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Obit For Nellie Louise (Muturx) Reed
Text Mrs. Nellie Reed, widow of Homer (see note ) Reed, was found dead in bed at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday in her home in the northwest part of town.

Mrs. Reed called her sister, Mrs. Mae Reed, who also resides in Wheaton, at 8 p. m. and said only a few words, but indicated she was ok.

Mrs. Reed, however was concerned about her sister and telephoned her about 15 minutes later and she failed to answer. She then called a neighbor of her sister, Mrs. Mary Kimbrough, and ask her to check on her sister. Hazel Kimbrough, daughter of Mrs. Kimbrough, went to the Reed home and found the lights out and the front screen door hooked.

Mrs. Mae Reed then called Rev. H. Everett Anthony, pastor of the Baptist Church, who came and got her and they went to the Reed home. In the meantime Miss Kimbrough had notified Joe C. Schell, who was at the Reed House when Rev. Anthony and Mrs. Mae Reed arrived. Rev. Anthony cut a hole in the screen wire to open the screen door and the inside door was not locked. When they entered the house they found the body in bed with the covers pulled up over her. This was about 8:30 o’clock. Funeral director Morris Pogue was called and the coroner Doyle Williamson of Cassville was called. No inquest was held and he determined Mrs. Reed had died about 8:15.

The body was received by the Pogue Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held Saturday after noon at 2 o’clock at the Wheaton Baptist Church of which she was a member. Burial will be in the Clark Cemetery, east of Wheaton.

Research Note: Wesley Ommer Reed was aka: Homer Reed.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Wheaton Journal
Date Dec. 12, 1963
Death Certifcate Link Death Certificate
Resource Newspaper
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