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The Town of Exeter - Barry Co., MO
Historical Information Exeter Links

Photo Submitted by: Dane Martin - Deceased
The First 100 Years in Exeter, by the Centennial Committee Members - out of print

The photograph below was taken at the old apple drying plant in Exeter, Missouri. The only people who are identified are Lillis (Miller) Gurley and Elsie (Miller) Holland, first two on left side. If you can identify any of the others in the photo please email Norman Smith or if this address doesn't answer then use this one Donna Cooper

A few years ago Blanche (Haddock) Snook's family sent me a large box of photos and papers that were used for the Exeter publication, The First 100 Years in Exeter. This photo was in among the box contents.

In the Exeter publication, Blanche mentioned the photo, stating that it was taken in 1915 and it was listed on page 51. The photo caption reads that those pictured from left to right were Lillis (Miller) Gurley, Elsie (Miller) Vaught, the next 2 ladies were Reed sisters and the sixth lady from the left was Mrs. John (Powell) Laney, then May Sanders and Lizzie Pitts. The man on the far right wearing a necktie was owner Dave Marshall. She stated that others in the picture were unknown.

Donna Cooper
photo Schools
  • Doss School (Liberty Township, near Exeter)
  • Independence School
  • Ridgley School
  • Hazel Dell School - 1904
  • Hazel Dell School
Exeter People & Places


1920's Pilant Drug, Exeter, MO

Pilant Drug Prescription Form

John Fernando "Frank" Pilant Drug Store in Exeter, MO
(Oct. 8, 1846 - Jan. 1, 1933)

From his Obituary in the Cassville Republican, Jan. 1933, states that J. F. Pilant was in the drug business for more that 12 years and had to sell it about 3 years early because of failing health.
Submitted by: Barbara Erwin

U.S. Post Office at Exeter
Barry County, Missouri
Postmaster: Earl Lee Smithson,
Clerk: Leland Jane (Jordan) Smithson
Photo of Earl Lee & Leland Jane (Jordan) Smithson

According to a newspaper article on 10 Aug 1955 Earl Smithson retired after 28 years in the Exeter Post Office. He served during the administrations of Presidents Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman. This picture was probably made in the early 1930's, after they took office.

Submitted by Jane (Foland) Poore
photo The interior of Exeter Farmers Exchange is typical of the early nineteen hundreds but the estimated date of the photograph is in the 1940's or early 1950's.

The man standing on the left is Ivan Reed, uncle of Carl Montgomery, who submitted the photograph. If you can identify the other men in the photo - please contact: Carl Montgomery
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