If you have historical photos of places or people in Dallas County
that you would like to have included on the Dallas County
Historical Photos
web pages, just email them to
Please follow these guidelines when you create your photo for submission:
Please use the JPG format which generally creates a smaller file
than an equivalent GIF of the same photo. This will take up less
diskspace on the server and it will load faster in the browser window.
Please make the photo as
as small as possible without losing too much detail,
a maximum of 600 pixels wide or high.
This will help reduce the file size, and it will allow people with
low-resolution (640 x 480) monitors to view the entire photo without
scrolling back and forth, and they will print on one page.
Please do not give your photo a file name that includes spaces,
or any character other than letters, numbers, dashes (-) and underscores
For example, "John Doe Family.jpg" is not acceptable. Use
"John_Doe_Family.jpg" or "JohnDoeFamily.jpg" instead.
When you email your photo, please include a Caption for the
photo. This will be used for the name of the link to the photo, and
also as a caption on the web page for the photo. Please also include
a short explanatory Description. For example, a description
might include when and where it was taken, and the names of the people
in the photo. Also include your name so we can give you credit
for the submission.
Please do not submit photos that are copyrighted unless you
first obtain permission. If you submit a copyrighted photo with permission,
please include who gave you the permission in your email.