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Obit For Benjamin Franklin McCary
# 1. Old Citizen Reached Eighty-Third Year -- Respected by Everyone

# 2. Pioneer Citzen Dies
Text # 1. Another name has been removed from the ? long list of old and highly esteemed citizens of Barry county that calls to our minds that we too are moving along the same line, ? that distant country from whose bourne no traveler ever returns there to make a strict accounting for all transactions on earth. Having made peace with his God in early life and lived the life that is necessary to heavenly accomplishments, his spirit ascended to Him who gave it and no doubt is now enjoying a happy reunion with those of his loved ones who had gone to the glory land before.

After a stroke of paralysis and infirmities attending old age, from which he lingered for sometime, Benjamin F. McCary passed from earth to a heavenly domicile, aged 83 years and 19 days, surrounded by loving relatives and friends, at his home 4 miles southwest of this city, Sunday morning, at 9 a.m., April 21.

He was born in Rhea county, Tenn., April 2, 1835 and was a son of the late Hon. and Mrs. Henry McCary who came to this county in 1837, and located the McCary farm 4 miles southwest of this city, where they lived honorable and upright lives.

Benj. F., was two years old when his parents came to this county and has been a resident of the county for 81 years.

Oct. 5, 1856 he and Miss Tennessee A. Peevey were married; the bride was a daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. Isacc Peevey old and respected citizens of this county during life. To this marriage there was born 13 children, seven survive the parents and are: Osa McCary of Stark City, Newton county, the only living son, and Mesdames George Packwood of near Exeter, Mrs. E. W. Davis of near Wheaton, Mrs. Bert Davis of near Washburn, Mrs. Maud Anderson of San Juan, N.M., Ollie Burnett of Dewey, Okla., and Mrs. W.D. Pallet of near Cassville.

He left three brothers to mourn his passing: F.A. McCary of Powell McDonald county, Josiah McCary of near Exeter and Thos. B. McCary on R 1, Cassville and a sister Mrs. Mitchell of California.

# 2. Pioneer Citizen Dies

B. F. McCary, one of the pioneer citizens of Barry County died at his home on the Cassville and Washburn road, Sunday morning, April 21, at the age of 83 years, of a complication of troubles incident to old age.

Benjamin Franklin McCary was the oldest son of the late Hon. Henry McCary who was one of the county's oldest settlers and who served this county in a number of official positions and in the State Legislature. The McCary family consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCary and two small children, B. F., the subject of this sketch and Asbury the next brother, came to Barry county from East Tennessee in 1837. They settled the farm which was since been owned by the family and known as the McCary farm four miles southwest of the city on the Washburn valley.

B. F. was born in Tennessee in 1835. Eighty-one of the eighty-three years of his life were spent in this county and within a few miles of this father's old homestead. For many years he had lived near Washburn but a short time ago he brought a farm adjoining the old original home farm to spend the last of his days.

When a young man Mr. McCary obtained a good common school education, as good as was afforded in that day, and taught school. He took an active part in public affairs and was a useful citizen.

During his long life, nearly all of which was spent in this county, he had seen the county develop from a territory of sparse settlements into the county it is today. But he was not only an observer, he always took an active hand in the work necessary to its progress.

Mrs. McCary died several years ago. To them some ten children had been born, of whom seven are living. They are: Sally Davis, widow of the late Bert Davis; Libbie Davis, wife of Judge Wm. Davis; Maud Anderson, who lives in Mexico; Ollie Burnett of Dewey, Okla.; Ocie McCary of Stark City; Mrs. Nannie Pallet, who was living with her father and Mrs. Geo. Packwood of near Exeter.

The funeral was held Monday at the Roller cemetery, conducted by Rev. C. M. Smith. Following the funeral service the Masonic Lodge of which Mr. McCary had long been a member, gave his funeral ceremony.
Newspaper or Funeral Home # 1. No paper given

# 2. Cassville Republican
Date #. 1. No date

# 2. April 25, 1918, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource #1. Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller by Ted W. Roller

#2. State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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