Transcriber's Note: This document represents my transcription of the lower two-thirds of page 15 of the 1876 Daviess County Plat Book and preserves the original capitalization, punctuation (excepting hyphenation), and spelling while imitating of the fonts and format of the original page. I suggest printing this document (2 pages) or using the "Find..." feature to locate surname(s) of interest. This is a list of business references, analogous to our modern "yellow pages." -- S. A. Reid, January 2000.



JNO. P. SMITH, Clerk County Court.
A. . McFARLAND, Circuit Clerk.
J. T. DAY, Editor "North Missourian."
LEWIS LAMKIN, Editor "Gallatin Democrat."
A. F. BARNETT, County Treasurer. Ex-officer Collector.
H. C. McDOUGAL, Lawyer.
GILLIHAM & BROSIUS, Attorneys and Counselors at Law.
THOMAS J. BROWN, Dealer in Real-Estate.
Wm. M. BOSTAPH, Druggist. North-east corner Public Square.
Wm. S. ABELL, Recorder.
JAMES L. DAVIS, Attorney at Law.
M. P. CLOUDAS, Livery and feed stable in connection with hotel. Proprietor of omnibus to and from all trains.
JOHN W. WOOD, Proprietor of livery, feed and sale stable.
Wm. D. HAMILTON, Attorney at law, will give special attention to collections.
Wm. M. RUSH, Jr., Lawyer.
D. F. LONG, Physician and Surgeon and dealer in drugs, etc.
DUNN & EWING, Real Estate Agents. Milt Ewing, attorney, James T. Duns, sheriff.


Refer to T. P. Ellis & Co., Brokers, N. Y.
J. McFarran, Colorado Springs, Col.
Famers' Exchange Bank, Gallatin.
Kingsbury, Blasland & Co., Quincy, Ill.
Frankely, of Craw, McCreery & Co., St. Louis.

BENTON MILLER, General Merchandising & Collector of Union Township.
McDONALD & FREY, Manufacturers of carriages, wagons and a general blacksmithing business. Also keep on hand Burden's best horse shoes and a large stock of the celebrated patent steel toe corks. Remember the place, McDonald's old stand, west side of public square.
HENRY E. ORCUTT, Dealer in lumber, shingles, lath, lime, window sash, doors and blinds.

T. B. YATES, Pres't. A. L. BUZZARD, Vice-Pres't. A. M. DOCKERY, Cash'r.

Farmers' Exchange Bank,

Does a general banking business on liberal terms. Business solicited and satisfaction guaranteed.
Correspondents, Donnell, Lawson & Co, New York City. St. Louis National Bank, St. Louis. Trader's National Bank, Chicago, Ill.

JOHN BALLINGER, Post-master and farmer. Also dealer and manufacturer of wines.
R. L. TOMLIN, Cashier of Daviess County Savings Bank, established in 1865. Bank of deposits, discount and exchange. "Collections a specialty."
D. H. DAVIS, Druggist.
Wm. M. WHITE, Blacksmith and wagon and carriage maker.
R. E. JONES, Blacksmith, carriage and wagon maker. Horse-shoeing a specialty.
C. W. MIDDLETON & BRO, Manufacturers of shaved axe, pick and sledge handles, made of select second growth hickory. Gallatin, Mo.
J. C. IRVING, Dealer in agricultural implements, stoves, tin and general hardware. Also do a jobbing and a general retail business in everything in our line.
WILLIS, GRIFFIN & CO., Dealers in monuments, headstones, tablets, etc.
G. B. THOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of meats at reasonable prices.

JOHN P. COULSON, Dealer in dry goods, clothing, notions, boots, shoes, hats and caps.
SAMUEL A. RICHARDSON, Circuit judge 28th judicial district, and attorney at law.
B. F. NICHOLS, Proprietor of livery, feed and sale stables, also, omnibus to all trains.
DEUTSCH BROS., Dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, clothings, boots, shoes, hats, caps, notions, etc., etc., who keep constantly on hand one of the largest, cheapest and best assorted stock of goods in North Missouri. This is one of the oldest and most reliable houses in Gallatin. One door north of Alpine Palace Hotel.
JAMES M. POE, AMOS POE, proprietor, Manufacturers of boots. Look in back of B. K. East side of public square.
KOST & SHAW, Attorneys at Law.
JOHN A. KECK, Dealer in choice teas, groceries and provisions. A large assortment of fruit, native and foreign, in cans and glass, and family supplies of all kinds kept constantly on hand.
LEWIS FREY, Blacksmithing of all kinds. Carriage and wagon Manufactory.
A. P. SHOUR, School Teacher.
Wm. RICHARDS, Carriage and wagon making: repairing done neatly and with dispatch. All work warranted.
JAMES T. ALLEN, Physician and Surgeon.
CRAIN & CHILES, Dealers in groceries, produce, flour, meal, bacon, lard. Also agents for Tenton Woolen Mills. Cloth of all kinds on hand.
FRANK W. ROTTMANN, Proprietor of restaurant and bakery. Dealer in confectionery, cigars, tobacco and groceries.
SAMUEL & THOMAS T. WEIR, Carpenters and contractors.
KEHLER WERTZ, Plasterer.
J. H. McGEE & SON, Real estate and general agents. Have a complete set of Title abstracts to all lands in Daviess County. Attend promptly to payments.
E. M. MANN, Groceries, provisions and queensware. His store is in the post-office building and has always been crowded with goods and customers and is constantly replenishing. His stock of queensware, etc., is complete, and he always sells as low as the lowest in the market, and his well-known business qualifications have made for him a large trade which have universally been satisfactory with their bargains.
J. W. BURTON, Surgeon and Dentist.
A. F. MUSSELMAN, Singer agent. Also Smith, A. O. agent of Singer sewing machines and Smith's organ.
A. KNAUER, Merchant tailor, east side public square, is just in receipt of a superb stock of cloths, cassimeres, vestings and gents' furnishing goods. All for sale at panic prices. Goods bought of me are cut in the latest styles, free of charge; all work warranted and charges reasonable. A call is respectfully solicited.
OSCAR SORGE, Proprietor of the "Palace Hotel," situated conveniently for commercial men, being in the centre of the business part of the city. No pains spared to make guests comfortable.
J. M. CRAVENS, Druggist, west side public square.
J. CRAVENS, Farmer and stock raiser.


M. A. GODMAN, Farmer and stock dealer. Breeder of short horn cattle and graded hogs.
C. H. WELDEN, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hardware, glassware, queensware, hats, caps, garden and field seeds, etc., etc.
Wm. E. PEERY, Post-master and dealer in drugs, paints, oils, patent medicines, toilet articles, fancy notions, stationery and groceries.
H. E. GIBSON, Blacksmithing, wagon and carriage making, horse shoeing and repairing done in workmanlike manner at grange prices. Terms cash or produce.
L. M. THOMPSON, Justice of the peace and farmer. Dealer and grower of fruit and ornamental trees.


R. Y. MILLER, Proprietor of "City Hotel." Terms $2.00 per day.
F. CALLISON, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, queensware, hardware, patent medicines, grain, seeds and general merchandising.
N. G. CRUZEN, Retired merchant and assessor.
I. H. JONES, Proprietor "Jamesport City Mills."
C. C. GILLILAND, President of Farmers' Bank, Jamesport, Mo.

A.C. McCORD, Proprietor of livery, feed and sale stable.
Wm. IRVIN, Hardware store. Tinware, nails, iron, etc., etc.
H. BUNKER, Agent for McCormick's harvesting machines. Dealer in all kinds of agricultural implements. Repairs for all machines.


THOMAS A. GAINES, Attorney at law and real estate agent.
E. HUBBARD, Proprietor of "Jameson House," and stock dealer. Good furnished rooms and table, R. R. St. A first-class village feed and livery stable. Good hostler, horses and buggies.
W. W. DAVIS, Harness and saddles. A complete and full assortment of home-made saddles and harness, whips, collars, etc., etc. Better and cheaper bargains here than elsewhere. Come, build up your town.
R. F. RISLEY, Photographer and school-master.
E. A. BURDEN, Grain dealer.
A. O. SIPLE, Post-master and hardware merchant. Dealer in stoves, hardware, tin, sheet iron and copper ware. Post-office building.


A. J. KIMBERLING, Proprietor of boarding-house.
W. W. SNYDER, Dealer in dry goods, clothing, hats, caps, furnishing goods, etc., etc.
F. B. H. BROWN, Dealer in drugs, medicines, books, stationery, etc.
JOSEPH SWIKE, Dealer in dry goods, clothing, notions, groceries, hardware, queensware and a general assortment of everything found in a variety store.
R. T. WEST, Dealer and manufacturer of native lumber. Also stock dealer.
T. J. JEFFRIES, Agent of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad.
J. M. BICKEL, Post-master and dealer in dry goods, groceries, produce, etc.
D. M. CLAGETT, Physician and Surgeon.
Farmer, stock raiser and dairyman. Has a fine farm, suitable for farming purposes, or stock raising, containing 160 acres situated two miles northwest of Kidder, Mo.


R. S. OSBORN, Proprietor of Victoria Flouring Mills. Farmer and stock raiser.
FRED C. EASTMAN, Physician and Surgeon.


JOHN FOX, Farmer and stock raiser. Farm for sale.


JNO. W. HIGHTREE, M. D., Dealer in drugs, medicines, chemicals, paints, oils, varnishes, glass, putty, fine soaps, sponges, brushes, perfumery, dye woods and dye stuffs generally, pure wines and liquors for medicinal purposes, and other articles kept by druggists generally. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded.
E. H. WAGGONER, Physician and Surgeon.
HEYSER & STEPHENSON, Dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats, caps, etc., etc.
JOHN F. CHILES, Blacksmithing of all kinds done to order, cheap and in good style.
S. S. RYAN, Blacksmithing of all kinds done to order, cheap, and in a satisfactory manner. Also boarding and lodging.


E. H. TILLERY, Proprietor of the "Valley House;" good board and lodging, also feed stable and stock lots. Terms reasonable. The Gentryville and Albany stage line to and from this house daily.
ALEX. EDSON, Proprietor of "Forest House," livery stable in connection.
THOMAS J. MATTINGLY, Physician and Surgeon.


J. W. POWELL, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, and general merchandise.
WILLIAM PYLE, Practicing physician and surgeon. All orders promptly filled night or day.