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Obit For John Trim
Headline John Trim Dead

Former Cassville Man Drops Dead

in His Home at Sarcoxie
Text J. A. Trim, 46 years old, died suddenly of heart disease about one o'clock Thursday morning. He had been attending an installation of officers of the Macabee Lodge from which he returned rater late. After he had gone to sleep he aroused his wife by suddenly rising up in bed, then he lurched across Mrs. Trim's breast and when she examined him she found he was dying. Dr. W. Boyd was hurriedly called but Mr. Trim has passed beyond before medical aid came.

Mr. Trim was city collector of Sarcoxie, serving his first term in that office after being city clerk for many years. He was record keeper of the Macabees and also held membership in the Masonic and Odd Fellow brotherhoods. In the Macabees he carried a beneficiary certificate for $2,000. His church affiliation was with the Presbyterians.

He had been married twice and had four children, two of the first and two of the second marriage. The first two are grown young ladies; the other two are mere children.

No death in recent years has caused such a wide-spread feeling of shock and regret as the death of this excellent citizen who took such a prominent part in the activities of the town in which he lived. He will be missed everywhere, but particularly in church, musical and lodge circles. Sarcoxie Record
Newspaper Cassville Republican
Date January 20, 1917, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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