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Obit For Willie Sneed
Headline Willie Sneed
Text Willie, the elder of whom died in 1893. Willie, the only son, is now twenty-one years of age. He is assistant cashier of the Bank of Green Forest and is a young man of good character and excellent business qualifications.

Mr. Sneed left no will, consequently the settlement of his affairs is left in the hands of the widow and son. His business is all in good shape, not a dollar of indebtedness standing against it. For some time past the evidence of debt have been name to read in favor of W.R. Sneed & Son. No administration papers will be taken out.

W. R. Sneed was one of the strongest pillars of finance in this part of the state. While he was a shrewd and exceedingly careful business man in his way, yet there was never a more generous hearted man with his patrons ever did business in the country. His creditors were never given a particle of trouble as long as they manifested a desire to pay. He has loaned thousands after thousands of dollars where the honor of the man he was dealing with was his strongest security and he seldom suffered on account of the confidence thus exercised. He was a man that proceeded at all times on the theory that honest is the best policy and on his dying bed he expressed great consolation in the fact that he had never knowingly cheated a customer out of the value of anything. Mr. Sneed's life and manner of dealing was a thorough demonstration that wealth can be honestly acquired.
Newspaper ?
Date Oct. 1, 1904
Death Cert -
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller
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