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Obit For Sarah Elizabeth (Jones) Pierce
Headline Mineral Springs News
Text #1. Mrs. B. F. Pierce died at her home Thursday evening about 8:30 p.m. Her body was laid to rest in the family cemetery near the home Friday evening. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved relatives.

#2. Mrs. B. F. Peirce [Pierce] who for a number of years has resided about 8 miles east of town died Thursday evening of last week, age 80 years.

Some weeks ago she had a stroke of paralysis and with her advanced age she weakened rapidly. Thursday she fell and her injuries sustained hastened her death within a short time.

She was the wife of B. F. Peirce [Pierce] an influential citizen in the community in which he resides.

#3. J. D. Pierce of Bullington, Ia., came in Friday to attend the funeral of his mother who died Thursday of last week.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date September 11, 1913, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of Missouri
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