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Obit For Francis Ernest "Bud" McClure
Text As the hour of midnight was approaching Saturday night, Sept. 18, bringing in a new day, so was a new life given to Francis Ernest (Bud) McClure at the home of his father, Thos. J. McClure, 4 1/2 miles from this city, on the Cassville and Washburn road, surrounded by all his relatives, who watched the closing of the earthly career of their loved one, who had been sick for a long time with paralysis and other complications, aged 44 years, 5 months and 13 days.

It seems but just a few days since his mother passed to the great beyond there to mingle with loved ones in the spirit land and await the (?) of her loved ones left behind. Bud has gone to the sweet embrace of his loved mother, who will greet her son affectionately and bib him welcome to the Holy City.

Bud was born and reared in this county and has lived all his life in the vicinity and was known to everybody in the neighborhood where he resided. He was respected by all of his acquaintances.

Funeral services were held at the McClure home, Sunday evening at 2 p.m., where a large number of relatives assembled to pay their last respects to a good citizen and to comfort the aged father and the brothers and sisters.

Interment was made in the family lot in the Washburn Prairie cemetery after the funeral services at the home.
Newspaper or Funeral Home -
Date -
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller
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