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Obit For Winnifred (Devine) Reese
Headline A Splendid Woman Dies Wednesday

Text Mrs. Winnifred (Devine) Reese, wife of Guy Reese formerly of this city but now of LaRussell, Mo., passed away in the Baptist Hospital in Springfield last Wednesday following an illness of complications of ailments, extending over the past few weeks.

Mrs. Resse became ill at about the time the family was preparing to move to their new home at LaRussell, where her esteemed husband had purchased a general mercantile business. She was soon taken to the hospital, where her condition was pronounced serious. An operation was performed upon her a short time thereafter at which time it was found that nothing could be done for her at that time.

Developments were awaited, but in vain. Her condition took a turn for the worst and recovery was inevitable. The Horine Funeral Service ambulance went to Springfield after the body, which was brought to this city and prepared for burial.

Mrs. Reese was a daughter of John Devine, an old time and highly respected citizen of Lamar, Mo. and was an excellent wife, mother, sister, friend and neighbor.

She had resided marry years in this city and was loved by all acquaintances. She was a consistent member of the Baptist Church and had been for several years and her every-day life was that of a conscientious Christian lady.

She was married to Guy Reese in Kansas City, Mo. February 17th, 1915 to which union two daughters were born, who with the grief-strength father survive. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. L.H. Horton of this city and another who resides in Colorado, and who attended the funeral services being delayed one hour awaiting her arrival on an afternoon train.

She also leaves her father and two brothers who also reside in Colorado, but were unable to attend the funeral.

Impressive funeral services were conducted at the Baptist Church in Cassville, Friday afternoon by Rev. Kelly, after which interment was made in Oak Hill cemetery under the direction of Horine’s Funeral Service. A quartette composed of Mrs. Glen Pearl, Mrs. John Ray, Clint Blythe and Chas Willis, rendered special songs at the service. Many beautiful floral emblems were received from relatives and many friends of the family through out this section.

The Democrat joins the many friends of this grief stricken family in extending sincere sympathy in their sad hour of bereavement.

Reseach note: Death Cert. #14409 listed name as Winfield May Reese and birth date, April 4, 1890 and death date, April 17, 1929
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date April 26, 1929
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource Newspaper
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