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Obit For Pvt. Homer A. Norwood
Awarded Posthumously By Officer To Young Northwood’s Wife
Text Camp Crowder, Mo., Sept. 17- For meritorious achievement that cost him his life, the Bronze Star Medal has been posthumously awarded to Infantryman Pvt. Homer A. Norwood of Cassville, Missouri. Presentation of the award was made to his wife, Mrs. Beula M. Norwood, Cassville, Mo., by the Commanding General of Camp Crowder, by direction of the President of the United States.

The citation reads: For meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy near Santa Maria, Lulon, Philippine Islands, on 23 and 24 February 1945. Pvt. Norwood was a member of a platoon which was given the mission of capturing a steep hill where the enemy, armed with machine guns, grenades, mortars, and small arms, was dug-in holes from four to six feet deep. Though the enemy outnumbered them and had the advantage of both position and fire power, Pvt. Norwood and his fellow soldiers attacked. For six hours, under the most trying conditions of weather and terrain, they battled a determined and fanatical enemy, fighting forward inch by inch, until every single one of the defenders was killed.

During the night and early morning of the following day our men repulsed a counter-attack, killing and wounding many more of the enemy. The heroic action of Pvt. Norwood and his fellow soldiers in completely and halting the foe and capturing a vital position in the face of heavy odds reflects high credit on him, his comrades, and the Armed Forces of the United States.

Deceased: Pvt. Homer A. Norwood
Date Died: conflict during 23 & 24, 1945
Place Died: Santa Maria, Lulon, Philippine Islands during World War II
Newspaper: Cassville Republican
Paper Date: Sept. 20, 1945
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date Sept. 20, 1945
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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