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Obit For John Pierre Stevenot Planchon
Text J. P. S. Planchon a prominent farmer living near Monett and brother of Paul Planchon of this city, met death last Sunday morning at his farm home south of Monett as a result of an attack by a bull.

Mr. Planchon had gone to move the bull which was chained to a stake near the house. A few minutes later his wife’s attention was attracted by the barking of a dog. Upon going to the door she discovered that the bull had attacked her husband and she attempted to frighten him away by shouting and throwing rocks. Her husband warned her of the danger to both of them and instructed her to return to the house and phone for help.

Upon her return it was apparent that her husband was dead, but the bull continued to gore and trample the body tossing it into the air occasionally with its horns.

A neighbor soon arrived and shot the bull a number of times with a shotgun, which hardly detracted his attention from the victim. A few minutes later Wm. Burrows of Monett arrived on the scene. When the bulls attention had been attracted he made a mad dash for the car and as he drew near Burrows fired one shot from a high powered rifle which struck the bull squarely between the eyes killing him instantly.

With his horns and hoofs the bull had mangled and crushed the body beyond recognition.

John Planchon was born in Uraguay, South America, December 20, 1860 and with his parents came to the United States in 1875.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. F. F. Dodson at the Waldensian church south of Monett Tuesday afternoon and the body buried in the cemetery at that place.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Wheaton Journal
Date Friday, June 13, 1924
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of Missouri
Submitted by