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Obit For Capt. George A. Purdy
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Text Capt. George A. Purdy, died at his home at Pierce City, Friday. The deceased was about 60 years of age and at one time was a resident of Barry County.

For many years he was the land agent for the Frisco Line. When the town of Purdy was started it was named in honor of Capt. Purdy, as a recognition of his services to the county.

The deceased was at one time prominent in Barry County politics and in early days was a candidate for congress in this district, before the Republican convention.

In 1863 the decease was commissioned a lieutenant in Company E, First Arkansas Calvary and served continuously during the war. A short time afterward he was appointed county school commissioner of Barry County.

In 1866 he was elected to the legislature from Lawrence County. In 1894 he was a delegate to the Republican National Convention.

He leaves a wife and three children to morn his loss. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at three o'clock at Pierce City.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date Thursday, June 7, 1900
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of Missouri
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