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Persons Named: Leon's Erwin (my father-in-law)
Leon Erwin is in the middle with the black hat on and none appear to be Erwin family members. Loraine does not appear in this photo so it must be pre 1941-1942.

Leon attended the Union church as a member of the Washburn Baptist in Washburn from 1930's and some time attended Wayne school house Sunday afternoon as Sunday School. It looks like a group from the community.
Renae Fields on Facebook, Barry County, Places and Things Remembered said, I believe #3 is Ora (Walker) Erwin, and #10 her husband Judge (Fred, his given name) Erwin. They are my great-great grandparents. It looks like the two men beside Ora are the right age to be her sons, but I do not have photos of them, to compare. They were Jayhygh Walker Erwin 1910-1983 and John Foster Erwin 1928-1999.

(Research Note: See the last photo, because it is the one that Renae added.)
Date: Maybe 1941-1942?
Resource: Barbara Erwin's Photos
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