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Obit For Vora B. Piper
Headline Obituary
Text Vora B. Piper, was born at Lebo, Coffee County, Kan., Nov. 6, 1895, and was accidentally shot with a revolver in the hands of an unthoughted [not thoughtful] person, Jan. 9., 1914. The bullet was removed by Drs. Searcy of Exeter and Mitchell of Cassville.

He improved seemingly for four weeks but died Feb. 13, age 19 years, 3 months, 7 days. When seven years old he was afflicted with infantile paralysis which caused him to be a cripple for life.

Three years ago he was converted at Mt. Pleasant, Kan., and united with the United Brethren Church. He was a wonderful Christian boy.

His mother, brother, and one sister, and proceeded him to the grave. His father and step-mother, two brothers and three sisters survive him. His step-mother, having known him in youth was a mother indeed. She loved him as her own.

Three brothers from Peoria, Kan., attended his funeral which as conducted by Rev. W. P. Owens of the M. E. Church, South at Exeter, after which his remains were laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery on the 15th. The following is only a picture of his cheerfulness in life and sickness. [poem follows]
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date March 5, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO
Submitted by