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Obit For Marilda (Siler) Murray
Headline Mrs. Murray Dead
Text Mrs. Murray an aged lady of near Seligman, died sometime in the early morning of Sunday at the home of her son H. H. Murray, where she had made her home for sometime. The remains were interred late Sunday evening in New Salem Cemetery after Rev. Ph. H. Hodge of Washburn, conducted funeral services.

She was the mother of eleven children, nine of who are living. She was the mother of H. M. Murray and Mrs. Chas. Rubow of Seligman, Perry Murray of Garfield, Ark., Mrs. Robert Collier and the names of the other sons and daughter we could not learn.

She was 84 years old and had lived a good life, a faithful and consistent Christian and as a citizen she enjoyed the high esteem and respect of all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date August 4, 1917, Saturday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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