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Obit For PFC. Delbert Payton
Leaves Wife and Two Children

#2. Former Webb City Man Is Killed in Italy
Text - Outline #1. PFC. Delbert Payton, son of Amos D. Payton of Golden community, Barry county, was killed in action on April 15, in northern Italy. A telegram from the war department was received a few days ago by the father.

Delbert was 26 years old. He leaves a wife and three small children.

Mr. Payton also has two other sons in the service: James Wilburn, 28 years old, but single, who is in the Southwestern Pacific. He had been in services for 4 years.

The other son is Amos D. who is 20 years old, single and had been in overseas service for the past 15 months. He is in the Burma-India war Zone.

Mr. Payton has not yet received any particulars concerning his son’s death in Northern Italy except that he died in action.

#2. Former Webb City Man Is Killed in Italy

Webb City, Mo., May 10

Private First Class Delbert E. Payton, formerly of Webb City, was killed in action in Italy, April 15, according to information received by relatives here.

He is survived by his wife, who lives in Oklahoma City; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Payton, former Webb City residents, who now live at Golden, Mo., and two brothers, James Payton serving in the Philippines, and Amos Payton, Jr., with the armed forces in Burma.
Newspaper or Funeral Home #1. Cassville Republican - # 2. Joplin Globe
Date #1. May 24, 1945 - # 2. May 11, 1945
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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