Welcome to the FARRIS Surname DNA Project
If you are a Faris, Farris, Ferris, Ferriss, Pharris, etc. and other variant spellings of the FARRIS surname (we have identified over 50 variations), you will be interested in participating in the Farris DNA project now under way. Knowing exactly which Farris branch you come from will narrow your search for ancestors, saving you both time and money. To see the Farris surname DNA results posted thus far go to: www.ybase.org and do a search under the surname Farris. You can also search for other DNA surname projects at this same web Site.

To join our Farris surname project & order a test kit, please go to the following web page:

If you take part in our surname study, the price for the full 43 markers is now $189. If you do it individually, the price is $199. Thus far, all of our participants have purchased the full 43 marker DNA test which was & still is our strong recommendation. To read more background on DNA testing for genealogical purposes, please refer to the following two links: www.dnaheritage.com/tutorial1.asp    www.dnaheritage.com/faqs.asp

For anyone curious about the future role of DNA in assisting genealogical research, I urge you to read all of the information at these two web Sites. DNA data is showing common ancestors between branches where no one suspected a connection. This opens entire new directions for our family research. DNA does not replace the old tools, but it is an important new tool. John Adam Farris is the coordinator of this DNA study, and he can be reached at: