Obituary Rev. W. C. Herdman

Died at his home in Revere, Tuesday morning, Oct. 8, (1907), aged 58 years, 5 months, and 7 days. This was the final to a long siege of nervous illness. The funeral was held from the C. P. church, Revere, Thursday, October 10, at 10 o'clock, services by Rev. Buchnan. Burial was the same day, in the cemetery at Luray. (Combs)

Deceased was one of the able and best known ministers in Clark county. He was ever zealous and faithful to the cause. He has left behind a record for good work, which is an honor to his name. His demise is mourned by his surviving family, his church, to which he was a power, and by scores of friends.

Rev. Herdman was born near Revere and on June 8, 1870, married Miss Olive E. Wells, by whom, with four sons and three daughters, he is survived.


Rev. Herdman served in Co. E, 39th Missouri, during the civil war.

Rev. Herdman was listed as a school teacher in the 1880 census.

1907, Sept. 8, "Rev. W. C. Herdman resigned work at Medill and Honey Creek churches, `as an awful sickness and nervous prostration bid her hands on me last February.'"

"Rev. W. C. Herdman died at his home in Revere Tuesday morning, after a long illness. Burial was at Luray Thursday. Obituary next week."