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Obit For Will Newby
Headline Purdy News: Caused Death
Text A fatal accident occurred Wednesday afternoon about 2 o'clock. Will Newby, living with his father about two miles south of town was working with an old pistol, which he didn't know was loaded, when the weapon, a 38 caliber, was discharged the ball striking his father in the left side just below the ribs, ranging upward into the heart killing him instantly.

Mr. Newby, who is well and favorable known, was 65 years old. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his death. The son is about 24 years of age and no doubt, regrets the terrible accident, which was due to his careless.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date Thursday, November 15, 1900
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of Missouri
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