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Obit For Joseph Taylor McGothlin
Headline Pioneer Citizen Passes Away:
Had lived in Barry County Since 1848.
Good Part of County Then a Wilderness.
Text - Outline Taylor McGlothlin died at his home on Washburn Prairie November 23, 1915 of old age and general debility, at the age of 87 years, 3 months and 3 days. He was born in Tennessee. With the family of Nathaniel Meador he came to this county and located on Washburn Prairie in 1848.

The McGlothin family has been identified with the history of the county since that date when a large part of the county was a wilderness and the settlements few and far apart. At that time Keetsville, now Washburn, was the principle town of the county and Cassville was less than ten years old.

McGlothin was then a youth seeking a location in this part of the country which was then known to the old Tennesseans as the West and was often spoken of as the "The Missouri Territory."

When the Civil War came up he sympathized with the cause of the South and entered the Confederate Army. After the war he returned to his home and had since been a resident of the county.

He was a quiet, industrious and highly esteemed citizen. Everybody thought well of Uncle Taylor McGlothilin, as he was familiarly known. His home on the old wire road had been a land mark for a half century and his passing away has removed one of the county's beloved pioneers. He leaves three sons and five daughters. The funeral services were held at the Washburn Prairie Church Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. L. R. Lamb of this city. Interment was made in the cemetery nearby.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date Dec. 2, 1915
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