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Community of Golden, MO


Written on back: Golden before April 29, 1909

Golden - Un-cropped
Golden Cyclone, Barry Co., MO, April 29, 1909

Submitted by: Marla Eagleson Harris
Golden School Photos - School Book
May 8, 1909, Saturday, Cassville Democrat, Barry Co., MO

The Funerals: Below we give all we were able to learn of the funerals of the victims of the cyclone.

Mrs. Wm. Henson, who was injured in the cyclone Thursday afternoon died about midnight; was laid to rest in the Viney Cemetery near Golden, Saturdayafternoon. She was a daughter of James Winton, formerly of Viola, now of Oklahoma. Besides her parents and brothers and sisters she leaves a husband and three sons. Basil, 17; Elmer, 15; and Lonnie, 13, to mourn her untimely death. She was about 35 years of age; was born and raised in this county, and was a consistent member of the Christian Church.

Bob Hopton was buried Friday, April 30, in the Hostetter Cemetery, 4 miles southwest of Golden. Mr. Hopton was about 36 years of age, a native of Barry County and had confidence of all who knew him. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn their loss.

Miss Cora Prentice, 10 year old daughter of C. A. Prentice, was buried Friday, April 30, in the Westmorland cemetery in Carroll County, Ark.. She was Mr. Prentice's youngest child and leaves her parents brothers and sisters to mourn her unfortunate death.

Miss Bertha Sumpsell was buried in the Liberty Cemetery, one and half miles Southwest of Golden. She was a daughter of the late Will Sampson and was 17 years of age. She had been working in the home of W. H. Henson.

[Research Note: There were a long list of damages reported, most was around Golden. The school and church were both gone and a number of homes. Cost of damages ran around $600. to $1100. per structure. There were some barns that were blown away and also some reports of porches that were destroyed. Bob Overton had a horse killed and Mrs. Sarah Daugherty's residence had the roof torn off. Allen Rose had the doors blown off and the dishes blown out of the safe.]

At Mr. Roberts residence, Miss Leland, Mrs. Robert's mother, and Mrs. Tiden Weddington and child were in the building; Mrs. Leland had an arm broken, the other one badly cut and bruises about her face and body. She is 84 years of age. Mrs. Weddington and her baby escaped injury. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts.

At Mr. Roberts' store Mrs. Roberts, her daughter and granddaughter, daughter of Tiden Weddington, were in the store and escaped serious injury but were badly bruised up; Mat Roberts was on the street and was picked up and thrown against a tree, breaking four ribs and otherwise injuring him, but not seriously.

Among the items listed in property destroyed was this one: Mrs. Bob Hopton is in a very serious condition, one toe was amputated and was injured all over; her daughter Hallie was badly injured, another child was hurt.
Henson's Store Dwelling
Written on Back - Henson's Store, April 29, 1909

Un-cropped Photo
Quinn's Dwelling
Back reads Quinn's Dwelling, April 29, 1909

Un-cropped Quinn's Home
Lowe's Dwelling
Back reads Perry's Dwelling, April 29, 1909
Probably the Home of Perry Lowe
Un-cropped Lowe's Home
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