On back of photo are these names and nicknames, with some corrections and
given names in parentheses:
Front row:
Alva Russell, Flosie (Flossie Alma) Swift, Martha White, Pauline Finley, Ola
White, Ava Evans, Cecie Cheek (teacher), Ona Evans, Kitty Evans,
Clint (Clinton E.) Shembarger, Swift boy.
Second row:
Lillie Eisman, Lester Yates, Alma Newhouse,
Luenis (probably Amos Bruce "Doss") Swift, Charles Swift.
Third row:
Dewey Swift, Effie Shembarger, Ervin Newhouse, Lee Swift, Oss Russell,
Cecie (Cecil) Newhouse, Ethel Yates, Alta Russell, Ercell Newhouse,
Eicnie (Ernie Ewart) Tibbs.
There is an arrow pointing to this Tibbs saying he was killed at Pearl Harbor.
He did indeed die 12/07/1941 on the USS West Virginia.
Underneath the names is Ercell Newhouse written out.
Photo submitted to the Dallas County MOGenWeb by Linda Crawford.