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Obit For Timothy Patrick Mooney
Headline Washburn Prairie News
Text #1.
T. P. Mooney died at his home in Carthage Sunday and was buried at Washburn Monday. He was for many years a citizen of this county and a merchant at Washburn. He was a good business man and an excellent citizen. A few years ago, he moved to Carthage where he has since made his home. J. H. Mooney, a business man at Washburn, is an adopted son of T. P. Mooney's.

Washburn Prairie News: T. P. Mooney of Carthage was buried at this place Monday. He lived at Washburn until about three years ago when they moved to Carthage. The bereaved have our sympathy.

Research Note: James Harvey Mooney was one of the sons of America Simpson's. He lived in Washburn all his life and was married to Ella Mae Pease. He was a merchant and had a grocery store in Washburn. George Simpson and America Simpson had sons James Simpson and John Simpson. Both are buried in Washburn Prairie Cemetery.
Newspaper or Funeral Home #1. & #2. Cassville Republican
Date #1. & #2. Feb. 22, 1912, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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