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Obit For James Mitchel
Headline James Mitchell, Well Known Young Business Man of Fairview Dies
Text The people of Purdy and Fairview were deeply grieved Sunday night when the news came that James Mitchell had passed away at the Mt. Vernon Sanitarium, where he had been only a few days of treatment.

For several years past until about one year ago James had been with the Forsythe & Goostree Grain Company at Fairview and was recognized as one of that town's enterprising young business men. He had won the implicit confidence of the public and had a bright business career before him. He had not only been industrious and attentive to business but had been saving of his earnings and at the time when forced to go West one year ago for this health, he had accumulated a neat little sum with which soon to engage in business on his own responsibility.

Returning from the West, he returned to business in October but soon realized that further treatment was necessary for the tubercular condition of the lungs so he went to the Mt. Vernon Sanitarium and had been there about ten days when death came. The immediate cause of which was weakness of the heart.

James Mitchell was born at Berryville, Ark., in 1886, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell which have for a number of years lived at Purdy. He was a 32nd Degree Mason and a Shrimer. James was an exceptionally fine young man in every regard and his untimely death was a severe shock to his family and host of close friend in both Barry and Newton Counties.

His body was shipped to Purdy for burial. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. It was one of the most largely attended funerals held in Purdy in recent years. The large crowd of friends from Barry and Newton Counties and the beautiful and magnificent floral tributes were strongest evidence of the high esteem in which James was held.

A short but very impressive and appropriate funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. E.W. Love of this city, after which the beautiful Masonic funeral ceremony was used and the body laid to rest with the honors of that order in which the deceased had risen so rapidly.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date December 23, 1915, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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