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Obit For Garland Wallen
Headline Obituary
Text Obituary: Death, that terrible invader, entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wallen, Aug 25 and claimed for his victim their darling little boy, Garland, and bore him away on His chariot wheels to the silent city of the death. Oh! death what a cruel king, thy palace a sepulcher. They chaplet faded flowers on coffin lids and thou has subdued every land and besieged every city. Thou has kept all thou hast won save Jesus Christ, who alone escaped. Little Garland was so sweet and so beautiful as the flowers that paved his pathway. And, oh, how sad it did seem that blossom so young and sweet would die. While the little one is so greatly missed by loved ones what a comfort in this one promise Jesus has said, "suffer little children to come unto me." Then our sorrow is his eternal gain in joy, peace and happiness. To the bereaved parents, little sisters and little brother we extend our tenderness sympathies, but human sympathy is too inadequate and we would point you to the man of sorrow, as he weeps over the grave of Lazarus and may you like Mary sit low down at Jesus' feet and drink in His words of love and tenderness and feel His healing power and at last enjoy the glory of the immortal life upon which little Garland has already entered. A friend.
Newspaper Cassville Republican
Date September 10, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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