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Obit For Homer McBride
Headline Burned to Death
Text Homer, the three-months old infant of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McBride of this place, was burned to death, Tuesday morning, December 12.

Mrs. McBride had hung some freshly ironed clothes near the King Heater stove and stepped for a few minutes out of the room, leaving her baby on a pallet on the floor. The clothes caught on fire and fell on the baby and it is supposed smothered it and then burned it to a crisp.

The child was dead when discovered and the carpet was burned and the house came near catching on fire.

Mr. McBride was hastily summoned form the school room, in the place where he is teaching.

It is a very, very sad accident, and the parents are almost beside themselves with grief, and Mr. McBride's mother is prostrated over the sad affair. The sorrowing ones have the sincere sympathy of the whole community in this dark hour of trouble.

Funeral services were held at he family residence Wednesday at 10 a. m., conducted by Rev. O. E. Vivion, after which the remains were interred in the I. O. O. F. Cemetery. Newton County News
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date December 21, 1899, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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