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Obit For Ollie Belle (Gano) (Dixon) Robberson
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Text Mrs. Thos. H. Robberson died Thursday morning at the Madison Mill, of a complication of diseases, age 36 years. The remains were laid to rest Friday in the Goodnight Cemetery. Rev. Ennis conducted services at the grave.

She had been sick since Aug. 6, and bore her suffering with Christian fortitude. She was a member of the M. E. Protestant Church.

In his sore affliction, Mr. Robberson wills the sympathy of all the acquaintances. She left four children, the youngest three months old, to mourn her death. Mrs. Robberson was a daughter of W. G. Gauo, Parkville, MO.

Research Note: Mrs. Thomas Robberson - Daughter of William Grove Gano and Naoma Hensel.

She first married George W. Dixon and second Thomas H. Robberson.

March 19, 1904, Cassville Democrat
Mrs. Thos. Robberson of Madison Mill was very sick with a severe pain in her head.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date November 12, 1904, Saturday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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