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Seven Star Springs Story and Cemetery Data - Submitted by: Dane Martin, deceased

"St. Louis, June 11.-A waterspout broke into the little valley in Barry county, in which is situated the town Seven Star Springs, and before the people could reach the hill a torrent of water rushed down, taking with it houses, tents, household goods and animals belonging to those living near the springs. A woman and two children were swept away by the flood, but fortunately they lodged in the bushes and were rescued some hours afterwards." Biennial Report, Volume 11 By Kansas State Horticultural Society - 1881

David Norman was one of the founders of Seven Star Springs City and received a Land Patent for 80 Acres on Mar 13, 1882. The 80 acres is the property that included the Spring.

J. D. Day pointed out that David was listed in 1880 living in Liberty twp. in 1880.

He was living between Benjamin Hawkins and A. B. Hodo in Liberty Twp. of Barry County, MO, and the census records are given at this link: Liberty Twp., of Barry County, MO

126. 136. Benj. M. Hawkins, Self, Married, Male, White, 33, AR, Farmer, TN, TN
Mary A. Hawkins, Wife, Married, Female, White, 33, AR, Keeping House, TN, TN
George W. Hawkins, Son, S, Male, White, 9, AR, AR, AR
John W. Hawkins, Son, S, Male, White, 8, MO, AR, AR
Benj F. Hawkins, Son, S, Male, White, 2, MO, AR, AR

127. 137. David Norman, Self, Married, Male, White, 46, TN, Farmer, TN, TN
Catharine Norman, Wife, Married, Female, White, 37, TN, Keeping House, TN, TN
Martha Norman, Dau, S, Female, White, 14, TN, At Home, TN, TN
Meranda J. Norman, Dau, S, Female, White, 13, TN, At Home, TN, TN
William M. Norman, Son, S, Male, White, 11, TN, At Home, TN, TN
James M. Norman, Son, S, Male, White, 8, TN, TN, TN
Larrey L. Norman, Dau, S, Female, White, 6, TN, TN, TN
Mary T. Norman, Dau, S, Female, White, 2, MO, TN, TN
Carey B. Norman, Dau, S, Female, White, 8 Months, MO, TN, TN [Born in September]

128. 138. A. B. Hodo, Self, Married, Male, White, 47, TN, Farmer, GA, ___
Arsula Hodo, Wife, Married, Female, White, 24, WI, Keeping House, NY, NY
Robert M. Hodo, Son, S, Male, White, 10, AR, At Home, TN, WI
Edward B. Hodo, Son, S, Male, White, 2, MO, TN, WI

The resource for these four documents is the Bureau of Land. Document - Land Details

Document 1 - Land Description

Document 2 - Land Patent

Document 3 - Land Patent

The town existed from 1881 until it was destroyed by a flash flood from the wet weather creek in Star Hollow in 1889. The Spring, as many other springs in SW Missouri, are just a tinkle today.

The valley that once had much fertile bottom land is nothing but gravel today in the year 2006.
The Seven Star Hollow on mile east of where town used to be in 1881 - 1889.


Seven Star City Springs (Hodo Springs)

Submitted by: James Darrell Day

This is an exert from a book written by Joe C. Shell © 1969 Title of book is Big Sugar Creek Country, and books are available from Albert E. Brumley's Hartford Music Co of Powell, MO.

The spring is just a tinkle in year 2006. Southard from where Thomas Hollow waters flow into Mike's Creek, some 1 ½ or 2 miles, another stream from east makes its way into Mike's Creek at what is known as the Bob Michael Farm. This small valley or hollow through which this stream of water flows is called the "Seven Star Hollow." About 3 ½ miles east, up this hollow, a big spring flows out over a large ledge of flat rock. There are seven holes or small basins, resembling stars in this ledge of rock, hence the name "Seven Star Spring."

David Norman was said to have discovered this spring. There is a marvelous and fabulous true story about this "Seven Star Spring" and the immediate surroundings. It had some influence on the Powell area. The first man to discover the healing powers in these waters was a Mr. Hodo, who was camping by this spring. His legs were said to be a solid mass of sores. He began drinking this water and bathing his legs two or three times each day. He soon noticed they were slowly healing, so he kept this up for a short while, and was said to be completely cured. Others soon became interested in these Medical Waters. Another man by the name of Schultz heard of this healing spring. He had T. B. and on weighed 90 lbs. He came and drank of this water for two years then left for Kansas in a covered wagon, seemingly sound and well, weighing 180 lbs.

News of these healing waters traveled far and wide; folks rushed here from all parts of the country in wagons, horseback and by other means of travel. Buildings went up in the valley, on the hillsides and on top of the hills. This little resort town mushroomed in a very short period of time, and was said to have reached more than 2000 population. Home Biggins burned and manufactured brick for building purposes. Pine lumber was hauled in from Neosho, MO., to build houses. Marshal Correly and Dale Fly set up a large saw mill to saw native timber into lumber for framing and etc. For power they used a 16 foot boiler. They had a large circle saw, 68 inches in diameter. On one of the hillsides near this place, three shafts were dug, some ten or twelve feet deep, where a very fine quality of red clay was found. This was mixed with linseed oil and was said to have made an excellent pain and was used extensively. To this date, these shafts can still be located. Also lime was manufactured in Seven Star Hollow. Many streets were laid out in this little city where ledges of rock were encountered. Fills were made so that the street could continue. This A. B. Hodo and wife had sent off samples of water to be analyzed, which were said to have shown that it contained medical properties and from this boom started. The streets running east and west were: Valley St., then Walnut, Chestnut, High, and Hickory Street, one alley south was named "Greenback Alley."

At this time, 1881, Mr. Eli Albert put up a livery stable, John Ware had a blacksmith shop and addition were added to the town, namely the Dave Norman addition, the Estes, the Carson, Hays and Clark. Folks came all around on horse back and buggies to the Fourth of July celebrations. About every tree in the valley had a horse tied to it. There was quite a scramble to purchase lots. It was said by August 1881, 300 lots had been sold. Eli Albert erected a 35 room hotel east of the spring. One floor was used for dancing and was used frequently. On one occasion, a riot started and when it ended, there were several black eyes and bloody noses. Judge Horine erected a bath house west of this spring. Also a saloon (called the Boss) went up. The main street ran north from north from the spring and was dividing line between the original town ad the Dave Norman addition. Here was the Chew's Store, Fisher and Boswell Store, Fly's Feed Store and the Stephenson's Hall, in which court was held, and also public gatherings. Also a picture gallery, Mose Hodge Hotel, and Campbell's Hall, in which was the post office and printing office, West of Main St. was Lanum's Furniture Store, Dink Jeffries Drugstore, Loring Hotel, Adamson's Livery Stable, Smith Hotel with 40 rooms (burned down later) and Mose Hodge Butcher Shop. A Man by the name of Snapping" Wilson, who lived with his in a small house next to the Loring Hotel was the leading musician for the dances and social affairs. This Wilson left one night and wasn't found for three or four days. When found, he was hanging from a cliff up a small hollow, now called "Wilson Hollow," at times called "Dead Man's Hollow."

This town was said to have been incorporated December 1881, with five trustees. At this time the population was estimated at 1500. The town continued to grow. John Hawkins, a young man of 18, worked in the Mose Hodge Butcher Shop. A large sign arched over the spring, stating the medical properties of the water. In many crevices of the bluffs along Star Hollow and Mike's Creek, Epsom Salt's can be found, used by many old timers. There was some prospecting done near Star Hollow. There was some excitement when mineral was found in one shaft, but it soon died down when it was learned that mineral from Granby had been thrown in the shaft. Traveling shows often stopped here for entertainment. A famous shirt-tail foot race was run. This little town had flourished to the point that it was said to be the best town in Barry County, except Cassville.

In the bluff opposite this spring (one mile NW) was a large cave called "Bear Cave." Wallows or excavations in the dirty floor were said to be where the bears slept. This cave had many visitors and still people visit the cave. On down the Seven Star Hollow, about 2 ½ miles , at the mouth of a small hollow "Kettle Hollow," named because of a large flat ledge there are three large basins, seemingly where three big iron kettles had been lifted out. The following are the names of the office holders and businessmen of the Seven Star town: Buster Carruthers, postmaster; Billie Davis, town marshal; Jim Stalcup, butcher; Bill Smith, night watchman; Dr. McDonald, town doctor; Babe Roseberry, restaurant operator; David Norman, liquor store; Jim Jacoby, gambling; Bob Michael, dance hall; Howard (Judge) Brown, owned two hotels, one on top of the hill, one directly over the spring with 72 rooms and a large bathing pool in the basement. East and West the town was about one mile across.

Then came sudden destruction on July 9, 1889. About 10 a.m., a small blanket cloud appeared in the sky from which rain began coming down. Soon the bottom just seemed to drop out of the ski and rivers of water pounced upon this little city with fury. And by four p.m. the city was desolate, the business houses and homes in the valley and on the hillsides were demolished and the greater part washed away. Not one person lost his life in the flood waters. What few buildings left standing were torn down or moved away. One building was moved to the Phillip Clayton farm on Mike's Creek. The hotel on the hill was moved to Bowers Corner six miles south of Stella, MO., and is still standing. One hotel was moved to Fairview and two west of Wheaton. Bob Michael and James Royer had wheat, oats and corn across three forty-acre tracts of land in this hollow and only two shocks of wheat were left. They were on a high point. This valley of rich black dirt is now a bed of gravel. Much of the merchandise was covered up in the bed of gravel. The saw mill was covered by drifts. The glamour and glitter of this fair city passed away in only a few short hours. A short time later, Kie Danley had a store and post office called Newsville about two miles down from the Seven Star Spring. It soon passed away too.

This information mostly came from Jack Michael, Arthur Michael, Erma Michael, Guy and Glenn Cole, and an article written by Ralph and Beva Scantlin.

Star Hollow Creek

Dedicated to All Those Reared Along This Creek

In Star Hollow
Seven miles from Washburn, MO
There is a Creek
That only runs with water
When it rains very hard
Usually in the Spring or Fall
I have fond memories of this Creek
Of wading and swimming in it's
Cool, cool waters
We would have to cross this Creek
To get to Seven Star School, or
To get our mail
Sometimes I would jump off
Of a bluff, feet first into the Creek
Sometimes the Creek would be up so big
We couldn't cross it
Over the years this Creek
Has washed away about all
The Star Hollow Bottom Land
Where now much gravel stands

Copyright ©2003 James Darrell Day

Submitted by: James Darrell Day
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