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Obit For Lucy Elizabeth (Baze) O'Neil
Headline Lucy Elizabeth (Baze) O'Niel 1868 - 1892 - Died in Colorado
Text W.J. O'Niel returned from Colorado a few days ago with his two children and entered them in the Monett public schools. Mr. O'Niel left Barry County, with his wife and children last October and went to Rawlings, Wyoming. In a short time Mrs. O'Niel was taken dangerously ill with pneumonia and died November 24, at Loveland, Colorado, where the family had moved from Wyoming. The remains were laid to rest at that place owing to the dangerous illness of one of the children, which prevented bringing the body to Barry County, the scene of her childhood.

The deceased was born in Barry County, at Flat Creek, in 1868 and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Baze. In 1886 she was married to W.J. O'Niel, since which time she has resided for the most part in Colorado and Wyoming. To this union two children were born, now ages 12 and 13 respectively.

The deceased came of a family of three sisters and three brothers, all of whom, with her parents, survive her. (recorders note: there were ten children born to A.P and Margaret Baze.)

From girlhood she manifested those traits of character that invariably commanded esteem and love from all who knew her. She was, from early womanhood, a hard and consistent worker in the M.E. Church. Her life was one of purity, devotion of home, husband and children. The sorrow stricken husband and children have the sympathy of many friends and acquaintances.

At the funeral in Colorado the sermon was delivered from the twenty-third Psalm, the pall bearers were members of the Modern Woodmen Lodge.

Research Note: Obituary does not mention what cemetery in Loveland, CO Lucy was buried.

Obituary found in Joseph A. and Celia Belle (Baze) Jackson Family Bible (edition published 1892). Identity of newspaper unknown. At that time believe Joseph and Aunt Belle were living in Monett, MO. Lucy Elizabeth was an older sister of Celia Belle (Baze) Jackson.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Newspaper
Date -
Death Cert Link -
Resource The State Historical Society Microfilm, Columbia, MO
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