Stockton College; Baptist; Democrat; Rebekah;
married at St. Louis, Missuri.
John_Barry Hussey, born at Indianapolis, Indiana; son of John
and Mary Hussey; Technical High School, Indianapolis, Indiana;
Restaurant business; Catholic; Democrat.
~ 1611 Heroine, West Covina, California.
Charles eiaeeey sassy --------- » ---- Carol Elizabeth seeknesee
(Aug. 31, 1956) Jun. T, 1939
Charles Gladney Haney, born at Winfield, Missouri; University
if Alabama, l95h; Clerical employee of Standard Oil Company of
gndiana; Southern Baptist; married at A.R.P. Church, Elsberry,
Missouri, by Rev. James Gannon.
Carol Elizabeth Burkhardt, born in Elsberry, Missouri; daughter
of Theodore Dominik Burkhardt and Aletha Irene Callaway; Winfield V
High School; Southern Baptist; Democrat.
Winfield, Missouri. W I9
tl 1|
Banks, born at Elsberfy Missouri; Elsberry High School; Gem Citl
Business College! Secretary; Baptist; Alpha EPSi1°“ Phi Junior
Federated Club; 0.5-S»s P»T»H~5 Numbef 1802 in éirect line'
Foley, Missouri.
L   dna _’______,_, ___. ....... -»-- --°~Sl]S3.€ Grace We
sro? a F{NoV° 11, 1950) May , 1931
Carl Eugene G1&dU9F““““” "" ” “"J“l° 1' 1951"`
:Sidney Leroy G1&dU5Y”“'““”°"" "”'°Ju1°28’ 1953”'
Leroy Gladnel. born in 0ke@9» Misssarié Harmgng GT0§i
Sohogl; Farmer; Presbyterian; Democrat, married at ome o ev
D, gudley in Troy, Missouri.
Susie Grace Wells. d&UEht@P of John Gael Wallg in@ Helen lag
Nichols; Elsberrr Hish S@h°°1¥ Presbyterian; De“°°Pa '
Briscoe, Missouri
VII# 1256.
William Craig Gladnal
Briscoe, Missouri.
, W J .
Ruby Grace Gladney_________ “_ ___n Joseph FraDCiS ins. P
Troy, Missouri.
Reba Mae Gladney
Epiggce, Missouri.
william Coburn Bender

Harold Bender
Royal Leonard Coburn
Raymond Bender Coburn
George LeRoy Cash
~126h. I
Susan Richards
Susan Nona Cotter
Mill Creek Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri
Rebecca Cathrine Cotter
Buried at Mounds, Oklahoma.
’» \ =
QI 4*
L' »
Mary Agnes Mitche11-°- ~-~- ~~~~ -~-~“ ~"”" ~°“- "*“FP&Uk Wi15°U
Employed by Missouri Edison Company at Troy, Missouri.
Nancy vineii w11sem--- ---"Robert Areas Finlor
1770-assert r1niey----- ---- Arr. 16, 193O~~
l77l~Betty sate rin1ey--- -~~Oet. a. l93l~-
1772»Shelby rin1ey-~~-- ~-- ---Nov- 8. 1937-~
~Hugh Francis Davis
Arr. 3. 1905 7
ana--»» -»------~~ -~ -»--- -- ~-~- --~~~-~
_ (Apr. 17, 195M)
Hugh Francis Davis, son of Samuel O. Davie and Nettie Gertrude
Whiteside; Farmer.
Whiteside, MissouriL`
Euleta Wilson
Teacher, Hannibal-LaGrange College; Northeast Missouri State
Teachers College, Kirksvi1le,_Missouri.
Silex, Missouri.
VII»l273. .
VII 1267. N911 Virginia wi1S¢n--- _.--_--- ~-s ----~- ~~-William R. Norton
L 1 R d tt (Jan. 16, 1936) Arr. 27s 1905
ew s ee Co er
VII 1268 1773-Porter W, Norton#--~ »------- “ -~--- -Jul. 3. l937°"
Nell Virginia Wilson, born near Elsberry, Missouri; Buchanan
Martha C0tt@P High School; Bookkeeper; Baptist; Democrat; Octavia Club; married
VII 1269 at Troy, Missouri, by Rev. A. O. Gordon.
William R, Norton, son of Porter E. Norton and Jessie wilson;
FTaD¢@S Eugenia Mitchell -~~-- - ----_. Lewis Benjamin Houston been at Eigberpy, Missouri; Coal dealer & operator of trucking
(Moy 27, 1938) Jan. 5, 1902 business; Democrat; I.0,0.F.
1765 Lowis Eugene Houston~-- ----- ~-~~ --Feb, 9 1939 ‘ ' ` .Troy Missouri»
1766 Pauline Agnes Houston---- Oct. 5; 1QuO l. ' . ,
1767 Elizabeth Mae Houston- ---- - --~~Jul. 16, l9h3 as VLI~l27n.,“ 7
1768 Martha Frances Houston-~- Jan , l9h9 1 ~ y ~" 7,“._ Y* n
1769 Billy Ben Houston ---~ -- ---- Jul, 3, 1952 L_ ey; Naomi Blackwell
C l Antioch Cemetery.
Lewis Benjamin Houston .son of Edwin Lewis Houston and M *@_
Elizabeth Brown; Farmer; first married to Nancy Leora Baskett&18?1r MI   VII"'1375»
October 10, 1921, and the following children born to this union: Q
Betty Jo Houston, August 3, 1923; Mary Alice Houston, January 17, George Mumford Blackwelle--~ ~--- i~ ~~------- Willn w”“__uwum___
1926* Eddie Ann Houston February l 1928* nd M t B
June,8, 1931; resides at Elsberry, Hissouri? argare Page Houaton’ _ Farmer, New Hartford, Pike County, Missouri, 1936.
_<\ _, -5 _

i no
  ' EG, 1
[J i Bi
5? Lucy Ella Blackwell
gg Bowling Green, Missouri.
E; J» U» Blackwell »~~~»»~»~ -».~ Lillian _
_f lT?h»Son s1sssws11a~~~a»~~-»~_ _
if Besides in Pike County, Missouri.
EQ Ceola Joslyn _
ge Csola Joslyn, Stsnographer in Kansas City, Missouri at time
0§;§e&th¢ I' " '
$31 ' '
§§ Adolphns J°SlY“”““““”“‘““° ‘-~~= -»~~--e~»»-~~»Ethel Lawson
I -vi
sg C C
“C l77S~Pau1 Joslyn
1776»Mary Aileen Jos1yn»-s»s-DQ ,_1_ 192 aa.
1??7sEdgar Lee Joslynsa-»-a-a 6 a5" 9
1778~Lin&el1 Jos1ynssa--a-_ ,
l779sWayne Joslyn
EE Adolphus Joslyn, Farmer,
Ethel Lawson, daughter of Neal and Dona Lawson.
~ Elsberry, Missouri;
Cordon`Jos1yn~»---~-~----a_- -_ -_-_,,__ ,
    J?os1y'r1"‘*'*" _ ¥?Ul|||l\‘|lU$0|llv¢UFBb. 27,  
Zndnmmmummmgqguuununn-.»~.¢...,|,- .. `
Colorado Springer Colorado.
iii Towner Joslyn
ii' Cornerstone Cemetery,
Willie Hugh Norvel1--~-»- Andrew Chandler
Andrew Chandler, son of M111 C Chandler
gnd--- .._¢..m_ _ .~*-- -_ Paul Chrmsuian Burd
(Ape. 18, 19h8) Jul 12, 1906
Willie Hugh Norvell, Manufacturer of beauty preparatlons,
Christian; Elsberry Garden Club, D A¢R , married at Detroit,
Paul Christian Burd, born in Newburgh, New York» E1d€P in
Elsberry Christian Church; Kiwanis, Merchant Chamber of Commerce
Elsberry, Missouri.
Grace Ardelia Dempsy~~-»- 566k CaUt0P
1?Bl-Winifrsd Cantor-
Silsx, Missouri.
Benjamin Franklin Dsmpsy
1?B2- `
1783- -
` 1785-
Lihooln County, Mi
Daughter Blackwell
Daughter Blackwell
John M..Blackwel1_

“S 312.
vigeiaao. ` '
ff Carl Blackwell
iff Grace Waddell Cobb- »--- - ------ 4-»»-»-Barbee census Singleton -
(Oct. 8, l9lO)` Jan. 28, 1889
1789-Ruth Olevia Singleton-~ ----~ aopr. 5, 1913-~
' Grace Waddell Cobb, born at Mew Hope, Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; married by Rev. M. A. Bibb at Louisiana, Missouri.
Barbee Candus Singleton, born at New Hope, Missouri; son of
Samuel Ticen Singleton and Olevia Ann Elsberry; Farmer; Baptist;
‘Q Mew Hope, Missouri.
r?‘ Vaughn Downing Cobb ---------~-------- --~-Mary Agnes Duncan
5; (JMD. M, 1919)
1790-Dan Earl Cobb ----» ~- ~---~- -»-Sep. 8, l92O~~
1791-Eleanor Louise Cobb~----»~- ~---- »--Dec. 29, l92l~- '
2 ' Vaughn Downing Cobb; married at Galesburg, Illinois. _
:n Mary Agnes Duncan, daughter of Frank Duncan and Belle McElrath;
born in Macomb, Illinois.
$15 550 North Orlando Avenue, Los Angeles us, California.
3 E
s ,
Ci` Dee Perkins Cobb~--» »------------~» ~ -----~ Vera Corrine Hagen
' (Jul. lu, 1928)
1792-Fay Anne Cobb --~--------~---- -~eJul. 11, 1930-~
l?93»David George Cobb ~-~~ ~---- ---- »-»»Sep. ll, l933~-
Dee Perkins Cobb; Elsberry, Missouri, High School, Class of
1920; Salesman.
' Vera Corrine Hagen, of Black River Falls, wisconsin; Registered
nurse, formerly employed at Evanston Hospital, Illinois; daughter
orfarne and Karen Hagen.
“€i Nelle Arminta Cobb ------ ~----»»» »---- -~--Arvin John Faust
Q (Joi. 25, 1925) Mor. 5, 1891
Nelle Arminta Cobb, born in Domoroo, Missouri; Elsberry High
School; Baptist; 0.E.S.; American Legion Auxiliary; married at
Little Brown Church in the Vale, Nassau, Iowa; Elsberry Cemetery.
9 e
b o
M 1 1|
Q1 6|
Lurene Cobb»»~»» =---- ~=~ -~--~ ~-~»~~=Charles Benjamin Kaiser
(Sep, 27, 1919) Sep. ll, lS9S
l79HsCharles Benjamin Kaiser, Joe--
Lurene Cobb, born in Hlsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; Gem
City Business College; Baptist; Notary Public, City of St. Louis;
Stenographer; Committeewoman with Gauldani, Ehth ward, St, Louis;
married by Rev, Seager at Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois.
Charles Benjamin Kaiser, son of William Kaiser and Caroline
Elizabeth Jenna; born at Ana, Illinois; Catholic; Republican;
Mechanic; american Legion,
3713A Dunnica, St, Louis, Missouri,
Maud Leone Cobbe» ---- ~-= ~--- e--~=~»--oe ==»»Walter S. Zipf
(aug, o, 1931>
lT9§»Arnold Zipf ---~- »---- »-W
179éeDarnolle Zipf~~»~ -
ivevsw. s, z1pf---»-- ~----- -W
Maud Leone Cobb, known in the family as "Wee Tot"; born in
Hlsberry, Missouri; married at Parsonage by Rev. Leo Holdener.
Walter S. Zipf, teller in Southside National Bank, St. Louis,
5270 Darker, St. Louis, Missouri,
VII~1297» u
William Henry Cobb~~~- --»--- ~-~-» -so-@Helen Huprecht
(Sepo 2, 1931)
Mide Eugene Cobb ---- ~-s-- »-- --- »
1798-Mide Eugene Cobb, Jr.- -»----- »~»--me »
h2h3 South 38th Street, St, Louis, Missouri.
VII~l299o .
Vernon Cuba Cobb -------~- »» ------ -- ~-~~Virginia Galloway
(Jun. 26, l9h5) Sep. 26, 1908
Vernon Cuba Cobb; Baptist; Democrat; A.F.&.A.M,; Scottish Rite;
Employee of St. Louis Fire Department; St. Louis Fire Fighters Craft
married at Mickliffe, Kentucky.
Virginia Galloway, daughter of Floyd Galloway and Garda Cobb,
Mo. 1308 in direct line; Elsberry High School; Central College;
Gem City Business-College; Senior Clerk, International Shoe Company;

0.E.S.; P.E.O.
5110 Pennsylvania, St. Louis ll, Missouri,
Arnold B. oobe---- -... .»...___ , _m__ ,“__ _ ____ Audrey Johns
(aug. 3, 1931)
Arnold B. Cobb, born in Elsberry Missouri° C1 ol
School, St. Louis' International Sho ,C ét ev” &?& Higd
in Kansas City, Missouri. 9 Omp&ny’ ° Louis’ maprled
Audrey Johns, Rosati-Kain High School, St. Louis, Missouri,
Starling Airport Road, St. Louis, Missouri.
5733A Marquette,
Eillienne Louise
Married at Jewel
3639 South Crand
Darnell Cobh-~-- ~--- -___. _a___,
St. Louis, Missouri.
C°bb“--~--~~-- ~~-- ~-~-William L, F K J
(Jah. 15, l9hO) ran ’ T”
Wayne Dumont Cobb
Baptist Church by Rev. A. P. Hamrick.
, St. Louis, Missouri,
VII-l3Oh. _
Carlyle Galloway ----- - .______ ___ ,____ __ Vi? .
~ ginia M,- B h
(Jul. 12, l92h) Nov , lggie &n S
1799-Ruth Gharline sails _ .._. --____A __
1800-Carlyle Galloway, J¥?¥ __.._ ~-~~~M§;° 9, iggg--
l30l~Caro1 Jean Galloway- -»..._ -___M&r_ 25, l928__
1802-Bettye Sue Galloway ---._ ;- ____ Dee, 26; 1929_m
Caflyle Galloway, born in Elsberry Mis =
_ . _ _ L ~ __ , Souri Elsberry High
§§5§°§é ¥1SS°UP1 Un1V@PS1tY§ Farmer; A.F.&A.M.; séottish site; cremated
a C la Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri.
Virginia Marie Banks, daughter of E s s » - -
, - . anks Louisiana High
EJCIIIQOE-3 ElSb?I°‘I';_Y' G‘B.ff'd.€ifl'Cl\.1b§   marxl-lied   Rev;   F’ Hannafil at ~
ou siana, Missouri; ~layer married J. H. Heinemann on March 23, 19Li8, Q), 0
Foley, Missouri.
g 315 .-
v1I~13o5. _
Edith Ga11oway-- ~»-~-- »------ - --»---- -»-Merritt N. Shanks
(sep. 27, i92h>
Edith Galloway, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High
School, graduated with highest honors in class; Culver-Stockton
College, Class of 192h; Teacher; Christian; 0.E.S.; P.E.O.; married
at Hannibal, Missouri, by Judge John J. Totson; divorced in l93h;
cremated at Valhalla Crematory, St. Louis, Missouri.
Merritt M, Shanks, reared by Mordecia A. and Lou Smith Barton;
Elsberry High School; Culver-Stockton College; Teacher.
John Keith Galloway”-»~ ------ ~----~- ~=--Jean Guard
(Jun. 16, l935)
Married at Waterloo, Illinois.
- ~»-~ ~ ---= ~» ~--~-- -~--May Keith
(Jan. 29, isnt)
Married by Rev. Harvey M. Troop at St. reters Memorial Pres~
byterian Church, St. Louis, Missouri.
May Keith, daughter of Dr. L. D. Keith, of Anna, Illinois;
Graduate of washington University School of Nursing; Registered
~------~~-------~~~~---Lola Alice Verge
(Arr- 21. l95h)
John Keith Galloway; born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High
School; President of Galloway Commission Company at National Stock
Yards, Illinois.
21 Minnie Drive, St. Louis, Missouri.
David Francis Galloway ---- ~ -~--~ ~---- »»~-Kathryn May Reid
(Dec. l2,
l803»Linda Kay Galloway ---~---- --~~ ---- Jan. 25, l9hh-~
l8Oh-David Reid Galloway ---- - ----~---~-- Jul. Zh, l9h5~»
1805-Dale Allan Galloway--~ -- 1 - ---- Jul. Eh, l9h5~-
1806-Lucinda Galloway~ ----~---- ~ ~~-»-- --~- Oct. 17, l9h9--
David Francis Galloway, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
High School; Westminster College; Merchant; Kiwanis.
Kathryn May Reid, daughter of Montgomery Reid and Georgia
Baskett; Elsberry High School; married at Centenary Methodist Churc
St. Louis, Missouri, by Rev. Charles Crowe. , _
Elsberry, Missouri. L' -` L ‘

ff     B
Vl;rl303. _
`E' Virginia Calloway~- »-------~~ ------- -- »--~Vernon Cuba Cobb
._ (Jun. 26, l9h5) Jan. l5, 1908
Vernon Cuba Cobb, No. l299 in direct lines
V Sarah Ellen Galloway-s--»-»~»~~»-~~~1 »-~-----Kenneth Morrow
~ (Jun. 11, 1939)
1807-Gary Kent Morrow ---- ~~-~--~ Nov; 23, l9h2-~
l808~Pamela Morrowe- ~~-- ---- ~--- Feb. 20, l9h6--
1809-Nancy Jane Morrow ------- ~-~Jun. 6, l9h8--Jun. 6, l9h§
Sarah Ellen Galloway, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High*
School; Com City Business College; William Woods College; Warrensv
burg State Teachers College, B.S.; Teacher; Episcopalian; P.E.O,;
O,ELS.; married by Bev. C, E. Yoes at home of bride's parents, 1
Elsberry, Missouri. _
§&§ Kenneth Morrow, son of B. F. and Rose E. Morrow; Missouri Valley
0% lege; Graduate work at University of Michigan; Teacher and school
a%f§nistrator; Merchant. 3
Eg? Louisiana, Missouri.
E? Ralph Downing Galloway# ---------~---~- He1en»Eileen Masterson f
2f» -_.' (Nov. ah, l938) Jan. ih, 1915
l8lOeDennis Wayne Galloway~ ---»-» ~ ---- ~Mar. 2, 19h1~-
lCll»Diane Galloway ---~ ~ --------------- --Jun. 12, 19h8~-
_ 1812-Nona Botti Galloway ~------»-------- -May 21, 1956-- _
-W Ralph Downing Calloway, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
High School; Sanford-Brown Business College; Kiwanis; Chamber of
Commrroe; Implement and Grain Dealer.
Helen Eileen Masterson, daughter of George M. Masterson and
Barbara Ellen Holmes; Elsberry High School; Business College; born
in Lincoln County, Missouri; married at St. Genevieve, Missouri, by
Rev; B. C. Van Puffllen; Christian Church; P,B.O.; D.N.C. Club.
§i Elsberry, Missouri. _ '
.i Anna Kathryn Galloway ~-~-- -~~» ~----- -~Charles Dfwayne Kelly
C (Jun. it, 19h1) may 29, 1915
l3l3»Candace Kelly
181i-Keith Allen Kelly ;
=' anna Kathryn Galloway, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High
School; Hannibal-LaGrange College; William Woods College; married at
Delmar Baptist Church, St. Louis, by Rev. Dr. Boland Dutton-
,_A Charles D'Wayne Kelly, born in Old Monroe, Missouri, Civil Engine
11117,_111 111111111 1
_ 317.
I John Carlton Cobb
if; MP
Son of John Downing Cobb and Obinetta Brown; Elsberry High
. School; Central College; Enlisted in Army air Corps on June 2,
l9§i; 20 missions as gunner, reported missing in action September 12,
l9 .
Jane Dean Cobb- »--- ---»- »~-- - -»---»- ---Raymond Thomas Psasel
(M&Te 25,   D900 29;  
1815-Jane Raenet Peasel»»¥ ~--------- “Nay 23, l95ls~
Jane Dean Cobb, Elsberry High School, honor student; Central
College; Rubicam Business College; formerly employed as clerk in
Missouri General Assembly at Jefferson City, Missouri; Baptist;
D.N.C. Club; Democrat, officer in Lincoln County Young Democratic
Club; married in Piggott, Arkansas.
of Frank Peasel and Frances Lenk;
.armyg Kiwanis Club; President, Elsbsrry
Lincoln County Young Democratic Club;
Standard Service Station.
Raymond Thomas Peasel, son
Troy High School; served in U.S
Chamber of Commerce; President,
Catholic; Owner and operator of
» Elsberry, Missouri.
@ 0 Vll-»»l3l2 
Charles Andrew Cobb
' Charles Andrew Cobb, Elsberry High School; Future Farmers of
i ' America,
RFD 2, Elsberry, Missouri.
John Glendon Gilmore
Kelly Business College, Hannibal, Missouri; Employed by First
National Bank, Tulsa, Oklahoma; First National Bank, St. Louis,
Nissouri; Farmers Exchange Bank, Silex, Missouri; Sulphur Lick
Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mary Kathleen Hinds -~-- ~-- ------- ~-- »~-»~-Leon Lovell
(Mar. 25, 1936)
` l8l6»Linda Lovell-~-~» ~------ ---- ~~- ~-~~- “~~="0Gt» 23, l9H5”'
al VL   Mary Kathleen
College, Secretary.
Hinds, Elsberry High School; Gem City Business
Leon Lovell, son of S. S. Lovell and Edith Walters; Overseas
service with Seabees, World War II; Farmer.
l " |

. 3 318.
Don Karl Hinds
Troy, Missouri.
, Clarence Cannon Hinds
Troy, Missouri.
VII-1317. 3
Jean Duncan Hinds~--~~ -----~- ~-- ------ ~ ~~-Kenneth Dickerman
(Ango 75 l9h5)
Jean Duncan Hinds, Missouri University; Teacher; married at
home of bride's parents, Auburn, Missouri, by Rev. N. N. Smelser.
Kenneth Dickerman, son of L. L. Diokerman; served five years in
European Theater during World War 11. I
Sue Mario LaRue~-~ -----~~-------- ~Frederick Hafford Adkinson
(Jun. 5, 1931) Jun. 25, 1910
1817-Kay Marie Adkinson -----~---- »---Jul. 22, 19h2--
1818-Jane Sue Adkinson~» -----~ »-~ ~----~~ May 16, 19hh~-
Sue Marie LaRue, born in Clarksville, Missouri; Pacific Publis
Schools, Missouri; Southwest Missouri State Teachers College; Metho-
dist; Democrat; married at Chester, Illinois, by Rev. W. J. Bruce.
-Frederick Harford Adkinson, son of Winthrop Robert Adkinson
and Grace Cowen; born in Indianapolis, Indiana; Orlando High School,
Florida; Parks Air College; Methodist; Democrat; Fruit grower.
Jalarmy Citrus Groves, Minneola, Florida.
William Allen LaRue- ----~ » ~--- ~e-»~-e --~-Grace Cotner
(Feb. ie, 1935) ret. aa, 1912
William Allen LaRue, born in=G1arksyil1e, Missouri; Skilled
horsemen and trainer. ‘ _
Grace Cotner, born in Salem, Missouri.
Dario Farms, Inc., Mendon Road, Manville, Rhode Island
John Haden LaRue ~--- ------ --~“*"""*
V (Deo. lu, 19HO}
1819-Renee LaRue»--~- --“ -"““"
1820-Jean LaRue- ------ -~~“-- ‘"“
1821-John Haden LaRue, Jr.~~ -~--
»E1aine Milam
-May 2, l9HH*-
“NOVQ 13, l9M5"
-»Oct. 13, 1953-~
John Haden LaRue, Insurance business; married at Ruston,
Elaine Milam, daughter of John Barton Milam, JP
?.0. Box 136, Ruston, Louisiana-
Fawn LaRue »--- ---~-- ~ '”"' “”"°'
(Jun. 20, 1933)
1822-Wallace LaRue Frank--~ ---- “ '
182 -Robert Clarence Frank»----
1S2h-Robin Gus Frank --*----- "'“*"“‘
~~-Wallace Ward Frank
Wallace Ward Frank, son of Gus Frank and Lula
Lydia Kay Lease ----- -~~Â¥~ ~----
1825-Sammy Clarence Morris--4
1826-Jan LaRue Morris~ ---- --
VII»l323. _
Bernice Roberto L&R&6P -”"" "“"“'”“"
(Feb. 6, 1930)
ioaeaaian oscar artegaet-- ~-~- -
l826gDona1d Clark Arbogast~-~
1827-Susan Louise Arbogast»-~~~
1828-Thomas W. Arbogast- “**“ “ ”"" “'
29, 1936-»
15, l938~~
15, 1938--
--~~Mark Morris _
-»--May 13, lah?
Oscar Ernest Arbogast
Jul: 3
Dec 199
Bernice Roberts LaRue, born in C1arksvi1lS» Missouri; _
Monticello College; Washington Universityi Presbyterian; m&PP19d
by Dr, C, W, Webdell at University City, NiSSOUPi»
Oscar Ernest Arbogast, born in Southfend, IHdi&U§5 SO? of
Ernest M. Arbogast and Zada Wertheimer; Washington UDlV@PS1tY5,
109 white Gap Avenue, Daytona BS3Chs F10Pid&°

Louise Carroll LaRue~~--»-~ -»»~- »»~ ~---- Arthur Daniel Bickel
(Nov. 19, 1937) rob. 23, 1912
l829»Hobert Arthur Bickel--»~~ -~~---- Jan. 15, 1939s-
133O~John Thomas Bickel--~--» »»~--~~Apr. 9, l9h2~~
lB31~E1izabeth Ann Bickel~ --------- ~-Mar. 9, 19u6~-
Louise Carroll LaRue, born in Springfield, Missouri; washington
University, A.B.; Episcopal; married by Dr. John F. Caskey and Dr.
Earl Morgan Block at Clayton, Missouri.
_ Arthur Daniel Bicksl, born in St. Louis, Missouri; son of Emil
H. Biokel a
nd Wilhelmine Dice; Washington University; Salesmanager for
International Shoe Company; Episcopal; Republican.
» 325 Hawthorne, Webster Groves, Missouri.
Clark Cannon Waters~~-e~ ~~»- ~~» --~----- »-Martha Lucille Reid
(Aug. 8, 1938) y Not. 18, 1913
1832eJanice Ann Waters- -~-- »~ »---~~~- -Nov. 28, 19h0~-
1533~Sarah Lynn Waters-- ~--- ----»~---~Jul. 7, l9h9-~
Clark Cannon Meters, born in Okete, Lincoln County, Missouri;
if il
5 _
Clayton Curtis Elston
Died in early childhood.
E1 t “_____”_____-i-oo-“Gilbert EIMDP
Vivian KathPYU S °“(May 29, 1938) Oct. 17, 1905
1g35_cao1 Gilbert Himmo1s~“-”"“ “””§e§' gi’ tgiifj
1637oMer1ene Bar Himm@1'“**“"‘“' "“` “ ° ’
- H h
Vivian Kathvyn Elgton’ born in Troy, Missouri, Buchanan ig
_ _ c
school; Democrat? married ata st. Stories. M1SS°UPi» “Y Re” Gorge
H, Hart.
a t Elmer Himmel born in Moscow Millss MiSS°“T15 Son Of
ilb , S h 1 '
Frank Himggl and Elizabeth Schuermeyer, MOSCGW Mills Public ° 00 S’
Pipe Fitter; Methodist; Democrat.
3503 gary Street, Alton, Illinois.
V11-1330. p
Kenneth Pgpghing Elston-~“"r '""` ”“““MarjOrie igggfyn Power
(Jon. 21, l9u6) Aus» 9,
Elsberry High School* Sanford~Brown Business College' Served in @` 5| ,K tn L V rne Elston-»»~--"ADT= 5: l9U7““
World War II; Vice President of Sparks, Waters and Farnen Grain §g;3aC§§;;on Dil; Elston---~-»-s--Jun- 23» 195U“"
Brokerage Company; Director, Merchants Exchange, St. Louis, _' Hi h
Missouri; Presbyterian; Elsherry Cemetery. Kenngth Pershing Elston, born in Tray, Missougié giaggginat S
1 _ _ _ D t. -ied by ov, awre c
' Martha Lucille Reid, married by Bev. Charles E. Edwards at §;§;O1’M§§§i3;;?T’ emocra , marf
family residence; daughter of David Calvin Reid and Annie Elizabeth Y’ N H tf é MiSSOuri_
Reid” Elsberr Hi h_S h l' E akin C 11 ' P b t 1 n. ' ' ‘ b n in ew ar or 1
’ Y 5 °”’ ” S °B“’”””@”a oo£surstst?tssuuioo.ooa.eaeoeseec
_ T53U Canton, St. Louis, Missouri. Schools; Dgmocrata
VII“1326~ 821 West WOQQ, Troy, Missouri.
Dorothy Boll Fin1ey~»~ --~~----~--- ~»-- -Claude William Watson
(Dec. io, IQLO) nor. 5, 1910 VII”1331° Ecnnie Bea Howell
- » - L V Elston-~~-~ ---- ~~“~*~“' ““““
lB3h~Charles William Watson~~~ ----~ Sep. 30, 19M5“~ Samual a grae (Nov. 17, 1950) Dec' 6” lgau
Claude William Watson, son of Ab Matson and Maude Kimberly. 18MOmBever1e Kay E1ston»--»~~----“' ““'§°§° §;’ i3g%:;
B 1 M_ i 9 lsqloraeti Lynn Elstaur--r" “'“' “'“'“”“”“ “ ” ’
r scoe issour . ~
3 S muel LaVerne E1St0ns b°T“ is Troy’ Missouri; Buchanan High e.
YII~l327. School? Maintnance Assistant Foreman for Aircraft Company; Democra »
Q Gharline Finley_u_ '“u__”___ N __ * H Archie O Edwards ` married at Troy, Missouri, by HGV- E' L' Smith’ p
(May Q, 1951) Jan. 18, 1923 Q ` G’ Bonnie Bea Howell, born in Troy, Missouri; daughter of James
1835 H b t s M ' Sh I aioaoro Howell one Sylvie Carmen Hammett; Dem°°”“t'
~ 0 er -ugene Edwards~»-#- -~--~- --~ ar. 10, 19 ~» ' '
_   G apt Traosr M;iSS01.11"is
Archie O. Edwards, son of Charles Edwards and Leota Trower. 1 130 Gampbe 0 9 ’
Elsherry, Missouri. V 3

Carl Elston
l ff Q’
“ VII-1333.
Harold Harmon Cannes ---.. ..._ .... -__ ____ __Kathy Lou Turnbull
(Nov. 23, 19523
l3M2sMikel Harold Gannon ------- _ -._._ .-0¢t_ 2G 195u__
13MB-Monte GannQu~---,--_____________*_ ,
Harold Harmon Gannon Troy High School' Cu1vereSto kt G _
ggiggisity of Missouri; married at Troy, Missouri, by Reg. 333 ollege,
Kathy Lou Turnbull, daughter of Owen Turnbull; Trey High School.
ggggggéignggléiggi.University of Missouri; Christian; Business and ,
Troy, Missouri.
John Cannon Soharf
6M63 Smiley, St. Louis, Missouri.
    SCh.aI’i"“\"\»\Il»-H -nun un.. __,_ .,,.,_,,,, "___ShiP1B.y  
(Jun. 6, 1953)
18uh~Harold Eugene Soherf, Jr,------l
6535 Clayton, St. Louis, Missouri.
Richard Barnett Sghapf ._._ __ _____ _________
(Mar. 15, 1952)
l8h5-Rienaes Barnett sensrf, Je,-__-___,
13M6-Sandra Jayne Soharf- ~--- ~ -~-- -
l8h7~Margaret Ann Scharf-----~-»_-
QUE? Russell, St. Louis, Missouri.
Mary Margaret Senepf
6M63 Smiley, St, Louis, Miggeupi,
'“'°00t» 17, 1957
~Antionette Martin
Aug' 13: 1953--
-~---oet. 9, 195ue-
Mar 0 18, 1956°""°
Sandra Jane Hampton-»»» -----~ ~~»~-~--Benjamin Allison Dugger
(Sapa 3, IQEH)
2101 Alameda, St. Louis, Missouri.
David Alan Hampton
116 Summit Place, St. Louis, Missouri.
Absalom Hunter McDonald
Wesley Washington Hammaek ---- ---- Alma Doepke
May 1924
l8u8~William Hammaok ------- ~ -~----- »-~“-~ -~~--- ~ 1921-“
Alma Doepke, born in Alton, Illinois; Secretary of Germania
Building and Loan Association, Alton, Illinois; Oakwood Cemetery,
Alton, Illinois.
Wesley Washin ton Hammaok, resided at Roxana, Illinois, and
Trenton, Michigan ?l935).
Thomas Layton Hammacke---~ --~--- --~~-
(May h, 1926)
-~--Leanne Hanson
18h9»Jane Hammaok~ -~--- -----~ ~““~* ------ -~-~
Thomas Layton Hammaok, merchant in business with his father
at Elgbgpry and New Hope, Missouri; married at Troy Methodist Par
gonage by RSV. J. W, Kimhrell.
Leanne Hanson, daughter of Joyn Hanson of Annada, Missouri.
Endmnnvvvwd'--”**' **“' *"'“"‘ "‘ '““““ "' '°"""  
Troy, Missouri.
VII~13h3. ‘
Elsie Gibson Hammaok ---- ~~---~ »---- ---~--Emmett Clyde Cannon
(AQT a 39  
1hl9-Norma Lee Cannon -~--- ~--~- Apr. ll,
lh2O~Emmett Cannon -~-----~----- Oct.
lu21-Clyde Leighton Cannon ----- Jul.
lh22~Wilma Jean Gannon -------~ "Jan, El,
Emmett Clyde Cannon, No. 778 in direct line.
S9P¢ 3,  
1918--Nev. 27, 1923
1919--Nov. Eh, 1919
Flint seek, Michigan

Y._..__.___ ; __ 7.-ff u-- _. Y *W-
32'-P' \r1I~1351'.
vII“13}’|`L"`° Sarah Lou MCD0|Qald_==---~ ~---- --------5 --~~- G'OI*€lO¥18RiG}f1€3.;C1 O3-S0331
- A . 1
Eugenia Lourene Hammaok»~~~»e---~ ----~ »=»~ Howland q“l Q’ (Jan' 28’ 19”9 ug 2 ’ 92
` _ ' -~» ~-~-- ---M 2»#V. .l 1
Eugenia Lourene Hammaok moved to Long Beach, California, %§§§_§§;g §;§2u§1§%;3§ _________ _____ _Oi§' 1%; ;3§5__l3F 3’ 953
fm’ "1@°‘i1t*1» died at ses °f 25- G 185;-Patricia Ann elses- ---- » ~~-~ »---ram. 17, 1953"
VIIul3M5 Sarah Lou McDonald; Petersburg, Illinois, Schools; Employed in
' Office of Secretary of Degense, later on staff of S§nat§r §undtD0§
Wallace Dee HammaCk______”___m____”__m “__Juanita Lester South Dakota; married at oundry Methodist Church, ash Hg OH, - ug
(Nov. 30, 1922)
Juanita Lester, daughter of O. H; Lester, married by Rev.
JOSeph L. Grier at A.R.P. Parsonage, Elsberry, Missouri.
1850-Doris Hammacke-~~---»» ----~- »----~-
Hope, Missouri.
Jessie Lee Hammaok-»- »---~-~-» -~~"Dude" Crenshaw
Hannibal, Missouri.
Ruth Esther Hammock ~~~----- - Swan
East Chicago, Indiana (1935)
Mildred Mae McDona1de-~ --~-- ~-~~Edward Andrew Malkin
(Jun. 15, 1932?
Springfield, Missouri.
Donald Walter McDene1d
Robert Watts McDonald --~- ~ r T3 -~~-- #Mildred Warner
1551eSa1lie NoDonald~--~- ---- »»--------» ~-WJU1, 16, lqgqa-
Robert Watts McDonald, formerlr with oil company in Mississippi
Illiopolis, Illinois.
by Rev. Frederick B. Harris.
Gordon Richard Olson, son of Clifford Ulson; School and College
at Madison, South Dakota; formerly on staff of_Senator Mundt of Soath
Dakota; Assistant Postmaster of United States Senate. '
Washington, D.C.
Ernest Floyd Ellis
Student at Missouri Military academy at time of death; Mill Greek
Cemetery. »
Guy Parker Ellis
Farmer, resides with mother.
Jean Figlgy Ellige --~»a»--~~ » --»---- ---Helen Bettye Gentry
(Jun. 8, 19u6) aug. 2, 1926
l855~Connie Norine s111s~~-~+ ---- -»»-aug. 2%, 19uT~~
1856-John Thomas Ellis--~---e~-- ----- Jan. 1 , 19M9~“
John Finley Ellis, farmer.
Helen Bettye Gentry, daughter of Jonn C. Gentry and Reba
Norine Gladney; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; married Robert
Finley on April M, 1951. Helen Bettye Gentry No. 1731 in direct
Whiteside, Missouri
Charles Ellis-ee--e -- Edwards
Charles Ellis, farmer.
Whiteside, Missouri.

 f "“+‘1_=;‘i;_37i’ 'i
l, e_ ____ 327.
s .,   ij   '
__ _ ____ :JJ _   __ l-.- PE 26;
VIImL35§° _ ______,a__i»__ V ,e is _,
iv,” _Ratmdnd seevee gelser, Jr,--s:;;_;"___¢Margaret §vanelfFink
' _ ;s~ (Feb. 22, 19u1)l-j§eeE,es,~1912
, . _ ,_..< .1
1 ;Baymond Hoover Geiser,'Crl, born in Ste Louis, Missouri;
_Ferguson High School;.Mestmlnster College; Accounting assistant
with Southwestern“Bel1 Telephone Company; Presby;irlan;_Democrat;
married at`St, Louis, Missouri, by B6VenJ} MjjM¢§;tyre,‘C,M,
Margaret Avanel Fink, daughter of Milliam Everett Fisk and
»resny Belle CannénQ(daughter of James Austin Cannon No. lQ5 and
Qarokine Elizabeth1Hehdrix. James Austin Cannon, son of Ephraim
fCannon 017) and DorothysHunter); born in Springfield, Missouri;
girkgood Hig§_Scho3fE Webster College, A,B,; Catholic; Democrat;
eE._.; St. ouis Herb Society. __ ,Nels
Helen Emogene Billy born in Ste Louis, MiS5°“Fi3 daughter _
of Emmet Moses QDQ Ruth §111y; Crystal City High School, Missouri,
Catholic; Democrat.
I 303 west Eagan, Henryetta, Oklahoma.
Ferdinand James Delanr, JP- - *" ““““” ““'°J““e Ltdani
F Qinand James Delany Jr, born in St. Louis, Missouri;
St, Logis Public Schools; Southwestern Bell Tel6Ph0H@ C0mP&H?=
Presbyterian; married in St. L0uiS, MiSS0Ufi°
Jeee Oleeni, daughter of Henry Oldenis Gsva01i0-
822 Rayburn, Crestwood, Missourie
_ ___ M01 Adams Avenue, Ferguson, Missouri, E VII_1361_
vII”l353' ` ___ “ i at ; ” e 3 _i 51 "‘ eerelu Malin Delany-~~--~~~~ ““'"' ““"' “““' Vi°1et Hi1l,T“'lina
_ - __ __ 5   __   __ _.1_;;_, ‘ ' __ _ (Oct. 23,   Jblle 10, ].920_
_*Marjorie Lois Geiser»»»i§»;-» ~---~-- »~-~G1enn austin Pearson
g¢-- » S ` _e (Jule 3, l9MMF Fege .Sr E91h, =s“’~ 1353_Wi11iam Gerald Delany-----~ ~--»-gore lg, §3§;r'
_ _ ~ =`$. -' "ties ' _ M 1- p 1 -e---~--~ -»~ ep _ 1 "”
§g2§r§1@unAAuSt;u Peersnn, Jr-~:-r»rAprk'15, l9§?g~ %§2%_g§;§; gguégnggeiggy--ee ---- ------Sep: 13; 1952'“
o - ale lah `aarsou¥ee~--»~=~--»-~Jul._22;<£9 5?e
T :L _\' f   _,H-_} _ ; Q = .‘
in " Q _"~ ' ,,~ ‘ ,_» ' Tie P - _ - b in St. Louis Missouri' Washington
s\Mar§orie LoistGe1s$r, born_;n~StJ“Louis,~Mlsseuri; ~--~ Ferguson __ Q 3 Unive;;§i;? ¥;駧tEi;§n¥syc§§§ogist; Bachelér of Arts’Degree;
High School; Presbyterian; Dembcrat; PtEeOe; marrled at F§TgHS§D}s _ E lo ed ai Jefferson Barracks Hospital; Presbyterian; Democrat;
Missoufi’ bV_5¢V‘ W3'DaVi@3°“ Qcbowell' *ff* u Ti’ Q g mggrigd at St Louie, Missouri.
_e~~ <~-- _ x 2 v= _ me~~ ' °
Glenn*Austin Pearson son;o£~George Vernon Pearson and S f H T 1- b illst, Louis Missouri' daughter
Caroline Ann Austin; born;iniSan'Beruadino, California; Sweetwater of J4;;Q&§§li;;1Hi§§ ;g§’Vig§; Bfassi; St, fouls Public Schools;
High School, San Diego, California; Plant Clerk with Shell Oil Presb terian. Democrat; married Russell R. Torlina in February 19
Company; PTeS%yEerian; Democrat; Eagles* »"°‘¥ Russell R, Torlina died December 19, l9h3.
' T%l6 Blackton_Drive,_La sees; Califcrniae , %$e A 1137 Missouri, Kirkwood, Missourie
MII-1358. __ '" ` N, , _i H_ VIIml362_
T“°¢&5;?e?”?“&1@KsHdsPo___ai e , 1 ~Q?" _ »ff"‘ eeorge William neleny
Festus;-Mlesouri High Sehoqlf Westminster College;;Kdlled ¢s ' d 1 W ld Har II,
in Battle o£`the Bulge in Germany during World War_El,¢,;Q'¢; ,fl Killed ln action up ng or A
_   o ° ,   " 1,\_‘““ '
- :_ =1T ‘ - 'P `: - -" I "' 63|
  .,.r _ ___ __ _ ___ __     _    
: ' ,Q     Af;   _ __--'   S th_________..__-__-_»Diar,|e Mary N&,V'I'8_`bi1
Richard-Malin Alexander---state-r-e e... _-Helen Emogene§Bill§* `” Josaph Donald mi (Nove 19, 1955) Jun. 29, 1932 »
=   ___ _j`-_E  ST'   8,   . _J-Ll`-In   é 1 d
~F“"`_- =- '_ h - *_ -- "` ‘ __ D ld S its born in st. Louis Missvvri' Ms? @W°° 5
_ l862»Becky Sue Alexander~~:;~-1a-_a---Oct. 1, 1?53~~ _ Missoggiepgiggngehoog; ;utomob%lihSa1§§manE Democrat; married st
_   " " _   -- 1 Ch 11 b a SI’ 176.
Richard Malin Alexander, born in Festus, Missouri; Westminster al Q’ St' Andrews Gathol O are Y `
Colleteg Chemist€“Methodiet; Democrat; Mason; married at Hillsboro,
Missouri, by Justice of the Peace Glenn Weber, remarried at Sacred
Heart Church;»Féstus, Missouri, by Father Charles MartlnQ~
D' M Navratil daughter of Frank Mavratil and Lucille
Pega1;l;2? Agggems and Hancock High Schools; Catholic; DGm00Pat»
55hh Chippewa Avenue; St. Louis 9: MiSS°UTi'

‘ 328.
William Hugh Challis- ----~ ---~~-~- ~~-~Ruth Elizabeth Forster
' (Jun. Ehy 1939) Cot. Eh, 1916
1866-Susan Jean Doyle-~--e~----~---Oct. 3, l9hn--
1867-Nancy Forster Doyle ---- ~ ~--~»Dec. 7, l9h7
William Hugh Challis, born in St. Louis, Missouri; Washington
University; Production Superintendent, Armament Division of Uni~
.versal Match Company; Presbyterian; Democrat; Sigma Chi;_married
in Evanston G k C C ‘
, oo ounty, Illinois, hy Rev. Gerhardt.
Ruth Elizabeth Forster, born in Peoria, Illinois; daughter
o Edward John Forster and Jane Burns; New Trier School;_Evanston
Business College; Episcopal; Democrat; Junior Women’s Club.
30h North Elizabeth Avenue, Ferguson, Missouri. '
Lois Audrey Doyle--#4 ~-»~~ Brownell Tompkins Bradst
' (Oct. 20, 1950) Oct. 1, 1925
reet, Jr.
l86B~Deborah Ord Bradstreet --~--- ~ ---~-- - g
1569-Judith Cannon Bradstreet ----- ~-----»May 21, l95h--
187O~Barbara Doyle Bradstreet~ ---~--
Mars 31, 1952-~
-----May 21, 1956-~
Lois Audrey Doyle, born in St Louis Missouri' Clayton Hi h
e ‘ _ Y g
_5chool; Washington University; University,of Michigan; Presbyterian;
gemocgat; Alpha Omicron Phi;Junior Women's Club; married at Glencoe
ook ou t I ‘
n y, llinois, by or. Russell Lambert. '
_ . _ _ ino s'
son of Brownell Tompkins Bradstreet and Margaret.Ord;'Country Day 3
School; Blue Ridge School for Boys; John B. Stetson School; graduate
pf Cornell University; Presbyterian; Chase Brass and Copper Company.
rownell Tompkins Bradstreet,-Jr , born in Evanston Ill' i
2312 Ash Lane, Northbrook, Illinois.
Clifford Henry Cannon, Jr.~ ~~--~ -----
(Jen. 31, 19un)_»
-- ` -~-Marian Buffing
l87l~Robert Clifford Cannon~~~-~»4--~--~---Nov. lh,“19U9”'
Clifford Henry Cannon, Jr., born in St. Louis, Missouri;
gormandy High School; Presbyterian; Democrat; married at Miami,
Q Marian Ruffing, daughter of Walter E. Ruffing; born in St.
Loui Mi D
, S, sseeri; so. Louis Public Schools; secretary with
Monsanto Chemical Company; Presbyterian; Democrat.
736 West Oak, Kirkwood, Missouri.
Y #ne
its C' Q
___ _,__ __ Adolph Booker
P 1 1 L Canu0n_____--_- Frederiok
at? C 3 Ou (Sep. 30, 1950)
l3T2»Christine Ann seeser~ ~--- ----Jun- gg, iggéj:
1873-Carol Lynn Becker-- --°- ° '““JU1~ 1 l957__
187g-Craig Cannon Beoker»----*--“-AU§- 9»
Patricia Ann Gannon, born in Winfield, Missouri; Protestant;
Democrat; married in St. Louis. MiSS0UTi°
Frederick Adolph Becker, born in St. LOuiS» MiSS°“Ti3 S°“thWeSt
sian School, st. Louis; Auto uph01St@F@P» S@1f“°“P1°Y@d5 Gath°1i°;
Democrat. P
h982 Magnolia, St. Louis, MiSS0“fi'
June Cannon
Daughter of James Hauk Gannon and Edith Giegling.
Jamgg Bland Jannopoulos
Son of Alpha C&nn0n_an§ D9mStPiUS Jannopoulos.
Carolyn Virginia Prosser
Daughter of Annie Louise Cannon and Samuel Summers Prosser-
Clara Louise Prosser
Daughter of Annie Louise Cannon and Samuel Summers Prosaef.
poyoehy Helen Prosser
Daughter of Annie Louise Cannon and Samuel Summers ProSSeP»
13?3. 1 _
Samuel Summers Prosser, JP»
Son of Annie Louise Cannon and Samuel Summers Prosser.
Dorothy Prosser
Daughter of porothy Cannon and Herbert Watts Prosser.

James Edward Prosser
` 3310
VIIB1385. '
Mary Lucille Farmer~~=--- ~----»~~ -» ~»-» ----Hal As Webster
(Jsl. 30, 1926)
Son of D 1 1 , A _ _
ViI~l376. Ofothy Cannon and Hevbslt watts Prosser P Mar? Lucille Farmeri born in Joplin, hissourig died in
ertland, Oregon, MOUUt&1HV16W Cemetery, B111lDgS, Montana.
Herbert Watts Prosser, Jr. VII-1385,
Son o£ Dorothy Cannon and Herbert Watts Prosser Leon Burley Farmer-~~EA£;--ig--iéné; ---- Xggla §lg§9§§oa;axon
VII“l37?¢ ° ’ ° ’
-Henry Maptin Prosser l8?5~Pamela Vee Farmer -~------»------ DQCQ 19, 19H5~~
Son of Dorothy Cannon and Herbert Watts Prosser VII 1320 Hazel” 30186, Idahoa
v1I»1378. ”13 '
william Cannon Prosser Mary Anne Farmer --»~- E§;;:~iél§;-_a -~-- Cecil Cook
Son °f Dorothy Gannon and Herbert Watts Prosser VII"l357»
VII”1379° Adin Douglas Henderson
Beverly Adele Cannon e VII-1386.
Daughter of Benjamin Hank Cannons Q' .QD Guy Chester Moss
VII`138°' VII-1389.
Margaret Gannom Maxine Tornquist
Da“ghtSP Of Banjamin Hank Gannon, V11-1390.
YII_13Bl_ ' Quincy A. Brown -»»~-- E&g§~ié;~iéig;--- -~~~ §;gnie7?e§§9§oomis
D°1'°°thY Dana DUd1@Y---;;;é-~]-:g-»i-ggi; ».»“.. .?..r__§DSabh JE BMHS 1876-Mildred Alena spawn »--~--- ---- ----~ A p 1~. 29, 1916-~
. , 8 -
307         “g 16' 1931 aO°§“1';;;';;r;1.Be3‘;2a‘§:;;‘ isiimiilal§§2§;2;~2§;;2rs§;r
r _ .. _ , J
YH*-382f °°“p?“§;bMe§“°§iS'i5} “§p“§§i‘Za'“§§§,»2§iF'éO§°°d”£§§0§§1§?” Wéiidin
marr e y as or . . n a y e, e, g Q
Nadine Gayle Bearde1e@_ B
*-“ ”“““”"°"“'""“° fuss Burlei s s lki a
o‘ ° (JqH»g13,_l9M2) Nov,.2§, 1317 F
I§ruoe Burleigh Selkirk, Lieutenant in U.S..srmy daring World
2 Daniel Road, Ste Louis, Missouri
William F. Beardslee
Western Military Academy, Alton; Illinoisa _
aw Q
Minnie Lena Loomis, born in Wilbur, Oregon; daughter of Minni
Delinda Hill and William G. Loomis; Umpqua Academy; Housewife;
Methodist; Republioan»
Edythe Crystal Brown
Frances Marie Lane

Zeda Azalea Bhoten
George Alexander Rhoten
Lucile Crystal Rhoten
Leone Cannon ---~-~-- Lee
Berkeley, California.
JOHN Gerhardt Vogt, Jr, ....»_...__.__.,. _ __,____ Torina Gary
(Sep. 16, 1911) 1885
1377-Carr Vogt~_ -------~~--_*.....__ ,....._*_~ 0ct_ 9, 1916
of Migggn Gerhardt Vogt, Jr., University of Tennessee; Rolla School
of T.§§§i§? 2333;..f2§§“€2§1§§.§§".~§;1§2§";.1°§§?1?,2§§.§’f.§§§‘E3§§_M*
Julia Leak Cheatham
' Mabel Vern Cheatham
Lucille Cheatham
_ Paul Palmer Cheatham
Martha Josephine Cheatham
333. '
VIl~lhOh. c ;
Arland Wilson Palmer -----»--» ~ --~--- » ~»-- Ruth.A. Melntosh
sit 3| (May 10, 1927) sap, aa, 1905
l8?3»Perry A. Palmer~--» ----- -»»-Jan. Rh, l923~~
l879»Arlane R. Palmer~-- ---~ Apr. 10, 193O~»
  5 e
Ralph Palmer _@);@Q
1330-Nellie Lou Palmer ----------» »-~»~»-Mar. 1, 1937--
Arland Wilson Palmer, born in_St. Louis, Missouri; New
Florence Public Schools, Missouri; Central Wesleyan Academy; United
Brethren Church; Democrat; Insurance business; married at Kansas
City, Missouri, by Judge Benneti.
Ruth A. Nclntosh, daughter of Perry A. Mclntosh and Ruth A.
Molntosh; born in Greenville, Texas; Central High School, Kansas
City, Missouri; United Brethrentlhuroh; resided in Santa Ana,
California (l9hO).
Joseph Melvin Palmer
Alfred Henry Palmer
Served in U.S. Navy; resided in Bremerton, Washington (1933).
Bea Cannon _
Daughter Cannon-» ~~--- --~»»~--#Will Peffley
188l=Erlin Peffley
Mound Grove, Kansas.
Donald Powell Crenshaw ----»----~ ~-- -~»~- -Zelma Frances Gray
(Dec. 23, 1933) Aug. ln, 1903
1582~Jeanette Faye Crenshaw-=--~~ -~»-~ Nov. 1, 1Q35-~
l5B&%~Jee1 Dale Crcnshawwe-»~~~e~»ee~eNev. 29, l9H3r*
1882 “Pe Su Crenshaw~~~--»-~~-~-=-Au . l 19hS~»
Donald §owe§§yCre§shaw, son of Joel BlufordgCre%§haw and Alpha
Betta Cannon; Elsberry High School, Class of 1929; Baptist; Democrat;
married by Rev. Frank Edwards at parsonage, Lincoln County, Missouri
Zelma Frances Gray, daughter of Arthur Francis Gray and Myrtle
Linn Mitchell; No. 1h97 in direct line; born in Lincoln County,
Missouri; Elsberry Public Schools; Baptist; Democrat.
Dorothy Boyd Cannon

Wallace Tustin Cannon
or toi‘-~ - 1
33M 335°
Marjorie Lucile Diggs»~~- ----- ~--~-- -Nicholas Longfellow Key
(Jun. 3, l9hh} Mars
l883~Nicholas Murray Key--me -~--- »Feb,
lB8h-Sara Jo Key»-~~» ~--- ~ -----“- eapr.
s 1913
lt. l9M6
l88h%~David Lawrence Key-~-~ ---~ -“Ango 13, 19MB
1S85»Leslie Ray Key-e-----es"-~-~“Jul.
High School; Northeast Missouri State Teachers
28, 1952
Mrjorie Lucile Diggs, born in Hawk Point, Miss
College, B,S,
ouri; Jonesburg
Teacher; Christian; Democrat; o.E.s,; married by Rev. M, D. Dudley
at Christian Church, Jonesburg, Missouri,
Nicholas Longfellow Key, son of James Key and Sarah Georgia
Wilson; born in Jonesburg, Montgomery County, Missouri; Jonesburg
High School; Farmer and stcckman; Christian; Republican; A.F.& A,M.;
Jonesburg, Missouri.
29, 1921
Geraldine Marie Diggs»--~»~~~- ~~---~» ~~Ralph William Wagoner
(May 20, l9hh)
l386»Rita Wylene Wegener--~~- --»---- Jun
1887-Daniel Earl Wegener-~- --»~~---- Dec
12, 19u7~~
18, l9h9~-
Missouri; Jcnesburg
High School; Northeast Missouri State Teachers College; Harris
Teachers College; Teacher; O.E,S,; Christian; Democrat; married at
Christian Church, Joneshurg, Missouri, by Rev. M. D. Dudley.
Geraldine Marie Diggs; born in Hawk Point,
Ralph William Wagoner, son of William Wegener; born in
Missouri; Jonesburg High School; Washington University; U.S
World War II; Traffic Agent with Illinois Central Railroad;
Christian; Democrat; A.F, & a.M,; Traffic Club of St, Louis
2125 Knox, St. Louis, Missouri.
VII-lhlhd Senor Thurman Diggs, Died in childhood,
v1I~ia15, `
David Diggs»~~~~ ------ ~~»~~»~~-Rosilann Sapp
1888-Bradley Diggs
1889~Briar Diggs
Dr, David Diggs, Iowa State College; Dentist; Drthodontist
specialist. »
flu it
Rosiland Sapp, frcm'Buffalo, Iowa.
Route 3, Missoula, Montana.
Miriam Louise Diggse ------- -»--- -~~»~~~»Rohert Boyle Wright
(0gt, 2§, l9h9) Apr. 8, 1921
l89l°Robin Gayle Wrighte ~-~-~~ ~»-~~--May 31, l95l~~
1B92=Cathlyn Diane»--me-»~ »-~- ~---Oct. 6, l952~-
1393»Robert Diggse»»~--~ --~~----~»-- ~Apr. 19, 1956--
- Miriam Louise Diggs, born in Bellflower, Missouri; Iowa State
College, B.S.; Iowa University, M.S.; Dietioian; Christian;
Democrat; Pi Beta Phi; married by Dr. Cleveland Kliehauer at
Hollywood Christian Church, Los Angeles County, California.
Robert Boyle Wright, son of Roland Elmer Wright and Anna Jean
Boyle; horn in Kansas City, Missouri; U.S. Naval academy at Annapolis,
Maryland; Master Mariner; Christian; Democrat.
1735 weight stress, santa Rosa, california.
e Viieiaiv.
Eugenia Cannon
Laura Ruth Cannon
Norma Lee Cannon
Son Cannon
Clyde Leighton Cannonee-ee-~~»-me-~~~~ ~~-#Colleen Marlow
(Nov. 30, l9h5) _
Clyde Leighton Cannon, U, S. Navy; married by Rev, R, E.
Simons at Methodist Parsonage.
Colleen Marlow, daughter of Lawrence Marlow,
Wilma Jean Cannon

orrrroe,_eee“fessese~ ~vf
_ 336. VII~1M31¢
VII_1u23‘ Ida Winifféd WGDQ  
Ruby Lorene Howell ---- »----~~- - --Harry Paul Woodson     VII“’1L|-32°
139A-Paula Patricia Woodson-»- -~-Jan. 31, 1939~- Jehu Stuart Barham
Sherman Forrest Howell
Robert Edgar Howell ---- ---- ~~-~---=--Vivian Lucille Mitchell
1BQ5-Richard Denis Howell-~-~~-~--Mar. 7, 19M2-~
1896-Ruby Marie Howel1e--~- ---»-Feb.'21, 19&7“~
Joyce Marie Howell-~---~~~--~ --------- »»-Ralph Thomas Nebels
(SSPQ u; lgug)
1897-Donald Thomas Nebels ---~--------- Mar. 23, 1953--
Ralph Glenwood H0well~- --~--- ~~ ---~-~- --~Mary Lena Stewart
(Apr. 7 l9M6)
l898~Bobert Thomas Howelln ~»----- ~ ~----- Oct. 28, l9QT~-
1599-Lola Faye Howell---~-~ -~-- ~~-~ ----- Apr. 20, 19@9»-
l9OO“J0hn Herbert Howell---~- ------- Nov. 28, 1950-~
` Joao Evelyne Howell---e-~-~ --------- »--- Charles Louis Wilson
(May EM: l9h7)
1901-Charles Joseph Wilsoo~--~~ ------ Sep. 16, 1951-~
1902-Norma Jean Wilson--~ ------- ---Jun. 2, 1953»-
i Herbert Clare Howel1----- ---- - --»---~--- ---- Rose Heinz
, (Jen. lu, 1956)
YII~1&3O. _
Anna LDiS Howell °--~-~~--- ~ ~--- - -~--- -e--Henry Ulrich
(Jun. 2, 1951)
1903~Michee1 Heinrich Ulrich- ~--- ~-- ~--- Sep. 1 1
5: 953“”
190h~Hebeoca Ann Ulrich --~- - ~---- ----Oct. 1, 195q~»
Edwin Louis Barham
Lyle Doran Wimer
William Abner Wimer
Jean Marguerite @QhUS0n
_ Son Fine
1 Q  VII~1H33¢
Daughter Fine
Octavia Muriel Fine
Oekla Melba Fine
Robert Earl Fino
I W dl d H nr ,“l__,__-,-m”_.-~~»~~~~Joseph Henry Gillis
sa- 00 311 e Y (Sapa 1,   Auga 293  
19O§~JbSeph Hebert e1111e~~~»~- ¢~»~N0v» 169 1922“~t
_________,__, ____ ____¢_-_ ~»~Joseph Ervime Gore
End Febu lug 1910
QL Isa woodland Henry, born in New Florence; M°nt£°m€PY G°Unt¥»
- ° ibal
M1 Q pi~ Silex and Hannibal Public Schools» Mi5S°“Pif Han" _
Co;3egt;’Great Falls Commercial Co1lege§.5@@n03P&Ph@P» D@m0¢Tatr
Womeh's Benefit Associations _

_‘F _
W . L 338-   L * _ _
Wg L DF ~ Re' m_L;-;;;; ;-LL_;; ec;£M 1*
_    £13123           ” %`°
-Dem 5; - - 0 nS°n5 96533103 Catholi ' f L l7“2 East hth Reno‘ Nevééa;
Rev?CE;nto§?fT1ed at Fort BSULOH, Cheute&U County, Mvntana, by C, QH1 H, ViI'il§} , s
_       Ofc;
2217 SiXth_Q N L V _ _ _- _ -_ _f » _ _W ,
venue Opth’ Gfeat Falls# M°“taHH» f’Jonn=Drewer Roee--§E~~#=~-&-#€w§§;-- »=#He1en_§ath@§§ Heie
VII“1uu3, I Jane 2'; 19' Jule 1 Q lg- 3
Dora Henry _ f911»Norman Dale ResS+4¢#=¢==~=-¢=¢4~sewer; 1O§ 19§oe§
VII-lqqq, _ 5e&h_Qrewer Rees, born id_Demeron§ Mieeduri; rrsberrg High
gcnenlg Eleberry Cnrietian Ghurqh; U; S;_ermy,T&0§1&éWer gli received
Ben a in 3 1 “__ _ brpnce stars for service in<3ehtra1 Europe; res de ih 'Hc5§g0'
J m Y vegter Head? “"”“““'"~ ~-~-Nellie Lee Davis rilineig. _ 9
_ 316 cnur n et - _ .F ___ _ ___ __ _ ,
O feet’ Ha““1ba1» MiSS°“Pi- ___ Helen Kqthryn R@ie,_¢augnp¢r qf_@;*_;__ reid end carrie Elenk;
VII~1Mh5. Eleberry High Schdol; Uhristiéh; Beauticiah; later marrie& Tony
Dickermam. 3
James Theodo H Q »__--_,,__ - " ' ' _ _ _,_ _ _ _
ere ea 7 #“~~Mildred Parker anesaeeeeee '*"?BT"*r~-:3;g§;§;@ "“ “1L4=§t§él§3heag3;
l906~Teddy Hea& c' " rect. 1, 19 cugé - 9 l_
1907-Glen Headyy _ _ ,_ _ _ _ __c .»ff_ ,_ F
1908mPhi1lip Lee Hgady Mree Ethel Se Hoes resides in Uhicégog Iliinoiee @
1hU5 APliHet0n,St Louis M' - ‘ f V1I*1M515 J
~ , lssourl.
VII-lLLLp6. - dy, __ mf. Marefy G’a*sher?Li'1§ §o§ié-if-é-é?¥#¥#-4-_fefiqiMéirietieh Chiles l\'Ieyer
cf " _ ~&Nev; 235 1925) _
Dcnivan Lee Heady __ _ __ @__ ____ _ _ __ __ _ Z
19l2»Michae1 Rees Mey§r$¢@#41#=4==Seps 16, 1933** '
VI1”1HH7~ - e __ _L_ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ r
Mary Catherine Rees; E1Sberry High School; Bueiness College;
RUSS W@lCh Hea&Y_,_“____mu___wm“_”_”uwm
_ Louisiana Road, Louisiana, M1sgOuri_
Anne BB&tPiC9'Hég§y-~*__ _ ______
'~~MHrgaret Woods
»-Chester Sharp
~-Taylor Starns
Elk Utah Street, San Francisco, California.
YII'1HM9. " L _
_ Winn Davis Ross---_~,,,,____,Ev”m____ _
_ _(err. Be, 192714 "
' 1909-James_E&ward R¢ss~_~-“_gQ-_l;,___n_
Marjorie Kasterke, from Michigan; latgy mar
and resides_at Aubupg, Migsouyil _
I End-~-~ ---- -,;-_;_m_____;_w_um_; ' _
(M , 1. '"
l910~Georgie Ann Roesi?-_,E%5)
-nun-_..._ “___
-Marjorie Kagterke
Jula 26, 1908
Dec. 26, 1930-1
ried Arthur Creech
-“Georgia Warren
””APP» 2, 19h6
Secretary; O,E,@.; Wértcy Metron of E1sEérry Chapter O;E.Sa;
Antiech Cemetery;
Cgristian Gh;;ds Meger, een oi Louie Meyer_&nd Viblet Chi1&S3
later married Gla&ys_R;némeH Palmer; Agent for Phillipe 66 Oil
Company; U.Se Army; World War 11;
1 2he»~»e-- ----- =---= ---- 44 Q- ---- sieney S; Lovell
L May 13; 189_ _
Siécey $» Loveii,_Au§omobL;e_and imp1ement_dee1er5 Fermeré _
Ccemper §§ cemmgreeg later marrieé Frances Olevia Trail, Nc: 907 in
direct line of descent; 1
VIIe1M52: _
ceréény Margare% Rees
Dieé ih infancy.

_ 3n1. L
V I- 6 . ~
v.II"'*]-I-|-535 I   I?
Avanell ROSS _ ',1 Q’ Edna May Coffelln
l51M Spring Street,Sen Francisco, California T o
Malcolm (Kroeger) Trei1---“-"“-- "°~-- “-“Anna LaUP9 BaSk@tt
VII* lh5U° (Jun. 29, 1935) JHUQ 5, 1913
Mildred Taylor 17ae-assert Baskett Trail-~ ---- ----~- Deo. 25, 1936~»
VII-lM55- Malcolm (Kroeger} Trail, married in St. Charles, Missouni,
M 1 T 1 by Rev. Inglis; owner and operator of Conoco Service Station.:
ar e ay or T
Anna Laura Baskett, daughter of Lemuel W. Baskett and Laura
VII”1u55° Presley Gladney; born in Elsberry, Missouri; Presbyterian; D.A.R
J L Ran Nou 1235 in direct line.
é o SY
VII 1hE7 Elsberry, Missouri,
Esther Marie Haney VII°1u69'  
_ Dorothy Mae Trevey»-~-- ~--- ~-----~ ----»“- James Edward Adkins
VH 158° (Jul. aa, lane) Nov. 16, 1915 ;
Gaml An” Bane? 1913-Geary; Gay Adkins-~-» ------------ apr. 8, 19L;8-»
VII*1u59 191k-James Thomas Adkins--~~---~ ---~- -Deo. 3, 195h~~
D ta M T b n in El b r Mi souri; Elsberry
Martha Elizabeth Rane? High 5§§g01¥ ae Pevey’ or S er Y' E _
vII"1u6O' James Edward Adkins, son of Louis Thomas Adkins and Gertrode
saith Estelle Amare T Teawe’ Mewhant' -
wII_1u61_ Troy, Missouri.
` Oscar Norton alkire> ' vII°1u7O'
VII_lu62 Leslie Trail Lovelace
Ellen Zee Leaéabrand Died in infancy, Star Hope Cemetery.
V11-1L|L63.. I VH"1L*71 ' `
- _ A Mary Lelia Love1aoe~- ---»---------- --Charles Aaron Waggener
Etta L\¢`lOi1S IJSE,d?9.bI'E.nd (Jan. 139   Aug. 5,  
V11-mu. 4 _ i;_
Geneviave Freda Delta B1"°"‘“" 1915~waa@ Andrew Waggener----»~-----Jan. ao, 19am--Jan.  2o,i9aL_L
VII*lu65 - 1916-Charles Aaron Waggoner, Jr=~»0ot. 9, 1938--
° 1917-Janice Lee Waggener-»~»~~~~~~Nov. 6, 19UO-- T
Hattie Belle Scherrer eM§Q’ Charles Aaron Waggoner, son of Douglas Waggener and Ella Gray
VII°'7'L“f’6' E1.see1~=r=y, Missouri.
Raymond Franklin aenerrer

Henry Trail Love1age~----_-a~ ____.___ ---,MaPgie Vaughn §.l?i
(Jun. 25, 1931)
1913-HSHTy Donald Lovelace ------- »----- _---A _ 13 1 5_,
1919-David Lee Lovelace -------- - ---___ ----JE§_ 8; 1338
Margie Vaughn, daughter of Robert Vaughn.
2nd- ~---- - ---- ---~_- __.. - _____..__ _---_ __
_ (Jun. 7, l95h)
Miss Shoemaker, daughter of Edgar Shoemaker,
VII°]-‘I-|-73 ¢ I
Emma Catherine Lovelace- ------ _ -.... _-Marvin Leslie Waggoner
(Jun. 26, 1926) sep. 11, 1906
r I . _ .\.,. , _.. ,., _ iq, . *$. ww
1920-sary catherine Wa on ------ -J Q 16- 1 2 -.A ,
_ 1921-Marvin Leslie WagE§ne;€~-~---~0§€, 1; 132g-_ ug 27’l927
Marvin Leslie Maggoner brother of Charles Aaron W
(See lh7l) son of Douglas Waggener and Ella Gray. aggOPer`
Elsberry, Missouri.
Louis Clark Lovelace-----__ ~.~__ ..__ ,__-Qpa1
Aletha Kelly
(Aug. 12, 1931) Aug 1Q10
l922~Gharles Mayne Lovelaoe~-»~~ -~-- “Jan 13, 1936_-
l923»Joyce Elaine Love1ace~ ---» »~- Feb 26, 1938--
l92h-Dennis Lynn Lovelace ---- - ---» Dec 19, 19h2~~
l925*C&TOl Ann L0ve1ag@-- -~-.__ ~~--¢mSep 1, 19M8__
W Opel A1@?hs Kelly. daughter of J. w. Kelly and ree ree
oodson; marrled at Baptist Parsonage, Elsberry, Mtasouri, by
Rev. L. D. Gregory.
W&d@ Hampton Lovelace, Jr.~ -~-- »~»__ ___... Letha Alberta Rose
(Jen. 29, 1936) Apr. 29, l9lM
1926-Larry Emerson Lovelggeh- _.....__ _-Ju1_ 31, l9u9,_
P Eetha Alherta Rose, daughter of Chauncey Rose and Irene
Dameron; marrled in Elsberry, Missouri, by Rev. Sherman.
Whiteside, Missouri. ewpgp
° 3M3~
VII-1h76. '
Sidney Powell Lcvelace~ ~-~~ ---- »--~ ~~ ~»»=Elsie May Beck
(Nov. T, 19u1) Jun. 11, 1925
l927~Alioe Faye Lovelace--~~~-»~-» »--~ Sep. 26, l9h2~“
1928-Linda Kay Lovelace--- - ~»~~=~ -»~~Jun. 19, l9hh~~
l929~Zella Mae Lovelace---=~ -» ~-»~Augs 27, l9M5-~
l93O~Wade Henry Lovelace--~= m---Mar. 1, 19M7““
1931-Bettie June Lovelace--~=--- -» -~-- =~=Jun. 9, l9M8r~
l932»Sidney Powell Lovelace-=~-»~»- ~~-- --~=Feb. 12, l9h9~=
l933wGlark Hampton Lovelacew-~--~---»---~¢~Aug. 27, l95h-»
Sidney Powell Lovelace, Baptist; married in Elsberry, Missouri,
by Rev. H. M, serneuing; Elsherry Cemetery.
Elsie May Beck, daughter of Clarence Beck and _ Zumwalt
of Corso, Missouri.
James Mortimer Trail
James Mortimer Trail, Elsherry High School; Missouri Military
Academy; Civilian employee of U,S. Army, served on Oak Ridge Atomic
Project and on Island of Okinawa. _
Linden Knox Trail ----- ~--~~- ~*--»»--»~-~» »Mahel Esther Fisher
(May 12, l9hO}
l93h~Sarah Jane Trail--- »--- ---# ~»-»~--Nov. lh, l9hl~~
Linden Knox Trail, Elsberry High School; Culver-Stockton College;
Presbyterian; A.F. & A.M.; formerly surveyor with Shell Oil Gor-
poration; Owner of tire retreading business.
MabelIEsther Fisher, daughter of Roy Fisher and Ethel Wallace;
Presbyterian; 0.E.S.; married at Presbyterian Church of Mount Carmel,
Illinois, by Rev. M. Gletz.
Qlnsy, Illinois.
Glenn Ewing Trail= --~--- =- --~»-~-~ -»--Violet Adams
Twin Falls, Idaho.
f¢._ ,ve _._ .
-HW' .

3“”' 9 sus.
M _ _ _ Fay Elisabeth Kumbera daughter of Louis Edward Kumbera and Anna
iléred Virginia Tr&ll*““ * ----- -eeewilliam Garnahan , 1, May Trail; born near Davis: Missouri; Troy High School; Hannibal-
1935_ fy, if LaGrange College; 'l‘eacner;Secre tary; Baptist; Democrat.
iggéz 6751 Edison avenue, Normandy, Missouri.
King sill, 1eah@_ VII'1“89°
VII_l 31 Julia Adeline Temple- -----~ - ---- -- ------- Perry Wesley Palmer
H * J , case 11, 1921) ost. lu, 1396
Floyd Trail
Moscow, Ideh0_
William Trail
Kiss Hill, Iaeae
Lee Trail
King Hill, Idaho.
Garfield Trail
Weiser, Idaho,
James M, Trail
Boise, Idaho.
lO76%-Fay Jacqueline Palmer- -~------- -
Perry Wesley Palmer, No. MBA in direct line.
Mary Jane Temple ----~-----
-- ~------ --Bertram wardel Stephens
(Oct. 23, l923)
2ne--- --»----
--------~~-Crimen Zeidler
(Mar. 28, l93n)
family records as Mary Louisa Temple,
gives ner middle name as "Jane";
Democrat records that she was lead-
ing lady in a motion picture, "Cowboy Kid", shown at the Orpheum
QV I' i(-Q Theater in tnat place on February 2, 19293 1"@»Si<5l@d in Los Angeles-
Mary Jane Temple, given in
eutftne account of ner marriage
J; f motion picture artist, Elsberry
Bertram Wardel Stephens, torn at Bowling Green, Missouri; Real
' estate business. 9,
Grimen Zeidler, theatrical agent; married in Agua Caliente,
Mexico, marriage annulled.
Waldemar Kermit Temple
Mi i Tr ' -------_“
nn G all “" “““ ° - ---- » Cook Nellie Louisa Gray- ---~- - ----- ----- ---- Homer Milton Reed
Idaho F&l1S’ Idahoo (Novi     lu.,  
1938-Mary Catherine Reed--- ----------Sep 20, 1920-
Hapglg qaail 1939-Rebecca Reed--#~-- ---- -------~---- Feb 28, 1922-
l9nO-Homer Louis Reed ---- ----- ----- ---Oct Za, 1923-
VII-1u88_ l9ul-Margaret Jean Reed~-~--- --------- Feb 27, l926
l9§2~John Thomas Reed ------ ---Feb 12, 1923
Ma ° Wil - . . _ 19 3»Gee9ge Robert Reed-_-_ __-Feb 22 1930
Flon llam Trail f§'“'““”*”'“““---~Fay Elisabeth Kumbera 19Ma-Nellie June Reed ------ ~--Jun 16: 1932
an' EH, 19h8} Apr, 5, 1920 @)pMQ l9MS-Charlie Powell Reed----- ~--Mar 31, 1935
Marion William TT3i1 b ` ` 19n6-Rosa Lee Reed --------- -~-Aug 6, 1937
School; Bookkeeper; BaptiSt?”§e§g§§&¥hit@Siqeé Missouri; Troy High 19u7-JO Ann Reed*--- ---- ~ -------~----- -Mar 27, 19h0
at Tai e e e ’ 5 maffle by R . ri
P as ist Church St. Louis Mis o ' ev oyd Sams Homer Milton Reed, son of Webb Reed and Catherine Grimes, Farmer
5 3 S l1I'l,
f ` Foley, Missouri.

VlI~1h93. _
Glow Albeft GTQY “'"“ “““*~- “~-~- ~--“~~“-Lalia Lucretia Graham
(Mar 16. 1923) Apr. 13, 1902
l9H3~Ch9Ster Graham Gray» ~-~-~ »-~-e~Ncv, 5, 192%-~
l9h9~Martha Josephine Gray-~»~----Q-Aug, 28, 1Q2 an
Olon Albert Gray, Farmer; married at home of bride by Bev. Dan
Dalia Lucretia Graham daughter of Edwin Yo n G h d
Lelia Ada Hurd; Presbyterian. u g ra am an
Elsberry, Missouri.
Mafy Ellen GP&Y‘ ‘“““* ' "-~" “~"~~ ---~~- ---Dorris Edward Ligon
(Jann 153   A-PT: 16,  
l950~FranciS Lee Ligonn ~---- »-e-~~--,Aug, 5, 1925_”
Mary Ellen Gray, Elsberry High School; Baptist; Democrat.
Dorris Edward Ligon, son of Edward Lee Ligon and Eudora Leatcn
Wilkinsoh;_born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High School; Baptist
Democrat; Gas and Appliance Retail ' m 1 d b R . A, E M
at Elsberry, Missouri. er’ aT? 9 Y ev ° &g”“d°”
Elsberry, Missccpi,
K&DhTyQ-M&Dg&rQtQGr&ya§~~- -___ ---_ _--_lE&Ward G. Parker
g (N°v» 20, 1937) Jun. ae, 1891
Kathryn Margaret Gray, born near Foley, Missouri; married by
Bev. Chester E. Yoes at Elsberry, Missouri.
Edward G. Parker son of Henr Pa 1 d M K1 t P -
born at St. Charles, Missouri. Y Pier an ary en Zy arker’
Ina Bess Gray “'“”' '““" “"°"“ “ “"“° ‘“ '~-Charles Dudle Benear
(apr. io, lash) Y
May 2, 1895
1951-Charles Robert Benear-~ ---~ ~--- Jan. 26 192 as
l952*EUgSne Ray Benear---»-~- ---_ ¢u»De@e 10; lgggum
1953-Glen Gray Benear-----~»-~--e-_-Nova 19, 1Q3um_
Charles Dudley Benear, son of Alexander Benear and Etta
Dudley; married at Elsberry, Missouri, by Rev, Magruder,
902k W&b&@&Y, St. Louis, Missouri.
fl ='|   5"
v11s1h9? P , '
Zelma Frances Gray-re-------------»--
_ (Dee. 23, 1933)
1882-Jeanette Faye Crenshawes -~---
1882i-Joel Dale Crenshaw-----
1882s-Peggy Sue Crenshaw----------
Donald Powell Crenshaw
sep. 1, 1909
Novs 1, 1-935""
Nov. 29, l9h3--
aug. it, l9H5”'
Zslma Frances Gray, born in Lincolntlounty, Missouri; Elsberry
Public Schools; Baptist; Democrat; married by Bev. Frank Edwards
at Parsonage in Elsberry, Missouri.
Donald Powell Crenshaw, son of Joel Bluford Crenshaw and .
Alpha Betta Cannon; Elsberry High School, Class of 1929; Baptist;
Democrat; No. lhO9 in direct line.
VII-laad. _
2, _,
Frank Arthur Gray --------- - ---- .----
(Nov. T, 1916)
l95U~Ralph Norman Gray---»-----------
l955eDonna Marie Gray-»~-- ----~ ---
l956~lna Darlene Gray-- ---- ---- -
----~»Fannie Kaiser-
. NOVo 7|
-s-----Aug. 11,
as---~---Jai. 16,
nuunnu-num-nmovi ll’
1916 `
Frank Arthur Gray and Fannie Kaiser married at Elsberry, Missou
VIIflH9B%~ __, -
William Thomas Grayr------- ----- -----
_ (Jun. 6, 1936)
Emma Lucille Rinaman
Aug. 30, 1916
Jul. ' 2, l9h0“-
l957“?hillip*Randall Gray--- ---- ----
e 1958-Linda Lou Gray--- -------- ----- --Jan. 30, 19hh»~
William_Thomas Gray, Farm Bureau Oil Dealer; Lincoln County
Wildlife Club; married at home of officiating minister, Revs 0eA.
Gordon, Troy, Missouri, -
Emma Lucille Gray, daughter of William-Peter Rinaman and Emma
Amelia Crane; Study Club; Rebekah.
Elsberry, Missouri. '_ L
V11-are. A y A  
Milton McKinley Gra --ee--e---s ----~ ---Osie Mae
» ¥Jun. 29, l9hO) JUD~ 6,
l959»Eodney Lee Gray--- ---- ---- ---- - -------- Aug. 30,
Osie Mae Levy, daughter of Lewis Edward Lavy and Beulah
Alexander, married at home of officiating minister, Rev. Dawson, at
`Elsberry, Missouri. ~

Jack Curtis Trail ---»~~-- »~-»»~-»- ---- ---~Joan Elsie Beavers
(Got. 19, 1952) Feb- ll, 1932
lseoarerry William Trail--~~-=-e---H--“Ju1. 17, l953“"
1961~Jan Marie Trai1--»--~-»-~~- ------- Doc. 10, 195M°e
Jack Curtis Trail, Burlington High School, Iowa; U.S. Air
Force four years during Korean Conflict; employed by wholesale
JoaneElsie Beavers, daughter of Basil Beavers.
316 Melrose Court, Burlington, Iowa.
James Trail'
Joseph Francis Trail
Susan Trail
'Robert Edward Couture -_-.».__»__..__~__._- Sylvig &, Ggutupa
Mrs. Sylvia G. Couture, Women’s Army Corps.
Joan Marie Couture
Tom Richard Trail
Dorothy Mildred Meloan -~~»-----~---~---»---»»» Harry S.
(Sep. 21, 1935) Jan. 12,
Nova 7
Harry "Pokey" Reid, son of M0ntgomery Reid and Georgia
operated school bus line for Blsberry Public Schools for many years;
Elsberry Cemetery.
Dorothy Mildred Meloan, operates buses for Elsberry Public
Elsberry, Missouri.
, f'
Q]r» ‘ko
, ;»-_,,,
- _ BH9.
1507. .
Etta Jean Powell” ~---~- -~--- »----- --=-Francis Marion Sleet
(oct. 3, l9h2)
2nd»---~-»-»--~---~- »»--- ~- -~--»-- ~~George Arthur Worley
l962wJohn Patrick Worley”-=~»»-»-»~-Oct. 27, 1952-~
l963~Merry Sue Worley ---- -~~-~---~"~N0v. 19, l955“~
Etta Jean Powell; Elsberry High School.
Francis Maricnidleet, son of Earl Sleet.
82? Lakeside Place, Chicago HO, Illinois.
Sybil June Waters
David Bruce Black
Died in infancy.
Edward Benjamin Black
Elsberry High School.
Mary Lou Black
Elsberry High School.
Nancy Christina Nuckols
Bush School for Girls, Seattle, Washington; University of Washington,
Stanford University, Stanford Chorale; Young Republicans Club.
60h9 Keswick Drive, Seattle, Washington.
ig.-; _ | _
a ‘M  
Nancy Christina Nuckols, born in Boston, Massachusetts; Helen

V11-15l5¢f -
Dameron McDonald Black
Bruoe Elliott Black
VIIw15l7g A _
Shirley Dorothy Caldwell
VII-1515. I _ ¢
TRobert Howard Coldwell
VIIIvlEl9. ;1
Hazel Marie Curiie
V1II»1S2O. - I
' 'william Heery oepeie-=
Ethyl Meryl Curtle
VIEI~l52li. I
Louise Marie Sane
VIII»l52l%. I
Frances Irene Sean
Donald Curtis Marehl
VIII»l523. -
Ruth Elinor Marsh
fl iii
ef. iw
oy \- an
_ J,
1526. _
Robert Brooks Douglas
Died in early childhood.
Mary Elizabeth Douglas
Hazel Irene D0ug1&S
VIII-1529, k
LaVerne D. D0ue1aS \
viii-1530. 5
Melvil Howard Keesler
Douglas Kessler
Jeanette Estelle Hickman
Albert George Hickman
Juehl Ferehing Douglae
Bert Pierce Douglas
Harriet Maine Douglas g
-1537. 3
Harold Douglas
Died in infancy.
D 1
Helen Brooks Douglaef _ Robert Eugene oug as

Wilbur Douglas Ramsey
Lloyd Larene Ramsey
Howard Harry Ramsey
' Carmen Luoile Ramsey
Arthur Curtis Glenn
Died in infancy.
Edward Wesley Glenn
Robert Ray Glenn
John Swift Berry
~ William Buruadette Berry
Betty Louise Berry
Laura Ann Yates
Mildred Viola Yates
Paul Godfrey Perry
Glen Milton Perry
V111-1553. --
Alice Lavoe Morgan
Donuetta Curtis
Gloria Mae Curtis
William Joseph Griffith
Robert Jean Griffith
Kenneth Eugene Griffith
Helen Lucille Griffith
Leroy Dean Trumbley
Ruth Arline Trumbley
Charles K. Chubbuok, Jr.
Lou Anna Overalle- »~--'---* *'~' ' "”’“' '*"“ Percy Tiedeman
Hawk Point, Missouri
Kathleen Overall ---- ~----~ - ‘““””"” Levoid Rheadee
~T"1196u-Carol Ann Rhoades~-- -*-- ~-- “'° '
196§~Sharon Fay Rhoades--~---~--- “'“"“
7-~1@e5gRevuaDeWayne Rhoedes~-~ ---- --“"~~‘“
Troy, Missouri.

David Alan Gannon
John Dudley Cannon, Jr
Doris Marie Gannon
Betty Lou Gannon
Marjorie June Cannon
Andrew James Cannon
Barbara Jean Cannon
Vivian Ellen Gannon
Daughter Cannon
Bessie Mae Cannon
Jackie Gannon
Thomas Eugene Darter, Jr.
Box MAS, Livermore, California.
William Andrew Darter
Sherry Ellen Carver
Earl Edward Cannon
I' David Gannon
I Ka¥nryn Gannon
VIIIel583¢ I
Jimmie Heohler
v11i»15ea.K JI
Ronnie Hecnler
Ja rres Bruce Fee ter
Marshall Allan Foster
Polly Jean Foster
#1588, I I
Larry Edwin Foster
Wilma Jane Foster
Steeen Wesley Foster
Etta Elaine Foster
-1592. ` " I
Clara Lorraine Foster
'J-59h.| ‘- 1 u
Dennis Ralph Foster
LaVerna Ann Ross

Brenda Renee Ross
Suzette Gail Ross
Alan Dale Mogugh
Nathan Elmer Rogers
Joy Ann Rogers
Lillian Gene Rogers
Died in infancy.
"l   o
Linda Lusse
Daniel Jay Lewis
Rebecca Susan Lewis
William Robert Lewis
Steven Michael Cannon
Richard Lee Cannon
Patricia Carolyn Freese
Redonia Kay Beokemeyer
Denzel Albert Beckemeyer
Malcolm William Beohemeyer
William Lewis Wells ~---- ----~~--~------- Helen Lillian Kellam
(13600 7,   JE-no 33  
William Lewis Wells, horn in Paynesville, Missouri; Paynesville
Public Schools; Kemper Military School; University of Missouri;
Various Army Schools; Christian; A,F. & A.M.; Shrine; Career officer
in United States Army; Military Attache to Ambassador Dowling in
Seoul, Korea; married by Chaplain Donahue at Chapel at Fort Knox,
Helen Lillian Kellam, daughter of Col. Paul Kellam and Lillian
LeMerle Shores; horn at Camp John Hay, Baguio, Philippine Islands;
Cleveland High School, St. Louis; Notre Dame Academy, Philadelphia;
Lindenwood College, St. Charles, Missouri; Episcopal; Daughter of
th3   e
Paynesville, Missouri, c/o W. A. Wells
Harry Taylor Wells
Robert Alfred Wells
Judy Ann Adsit
Bonnie Dee Adsit
Kathy Lee Adsit
VIII~l6l5» _
Vickie Adsit
Laurey Adsit

Sharon Lee Cannon
Colleen Lynn Gannon
Q) `;  
l63M. '
Cynthia Rebeooa Cannon
Llnda Sue EDn§t
VIII~1622. Vl;I7;636f
William Gannon Pixley Mighagl Edwgfd Ernst
VIII=l623. VIII71637°
Thomas Dawson Pixley William Mighae; Rgiq
VIII-162M. v¥II“1638°
John Gannon Hackethorn Stephen Ma1Co%@ Reid
vIII_1625_ Dieq in infancy; Elene
David Lyon Heeketnern YIII7l639'
vIII_1626_ ` 1 David Clarence Cannon
Susan Melinda Haoketnorn ®:.‘@; VIII'16uO°
V111-1627. ` Edwefe Wil?i@m 539993
William Randolph Peeler II V1II'l6@;?
VIII-1628. Steghen D@V%d S“;;ipS
Melinda Peeler VIII716u27
VIII»1629» §q;%i“$
James Andrew Gannon KI1I:;6h3'
vI11-1630. eaaaa Biqhard ga??5”
John Lewis Gannon, Jr. vlllzléhgi
VIII-1631. N@*a £0 Hanes
Cecily Cannon V;IIvl6u5°
VIII-1632. Linéa Lee Hangs
William Olin Cannon Vlllnléuéf
VIII*1633l Q@\@ Jeffrey Barnes Hanes
Joseph Edwin Gannon
George Byron Roadhouse
fry Cemetery

Deborah Page Roadhouse
James alfred Yeoham, Jr.
Carol Rue Cannon
Vickie Rae Cannon
Richard Bruoe Mordwald
Kerry Lynn Cole
Virginia Lynne Showalter
Dennis Sidley DeLiele
Died in early manhood.
Patricia Jean DeLisle
Barbara Ann DeLiele
Miohael DeLie1e
Kathleen Mary Byrne
Terence Michael Byrne
Timothy Patrick Byrne
Patricia Jeanne BF?n@
Colleen Anne Byrne
Chrietopher Michael Byrne
Brian anthony Byrne
Lisa Anne Byrne
Lynn Mary Byrne
Suzanne Marie Byrne
Mark Richard Byrne
Elizabeth Ann Byrne
Patrick William Moore
Ann Mary Moore
VIII-l6Th. '
Susan Lynn Streeter
Leigh Ann Streeter

,' 1
_ _v=?
‘ _ _
Barbara Jean Hammaek
Carol Jane Hammaok
Sharon Zee Hammack
Charles Hammaok
Elsberry High School;
Bonnie Hammack
Nancy Hammaok
Susan Hammack
Sandra Diane Atwell
Ronda Atwell
Stephen Edward Atwell
Janice Lee Grevelt
Rebecca Ann Crevelt
Donald Eugene Lilley
James Lester Mayes
UaSn Army
William Ronald Mayes
Cnarla Ann Howard
Brenda Jean Howard
Robert Thomas Howard
William Keele Howard
Iris Jeanette Elston
Elsberry High Schggl; gmplgyed by Ussg Government in Sta Louis,
Alice Faye Eleton
Elsberry High School;
Anne Arleen Eleton
Connie Lon Eleton
Robert Stephen Taylor
°lI00» - A
Betsy Kay Taylor
Richard Gannon Mayes-
363. 1
employed by U.S. Government in St. Louis,
l I

~Ralph W. Meyer
--~-~---~-Helen Brown
Homer Brown and Marguerite Mitchell;
James Breylee
Sarah Kathryn Gourley
vt; ttttttttt r
VIII-1716. n
"'1702\\ _  
® -o v ea Gl a » »»-- - ~»-
Peggy Ann M&yeS i eva na a ney
_l7O3. St. Charles, Missouri.
VIII»l 16%.
William Edward Mayes 7 2 '
B G d ..._. _ _..__ ._.....
_17Ou' alph la ney
R h G d ‘ F C _
Richard Guy weeks al? le HEY; Merchant, owner of Gladney eed ompany
1 O5 Helen Brown, daughter of
“ 7 ,» Elsberry High eeheel.
Kathy Lou Weeks Elsberry, Missouri.
'1706- V111-1717.
Joseph Wayne Moran Delphy Delorie Cochran~----~--
"17°7° 1967-Son erey-lee
John Edward Moran 2nd_wm__ _____ ___
5 1 1=qJ»ef=P _ Y
"17°8° V111-1718.
Kevin Jameg Moran I Q-i;Q GYTUS G1adnSymm____________“_________m_
1709. (Aug. 73 l93u) Jun
1968-Sue Ann Gladney ---- ~-»~-~- »--~Apr
'£aT9ldmE@W§rd'M°F5P Ile 1969»Hichard Lee Gladney --»» ~ ---- -~-Jul
1710 1970-Robert Ira Gladney-~-~- -- ~~-» Jul
' l971»Betty Blanche Gladney»-~~ ~-»»~Nov
Christy Boone K Cyrus Gladney; A.R° Presbyterian; Operating
Columbia Quarry Company.
engineer with
Cheri Boon Sarah Kathryn Gourley, daughter of Herbert Gourley and Blanche
G Waggener; Baptist; A.B.C, Club; Northeast Missouri State Teachers
1?12 College; Washington University; Teacher in Clarence Cannon School,
' Eleberry, Missouri; married by Rev. Charles Edwards at Elsberry,
Eleberry, Missouri.
James G, Jones~~»--»
1715. _
tm @
Clarence Jay Wheeler

Russell Everette Gladney- ------ ---- »-~-~--- Hilda Alberta Day
(Sep. 28, 1939) Apr. 3, 1920
Russell Everette Gladney, horn in Elsberry, Missouri;
Missouri Chiropractic College; Doctor of Chiropractic; Baptist;
Democrat; A.F.& a.M., 32nd Degree; American Legion Post #226;
Sigma Phi Kappa; married by Bev. M. D. Dudley at Troy, Missouri.
Hilda Alberta Day, daughter of Henry Leslie Day and Mary ann
Eddy; born in Siler, Missouri; Siler Public Schools; Baptist; Democrat
6029A Carlsbad avenue, St, Louis 16, Missouri.
Samuel Reid Gladney -~------------------ Frances Mae Adkinson
(Dee. 31, l9hl)
AUgn 15; 1919
2nd-»--»- -------~ ------------- Vada Dorothea Miller
(Dec. 22, 19n5) Dec. 27, 1920
1972-Ronald craig c1aaaey~~--- ~”~~ 4-ret. 19, iehae-
l973~Jeanette Kay Gladney ------- ~--- Dec. ll, l95h--
l9?h-Janis Ann Gladney ---- ~------- --Apr. 1, 1956--
Samuel Reid Gladney, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
High School; University of Missouri, ;,s., L. Le.; Lawyer, Baptist;
Democrat; Phi Delta Phi; formerly alderman Fourth Ward, Baytown,
Frances Mae Adkinson, daughter of Benjamin adkinson and Margaret
` Veda Dorothea Miller, daughter of George and Dorothea Miller;
born in Elsworth, Kansas; Halstead Hospital School of Nursing,
Halstead, Kansas, Diploma; University of Missouri, College of
Business and Public administration, B.S.; Lutheran; Democrats
2816 ~ h2nd Street, Des Moines, Iowa.
Helen Mae Gladney
Wayne Gladney
Uolumbia, Missouri.
1 V.-YV
Q W ti
til B
VIII~172S. A
Curtis G1agn@y_-~~» »..- ~~~~~- ---- ~ ------ Vivian Evelyn Ralph
(sep. 23, l9H5} Feb. 22, 1921
l977”5harles carols G1adney__“ ____ __-sep. 21, 19M8~~
1978-Chere Lynn Gladney ~--~"- “ -°-- DSC- 2» 1951-“
1979-Meta Barbara Gladney~ -~-~ ~- ---- NOV» 23, l953““
198O»Dru Curtis Gladney -~--- »~ ----- »-Nov. 3, 1955-~
Curtis eiadney, born in Elsberry, Missouri; University Of
Southern California, e.s., Eiectricai engineering; E1@°t?1°a1 eeaiaser
and contractor; Baptist; Democrat; B.P.0-E-S LiOUS3 maffied at MOU”
rovia, Los angeles County, California; by Father Torney.
Vivian Evelyn Ralph, daughter of Harry Ralph and Vivian Evans;
University of Southern California; Catholic; Democrat; Emblem Club
255 Cary Lane, Dos Angeles, California.
VIIIel726. P
Clarice Glagngy ..... ..e__ s- ----~ as-e---~-John William Lowery
(Aug. 1, 19n1) Oct. 21, 1917
1981~Wil1iam Curtis Lowery----~~»--~--3ul» 17, l9h7--
Clarice Gladney, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High
School; Baptist; Democrat; married by Rev. Pruitt at Raton, New
John William Lowery, son of William Canada Lowery and Mary
Patterson; born in Julesburg, Colorado; Sedgwick High 5GhO01s 5010*
rado; Sales manager; Baptist; Democrat; Lubbock Lions Club, President;
A,F, & A.M.
1310 - 58th Place, Lubbock, Texas.
Dagafgng G@mtpy~-w~~»»~- --»~---- ~““"' "“* Norman Ke Sitton
(oct. 17 1935)
l9B2~John Norman Sitton~ »---- -~--
l983~Sandra Kay Sitton-~-
E'l an Gentry~~-~»~. ~------- *-”--* ~~'~
1 6 (Apr. 23, 1933)
l93heCurtis Donald Smith~ ----~---
1985~Pn111p canary sm1ea~+~ »-~-
DSCU 16, 1911
--~Jul, ao, 1e3?
_-~Jan. it, 19h2
---Arnold Duvall
Apr, 20, 1917
Nov; 29, 19h2
ffloet, 11, 191162

Isabel Clyde Gentry- --»- »~-~- ---- ---
ioet. 12, l9MO)
1986-Joel William Luck ---~---- ~---
1933-Lyndon Racea Luck- ----------~
--- ---- Will Kemper Luck
Jsn. 1, 1917
---Oat. 8, l9h2--
l987~Gary Herbert Luck »---~ -----~------- -Mar. lh, l9hT--
---Jul. l, 1949--
will Kemper Luck, son of Raoca Henry Luck and Barbara Jane
Carson; Farmer; Horseman.
Briscoe, Missouri.
Ruth Ellen Gentry ---- ~ ---- ~--~ ~~-- -~~~
(sep, 23, 1938)
l989-Benjamin John Bryant-- ~------- Oct
1990-Rebecca Ellen Bryant-- -------
1991-Ronald Bay Bryant ~--~---- ---
l992~Nary ann Bryant- ---- - ---- --
Helen Bettye Gentry- ----- ------------
(June 8
Benjamin Witten Bryant
25» 1917
16, 1939-~
11, l9MM”-
3, l9MT--
15, l95H““
-John Finley Ellis
. 19t6) Mer 1920
May Qh, 1950
1355-Connie Norine Ellis- ------ - ~-»---
l3S6»John Thomas s111S--~~---» ~- --»»-~Jas. , 19u9--
-Aug. Eh, l9h7--
-Robert E. Finley
(apr. n, 1951) apr. 16, 1930
Jean riniey s111e No. l35H in alreet 11ne.
Robert E. Finley l7?O in direct line
Whiteside, Missouri.
VIII-1733. '
William Benjamin G1adney» ---- e~ -~-~- ~»Estelle Geisel Blumeyer
(oat. 30, l9u5) rea. 11, l92l
l99T=5ally Anne Gladney- ~-~- -~-----Mar. n, 19h7~
1998-Nancy Estelle Gladney ---~- ---- Aug» 25, 19h9~
l999eVirginia Ann Gladney---- -»--- ~Dec» 6, l9h5r
2000-William Benjamin Gladney, Jr.-Jan. ll, 1956-
William Benjamin Cladney, Kemper Military Academy; Christian
Brothers High School; University of Missouri; Automobile Dealer;
married in Rectory of St. Louie Cathedral by Rev. Thomas F. Durkin.
Estelle Ceisel Blumeyer, daughter of Arthur Adolphus Blumeyer
and Ada Veronica Geisel; Visitation Academy; Lindenwood College”
Sikeston, Missouri.
Karl William Shannon-~- ---- - ~-~- -7 ~-------- »Anna Mae Barrett
(Feb. in, l9h2) Apr. 22, 1923
2001-Gerald William Shannon-»-~---~- ---Jul. 7, l9M7~~
2002-Karen Elaine Shannon--~--~» ~---~-- *~Qpr. 22, 1952--
Karl William Shannon; farmer; married at A.R.P. Church, Elsberry,
Missouri, by Rev. Nale Falls.
Anna Mae Barrett, daughter of Wallace Barrett and Nita Fielder.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Harold Mark Shannon- ---»- ---- -----~- ---Nancy Lou Pritchett
2003-Garold Shannon---9 ------- ~~ ~-»Sep. 1, 1951-~
200h-Wayne Sutro Shannon~»- --~-~ ---~- ~epr. 9, l953~»
Harold Mark Shannon, farmer; Breeder of Angus cattle.
VIII"1732= nancy Leu Pritchett, daughter of Elmo Pritchett ana Miss scott.
Lynda Q99 Gontny-r-~»~-v ------------ Carlyle Galloway Jr. 1 9
‘ ' (Jul, 1, 19h8) Mar. 25, 1928 ’ CYf@"@= MiSS°“Fi°
l993~§ugene Carlyle Galloway ------- May 8, l9h9-- vIII”;736?
l99h:F0&n Marie Gal;°Way"`"'""" Oct' Q’ 195°‘“ Cora Lee Shannon- ------~~- ~ -~---- William Maurice Scott, Jr.
1995 loyd Henry Gallowaye ----- -- Nov.l%, l9Sl-- 9 (D 2; lqul) Q 10 1917
1996-Judith Lynette’GalloWay-_ ____ _Jun.l , 195n-- 90° t= “gf ’
1 Lynda Lee eantay, Elsberry High School; reiier in sane of Old §gg§'§i§;i§§W§;§”§°§tiffff_fff§fjjfff;§;°‘ ig’ §;§§§;
Monroe, Missouri; married in Elsberry, Missouri, 2007”Ngna Lee Scott Mags ll, 195h
1 _ 1 _____,__.______ _.._ _ , -_
ns, 1g3§l§§ea§;;;§W§§5e€r°' Elsbérry gigh Sahoolg Implement Dealefi w1111am Maurice scott, Jr., een or William Maurice Scott and
I _ |

Lecil Porter Overstreet; married at A,R.P. Ghurch, Elsberry,
Missouri, by Rev. Charles E. Edwards.
Foley, Missouri.
Frances Evalyne Shannon--»-~Richard Franklin Whiteside, Jr.
(Jan. 1, 19h2)
May 19, 1920
2008-Connie Jean Whiteside~ ------ ~~-----~~May l9h7~~
2009~Richard Franklin Whiteside IlI»-~--~»Apr. 25, 1951-~
Richard Franklin Whiteside, Jr., Farmer, winner of 100 Bushel
Per Acre Corn Awards; son of Hon. Richard Franklin Whiteside, Sr.,
and Mary Creevy.
Foley, Missouri.
Iva Ruth 5h&nn0n~-- -~=-- »~-~-~~ »-~-~- ~--- “Russell Allensworth
(Jul. 31, 19au)
2Ol0~Iva shares Al1ensworth= ~-»---- +a~,Mar. 1s;*fsy5_1
Married in Methodist Church, Canton, Missouri.
2Ddr-“~~-~~r~-~- ----- ~~-~ ~-»- ~-~- ---- --Rex A. Johnston
2011-Larry Msrsenadehnasen--~ ---- »»----Jul. 9, 1955--
2Ol2~Lyl@ Edward-Johnstcn~»~ ---- ---~--Mar. 12, l957~-
5h7o South Boston, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
DOPOEUY Jean Shannon- ---- -~-~ -- ------- ~- ---- Delmar Dickmsier
(Jan. ae, 1953)
Delmar Dickmeier, son of Harry Dickmeier.
Troy, Missouri. ~
Martha Virginia Reid -*~--- ------- ~~~~--Charles Gannon Howard
(NOV| J-I-g   D331    
l69l~Gharla Ann Howard -~-- -~ -------- May 17, 19u6~-
1692-Brenda Jean Howard» ~---- - --~--- Jan, 16, 19§1-~
Charles Cannon Howard No. ll7l in direct line.
”’” W
  1 3?1. 9
I VlII&17hl. °
§\;@i Bruce Burrel Harlow- -»»- ~~-?h0cb@ White
Z' 201 -Robert Harlow-e-s~-~-~ --- ““
Q 2011-Ann Harlow ---- ~ °--- ~-=~ '-“- " °”“
| 2015»Jenathan Clair Harlow ----~--~- ~- ~-~--- -~
! Bruce Burrel Harlow, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Qkla'
home University; graduate work at Columbia University; Library Science;
9 employed with publishing company. `
- Long Island, New York.
X VIII~1?h2. ` -
Robert Wilson Harlow-~~-~-~ °“~“JUilHU@ Walkgf
2016-Russell Harlow* ------- -- »---- “ *--~- ---“
Robert Wilson Harlow, horn in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Missouri
School of Mines and Metallurgy at Rolla, Missouri; Engineer with
Oklahoma Light and Gas Company.
_ Sapulpa, Oklahoma.
,_ _ VIII»lTh3.
d William Edwin Gladney
Centralia High School; Missouri Sdiool of Mines and Metallurgy.
, VIII~l7hh.
Jack Gladney~--- “" '“'“
2017- 9
Mya, Jagk Gladney, contestant in Powder Puff Horny; skilled
airplane pilot.
Shirley Patch
2013* -
- San Diego, California.

assert Baskett Trails- ~--»-- --------- ---- -“Irene Jane Thurman
(Oct. 19, 1956) ost. 19. 1937
Robert Baskett Trail; Elsberry High School; washington Univer
sity; Presbyterian; assists father in operation of Conoco St3tl0U-
Irene Jane Thurman, daughter of Thomas Thurman and Kathryn
Vaughn; Presbyterian; Troy High School.
Elsberry, Missouri.
John Oliver Harrison
Thomas Harrison
Daughter Gladney
Daughter Gladney
Daughter Teasley
Robert Wayne Dameron- ~---- +--
(03131 305  
Emily Marie Dameron-~
Robert Edward Dameron
Roberta Mae Dameron~-
Michael Wayne Dameron
»------- ----Aug
_--_ ~--- -----sap
-_--- ----- _»-Oat
Mae Hopke
Robert Wayne Dameron, horn in Middletown, Missouri; Dameron
Feed and Grain Company; Democrat; married at Hannibal, Missouri,
by Rev. Clark Buckner.
Florence Mae Hopke, daughter of Gussie Hopke and Vena Marie
Shephard; Bowling Green High School; Baptist; Democrat.
Olney, Missouri.
VIIIa1753. '
T r
George Dawson Dameron
(Dec. 23, l950)
202h-Errett Keith Dameron-~-~-W-~-~
2025-George Gilbert Dameron--~~~»--
2026-Linda Denise Dameron-»-~-~~~--
Bernina Louise'Harding
Jani 1931
ost. 13, l951w=
Jule l3» l953°”
Oct. 16, 19
Dawson Dameron, operates trucking business.
Bernina Louise Harding, daughter of Austin Harding and
~ Sidwell; Elsberry High School.
P viii
Elsberry, Missouri.
Norman Eugene Dameron
Carolyn Ann Wells
Carol Gay Ransdell
Eames T11denfRansdel1
James Emerson gussey
sasraeia Lyne_saee@y
Sydney Sue Gladney
1761. '
Terry Lynn Gladney
1762. '
Carla Jean Gladney
1?e3. s
Carl Eugene Gladney

w 375-
Bzu' VIIl~1772.
L yy @’ Shelby F1n1ey--»- -~ -------- -~-- ~ --~» ~»~»Merion Glen Phelps
Sidney Leroy Gledney 'l' (DSG~ 27, 1952) APP= 2H» 1929
VIII-l?65. E Lllf I 2031-Berry Lynn Phelps- »-~--~--» -~~»Feb, 12, l95%~»
’ l ` _ 2032#Vioki Louise ?helps-»~»-- ~~ ---- ~°Jen. 2, l%S ee
Lewis Eugene Hou t
- ~ y Sion Shelby Finley, born in»Whiteeide, Missouri; Troy and Silex
VIII-l?66. Public Schools; Presbyterian; Democrat; DoA.M¢ Federated Club;
~ - . married at Pine Lawn, Missouri, by Revo Elmo Purvis.
Pauline Agnes Houston
e H f i v Marion Olen Phelps, born et Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
VIII»l767. High School; employed by Ford Plant et Robertson, Missouri;
~ 1 Presbyterian; Democrat.
Elizabeth Mae Houston n E M
o lsberry issourl.
v1;1-1768. VIII ’
o ' t -l?73.
Martha Frances Houston P t W W t
o _ or er , lor on
Billy Ben Houston S Bl 1
o on ackwe l
" _ v11I~1?75.
Robert E” Fi“1@Y°~~“~-- *’“' “ --~-~ ~* ~--~ -~Helen Batt G 3 $113
e _ J (sore M, 1951) Aus. 29 1932 an ry d Paul J°S1F“~~-° '"”Ma’Y Evelyn H“ff
Helen Bettye Gentry ND. 1731 in.direot line.
fiflll-jl7?l. '
l Betty Ruth Fin1@y-__-_ ____ __,__,*,_ __;_Uh t G Paul Joslyn; decorated for bravery in ection in South Pacific
" ~ (Mer. 23, 19h6) o N0§f~e§, Qgggm G”&V during World woo II; ,
2027-Robert Olon Gre o-_-_ __._ o,l__-__v -' e __
3858-sjoovoo Moo so-o§....-..-._,_u_o_..i__;;=,§§`{§ §j QQ" vII1-1vT6.
-Y `9°'   G' Fw' I--ni-~;n-1--op-._..\....,. I _
2OjO~JZ;§yAnga§e ffl-- ’ _ ~ °¢t° 13' l955““ Mary Eileen Joslyn» --------~-----~--- ~- ---william Reeves
Pay* _¢“__m_q'_“_-*_Feb' 5* 1957““ (Dec 15 l9U7}
_ = ' ° 1
Chester Graham Gray son gf 01' Alb t G
§§ore;iiiGrshsm, Elsberry High Schogg; U_§? Nagg? §2? §gié&in QOBH" William Reevesoo .... --_---oooo_-o----
rec one' merr' d b D , H ‘ d , ` ` ‘
Elsberry, Migooueif Y T epbert WabSQ“ at A-R-?~ Churchs Mary Aileen Joslyn, sloboory High sooool; Federated Club;
~ msrried by Rev. H. L. Wald st Troy, Missouri.
1' Bott R t F ` =` . .
S¢ho01S» g lubh `in1e?' bgrn is whit9Side= M1S3°Ufi5 31161 Public William Reeves soo of Roll Reeves; served overseas with U.S
_ 9 res yterian, Democrat. Army during world wg? II
309 Malcolm, Sikeston, Missouri, E u l Elsberry Missouri
_Q I
\' .\ .J

E@gar Lee Joslyn~-~----_ _ §Q|@§
Edgar Lee Joslyn, Elsberry High Sghool; resides fb COl0TaaO"_
Lindell Joslyn
Elsbeffy High School. ‘
VIII-1779, V
Wayne Joslyn _
Barbara Jean Jeslyn
Winifred Cantor
Dempsey   _;  
, Dempsey
_ Dempsey
VII1elT59= `
' Ruth Ulevia Singleton~
-~-~- -»--- e~-»~-Thomas Taylor
(Jun, 25, 1933) Jan. 22, 1912 _ _
l676~Barbara Jean Hammaok-~~»-- -»-» Feb, 5s 19H1““
Nova 12, 19]-l~3"""
Oct. 26, 19M6-~
16T7~Garol Jane Hammaok»~--~-r-~*-“
l678»Sharon Lee Hammaok»=-er-“ro--~
Thomas Taylor Hammack, No. ll5M in direct 1iD@~
Q Dan Earl Cobb
E Eleanor Louise Cobb
é pay Anne Q0bb._ $¢.,... W_.-~~ ------~~~ -Edward Joseph Cole III
_ (Aug. 16, 1952> H
~2o3;eJeffeeg~Joeepn Coleee »-@-@~-~~ Mar- 15, 195M“°
4 2036-Cynthia Fay Cole ~~-~-~-----~ --May 22, 1957-*
% 315 South Albert'Street, Mount Prospect, Illinois.
David George Cobb»“~~»-“H -~-- ~---°'“~
(Jul. 18, 1953)
---a ----Therese Larsen
203?~Barton George Gobb-~-»*- -~“~ ~°“~~
105 Druid Hills Road, Temple Terrace, Tampa, Florida.
Charles Benjamin Kaiser, Jr.
‘ V111-1796.
Darnelle Zipf
“ltr  3
W. S=.Zi§f
"' “"'   25|  

¢lT98. I
Nide Eugene Cobb, Jr. é t<§j
1799. I
Ruth Charline Galloway ----------~--*“-- “"* Victor M- Smith I
(Feb. ia, l95M)
2038~Carlyle Victor Smith ---“----*-- ~~** GPF- 30, l955" \
Ruth Gharline Galloway, born in Louisiana, Missouri; Elsberry
School; Washington University School of Nursing, R.N. _ A I
3193 South l9hO East, Salt Lake city, Utah. 9]
1800. I
. Carlyle Galloway, Jr.~ ----- ~~~--~-~*
. 1995
,Lynda Lee
(Jul. 1, l9h3)
Eugene Carlyle Galloway--~
Jean Marie Galloway- -~~-- -
Floyd Henry Galloway ------
Judith Lynette Galleway---
Gentry, Ne. lT32 in direct
- Carol Jean Galloway -~-»-------- »~~--
(sep. Q, i9u8)
Leslie Carole Waggener ~»--
Stephen Mark Waggoner---
David Matthew Waggon er---
Joseph Daniel Waggener --~------ Dec
-~ -~~Lynda Lee Gentry
Jul. l, l929
~-~May 8, l9h9*~
' *Goto 9,  
---Nev.lh, l9Sl-~
-»--- ---Jun.l6, l95h--
~---*Marvin Leslie Waggener
Oct. l, l928
-----Mar 23, 1950"-
-~---Feb. M, 1952--
----Jun. l3, l953»-
28: ]-95T""
.Carol Jean Galloway, born in Louisiana, Misa>uri;
High School; Washington University School of Nursing, R.N.; BQ tist;
O.E.S.; married at Baptist Church, Elsberry, Missouri, by Rev. G. E
'Marvin Leslie Waggener, born in Elsberry, Missouri; son of
Marvin Leslie Waggener and Emma Catherine Lovelace; Elsberry Public
Schools; Receiving Manager for Sears, Roebuck and Company, No. l92l
in direct line; Baptist.
13530 Oak Ridge, st. Louie, Mieeeari.
1Bettye Sue Galloway- ----------»-- »~-
(May 21, l9h8)
l?6O»Sydney Sue Gladney ~--»--~-
lT6l~Terry Lynne Gladney ~~-----
IT62-Carla Jean Gladney -------
---Charles Sidney Gladney
16; l927
18, l95O~
20, 1952-
l3 1955-
Charles Sidney Gladney, Ne. l25h in direct linei
l803» -
Linda Kay Galloway
David Reid Galloway
Dale Allan Galloway
Lucinda Galloway
Gary Kent Morrow
Pamela Morrow
Nancy Jane Worrow
Died in infancy.
Dennis Wayne Galloway
Elsberry High School
"'-1  a
Diane Galloway
Nana Betti Galloway
Candace Kelly
  0 '
Reita Allen Kelly
Jane Raenet Peasel

Linda Lovell
Kay Marie Adkinson
Jane Sue adklnson
Renee LaRue
Jean LaRue
John Haden Lagoa; Jr,
VIII 1822?
Wallace LaRue Frank
Robert Clarence Frank
RobinGue Frank
Sammy Clarence Norris
Jan_LaRue Morris
Alan Oscar-Arbogaat~~»~e~-~ ~~----- --»- Violet Marie Hoelscher
(Jan. 26, l9SO)
Aprl 263   `
EOM3-Norman Alan arbogaat-~--+»--~-Nov. 18, 1951-e
ZOMQ-David Clauoe Arbogaet-~v-e---
ZOMS-Linda Arbogast- -----~ -»~~-»-- -
#May 13; l9S2fe -»
Ango 8, lggll-"'“ `
Alan Oscar Arbogaet, born in St._Louis, Missouri; Hissouri _y
Military academy; Saleamanager for Metro Motor Company; married by "
Justice of the Peace at Edwardsville, Illinois. Violet Marie
Hoelscher, daughter of Otto F,.Hoe1eoner and Lean W, Hoeklemann;
St..Nary Magdalene School; Catholic; Democrat; Kirkwood, Missouri.
VIII»l826é. -
Donald Clark Arbogaet
Susan Louise arbogast~~ Thomas C Lanenda
1616 Salzedo, Coral Gables, Florida
VIII~l328. `
Thomas We Arbogaet
Robert Arthur Bickel
John Thomas Bickel
Elizabeth ann Bickel
Janice Ann Waters--~»- Paul D Bunker III
(Oat 2?, 1956) oct 18, 1937
Paul D. Bunker Ill, son of General W1l11am Beonler Bunker
and Crystal Carr; Hanley Senior E1gn School, UHlVSPSltH C1ty,
St. &ouie, Missouri.
VIII l833»
Sarah Lynn Waters
VIII l83u.
Charles William Watson
VIII 1835.
Robert Eugene Edwards
VIII 1836.
Carl Gilbert Himmel
Marlene Ray Himmel

Kenneth Laverne Elston Q
Clayton Dale Elston
18110 .
Beverle Kay Elston
Hsrolé Eugene Scherf, Jr. _@1, Q
Doris Hammaok-~-»~~~~~- --»- ~» -- - --~---Leo Leverington
Patti Lynn Elston
Mikel Harold Cannon
18113 .
Monte Cannon
Richard Barnott Sonerf, Jr.
Sonora Jayne Seharf
Margaret Ann Soharf
William Hammock
-18119 .
Jane Hammock
Doris Hammock, Elsberry High School.
"Peanuts" Leverington, Elsberry High School; Overseas service
in‘Hor1d war II; American Legion;”Restaursnt Owner. 1
  1: °
Sallie McDonald
Reid Arthur Olson
Died in infancy.
John Eric Olson
Patricia Ann Olson
Uonnie Norine Ellis
"1   o
Jenn Thomas Ellis
1858. _
' Ellis
Glenn Austin Pearson, Jr
Dale Alan Pearson
Becky Sue'A1exandef
william Gerald oelsny
Debra Malin Delsny

.Diane Cennon Delany
Sandra Jean Doyle
Nancy Forster Doyle
Deborah Ord Bradstreet
Judith Cannon Bradstreet
Barbara Doyle Bradstreet
Robert Clifford Cannon
Christine Ann Becker
Carol Lynn Becker
Craig Cannon Becker
Pamela Vee Farmer
Mildred Alena Brown~-~~»~--e ---~ ---~ ---- Ralph Ernest Herman
(Dec. 6, 1936) Mar. 8, 1909
Mildred Alena Brown, born in Roseburg,tOregon; Roseburg High
School; Methodist; Republican; Precinct Committeewoman; Executive
Secretary Douglas County Cnapter of American Red Cross; Board
Member Campfire, Inca; Community Chest; Business and Professional
Women*s Club, Past President; war Manpower Committee;A,merican
Legion Auxiliary; Rebekah Lodge nl; Town and County Garden Clube
fall @
dw] Q
all *Q
Married bv Rev. Charles A. Edwards at Roseburg, 0P@E°U~
_ Oragon, Sglma Public
3_1 h E negt Herman born in Selmaé _ _u . W
S no l;°pAdc£x School Of’AUtOm0tlVG Tralnlng, Service iaD&g@P=
G O ’ F - ice outside of 3 Years with
b Motor G0mD&UY (21 Years §Sfv_ _ _ 1° -
§?§? dggy) Chief Motor Meenaaie Mate, Methodist” Repub lcan’
American Legion; V~F»W»§ DAV= ” '-
1626 wegt Myytlg, Roseburg, 0?@E0U°
Perry A. Palmer
Arlene R. Palmer
Nellie Lou Palmer
Arlin Peffley
______“___,w 11 Mueller
Jeanette Faye CrenSh&W“"“"” ““”"" il am
gghée-Brad Mueller
QQQ6 3/h~Boyd Mueller
Y ",,
Joel Dale Crenshaw
  SQQ C]f‘eUSh.a.T|'\T
Nicholas Murray Kel
VIII-l88h. I
David Lawrence Key
Leslie Ray Kev

Rita Wylene Wagoner
Daniel Earl wegener
l888. c l
Bradley riggemf
1889. _' I
Rriar Diggs .
"189O| I I
Connie Diggs
1891. I
Robin Gayle Wright
Cathlyn Diane Wright
Robert Diggs Wright
Paula Patricia Woodson
Richard Denis Howell
Ruby Marie Howell
l89V I 2 I "`
Donald Thomas Nebels
1898. `
Robert Thomas Howell
Lola Faye Howell
I .
if u
‘ >
$21 QI
an mi
John Herbert Howell
Uharles Joeenh Wilson
Norma Jean Wilson
Michael Heinrich Ulrich
Rebecca Ann Ulrich
Joseph Robert Gillis
Teddy Heady
Glen Heady
Phillip Lee Heady
James Edward Rose -~-- E3
James Edward Ross; E
-----------~~~-~»--Joyce Aileen Davis
ul. 21, 1956) Jul. 1938
lsberry High School; U. S. Army; Aircraft
worker; married at Elsberry, Missouri.
Joyce Aileen Davis, dau
ghter of James Davis and Jesse Belle
Brown; Elsberry High School; employed at McDonnell Aircraft Corpora
Eleberry, Missouri.
Georgia Ann Rose

VIII-1911. 1 .
      nnmm en-....,.,,.,.._.., _,,_ ,,,,,_, ___m*    
_ (May 21, 1955)
20M7“Craig Allen Ross-és -~~---» __-Ju;_ g, ;956__
2OLf_8" ,  
Jan, 3| 1936
Norman Dale Ross, Elsberry High School' U S Ai F -
Southeast Missouri seats Tea a G 1' é § _'I or °??e’
reaches; Christian; e,P.o,E.C arg 0 lege’ ° °’ ndustrlal Aptg
Shirley Koe111ng' horn in Wrl ht cis M- 1-
Christlan Church, Elsherrv, Missougi. Y, lssour 5 m&T?ied at
Illmo, Missouri,
VIII-1912.' `
Michael Ross Meyer
Elsherry High School* Southeast M' 1 st t T _
B.S. in Business Administration; U. s.l§;€;§ Ins3r;nc;a§2§;;m;§%l$ge’
St. Louis, Missouri. ’
Uhervl say serine
James Thomas Adkins
Wade Andrew Waggener
Died in infancy.
VIII-1916. -
Charles Aaronidaegoner, Jr,
Janice Lee Waggener
Henry Donald Lovelace
David Lee Lovelace
wil QQ
l92O. _
Mary Catherine Waggener
Died in infancy.
Marvin Leslie Waggener- ---- ---------- -----
(Sep. h, l9h3)
2039-Leslie Carole Waggoner------- ---
2OhO-Stephen Mark Waggener ------ -- ---
2Ohl~David Matthew Waggoner- -------- -~-
Carol Jean Galloway
1-\|I3.I"| 25, 1  
Mer. 23, l95O
F-labs Ll-3 1952"
Juno 13, ].953""'°
2Oh2-Joseph Daniel Waggener ------- ---- -Docs 2@, 1957--
Carol Jean Galloway, Nov 1801 in direct line.
Elsberrv High School; Missouri University, Gollege of Agricul
tl1I“8 »
Joyce Elaine Lovelace ------- ---- --- ----- ---- Joseph Long
(apr. ao, 1957) sep. 10, 1935
Joyce Elaine Lovelace, Elsherry High School; married at
Eaptist Church, Elsberry, Missouri, by Rev. Pickern.
Joseph Long, son of Joseph Long and Lorena Cox; Elsberry
School; Southeast Missouri State Teachers College; U.S. Army.
St. Louis, Missouri»
Dennis Lynn Lovelace
Carol Ann Lovelace
Larry Emerson Lovelace
Alice Faye Lovelace
Linda Kay Lovelace

“ if
v1J;1»»1a2a. V111-lauo '
= M L l 6
39113 aa Ovelace' Home Louis seed----~ »---~- --- -~-~---- -»- --~~ Ida Edna Summers
VIII&l930° ' (MQT. 20, l9u8} OCt| 30, 1929
W H L 2055-Louie Robert Reed-~- ------ ---- Feb. 3, l9u9--
ads ear? Ovelace. EOS6-Milton Edward Reed -~-- ---Sep. 20, 1952--
gIII_193l( 2057-Michael Eugene Reed --~- ---Jun. M, l95H--
Bettie June Lovelace F°1@v= Mi33”uTi'
VIII--;L<932. VUI-1‘9’+1-
Sidney Powell Lovelace Maygapet J@&n Reed'”' "'¥2E£F°w§%n%@l9
J 2o58_se1ph Knox ---~»-- ---Oct. 6 l9H5““
VIII 1933° 2059-Carol Knox- ---- --- ---OGt- 16; l9M§--
Clark Hampton Lovelace 2060-William Reed Knox ---- ------ ~ --------~ Jen- 30, 1953--
gIII,193u_ Woodrow Knox, son of Aziel Knox; Farmer; brother of noted artist,
William Knox. `
Sarah Jane Trail Foley Missouri
, .
V " |
Ill 1935 VIII-l9n2.
Darnahan John Thomas Reed --~»--~---- ---- Pwulin; Norton
Feb. 2 1932
VIII l936‘ 2061-Thomas Paul Reed ~--- ---- Mar. 31; 1956--
Carnahan 2062-Rhonda Kaye Reed---- ---- Apr. L, 1957--
VIII 1937. Foley, Missouri.
Carnahan vIII`l9u3'
_ George Robert Reed ---- Patricia Ruth Admire
VIII 1938. NOV_ 21, 1933
Mary Catherine Reed--- ---- Arlen Edward Graves 2O63_D&nny ROb&rt Reed Aug 3 1953
_ A _.._ _ , __
Jul’ go’ 1918 206n-Debora Sue Reed- --~- Mar. 16, 1955--
_ _ 65-Rodney Dale Reed ---- A r 9 l956--
ZOMQ-Phyllis Joyce Graves ---- - -----Aug. 18 l9nO-- 20 _ _ p ’
,2G5g_J0hn Edd GraVeS__*&_Q_ "m__Jan_ 3; 1qu3_é 2066-Linda Ann Reed ---- --~~ Jun. l7, 1957_-
V111 1939. VIII'19”f'-L' 6
6 Nellie June Reed ------------------- -- ---- Orville Norton
R b a R a-~- ~ - -~ ~--- --»-- ---»e H .t st M
S acc ee I SEE# \$2’6§92Oone I (F@b» 18, 1|-9}=`P9) 1920
2051 Donald Ray Stone----~- ---- ----~_-e-~Oet¢ 6 l9n2 2O67`Ra1dell goseph N°rt°n"`“' "°' Aug' lo! 1950-~
2052 gpbert Lymn StOne“__“__ “___ & *_ __ééMar‘ 18; l9u7 2O68"SandPa Jean Norton “”“‘“ “ “““*““ * ”“*” *“NOV¢ 3, l953*”
§g§i”R;%;§o§i§§;rgt§;;§i;:;i::;:::I: ;;::§g;: ii; %3§§?' Orville Norton, married at Millwood Church, Lincoln County,
Foley, Missouri
Missouri; Catholic.

Charlie Powell Reed -~~----- -~-- --~ ----- e-Sherrie HHH Cox
“’ - (1956) Jen. 27. 1933
2069»Charles Thomas Reed-----~ “~-- --~- ---Deo. lk, l95T~“
Charlie Powell Reed; attended Elsberry High School; married
in Baptist Church, Elsherry, Missouri, by Rev. Pickern.
Sherrie Ann Go;, daughter of Thomas Marion Cox and Bernice
Triplett; Elsberry §1gh School; Baptist.
Elsherry, Missouri.
VIII~l9h6.' P
_ Rosa Lee Reed~--- -~-- - -~-- --~-- Alvin Adams, Jre
"2O?O»Larry Eugene Adams--- _--Mar. 27, 1956-“
20?l~Kathy Marie Adams ~---~--------~----- Dec. 15, l957~~
Alyin Adams, Jr., son of Alvin Adams; Far=mer.
Whiteside, Missouri.
Jo Ann Reed
Chester Graham Gray --~- Q -----~------ -- --~Betty Ruth Finley
(Mar. 23, l9h6) Octe M, 1931
2027~Rohert Olon Gray~»- ----~-~» ---»--Nov. l, l9h?-~
2028-Steven Allen Gray ---~ --- -- -~---Jul. 9, l9SO~-
2029-Teresa Diane Gray ----- ~ ----»-Oct. 13, 1955-~
2030-Joan Ann Gray-~~ ---------------~- »~Feb. 5, 1957~~
Betty Ruth Finley No. l??l in direct line.
Martha Josephine Gray- -»---~----~ ~--'Robert Edward Pritchett
'y (Jul. 3, iaus) Feb. 6, 1926
2072-Malaine Pritchett- -»------ -~-Oct. 22, l95h--
2O?3~Leon Pritchett ------ ~»------- Aug. ll, 195T--
Martha Josephine Gray; Elsberry High School; Business School;
E.E.P, Club; Presbyterian; married at A.R.P. Church, Elsberry,
Missouri, by Rev. J. Guthrie. -
Robert Edward Pritchett, son of Leslie Edward Pritchett and
ieggy Gillum; Elsberry High School; U. S. drmy; Farmer; American
RFD 2, Elsberry, Missouri <'a
Francis Lee Lig0H--~_ -“-~ we-~~»-»-~-e~~--Helen Virginia Baker
(Sep. 21, 1950) oct. 19, 1926
207h~Sandra Lee Ligon- ---- ---- -_;l-;-Jan, 30, 1952
Francis Lee Ligon, Elsbeiry High School; U. S. Navy, World
war II; Merchant; Baptist. ¢,
Helen Virginia Baker, formerly employed by Bank-of Lincoln
County. e
Charles Robert Benear-~- ----
--~Ruth Amsler
May 9, 1926
2075-Garry Robert Benear-»--~- -=---=~-Jan. 16, l952
2OT6~Gamie Ruth Benear»---
Eugene Ray Benear-----f
-- --- ~---- #May 29, 1955
2O77~5usan Leah Benear ---»- ---Nov." 2,-l95h--
Glen Gray Beneer --~~- ------ ----~--- -~e#Le1s Jean onaeeuek
Feb. 2, 1938
2078-Mark Thomas Benear-~--e-~ =-~-A r 27 l956--
Ralph Norman Gray
Elsberry High School.
Donna Marie Gray
Elsherry High School.
Ina Darlene Gray
Phillip Rendell Gray
Elsberry High School; Baptist
Linda Lou Gray
P ~ ;
l S..

WL 613
611 is
Aohors, Otis Edna, V1»6al
Adams, Alma, VI-L87
Alvin, Jre, VIII-l9M6
Kathy Marie, 2071
Larry Eugene, 2070
Violet, VII~lh7Q
Adcock, Bula Leurine, VI~92O
Adkins, Cheryl Gay, 1913
James Edward, VII-lh69
James Thomas, l9lM
Adkinson, Frances Mae, VlII~lT22
Frederick Hafford, VII--
Jane Sue, 1818
Kay Marie, 1817
Admire, Mary Ann, IV-28
Mary Villetta, V-232
Patricia Ruth, VIII-l9u3
Adsit, Bonnie Dee, 1616
James spencer 111, VII-lO8l
Judy Ann, 1615
Kathy Lee, l6l?
Laurey, 1619
Vickie, 1618
Alexander, Becky Sue, 1862
Richard Malin, 1359
Thomas Henry 1358
Thomas Michael, VI~6B6
Alkire, Edith Estelle, lh6O
Oscar, VI-850
Oscar Norton, lh6l
Allen, Hannah, III~lO
Harry Mumford, 273
John, 2?2
Laura Belle, 271
Mona Fay, VI-6h6
Robert Calvin, IV~h7
allensworth, Iva Sharon, 2OlO
Russell, VII~lT33
9 Altokruse, Louis Edward, VII-1073
Amsler, Ruth, VIII»l951
, \

Arbogast, Alan Oscar, 1826i
David Claude, 20ah
Donald Clara, 1826s
Linda, 20h5
Norman Alan, 2Oh3
Oscar Ernest, VII-1323
Susan Louise, 1827
Thomas W., 1828
Armstrong, Mary Franoes,IV»l52
Rshbrook, Ethel, V-386
Atwell, Charles Howard, Vll-1156
Ronda, 168h
Sandra Diane, 1683
Stephen Howard, 1685
Austin, Eva Lena, VII-1198
Baddeley, VI-h55
Ball, Cecile Mary, VII~97l
Ballinger, George R., 98h
James Lewis, VI-%09
Pansy Blossom, 9 5
Ballmer, Dorothy Psrrine, l08l
Perry Arthur, VI-M95
Banks, Virginia Marie, VII-l30h
Berger, Alva L., VI-678
Barham, Edward Chester, VI~791
Edwin Louis, 1h33
John Stuart, lh32
Barkley, Joseph Grofford, V-323
Neva Olga, 8h7
Olive Orson, 8h6
Taylor Alma Barkley, 8h8
Barley, David Evans, 828
Flora Ellen Barley, 830
Mary Elizabeth, 829
Robert Lee, V-310
Sylvia Robert, 827
, 826
Barnes, Emma, VI~66l
Mamie Isabel, VI-395
Mary Lee, VII-lljh
Barnett, Joseph, III~2l
Barrett, Anna Mae, VIlI~l73h
Irma Grace, VI-596
Barry, anne, VI-558
James Garfield, Vl~8h7
Baskett, Anna Laura, 1235, VII-lh68
John William, 1233
Lemuel Thomas Baskett, VI-58h
Mildred Gladney, 123%
Sarah Elizabeth, 123
Walter Foley, 1232
Bauer, Della Margaret, VI-552
Baxter, Jessie, VI-820
Beardslee, Floyd Harvey, 709
Harold Ball, 712
Henry Gannon, 710
James Frank, 707
Nadine Gayle, 1382
Reuben, V~267
Reuben Eugene, 708
Ruth Emma, 711
William F., 1383
William Malcolm, 706
Beavers, Joan Elsie, VIl~lh99
Beck, Aaron Terrel, IV-61
Elsie May, VII-lh76
Lishia L,, 279
Beokemeyer, Albert William, VI~h63
Denzel Albert, l6l0
Denzel William, 1050
Dewayne Ray, 1052
Malcolm William, 1611
Mary Darling, l0h9
Redonia Kay, 1609
Wendell Albert, 1051
Becker, Betty, Vl~9h6
Carol Lynn, 1873
Christine Ann, 1872
Craig Gannon, l87h
Frederick Adolph, Vll»l367
Foggy Lou, VIl»l121
Beokner, VI-788
Begeman, Frederick William VI-76h

\ .
Bain, Leonard, VII»985
Bell, Adeline, Vll»lO03
Dolly Coreso, 751
Bender, Harold, 1260
William Coburn, 1259
William Franklin, VI~597
Benear, Charles Dudley, VII-1h96
Charles Robert, 1951
Eugene Ray, 1952
Gamie Ruth, 2076
Garry Robert, 2075
Glen Gray, 1953
Mark Thomas, 2078
Susan Leah, 2077
Berg, Calf Russell Donovan, VII»1122
Berry, Betty Louise, 15h8
Harry Swift, VI~hO2
Jireh Swift, 971
John Darwin Richard, 973
John Swift, l5h6
Martha Elizabeth, 972
William Burnadette, 1587
Biokel, Arthur Daniel, VII»l32h
Elizabeth Ann, 1831
John Thomas, 1830
Robert Arthur, 1829
Billings, Ola, VI-M31
Billy, Helen Emogene, VII-1359
Bilzing, Elsie, VIe9h9
Bishop, Ruth Antoinette, V11-1130
Black, Alma Russell, 375
Alpha Christina, 382
_ Bruce Elliott, 1516
Dameron McDonald, 1515
David Bruce, 1509
David Kenyon, 9h5
Edward Benjamin, 1510
George Abel, 381
Harry Edward, 981
Jenn, IV-187
Kirtley Elliott, 9h6
Mabel Martha, 380
Margaret Jane, 385
' Caroline McDonnell, l51h§
Laurie Louise, 1516%
Leslie Denison, l5lh
l-\ .
gn 69
iv _
Black, Mary Elizabeth, 983
_ Mary Jessie, 353
- Mary Lou, 1511
Reginald Dameron, 387
Robert Alphonso, 358
Robert Alphonso, JP-» 988
Robert Elliott, Ivrlhq
Robert Harmon, 9%9
Roscoe Bruce, 38-
vleia Elliott, 378
Virginia Louise, 983
Blackburn, George, VI~9lH
Blackwell, Andrew Mumford, 622
Benjamin Franklin, V~2A5»V“
Benjamin Franklin, 626
Bulah Raohel, 628
Blackwell, Carl, 1290
Elsie Elizabeth, 627
George Mumford, 1275
J._D., 1277
John M. Blackwell, 1289
Lillian, (Mra.), V11-1277
Lou Eva, 62h
Lucy Ella, 1276
Mary Jane, 623
Muriel, 1286
Naomi, l27h
Pearl Lee, 625
Willa (Mrs.), VII~12T5
e1air,NJerry=w1111am, VIAQES
Blumeyer, Estelle ,__, Gaiael,»VIII“l733
andere, einer nay, VI-571
Booloodian, Shervon Asa, VI~M55
Boone, Arnold Gannon, 568
Cheri, 1711
christy, 1710
Helen Louise, 570
John Arnold, 1192
Mary Frances, 569
_ Mildred Virginia, 571
Nancy Ann, 1193
William Crosby, V~22h

Bowers, Alice Marie, VI~568
Boyd, Mary Ella, VI=753 _
Bradley, Mary Susie, VI-630
Bradstreet,_Barbara Doyle, 1870
_l Brownell Tompkins, Jr,, VII~l36
Deborah Ord, 1868
,M Judith Cannon, 1869
Brewer, Mary Katherine, VI-793
Briggs, M. R., VII-1059
Briscoe, Bernadine Blanton, 1073
Laverne Cannon, 1072
Walter William, Vl=hT6
Brother, Mattie B., VI-R69
Broughton, Loree, VI-703
Brown, Absalom, IV-117
Alta Sarah, V»338
Dharlton, 872
Dora Ellen, VI-586
Edythe Crystal, 1391
Ephraim Asberry, 339
Effie, 87h
Eugene, 870
Fenton 876
Frederick Samuel, 878
Genevieve Freda Delta, lh6h
Hattie Augusta, 3h1
Helen, VIII-17166
Karl E., 879
Loman, 871
Mary Lausenth, 337
Mildred Alena, 1876
Mollie Lorena, 873
Nancy Emaline, 335
obinecee, VI-63a
Pearl, VI-ul?
Quincy A., 1390
Rachel Rebecca, 33h
St. Elmo, 868
Samuel Gravener, 338
Thomas Irvin, 8?5
Thomas Rollins, 336
Wilbur Hugh, VI-72h
Willis Glifton, 869
Browne, Eleanor Sheppard, Vl1~ll25
¢ 1 Browning, Anna, V~28l-
Broyles, Adeline May, V-171
' James, VIII4l717
. Lucy Mae, VI-691
  -..._--.J 1  
Bryant, Benjamin John, 1989
_ Benjamin Mitten, VlII~1?3O
Mary ann, 1992
Rebecca Ellen, 1990
_ '_ Ronald Ray, 1991
Ruby May, VI~651
Bunker, Paul D, III, VI~1832
Burd, Paul Christian, VlI~l282
Burkhardt, Carol Elizabeth, VII-1253
Burley, Maud Cecil, VI-Tlh
Burnett, Norita, VII~116O
. Burns, Joseph J., VII~l331
&]|6@ Byars, Nancy, III-lh
Byrne, Brian Anthony, 1666
Christopher Miehael, 1665
Colleen Ann, 166h
Elizabeth Ann, 1671
Henrietta Joanne, 1151
James Robert, llh?
Kathleen Mary, 1660
Lawrence Maurice, VI»S53
Lisa Anne, 1667
Lynn Mary, 1668
Mark Richard, 167
Patricia Ann, ll
Patricia Jeanne,
Richard Benjamin, 1150
Suzanne Marie, 1
Terence Maurice,
Terence Michael,
Thomas James, VI
Timothy Patrick,
' William Michael,
calawell, Joseph Elliott, ah?
Joe Henry Smeltzer, 385
A y ' Robert Howard, 1518
elvt sairley Dorothy, 1517

Callaway, Gilbert Holland, VI»h95
William Case, V-367
Campbell, Mary Wiley, V-168
Rachel Minta, VI-396
aaa, 221
Ada Rebecca, 25h
Adley Omar, Shh
Albert Jesse, 192
Alethea Maud, Sou
Alice Nettie, hO3
Alpha, 695
Alpha Betta, 750
Alta Ethel, 758
Ama Lee, 756
Andrew Jackson, hh0
Andrew James, 1571
Anna, 78h
Anna Lee, 655
Annie, 222
Annie Louise, 697
Arden Wilford, M36
Arthur Lewis, 731
Arthur Tully, MM9
Arthur Warren, 1087
Audrey May, 1089
Barbara Jean, 1572
Basil, 1186
Bea, lhO7
Benjamin Elsberry, 256
Benjamin Franklin, 158
Benjamin Hank, 701
Bernice, 502
Bertha May, 511
Bertha Susan, 732
Bessie Blanche, 501
Bessie Mae, 1575 Betty
Betty Lou, 1569
Beverly Adele, 1379
Blanche, 723
Bluford Frederick, h2l
Bluford James, 837
Blnford Stallard, 185
Blnford, 27
Booker Powell, 85h
Calvin W., 806
Carol Rue, 1650
Carrie, 510
Carter Allen, 531
Cecil Owen, M57
Cecil Whiteside Cannon 5ao
Jean, 1lh3
Cecily, 1631
Charles Edward, 693
Charles Henry, 156
Charles Henry, noe
Charles Prenties, 789
Charles Tully, 171
Charlotte Isabelle, 686
Chester Georée, 802
Clarence, 53
Clarence Edward, 1035
Clarence Eugene, 777
Gland Bu,  
Clifford Henry, 691
Clifford Henry, Jr,, 1366
Clyde Leighton, lh21
Colleen Lynn, 1621
Gore Douglas, 161
Curtis, lO2h
Curtis Franklin, 170
Cynthia Margaret, 316
Cynthia Rebecca, 1638
Daily Ray, 735
Dah, 1020
Davie, 1581
David Alan, 1566
David Clarence, 1639
David Hubbard, 67
David Hubbard, 291
David Hubbard, 315
David Hubbard, 329
David Russell, 5h8
Delma June, 10h2
Delores, 1165
Dona Joyce, 1153
Dora Ola, M78, Vlmhhh
Doris Marie, 1568
Dorothy, 698
Dorothy Boyd, lhl0
Earl Edward, 1580
Earl Frederick, 801
Edgar Metalbert, 168
Edna Belle 729
Edna May, 823
Edward Brody, 265
Edward Everett, 505
Edward Marcus,`lO23
Edward Michau, 566
Edward William, l6hC
srfa, 162 A
Eleanor, 1167
Elizabeth, 9
Elizabeth, 15
Elizabeth, 32
Elizabeth, A5

allzabeta, aaa Ga““°“=
Elizabeth Betty, 220
Elizabeth Frances, 186
Ella Lee, 32lT~
Elmer Lee, 807
Elnora, 266
Elsie, T26
Elsie Ethel, 73h
Elta Jane, 506
Elva Coral, 520
Elzy Lee, 727
Emil Clark, 803
Emma, 267
Emmett Clyde, 778, VI1~13h3
Ephraim, 17
Ephraim, hl
Ephraim, 181 6
Ephraim Russell, 667, VI~930
Esther, 721
Esther Ann, 68
Esther Ann, 319
Ethel Laurens, hh2
Ethyl Anna, 5h1
Ethylh Clark, 800
Etta Larue 851
Eugenia, 1817
Eugenia Louise, 1188
Eugenia Marie, 567
Eula Arliene, h38
Evaline Elizabeth, 167
Evelyn, 1025
Everett Berkley, h9
Everett Garth, 11 5
Ferman Stuart, h6h
Flora Bell, 310
Flora Ellen, 288
Florence Claudine, 690
Florence Ellene, 761
Florence Grace, hh6
Forest Raymond, 1088
Freda Lee, 1005
Garth Benjamin, 550
George Washington, 2h8
Georgia Elizabeth, 635,
Gertrude Ethel, 687
Gladys Downing, neo
Golda Arllne, M52
Grace Viola, 797
Grover, 508 E
Grover Cleveland, h22
Gnssie Stallard, M76
Hallie Marshall, 757
Harold, 668
Harold Harmon, 1333
Harry Grover, h20
Hattie Jane, 320
Helen, 1022
Henry, 262
Henry Clay, h3
Henry Jefferson, 263
Henry Martin, 700
Henry Thomas, 1077
Howard Lovell, %53
Hugh Michan, 11 6
Ida, 16h
Ida Elizabeth, 1123
Ida Leona, S19
Ira Clyde, TSM
Ira Smith, 275
Isaac, 3
_Isaao, 13
Isaac George, 735
Ieaac Newton, 36
Isaac Newton, 182
Isaac Reed, 326
Isaac Shelby, ETH
Isaac Washington, 29
'Isaac Watts, 69
Isaac Watts, 31h
Isabelle, Nay@S,_551
Jackie, 1576
James, h
James Andrew, 1629
James Blaine, T59
James Buchanan, 282
James-Floyd, hal
James Franklin, 503
_James~Hauk, 69h
James Isaac, sas’
James Knox, MM
_James Lee, 59
James Lowell, 8 8_,
James Owen, 103
eJames"Richar&, l§h
James Samuel, 216
James Stuart, 28
James Taylor, 1160
James Theodore, 172
James William, 173
J amiscn ' Bryan , 587
Jane, 23
,Jane, 29
Jane Webster, M07
Janet Marie 10h7
Knox Pc1k,.296

Jennie Northcutt, 8h9
Jerome Bonapart, 298
Jesse Andrew, 1018
John, 2
John, ll - ~
John, 252 "
"John Calhoun Trail, 189
John Cleveland, 733 M
John Gollard,"60, _
John Dudley, 1016 " ~
John Dudley, Jre, 1567
John Lewis, 1126
John LSWiS§' 'Jing  
John Payton, 293
John Randolph, 21h _
John Randolph, 309`1
John Samuel, 55h
John Semor, 289
John Seymour, h0h
John Wesley, 155
John William, M6
Joseph, 1168
Joseph Edwin, 1633
Joseph wineton, 203
J. w., 1162
Julia Ann 280
June, 1368
Kathleen, 1169
Katherine Jane, 160
Kathryn, 1582
Katheryn Collard, 670
Kathryn Preston, 1129
Kelly Ailen, 1121
Keziah, 7
Kezia, 20
Kezia 6
, M
Knox, h87 -~
Laura, 72h
Laura Price, 786
Laura Ruth, lhl8_
Lee Jackson, 512
Lena Rachel, Bon
Leah Ernest, 517
Leon William 2
» 55
Leone, 1396
Lester Thomas, llhl
Lester Thompson 5h3
Letitia Jena, 15h
Lewis Linn, 297
Lewis Linn, 798
Lewis Phillip, 283
w1111eme (leer), 63
Mae, 1131
Lodema, 507
I ,
Cannon, Lottie Ruth, h55
Louisa Jane, 287
Louise Ellnorah, 1133
Lucile Mona, 688
Lucille Verdella, 1132
Lucinda Nichols, 318
Lucy Gpal, 5%5
Luke Lee, 32
Lula, M39
Lurana, 225
Lydia, 8
Lydia, 12
Lydia, BM
Lydia Elsberry, 250
Mabel Ann, 805
Mabel Ruby, 518
Mahlon Thurman, 728
Mahlon, 277
Maida, 1187
llus Sobeski, 211
Marcus Alonzo, 166
Margaret, 22
Margaret, 61
Margaret, 1031
Margaret, 1380
Margaret Jane, h56
Margaret Trescott, VII-
Marguerite, 669
Marguerite Louise, 1032
Marjorie June, 1570
Martha, 212
Martha Ellen, 855
Martha Jane, 169
Martha6Tennessee, 532
Mary, 18
Mary, 26
Marr, 39
Mary, 66
Mary, 311
Mary, 783
Mary Alice, M99
Mary Bell, 656
Mary Dosia, 776
Mary Edna, 835
Mary Elizabeth, 151
Mary Elizabeth, 327
Mary Emma, 190
Mary Etta, 725
Mary Letitie, 22
Lillian, hh,
Lucy, 560
Magdalene, 253
Margaret, 28h

, Mary Luella, 796
Mary Prewitt, 853
Mary Sugan’ 273
MRP? Temperance, 206
Mary Virgilina, 299
Maud, 213
Maud, hl8
Maude, 722
Maude Joyce, 760
Maude Louisa, 752
Mildred Emma, 689
Mikel Harold, l8h2
Mollie Helen, 26h
Monte, l8h3
Moses Marcellus, 533
Myrtle Estelle, 762
Nancy, 16
Nancy, 38
Nancy Anne, 1163
Nell Shipp, R77
Nellie Delilah, h2h
Nellie May, hh?
Nellie Mable, 850
Nelly Bly, 836
Nettie May, Q97
Nettie trite, V-297
Nina, 210
Nola, 509
Norham Montrose, M96
Norma Jean, ll62
Norma Lee, lhlg
Ocie Ulla, %35
Orville, h9
Otto, 839
Otto Bohmer, 219
Owen Russell, 223
Patience, 153
Patricia Jeane, llhg
Patricia Lou 1 6
Paul, use ’ 3 7
Paul Matte, 852
Pauline Frances, 671
Perry Jackson, 187
Polly Anna, 530
Printha Irene, h58
Purrintha Alma, R02
Rachel, 19
Rachel, 37
Rachel, Q0
Rachel, 5
Rachel Amy, 6
Rachel Ann, 29;
Rachel Temperance, 218
Ralph Cleburne, T81
Ralph Morton, 558
Ralph Morton, JP°» lléh
Randolph Thomas, 551
Rebecca, 21
Rebecca, MT
Rebecca Martin, 699
Richard Ira, 837
Richard Jay, lOh8
Richard Lee, 276
Richard Lee, 1607
Richard Mahlon, 730
Richard Norton, h8l
Robert Glifford, l8Tl
Robert Lewis, 20?
Roger Dale, lOhl
Roger Quarleep M59
Roma Marlene, 1122
Roscoe Gilmer, 692
Roscoe Woodrow, 1130
Rose Eugene, 666
Ross Wilson, 312
Roxie Norene, h6O
Ruby; 539
Ruby, Y80
Roby, 1021
Ruby Ellen, N50
Ruby Lorene, 857
Ruby May, llhh
Ruby Melinda, l12h
Genevieve, S53
Malin, 685
Samuel, 1
Samuel, lO
Samuel, 2h
Samuel James, l8O
Samuel Perry, 33
Samuel Richard, 152
Samuel Richard, hOS
Samuel Thurston, 295
Sarah mily, 286
Sarah Jane, 2hT
Scott Dyer, nl?
Semor Davie, 325
Seymour Davie, 62
Sharon Lee, l62O
Smith Jennings, l65
Sophia, 163
Stephen Arnold Douglass,
Sterling Curtis, h5h
Steven Michael, 1606
Stuart Martin, l0h6
Susan Ann, 251
Taylor Steele, 217
Temperance Ruth, 157
Thomas Arthur, 500

Cannon, Thomas
Benton, 285
Benton, 29M
Jackson, 205
Jefferson, 31?
Lee, Sho
Timothy Nulizen, 528
Velma Ellenorah, 5h6
Vickie Rae, 1651
Vida Owinza, 529
Virgil Allen, 209
Vivian Ellen, l5?3
Vivian Lorena, 1019
Waldo Perry, 557
Wallace Tustin, lhll
Walter Alonzo, 1017
Walter Edmund, M51
Wanda Emeline, 556
Wanda Ruth, 1161
wi111am, 5
w1111am, lh
William Andrew, 215
William Arthur, 799
William Barry, ll66
William Blufford, hO1
William Cotes, 35
William Davis, 231
William Dudley, 696
William Franklin, 20h
William Franklin, 255
Walter Gresham, T75
William Isaac, 159
William Jasper, 183
William Joseph, ll2?
William Olin, 1632
William Roscoe, 5h2
William Semor, T79
Wilma Jean, lh22
Zeph Orson, Tho
, ve;
, time
1 20
Z 15711
Caldwell, Joseph Elliott, 9h7
Joe Henry Smeltzer, 385
Robert Howard, 1518
Shirley Dorothy, 1517
Callaway, Gilbert Holland, Vl~h95
William Cass, V-36?
,g ,
n.,,, ‘~
‘U mr ( f--
Campbell, Mary Wiley, V-168
Rachel Miata, Vl~396
Cantor, Jack, VII~l283
1 winifrea, 1781
Carnahan, William, VII~lh8O
__1a,._J 1935
____“**_, 1936
_,_11_,__» 193?
Carr, Torina, VlI~l39T
Carroll, Edith Augusta, v1-650
Virginia Ann, IV-121
Carver, Cecil, VlI~102l
Sherry Ellen, 1579
Cash, George LeRoy, 1263
Guy LeRoy, VI-599
Cayce, Frances Edmonia, V-336
Caza, Joseph Ervine, VII-lhh2
Chadduok, Lois Jean, VIIl»l953
Challis, William Hugh, l36h
William Hugh, Jr., VI-689
Chandler, Andrew, VII-1282
Chapman, Mary Adeline, V-276
Charp, Chester, VII-lhh8
Cheatham, Julia Leak, 1398
Lucille, lhO0
Mabel Vern, 1399
Martha Josephine, lh02
_ Paul Palmer, lhO1
Samuel Matthias, VI-738
Childs, Eva Lena, V1I#1060
Christensen, Carol Ann, VII-1159
Chutbuok, Caroline Pearl, 1002
Charles Kay, 1003
Charles K. Chubbnok, Jr., 1563
Curtis Godfrey Chubbnek, 100h
Helen Frances Chubbuck, 1001
Joseph Emmons Chubhuck, VI-hlh
Nellie Marguerite Chubbuok, 1000

Clark, Gertrude Elizabeth Marshall, VI»9h1
Clarke, Jonathan Edwards, VIQQMS
Clayton, Imogene, 1128
William Alloway, V~5hl
Clinton, w. T., vi-one
Arnold B., 1300
Barton George, 2037
Charles Andrew, 1312
Dan Earl, 1790
David George, 1793
Dee ?erkins, 1293
Earl, 633, VI-658
Eillienne Louise, 1302
Eleanor Louise, 1?91
Ezekiel Andrew, V-2h7
Fay'Anne, 1792 1
George Henry, 629
Garda, 632
Grace Waddell, VII»129l
Jane Dean, 131l§
John Carlton, 131l&
John Downing, 63h
Lnrene, 1295
Mend Leone, 1296
Nelle Arminte, l29h
Nide Ephraim, 630
Nide Eugene, 1298
Nide Eugene, Jr., 1798
Vaughn Downing, 1292
Vernon Cuba, 1299, V11-1308
Warren Darnell, 1301
Wayne Dumont, 1303
William Benjamin, 631
William Henry, 1297
Coburn, Raymond Bender, 1262
Raymond Clinton, VI-598
Royal Leonard, 1261
Cochran, Delphy Deloris, 171?
Frank Block, VII-1199
Nelle Oneida, VI»5h2
Cookrill, Ida Josephine, V-296
Coffee, Stephen Ransom, VI-?9l
Cof£e11, Edna May, 1h6T
Marshall Freeman, VI~883
Colbert, Audrey, VI-626
wi111am, V1-821
l »f» 
ru f
emu * (Q
Cole, Cynthia Fay, 2036
Edward Joseph 111, VIII
Jeffrey Joseph, 1?92
John Francis, V11-11h2
Kerry Lynn, 1653
Marie, VI»h33
Collard, John, III-12
Kathryn Roach, V-256
Mary, 111-13
Collins, Bnrdie, V1-828
Connell, Ethel Enid, VI1»95O
Connors, James Alexander, VI~79?
Conyers, Mary R., V1~h?O
Cook, Cecil, Vll»1386
, V11-lh86
Coover, George L., V1-h25
Cotner, Grace, VI1~l319
Cotter, Amos Burton, 602
John, v-sro
Lena Maud, 606
Lewis Reed, 1267
Martha, 1268
Mary Lee, 605
Nettie, 60h
Rebecca Cathrine, 1266
Susan Nona, 1265
Thomas walter, 603
Couture, Edward George, VI~926
Joan Marie, 15Oh
Robert Edward, 1503
Sylvia (Mrs.), VII-1503
Cox, Sherrie Ann, Vll1~19h5
Graber, Ada Lillian, VIw5lT
Cram, serene Maude saith, V1-395
Crawford, George A.
erase, emma, VI-h12
Crenshaw, Bernadine, 1026
Donald Powell, 1hO9, VII-lM97
Dade, VII-13h6

Crevelt, Janice Lee, 1686
Crenshaw, Jeanette Faye, 1882
Joel Blnford, Vl5750
Joel Dale, 188h%i Q
Loyd, 1027 if ` ,H
Moody M1ller,@Vl~hh2
William, VI»9l6 '-
Rebecca Ann, 1687 ”
Richard L»,*VlI-ll5&
Crouch, Arthur L., 12hh
Bessie Lee, l2h3 ' =~
Charles Alfred, 12h2
Ida Belle, 12hO I V;
John Lewis, VI~587 '
Rosa Ellen, l2hl
Sarah Katherine, VI-572
Cunningham, Eugene, VII~l2l2
Currie, Frank, V~l99 'i
Curtis, Alice Frances, Qqu-7 _
Benjamin Frank, 951
Bessie Lewis, 399 _
Charles Wesley, VI-hlO
D. Meryl, 952 9 ,,
Dolly, all A
Donald Wesléy, 965 1
Donnetta, 155h -
Dorothy Ethel, 996
Elizabeth, VI-822 »
Ethyl Meryl, 1521
Ethel Rose, M16 =
Fannie Margaret,=h08 -
Frank Allen, 393=f
George Harrison, 950
Gloria Mae; 1555 “\a _ _
Gwendolyn, 997_?
Harrispn,Jnlius, LH~15l
Hazel Marie, 1519-1: _i“f
Henry Amos, IV-153
Henry Bluford; 391 a
Hubert Frederick, 993
John Campbell, 963 a
John Henry, hl7
Laura Ett, hO9=
Lillian B., 397
Lucius Webster, 395 W,
Lucy Maude, 962
Lutie w., 398
Mabel Dean, 95h
Mallie lzean, 991,
Nellie May, hl5»n
Martha s11zabeee,,9eaQ§§
Mary Campbell, 966
Mary Jane, 392
i 9 1,
Curtis, Mary Campbell, 966
Mary Jane, 392
Nelly Bly, 953
Pauline Mae, 995
Pearl Cannon, hlh
Robert W., 998
Rolla A., al;
Roy Carlton, 992
Roy Lee, h12
Cannon, acc
Wallace Reid, 999
Lyman, 396
William Henry, 1520
William W., 39h
Dale, Dora I.,
Dallas, Harry Don, VII-lOh2
Damercn, Elizabeth, lhh
Marie, 2020
Errett Keith, 202h
George, 377
George Dawson, 1753
George Gilbert, 2025
Page, lh5
John Nicholas, 1h8
Lillie Eugenia, 379
Denise, 2026
Margaret Juliana, lh6
Martha ann, lh7
Michael Wayne, 2023
Minice Godsey, 378
Nicholas Thomas, Ill-23
Norman Eugene, l75h
Taylor, VII-l2h6
Robert Edward, 376
Daniels, Sarah
Darter, Thomas
t Edward, 2021
ta Mae, 2022
t Wayne, 1752
Jane, lh9
Virginia, Ve3h3
Eugene, Jr., 1577
m Andrew, l578`
Davis, albert Sidney, Vl»h39
Hugh Francis, VII~l27l
Joyce Aileen, VIlI»l909
Katherine Lee, V-192
Nelle, VI-763
Nellie Lee, Vllelhhh

Davis, Nettie Lena, 1018
Opal Florence, 1013
Sadie Bell, VI-832
Sidney Clark, 1015
Day, Hilda alberta, VIlI~1721
DeJarnatt, Muriel, 888
walter Sanford, V-321
Delany, Debra Malin, 1868
Diane Cannon, 1865
Ferdinand James, VI-687
- Ferdinand James, Jr., 1360
George William, 1362
Gerald Malin, 1361
William Gerald, 1863
DeLis1e, Barbara Ann, 1658
Denis Sidley, 1656
Joseph Sidley, V11-1188
Michael, 1659
Patricia Jean, 1657
Dempsy, Benjamin Franklin, 1288
Claud, 1285
Claude woes, vi-625
_l___1_____11, 1733
1_____1___1__, 1758
___1_,_______, 1735
___1_____"___» 1787
Grace Ardelia,
_ $
Dickenson, Martha Ellen, V-325
Dickerman, Kenneth, V11-1317
Dickmeier, Delmar, V11-1739
Diggs, Bradley, 1888
Briar, 1889
Connie, 1890
David, 1815
Effie Mary, V-269
Florence Sylvia, 768
Forest Vivian, 763
Geraldine Marie, 1813
Joseph M., V-288
Marjorie Lucile, 1812
Miriam Louise, 1816
Murray Joe, 765
Paul Semor, 766
Pearl Mildred, 767
813 f K*
U " 3
, ,
88 Q
Diggs, Semor Thurman, 1818
_Stanford Earl, 768
Dimmitt, o. W., VI-738
Dixon, Verdellah, VI-588
Dodd, Helen, V11-1228
Dodge, Adah Lou, 1030
Betty Jane, 1028
Charles Homer, 888, VI-878
Dora Beth, 1029
Estelle, 885
John Charles, V~l69
oeepne, Alma, V11-1381
Douglas, Alice Eugenia, 957
Bert Pierce, 1535
Caroline Elizabeth, 958
Harold, 1537
Harry Burt, 956 I
Harry Max, 959
Tillman, 955'
Harriet Maine, 1536
Hazel Irene, 1528
Helen Brooks, 1525
Juehl Pershing, 1538
Laverne D,, 1529
Mary Elizabeth, 1527
Brooks, VI-392
Brooks, 961
Brooks, 1526
Eugene, 1538
Hugh, 960
Downing, Emma Jane, V-188
Rosanna Bell, VI-898
Doyle, Lois Audrey, 1365
Milton Wells, V1-689
Nancy Forster, 1867
Sandra Jean, 1866
Ducker, Mary, V1-798
Dudley, Berneice Halen, 705
Dana, 1381
' James Kent, 708
Jesse James, V1-818
Leona, VI-708_
William Alfred, V~266
William Henry, 703

Dugger, Benjamin Allison, VII*l333
Duncan, Edna Lee, VII-1135
Mary Agnes, V11-1292
Dundas, 0. J., VII-l068%
Durst, John Jacob, VI-796
Dyer, Rebecca Jane, IV-155
Eddens, Edward Owen, V1-MT?
Ralph Juney 1o7M
Robert, 1076
3 » 1075
Edwards, Archie O., VII-132?
Charles, VI-M85
Robert Eugene, 1835
Roberta Lee, VI»M21
,_ , ,_   1 _.,s 'V-II’“]-355
Eller, Marie, VI~M7M
Ellis, Charles, 1355
Connie Norine, 1855
Ernest Floyd, 1352
Ernest Parker, 681
Guy, 68M
Guy Parker, 1353
Isaac Lowell, 680
Ishmael, 682
James, 683
Jesse Buckner, V»225
Jenn Finley, 135M, vI11+173i
John Newton, V-260
John Thomas, 1856
Lon Alena, V1-563
______*__» 1557
_ , 1858
‘“""""'°“”"”,   1859
Elsberry, Alberta Mae, 1057, V1-MQM
Benjamin Eoran, M69
Bernieoe Leone, 1067
Beverly Conyers, 1058
Charles Goran, M73
Elsie Elizabeth, VI-MMl
Emma Downing, V~2?0
Ernest Lyle, 106M
Evelyn Ruth, 1063
George Franklin, E70
Harriet Alelhea, 1068s
| l -
* a
$11 ll, _'_, (H,
1 f,
0511, 0
Eleberry, Hattie Berkley, V-216
Joyce, 1059
Kate Lois, 1062
Lloyd Leslie, 1065
Marian Agnes, 10686
Montrose Prentiss, M71
Nancy Ann, IV-Ml
Robert Allen, M68
Robert Thomas, 1061
Thomas Aziel, 1066
Thomas Marshall, MYM
William Aziel Knapp, V
William Claudius, MTE
William Lyman, 1060
Elston, Alice Faye, 1696
Ann Arleen, 1697
Beterle Kay, l8M0
Carl, 1332
Clayton Curtis, 1328
Clayton Dale, 1839
Connie Lou, 1698
Curtis Mayes, 1176
Elsie Elizabeth, VI-MMl
Guy Cannon, 662, VI-562
Harry Daniel, ll?7
Iris Jeanette, 1695
Katherine Eileen, 1180
Kenneth Laverne, 1838
Kenneth Pershing, 1330
Mary Elizabeth, 1179
Mildred Lucille, 1068
Minnie Vivian, 665
Nora Dell, 660
Patti Lynn, l8Ml
Ray G., 66M
Rex Lee, 663
Richard Guy, 1178
Samuel Laverne, 1331
Samuel Lee, Ve25M
Sarah Elizabeth, V»2M8
Thomas Curtis, 661
Vivian Kathryn, 1329
Ernst, Harold Edward, VII-1128
Linda Sue, 1635
Michael Edward, 1636
Eskey, Caroline E., Vl~83M
seeing, James o., V-392
Everemeyer, Iva Lorena, VII-1220
Ewing, Einis Lee, V~36l

Amos Wilmer, 270
Gland Vaughn, T13
Ellery Everett, 269
Gertrude, ?l6
Hazel Dell, T17
Hunter Kerr, 718
Burley, 1385
Montrose, Tlh
Anne, 1386
Lucille, l38h
Blanch, 719
Pamela Vee, 1875
Thomas Victor, 268
Vera Vashti, 720
Wesley Clark, lV~h5
 f f' ' *f """ '
, Finley, sstty sues, iavi, V1lI~l9h8
Charles Walker, VI-658
Gharline, l32T
Dorothy Bell, 1326
' Georgia, VI-680
Justine May, VI~6l5
Mary Shannon, V»229
- Matt, Vl=68h
l Neva, Vl~682
Robert Avery, VII-1271
Robert E., 1770, VIII-1731
sneiey, 1772
Farnsworth, Nora Laura, VI-833
Falst, Arvin John, VII-l29h
Ferguson, Bessie, VII-989
Fisher, Albert Emil, 811
Florence Mae, 815
Henry, 813
Julius, V-301
Mabel Esther, VII-lh78
Thelma Blondelli, 81h
Viola Bell, V-185
Winifred Ethel, 812
Lydia Fleischer, VI-391
Flower, Claude A., VI-h35
Finch, Ephraim David, 535, V-210
Robert Melvin, 536
Walter Verne, 53h
Winslow Leroy, 1012
Foraker, Alice Linda, VI-hl3
Fine, Booker Jefferson, 819 mm ,J_, E,
Charles Levi, 30h
Clyde Ira, 820
David Hubbard, 305
Elmer, 306
Hattie Muriel, 821
Isaac Watts, 307
James Knox ?olk, 303
Mary Cannon, 308
Oakla Melba, lhhO
Gather, 817
Octavia Muriel, lh39
Pearlie Muriel, 818
Richard Levi, V»327
Riohara Norton, 822
Roscoe, 816
Roy Dangerfield, 823
Sadie May, 825
Sarah, V-282
Walter Algol, 856
William, IV-66
_______§ 1837
l______» 1833
%Robert Lincoln, 82h
Margaret Avanel, Vll~
, _ \f
Ford, Johnny Amos, VI-h50
Forster, Ruth Elizabeth, VII-1368
Foss, N. E., VlI~l0e8
Foster, Clara Lorraine, l592
Dennis Ralph, 159h
Etta Elaine, 1591
James Bruce, 1585
James Lewis, VI-h58
Larry Edwin, 1588
Lewis Cannon, 1039
Marshall Allan, 1586
Mildred Alice, lOhO
Olive Darline, 1036
Paul William, lO3T
Polly Jean, 1587
Ralph Wesley, 1038
Steven Wesley, 1590
Wilma Jane, 1589
, Fox, Mary Temperance, VI-557
1356 w;@ Foxwell, Delia, V-166

Frank, Robert Clarence, 1823
Robin Gus, 182h
Wallace LaRue, 1822
Wallace Ward, VII-1321
William L. Frank, Jr., VlI~l302
Freese, Ennest William, VII~l0h9
Patricia Carolyn, 1608
Fuchs, Shirley Jean, Vll~103h
Fulkerson, Byrd, T92
Charles Augustus, 793
Daoa Cannon, 79h
Dice anna, 787
Ida May, 790
John, V-292
John William, 789
Luda Virgelena, 791
Robert Edward Lee
Sylvester Scott, 795
Fnlmer, Herbert Samuel, Vl~690
Galloway, Anna Kathryn, 1311
Bettye Sue, 1802, VIl~125h
Carlyle, 130h
Carlyle, Jr., 1800, VIlI~1832
Carol Jean, 1801, VIII-1921
D210 Allen, 1805
David Francie, 1307
David Reid, 180h
Dennis wayne, 1810
Diane, 1811
Heian, 1305
Edna Eagan, 585
Eugene Carlyle, 1993
Floyd Henry, 1995
Floyd O., Vle632
Joan Marie, 199h
Jenn Keith, 1306
Judith Lynette, 1996
Linda Kay, 1803
Lucinda, 1806
Nona Betti, 1812
Ralph Downing, 1310
Ruth Cnarline, 1799
Sarah Ellen, 1309
Virginia, 1308, V11-1299
Gantt, Frances Elizabeth, VI-700
Gentry, Clarioe Hester, VI1~121h
Dasarene, 1727
Eileen, 1728
  - I
81 00
, :_ _J
_ \~
Gentry, Helen settye, 1731, Vlll~l35H» VIlI~lT70
Isabel Clyde, 1729
James William, V-18h
John Clarimond, Vl1=12l5
Lynda Lee, 1732, V111-1800
Marie Antoinette, VlI~1216
Ruth Ellen, 1730
Geiser, Marjorie Lois, 1357
Raymond Hoover, Vl~685
naynona Hoover, Jr., 1356
Giegling, Edith, VT~69n
Giles, Myrtle Anna, Vl~528
Gillis, Joseph Henry, VIlelnh2
Joseph Robert, 1905
Gilmore, John Glendon, 1313
Ulysses William, V1-637
Gist, Almeada, V-298
Gladney, Albert Emerson, 1228
Alexander, 230 _
Alpha Finley, 12227
Andrew Gaston, VI~583
Anna, 1223
Anna Wilson, 1229
Anthur Lyndon, 121h
Azel Beo§a_l2l8
Benjamin Franklin, 576
Betty Blanche, 1971,
Carl Eugene, 1763
Carla Jean, 1762
Charles, 232
Charles Curtis, 1917
cnaelee Sidney, 125n, VIlI»1802
Charlotte, 1227
Cnere Lynn, 1978
Clarence Sidney, 596
Clarice, 1726
Clark Jackson, 590
Clark Jackson, Jr., 1250
Claude Tolbert, 1198
Cora Nancy, 581
Curtis, 1725
Cyrus, 1718
David Strong, 228
Delphia Ernestine, 595

Delphia Lorena, 1205
Dru Curtis, 1980
Edwin Theodore, 579
Elsie bee, 1202
Eugenia, 1231
Forrest Leroy, 1255
Frederick Gaston, 578,
Forest Colby, 590
' v
George Matthew, 1201
George Washington, 226
George Washington, 575
Gladys, 1219
e, 1230
Curtis, 1213
Mae, 1723
Clay, 586
(Mrs.), V1I~1209
Ira Ebton, 1200
Isabelle, 1220
Jack, 1700
Janie Ann, 1970
Jeanette Kay, 1973
Jessie Irene, 1203
Jeeeie May, 593
John William, 227, U-236
Joseph, 231
Joseph Edwin, 1225
Joseph Thomas, 577
Joseph W., 573
Laura Presley, 582
Lorene Kathryn, 1211
Luther Laws, 1210
aa_eemb Everett, 1208
Margaret Gertrude, 1212
Mary, 1221
Mary Alice, 583
Mary Ellen, 589
Mary Katherine, 572
Maud Clodene, 1199
Meta Barbara, 1979
Minnie Lee, 592
Myrtle Cordelia, 1200
Nancy Estelle, 1998
R§_ph, l7l6§
nd Leighton, 1216
Mae, 1258,
*WPS* 77
1 Gladney,
_ 1
_ 1
Reba Norine, ‘215
Richard Lee, 1969
Robert Ira, 1970
Ronald Craig, 1972
Roy Lee, 1238
Ruby Grace, 1257
Russell Everette, 1721
Sally ann, 1997
Samuel, 229
@M1,U william andrew, 588
Samuel Edward, 1239
Samuel Paul, 1209
Samuel Reid, 1722
Sarah Jane, 587 1
Sidney Leroy, 1762
Sue Ann, 1968
Sydney Sue, 1760
Terry Lynn, 1761
Veva Edna, 1716
v1egi1 G., 1237
Virginia Ann, 1999
Walter David, 591
Wayne, 1722
William Alexander, 572
*- William
William Benjamin, Jr.,
William Craig, 1256
wi111am Davie, 560
William Edwin, 582
William Edwin, 1723
William Russel
William Streng
1, 1226
, IV~38
Zula May, 1217
_a1.__l1» 1709
__l____1» 1750
_.12____s 1975
l__.1 __» 1976
1, 2017
(Hahn, Arthur Gprtis, 1503
` ~' Edward Wesley, 1522
L George Arthur, 7iI»962
1 , Rébert Her, 15u5‘_`
‘ Godfrey, Bertha, 988
1 Grace, 986
1 ' Helen, 990
$77, James Maaieon, Vleall
H\\~ John Henry, 989
` Mabel, 987

Goemann, Rosena, V~l58
Goodlaxon, Viola Olga, VIIel385
Gourley, Sarah Kathryn, VIII-1718
Graham, Lelia Lucretia, V11»lh93
Graves, Alice Cannon, h79
Arlen Edward, VlIIe1938
John aaa, 2050
Phyllis Joyce, 20h9
Thomas Edward, V~186
Gray, Arthur Francis, VI»897
Chester Graham, 19h8, V11I~1771
Donna Marie, 1955 '
Frank Arthur, 1h98
ina Bess, lh96
Ina Darlene, 1956
Joan Ann, 2030
Kathryn Margaret, 1h95
Linda Lou, 1958
Martha Josephine, l9h9
Mary Ellen, 1h9h 3
Milton McKinley, 1h98%
Nellie Louisa, 1h92
Olon Albert, lh93
Phillip Rendell, 1957
Ralph Norman, 195h
Robert Olon, 2027
Rodney Lee, 1959 `
Steven Alan, 2028 .
Terry Diane, 2029
William Thomas, lh98%
Zelma Frances, 1h97, V1I~1hO9
Green, Charles, VI=h26
srifrloo, Helen Lucille, 1559
Kenneth Eugene, 1558
1 oronoH.,~vIl~looo
Robert Jean, 1557
William Joseph, 1556
“ m“_m________, l56O'
Griffitts, Ann Cannon, 1175 _
`" ' John Bernard, VI-561
Guard, Jean, V11w1306
Hackethorn, David Lyon, 1625
Harry Bert,_VII-llgh
John Gannon, 162h
Susan Melinda, 1626
1 '.\
@P N-
Ml L>
Hagen,_Vera Corrine, VIl»1293
H&l3, We
GI! VI“u79
Franklin Budd, V1-519
George Maynard, 1115
Juanita Hamilton, 1116
Mabel Evelyn, lllh
Andrew Jackson,_IVeh0
Barbara Jean, 1676
Bland, 618
Bonnie, 1680
Bonnie Jean, 1158
Carol Jane, 1677
Charles, 1679
Doris, 1850
Ella sllzaoooo, ans
alolo Gibson, l3h3, VI»TT8
Eugenia Lourene, 13hh
George Ephraim, Qhh
James Waldo, 1157
Jane, 1Ueh3
Jane, l8h9
Jessie Lee, 13h6
Mary (Mollie) Jane Hammaok, 285
Mary Lou, 1156
Nancy, 1681
Rachel, 620
Ralph Eugene, 1159
Roy Gannon, 1155
Roy Ezekiel, VI~556
Ruth Esther, 1387
Sharon Lee, 1678
Susan, 1682
Thomas Layton, 13h2
Thomas Taylor, ll5h, VIII 1789
Vera, 619
Wallace Dee, l3h5
Wesley Washington, l3hl
William, l8h8
William Lee, V1~673
_,, 621
David Alan, 1339
Ralph Bryant, VI~6T1
Sandra Jane, 1338
Bessie Louise, 1091
Frederick Thomas, VI-50
Robert William, 1090
Anna Elizabeth, 1lhO
Fred Page, VI-5h6
Fred Page, Jro, 1138
Jeffrey Barnes, 16h6
Lillie Belle, 1136

Hanes, Linda Lee, l6n5
Nora Jo, lénn
Robert Landon, 1135
Sarah Lee, 1137
Velma Nadine, 1139
William Cannon, ll3n
Hanks, Iona olive, VI-B10
William, vi-762
Hanson, Leanne, VIl~l3n2
Harding, Bernina Louise, VIII-1753
Harlow, Ann, 201k
Bruce Barrel, l7nl
J. G., vI1~1223
Jonathan Clair, 2015
Robert, 2013
Robert Wilson, l7n2
Russell, 2016
Harmon, Gertrude Ethel, Vl~387
Lillian Ruby, VI~668
Harris, Alvin Levi, 1100
Elvin Oden, 526
Hnna Christian, 52a
Ardenvoir, 523
Andrey, 522
Bertha, 1099
Charles Albert, V-208
Clara Boone, V-20a
Gladys Undine, 521
Kittie Christian, 1096
Lola Glee, 1092
Lotta, 1098
Mabel, 1093
Milton, 1097
Naomi, 525
Thelma, 527
Vera Zora, l09n
William Levi, v1~513
William Lyman, 1095
Harrison, John Oliver, VII-1236
John Oliver, lTnT
Thomas, 17MB
Hartwig, Arnold James, Jr., VI»9l6
Harvey, Mollie B., VI-6n8
Hatfield, Sidonia, V~l87
  \ .1
, _
_»e=_ ,H \
, \ I
Hank, Caroline Lambonrne, V»26E
Hazeen, Sarah Nancy, V-275
Heady, Anne Beatrice, land
Benjamin Sylvester, land
Donivan Lee, lane
Glenn, 19O?
James Sylvester, VI-831
James Theodore, lnn5
Phillip Lee, 1908
Ross Welch, lan?
Heehler, Betty_Tnemas, VII-1233
Edward, VII»lO25
Jimmie, 1583
Ronnie, 158k
Heinz, Rose, VII=ln29
Henderson, Adin Douglas, 1387
Helen Grace, VI~S66
Paul Douglas, Vl~722
Henry, Alice Miller, VI-892
Dora, lnh3
Effie Lee, VI~893
Eldon L,, VII»991
Isa Woodland, lnM2
Virginia Young, VI-5%8
William Simmons, VI- 2?
Herman, Ralph Ernest, VIII-1876
Hershey, Lois Marjean, VII~1ln9
Hickey, Lola A., VIl»992
Hickman, Albert G., VII-958
Albert George, 1533
Jeanette Estelle, 1532
Hilbert, onto Rene, va-815
Hiler, Henry Alexander, V-286
Himmel, Carl Gilbert, 1836
Gilbert Elmer, VII~l329
Marlene Ray, 1337
Hines, Alva, ea;
Clarence Gannon, 1316
Den Karl, 1315
Edgar F.. 639, VI-585
_ ’ , ,

Hinds, Elias Ferdinand, v-237
Elizabeth, éhh
Grace, eno
Grover Cleveland, 6h2
Helen A., 637
Hurley Cannon, 6h3
Israel Ricketts Kirk atrick, V-2h9
Jean Duncan, 1317
Mary Kathleen, l3lh
Walter E., 638 E
William Ezra, 636
Hits, Paul, Vl~hl6
Hoardon, Margie Josephine, VI~795
Hoelscher, Violet Marie, VIII-182
Hoertlein, Albert, VIwhh8
Hoffman, Andrew, VI-S29
Anna Irene, VI-837
Hogan, Harry Sumpter, V-213
Holmes, , VII-l3h2
Hopke, Florence Mae, VIIl=l752
Horton, John Ellmore, VI-h77
Boss, Louisa Jane, lV»62
Houff, Georgia Anna, VI-551
Houston, Billy Ben, 1769
A Elizabeth Mae, 1767
Lewis Benjamin, VII-1269
Lewis Eugene, 1765
Martha Frances, 1768
Pauline Agnes, 1766
Howard, Brenda Joan, 1692
Gharla Ann, l69l
Charles Cannon, ll7l, VII
John Randolph, ll73
Molly Ann, ll7h
Robert Armstrong, VI~938
Robert Thomas, 1693
Thomas Gannon, VI-560
William Kevin, léqh
William Otto (Bob), 1172
  7 fl
  _"ff J
Howdeshell, Alta Irene, 601 _
Birdie Gertrude, 598
Cordelia Agnes, 2h2
David, IV~39
Ida nay, 2h3
John Riley, 23h
Lillian Dara 599
Martha Washington, 239
Mary Jane, 233
Mildred Floy, eco
Myrtle May, 597
Nancy Elizabeth, 235
Rachel Evaline, 237
Rebecca Ellen, 2hO
Sallie Ann, V-227
Sarah Ann, 236
Susan Alice, Ehl
William, V»233
William Pascal, 238
Howell, Anna Lois, lh3O
Bonnie Bea, VII-1331
Herbert Glare, lh29
Jean Evelyne, lh28
John Herbert, 1900
John Sherman, Vl»7BO
Joyce Marie, lh26
Lola Faye, 1899
Ralph Glenwood, lh27
Richard Denis, 1395
Robert Edgar, lh2§
Robert Thomas, 1898
Ruby Lorena, lh23
Ruby Marie, 1896
Sherman Forrest, lh2h
Howland, , VIT“l3HU
Howlett, Minnie, V~252
Thomas, V-331
Hubbard, Charles, lll»22
Eli, Ill-20
Huber, Mary Catherine, IV-l§2
Huff, Mary Evelyn, VIII-1775
Hafflaaa, Euless sandal, Vl'°°922
Hughes, Nathan Brady, V11-ll79
Sarah Adeline, IV-155
Hundley, Daniel Harrison, Vl»9h3

Hunter, Dorothy, IIl»l7
Jane Willis, VII-1172
Lena Lucinda, Vl~6?2
Hussey, James Emerson, 1758
John Barry, VII-1252
Patricia Lynn, lT§O
Hutt, Richard William, VI=h5h
Hutton, Virginia, V~283
Hyland, Agnes Elizabeth, VI»S50
Ieratner, Agnes Be, Vl~h82
Irvin, Bessie Helvina, VIMHHO
Blanche Lorene, VIl~lOlT
Jacobson, Irene Elizabeth, V1lel08O
Jamison, Eileen, VII-1225
aleneraa Belle, V-215
Janes, Anna Magdalene, V~313
Jannopouloe, Demetrious,'V1»695
James Bland, 1369
Jeans, Beulah Bell, VIe590
Jeffries, Frances Louisa, 896
James Samuel, V~3hh
Johns, Audrey, VII-1300
Johnson, Alice Berthena, V~27?
Charles Webster, V1~8ln
Jean Marguerite, 1h36
Johnston, Jacob Leslie, VI~758
Larry Milton, 2011
Lyle Edward, 2012
Rex He, VII-1738
Jones, Benjamin Cannon, H27
BlnfordUAdrain, HBH
Dottie dilla, nee
Edwin Ashley, 1006
_ Elva (Mrs.), VIMHET
Ethel Dorothy, VI-QM?
Golnia Almyra, H25
Henry wade, 8?7
Iva, V~l65
James G., 1719
If   (J\__,2
Jones, James Ca1vin,_1007
Joel Wade, V-337
LaFayette, V~l60
Leroy Henry, Velél
Leroy Smith, H33
Lula Marie, 1011
Myron Dewey, H28
Nellie Estelle, H31
Robert Wayne, H32
Scott Harvey, H30
Susan Beatrice, H26
Thomas Jefferson, Vll~l203
Jordan, Addie, V1-819
Joseph, Helen Jnanita,.VlIi105O
Joslyn, Adolphus, 12?9
Barbara Jean, 1730
Ceola, 1278"
Edgar Lee, 1777
Gordon, 12B0_,
Jerome, VI~623
Mary Aileen, 1776
Paul, l??§;
Tonner, 1281
Wayne, 1779, 1
_____s 2O33' _
Juehl, Susan Johanna, VII-959
Kaieer, Charles Benjamin, VII-1295
Charles Benjamin, Jr., 179k
Fannie, VII-1n93
Kamm, Margaret, V-209
Kasterke, Marjorie, VII~1UU9 .
Heesler, Douglas, 1531
Kessler, Frederick eiaeere, VII~?57
Melvil Howard, 1530
Keith, May, VII-1306
Kellam, Helen Lillian, V11-1612
Kelly, Candace, 1813
Charles D'Wayne, VII-1311
Doris Muriel, VlI~1On6
Keith Allen, l31n
Leie Evelyn, VIl-l0n5-
Opal Aletna, VII~lh7n

Kerley, Roxie Gertrude, V-317
Kerr, Margaret, IV-27
Key, David Lawrence, l88h§
Leslie Ray, 1885
Nicholas Longfellow,*VII»1h12
Nicholas Murray, 1883
Sara Jo, 188g
King, Irene, V1-919
Kinnear, Marjorie, VI~703
Kirkhame D0H&ld Pedro, VI~507
William Vincent, VI»923
Knott, Maud Myrtle, VIl~955
Knox, Garol, 2059
Jane, lllmll
Nelle, V~191
Ralph, 2058
Sarah Elizabeth, VI-891
Woodrow, VIII-lqhl
William Reed, 2060
Koelling, seieley, V111-1911
Kowazek, Frances, VI-823
KUmbSP&» Fay Elizabeth, VIl~1h88
Kuffmen, Clara virginia, V11-1038
Lane, Frances Marie, 1392
Francis Bob, VI-T25
Lanenda, Thomas G., VIIl~1827
Lanaaton, Leonia, VII-952
Lanvermeier, Geopgg, V11-1031
Larsen, Theresa, VlIl=1793
LaRue, Bernice Roberts, 1323
Clarence McDooeIe, 6Q7
Gland Hayden, 650
Clyde Meredith, 6h9
Emery Dean, 6h8
Fawn, 1321
Jean, 1820
John Haden, V~250
John Haden, 1320
or f `a
LaRue, John Haden, Jr., 1821
Leon Leslie, 6h5
Louise Carroll, l32h
Lydia Kay, 1322
Renee, 1819
Sue Marie, 1318
William Allen, 1319
william Gannon, 6h6
Lavy, Osie Mae, VII»lh93%
Lawson, Ethel, Vl1~12T9
Leadabrand, Ellen Zee, lh62
Etta Lucile, lh63
Samuel Blucher, VI-851
Lee, H, G., VII-1396
Leighton, Mildred Louise, VI-939
Lester, Juanita, VII-l3h5
Levengood, Charles, V1~5h5
Leverington, Leo, VIlI»l85O
___, 20h6
Lewis, Daniel Jay, 1603
Raymond Lee, Vll»l0h7
Rebecca ElizaBoth,'VII-1079
Rebecca Susan, 160h
Sadie 9  
William Robert, 1605
Ligon, Dorris Edward, VII-lh9M
Francie Lee, 1950
Helen, VIII-1950
Sandra Lee, 2OTh
Lilley, Donald Eugene, 1688
Gene, VII-1162
Lindeley, Guy, 983
Robert, VI-M09
Livingstone, Lewis Max, VI~9h3
Lockwood, Chester Milton, VIm§2h
Francis Arden, 1120
Long, alice Evans, VI-396
Bessie Alice, 97M
Charles Francie, VI~h03

Long, Eoeeph, VIII-1923 ,
Mary Virginia, V1-681
Loomis, Minnie Lena, VIl~l39O
Lovelace, Alice Faye, 1927
Bettie Jane, 1931
Carol Ann, 1925
Charles Wayne, 1922
Clark`Hampton, 1933
David Lee, 1919
Denis Lynn, 1928
Emma Catherine, 1873
Henry Donald, 1918
Hanry Trail, l8T2
Eoyoe Elaine, 1923
Larry Emerson, 1926
Leslie Trail, l8TO
Linda Kay, 1928
Louis Clark, l8T8
Mary Lelia, 1871
Sidney Powell, 1876
Sidney Powell, 1932
Stella, V1-898
Wade Hampton Vest, V1-889
Wade Hampton Vest, Jr., 1875
Wade Henry, 1930
Zella?Mae, 1929
Lovell, Florence Lucille, VI-883
Leon, vii-1318
renee, 1316 5
SidhGy S,, vi~9c7, VlI~l85l
Lowery, John William, V111-1?26
William Curtis, 1981
Luck, Gary Herbert, 1987
Jeei William, 1986
Lynaee Racca, 1988
N111 Kemper, VIIl~l729
Luckett, Nettie Maud, VI-576
Lasse, Fount Ira, VI-860
Linda, 1602
Melvin Reel, 1085
Verna Lillian, 1088
Lux, Ruth Nellie, Vl~9lO
Lyons, William Gerald, VII-1033
Lyter, Wanda Maurine, VII-ll?8
Maher, William, V11-1229
Malin, Gertrude, V-263
Malkin, Edward Andrew, Vll~l388
Marahle, Mary Eranoee, V1-929
Marlow, Colleen, Vll-1821
Marrow, Jamee Moore, V-382
Mary Christina, 982
Marsh, Donald Curtis, 1522
George E., 1523
Ruth Elinor, 1528
Stanley W., VII-958
Marshall, Virginia, V11-1232
Martin, Antoinette, V11-1336
Catherine Rebecca, IV»88
Beulah Pearl, VI-868
c. J., VII-1133
Fannie Bell, V-339
James Richard, 1683
Mary Pauline, 917
Nellie Lee, 918
Robert Edward Lee, V-353
Verba Trail, 916
Maaterson, Helen Eileen, V11-1310
Mathis, Betty Lee, V11-1088
Mayes,auguetine William Isaac, 559
Charles Thomas, 933
Claudia Triplett, V1-666
Emma Lillian, VI-890
Hallie, 931
Janes Leeter, 1689
John Seneca, V-218
John William, llTO
Lottie Temperance, 562, V1-662
Lucy Catherine, 565
Margaret Elsie, 932
Mary Elsie, V-219
Mary Willena, V11-1182
Melba Eugenia, 938
Peggy Ann, lTO2
Raleigh Emmett, v1»e78
Richard Gannon, 1701
Richard Martin, V-220
Roy Wilkinson, 563
Russell Taylor, 568

Mayes, Samuel Gannon, ll83
Walter, V-370
Mcallieter, M.
McCarthy, Ella
McClay, Walter
adware, 1703
Ronald, l69O
, ll8l
r,, VI-784
Mae, V11-1209
e., vlaahe
McCoy, Rowena Frances, V-223
McDonald, Absalom Hunter, l3h0
Albert Washington, 672
Elizabeth, 6Th
Donald Walter, l3h9
Elnora Lee, 6?3
Henry Washington, V-258
Mildred Mae, 13h8
Nelle, 675, VI~6l6
Robert Watts, 1350
Sallie, 1851
Sarah, V-259
Sarah Lou, 1351
Walter Andrew, 676
McDonnell, Cherry, VI-9h5
McHugh, Alan Dale, 1598
Armen Dell, VIl»1Ou2
Mclntosh, Ruth
fi B 3  
McKenzie, Donala, lll9
Jennie, lll8
William Kinnear, VI~521
McNenamy, Patrick Michael, VI-h86
McMillan, Maria Jane, lV~l26
Vera, VII-ll3O
McNeil, Amelia
Belle, 88h
Eloie Bell, 882
Louis Edwin, V»3hO
Mabel Glare, 881
Myrta May, 883
Wallace Edwin, 380
Mefferet, Nora
Bdell, v1-878
Meleust, O. E., VII-1067
Meloan, Dorothy Mildred, 1506
iw fr MaryfAnn,,V»l99 '
“{` - Ray Frank, VI-932
~ Nelson, Evelyn Elizabeth, 967
Grace Frances, 968
John Edison, 969
I Lawrence Julius, 970
l Meyer, Christian Childs, UIl~lh5l
Hazel Roberta, VII~lOlB
Lillian, V-352
Michael Ross, 1912
Ralph w., VIII-1716
L Michau, Maida Nannie Bell, V-223
Micklam, Charles Henry, VI-hO8
Chester Re, 977
Hazel May, 979
Rhuea Patience, 980
Tressa Elizabeth, 978
Milam, Elaine, VII-1320. _ _
_ J,
5 Miller, Cora Elizabeth, Vl»5OOM
-~ 6 rea, VII~958
Susan, V-211
¢ Veda Dorothea,.V1II»l722
Mlntner, Maude May, Vl»82h
Mitchell, Blanche Estella, VII-1208
Edwin Bright, V-2h2
Forest Eugene,-615
Frances Eugenia, 1269
Harry Clay, 898
Howard_Raymond, 980
Joseph Ray, 901
Mary Agnes, l2?U
Mary Ellen, 617
Myrtle'Lynn, 897
l FRobert.Daniel, V-3h5
Robert Trail, 899
l Sarah Viotorine, V-238
V Stella Delorma, 6lh,5VI-5?8
V _ Vivian Lucille, gIg=lh25
William Maupin, 1
, _
“ Mock, Emma Delila, V»290 -
wif -Monahan, Margaret Louise, VII-l`l)l'?` '
i" _ _
l Moore, Ann Mary, 1673 _
X Carl Richard, VI~569

W Moxley, Claude, 65h
Moore, Edward Robert, Jr., VET
Eleanor Marie, 1198
Frances Lou, 1195
Joseph Henry, VI-hl5
J. R., Vll~ll32
1151 Moss, Guy Chester, 1388
,,|_, Guy Reginald V1-723
8 Jhif ’
Patrick William, 1672
Morgan, Alice Lavoe, 1553
alice Marie, 886
Ephraim S., 885
Ethyl Augusta, 887
Francis Marion, V~3H1
Thomas Curry, V11-987
Moran, Harold Edward, V1l»ll85
Harold adware 11, 1709
John Edward, 1707
Joseph Mayne, 1706
Kevin James, 1708
Morical, Charles, 1085
Esther, 1088
John Noel, 1082
Joseph, 1086
Ruta, 1083
Samuel Ely, VI~h99
Frederick alexander, 652
Hattie Lee, 653
Howard Malcom, V~25l
Mneller, Boyd, 2Oh6 3/h
Brad, aohee
William, v11I=1B82
Mulligan, Anthony Virgil, 866
Edward James, 858
Eunice, 868
Genevieve, 862
George William, 859
Gladys, 865
Lawrence Thomas, 860, V
Leo, 861
Mary Ramona, 863
Murphy, Della, VII-1216
Hessie, VI~92h
Eugh_Thomas, VI~830
Walter J., VIe829
Frank Ester, VI-787
Clara Ethel, 610
Cordelia Alice, 613
Ida Ellen, 611
Jan Lease, 1826
Mara, VII-1322
mffi Morrell, W, Francis, Vl~h95
EMUUH, Minnie, V1-691
Navratil, Diane Mary, V1l~l363
Mary Margaret MorriS, 507 Nebgls’ Donald Thom s’ 1897
Pearl Gannon, 609
Richard, V-281
Ruby Knox, 608
Sammy Clarence, 1825
Thomas, V~2h3
Ralph Thomas, V11-1826
Nehlet, Irene Myrtle, VI~h62
Nelson, Lulu Josephine, VI~?68
William Thomas seed, 612 eMaPY¥~V‘133
Gary Kent, 1807
Kenneth, VII-1309
Nancy Jane, 1809
Pamela, 1808
Charles Bruce, VI-787
Nancy Lucinda, V~2l7
Charles Prentiss, 328
James William, 322
John Taylor, IV-68
Rachel Alice, 323
Mary Margaret, V~l58
William James, VI»399
Nichols, Anna Elizabeth, 658, VI~633
Edward Felix, VI-h66
Hazel Marie, VI»h5l
Henry, V~253
Hester Eda, 659
Jessie Gertrude, 657
John Jackson, IV»65
g John Quimby, 300
fr Lucinda Jane, IV~67
ng, Mary ann, IV~60
‘ Mary Jane, 301

Thomas Green, l05L
Urline Voorhees, 1053
Niehaus, Amy L,, Vll~l060
Mienaber, Edward Lawrence, 1190
Frederick Cannon, 1189
Jewell Isaac, VI-56?
John Owen, 1191
Nordwald, Richard Bruce, 1652
Ronald o,, VII-11a2
Norton, Martha Margaret (Goldie), VlI~1039
Orville, VIII-19hh
Pauline, VIII-l9h2
Porter W,, 1TT3
Rendell Joseph, 2067
Sandra Jean, 2068
Sylvester, VlI~lOlh
Walter, V1-318
William R,, VI£Pl273
___ , Vl»388
Norvell, Willie Hugh, Vl~62h
Willie Huge, 1282
Nuokols, Hugh Hunter, VIa9h2
Nancy Christina, 1512
O*Gonnell, Raymond Ralph, Vlm92?
Oldani, June, V11-1360
Olson, Gordon Richard, VII-1351
John Erie, 1853
Patricia Ann, l85h
sais arthur, 1852
Omohundro, Genevieve Elizabeth, VI~937
Margaret Burton, VI»933
Overall, Kathleen, 1565
Lou Anna, l56h
Ovie Nathaniel, VII-1013
Owens, Gladys Pauline, VlI~l06l
1Marguerite Pearl, VI~6h7
Page, Frederick Woodruff, lV»3h
Palmer, Agnes Louise, T37
Alfred Henry, lh06
Amos Lorenzo, ?h0
Nichols, Susan ann, 302 [_ Palmer, arlane
1 an f Arland W
Denis Ca
Joseph K
Joseph M
Julia A
Mary Emm
Mary Eve
Perry A
., 1379
ilaen, 1hOh
Franklin, 7a1
Fleety, ?39
nnon, Yah
enry, V-280
inaaia, V~l90
elvin, lh05
ns TM6
Grace, Th?
a, M35
lyn, V-ao?
, 1878
-Perry Wesley, a8a, VII
Ralph, lh03
Ruth, 7
Semor He
Susan Ma
Vesta Ee
Manda Ga
n?Y9 736
TY: 733
titia, 383
nnon, h 6
Jesse, h82
Parker, Aura, 6?
, Iv- 2
H», 79
0 ’  
Howard S., 6T7
James A
John He
Mary El
Nelle Fr
Susan Ja
ron, 259
PY: 257
Eudora, 261
zabeth, 260
ences, V1-ah?
ne, 253
Parks, Gertrude, VI-591
Mary Lynne, VII-1173
Patch, Shirley,
Patrick, Edward
Mary A
Blythe, VI-hO7
Cannon, 976
anda, 975
Patterson, Harvey, VIf6h0
Patton, Dora Dean, VI»h89
Emma Trail, 902
Ira Thomas, 90h
-John William, 903

Patton, Susannah Forgey, VII-1078
Thomas Andrew, V-BM6
Thomas Andrew, VHBMB
Pearl, Abner E., VI-62h
Pearson, Dale Alan, 1861
Glenn Austin, V1Il1357
Glenn Austin, Jr;, 1860
Peasel, Jane Raenet, 1815
Raymond Thomas, V11-l311%
Peeler, Melinda, 1628
William Barney, V1-S39
William Randolph, 112§
William Randolph 11, 1627
Peffley, Arlin, 1881
Will, vii-inoe
Penn, Bessie M., 356
Pennington, Lydia, I-1
Perry, Glen Milton, 1552
Milton, V11-936
Paul Godfrey, 1551
William George, V~292
Pettey, Marjorie Carroll, Vllellhl
Petty, Rose Delores, VII~l0oh
Pfolsgroff, Jennie Elitabeth, VII-1207
Phelps, Barry Lrnn, 2031
Marion Olen, V111~1772
Vicki Louise, 2032
Phillips, lea Pauline, vi»5n7
Pniiys, william L., VI~695
Phipps, Della May, V-281
Pnoebas, wiiia, V1l~l210
Piokhard, Clara Emily, V1-L59
Pinnston, charles Albert, VI~S16)
Prank Lloyd, 1109
Glen Leon, 1105 _
Hazel Irlean, 1106
i““ a
  Pinrston, Laura Blanche, iiio
_ Neil Albert, 1108 2
®®,f Samuel wegiey, vI~515
V Vorgie Alean, 1107
Pixley, Thomas Dawson, 1623
I William Gannon, 1622
1 William Irwin, vii-1123
` Piano, Lorn wiibur, 1010
| Lyle_Leroy, 1009
1 Merl Adrian, 1008
1 Wilbur Adrian, V1~n29
, 1
Porteous, Eva Lena, VI-h72
Potter, Elisha L,, VI~h16
1 Powell, Cecil W., VI493h
1 Etta Jean, 1507
Minnie kgnes, V~381
Powers, Virginia Mae, Vl~707
f Powley, Hottie, V~29n
®\ Prazure, Tipton, V~26l
'WH ' ` -`
" Preston, Thornton Porter, VI»79O
Priest, Sarah Agnes, V-178
_ Pritchett, Leon, 2073
1 f ' 7 Malaine, 2072
Nancy Leu, VII1»l735
1 Robert edward, vIII~19n9
Prosser, Carolyn Virginia, 1370
“ Glare Louise, 1371
Dorothy, l37M
Dorothy helen, 1372
Henry M&?tiUs'l377
Herbert Watts, VI»698
Herbert Watts, Jr,, 1376
James Edward, 1375 `
Samnel Summers, VIa697
Samuel Snmmers, Jr, f1373
' William Cannon, 137g °
4 Pan Misa 111-15 1
X Qninn, Mienaei, IVel§3
art `i ““ 7

Ramsey, Carmen Luoile, l5h2
Elmer Elgin, VII-961
Howard Harry, l5hl
Lloyd Larene, l5h0
Wilbur Douglas, 1539
Raney, Carol Ann, ln58
Gharles Gladney, 1253
Darlene Mary, l252
Earle, Shl
Esther Marie, lh57
Ethel Edna, 1251
Glen, Sha
' Jacob Zumwalt, V~3l9
James Radon, Vl~595
5° L», IMS5
Martha Elizabeth, ln59
Paul, eng
Ransdell, Carol Gay, 1756
Clarence Tilden, VI
James Tilden, l757
Ray, Margie May, VII~l226
Rockman, Louis H,, VI-658
Redd, Isabelle, IV-ll6
Reed, Charles Thomas, 2069
Charlie Powell, l9h5
Danny Robert, 2063
Debora Sue, 206n
George Robert, l9h3
Henry Carter, V-235
Homer Louis, l9MO
‘ Homer Milton, VIl~lM92
John Thomas, l9h2
Jo Ann, l9M?
Linda ann, 2066
_ Louis Robert, 2055
Margaret Jean, l9hl
Mary Catherine, 1938
Michael Eugenef 2057
Nellie June, l9hh
Rebecca, l939
Rhonda Kaye, 2062
Robert Mortimer, V-239
Rodney Dale, 2065
Rose Lee, l9h6
Thomas Paul, 2061
Reeves, William, VIIl~lT76
william, 203h
Reid, E. o,, VI~7h7 _
Harry S., VlI~l506
Helen Kathryn, VII-lh50
Kathryn May, Vll»l307
Leslie Galvin, VII-1221
Malcolm Baskett, VlI~ll29
Marana Virginia, l7h0, V11-1171
Stephen Malcolm, 1638
William Michael, 1637
Ralph, Vivian Evelyn, VIII-1725
Rhoades, Carol Ann, l96n
Lavoid, VIII-1565
Revo Dewayne, l966
Sharon Ray, l965
Rhoten, Ezra Alexander, VI»726
Beorge Alexander, l39M
Lucile Crystal, 1395
Zeda Azalea, 1393
Richards, Susan, l26h
, VI-601
Richardson, Mattie Ellen, Vl~602
Richtman, Lillian May, VI~7l3
Rinaman, Effie Bernieoe, VI-895
Emma Lucille, VII-lh98%
Riordan, Edward Dewey, VII-l23h
Riverton, Roy, VII-990
Roadhouse, Byron L., VII-ll36
Deborah Page, l6h8
George Byron, l6h7
Roberts, Crystal, lll7
Hugh, Vl»520
Rogers, Elizabeth, V~2qh
Joseph Elmer, VII-l0hh
Joy Ann, 1600
Lillian Gene, 1601
. Nathan Elmer, 1599
Roppoech, Josephine Caroline, VII-ll50
Rose, Letha Alberta, VII-lhT5
Ross, Avanell, ln53
aenjamin Druery, V~3ll
Benjamin Harrison, 833

3 I
Ross, Brenda Renee, 1596
Chester Leo, V11~10h0
Craig Allen, 20hT
David M, Hubbard, 83h
Dorothy Margaret, V11~1hS2
Georgia Ann, 1910
James Edward, 1909
John Brewer, lh50
Laverne Ann, 1595
Mary Catherine, 1h5l
Mary Ellen, 831
Norman Bale, 1911
Suzette Gail, 1597
Tandy Ghatman, 332
Winn Davis, lhh9
_H_““_____, 20hB
Roussin, Thomas, VII-1072
Royse, Floyd Beryl, 1112
Robert William, 1113
William Orville, VI-518
Huffing, Marian, VII~1366
Ruprecht, Helen, V1I~1297
Sales, Martha E,, V»332
Sanders, Beatrice, V1=h71
Henry, V»2l2
Sarah Frances, 205
Sapp, Rosiland, VI1~1h15
Scharf, Harold Eugene, 1335
Harold Eugene, Jr., ldhh f
John Cannon, l33h
John William, Jrn, VI-669
Margaret Ann, l3h7
Mary Margaret, 1337
Richard Barnett, 1336
Richard Barnett, Jr., 18h5
Sandra Jayne, 1Bh6
Scherrer, Hattie Belle, 1h65
Jacob Franklin, VI-882
Raymond Franklin, 1h66~
Scbmale, Laura Gibbs, V1-h57
Schnarr, F. G,, VI»66S
Schneider, Irma Nevada, Vl~B56 '
_ Schoen, Betty Ann, VIa90o
Scott, James Thomas, IV-lhh
John Edward, 2006
John Preston, 371
Joseph Nicholas, 369
Marsaret Eugenia, 370
Mary Jane (Mollie), 368
Martha Forest, 373
Maud, 3T2
Nina Lee, 2007
William Maurice III, 2005
William Maurice, Jr., VIII
Seaton, Anna Temperance, he?
Mary Jane, Q60
30Phi& Iles, hoo
Thomas Iles, V-1?5
William Allen, h65
Seay, Dolly, 981
Eva, 982
William Alexander, VI-h09
5@dSWi0k, Lena Marcella, VI~hl9
Selkirk, Bruce Burleigh, vii-1332
Seltzer, Ruth, VII-95u
Senn, Frances Irene, 1521%
Louise Marie, 1521i
Louis Joseph, VII-953
Senyczko, John Edward, VII-11§2
Setzer, Lucille Marian, VII-1037
Shafer, Hubert, VI-593
Shanks, Merritt N., VII-1305
Cora Lee, IT36
Dorothy Jean, 1739
Frances Evalyne, IY3?
Garold, 2003
Gerald William, 2001
Harold Mark, 1735
Iva Ruth, 1?38
James William, V-218
Karen Elaine, 2002
Karl William, 173h
Mark O., 1220
Reid, VI~581
Wayne Sutra, Zooh

, 1
to so to
shew, Kate, vi-ana
Shearer, Ethel, VlI~lh§0
Sheets, Eva, VI»h30
Shelton, Anna LaErance,'VIl~l155
Mollie Catherine, V-3h2
Shinn, David W., VII-l1h0
Shipp, Benjamin Blanton, V-373
Dorothy Ossina, 938
Elizabeth Blanton Bessie, 935
Kittie Blanton, V~l82
Louise Adeline, 936
Thomas Scott, 937
Shoemaker, , VII~lh72
Shoop, Boris Eleanor, V11-ll2?
Showalter, Robert Milton, VII»llh3
Virginia Lynne, l65h
ll_______l___l_» 1655
Shroder, Ida Grace, 513
James Duncan, V-ace
Jennie Bell, 515
Lether, 51h
Lola Britt, 516
Sidwell, Bessie Maud, VI~65h
Eugene abruth, VI-6h5
Siess, Martin Richard, Jr., VII-1072
Simpson, Garter Lewis, 1101
Cecil James, ll0h
Lois Loretta, 1102
Louis Edmond, Vl~5lh
Marie Temperance, 1103
Seralda Jane, 289
Sinclair, J., III-12
Singleton, Barbee Candus, VII-1291
Beulah Elsberry, V-351
9 Ruth Olevia, Vll-ll5h, lT89
Sinn, Lawrence S., IV~125
Sitton, Gharles Priest Wingfield, 1069
Charles Wells, l?G
_ Sitton, Charles William Allen, M75
9 Clemanda, V»226
Qmlf Eldridge Geary, VI~660
L Elizabeth Anna, IV~33
1 Frances Emaline, lV~ll9
‘ Francis Stephen Bittick
John Allen, IV-29
John Allen, 179
John Norman, 1932
Louisa Ann, 175
Mary Melissa, V~268
Norman Ke, VIII-1727
1 Rachel Temperance, 176
1 Robert Ferry, lT7
1 Sandra Kay, 1953
Sarah Agnes, 1071
Sarah Elizabeth, 17h
Slater, Rebecca, V-303
Sleet, Francis Marion, VII-1S0f
smite, Arnold Duvall, V111-1728
Carlyle Victor, 2038
Charles T., V-213
Curtis Donald, l9Bh
Harry E., V1-800
Qnm Joseph Donald, 1363
Joseph Morris, VI-688
Levett, 537
Mary Ann, IV~63
Philip Gentry, 1985
Roy, VII-988
Shirley, VII-1335
Victor Ms, VIII-1799
Snodgrass, Clyde Trail, 920
Samuel Meek, V»3S7
Shook, Elizabeth May, VI1~960
Snow, June Emily Ann, VI-55h
Spangler, Albert C., VII-982
Sparks, S. Edward, V-327
Spyres,'Lucynthia Jane, V#3Gd
Stallard, Judea, IV-30
Stark, Rachel, Ilan
Starns, Taylor, VII-IMMS
, 1070

1,3 I!
‘ _
H \
1 1
Anna Elizabeth, M95
Staten, Jasper Newton, V=2?1 §§_i~ Taylor’
Steele, Lydia, V1»577
etenslie, Kris, VII-1068i
Stevens, Elizabeth Cardell, V1-Qhb
Stewart, Mary Lena, VII~lh2?
Temperance, I1I~1O
Velma Beatrice, VI-83h
Stockwell, Charles, V-286
Stone, Belle, VI-559
Bonnie Lee, VII-11Sh
Donald Ray, 2051
Effie Mae, V~355
Fanny Lucy, V-195
Guy-Hunter, VIII-1939
Howard VanMatre,
James Richard, 2053
Nellie Gorbery, VI-h96
Rebecca Lee, 205h
Robert Lynn, 2052
Storer, Gavin, VI~79h
Stratton, Doris Marie, VII-1126
Streeter, Lee Reuben, VII-1153
Leigh Ann, 16T5
Susan Lynn, 167h
Stephens, Bertram Wardel, VII-1h90
Stinebaugh, Jacob, III~16
Stroud, William, VI-881
Stubblefield, Margaret Hubbard, 15
Robert, IV~26
Sullenger, Doris Richards, VI-h82
Sullins, Stephen David,
William David,
-----..-..+.._..~».-..».._...._.... S
Summers, Ida Edna, VIII
Swan, Effie Lou, V- 29
_ , v1I~13h7
Swim, Lula, VI-?18
Ashby Mead, v~2o2
Betsy Kay, 1700 Forest Greer, VI-835
"aria, 1
Mildred, 1h§h
Robert Lee, VII~ll8O
Robert Stephen, 1699
Ruby Elizabeth, VI~8hl
Sarah Elizabeth, VII-1200
William Curtis, het, VII-1OST
Teaeley, George, VII~l2hO
_1_1__» 1751
Frederick Everett, V1~896
Julia Adeline, 1h89, VI»h8h
Mary Jane, 1h9O
Waldemar Kermit, 1R91
Frances Howard, VI-7?7
Thomason, Otto Monroe, VI»522
Thompson, Rhoda Ellen, IV»l23
William Jefferson, V1-688
Thorington, Ed., VII-ll3?
Thurman, Irene Jane, V1Il~l7h6
Isaac L., III-12
Josephine Bailey, VI=765
Luvina, VI-766
Tiedeman, Percy, VIII-lE6h
Toleett, Charles A., VI~h16
Torlina, Violet Hill, Vlleljbl
Tornqoist, Alfred, VI-T23
Maxine, 1389
ll, Arthur Nelson, VI-5?O
George E., 1197
Mary Lurana, 1196
Bessie Lynn, 353
Carlyle G,, 921
Charles Lee, 895
David Riley, 12h
Doran Bernieoe, 360
Doran Frisbee, Q09
Edward Garfield, 893
Emma Alice, 91h
Ephraim, 35h

Ephraim Jackson, 121
Floyd, 1h81
Floyd Ephraim, 919
Frances Jane, 928
Frances Olevia, 907
Francis Marion, 120
Garfield, 1h8h
Genevieve Isabel, 927
George Allen, 925
George MoLe1lan» 333
Geor e Rollins, 366, V1~6
Gertrude Lou, 833
Glenn nwiné, 1R79
Harold, in 7
Harry, 352
Harry H., 915
Hattie Belle, 367
Isaac Gannon, 118
Isaac Gannon, 3h2
lea Bettie, 889
Jack Curtis, lh99
Stinebaugh, 126
, 1500
Broady, 359
James Linden, 891
James M., 1h85
James Marion, 3h3
James Mortimer, lh77
Rollins, 332
Washin ton, 116
Jan Marie, 1961
Jennie ann, 353
John Brooks Henderson, 3
John Derwood, 92h
John Collard, 115
John Gordon, 356
John Rollins, III-19
John William, 365
Joseph, 912
Joseph Francis, 1501
Joseph R., 350
Kenneth Richard, 929
Kezia Adeline, Bhh
Kezia Jane, 117
Lee, 1h83
Lillian Elihe, 923
Linden Knox, 1h73
Malcolm, 1h63, vI1~1235
Marion William, lh33
Martha Wells, 3h3
cl _3,_________,_____,_m_m!n_§nqfe 11____,_,l__11
xl, Trail, Mary Elizabeth, 125
Eli Mary elizabeth, 3h6
' Mary Elizabeth, 922
Mary Jane, 331
Mary Lncile, 905
Mildred Virginia, lh8O
Milford, 913
Minnie, 1h86
Mollie Lee, 357
Olive, 86?
Rachel Frances, 330
Richard Curtis, 351
Richard Curtis, 908
Robert Baskett, l7h6
  Robert Roy, 36h
1 Russel Thomas, 910
, Samuel Louis, 122
1 Samuel Rose, 906
Sarah Catherine, 3h5
Sarah Jane, 193h
- Susan, 1502
| Terry William, 1960
Thomas Renton, 123
, Thomas Homer, 89h
f z
_l Thomas Walter, 363
', Tom Richard, 1505
- Viola Belle, 361
Q Watt William, 362
` Wil1a.Marie, 926
_ William, lh32
_ ~Wil1iam Gannon,"911a
1 William Perry, 119
William Samuel, 892
1 William Thomas, 3h9
Margaret Rebecca, V1-5h0
dTrevey,aDorothy“Mae, 1h69
' Wheeler W., V1-888
`Trip1ett,»Birdie, V-255
Marion Gilmer (Mamie),-VI»629
_ Sarah Elizabeth, IV-27
I Trumbley, Leroy Dean, 1561
WJ Lyle Perkey, V1I~1001,
¢|a esta Ar11ne,l15e2
Tnrpin,_Sarah Douglas, V1»622'

' \
,l -
1 \
Ulrich, Henry, VII-1h3O
Michael Heinrich, 1903
Rebecca ann, 19Oh
Upton, Jay Hollister, VI-760
van Metre, anna Mae, VII-1177
Vaughn, Margie, VII-lh72
Verge, Lola Alice, VII-1306
Vogt, Carr, 1877
John Gerhardt, VI~T37
John Gerhardt, Jr,, 1397
Voorhees, Anna Leone, 1056
John Henry, VI-he?
Karl Seaton, 1055
Vosholl, Henry, VI-?3?
  F| Sq,  
Waggener, Charle
David M
Mary G
Aaron, VII-
Aaron, Jr.,
atthew, 2Ohl
Lee, 1917
Daniel, 2Oh2
Carole, 2039
Leslie, VII-
Leslie, 1921
therine, 192
, V111-18o1
Nita Elizabeth, VII-1213
Wade an
Mark, 2OhO
drew, 1915
Walden, Lillian Taswell, IV-1h8
Walker, Juliana, VIII-l7h2
Nella Melvina, VI-728
Walters, Cora Belle, V~l65
Waltersoheidt, Carol Frances, VlI~ll83
Ward, Ella, VI-70h
Warner, Mildred, VlIal35O
Wilbur Fiske, VII-ll93
Warren, Georgia, VII-1hh9
Waters, Clark Gan
non, 1325
James Kelly, VI~655
Janice Ann, 1832
Mabel Blanche, 9hO
Robert Davie, V-380
Robert Gordon, 939
Sarah Lynn, 1833

7 Waters, Sybil June, 1508
Watson, Anna Bell Taylor, VII-12h9
Charles William, 133h
Claude William, VII-1326
Watts, Ewing Henry, V1-715
Grace Alma, VI-676
Homer Gladney, 1207
Lois May, 1206
Richard Wommack, VI-57h
Webster, Hal Au, VII-138h
Weeks, Catherine Lou, 1185
Cava Blanche, VI-56h
Jenn aieaare, 11Bh
Kathy Lou, 1705
Virgil Stuckert, V1-565
Wegener, Daniel Earl, 1887
Ralph William, VlI~1hl3
Rita Wylene, 1886
Wells, Annie Elizabeth, 198
Beryl May, 773
Beulah, 769
Carolyn Ann, 1755
Curtis Franklin, IV»32
George Sherman, VI-589
Georgia Mary, l2hS
Harry Armstrong, 1080
Harry Taylor, h39
Harry Taylor, 1613
James, V~288
Jenn Allen, 19h
John Samuel 12h7
Mabel (Mrsui, v1-has
Marcellus Dean, 771
Martha s,, 200
Mary Jane, 196
Murril Kenneth, l2h9
Patrick Perry, h90
Rachel Alice, 199
Richard Curtis, 201
Robert Alfred, lolh
Robert Patton, 1078
Robert Theodore, 193
Salle-Whitledge, 202
Sheba, 772
Sherman, l2h8
Stanley Earle, 770
Susie Grace, VIle1255
' ~ f-‘:-- ._ i ~--- _ Es -- :_-"FQ . .
-_.'\n- , -_ . \.!!"5L_;,L .e._. __-1
Wells, Thomas Russell, 77h
Vecie Emaline, l2h6
Vera, (Mrs.), VII“12H7
Walter, R91
William Andrew, h92
William Henry, 197
William Lewis, 1612
Zachary Taylor, 195
, h93
Alexander, 1079
Wheeler, Clarence Jay, 1720
James Warren, Vll~l206
White, Cleve, V1~831
Ernest LaGrand, VI-hh?
Phoebe, VIII-17h1
Connie Jean, 2008
Ida Glovina, V-21h
Marcellus Sobeski, IV-lh6
Martha Belle, VII-1170
Odessa, V1-908
Ora Ella, VI~575
Richard Franklin, Jr., VII
Richard Franklin III, 2009
Whitmore, Barbara, VlI~ll38
Wiggintcn, Ida Dawson, VI-538
Wilkinson, John Allen, 339
Lucy, IV-36
Mary, 338
Milton, 390
Mordecai Watts, V-196
Woodson, IV»l5O
Wiggs, Anna Vertna, V~38h
Williams, Bessie Evelyn, V-362
Mary Howington, VII~l22O
Nancy Clemmy, lV-67
Odessa Valerie, V1-6h3
Willis, Iris Frederica, VII~973
Charles Louis, VII-lh28
Charles Joseph, 1901
Euleta, 1272
Frank, VI~6l7
Frank, VlI~l270
Katherine, IV~l2l
Martha Dianna, Vle

Wilson, Nancy Vincil, 1271
Nelle May, VI-?nO
Nell Virginia, 1273
Norma Jean, 1902
Ralph M., v1~ee5
William, V1-T21
Wimer, Elizabeth Catherine, V=293
Gary Olanerez, 810
Lyle Doran, 1n3M
Rachel Maude, 808
Roy Alton, 809
William Abner, lh3S
William Albert, V-299
Winfrey, Emma, VI-679
wing, Joseph Francis, VII~1257
Wingfield, Rosa Lee, VI~n75
Witte, Paul, VII-9?B
Wolfe, Margaret Eva, VI-5q9
Womble, Cora Agnes, V~31n
Cynthia Ann, IV~67
Fountain Henry, IV-66
Melinda, Iv-69
Sarah Margaret, V~303
Wood, Frank, V1»790
Ida Winifred, ln31
Woods, Margaret, lah?
Woodson, Harry Paul, V1I»l%23
Paula Patricia, 1 QM
Woodward, Annie Ortentia, V-209
Worley, George Arthur, VII~15OT
John Patrick, 1962
Merry Sue, 1963
Rose, VI-Q32
Wright, Gathlyn Diane, 1892
Robert Boyle, VII-lalo
Roeert Diggs, 1893
Robin Gayle, 1391
YEUJEBS, Laufa Ann;  
Mildred Viola, 1§§O
Robert Henry, VII-981
Yeoham, James Alfred, VII 1139
James Alfred, Jr., 16MQ
Zeidier, Grimen, VII-1q90
Zipf, Arnold, 1795 1
_ Darnelle, 1796
` Walter S,, VII
W- S»» 1797

_V _ ,__ 
At the end only two things really matter to a
man, regardless of who he is; and they are the
affection and understanding of his family? Any~
thing and everything elee he creates ie insubetan-
tial; it ie a ship given over to the mercy of the
winds and tides of prejudice. But the family ie
en everlasting anchorage, a quiet harbor where a
man'e ehip can be left to swing to the moorings of
pride and loyalty.
Richard E. Byrd in Alone