Famous and Infamous Missouri Folks
Do you have a notorious or famous person in your Missouri family or from your MO county or just know of them??
Send their name, the county and any background info that you may have on them.


Occupation / Vocation


Moses Austin

Industrialist & Lead Miner; father of Stephen F. Austin

Washington County

Thomas Wesley Benoist

Aeronautical Entrepreneur and Aviation Pioneer

Washington County & St. Louis

Daniel Boone


St. Charles County

Walter Elias 'Walt' Disney

"the most significant figure in graphic arts since Leonardo DaVinci"

Linn County & St. Louis

Edward G.  Eggling

Personal Steward to Confederate President Jefferson Davis

St. Louis County

Jesse James

Bank Robber / Train Robber

Clay County

Don Johnson


Barry County

John Joseph 'Black Jack' Pershing

General of the Armies of the United States

Linn County

Harry S. Truman [Biography]

US President

Jackson County

Porter Wagoner

Grand Ole Opry Star

Howell County

Cole Younger


Jackson County

Page Updated: 20 February 2025