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Obit For Maggie (Lillard) Park
Headline Mrs. Jas. J. Park Passes
Text A beautiful and sweet life with every act for good, with a lovely disposition that spread sunshine and happiness in the home life, that made impressions that will not be erased by time, has been closed and her spirit was wafted to that celestial city, where she will dwell eternally, because she accepted the teachings of Christ and obeyed them. Her loved ones can meet and mingle with her, in that happy land, by making the effort.

Miss Maggie Lillard was born near the spot she died Nov. 20, 1851, and was a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. James Lillard, old and respected citizens of this county, who came to this section in the early part of the forties and lived and died there.

On July 6, 1878, she and James J. Park was married and to this union five children were born and all survive the mother, who are: Mrs. J. G. Markum, Joplin, D.L. and J.S. Park and Mrs. Roger Davis of Washburn and Mrs. W. B. Roller, Idaho, who were all with the mother, when her spirit took its heavenward flight to eternal bliss.

She was a consistent member of the Christian Church and had lived the life of a faithful, that insures to her relatives a future and happy life.

She died May 26, 1920, at 4 a.m., as the sweet forest birds were heralding the approach of day, mother earth covered with rich velvet green and the breezes through the forest trees, whispered sweet peace, everlasting peace.

She died of stomach trouble, aged 68 years, 5 months and 1 day, at the late Liliard home and her remains were laid to rest near where her father and mother are buried, after funeral services by Rev. H.J. Hood of Aurora, an old time friend of the family. Many were present at the funeral.
Newspaper or Funeral Home -
Date May 1920
Death Cert -
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller, by Ted W. Roller
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