Franklin County, Missouri

This Site is part of

The MOGenWeb Project & The USGenWeb® Project

Welcome to the Franklin County portion of the MOGenWeb.
We hope that you will find new and useful resources

Table of Contents
History ~ Biography ~ What's New ~ Queries & Lookups
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ Mortuary & Coroner Records ~ Obituaries
Military ~ Odds & Ends

"Our Neighbors"
Crawford ~ Gasconade ~ Jefferson ~ St Charles ~ St Louis ~ Warren ~ Washington ~ Counties, Missouri
Remember that folks traveled, please check our neighbors for information that might be of value to you in your research.
St Louis County has a lot of records that may apply to Franklin Folk.

Military ~ Crime & Punishment ~ Odds & Ends

The 'Works of Sherman Lee Pompey"
During the 1960's and 1970's, a Gentleman named Sherman Lee Pompey did a lot of Military Research:
Quite a few of his works can be found in the FS Catalog: The focus of his research seems to surround the Civil War
along with the Cavalry and Infantry Troops who were involved.
There are a lot of Burial Records for those who fought and lost their lives from one cause or another.
Here are three pages of Books that contain Military Information: The file is a searchable & linked pdf.
Use the Above Link to locate and download items of interest.
Log into your FS Account for access.

Pre-WWII Adjutant General Enlistment Contracts, 1900-1941.

Plese use this List to locate persons of interest.
And then this Link for the actual Records
Here is the FS Wiki which explains the records and their contents

Union Soldiers Buried at Andersonville, 1866
The Book is arranged alphabetically by State and is fully searchable.
There are also Army & Navy Burial Lists at the end of the State Lists.

Military & Historical Data

Franklin County and the Civil War
by Ruth Bardot

There is a huge amount of Military information online, thus no specific info here,
The FS Catalog has 363 Military Items which may be Viewed, Copied or Downloaded
Please use this link

Soldiers of the Great War [MO]
1890 Veteran's Schedule: Franklin County ~ Franklin County Military Men
The American Civil War in Missouri ~ Digitized Newspapers from the Civil War Era
Soldiers of the War of 1812 Who Are Buried in the State of Missouri
A - L ~ M - Z
The files below are linked on both the MOGW Server and FS

Military Headstone Applications; FS Searchable Database
Soldier's Records: War of 1812 [National Archives]
Search the National Archives ~ War Records:
Union Soldiers: 1861-1865
Confederate Records 1861-1865 ~ Additional Confederate Records ~ Confederate Pension Applications
FS Catalog: US Military Hospitals
Search the DAR, the GAR or the SAR

United States Union Provost Marshal Files of Individual Civilians, 1861-1866

Images of records from the United States Provost Marshal during the Civil War. The Provost Marshal served as military police for the Union Army. Records in this collection deal with deserters, Confederate spies, civilians suspected of disloyalty, civilian passage through military zones, etc. The records are in Record Group 109 located in the National Archives. This collection corresponds to NARA publication M345: Union Provost Marshals File of Papers Relating to Individual Civilians.

Returns from U.S. Military Posts, 1800-1916 [FS]
The above set of files is very interesting. There are thousands of records.
Family Search Has an extensive collection of Military Databases

War Casualties: LDS Film 4218687 [Missouri]
US Navy, Coast Guard & Marines
Published in 1946
The infomation:
Name, Rank, Street Address & Parents
Access: FS Catalog

U.S. Army Generals' reports of Civil War service, 1864-1887
These Reports contain very interesting Information
Family Search: Please Use This Link

Court Martial's ~ Confederate Prisoners ~ Union Soldier Executions [FS Catalog]
Film 2406002 - Court-martial papers, Record Group no. 133, Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City, 1862-1877
FS: Documents and Records - Explanation and Image Charts
Explanation: How to Access
LDS Films: 2407222 ~ 2406002 ~ 2405919 ~ 2405920: Index

War of 1812
Military Bounty Land Warrants: Missouri, 1815- 1858 ~ LDS Film # 983163
The Warrants are here
Please use this link for all films

Crime & Punishment
Missouri State Penitentiary: 1836 - 1931 [Search]
Online Explanation of the Prison & Records

Missouri State Penitentiary: 1836 - 1931 [Search]
Online Explanation of the Prison & Records
LDS Films: 2407222 ~ 2406002 ~ 2405919 ~ 2405920:

Prison Records [LDS, Films]

Please use this link for Chart with film numbers
There are some Prison Records on Family Search: Gleans

"Record of the Federal Dead" in Military Camps" [Google Books]

Family Search: Historical Images
I have created a chart that gives the Film #, Type of Resource and Date[s] included.
The Chart is here:

The Data for Franklin contains a wide variety of types of Data.
Military, Land, Vitals, to name a few...
. To access the Historical Images, log into your FS Account: Click on Search, then at the top of the page: Historical Images:
If your search does not work the way you want it to, use the chart and
enter the Film # in the Film/Fiche Slot in the Regular Catalog Section.

Odds and Ends

March 2025

[Circuit] Court records, 1819-1886
Missouri. Circuit Court (Franklin County) (Corporate)
These are really interesting records, everything from Delinquent Tax Records to Adoptions and Murder Trials!
There are alpha indexes at the beginning of each Film

FSG Project: Missouri [Family Group Sheets

The Denver Public Library
has an interesting set of databases
which are free to access:
Mining Accidents: 1839 > 2006
There is an index on Ancestry, but the Library has a search engine too.
Go Here

Probate Records : Family Search
FS has a huge section of Franklin County Probate Records in their Catalog: 1750 - 1998
This types and dates include the following:
Administor Bonds: 1918 - 1924
Assesments, Bills of Sale, Inventories: 1856 - 1888
'Named Cases' - Sorted by Year: 1848 - 1885
Probate Index: 1800 - 1955 ~ Probate Files: Volumes: 1868 - 1928
Settlements: Vols A - E, 1870 - 1912 ~ Wills: 1819 - 1928

Family Genealogical Web Sites
Holderrieth: Holderrieth, Holdread, Holderread, Holderreed, Matthes, Bates, Huxel, Phelps
Joe Miller's Website: Browns, Wests, Pinnells and more
Johnna Quick's Website: Eads, Perkins, Breedings and Roarks

"The Fine Print"

County Coordinator:
State Coordinator: Mel Owings

Assistant State Coordinator: Martha A C Graham
For information about adopting a Missouri County, please contact: Mel

Data contained on these pages may be used for personal genealogical and historical purposes, Please give Credit where it is due.

All data will stay with the MOGenWeb Project/a> when and if the Coordinator resigns: Future contributions or donations will be returned to the Submitter upon request. Although believed to be correct as presented, any corrections, changes or additions or invalid links should be brought to the attention of the Webmaster.

Site Updated: 4 March 2025
Online Continuously since 1997