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Obit For Amelia (Hackstein) Morro
Headline Obituary
Text Amelia H. Morro, wife of H. E. Morro, was born in Cullenborg, Holland, May 23, 1842. She came to America with her parents in 1848. She confessed her faith in Christ and was baptized by the hands of G. B. Hancock in May 1885. The death angel called her May 25, 1899.

She leaves a husband and five children to mourn her departure; but they should no mourn as those who have no home. She needs no recommendation to those who knew her for she lived a devoted Christian life. Then weep not, dear loved ones, for that soul that made home happy will help to make heaven pleasant. Our loss is her gain for she like Paul, was willing to be absent from the body to be present with the Lord.

She requested the writer to conduct the funeral from Psalms 90 and 193 and I Cor. 15. Songs to be sang: Jesus lover of my Soul and The Open Gate, which we did in the presence of a large and sympathizing congregation.

We laid her to rest in the Viola Cemetery to await the resurrection morn. May we who remain live in such a way as to be able to meet her in the beyond. G. G. Cottrell.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date June 8, 1899, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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