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Obit For Capt. James Shelby Plattenburg
Was Captain in Famous General Joe Shelby's Division in Civil War
Funeral to be Held Sunday.
Text Captain J.S. Plattenburg for twenty-eight years "a" prominent citizen of Cassville and a member of the Barry county bar; passed away at his home here Tuesday morning May 2 at 2 o'clock of rheumatism and heart failure, at the age of 73 years.

For two weeks or more Capt. Plattenburg has been confined to his home from an attack of rheumatism and was thought to be improving nicely. Sunday when friends called upon him, he never had seemed quite so cheerful and talkative. There was no indication Monday that he was worse. He and his brother, Henry, southwest of town, were planning soon to make a trip to Kansas City. A short time before he died he took suddenly bad with his heart trouble and soon passed quietly away.

Funeral services, under the direction of the Cassville Lodge A.F.& A. M. No. 383 will be held Monday afternoon May 8. This will give Mrs. John Adams, a daughter of Idaho, time to reach Cassville for the funeral.

J. S. Plattenburg was born at Dover, Lafayette county, this state, Oct. 30, 1842. There he grew to manhood. He received a good common school education and was a student at the University of Missouri at the beginning of the Civil War. He left school to enter the Confederate army and there serve with honor to himself and to his regiment. For ability and gallantry he was promoted until he became Captain of Co. A in the Gordum Regiment of General Shelby's division.

Following the war he farmed for a time in the home county and later after a year in Texas he located at Gainesville and began the study of law in Judge Price's office at Gainesville. After being admitted to the bar he practiced law at Gainesville and West Plains. Later he moved to Springfield and from there he came to Cassville in 1893. He engaged in business here for a time and continued the practice of law.

For a number of years he was in the abstract business but sold his business a few years ago on account of his age.

He was married to Miss Jane Boone of Gainesville in 1879. To them four children were born, three of whom are living, one having died in infancy. The living are Selby, Mrs. Ron Manley of this city and Mrs. John Adams of Idaho.

Capt. Plattenburg was one of the best informed men in the county, by nature a close student and even in old age his mind was unusually clear and active. He was a man of kindly disposition, of high ideals and spirit, interest in education and public affairs, and the pains and care he took with work entrusted to him, made him a useful citizen. A number of years ago he was honored by the Democratic party with the nomination for the County Treasurer. For many years he was the faithful secretary of the Pythagoras Lodge and one of its most zealous member.

Note: No Missouri Death Certificate found
Name: James Shelby Plattenburg
Death: May 3, 1921, Cassville, Barry Co., MO
Wife: Mahala James Boone (1859-1949)
Both Buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Cassville, Barry Co., MO
Parents: James Shelby Plattenbury & Laura Catherine Yerby
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date May 5, 1921
Death Cert Link -
Resource Newspaper
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