Beckley Family Records
From the family Bible
Family Record
(written as recorded)
Adam Beckley & Sarah J. Grim was married on the 20th day of September 1859
Laura Bell Beckley and Charles Staples were married Dec. 26, 1875
Thomas B. Naylor and Ettie M. Beckley was married Dec. 22, 1887
Absolam M. Beckley and Millie Copple was married July the 6, 1890
William Blair and Mary C. Beckley was married Dec. 23, 1890
Seigel Taylor and Debbie Beckley was married October first 1891
Charles Beckley and Ida Hunt was married Dec. 22nd 1895
Thomas B. Naylor & Mary C. Beckley was married December 6, 1924
Charles Beckley & Mattie Bardick was married November 25, 1924
Adam Beckley was born July the 3rd A.D. 1838
Sarah J. Grim was born Feb. The 24th A.D. 1838
Laura B. Beckley was born Sept. The 15th A.D. 1860
Richard M. Beckley was born April the 23rd A.D. 1862
William S. Beckley was born August the 11th A.D. 1864
Mary C. Beckley was born May the 6th 1866
Etty M. Beckley was born November the 26th A.D. 1868
Absolom M. Beckley was born September the 14th A.D. 18(hard to read)
Debby Agnes Beckley was born July 19th 187(hard to read)
Charles Franklin Beckley was born June 8th A.D. 187(hard to read)
John Harrison Beckley was born October (hard to read) th A.D. 1879
Bertie Leroy Beckley was born December 4, 1884
It appears as if the Bible was falling apart, and someone tried to repaste it.
Will see if I can get some professional help to unglue things
Richard McClellan died October 3rd A.D. 1881
William Sherman died October 30th A.D. 1881
Harry died Oct. 31rst 1896
Adam Beckley died Dec. 27, 1902
Laura B. Kendell died July 3, 1907
Sarah J. Beckley departed this life March 5, 1916
Etta May Naylor died January the 29, 1920
T.B. Naylor died January 26, 1926
C.F. Beckley died May 30, 1927
Bert Leroy Beckley died Jan. 27, 1930
Abslom Beckley died Dec. 17, 1936
Mrs. Sarah J. Beckley
Mrs. Sarah J. Beckely, for twenty-five years a resident of this county, died at 8:30 oclock Sunday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Blair of 309 East Broadway. Mrs. Beckley was 78 years old, and had been gradually declining in health through a period of many months. She had lived in West Plains for seventeen years.
There are six surviving children, who are Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Taylor of near Homeland, a son in Livingston County, another son in Iowa and both a son and daughter in Kansas City.
Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. T.P.Shaffer, and interment was in the cemetery at Homeland, six miles southwest of West Plains.
Former West Main Street Merchant, believed despondent over financial losses, ends life at home on South Hill Street.
(From Monday's Daily Quill)
Charles Franklin Beckley, 51 years old, local representative of the National Adjusting Association of Chicago, committed susicide at his home on South Hill Street shortly after midnight last night by drinking two ounces of carbolic acid. His act came as a complete shock to his wife and friends, and no cause can be ascribed other than despondency over financial losses on a grocery stor which he purchased on West Main Street three years ago and which he sold one year ago.
Beckley seemed in good spirits yesterday. He and his wife attended church services yesterday morning and last night. Yesterday afternoon they gathered flowers which they were planning to take to Evergreen cemetery south of town today to decorate the graves of members of his family.
About midnight last night Beckley arose from bed and went into the yard. Returning a moment later he called to his wife from a room adjoining their bedroom, and when she went to him she found him lying across the bed groaning. He told her he had taken carbolic acid.
Mrs. Beckley summoned neighbors and also a physician. W.S.Wilbur, who resides across the street from the Beckley home was the first to arrive, and Beckley told him he had swallowed two ounces of the poison. Wilbur and Mrs. Beckely administered antidotes, but when the physician arrived a few moments later he was too near gone for mediacal aid to be of any assistance. Mrs. Beckley said she thought her husband lived not more than thirty minutes after taking the acid.
Beckley was born near Kirksville, Mo., but came to Howell county when a very young man. After living here for a number of years he moved to Iowa and later to Washington and Kansas. Three years ago he returned to West Plains from Pleasanton, Kans., and engaged in the grocery business on West Main Street.
In November, 1925 he was married to Mrs. Mattie Bardrick, widow of the late T.J. Bardrick. He and Mrs. Beckley have no children, but Mr. Beckley is survived by three daughters and two sons, by a former marriage. They are Mrs. Fred Colbert of Sigourney, Ia., Mrs. Charles Beth of Pleasanton, Kans., a small daughter, Marjory Beckley, who lives with her married sister at Pleasanton, a grown son, Orval Beckley, of Sigourney, Ia., and a younger son, Gordon Beckley, who has been residing in the home here, but who at the close of school here went to Sigourney, to spend the summer. Two sisters, Mrs. Sigel Taylor, who resides seven miles south of West Plains, and Mrs. Thomas Naylor of Mountain View, also survive.
Mr. Beckley motored to Iowa to take his young son, and returned to West Plains last Friday. Upon his return he did not show any signs of the despondent mood which caused his rash act last night, Mrs. Beckley said.
Mrs. Beckley said her husband had been subject to despondent moods but that he had not had them so much recently as he had a year or so ago. When he took the position recently with the adjusting company, which is a traveling position, she said he told her he would rather be dead than to be away from home so much, but that she did not think he meant it seriously.
Absalom Beckley, son of Adam and Sarah Beckley, was born on a farm, 4 miles
northwest of Parkville, Mo., Sept. 14th, 1869, and passed away at his home in Ludlow Dec. 17, 1936, at the age of 67 years, 3 months and 3 days.
When a young man, he moved with his parents to a farm, 3/4 of a mile north of Ludlow. He was one of 8 children. With the exception of two sisters, all with the parents have preceded him in death.
When a young man he united with the Methodist church in Platte county and was a regular attendant at Sunday school and church.
On July 5, 1887, he was united in marriage to Mildred Copple. To this union 3 children were born. A daughter, Bessie, died when four years of age.
He leaves to mourn, the wife, one daughter, Mrs. Lucille Higgins, one son, Harry Beckley, 2 grandsons, Russell and Bobby Beckley, two sisters, Mrs. Debbie Taylor, of West Plains, Mo., Mrs. Kit Naylor, of Mountain View, Mo. and a host of other relatives and friends.
He had a keen sense of humor and a happy disposition. He met everyone with a smile and a jovial greeting. He wil be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Funeral services were held in the M.E. church at 2 p.m. Saturday, conducted by Rev. B.A. Wagenknecht.
Mr. Beckley was laid to rest in Monroe cemetery, north of Ludlow.
Newspaper clipping Feb. 1947
* Weddings *
Mrs. Winona Marie Penninger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.L.Montgomery of Kansas City, Mo., became the bride of James Robert Penninger of Mountain View, Mo., in a single ring ceremony at 1 oclock p.m. sunday, Febuary 9, 1947, at the home of the bride.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S.A. Wysong, minister of the Phesbyterian church under an archway adorned with baskets of gladialas and snapdragons.
Their attendants were the brides sister, Mrs. Mildred Richardson of Kansas City, and the grooms brother, Dr. Wm. Holt Penninger of Fayetteville, Ark. The ceremony was witnessed by immediate relatives.
For her wedding the bride chose a smoke white two piece peplin effect dress and wore a corsage of gardenias and red roses. The attendents dress was aqua blue crepe with a crsage of salmon colpred carnations. Both mothers, Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. Penninger wore black dresses with a corsage of gardenias.
The three teired wedding cake, adorned with the miniature bride and groom, surrounded with pink sweet peas on the dining table, was cut by the bride and groom and served with punch.
The wedding dinner was served at high noon at the home of the grooms mother.
The groom is manager of the Penninger Store at Summersville.
The bridal couple departed immediately for a trip through the south. Their home will be opened to their friends upon their return.
Mrs. O.T. Montgomery, Mrs. Mildred Richardson and Mrs. Cecillia McCann of Kansas City were in Mountian View to attend the Penninger wedding.
Lt. Wm. Penninger of Fayetteville, Ark. and Miss Mary Adeline Penninger of Columbia, arrived home Friday to attend the wedding of their (the newspaper clipping ends here)