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Obit For Wesley Ommer Reed
Text W. O. (Ommer) Reed, 51 years old, was killed suddenly Tuesday afternoon at his farm home on Shoal Creek, 6 miles southeast of Wheaton, when the full charge from a 12 gauge shot gun struck him in the chest. He was dead when his wife found him a short distance from the house where the gun had been accidentally discharged as Mr. Reed was crossing a barb wire fence.

Mrs. Reed related that a woodpecker had been annoying them by pecking on the house. Mr. Reed remarked that he would get his gun and kill the bird. Mrs. Reed went about her work in the kitchen and in just a few minutes she heard a shot and presumed her husband was shooting at the bird. However, when he failed to return to the house she went in search of him and found him dead.

Mr. Reed had apparently leaned the gun against the fence, climbed over the fence and then started to pick up the gun with the muzzle pointed towards his body. In some manner it was discharged with the muzzle of the barrel near the center of his chest.

Corner Paul Henbest was called but after he viewed the body he did not hold an inquest as every indication pointed to an accidental death. The body was removed to the Pogue Funeral Home here in Wheaton to await funeral arrangements, which are incomplete at present.

Surviving are his widow, Miss Nellie Reed; six children, Mrs. Alton Howard, Cameron Mo., Mrs. LeRoy Shrum, Orange Cove Calif., Mrs. Lamonie England, Exeter Mo., Truman Reed, Stockton Calif., Adrian Reed, Kansas City, Mo. And Barbara, at home, and one brother, Ellsworth Reed of Yakima, Wash.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Wheaton Journal
Date Thursday, Nov. 24 1949
Death Cert Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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